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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1913)
J Proceedings of the County Board. December 10. 1913. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Springer, White, Herminghau san and county clerk. The county treasurer is hereby auth orized to comet the tax list of II. Du Berry for the year 1913 on$600assossed for automobile, for the reason that said automobile was assessed to Hendy & Ogier. The county treasurer is hereby auth orized to correct tux list of J. B. Huys for tho year 1913, on account of exces sive assessment on housohold goods. Tho county treasurer is hereby auth orized to refund to H. K. Peck ham the sum of 51.71 out of the vil lage funds of Brady, for the reason that said Peckham is not subject to village taxes. Bids for filling in apprachos to Cottonwood Canyon bridge were opened and tabulated, to-wit: Chris Posenberg, 17 cents per cubic yard. J L Lewis, 1G cents per cubic yard. H P Stevens, 1G cents per cubic yard. H P Stevens agreeing to furnish a 'bond for the performance of the work, the contract is hereby awarded to him at 16 cents per cubic yard, work to be done in a good and satisfactory way and to be approved by the commission ers. A communication received from the state auditor claiming that Lincoln county is indebted to the state of Ne braska, in the sum of 55698.92 for care of insano persons prior to the year 1891, tho board being of the opinion that the county does not owe this debt, said claim is hereby rejected. The following claims were allowed on the general fund, to-wit: Sarah Osterhout, refund of taxes on account of double taxation $13 GS Lester Walker, cash to be used for transportation of county paupers 50 00 N McCabe, damages on road No 353 150 00 N McCabe, damages on road No 351 .. b0 00 Dan'l It Sibcrts, disinfecting houso of N S Collins at Sutherland 10 00 P W Herminghauscn, telephone rcntforl913 IS 00 D D White, telephono rent for 1913 18 00 The claim of Sarah B Hinman, et al for $1,500.00 damages on road 3G0, as to tho extension of Second street in the city of North Platte, is hereby allowed for78.G0 and disallowed for 1.421.40. the petitioners to reimburse the county for all damages on said road, and the road overseer is heroby directed to have snid road opened for public travol. Allowed on bridge fund to-wit: W M Dymond, bridge work Her- shey 33 00 Murphy & Johnson, car of bridge lumber, Brady 3S1 79 CF Iddings Co, car ot bridge lumber. Sutherland 311 85 C F Iddings Co, car of bridge lumber Maxwell 239 55 Nebraska' Iowa Steel Tank Co, culverts, (two claims) 290 50 Allowed on road funds, to-wit: W M Dymond, cash for road district 4 50 00 Louis Hefior, cash to-be used for district 10 GO 00 Allowed on commissioner's district to wit: Geo S Williams, grading roads from Brady to Spannuth, on district 2 419 00 W W Gerkin, grading roads in road district 21, allowed on district 2 151 50 Whereupon the board adjourns to Dec. 22. 1913. C. W.Yost, County Clerk. City Council Meets. The city council met in regular sess ion Tuesday evening in thoj library building. Much routine business was acted upon and the bill of the 'electric company pnid after n reduction of tho amount for lights that were not burning all tho time. Attorney Albert Muldoon and Assist ant Superintont Geo. H. Smith appeared before tho council in behnlf of tho Union Pacific company regarding tho whistling ordinance. The ordinance hrd been vetoed by the mnyor;nnd was dropped lost night on condition that the matter be taken up with headquarters and the company instruct thoiongineeis to bo more careful. John Ititner and Ralph Garman ap peared before tho council in regard to the ordinance recently passed regulating picture shows. Their chief objection was the limiting of selling seats, and the matter was referred to the ordin ance committee to look up the ordinance and revise it if need be. How to Bankrupt the Doctors. A prominent New York physician says, "If it were not for the thin stock ings and thin soled shoes worn by women the doctors would probably be bankrupt." When you contract a cold do not wait for it to develop into pneu monia but treat it at once. