The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 09, 1914, Image 4
& (ZX&U)&l6 z&iSP r-v: t-.cj--3 "v.yi 7kHN v . t-. - .t-w k-j,mtA. jin k j "tj."x: w.c" -'i- ta,-. ta. ale that Be ff. 'gjJBiiiLtJ.UiJiBULlWHiUMI: HIMtWemSiSStTEXam WKHEiaSi iv3CTzaK3EaffiK A' MW& Gslc'cl5 ,r2)5y7'svyy gets Conficu ldencc I "juTkj ' !) s$s This Discount Sale of ours is proving a very successful one, for buyers find that it embodies an absolute reduction in prices. There is a legitimate discount off our regular selling price, not a discount on marked up prices. 3 and One-third Percent Discount on Suits and Overcoats. afijlX Pause and considera saving of $8.33 on a $25 Suit or Overcoat; $6.66 on a $20 Suit or overcoat and $5.00 oh a $15.00 Suit or Overcoat. Money saved is money earned; is there any more easy plan to save money than this? -ir - 3sft? Big Reduction on all Goods. The discount does not apply alone to Suits and Overcoats. Many other articles in stock are being sold at reduced prices. For instance we are selling $4, 34.50 and S5.00 shoes for 32.75; and shoes'that sold for $3.00 and 33.50 are now offered at 32.15 this is certainly a harvest of Shoe bargains for you. Here you can buy for 70 cents Shirts that formerly sold for 31 and 31.25. Men's Neckwear that sold for. 50 , cents can be purchased for 35 cents. 25;4cerit';socks for 20 cents, Underwear at a reduction of from 20 to 35 per cent. sfisS W$ , vV w S exji&mtisasraxBSfsaBK KX32SH3TKSE!MttEE31IfKIinta EZEHESOEHHE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. mwjm&fyf9ff7r Ss You will be proud to show your friends COMMUNITY ' ' SILVER for'tliev will be delighted with its beautiful i " . v. lines. Besides, this fatuous', $ynve has a solid :l'.ver'd!sc cive:-la;cl r.t the wearing points, and it is then plated with a tripha-pjns pla.te, It is guaranteed for 50 years iu ordinary family use. Dun, The Jeweler. . Local and Personal. County Surveyor It. L. Cochran re turned Wednesday from a trip to the eastern purt of the county on official business. C. 0. Tomiska, of the North Platto Produco Co., was called to Ravenna tho early part of the week by tho death of his lather. Peter Peterson, janitor at the federal building, in reported getting nlong nicely from tho injuries,, received last week when ho fell and broke his collar bone. The wise property- owner always insures his, property from damage, by (ire and ether causes, with reliable agents like Bratt & Goodman who adjust and pay losses promptly and who never scale down an honest loss, Georgo Browflfield, of Sutherland, underwent an operation Wednesdny at Dr. Twinern'a office. Tho oporationwas only a minor pnj, and ho reported get ting ulong nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freeland, who have'been visiting tho former's parents in Butler county for tho past three weeks, returned to this city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Freeland reside on n farm about twenty miles northwest of this city. George Shoup, of the Sutherland sec tion, was in town tho early part of this week looking up a market for his ap ples. From hia orchard, which is lo cated about a milo west of the Hunter orchard north of Sutherland, ho picked 2,500 bushels of choice apples last fall, but it is only lately that he has begun placing them on tho market in any quantity. V. R. Weakly, road overseer from the Willow precinct, was a business visitor at tho court house yesterday. Mrs. M. J. O'Connell, who has been ill for the past several weeks at the local hospital, is up and around. Sho left Wednesday for Holdrege where she will make an extended visit with her sister and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Porter, to recuperate trom ,her long sicgo of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Friedman and son, who had been in town for several weeks, left this Week for Des Moines. Mr. Friedman camo here for tho pur pose of assuming the position of mana ger of the Leader, but the climate did not agree with the health of Mrs. Fridman and they decided to remove to a lower altitude. Benny Masters, who has been quite ill for tho past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McDermott in this city, is reported much better. He came hero with his parents from a few miles south of the city, .o spend New Year's day in tho city and while here was taken very ill. He will be able to re turn to his home soon. Jame3 Lauchlin. of Sutherland, and Miss Mattie L. Anderson, of Kansas City were married 'Wednesday morning in tho office of tho county judge. Judge Grant performed the ceremony. The groom is a farmer of tho Sutherland vicinity and was 70 years oid his last birthday. The bride is 42 years old. They will make their home on a farm in the Sutherland vicinity. Tho literary department of tho Twentieth Century club met Tuesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. R. J . Malmstein and had a very interesting meeting. A goou program of papers by the members of .the department was given and wero all much enjoyed, and some instrumental solos were we!) rendeied , by Mrs. DeFord. This department will have charge of the next general meeting of tho club which will be held January 18th at the library building. Walter Sammons and Delbert Smith, tne two young men charged with rob bing the Kearney postoffice, were given a hearing