The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 13, 1914, Image 1

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    -WLnkh fftrtfame
i tl
No. 102
mkttt mi
1 1
C. 0. Weingand
Slashes Prices
For ten days past C. 0. Wein
gand, the clothier, has been sell
ing Suits and Overcoats at a
discount of thirty-three and one
third per cent, and giving a very
liberal discount on other classes
of merchandise, and the result
lias been very gratifying to Mr.
Weingand and very satisfactory
to the purchasing public. There
has been an absolute reduction
of one-third on the selling price
of suits and overcoats there was
no marking up of prices and then
a reduction. A $15 suit or over
coat is offered for 310 and the
same proportionate cut is made
on all suits and overcoats, except
blue serge suits, on which the
reduction is twenty-five per cent.
By oftering these liberal dis
counts, Mr. Weingand is enjoying
a big trade and it looks' as though
the end he desires to attain that
of closing out allsuits and over
coatswill be reached.
Like many other clothiers, Mr.
Weingand purchased more suits
and overcoats la'st fall than the
trade demanded the early part ot
the season, this being largely
due to the oipen winter "ve have
so far had, ahcl rather than carry
them over for another season he
is disposing of them at a discount
of thirty-three and one-third per
This is certainly a money
saving opportunity for those who
need suits, overcoats, shoes, un
derwear and other articles of
apparel. Having been in business
so short a time, Mr. Weingand
has no old stuff on hand, every
thing is fresh, the best of fabrics
and the latest models. When you
buy at Weingand's you get quality
goods the cream of the manu
facturers' productions. Adv
Local and Personal.
The young people of the Luthoran
church will hold a party Thursday even
ing nt the homo of John Burke.
Frank Garman, of Sutherland, was
in the city yestorday looking after
business matters and visiting relatives,
The library board was to have met
last evening but there was no business
transacted as thoro was not a quorum
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
H. L. Baker, 215 West Fifth street
Friday afternoon at 2:30. Subject:
National Prohibition Amendment.
David Kaullman, of Grand Island,
head of the local ten cent store, was
in town yestorday looking after busi
ness matters.
Forecast for North Platte and vicin
ity: Generally fair tonight nnd Wed
nesday; warmer tonight with increas
ing southwest winds. Highest temper
ature yesterday 23, a year ago 25. Low
est last night 15, a yoar ago -3.
A. E. Muirhead arrived in the city
Saturday and visited oyer Sunday with
relatives. Mrs. Muirhead has been
visiting in the city for. several daya.
Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead loft yestorday
for Omaha where Mr. Muirhead will
undergo a sorious operation and the
latter will remain with him until he is
out of danger.
Sidney, Lodge Pole and other towns
in the west part of the state are pre
paring to hold Lincoln memorial high
way booster meetings on Lincoln birth
day, Feb. 12th. In many of the towns
along the route, the street through
which the highway passes will be re
named "The Lincoln Highway."
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith and daugh
ter, of Medicine Hat, Alborta, Canada
are visiting in the city with
Mr. Smith's parents. Mr. Smith
was formerly employed in the telegraph
office hore but left about two yours ago
for Canada and is in the real estate
business there. They are on an ex
tended'trip all oyer the western part of
the United Stated.
The attraction at the Keith noxt Sat
urday evening will be Eugene Perry's
oxBellent comedy drama in four acts
"Kidnapped for a Million" featuring
tha famous Perry Sisters with a com
pany of eight people. The Four Perrys
have starred in this play for six seasons
and with their past reputation are sure
to please every one. Miss Flossie
Perry as Dollie, the stolen child, ha3
moistened the eyes of thousands, while
Miss Pauline will keep you bubbling
with laughter in the roll of Tilley. The
Perry sisters in their buck and wing
dancing and feature telephone song
between acts will keep you awake.
