4 THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. t U 4-k A 1 ' '1. WORKING FOR BETTER ROADS Iowa Supv'ntendent of Public Inclruc- tlon Makes Sonr.o Valuable Sug gestions for,lmprovement. Good roads and good sclioolhouses, are tlio two big factors In tho growth) and betterment of nil tho grain-belt atatrs. This was tho underlying Idea In the address dolivcred beforo tho Iowa State Teachers' convention by tho state superintendent of public in struction, Mr. A. M. Deyoe. That Iowa, aB well as all tho typically ag-' rlcultural states of tho nation, must' become educated away from tho old; stylo of road and tho old stylo of one room schoolhouso beforo It can at tain to tho full measure of Ub great-t ness, 1b quite generally conceded. Su-' porlntendent Deyoe made somo valu-' nolo suggestions no to how the money1 expended for good roads might be, spent to bettor advantage, saying: "Good schools and good roads are, tho two raoal Important needs In rural communities. Both may bo occured with but little greater expense than tho most of maintaining the present prevailing system of rural schools and the indifferent methods used in road building. Tho consolidation of schools is not wholly dependent upon the making of permanent roads. Tho transportation of pupils to schools is being managed quite satisfactorily in Iowa and other states whero perma nent roads hate not yet been estab lished. However, as a matter of con venience, In many wayB, good roads play tuch an important part In rural lift) development that our state should no longer delay by legislative action to adopt some systematic plan of per manent road construction. Approxi mately $3,479,382 was paid In cash aB road tax In Iowa for tho year 1011. This amount does not Include the amount of tax expended In work. Tho automobile tax for the year closing Juno 30, 1912, was $505,000, which will increase from year to year at tho pres ent rate. It is safe to estimate the total amount avallablo road tax In cash as $1,000,000, which should build at least 1,000 miles of permanent roads. Ten years of permanent road construc tion would glvo 10,000 milcB of good ' roads, whereas, If the present method of road building continues, our roads i will practically be no better at tho end of the ten-year period than they are today. This estimate takes no con sideration of tho tax annually worked, which would be avallablo for use in necessary general repair of roads. Bet ter social and Industrial conditions will follow tho establishment of good roads and good schools. The good roads problem will un doubtedly come in for greater discus sion in tho grain belt states this win ter than ever beforo. Tho teachers are a wonderful factor for good In any state. If they can bo Inspired to take up the cudgel for better highways much good must inevitably result, says tho Iowa Homestead. Farm homo improvement, rural church bet terment and country schdol advance ment aro splendid things, devoutly to be sought, but they fall of their high est purpose and object If they do not bring colncldentally with them the permanent roadways on which real rural and urban prosperity actually depend. USING INSECTICIDE IN DORMANT SEASON Fine ioMsewor, Aosortment of Raopberrles. GET ROADS INTO CONDITION Where Rough Spots Have Former" King Road Drag May Be Used to Advantage During Mid-Day Thaws. There's a bad condition of country roads along In the fall duo to late rains and hard freezes. They become so rough that It makes tho horsoa feet sore to travel over them, shakes tho wagon nearly to pieces and makes riding anything but ploasant. This condition can bo helped n great deal by tho Judicious uso of tho King road drag. If tho roads had been kept) in proper shapo all summer and fol lowing the fall rains they would have shed water and not becomo muddy, to freeze rough. But after It has hap pened the next best thing Is to uso tho drag on them during tho mid-day. thaw. Then the hummocks will bo planed down and tho ruts filled to freeze moro smooth during the night. Of course, It will take coustant watch Ing and care for a few days lu tho fall to put tho roads In proper condi tion for a freeze but It will pay to do so. The farmors do much hauling In winter and for tho sake of the horses, tho driver and tho wagon, and for the sake of having flno sleighing when tho onow comes, it pays to havo the roads in good condition. , If no one has a King drag then got out tho spike tooth harrow and smooth the roads. It will be a good thing in some places to thin out tho groves and hedges along the roads. These catch the snow