The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 13, 1914, Image 3

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Rapid Revision.
"Dloob lina turned cublat"
"Sold his first plcturo for a thou
sand." "Fino!"
$vjxjv$$xj xSXJxJvxyvJ-- ?,
i God Covering 1
Lot us novor waste our tlmo. It may
como in handy to apply on a Jail sen
tcnco Inter.
won.iB jSfiEsr r M Ml mf
Iwaiiv.IaI V m m w tt M
wsvzjmm wr Jkj mbl ' a tm
Putnam Fadeless Dyes color In cold
water. Adv.
It Is posslblo for a man tqfhavo too
many friends, but It take him a long
vlmo to realize It.
I fits
Quite "Nifty'
' I
That's the way you
should look and feel all
the time. Nature never
intended you to be sickly
and run down, with poor
appetite, imperfect diges
tion, clogged bowels and
a lazy liver. Stir these
organs to healthy action
by the daily use of
Girls! Try Thfel Makes Hair Thick,
Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No
More Itching Sc?.lp.
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation of Dandcriuo you canuot find a'
qlnglo traco of dandruff ot falling hair
and your scalp will not Itch, but what
will please you most will bo after a
few weeks' use, when you seo now
hair, fine nnd downy at first yes but
really now hair growing all over the
A Httlo Danderlno Immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Danderlno and carefully draw It
through your hair, tnking ono small
strand at a tlmo. Tho offect is amaz
ingyour hair will bo light, fluffy and
wavy, and havo nn nppenrnnco of
abundance; an lncomparablo luster,
softness mid luxuriance,
Got a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Danderlno from any store, and provo
that your hair Is as pretty and soft
as any that it has been neglected or
Injured by careless treatment that's
all you surely can havo beautiful hair
and lots of It If you will just try a Ht
tlo Danderlno. Adv.
StGinaGl9 Biers
Nebraska Directory
Export trailer makers acnt anywhere anytime.
CURED in a few days
without pain or a sur
gical operation. No pay until cured. Write
UK. VKAY, 300 Uro IIHIr., Oinahu, Neb.
If jeeessors to Omaha Tent fit Awning Company
and Scott Tent & Awning Company
Live Stock Commission Merchants
S54-JJ50 Kxclmngo liullillnr, South Oiimlm
All stock consigned to us Is sola by members of tlio
Urns and all employees bnv been selected and
triMncd for llio nork which tbey do. n rlir-i hn-liip o
Wet With Vinegar.
Cut hams may bo kept from mold
ing if the cut end is wot with vine
gar each time after cutting. Vinegar
will also keep beef fresh for a tlmo
when you hnppon to be without ico
temporarily, says the Christian Scl
enco Monitor.
Nothing to His Credit.
"Nowadays when a man tries to
mako both ends meet ho Is greeted by
a loud laugh of derision."
"Quito ho. And it Is generally sus
pected that ho is lacking in finesse."
"Poor JIbbs has an Itching for famo
and fortune"
"Yes, and has to scratch for It."
There's no use In worrying and
there is no uso in telling people there
is no uso.
No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a
pinch of blue ina lariro bottle of water. Ask for
Had Cross Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue. Adv
If a woman could only make herself
look as sweet as her retouched photo-giaph!
MADAM: Do you remember that best cup
of coffee you ever drank? It must have been
the delicious flavor and captivating fragrance of
Paxton's Gas Roasted is always remembered.
Try Paxlon next time you buy.
B Red I ,, ,. . , Gas S
I 1 are It your drocer uas It , ,g
I Cans 8 M mi Roasted g
The Great Morning Tonic'
A sick cow ts a bad investment, nnd a cow that is
! not producing as much Rood milk as she should is not w ell
All cows need careful attention to keep them healthy.
and little disorders can be kept from becoming; big by the
use of Kow Kurc.
This famous remedy Is a sure cure and preventive of moat cow
Ills such as Lost Appetite. Milk Tcvcr, Bunches, Red Water, Scouring,
Abortion, Barrenness, and Retained Afterbirth.
Get n package of Kow Kure from your dealer and keep it on hand constantly.
60 cent and Jl. 00 sizes. Ask for copy of "The Cow Book."
Mitt ASSOCIATION CO , MRS. Irodjulllt. t.
relieves rheumatism quickly. It stimulates the circulation in
stantly relieves stiffness and soreness of muscles and joints.
Don't rub it penetrates.
