The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 13, 1914, Image 2

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"s-sV ;'':"P " X u Barbara o iheSiiow "nLa a Z.T'''"
"" SS""2!-. -vv' 'S """5- Jopyrljht, 1912, bij Harry Irvitvg Grceno'NN """-"- "?'"iS!2as- Sj
I'rofessor Desmond of tlio I'oak observa
loiv c'Iiiuhik u Brent sensation lliroiiKliout
Cl i fountry by nnnoiiticlnK that what ap
pi am to lie 11 satellite In approaching at
trrrllli speed. Destruction of the earth is
fi'jr. il Punic premlls everywhere. The
iii lllte barely misses the eiirth. The. at
liii spherlr disturbance knocks people tin
ronm Ions, but does no damage. A 1' af
li irlr.j? it, ciilmllxtlr dcslKn Mutters down
Hnionjr the Ktiexts nt a lawn party. It Im
Mi ntlenl In design with a curious orna
l icnt worn by Doris l'llllon. A hideouw
man like bclns; with Iiuro wins descends
In the midst of the KiiestM. lie notices
Ir.rln' ornament and starts toward her.
'i'h' men fear he Intends some harm to
IJcrls and a fteree buttle unsucB. In which
Tolllver and March, HUltorH of Doris, and
Prof, ssor Desmond are Injured. The fly
nr rnon In wounded by a bIioI from Tol
llvtr but escapes by Myitis nwny. A far
ini r reports that the flying man carried
off Ids younK dauKhtor l'eoplo overy
wlitte are terror-stricken at the, possl
b'lltles for evil possessed by the mon
stir The governor offtrs a reward of
oooon for his capture, dead or nllve. PUt
Ham Is the nrst of tin aviators to re
spond After a thrilling chaso In tlio air
In Is thrown from his machine by the
living man and killed North and a score,
of other nviators arrive. The le
wnrd Is Increased to a million. The avia
tors flml themselves outdistanced and out
maneuverrd by the HylriK man. Artillery
proves futile. A ncKress Is the latest vic
tim. Tlio avlntors ko to tho sceno of the
Iniffudv, some Siyi miles distant. Doris In
cites March to accompany her on a rnlrse
b ick ride. They Hro Joined by Tolllver,
much to March's distrust. While tho mon
nro rounding up he horses, which have,
become tinnrc ountably frlKhtencd, tho tly.
Ing man suddenly swoops down and car
Mrs Doris on. March and Tolllver pur
U(i tho df in in i. Tho way leads through
rjmyons and over mountains. Tolllver,
driven lnOno by tho strain, shoots
1 CHAPTER XII. Contfnued.
Vncnnnlness. It lurked about him
upon every Bide, In tlio malformed
pile, tho creeping shndowH, the dead
nlr, tho brooding flllenco. As well
might he have boon a newly created
being Buddenfy finding himself alono
upon a world which ho know to bo In
habited only by ono other ljumnn and
un evil spirit which ho must meet In
deadly combat. Tho thought nrouBcd
lilm Ho must creep lileo a lynx around
tho outer edge of tho plateau, taking
rtdvantngo of ovcry rock which might
screen his form, narrowing his circle
with every Btep until ho had found
hem. In tills ByBtematlc way ho could
to cover the ground that thero would
bo no possibility of his overlooking
(hem, and If his caution wns keen ho
could tako tho dragon unawares, and
tako him unawares ho must olso tho
flying ono would bo off with her again
and once more tho maddening chaso
would have to bo resumed, Ho drow
lils pistol and Btolo off among tho
recks, his oyos flicking them as close
ly as a prowling animal's, his care pre
Icrnaturally acute. Behind tho shelter
Df ovory pile ho paused to peer and
listen, while across the bare places ho
flitted as silently as n specter. Ono
complete circuit of tho plateau ho
made amidst tho utter desolation and
tllcnco without results, then narrow
ing his circuit by a hundred yards be
Can again. Ho would close in upon
them llko a contracting nooso until nt
last ho had found them.