and cause bad drifts all win ter. Theso drifts cause very bad mud holes in tho spring. Uso the ax wherf necessary. Tho discovery or Invention of the cheapest and most easily prepared of all tho Insecticides and fungicides and tho ono which can be used to greatest advantago during tho period of vegetative dormancy, tho llmo sulphur spray, was 6no of tho hap piest of recent years. It has proved by far tho most de pendable agent In keeping under con trol that most destructive and exces sively multiplying of all orchard ncst3. tho San Joso scale and liko- wlso all tho other fruit tree scales and was soon ascertained to bo equal to and In somo lnatnnccs superior to the famous Bordeaux mixture for tho extirpation or rendoring Inert the over wintering gorms of blights, rusts, fruit-rots and other fungous diseases, cays a Missouri writer In tho Farm' Progress. Bacterial blights, crown galls on various trees and berry bushe3 and a few other rather raro tree diseasos do not howover ylold to this or any other chemical application, and can only bo kept In check by frequent uso of the knife, pruning shears and by dig ging out and burning. But for tho insects and diseases above enumerat ed, when made according to tho stanard formula and applied at the proper tlmo and In tho proper way, It has no superior as an Insecticide and fungicide It may bo adapted to other purposes also, as, for example, to tho spraying of poultry houses, pigeon loftB and lnclosures for tho larger animals. Ono very successful poultry grower uses It In tho place of tho common lime wash In lila poultry houses and claims that It la an absolute remedy for and preventive of mites and other parasites when applied to the walla as a spray and of scaly leg and other skin diseases when well diluted on tho legs and other parts of the fowls affected and, In fuller strength, to tho perches and nest boxes. When a large number of trees and shrubs are to be treated tho spraying solution can. be more economically made at home than purchased In concentrated form. Tho directions for malting tho winter spray aro as follows:! Slako 30 pounds of best, llmo In- Iron kettle In just enough water to do It thoroughly, and while it is slaking add 30 pounds of flour or commercial sulphur by dust ing it on tho bubbling llmo, and stir It vigorously to thoroughly mix the two Ingredients, adding enough hot water to make the stirring easy. Let it boll for ono hour and when partially cooled strain through sack ing Into a largo barrel. When ready to use, add enough hot water to make 100 callous and nnnlv while still qulto hot. For tho Braall family orchard it saves much troublo to buy the con centrated lime sulphur solution pre pared with chemical accuracy at a number of manufactories by the barrel and dilute each gallon with 11 gallons of hot water. A bar rel of the concontrate sold last year for eight dollars, with ono dollar re bato If the barrel was returned. This Is by no means an expensive prepara tion, as a single gallon of the con centrate, reducod according to direc tions, will spray a quito largo tree. Tho spraying should bo done as early In tho winter as possible, choos ing a still day, when the mercury 1b nbovo tho frost point. Havo every part of tho spraying apparatus In or-, dor beforo turning tho hot solution, Into tho pump tank. Tho faco of the operator should bo protected with wldo-brimmed, old felt, hat, pulled, well down, and old leather or buck-i Bkln gloves should bo worn, wlthi warm but not valuublo clothing. Al- wnya throw tho spray with thei breezovhon there Is any of tho latter. Under tho best conditions tho task Is a disagreeable one, but if every' part of ovcry treo Is thoroughly dampened It will not need to bo ro-. peatcd for a year. When tho treatment Is concludod1 the pump and nozzles nnd tubing must be thoroughly washed with, clear water and dried aB soon as pos slblo to prevent corrosion of nil tho metal parts and injury to tho rubber. Tho daily cares of keeping housoi And bringing up a family aro hard enough for a healthy woman. Tho tired, weak mothor who struggles from morn to night with a lamo, ach ing back Is carrying a heavy burdon. Many women beliovo that urinary disorders nnd bnckacho aro "female troubles" and must bo endured. But men buffer tho Bnmo aches and trou bles when tho kidneys aro sick. Women are especially suhjoct to kid ney disease. Tight clothing, Indoor work, tho ordeala of childbirth, tho worry, and tho ntooplng, straining and striving of housowork nil holp to bring It on. At first tho troublo may bo only backncho, sick hcadacho, dlzzlnoss