Tuesday before the United States commissioner at Grand Island and their bonds placed at $5,000 and $3,000 respectively. They secured bondsman and returned tq Kearney Tuesday. Tho men are ordered to ap pear before the commissioner at Grand Island January 12th, the day of the opening of the federal court. -They will be cited to appear before tho fed eral grand jury In April, ' Agricultural Society Holds Meeting. About twenty members of tho Lin coln.county agricultural society were in attendance at the regular annual meet ing Tuesday afternoon at tho court house, and tho work was started off in fine shape for the next year. Officers for the coming year were elected and the financial report of the secretary was heard and approved. The report of the treasurer could not be heard as he was out of town for that day. Ray C. Langford was treasurer. Plans gor a membership campaign were formulated and a good deal of time and energy will bo devoted along this line. A premium of a life mem bership is offered for the member who will bring in the largest amount of money for membership fees within the next year. The committee in charge of tho exhibits was instructed to make it a point to get the Ljncoln county ex hibits to tho state fair each year and tho time of the county fair will be set in time that the exhibits can be taken from here to the state fair without the owners having to take them home and keep them in exhibition shape. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, AV. W. Birge; vice-president, F. C. Pielsticker; secretary, Attorney M. E. Crosby; treasurer, J.. W, Fowler; superinten dent, W. B. Snyder. The constitution was amended to put on nine directors in the place of five and the four others will be appointed later to act with the five officers. No Place in State League. John Den and Thomas Healey at tended tho meeting of the Btate league which was held Wednesday at Kearney and appeared before the meeting as representatives ot this city to asK tor a franchise in the league. They were not denied admittance but the matter waB left with the board of directors and the talk is very much against this city on account of the remoteness of this city from the other places in the league and the necessity of spending so much car fare ror that reason. We are to be congratulated that we did not buy the Fremont franchise, in which case it would have left this city with a white elephant on hands and nothing to do with it. Mr. Den said in regard to the proposition, "Wo may get in the league, but we have about as much chance as a dead man." Episcopals Plan for Brotherhood. At a meeting of tho Episcopal f vestry wcuncsuay ovpnmg it wns de cided to organize a Men's Brothorhood society and a committee was appointed to look after tho organization of same. The committee consists of J. S. Hoag land, J. Guy Swope and Robert Arm strong. They will hold a committee meeting in the course of the next few days and at that time will complete plans for cotiBumating the organization. Tho brotherhood idea is fast getting hold of the men of this city nnd all the churches are begining to sea the advan tage of such an organization. Such organizations are now maintained in nearly nil the churches of tho city. A New Barber Shop. Just recently opened up a barber shop in the rear of Schatz Furniture Store on fifth street. A part of your patron age solicited. Sherwood & McMicheal, Barbers. Olllce Phone 410 Ees. Blk 552 Bertha E.Mangon, M D. Physician and Surgeon Deseases of Women and Children a'Speclalty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. New McCabe ,Blbg. lA'XJULDQmBIIB31latB31S3SEB3fSS3A DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Red 4 C05H Dewey St. North Pla 'te, Nebraska. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J Signet Chapter 07;E. S., -NO. 55- Vf ... o J J iiL mi t iuceiB (im ttnu 4iii inursuay B month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 kmw0m tto wW I I of every I P. m. I MMMW Dr red?ield edfield Physicians one! Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Sureeon. JOE li. REDFIELD. PhyElcian. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 642. 4Mt'i--j;s--ic- i GEO. B. DENT, ff Physician and Surgeon, -? Office over McDonald Bank. IS pi,noo I Office 130 t Phones J Residence 115 s flrSt It--" ftflr,. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Phones, office 183, residence 283 Office in McDonald Bank Building. Worth Platte, Nebraska. KEITH THEATRE Monday January 12 th. i Annual Meeting of the Club Nevita. The Club Nevita met Wednesday af ternoon at tho homo of Mrs. V. H. Diener for their annual Yneetinc and olee'tion of officesa. A Rood represen tation wns present and all enjoyed tho afternoon very much. A contest wns hold and tho prize was won by Mrs. F. W. I.aufihlin; Mrs. George Voseipka recoived the consolntion prize. Officers for tho coming year were elected as follows: President. Mrs. V. E. Payne; vice-president, Mrs. Emily Coates; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. P. W. Laughlin: press correspndent. Mrs. A. T. Yost. THE Mf, I AITfJMNf: HIT SIS PERKINS The Comedy Success That Has Amused Millions. A Quaint and Interesting Story of Indiana Folks, Presented by a Great Company. PRICES 25 SO 75 Cents. Seats on Sc?e now. SuJl'lPMKiyflwl'l t 't"vii'ii"p'ii'"mi dmireaaaatjaManKgaasstf A v5