The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 23, 1913, Image 1

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SSW rf
fltnte Historical BcoUty
No. 96
ip &' 4k
fjt$44444'C' (3U-W
Dec. 29th and Week.
The p Q9 1 f
Grey block to.,
Featuring BILLY NEFF and MiNNIE GREY in a
New Repertoire of Plays and Specialties.
("The Call' of The Wilderness."
A Three Aet Comedy Drama.
Prices 10, 20 and 30c.
Local and Personal
Mis Blancho Miller, who teaches
southeast of the city, is spending the
holidays with relatives in Polk.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchfinch left
yesterday for Grand Island to spend
Christmas with the Iatter's parents.
Harry Lowell, who is studying law in
Chicago, arrived in the city Sunday to
spend the holidays with his parents.
Wanted Colored woman wants
bundle washings, 806 West 9th street.
Leo Hart, a farmer of Brady
vicinity, visited friends in the city over
Sunday. He was formerly a resident of
this city.
Miss Elsie Ackorman; one of the in
structors of the North Platte school of
music, left today for Lincoln to spend
Xmas with her parents.
Mac Westfall, of Leads, S. D is
visiting friends in the city for a few
days. He was formerly proprietor of
the Crystal theatre here.
The Choir of the Presbyterian church
gave a sacred cantata Sunday evening
at the church. A large number attonded
and the music was reported very good.
Miss Alice Wilcox, who has been
teaching in Porto Rico for the past
several months, is expected to return
home tomorrow. Word was received
that she arrived in New York City yes
terday morning.
Mias Gertrude Baker, teacher in tha
Gothenburg schools, is home to spend
Christmas with her parents.
Mrs. Albert Schatz, who was oper
ated on a few days ago at a local hos
pital is getting slong nicely.
Donald Golden, who is visiting at the
home of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Levi Duke, is reported on the
sick list.
Mrs. Tom Golden and two children,
of Valley Junction, are visiting in the
city at the home of Mrs. Golden's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duke.
Ben Elliott, teacher in mechanical
engineering in the Wisconsin state
university, arrived home Sunday to
spend Corismas with his parents.
Judge J. S. Hoagland returned Sun
day evening from York where he at
tended a meeting of the official board
of the I. 0. 0. F. home. Judge Hoag
land is president of the board.
-E-. H...Mc Williams, superintendent
of agencies for the New York Mutual
Life Insurance Company, was a visitor
in the city yesterday to look after the
local office. He reports Mr. Goodman's
office one of the best of the eighteen
agencies in the state.
Charlev and Jess Edwards left Sun
day morning for Sioux City where they
will attend a meeting or the salesmen
of the Simmons hardware company and
wi then tro to St. Louis to nttena a
similar meeting at which all of the 500
salesmen employed by the firm will be
Senator Hoagland Getting Busy
Senator W. V. Hoagland applied to
the state railway commission for ro
port of the receipts of the Union Pa
cific company at this station to get
datn tor his plen before the commission
for a now depot hero. The statistics
show an onormous business out of this
place which aggregates a largo amount
of money for the company from' the
passenger and freight receipts. He
has received the following statistics:
Receipts for freight coming in and going
out, $200,010.97; passenger receipts for
this station. S94.G95.CG, making a total
of $300,700.03 and an average of $25,
058.89 per month. This report is for
the year ending Juno 30, 1913. The re
port shows a total of 870 cars of mer
chandise shipped out and 1891 cars re
csived. The number of cars of coal for
commercial uho is even 500, and this
amount was used by the private con
sumers alone.
These statistics would tend to show
that North Platte is a paying station
and that out of this enormous amount,
the company could at least give us de
cent waiting room accomodations here.
Choice Bargains.
Four roym house with full lot on
west Eighth street, $1,050.
Six room house, west Tenth Btre'ot,
Five room house, west Ninth, $2,300.
Ten room house, east Eleventh St.,
These are all fine bargains.
Seventy elegant residence lots in wost
end, south ok track, at $200 to $300
cash. Why not live in town?
The county commissioners met yes
terday and transacted the routine
business such as allowing bills. After
the regular sesoion, they went with
County Surveyor Cochran to tho river
east of tho city to look over the propo
sition of locating the proposed bridge
for the Lincoln highway. Tho state
engineer was to have met with them
yesterday, but did not arrive. They
will make a report of their investiga
tion yesterday and submit it to the
state engineer.
A serious wreck occured Sunday at
Black Butte: Wyo. when a fust frieght
and passenger train No. 8 collided
lmad-on. Four persons arc reported
killed and among them was the engineer
and and an electrical engineer by the
name of Jack Christ, who was formerly
a fireman out of this city. The wreck
tied up the traffic on tho Cheyenne line
for several hours.
None can be produced which will equal or excel
them. Our "guarantee" goes with every can sold
Here's Your Fixings for Christmas:
Nuts, Christmas Candies', Xmas Trees, Holly,
Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Dates,
Heinz Mince Meat, either in jars or bulk.