and n drowsy, dull languid feeling, but this condition Is dangorous to neglect, for dropsy, gravol and deadly Brlght'B dlseaso Btart in somo such small way. Don't bo dlscouragod. When back ache, norvouBncs8 nnd Irregular br painful passages of tho kidney secre tions begin to bother you, uso Doan'a Kldnov Pills, tho remedy that has broucht now life and strength to thou sands of suffering women. Thero aro no poisonous nor narcotic drugs In . k is a "3vryPcarsf " Tells ASforyA B'JSk f . -A r TiIwPi if I n r rw j , w pi VIJl L 1 "Oh! What a tam." Burden Doan'B KIdnoy Pills nothing to Injur nor cnuso a habit. Dellcato women enn ubo thorn with perfect aafoty. Th fnllnwlno- case 1 truleat of the enrol i-ITectfrt by Donn'a Kidney Pills. Grateful testimony is tlio best evidence. SAVED HER LIFE MaJm Wtll After Doctor FailtJ Mrs. John Brumley. 114 Kth St., Gropler. Colo., suyn: "I bcllovo I wouia no in my 1II18. Tho first bIkii of Kidney trpuulj ..n. n rnnalnnl nchn In my U.ICIt, I dragged alonjr, day after day, fecHns too tired to attempt my housework. Then enmo frequent dizzy spells that mono mo WOnk for llOUrs. THO Kiuney na'(iwi wero Irregular in passage nnu vnry um tresslnjr. My feet ached nnd swelled until I could hardly stand. Tho swelling ex tended upwards to my limbs and nips. For thrco months 1 hardly slept enotiRli to keep mo ullve. I was awfully nervous and Irritable. My cbbo puzzled tho doc tors and their meaicino umn i m-iy ". A relative, had been cured of kidney trou ble by Doan's Kidney .Pills nnd advised mo to try them. I did and the results wero wonderful. Tho backache Btopned. tho swelling wont away nnd I rested bet tor. Tho Kiuney secretions kui "ft" nnd onco moro 1 enjoyed Rood health, iinonnin. ihn iidlnev iwrrptlnns wero ana lyzed by tho doctor nnd ho found no bIkjib of kidney complaint. Doan's Kidney PM alone cured me." mnn Vonr Rnrk k I amo-Remember tho Name" DOAN'S KIDNEY PELLS Sold by oil Dealers... Price SO cents. r-osler-MUburn Co., Buffalo, n. y nopnciwy REFUSED TO GET EXCITED MUCH LOSS FROM USING POOR SEED - One Must Continually Select Good and Persistently Destroy Bad to Succeed. (By A. T. WOODS.) Tho Importanco of natural variation, and differences In climato in relation, to agricultural production, haa nover been fully realized. Under natural! conditions only those survive which, can modify their habits of growth soi as to mako a successful resistance to; destructive lnlluences and propogatoi their kind. When man enters in as a factor ho! may, and" usually does in a cohsidera-l bio measure, Interfere with these nat-j ural adjustments. Ho selec.s individ uals and cultivates them for some natural peculiarity, and aB a result. Intensifies these features; but unless ho follows nature's methods and de stroys tho plants that aro not best adapted to his conditions and require ments ho soon gets a mixture or moi vlduals, good, bad and indifferent, and cultivates them all together. On tho other hand, if ho selects tho individuals that give tho best results under his peculiar conditions and pre vents their crossing with tho less de sirable sorts, he soon develops a strain of high eillclency and productiveness, for thoso particular conditions; but, like nature,, he must continually select tho good nnd persistently destroy tho bad, or eventually lose all auu see mo variety "run out." Tho great Importance of selecting and growing seed under tho conditions under which tho future crop must bo grown is now apparent Dairying Is Supreme. The fertility which live stock makes on tho farm Is ono of tho advantages to be derived from this clase of farm ing and in all live-stock farming dairy ing Ib supreme. Whitewash Benefits. A fresh coat of whitewash on the ln sldo of the sleeping quarters always looks good to tho prospective hog buy er, and will also tend to chock vermin. Old fvan Jones Philosophically Rea soned That Norah Had Right to Go Out as She Chose. Tho topic switched to taking n phil osophic view of things, and Congress man Patrick D. Norton of North Da kota told of tho beautiful ctfmposuro with which ono Jones met n rather trying situation. One day Mrs. Jones rushed Into tho old mnn's presence with hasty Bteps nnd a wild look of excitement. "Oh, John! Oh, John!" sho ex claimed with a lot of emotional thrills. "Norah made a mistake and tried to light tho kitchen flro with gasollno!" "Gasoline, eh?" calmly responded John. "Did she get It started?" "Did sho get It started?" cried tho amazed Mrs. Jones. "It blow her out tho kitchen window!" "That's aU right, my dear," re turned the philosophic Jones. "It