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is intended espe cially for coughs and colds, and has won n wide reputation by its cures of these diseases. It is most effectual and it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. ssaaasaaaaaaasassaa m ( m Get Your Christmas w m ft Turkey FREE,, S Given away at THE PAT every night from now Eve. Jed lYIooncy Released. The case of State vs Jed Mooney, charged with cattle stealing was fin ished up in the county court Tuesday afternoon and Judge Grant dismissed the case on tho grounds that Mooney did not tako the steer with the felon ious intent of keeping it. Several wit nesses for both sides were heard. It seems that one of a bunch of steers which Mooney was feeding had strayed away and joined Neskott's herd and that Mooney went after it but got the wrong steer. When he discovered that ho had the wrong one ho decided to call it i trade and branded tho steer that he had brought home. He left word with Heskett'i men where he was taking tho steer and told them that ho would not leave until the next morning and the suit was tho result. Heskett is a resident of Lin coln county, but Mooney lives over the line in McPherson county. If you are interested in the selling, buying, renting, of property, either town or farm, or the borrowing or the loaning of monev. Investments of a saving nature, where you pay so much in a month, or where you invest a lump sum. Don't fail to send Temple your name to be placed upon the list that will get the "Temple Real Estate Bulletin." This will be a bulletin printed bv C. I Temple each month, the first issue eominir out in January. It will contain n pnmnliitn list of monorties listed for sale. The important transfers estute for the previous month vestments. Telepathy. "Telepathy" Is an instance of a new fangled word for nn old thing Bacon railed It 'smpath" between two (lis taut plnds. lzaak Walton similarly explained Dr. Dunne's lsloii in Paris of lili wife and dead child, observing that "If two lutes are strung to nu ox nct hnriuouy and olio Is struck tho oth er sounds." Scottish hlghlanders, who would have been puzzled by tho word "telepathy." Imvo long been familiar with tho Idea for which it stands. An drew Lang quoted the case of n poor highland woman who wrote to her son In Glasgow. "Don't bo thinking too much of us. or 1 shnll lie seeing you some evening In the byre." My father oueo had a curious tele pathic experience. Ho wns dressing In his bedroom one morning when he suddenly saw the faco of a Scotch servant girl, contorted with agony. In the looking gins before him. Ho wont downstairs to the kitchen and found tho jvlrl writhing In a lit upon the tloor. her faco exactly ns he hud wii It In the mirror. London Specta tor. Boncficinl Exercise. Dxorclso to be beneficial must do those things: First. It must slightly Increase tho strength and force of the heart bent, so as to Improve the circulation and do nway with any tendency to sluggish ness. Second. -It must slightly quicken uml deepen the breathing rate so that more pure air Is drawn Into tlio lungs and less Impure air Is left behind. Third. It must stimulate Into nor mal activity tho myriads of glands In the skin whose duty it Is to lid the body of ti part of tho poisonous sub stances constantly being formed with in us. Practically any exercise, if carried out with the correct degreo of moder ation, will accomplish those results and so deserves tho term "beneficial exorcise." The trouble is that Indulg ed In past model atlon nlmost every form of exercise can do moro linrm thnn good. New York World. 13., also friends and ncignuuio . . their kindness at tho funeral of tho 'friends in Gothenburg. ltJUIU ".- late J. T. Dolson nnd for tho beautiful lloral offering?. W. S. Dolson, and Family. Jacob Koch, a prominent fnrmer and stock raiser of the Hershey vicinity, returned Monday from Omaha whero he attended the Farmer's Congress, ns n dolegato from this county. He stopped over In North Pint to and made a pleas ant cnll at this ollicc. that Elslo has captured n Charley-boy; Mayme also seems Interested in Gothen burg. Both arc to make a week end visit at that place after the holidays. (Contributed) Will nnd Frank Cokcr, of tho Suth erland vicinity, were visitors to tho county capital Tuesday to attend tho trial of the stnto of Nebraska vs Jed Mooney. Mr. Heskett was the com plaining witness. 1914 Will be a Good Year But You Must Make it So. willing will be tho to oxort of real and in- Attend The Pat See the REAL Pictures. FEATURE EVERY DAY Look for the Keystone and Majestic Comedies . They are Satisfying. m m m m m ft Programs at The Pat Selected forYour Approval 10 Cents. 