Apple Cider, Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes,
Heinz Siveet, Sour or Dill Pickles Prices very reasonable,
Celery, Lettuce, Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers', Parsley,
Green Onions, Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips.
The Famous Milwaukee Sausages are ijx Season.
Braunschmeiger-style Leberwurst, Mettwurst (Fcinc) Knackwurst,
Braatwurst, Blutiuurst,
Goettinger-Style Summer Sausage, Butts from Young Pigs.
We Handle Nothing but The Best, and Our Prices ARE RIGHTS
) E. T. Tramp
The Joy of Christmas
Enjoy It hi Full!!
bj Let us take care of your "what-to-eat worry. Tell
us what groceries you need. Well deliver them.ina
hurry. '
Heinz's Plum Pudding
Heinz' s Dill, Sweet and Mixed Pickles
Olives in Bottle and Bulk
Boxed and Christmas Candies
Mixed Nuts
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season
Oysters, Sweet potatoes and Celery.
Bulk Mince Meats
Our Richelieu Canned Goods and Chase & San
born's Coffee are sure to make your Christmas Dinner
Lierk-Sancfall Company.
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Local and Personal.
The Tribune wishes all its readers n
Merry Christmas.
J. E. Sebastian left last evening for
Big Springs to look after insurance
Frank Baldwin is homo from Knnsns
City Vctinerary College, to spend Xmas
wlthjhis parents. ,
Everett Fonda arrived in tho city
Sunday evening to spend Christmas
vacation with his parents. He is at
tending the state university.
Several teachers from over tho
county have resigned thefo schools to
take effect at the close of the fall term.
Miss Ward, teacher of English in the
North Platte high school is among the
number that have resigned. She gives
up the work on account of sickness in
the family.
Christine Younger, a little twelve
year old girl who was traveling alone
from Kearney to Northporl, was loft
in tho city Saturday on account of
miBsing te branch train She was
taken in by some of our citizons and
spent tho night at a lodging house and
was put on tho train Sunday and sent
on to her destinatiou.
Leo Leon, the nine-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leon, fell to tho
pavement yesterday morning while
riding a bicycle and was unconscious
for several minutes. He was riding
around the corner of tho court house
and the wheels slipped on the ice let
ting hirn full. He was picked up nnd
taken home and soon regained con
sciousness. We never offered belter bargains in
real estate than now. Our list com
prises nice homes, cheap lots, close in,
some good farms and good farm land
at low prices and on easy payments.
See us before you buy; Bratt & Good
man. The Grey Stock Co., which played at
the Keith during the land registration
and gave such excellent satisfaction,
will return next Monday for an engage
ment of one week, with an entiro new
repertoire of new plays and specialties.
The opening bill, "The Call of tho WIN
derness." is a beautiful story of love in
the frozen north, containing a fino vein
of humor, and is equal, if not superior,
to many of the high priced productions.
In fact tho management positively
guarantees to ploase or refund your
money, and at tho prices of 10, 20 nnd
30 cents for the class of plays put on,
thoy should havo capacity business
evory night. If the business justifies it
it is the intention to have other com
panies of the same class to play here nt
the same prices, thereby giving the
public a chanco to bo entertained with
good shows at a reasonable price. In
fact, a circuit for that purposo is now
being formed which will include a num
ber of the larger towns in thiB part of
the. state.
Christmas servicos at tho Catholic
church will bo nt C a. m. and 10 a. m.
George Hollowuy, of Tryon arrived
in tho city this morning to look after
Ernest M. Close, of Stnploton, was
a. business visitor in tho city this
Miss Mary Kollhor, of Maxwell, nr
ived in the city Inst evening to visit
for a short time.
Carl Reynolds of Shelton arrived in
tho city yesterday to spend the holidays
with his mother, Mrs. Mary Reynolds.
Money Loaned on Real Estate
Either straight loan for a term of
years or out of onr State Building &
Loan Assocication that can be paid
back monthly, same as rent.
Bratt & Goodman.
Jamea Abbott, of Horshey, was a
business visitor in the city .Saturday.
Edward Jollif and Sam ' TliomaB, of
Sutherland, wore business visitors to
tho county scat yesterday.
For Rent.
Houses and rooms. Bratt & Goodman.
Tuesday, Dec. 23.
"The EmpresB Car Mystery," in two
"Little Kaintuck,"
Wednesday Dec. 24.
"Patho Weekly No. 71," .
"Tho Sea Eternal," in two reels.
Vaudeville' Matinee ChristmaB 3:30
p. m. Free to nil children undor twelve
years. Como and bring tho bring "tho
uy Your Groceries
Where You Get the Best
And do it where you can get what you want
We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy
Groceries. Yellowstone Canned Goods,
Dried Fruits', Christmas Candy and Nuts,
Olives, Pickles, Jams and Mince Meats.
Visit our Queensware department and get a
gift that will be useful as well as beautiful.
Dinner sets ranging in price from $7.50 to
$14.00 per hundred piece set. Glassware
and Kitchen Cutlery.
North Side Cash Grocery,
Phone 244.