Rheumatiim Never Returned
"I am n travelling rann and about one year ago I was laid up with rheumatism and
could not walk, A friend recommended Sloan Liniment and tbu morning after I
used it my knee vas all O.K. and it lias never bothered me sin re. I alwivyn keep
lour Liniment In tho bouse and carry it with me on the road." Hr. Thonuu 6. Jlatur,
Wat I'hlladtlphla. 'a.
Stiffness Vanithed
"I suffered with an awful stllTness In
tny lers. That night I gave ray legs a good
rubbing with Sloan's liniment nnilbclicvo
roe, next morning I could jump out of bed.
I have been supplied with a bottle ever
since." Jfr- A, Hoon of iiancli4fr, JY. U,
Sprained Ankle Relieved
'I was til for a Jong time with a severely
sprained ankle. I got a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment and nw I nm oble to be about
and can walk a great deal. I writo this
because I think you desenc a lot of crcd-
I I for putting such n fine Liniment on tho
market and I shall always take tlmo to
recommend Dr. Sloan's Liniment." "
ChatUt iouj of llallimorct Aid.
Sloan's Liniment gives a frrnteful
sensation of comfort. Good for
sprains, neuralgia, aoro throat and
toothache. Use it now.
At all Dealers, 25c, COc and $1.00
Send for Sloan's free book on horses.
rranmaifw.'i yjrJwgmTOHEsrarsMgs1. BKMgy;
Neuralgia I
Uigton, JJ C. lloomtfp-e. High
est raereuota, llut rouiu.
CAl'AIII.K AdUNTS to ll S nir cent loon
and Investment contracts. Write Mr, Mug,
U1B City National Uank. Omaha, Nebratku.
W' UMivOBjaByrup. Ttitea Uool.
la time. Hold b DracrUU.
Dd of Moody BiMe loititUe
. TRXT-And unto Aclntn also nnd to his
wife did tho Lord Cod make toots of
skins, and clothed them. Goti. 3-21.
It is written In
Scrlpturo that
God ''covcroth him
self with light m?
with ti garment"
(Psalm 104:2),
utul tluro aro
some who think
wo lmo a sug
gestion hero of
way in which our
ilrst parents were
covered he fore tho
foil. Hut It so.
thoy lost their
outer glory with
the Inner, for no
soonet did thoy
commit sin, than
"tho eyes ot them both wero opened,
and they know that they were naked"
(Gen. 3.7). At onco they took stops
to conceal their shame by making for
themselves aprons of flg leaves How
Inadequate was tho provision! And
eo we read that, later on, after their
trial had been hold, tho penalty pro
nounced, and, blessed bo God, the hopo
of a Savior held out to them, their
need In tho particular was also mot.
Tho text suggests tho plan A lamb
was slain, Its blood was shed, and Its
covering appropriated for tho guilty
pair. Tho wholo circumstance Is not
only a beautiful, but u most Infportant
symbol of God's dealings with the sin
ner In tho spiritual realm.
1. Sin Is an eye-opener. And this
may bo said oven though it Is equally
true that tho sinner Is blind. How oft
en ho starts on a new career of In
Inquity, expecting satisfaction and
pleasure, only to discover himself
woefully disappointed and deceived.
Happy Is he, If nt such a time, tho
powor of tho Holy Spirit works with
in him that deeper conviction of what
sin really Is and does, that may lead
him to seek eternal salvation from It.
2. The awakoned sinner not Infre
quently attempts by his own revising
to rid himself of tho consequences of
sin. Tho flg leaves ho employes are
good resolutions, tho temporary re
linquishment of faomo bad habit, tho
giving up of homo form of vice, stay
ing at home nights, doing somo deed
of charity, attending church, perhaps
"professing religion," as It Is some
times callod.
3. God only can cover tho sinner's
sin. "Not by works of righteousness
which wo havo dono, but according to
his mercy ho saved us, by tho wash
ing of regeneration, nnd renewing of
tho Holy Ghost, which ho shod on us
abundantly through Jesus Christ our
Savior." This Is Paul's testimony to
Titus, and It is tho oxporlence of
every soul that Is really saved (Titus
3: 5, C).
4. God covors our sin by a method
of his own. As the prophet Isaiah,
sings: "I will greatly rejoice in tho
Lord, my soul shall bo joyful In my
God for ho hath clothed mo with tho
garments of salvation, ho hath coven
ed mo with tho robe of righteous
ness" (Isaiah 51:10).'