Tho Bun sank behind tho range- and
dusk fell upon him still crouching,
crawling and darting across tho un
icroened places. In tho uncertain
hndow of n rock pllo his foot tripped
Igalnst a stono and ho fell upon his
face, remaining its motionless ns n
watching lizard as ho listened for an
naworlng sound. Nono camo and ho
lowly raised himself. Clearly enough
It would bo folly for him to attempt to
puiBiie his search for tho night-eyed
dragon in the dnrknoss. Ilo might
miss them, overrun thorn, bo amhuBhod
himself or eluded In the darkness,
l'herc remained but n few momonts of
oen seml-dayllght, and taking advan
tage of It ho crept into a niche in ono
Dt the rock piles and composed him
ifdf to watch and wait with tho cun
ning of the mad. '
, The darkness thickened. Fold by
told it fell upon tho peaks and sottlod
fletiHo In the valleys, while mlnuto by
Mlnuto the glitter or tho stars grew
brighter, harder, more, sclntlllant.
STom his narrow retreat ho watchud
thorn blazing In their brilliance, Nov
tt had he seemed bo near to them ns
now, when bruised, torn and unuttor
ibly weary of body but burning of
brain he attired up at them with throb
tilng oyes. The cold or night came
intUlng down from tho nearby snow
rlad peaks, and coatloBB and damp ho
Jlilverod beneath Its touch. Fuel thero
is'as hono upon this rock littered
ri"iBte, nor would he lmvo chanced a
Dvo had there been lest tho ono for
hom ho Bought might seo or smell It.
A now thought Unshod through his
a bid Undoubtt'dlj tlio Hying ono now
tl ought himself Bnfe from hlB day-long
pursuers, and If he pobbocsoiI tlm Rklli
ir making lire, us did raceB of tho
Urth no matter how low their order
' Intellect, then tonight of all timoB
t'ter his labors of tho day ho would
bi ond doubt seek to warm and cheer
i iiiself beside a blazo. And to croop
lon an enemy who sits beside a Hro
it night Ib tho very A 11 C of stalking.
Shivering with tho cold ho cropt .forth.
AcrosH the eastern peaks tlio moon
irosu and flooded the mountain top
Kith Its ehlmnior, and hooping In tho
IhadowB of tho piled inaBses and pur
Wing hlB way with tlio stealth of a
tuaraudorlng Apaoho ho crept on.
1'wlce ho climbed to tho top 6f piles
that commanded an exceptionally wide
outlook act oss tho waste, and from
their summits scanned the llatcau
through tho misty light. Nothing but
tho broad oxpanso with Its cluttered
fragments met his view, and each tlmo
ho crept softly down again to steal
through tho shadows as he resumed
his quest, alternately shuddering with
cold and burning with fovor. Above
him the snow , peaks glowed plios
phoroscently, on every hand the rock
shadows lay llko Bqunt, fantastic mon
sters, while below was an nbyss flllod
to tho brim with solid blncknesn. He
numbed of limba but with eyes and
ears ncuto as thoso of a prowling
beast of tho night ho cropt along.
Ho had mndot two circuits of tho
plateau without discovery and for tho
third tlmo turned to constrict the cir
cle. HIb physical weariness was such
that ho seemed to move upon wooden
limbs, and all pain had loft him savo
tho burning of his brain. Ho thought
of the strange premonition of tho day
beforo which hnd told him that ho was
about to dopart upon an unknown
journoy of mystorlouBnesB, a premoni
tion which he had not dared mention
boforo March for fear of ridicule. Wns
this, then, the Journoy of which he had
been bo subtly warned by that mystic
Bcnso which at times ho had seemed
to possess this pursuit into these
wild heights where tradition said no
human foot had over stepped besido
his own. Ho wondered as ho paused
for a moment In a strip of moonlight
and fixed his dyes upon tho next point
which he must seek In his ever nar
rowing search.
Then from above camo a Bound that
thrilled him as an electric shock and
ho throw his glance upward. Close
above him and falling with tho speed
of a pouncing hawk was a great black
Bhapo with enormous wings and huge,
bulbous eyes that glowed phosphores
cently. With a rabbit llko spring to
ono Bide ho nttomptcd to raise his pis
tol, only to fall headlong upon tho
stones beneath n heavy weight. For a
moment ho struggled desperately, but
an Instant lator his weapon was torn
from his hand and ho found himself
encircled by an arm that hold him as
In a vise. Thon slowly but suroly he
felt himself being borne upward, up
and up through tho cold shimmer until
tho black throat of tho canyon yawned
bottomless below. From afar, as
though traveling through infinite dis
tance ho soomed to hear a cry, tho cry
of a woman who 1b filled with n name
less horror, and onco moro ho strug
gled fiercely against tho iron grip that
hold him. Then tho grip seemed to
loosen nnd ho thought himself falling
falling ondleBBly Into an lntormln
ablo abyBB through a great and roar
ing darkness.