It your idle money is not earning
you seven to eight per cent semi-annual
interest in choice first mortgage
loans, not taxable, see
Bratt &. Goodman.
miiy v.: 'V. , Vv . V
MBVlZ HriS,, "C-iS? J
m --pSlS fig
'if; iSSSSiPl
JL wffM
taste the
superior quality in
every loaf of bread
every biscuit every.
cake or piece of
pastry made from
The Guaranteed
Will you try a. sack at our
risk. and let your family
be the judge?
Jf the decision is not in favor
of Occident your money will
b.5 refunded for the Occi
dent flour you've bought.
Occident Flour always costs
a trifle more than ordinary
brands. Made better it
must be sold for more.
Costs ROr ut t'ie s''g'lt difference In the first
-- 1 It cost of the flour is lost sight of in the
W OF til It immense difference in the baking results.
Ask your grocer to explain the Money-back Plan upon which
Occident Flour is sold.
StiJ for our little booklet "Better lUklnj" for North Eiit Weu Sootb.
RuBsell-Miller Milliner Company, Minneapolis, U. S. A.
Junior Normal Faculty.
State Supt. Delzell has appointed the
following faculty for the 1014 Junior
Normal at North Platte: Wilson Tout,
North l'latte, piincipal; Frank L. Smith
Brady; A. R. Nicholo, Gibbon; J. A.
Tnte.Cozad; P. M. Whitehead, Gothen
burg; li. F. Monroe, Shelton.
Catholic Girls Elect Officers.
Tho Catholic Girls' club mot last
evening nt tho home of Miss Mary
Tigho for a social hour and election of
officers. The evening was spent play
ing 500 and Miss Mary Elias won tho
first prize and tho second prize went to
Mrs. James Hart.
After the games tho following officers
were elected: President, Mrs. James
Hart; vice-president, Miss JosieO'Haro;
secretary, Miss Hannah Keliher; treas
urer, Miss Florence Stack. Misses
Mary Tighe, Loretta Murphy, Anna,
O'Haro and Irene Hubbard composed
the entertainment committee. At the
close of the business session dainty re
freshments woro served.
Will Beeome Members of Reserve -The
annual meeting of the share
holders of the First National Bank was
held today and the former board of
directors re-elected, consisting of J
Halligan, H. Keith Neville, Ray
Langford F. L. Mooney and E.
The board of directors
by the re-appointment
the former officers, and a
was adopted that the bank
member of the Federal reserve bank as
provided by the new currency bill re
cently passed by congress.
Cashier Mooney was instructed to
sign and forward tho necessary applica
tion blanks so as to be ready to qualify
as soon as the Federal organization
committee shall establish the location
of the rogional bank for the territory in
which North Platte is situated.
of the
become a
Follow the Crowd to
taxTfT7Mn, a
Ladies' Outfitting Store
Clearance Sale,
Attorney James Mothersaid, of Scotts
Bluffs, was visiting friends in the city
yesterday. Ho was formerly in the
office of Wilcox and Halligan in this
city. Mr. Mothersaid came down Satur
day to Wallace, and visited over Sunday
with his parents and arrived here yes-,
terday. He loft this morning for his
home in Scotts Bluffs.
The general monthly meeting of the
Twentieth Century club will be held
this evening at 8 o'clock nt tho library
building, The program will bo in the
charge .of the literary department and
each .member is asked to respond to
roll call with some current event. The
civic department of the club will hold a
meeting at the library building Thurs
day evening at 7:30.
Bratt & Goodman write the best
and cheapest fire aud life insurance
in sound and safe companies, buy and
sell property, loan money on real es
tate, care for property of non-residents,
'collect rents, and try to .trfat
everybody as well as they know how.
Try them.