7:15 O'clock. ;s & Sh ? ' w sr- ft srar. e Orders for Change of Rates. Official orders from Postmaster r.nnnrnl A. S. Burleson roirardinir the change of weight in the parcels post have been received by Postmaster Davis. The notice informs that on and alter January 1, 1914 tho limit on fourth class mail will be changed in the first zone from twenty pounds to fifty pounds, and in other zones fromjjeleven pounds to twenty pounds. The rates have als'o been materially lowered in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth zones as follows: third zone, six cents for the first pound and two cents for each additional pound or fractinr; fourtli zone, seven cents for the first and four cents for additional; fifth zone, eight cents for the first and six ; cents for each additional; sixth zone, nine cents for the first and eight cents for each additional. These rates are for packages weighing over four ounces. Orders have also been received sus pending the rule against Ked Cross stamps and the like on the outside of the packages for the month of December. They will be permitted for the holiday season only. Tho parcels post carriers arc working over time on the parcels and every train brings a big load of Christmas parcels. Tho Greeting of Democracy. Tho story that tho kaiser loves most to tell his Intlnintes, declares Mr. Wil liam Armstrong In the Vomnn's M"Bn Blue, concerns the visit of his brother. Prineo Henry of Prussia, to America. The incident happened just ns the prlnco was landing nt Now York. Be side him on deck stood Admiral von Tirpltz. On tho dock wns a donso crowd. I'Vom Its midst n stentorian voice called. "Henry. Henry!" The prlnco did not understand thnt the hnll was meant for him until tho admiral, smiling broadly, said. "Your loyal highness. I think some one wants to speak to you." Then Prince Henry looked over to ward the human megaphone, who still continued to bawl out his name. See ing that ho had caught tho royal gaze, the owner of tho voice shouted. "How's Bill?" ll is hardlv reasonable to predict that this best year you have known unless you tire yourself to make it so. "Success" is strictly a home product. never been glutted the price is IIAHD WORK AND CLOSE ATTENTION TO BUSINESS. The price remains always the same. Pay tho price this year. Have a bank save your money and you will count JQl'l a your history. A PROMISE. Slandimr on the threshold of another The market has account and big year in year, THE PLATTE VALLEY STATE HANK is in tho host condition since its organization. Vn lifivn iirnanoriifl ill i(lllllip;illv tilt ill i ij in iikiniii.i v--i . - . ol loyal, energetic We same measure as people whom we call has the body customers. To them, and to tho entire business community, wo give assurance of continued Courtesy, unquestioned Security and a banking Service based upon personal attention to de tails, throughout the year at hand. The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. CAPITAL - - $50,000.00 ORGANIZED 1887 Mutual Building and Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Not Sam's Fault. Rain Snodeker. the commissary ninii and held In the community to lie n good churchman, annoyed tho minister extremely by getting up nnd wnlklng out or the church while the sermon was in progress. Tho preacher spoke to Sam about It. "It Isn't my fault, doe," Sam pro tested. "It's n sort of allliction I got." Tho preacher told Sam he'd better see tho camp doctor. A few days later tho preacher mat the doctor. "Dlil Sam Snodeker como to you for advice?" asked tho pivichor. "Yes." said tho doctor, "but I told Rain I couldn't do anything for him." "What was Rniii'n atlllctlouV" "Allliction! Ho didn't Bay anything nbout that. Sam said he'd been trou bling you by wnlklng in ins sleep. Now York Tost. Assets December 1, 1913, $566,896.07 Paid up stock pays six per cent dividends nnd may be cashed at any time on thirty dnys' notice. Monthly savings, installment stock, pays eight per cent dividends. Either stock may be subscribed for AT ANY TIME. This Association is operated under state supervision and the stock affords an investment that cannot be excelled for safety. T. C. PATTERSON, President. S. G00ZEE, Secretary. hoppi Early And do it where you can get what you want We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Yellowstone Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Christmas