The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 30, 1913, Image 1

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    Moto Hletorfcal Sool.ty
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No. 98
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ne-Fifth Off
i tt&EmmauLjxjiuuALWim.umaa&!aBJVam,jLiuw.uwmuij.xxma
Beginning December 26th and closing January 13th we will give you a discount of one
fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks, Dresses, Suits,
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum Notion, Gents' Furnishing and Shoe stocks. These goods will be
sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your bill. During this sale we will
not open any new goods in these departments, so it will pay you to come early before thejjas
sortments are broken.
partment Store
Many Attend Wolf Hunt Today.
About three hundred men left this
morning to attend the wolf hunt and
the committee hns received wordfrom
the surrounding towns that they will
send large representations. Prepara.
tions havo been made to accommodate
eight hundred men at the roundup and
from the reports sent in there will be
all of that number present.
The roundup will be made in a draw
about a mile north of William Gaunt's
residence, twelve miles north of the
city. The lino captains are as follows:
P. M. Kuser, east, Harry Madison,
north, C. P. Howard, south and Art
Toops, west. Each captain will assaign
two men in his line to carry guns to be
used in case any of tno coyotes should
break through the lines, and the rost
of the hunt will be with dogs. Ac
cording to schedule, the roundup will
be made at 2 o'clock this afternoon and
immediately after this a free lunch will
bo served.
A large number of dogs were brought
in to join the south line. Mr. Purbaugh
of Wallaco arrived this morning with
twenty-five dogs and will advance with
this end of the line. All the available
automobiles were brougnt out this
morning to bring back the men.
The men are asked to shoot all the
rabbits they can and they will be taken
to Omaha and Lincoln to feed the poor
of those cities on New Year's day.
Several of the men in autos took guns
along with them and will not advance
with the lines. They will get all the
rabbits they can and it isv hoped that
they will bring in a large number.
To help you buy build or improve
see Bratt & Goodman.
The best and cheapest life insurance
policy written is by Bratt & Goodman
is the great Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
of New York. See them and they will
show you how one hand washes the
other,or pay premium out of dividends-
Local and Personal
Miss Julia Dunn, of Los Angeles, ar
rived Saturday to spend a month with
her-niece Mrs. Wm. Hawley.
Miss Elizaboth Hinman entertained a
number of her girl friends yesterday
afternoon at her homo on "West Sixth
Miss Helen Waltemath will enter
tain a number of her girl friends to
morrow afternoon at her home on
West Fonrth Street.
Mrs. Green will give a social dance
this evening at the K. P. hall to a num
ber of her friends. Van Doran's orches
tra will furnish music.
License to wed was granted yester
day in the county judge's office to Earl
O. Applegate, 28, and Miss Velma O.
Williams, IS, both of Lewellen.
Ralph F6rd, one of the proprietors
of the 0. 0. D. cleaning establishment,
returned Sunday from Lexington where
he visited relatives through the holi
days. x
Judge and Mrs. Grimes and Mr. and
Mrs. Rincker will be at home to their
friends New Year's Day from 8 to C
o'clock, at the Rincker home.
We have several choice first mort
gage loans, ranging from $300.00 and
upwards, netting 2 and 8 per cent
semi-annual interest, mortgages not
taxable. There is nothing safer for
your idle money. Bratt & Goodman .
Robert Gantt, who is home from tho
university to spend the holidays, gave a
social dance last evening at the Masonic
hall to a namber of the young poople of
the city. About twenty-five couples
were present and all enjoyed a pleasant
evening. Music was furnished by Van
Doran's orchestra and the dancers
stayed until the wee small hours.
Factory May Locate in City.
Attorney Crosby has reeeivod com
munication from L. C. Belisle, of
Clinton, Mo., inquiring about this city
as a favorable place to locate a factory.
Mr Belisle is now in the manufacturing
business at Clinton and is desirous of
getting a new location. He manufac
tures farm and ornamental gates and
states that he will employ a large force
of men.
The matter will be taken up with
tho Chamber of Commerce and they
will boost for tho factory coming hera.
Tho field here will present rare pos
sibilities on -account of tho railroad
facilities and the lack of competition,
and will mean much to North Platte
should ho decide to locate here.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
llnvo hooti tho J?Jotors
in tho irroM'th or tho
First National Bank,
XOli Til JPL,A TT15, XH JiJl A SKA .
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Rush for Land.
There was quite a rush at tho United
States land office this morning, when
tho land not entered in the forest
reservo was thrown open to entry.
This unentered land consisted of five
full sections and a number of fractional
sections. These sections had been se
lected by winners in the land drawing,
but who for some reason failed to
make application.
A sicore or moro gathered in tho
federal building last evening with the
expectation of camping there for the
night so as to bo at'the head of the
lino this morning, but when nino o'clock
came they were ejected and the doors
locked. As soon as tho doors of the
building were opened this morning they
made n rush for tho third floor and
stood in line at one of the land office
Butler Buchanan is reported very
ill with a severe case of asthma.
Mrs. F. H. Barnhill and family ex
pect to leaye in a fow days for Lisco,
!Neb., to spend New Year's day with
Mrs. Freda, Barnhill, formerly of this
city but now located on a homestead
near Lisco.
John W. Slutts appeared before the
county court yesterday in the matter
of tho estate of tho latcMarvE. Slutts.
which was up to bo probated. Ho has
been visiting relatives in tho city for
the past few weeks but expects to re
turn in the nea future to his home in
Los Angolos, Calif. Ho was formerly
a resident of this city.
The two lots bolonging to Marie and
Irene Schreckengost, minqrs, wcro sold
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock nt
refereo'ssale to Fred Morgan, plaintiff.