The Search
March lying flnt upon the rocks
first stirred unoaslly ns a sleeper
who gradually awakes, moaned and
then slowly nushod himself to n halt
"He Attempted to Raise Hlo Pistol,"
upright posture, sitting in tho dazed
manner of ono just recovered from an
nnnesthotic. Ho looked around uml
abovo, lleotilug cliffs nnd ragged
mountain tops surrounded him, u deop
gorgo lay nt his feet, tho dropping sun
wns Bonding Its horizontal raya into
his oyes. Ho looked himself over. His
clothing wuh- torn, his hands and
kneus lacerated, hiu head humming
llko a taut wire vibrating In tho wind
He trlod to recall, struggling to com
pel his memory to yield Its secrots as
ono might attempt to drlvo his limbs
to some groat physical effort, but his
brain, partially paralyzed by tho bul-
lot which had raked ills hand, respond
wcwm vmdwmfLM
ed but feebly. Uowlldered he tried to
think It out step by step.
Whsro was he? He cast his eyes
over the Jagged mountain crests that
nroso on ovcry aide llko the waves of
a tempest lashed Ben. Ho had seen
them before ho wns sure of that
but where? Stilyo us ho would ho
could not recall. Who was he? Vain
ly ho tried to remember, but his per
sonality had wholly escaped him
even his name nnd place of abode
were blank In his mind. Why was ho
here in tho midst of this jumbled
chaos of barren mountain peaks? Not
a glint of recollection nnswercd hjm.
Ho was as loat as ono would be who
suddenly born of full growth found
himself ndrift in space possessed of
hlB full faculties but with no past and
therefore with nothing to remembor.
He looked at his hand, one finger of
which wnB encircled by a heavy seal
ring. It looked familiar to him sure
ly he had seen that ring before but
whore? Mechanically ho searched his
pockets nnd found therein an envelope
addressed to Alan March. Tho name
wns aB familiar to his eyes as was
tho rng nnd hand, yet ho was totally
unablo to place It. Ho thruBt tho pa
per back Into his pocket nnd arose
Unquestionably he was upon a great
holght and Instinct told him that he
should get down ns quickly as pos
sible. Automatically he began tho de
Bccnt, his unfeeling legs finding the
way clumsily, his brain benumbed, his
throat dry as the waste that lay about
Ho went ns one In a dream, sliding,
scrambling, sometimes for minutes
lying prostrato as a stone rolled from
beneath his feet nnd tripped him Into
a fall. Eventually ho reached tho bot
tom of the canyon and there he foun
there he foundd
1, cold as lecfl
snows of then
a stream, clear, musical
born of tho evorlastlng
Brent peak which had fathered and
mothered It. Ho plunged Into It as a
seal leaves a rock, wallowing in its
1cy coolness, drinking deeply, sub
merged himself. Its liquid coldness
washed tho haze from his brain and
ho crawled forth refreshed and Invig
orated. In a. twinkling ho remem
bered. He looked back at tho tremendous
slide which ho had just come down,
crowned by its Inaccessible top which
arose steep as a wnll and to the eye as
unsurmountablo to the foot as tho sldo
of a giant bnstllo. Yet Tolllver had
said that ho had onco been to Its top
and would now go again. Hut Tolllvor
was now Insane and Httlo depondenco
could be placed upon his statements.
Yet Doris was undoubtedly somewhere
up thero and at tho mercy of that
merciless Hying thing that had led
them all day long tn that fearful pur
suit. Desperato and despairing though
ho was ho forced himself to reason
calmly. To return to tho bottom of
tho cliff and heat blindly about it as a
beetle attacks a window pane would
bo a wasto of time, each mlnuto of
which wAs priceless. He must return,
wire tho aviators and with their help
assail tho height from tho air. It
would tako at least a day's tlmo to do
this, twenty-four hours of maddening
suspense to be endured, yet it seemed
his only hope of eventually rescuing
nor In case she remained nllve. As
to what might happen to her in that
interval ho dared not think, hut per
haps after all Tolllver might reach
tho summit, and Tolllvor loved hor
also and despite his madness might
be depended upon to protect her to
his lust gasp. Perhaps for tho task
In hand his madneBB was even In his
favor, slnco It might give him nddl
tlonnl Btrongth, dosperatlon and cutir
nlng. Dronched and shivering from
his ley bath, ho wont scrambling off
ovor the bouldors.