Candy and Nuts, Olives, Pickles, Jams and Mince Meats. Visit our Queensware department and get a gift that will be useful as well as beautiful. Dinner sets ranging in price from $7.50 to $14.00 per hundred piece set. Glassware and Kitchen Cutlery. North Side Cash Grocery, F. D. WESTENFELD, Prop. Phone 244. FOR SALE. An eight room dwelling on the North side as good as new. Can be bought for less than two thirds ils value and on monthly payments. This is a big bargain for somebody. Mutual Building & Loan Association, 95-4 By S Goozee, Secretary J. R. Baldwin of the Hirdwood vicin ity was a business visitor injLthe city Tuesday. Julius Forstedt won the diamond ring that was rallied ofrMonday even at Huffman's cigar store. City Engineer C. J. McNamnra left Wednesday morning for tho Nichols vicinity to look after some engineering work. Hert Hudson, who resides in the ox- treme north west part of J tho county, was a business visitor 10 mo coun house Wednesday morning. Ho brought in a coyote skin to get tho bounty. California Woman Seriously Alarmed. "A short time ago I contracted a severe colli which settled on my lungs nnd caused mo a great deal of annoy once. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore nnd inflamed 1 began lo oe senousiy nianueu. t friend recommended Chamberlain's Couch Romedy, saying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it re lieved my cough the first night, and in a weok 1 was rid of the cold and sore ness of my lungs," writes Miss Marie Gertie r, Sawtelle, Cal. For salo by all dealers. Militant Margaret. Militant minded women wore known In Unglnnd before the suffragettes. 0110 of whom lies In Henry VII.'s chapel Margnrot, countess of IMchmond, Its builder's mother, with her brass ellljiy by Toirlglnno. She haled the Turk, nnd she made, as Camden leporls, a snorting oiler to tho chivalrous of her day. "On the condition that princes of Christendom would combine them selves and march against tho common enemy, tho Turk, she would most will ingly attend them and bo their laun dress In the camp." That position of laundress to tho crusaders would have been an easy one. for it was the fash Ion to make vows to chnngo no un derclothlng until the holy sepulcher was legained.-Chicago News. TXEZZESSszjBs&sz nniiirnTT'3ija u CALIFORNIA'S BEST SEASON IS ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND Seasons have but little effect in the uniformly pleasing climate of California every day is a day for out-door sports; and there arc special attractions for every member of the family. When you go to California is of little consequence, but how you go is of all importance. There is one best way the road that has proven its superiority for nearly half a century, the road whose service is as uniformly perfect as California's climate. This and more too is the Labor Saving Postman. One of the sights to be remembered in Portugal, said tho Itev. II. O. Fen ton, lecturing at tho Itoyal Photograph ic society, was that of the postiunn do llverlng his letters among tho congie Ration nt church on Sunday, therebj fenving himself many u weary walk. Pall Mall Gazette. THE WEST Tho Word Improve. Improvo at first meant to rebuke, to condemn or disapprove. In the French It means precisely the oppo- blto of tho nngllsh word. Milton uses It In tho senso of increase. Only in tho courso of ages did It tako on tin present signification of bettering. Unsociable. Gnbe Smith is an unsorlnblo cuss isn't ho? Stove Should say so. Why that guy wouldn't oven talk In hl sleep. Cincinnati Hnqutrer. Very True. Do not tnlk about yourself In com pany. It can bo dono so much moro Mitlsfartorlly after you have left. -LIpplncott'8. UNION PACIFIC I STANDARD ROAD OF I Protectod by Automatic Electric Illock Solely Slfnnl. VfMWR K Dustlass Roadbed Double Track lTHlaihl I rorCnlifcirnliillU'ralurf nntl information relutivo U routes. flUtUUslSfl stopover privllwB, i'ti mil on or lulilrt-aa iSiSB 1 F. E. BULLARD, Agent (fjflf I NORTH I'LATTE, NEB. vuajpijs" . mgvry,irlj'rs3'tiMWE!iMSMlSESXSSBBSSBES33330KK m p rT?rrn"w IE We Cannot I 3 V,y7-v- uUA.!l ' V& Serve You with auto supplies, nobody can. For there is nothing needed by car or owner that is not to bo had here. From tires to tools, from lamps to license number tags, from horns to batteries wo have just what you want when you want it. Hotter bear our address in mind. J. S. Davis Auto Co.