was her afternoon out, anyway." ADMONITION HAD NOT SUNK ENDS DYSPEPSIA i INDIGESTION. GAS Small Girl Calmly Put Aside the Chid ing Administered by Her Paternal Relative. Horo is a "kid" story which Dr. Oak Icy Smith, prosldont of tho Chicago Collogo of Naprodnthy, enjoys telling his friends! "An eastern lntlmnto of mine,", said Doctor Smith, "has n child of extraor dinary precocity. Sho la only three, but has a mind of her own which she sometimes asserts to tho consterna tion of her father and mothor. "It bocnnlo necessary ono day for tho child's father to roprlmand hor gently, but firmly, whon eho miscon ducted horsolf at tho tablo. Tho child's faco bore a pained expression. Tho mother was silent. A guest at tho tablo woro tho resigned air that guests always do on Buch occasions. Ab tho father finished his admonition tlio si lenco was electric burdened with foreboding. And tho strnnd wna broken only whon tho bnby looked up nt her mother nnd asked: " 'Mamma, did Homebody say some thing?' " 400,000 Seraera alear ,vtmzvW "-"ra. -s&fc peoplaJ I up, . great "Pape's Diapepsin" cures sick, sour stomachs in five minutes Time It I "Really does" put bad stomachB in order "really doea" overcome Indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and BOurncsB in flvo minutes that Just that makes Pape's Diapopsin the lar gest selling stomach regulator In tho world. If what you eat ferments Into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head Is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tonguo coated; your lnsldes tilled with bile and lndigestlblo waste, re member tho moment "Pape's Diapop sin" comeB in contact with tho stomach all such distress vanlsheo. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the Joy 1b Its hnrmlesBncBS. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dla popBin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated, it belongs in your home should always bo kept handy In case of a sick, Bour, upset stomach during tho day or at night. It's tho quickest, Burest and most harmless Btomach doctor in tho world. Adv. Pessimistic Deacon Philander, Deacon Philander of our church 1b so practical that at times ho appears to bo profane, sayB tho KausaB City Star. Our minister, a very modest and well moaning mnn, approached Philander tho other day nnd said: "Brother Philander, wo nro to bo con gratulated. Of courso you noticed what an Immense congregation wo had at our special services tho other ovo nlng. I am told that at tho opera hoUBO thero was n very small crowd out to seo tho show. Tho Interest In our work la certainly Increasing won derfully. "Yes," replied old Philan der, very solemnly, "I noticed tho things of which you speak, but I much fear that things would bo different if wo charged a dollar admission and the show at tho opera house was free." Ab church treasurer Philander gctsj onto a lot of things. Immigration Srniroo show that tho t rxmulalion of Canada incroased dur- Ino-1 9 1 3. bv tho addition of 400.000 now settlors from tho United States and Europe. Most of thoso havo gona on farms in provinces of jvianuooa, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Lord William Percy, an Ensllih Nobleman, lays: 'TV. T.nihimii and ocDortunltles filtered tjy tho Canadian West ore 50 Inflnltelr j greater man tnose wrucn iuh m ii..ia.. that It seems aosura to inin wo v should tw Impeded lrom comlnz to country where they can most eauy certainly I mprote their position. New districts are belna opened which will make nccessable a are number of homesteads In dlstrlctSi especially adapted to mueo. larm-j hit and crain raisin?. For llluttrated literature and reduced railway rates, apply to I Supt. ol immierauon. uwam, Canada, or to W.V.BENNETT BoeBulldlns Omaha, Neb. OuiAlta OtTUBDUBt Ant The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely ana gently on tno liver, t-ure Biliousness, Head ache, Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature HMUWItKd Jksv7'i m ii ill Blm Bivcrv V r ' ' '""'""'" ' $&2?Z&&zrz ADVANTAGE OF A SEPARATE ROOT CELLAR ,, ' 4 , , ' TXT . , ""'''? - $$ I jMJjk MWm&m f WW:' ,mimSm Hie Contribution. 