C. God obtains this covering of
righteousness for us by tho offering up
of the lifo of tho Innocent for tho
guilty. "He spared not his own Son,
but delivered him up for us all" (Ro
mans 8:32). "Ho made him to bo sin
for us who knew no pin, that we might
bo matlo tho righteousness of God In
him" (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Do wo not seo how purposely God's
covering of Adam symbolizes what
ho Is ready to do In tho case of any
fallen sinner who realizes his need?
Do you realize yours? Aro you trying
vainly to help yourself, to cover your
own spiritual nakedness? Why not
accept God's covering? Why not tako
Jesus Christ ns your Savior by faith?
It Is so easy to do this. As an un
known author has said so beautifully.
You ask me how I ever cumo to ChrlBf
I do not Know;
Tliero came n loiiRlng for Illm In my soul
So Ions rko.
I found earth's fairest flowers would fade
nnd die.
I j earned for Bomcthlni; that would sat
isfy; And then nt last somehow I seemed to
To lift my broken heart to Illm In prayer
I do not know,
I can not tell you how;
I only know
Ho Is my Savior now.
You nsk mo w)iy I ever camo to Chrlit?
I cun reply:
It Is n wondrous story; listen while
I toll you why
Mj heart wns drawn at loriKth to seek UN
I wns ulone, I line! no rcstlni; place,
I hennl of how Ho loved me, with a lovo
Of dopth,so Brent of height so fnr ahovn
AH liumun kon,
I lonKod such lovo to share,
And louRht It then
X'pon my knori In pruyor.
You auk mo why I thought 1Mb lovlns
Would hoed my prnyer?
1 knew He died upon tho cross for me,
I nailed Illm tliero
T heard Ills ilylnK cry. "Anther, forgive'"
I snw Illm drink death's cup that I might
My head wns bowod upon my brut In
Ho culled me, and In pcnltonco I cam.
Ho heard my prayer
I ennnot tell you how,
Or whpn, or whore;
Only I love J Urn now.
soothes your throat!
After smoking
it cools youi
mouth makes
it moist and
Heartburn and
flatulence dis
appear. Enjoy smoking
more by enjoy
ing this goody
.that improves
?your breath,
teeth, appetite,
and digestion.
SURE it's
Dishonest persono are
wrapping rank imitations to
look like the ctoars, muffe,
heaitSafuB WBMGILEWS. ' These will sfcCXtf
be offered principally by street fakirs, peddlers
and candy departments of some 5 and 10 cent
stores. Refuse them! Be SURE it's WRIGLEY'S.
of most dealers for 85 ceaats.
Each hox contains twenty 5 cent packages.
it after every meal
1 ISS' yK-- L.-W. Sodas for Supper? 1
I rvJSi The men-folks like 'em because they're I
I w2iSSBH? so crisP and taste so good. They're a wel- 1
I tjj jiaSL come change from bread and always handy I
fe.f L fe(B5'"V to nave- No fuss to fix them always I
t ;58BBp',' ready to set right on lhe tabIe 1
' v,' ,'JMKw' If you think the boys eat to many of them I
S JLtrritt V remember that L.-W. Sodas aro Rood, wholesome
a la4 fJl''V ' nourishment at very low cost and easily digested. I
1 flc 1 wf JopsE-iLES giscurr (ompahy I
3 .'A', : V- ti " Bahort of Sunshine Bltcuils H
I ' m ) Always fresh and f la- .-iKStfW I
1 v ''(& voryinthiabigteconom- .rlt'BBBPnfflWfcL. I
ll1, M ffta HBrtn WR 3 '" 1,' B'rlnm.
H H ( O H IJ H B'tt lUrI""f, lixi, lint
. Kli.lntrBlliis fneta
tbont tliucaamof Oanror ulaa tll ulist torio fur pain,
Utallac, wlut, ctt. Wdu lot a udiy, ucaUsaiog Oaimci,
OErASrfKOC?.01"! vwr ''''"'
J A Uko "Ifrshrl," It removes aupornuou.
I Ni Imlrnukkir. tiuulnulnbullaviiii.. s..r,.i
urto Imvunvtlilriir 5"".'.rr (rmi hhmpiii loitui toTHU ltltl.
oilicrtBul in ltii UAYI3UJ.,U1U South lltHWllJout.t.Ulchiui)i,a.luil.
columns shon.t) limlHt U)un haTtnif what they i - ---- - -
uhIc (or, reluvlui; alUubiitltutes or Itnltiitloiik. , W, N. U OMAHA, NO, 2-1014.