The sale was made to satisfy some
debts and straighten up tho estate.
Tho property was lot 7, block 77,
which sold for $1200, and tho south half
of lot 10 of tho county clerk's subdiv
ion, which sold for $500. Attorney M.
E, Crosby was referee.
Myrtle and Vicinity.
Chas. Gambrol marketed hogs nt
North Platto, Tuosday.
Tom Hromas came up from Mason
City to spend Christmas with his siator
Mrs. Joe Knajdl.
Earl Wright came up from North
Platte Friday to spend a fow days with
his former schoolmato Orvlllo Moran.
School opened Monday in School
District 30 nfter an enforced vacation
caused by tho resignation of Ben Love.
Mrs. Joo Gosnoll was shopping at
North Platte, Tuesday.
The Girls' Friendly society of tho
Episcopal church will meet this evon
ing at tho parish house for a social
time. Tho society will be entertained
byMiRsos Winnie Bridges and Knthei;
Cured of Liver Complaint.
"I was suffering with livor com
plaint," says lvaSmith'of Point Blunk,
foxas." nnd decided to try a 26c box of
Chamb'flain'sTnblots, nnd am happy
to say that I am completely cured and
can recommend them to
For sale by all di n'ors.
every one.'
Lutheran Wins Debate.
The dobato between tho Methodist nnd
Lutheran brothorhoods was held las
ovening at the Luthoran parish house
was attended by moro than sixtymen,
and tho vote was in favor of tho
Luthorans. Senator W. V. Hoagland
presided at the mooting in his very able
mnnnor and after the mooting was
called to order ho made a few prelim
inary remarks boforo introducing tho
penkers. v
Tho dobato was ono big laugh from
beginning to end nnd wbb mostly in fun
but nevertheless somo very good points
were brought out. Thoollowing men
took part in tho argument: Methodists,
VanDorh&of, Tout, Reynolds and
Forbes; Luthorans, Shilling, Trnmp,
Cresslcr and Sandall. Tho Judges woro
Leo Hansen, Guy Swopo nnd E. T.
Woods. At tho closo of tho debate,
the men wore sorued with a fino feed
by Chef Hupfor, and all expreaaud
themselves as very much ploased with
oYoninjt'8 entertainment und much in
hope that tho idea would be taken up
by all tho churches nnd roponted moro
Wright-Bundy Nuptials.
Misa Bossio Bundy and Harold Wright
woro married Friday evening at tho
Episcopal church in tho presence of the
immediate relatives. Dean Dowker of
the Episcopal church officiated.
The bride woro n bluo traveling suit
and hat to match and carried a bouuut
of roses and violets. Sht was nttonded
by Miss Elaine Bundy, her sister, and
AsaCornwoll acted as best man.
After tho wedding, a reception was
given nt their homo on East Tenth
street, nnd a numbor of friends were
ontcrtnlncd. Tho couplo will leave soon
on n wedding trip and will bo at homo
to thoir friends aftor tho first of tho
year at 300 East Tenth Stroot.
Tho brido has been a resident of this
city all her llfo and has nhostjif friends
who wish her well. Slio was an om
ployco of this office until a fow weeks
ngo she resigued. She groom is n firo
man out of hero and well known and re
spected by many North Platto poople.
Joint Inslallilion.
Tho Grand Army Post and tho
Woman's Relief Crops will hold n joint
installation at Odd Follows' hall Satur
day afternoon at two o'clock. In con
nection with the ceremonies thero will
be a "bean eat." All old soldiers,
whether mombors of tho post or not,
nro invited, iib are nil members of the
Notice to the Public.
To whom it may concern:
1 will not be responsible for any
dobts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Etta
Cochran. L. M. Cochran. 97-2
Dated Decombor 30, 1913.
II. A. Wnlkorand O. E. Cnther, of
Flatts, arrived in tho city last evening
and will visit friends hero today.
Tho North Platte band gave a ban
quet last evening at tho Vienna Cafo in
honor af Emil Vosiopka who will leave
soon for SanDiego, Calif,, where he
expects to locate, After tho big fead
was served, Director Stamp called the
meeting to order nnd presided as toast
master. Each member present re
sponded to an impromptu toast and a
very jolly time was enjoyed by nil.
Twenty-two members of the band were
present. At tho close of the toasts,
Mr. Voseipka was presented with a sot
of Elk cuff links and an Elk stick pin.
Mr. Voseipka came hero four years
ago from Grand Island and has made a
number of friends here. He hns been
a prominent member of the band and
tho boys took this means of showing
their appreciation.
A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs.
York A. Hinman gathered at their
homo on West Sixth street Saturday
evening for a social timo. The even
ing was spent with music and other
social diversions nnd at a late hour tho
guests were served with dainty refresh
ments. All present enjoyed n pleasant
1913 Has Been a Freakish Year,
'Few Will Mourn Its Passing.
What a year of turmoils on sea and land, Wars
and rumors of wars. There will he more helieve in
ilic notion that ill luck is somehow or other hound
up in the
Isfumher "13
and Prosperous New
For All Is My Wish.
I havo enjoyed one in 1913 in tho sat
isfying and pleasing of my customers
and hope to continue to do so in 1914.
C. F. Temple.
than ever before and yet for ourselves it has been a.
wonderful year
A Real Right Resolve .
We have made for the coming year, "Never io
handle Catch Penny Groceries. Always Sell Qual
ity Goods at Satisfactory Prices, and to give you
service that is good service" You have been very
kind to
LierkSandall Company,
And to close the year we extend you our thanks and wishes for a happy 1914