1 A llttlo boy of flvo was Invited to a children's party. Tho next day ho was giving an account of the fun, nnd said Hint each of tho llttlo visitors hud con tributed oithor n song, a recitation, or music for tlio ploasuro of tho rost. "Oil, poor llttlo .luck!" snld mother. "How very unfortunuto could do nothing!" "Yes, I could, mothor." replied No Automobile. "1 am disappointed in thoso now nolghbors of ours. They borrowed a gallon of gnBollno yesterday." "Then they havo n car?" "No; It Beems they wanted It to clean gloves." Tied Cros Hall Blue gives double value for your money, Roea twice ns far as any oilier. Ask your crocur. Adv. REA D E R S to bay nnytblna urtTr tlird in 1U columns should Insist upon bat Inn what the j ask (or, refusing all subtUtutos or Imitations. Nebraska Directory wwww If a man begins by pnylng a young widow attention sho may expect him to end by paying her bills. ) his you young hopeful, my prayors!" "I stood up and said Mrs.WiiiBlow'H BoothliiR Syrup .(or Children toethliii;, hoflPiia the RuniR, minced lntlummiv tlun.ullaya pulu.curcu wind college a lxttleJUv Uy the tlmo somo pcoplo mako up their minds what to do It's too Jato. Tho Hoyal society of Canada will hereafter admit women to ltn councils. SHIP TO WOOD BROS. LEADING SELLERS OF LIVE STOCK SINCE 1867. TRY US AT ' SOUTH OMAHA CHICAGO SIOUX CITY ' 1II.1SS St VTEMJttAN Live Stock Commission Merchants U54-V9&U KxvliiinRO ltulldlnr, South Ouiulia. All stock consigned to us In sold or members o( tliw linn, and all rmplojecs nare been tmlclod una trained (or tho work which the? do. tirii-.i.ow.Mp w THE PACT HOTEl, Omaha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Rooiiih from $1.00 up nluglr, 75 cents up doubla. CAFE P1VICES REAHONABLK W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 1-1914. Qad Practice. Selling tho heifer calves and buying at public sales cows of untried per formances, is like stopping tho bunj and knocking out tho head. To Destroy Weeds. Sheep vlll eat 480 dlfforent klndi cf wecdo. So tho point? While every barn should have a frostproof cellar, or other room for tho storage of perishable green feeds, a separate root-collar is an advantage- 'In general foodirj we too often for get that tho animal body is about three-fourths water, and that any ani mal requires a largo proportion of wa ter In tho food ration. Green feeds of some kjnds should bo given at all tlmns of tho year for animals to do their host. If one has a alio, then'sllngo will 1111 tho bill. Pumpkins can bo fed from early fall till tho mlddlo of winter, and roots carrots, turnips or sugar beets should bo grown and storod to carry tho stock till grass coinos. As ovldonco of tho value of water In feeds, and green feeds, wo rofcr to tho rapid growth and good hoalth of animals on good pasture. Animals of all kinds will gain flesh and fatten cm good grasH pasture, nnd greon grabs is from 7D per cent, to U0 per eont. water. Now, if wo will remember HiIb In feeding, aiid supply faomo green foods at all ecusous, our farm animals will mako greater proportionate gains and turn all tho feed to groator account. Every barn should have a frost-proof collar, or other room, wlioro rootB and othor perishable green fuedn could bo kept through tho winter. B. V. U. ECZEMA ITCHED AND BURNED It. P. D. No. 2, Seymour, Mo. "-My ccalp broke out with flno pimples at tho Btart. They Itched and burned bo much that I was compolled to scratch them and they would fester and coma to a head and break out again. Tho troublo waH attended by Mich burning nnd Itching 1 could not Bleep, rtlso when I sweat It burned the. same. My hair foil out gradually and tho scalp kept rough nnd dry with Itching and burning. After ubout two yearB tho pimples broko out bolween my choulderB. My clothing lrrltnted them. I was troubled with that eczema flvo or six years. "I tried everything that was rocom mended without any benefit until I used the Cuticura Soap and Ointn. nt according to directions, and Cuticura Sonp nnd Ointment cured mo sound and well in two weeks." (Signed) S. L. Klllian, Nov. 22, 1012. Cuticura Sonp nnd Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each free.wlth 32-p. Skin Uook. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Hoston." Adv. tno - Mv IS&ySi lw lilB yilCCllltSSI US M H XfcjJ dJeV- Z3r Nils' U QV gpr Lft B Bl MIS' MS BS MV WS IV "OSS' -BV BS BMWiHsntwa fassEXXranSB Cmhi wmtrvnmt wssssuxmimmmmtmmmmm 'ssBsazassa roHnagranaa cans i and when it all costs the same why not have The Best? JOHNNY COOK Tho Leader of the Loaders Send your next load of stock to the Nearly a million divorces have been granted in M.t laet 20 years. preaf Western Gommission Company South Omaha, Nebraska lA Ueit Cough Syrup. Twtei Ooud. Ch &5J mfl In tine. Boll lj DrotgUti. U 2SfiM.V'T-'H'tfl DANGER FUEK TnitATIHH The Learn bbuaHirlum, InillanaiicJtii, 1ml li imhll.hwl ilxxiklotnnluh ulf&ji lntorftiuir fuiit. about tbecaotcotCtnoersslaouIlt what to ilofQriulii, Uctdlsr. 1m, cu. Wrttt Uit It tMbjr, u.ciUcuauc Uuj Wl f I