Tho suit sank and tho darkness be-
enmo Intense. Guided by instinct
nlone. ho scnlod tho opposlto sldo of
tho canyon, ofton dragging hlmsolf
upwnrd by pure strength of limb, more
than onco Bending loosened rocks
crashing downward to the bottom In
leaping flight, tholr roar nccontuated
by the darkness. Ho reached tho
summit of tho ridge and found him
self standing In tho glow of tho moon,
nnother deop plunge beforo him, but
with light onco moro to servo him.
Again ho scrambled down tho trail.
An hour later from tho mountain
Bldo ho paused as he fought desper
ately for breath. Ho looked backward.
Miles behind him across canyon and
rldgo the dcfolate top of tho table
mountain loomed uncannily. Tho moon
seemed to hang directly ovor It. What
was happonlng there, what unspeak
able tragedy In thnt dizzy land of des
olation Inhnbltud by an unennnj fly
ing thing, a madman and a more than
llkoly half sonsoless girl! He bit
his lips until they bled, crying aloud
In hlo Impotonco, his volco as cracked
and broken as tho volco of a raven.
Then of a sudden ns ho gnzod ho bo
came frozen to tho Bpot, staring across
tho wustn and upward with oycB Which
wero dilated by horror. For against
tho faco or tho rounded moon ho had
Been r. grotesque, bnt-liko shape arise,
hover and thon relonso n squirming
object that hhot downward as nil nr
row falls. lie passed his hands to
hiu head, closed Ills eyes, then looked
again. Tho forms had vanished, and
uncertain whether ho hnd really seen
this grewsomc thing or hnd been the
victim of an apish trick of hlB Imagi
nation he onco moro plunged onward.
Ho camo to the narrow trail which
led around tho shoulder of tho moun
tain and where with n blank wall
upon ono sldo nnd a sheer descent of
hundreds of feet upon tho other ho
had Involuntarily closed his eyes
when ho hnd traversed It hours before
In the pursuit, guiding hlmsolf along
It now sololy by tho sense of touch.
Tho darkness wnB deop here und he
was more thankful for It than other
wlso, since It concealed and rendered
less unnerving tho death which he
know must come from a false stop
aside. Over tho delicately polBed
slide of shale he crept on hands and
knees, feeling his way with his fingers,
testing each rock beforo putting his
faith upon it, until reaching its fur
ther side and finding tho going fairly
good and tho light sufficient, for a
short space he broke Into a shambling
run. Interminably, seemingly through
ages, ho struggled on with all sense
of tlmo lost and all distance but a
dream. Yet gradually and despite his
effortB to Ignore It tho consciousness
was forced harder and moro Inslst
ontly upon him that ho was reaching
the limit of human endurance. His
strength was leaving him ns water
rushes through a gap, draining the
reservoir of his enduranco to its dregs,
nnd moro than once ho was awakened
by the shock of a fall to find himself
lying prostrato after his legs had giv
en out beneath him nnd ho had
tumbled with no recollection of the
mishap remaining. But beforo him
and but two or three miles away,
black and serrated against the sky,
loomed tho summit of the great chain
that arose abruptly from the plain,
nnd thero he would And the head of
the canyon that led to the level
ground and the, city beyond with lta
hordo of. brother men who upon his
talo would leap to tho chase of the
monster of tho table mountain as
hounds run down u mortal nnd natu
ral enemy. Somehow he must make
thoso miles, and somehow lie would.
He struggled on with thq choking des
peration of a drowning man who floun
ders townrds a life line.
In his exhaustion both mind and
body worked mechanically and he pur
sued his way as thoughtlessly, yet as
unerringly as tho needle points the
magnetic polo. Ho soemed to have
been traveling forever. Perspective
both of timo and space was lost and
ho was wandering In an endless dream
through wastes of rock that towered
about him to Incnlculablo heights,
hanging over him suspended by a hair
and threatening to crush him at every
step. Ho no longer wondered that
Tolllver with his latent streak of mad
ness had at last succumbed beneath
tho fearful strain upon body and mind.
Tolllver! Ho felt not tho least ani
mosity towards him despite that rak
ing wound across his skull made with
murderous intent in fact, ho mumbled
a prayer for his safoty yet who else
could It have been that ho had seen
whirling downward In that awful fall?