Government Boiler Inspector Pack, of
Denyer, arrived in tho city Saturday to
inspect the boilers at tho round house
and tho shops. Ho pronounced tho
boilers hare in tho bost shupo of any he
nas yet inspecteu anu snowed his pp
preciatian of the fact by sending tho
men in charge a largo boquot. He left
yesterday on No. 17 for Sidney and
The meeting of the bar associutiou
of the Thirteenth and Seventeenth ju
dicial districts, which was to have been
held today, has been postponed until
the regular meeting noxt June. The
reason for postponing it is that a num
ber of tho attorneys in tho association
wore so busy that they could not attend
and there would not be a good represent
ation present.
Now in full progress. A record breaker of
sales in the last four Havs limrpc and
X" hundreds of women have attended our Big
Sale, and all we could hear wherever we
.turned was "How can they sell the goods at
such low prices?" The answer: We must sell1
them and our prices do sell them.
Remember Every Coat or Suit at
"The Virginian."
The much heralded and widely known
dramatic success "The Virginian" will
be seen at tho Keith Wednesday even
ing of this week. Tho dramatization
of Owen Wister's gripping story of the
west, ia a construction of more than
the usual novol play. Messrs. Jones
and Crano its producers have given it a
wonderful and lavish scenic equipment,
that combined with Shrilling situations,
romantic atmosphere, bright comedy
and sparkling wit, with which tho play
teems, makes this attraction one of the
theatrical events, of tho season. A
carefully chosen company of nlavers
will enact the many different and unique
characters of orir own west that has
forever gone with tho advance of civili
zation and progress.
Seventy-five students of the high
school attempted to "got even" with
Principal McGrew justerday for nn
imaginary indignity that had been in
flicted upon them in tho morning ses
sion for misconduct. A number of the
pupils had been giving some trouble nnd
for punishment thoy were kept a few
minutes overtimo after tho morning
session. Thev attemnted to cet it back
at Mr. McGrew by staying out that
much longer and when thoy attomptod
to come in lato they were not allowed
in We buildine. The snont the after
noon having a good time and celebrating
much after the manner ot vouiie
stors and camo back this morning ready
to resume their school duties like sane
and self-respecting human beings.
Choice Bargains'.
Four roym house with full lot on
west Eighth-street, $1,050.
Six room house, west Tenth street,
Fivo room house, west Ninth, $2,300.
Ten room house, east Eleventh St.,
These are all fine bargains.
Seventy elegant residence lots in west
end, south ok tkack, at $200 to $300
cash. Why not live in town?
For Thirty or
more Years.
We have been making, repairing
cleaning, and altering clothes foi
' tne people of North Platto, We
have aimed to givo satisfaction, and
we guess wo have been successful,
else the people would not now pat
ronzo us. Givo us a chanco to do
your work.
Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store.
That I have taken the
agency for the
Columbia Grafanola
and Columbia Records.
i carry a nice line of
records made by the
leading singers of the
See Me Dotore Purchasing a
Tulking Machine
W. R. Powell,
Fifth and Locust street Phone 15
Monarch Malleable Ranges,
Hand Power and Electric Washing Machines,
Hardware, including Barb Wire, Bolts, Nails, etc.,
Pittsburg Perfect, Crand Island and Square Deal
Sampson, Aermoter and Monitor Wind Mills,
Pumps, Pipes and Fittings,
Stoughton and Bain Farm Wagons,
Full line of Canton Farm Implements,
Waterloo Boy and Glade Gasoline Engines,
Sharpless and Jersey Cream Separators,
Galvanized Iron Stock Tanks.
North Platte, Nebraska.
McCabo Building Rooms 8 and 9.
Mutual Building and Loan Association
Assets December 1, 1913, $566,896.07
Paid up stock pays six per cent dividends and may be
cashed at any time on thirty dnys' notice.
Monthly savings, installment stock, pays eight per cent
Either stock may he subscribed for AT ANY TIME.
This Association is operated under state supervision and.
the stock affords an Investment that cannot be excelled for"
auieiy. j,
i i.i,. Ftti iLKbuiN, president.-!
S. GOOZEC, Secrelary.