During some moments he doubted
whothor ho himself really lived, as
with slow desperation he forced his
way along stoop Inclines, sought the
bottoms of gulches and dragged him
Belf again from tho darkness below
Into tho misty light of nnother sum
mit. An hour moro nnd ho had reached
tho crest that rising abruptly from tho
plain contained the canyon from which
ho had started in tho chaso tho morn
ing bofore. Ho hnd been traveling for
twelve hours now almost without a
pauso, his brain wns exhausted and
tho driving power of his will, which
had for so long forced him on, was
no longer dominnnt. It was miles yet
to tho city, and with tho realization
that it would bo impossible for him
to trnvorso It without a respite he
sank upon the ground with his face
burled in his arms. Ho would rest for
an hour, then pursue his way, sum
mon North and his comrades and then
neither rest nor Bleep until they had
hunted down tholr qunrry, saved Doris
and rid tho world of a creature not
Intended for It.
Irresistibly tho stupor of exhaustlou
enfolded him. His head swam, his
form relaxed, darkness engulfed him.
He slept.
March awoko. Bat up and looked
about In the bofoggod manner of one
who Hnda himself suddenly transport
ed from the doptliB of utter oblivion
Into tho broad light of day, the In
stantaneous transition of tho uucon-'
bcIoub brain to tho fully conscious, the
doad into tho living. Where the
moon had hung who.i ho throw him
self down in a weariness of soul and
body that could not longor bo combat
ed, tho sun wns now poiBod half way
ivji In Its morning (light. For ton
hours ho had lain prostrate, dream
less, ,unmoving, sensolesa as the unborn-
thou hours through which ho
had existed only In absolute uncon
sciousness. Slowly ho gathered- hla
scattered faculties.
No sensation was in his limbs. Had
they been made of wood they could
not have been more unfeeling, yet au
tomatically they obeyed tlio command
of IiIb brain. Ho propped himself up
on his arms and gathered his legs un
der him. Slowly, carefully, testing
himself like one who arises nfter a
heavy fall and knows not whether
bones linve been broken, ho got upon
hla foet, felt tho first warm rush of
blood through his bqdy nnd in a flash
was coherent of mind once moro
Doris! Ho turned his head towards
the dizzy plateau of tho table moun
tain miles behind. Tolllver! The Fly
ing Mnn! God what was happening
there what had happened what was
to linpprn? His throbbing temples
seemed nbout to burst as remembrance
of It all surged through his memory
the coming of tho unknown body
through space, the night upon the
lawn, tho nppearanco of tho winged
monster, the fight, the duel in tho air,
the death of Putnam, North and the
pursuit by tlio aeroplanes, the awful
chase of the day before, the madness
of Tolllver, the falling of tho whirling
body through the moonlight! And now
for twonty-four hours Doris had been
in the possession of the superhuman
creature of the murdeious mind and
unguessable Instincts, while more
houi'B must elapse before ho could
hope to have the air crafts once more
upon tho scene. He looked down Into
tho depths of the canyon which he
must traverse before he reached tho
level land which led to tho city,
thought for an Instant of the weary,
muscle-racking miles that lay before
him, then turned for tho descent.
He slowly became cognizant of a
sound, sibilant, thin as tho barely au
dible ringing of cut glass when rubbed
gently, yet insistent and shrilling
louder with each moment until it had
grown into a penetrating whistle.
Then with a flash of understanding
he looked up. Far abovo him and
coming from out of the southwest
with tho speed of a homing pigeon
was an aeroplane, broad as the wings
of the Flying Man himself, riding tho
air with the grace of floating thistle
down. 'Weakness seized him, tho
weakness which sometimes comes to
strong men In the reaction from fierce
emotions. For a moment ho was
sickened by the fear that he would
faint and be passed over unnoticed,
then his strength surged back to him
in full flood and he drow his revolver.
Yes, it was North there could bo no
mistaking tho bluo wings of the
"Dragon" North returning through
some inscrutable human reason or by
Divine direction he knew not which,
nor in his wild rush of hope did he
care. Twice his heavy revolver
sounded its thunderous command, and
A Squirming Object Shot Downward
as an Arrow Falls.
far abovi' him tho man nt the wheel,
hearing the roar, peered down at tho
lone figure that with arms out
stretched stood upon that bleak sum
mit like n cross. From his height
ho could not recognize tlio upturned
face, wondered for a moment as to
what he should do, thou ns tho re
volver again spoke its deep command
ho wheeled in a broad circle which
would bring htm around and clcso by
ills challenger. Back he came at his
slowest speed as he sought to baroly
skim tlje head of tho olio who hnd
shot, l?urn the cause of the signal and
then decide what to do, for It was an
unfavorable) placo to land nnd ho did
not purpose attempting it unless ho
first know tho renson why. At the
dlstauco of a score of yards ho for
tho first time recognlzod March, torn,
disheveled and wild of face, who, for
getful of what he was doing, clutched
frantically at . tho machlno as It
sailed closo over his head. Wildly he
sprang after It as it soared away,
shouting hoarsely as he ran, "North
North It Is I March. In the namo
of God, como down." Fllfed with
wonderment nB to what all this could
mean, yet knowing well enough that
much lay behind that wild appeal, ho
shut off his motor, raised his planes
obliquely and as his momentum died
settled almost as lightly as a feather
falls. Scarcely had the wheels of hla
machlno struck the rock than he had
leaped from his seat and was hurry
ing back to tho ono who was approach
ing him upon a stiff-legged ru . Closo
beforo him tho aviator Btoped and
"March in tho name of all. things!
What has happened, man? Out with
it." Brokenly, almost Incohorontly,
tho ragged ono made known tho moat
Important details of the twenty-four
hours last pa3t, tho bearing away of
Doris by tho flying monster and her
being In his possession dead or allvo
that very moment upon tho distant
tabic top; of Tolllver gone insane and
now probably dead, the awful fall of
that squirming body through tho
moonlight, his own all-night run, which
had brought him back to fall exhaust
ed upon tho spot. And as ho listened
North's face grew hard as fint until
at last ho grasped tho speaker vice
like by the arm.
"Got your nerve with you yet?" ho
demanded grimly. March nodded,
knowing what was to come.
"Then come along. That instinct
that told me that tho Flying Man had
only gone to this other place and com
mitted that crime to luro us thero
that ho might double on his trail and
como back here was right after alt
It haunted me until I couldn't sleor
And Imlay got the same hunch at th
same time, too, and sot out alonf
with me. Wo had it neck and neck
for a hundred miles and then tho
'Dragon' left him In tho lurch. But ho
can't be far behind. Ought to be along
most any timo, but we won't wait
Get on there, quick. If you don't
look down you will be all right But
remember every mlnuto that it is a
case of keeping your nerve or losing
your lifo. Now sit down and freezo
yourself to that seat." Tho starting
apace was short, but beforo the pow
erful motor the car left the ground as
a grayhound clears a hedge. Straight
over the canyon as boldly as an eaglo
leaves a cliff North shot, hundreds of
feet of emptiness lying beneath him.
Then turning towards tho east ho
headed for the mountain that stood
llko a great, grim bastlle at tho end
of the weary miles that March hud
stumbled over upon the day and night
From his scat and disregarding tha
Injunction of his friend, March gazed
down at tho speeding earth as tt
leaped backward like an unrolling
film. The BensatlonB of his Imaginary
flight with North upon tho day when
the air fleet had pursued tho flying
one now became actualities, tha
thrumming stayB, tho whistle of tho
wind, tho throb and vibrations, tha
leap of tho machine like a thorough
bred beneath him. More and moro
with each passing moment did it
seem liko a dream to him, a gro
tesque unreality from which ho must
awako to the every-day llfo that had
boon his before tho uncanny evening
upon the lawn. He turned his
drawn faco towards North. No, thero
could be no doubt but that ho was
being whisked through spaco at tha
rate of moro than n mile a minute nnd
thercforo tho whole hideous thing
must bo true tho Flying Man Doris
ho groaned as ho thought of her
and must have lurched a bit, for
North's voico instantly arose in stern
command for him to be still. Ton3oly
ho gathered himself together.
Tho volco of tho aviator came in
shortly clipped sentences, seeming to
be snatched from his lips by the rush
of tho wind. "Wo had better rise
up to the- top from below and alight
in that way. Then wo will try and
surprise him on foot. If wo should
sail ovor tho summit he would bo sure
to see or hear us. Can't toll what ho
might do thon bofore wo could Ktop
him." Already tho barren top with
Its Junibled wasto loomed closo beforo
them upon a level with their eyes,
fearsomo in Its chaotic desolation.
With the slow Bweep of a water craft
mounting a long swoll of the mid
Atlantic the "Dragon" skimmed the
summit, circled sharply, tilted and
sank upon Its wheels. Quickly they
woro upon their feet and peering
My llttlo niece came home from
school rather lato tho other day. On
her mother's questioning her ns to
what kopt her so long, Bho oxclalmod:
"Oh, mothor, a horeo foil down, and
they said thoy were going to send for
a horso doctor. And what do you
think? It wasn't a horso doctor at
all. It was only a man."
t iW