The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 19, 1913, Image 7

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1 h Business is Good at Dixon's 1-1
w&-s(jt B
2m . .
S Graduate Denfist. 5
' OH3ce o,ver the McDonald ;
;jito Bank.
Local and Personal
Hand Painted China for sale at 103
east Second street.
The S. O. C. club will meet this af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. George Le
Marie Massov, of Omaha, is visitinp
in the city at the home of Mrs. Thomas
County Surveyor R. L. Cochran was
an official visitor to the northwestern
part of the county yesterday.
A civil case entitled Graham Bros,
vs. C. E. Masters is set for hearing
this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the county
A beautiful Xmas gift for the wife
would be a Singer sewing macnine. For
sale by Miss Fern Perkins, 1009 West
Fourtn street, phone red 4G8.
Reason's you should buy of Dixon.
We are selling $7.00 Toilet Sets for
$4.00, fl.75 Roger .Brothers Tea Spoons
for90c7 Dixon, The Jeweler.
"Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Unsettled and colder
weather tonight and Saturday, with
Srobable snow flurries. Moderate to
risk northerly winds. Highest tem
perature yesterday 36, a year ago 40;
lowest last night 32, a year ago 23.
We must sell at least 100 rockors in
the next week. 200 patterns to select
from. Howe & Maloney.
Two licenses to wed wore granted
yesterday In the county judge's office.
They were issudd to Ruben L. Jeffreys,
56, of FJeming, Colo., nnd Sarah L.
Campi, 45, of Wallace, and to Ellet V.
Pike, 38, of North Platte and Mrs.
Nellie M. Still, 39 of Paxton.
For Rent -Two furnished rooms, heat
and bath. Prices reasonable. 616 East
Sixth street.
Geo. Roof appeared beforo Judge
Grant yesterday on the chargd of an-'
propnating some belts from a thresh
ing machine belonging to Thomas
Orton. He was found guilty and fined
fifty dollars and cost of the suit. The
case was prosecuted by the state and
several witness were oxaminnd from
each side.
500 pieces of rich American cut glass
at one-fourth and one-half its actual
worth. Dixon, The Jeweler.
I have two exceptional propositions
in resident property at the present time.
One the George French property on W.
1st street, being a five loom modern
house (except heat.) Two full 60ft lots,
and the H. L. Robinson proporty on W.
2nd street, being a six room modern
house (except hent.) Phono me
about either one of these properties. I
sell them at bargain prices and on
terms C. F. Temple, Agent.
We are enjoying the greatest business in our history. The reason
our unexcelled purchasing powers and prices that demand attention
from all careful buyers. Hundreds are daily taking advantage of
our wonderful bargains" and of. our offer of the highest class merchan
dise at the Xmas season at such low prices. Sale continues until
Xmas. Shop early mornings and avoid the crowds.
From December 17th to January 1st
every trimmed hat in my department
ranging in price from $3.00 to $9.00
wUI be sold lor $2.48. Villa Whit
taker, Wilcox Dept. Store. 94-4
Christian Science seryice Sunday 11
a. m. Subject: "Is the Universe, In
cluding Man, Evolved by Atomic
Force." Sunday school 12 m. K. P.
hall, Dewey street.
Diamonds, and fine gold watches
make desireable Xmas gifts, we can
save you 25 per cent. We desire your
trade. Dixon, The Jeweler.
Mr. and Mrs. John MonicH and
daughter, ,of Fremont, ara visiting in
the city during the holidays with Mrs.
Monich'a parents, Mr. and Mri.
Charles Lierk, Sr.
George Todd, of thjB Moorefield vi
cinity will arrive in the city this even
ing for a visit with his son K. H. load.
The former has just returned from an
extended visit with relatives in
Perry Sitton, who had been in town
for a few days, left this morning for
Roodhouse, 111., in response to a tele
gram announcing the death of his fath
er. The deceased had been confined to
bed for several' months.
R.'F. Stuart uses the best of mater
ial; his price is moderate. 610 Pine
St. Phone G9. tf
The U. S. civil service commission
will hold au examination for messenger
boy in the weather bureau at North
Platte, Nebraska, January 10th, 1914.
Arplicants must have reached their
sixteenth but not their eighteenth
birthday on the date of the examina
tion. Salary $360 per annum. Appli
cations must be filed with the district
secretary not later tl'an January 6th,
1914. For information and application
blanks call at the North Platto
50 Mesh bags in fine German silver
will bo on sale Saturday at 25 per cent
less thsn regular price.
Dixon, lhe Jeweler.
District conrt was called yesterday in
the county commissioners rooms to de
cide the guardianship of Morton Robert
Parsons, a minor ornhaned bov of eight
j years of age. The case was entitled
Walter ri. Jsrooks vs the Modern
Woodmen of America, Brooks was
subig the company to get the insurance
premium for the death of the boy's
father. Judge Grimes decided that
Mrs. Sarah Parsons of Brady was the
rightful guardian of the boy, as Brooks
lived out of the county and that the
money would go to her for keeping the
boy since he was fourteen months old.
The fathor was a resident of this coun
ty at the time of his death.
Bear in mind our January sale. For
months past we have been busy pre
paring for this event. Extraordinary
values have been purchased, no old
shelf-worn merchandise will be of
fered. Remember its only January
and it will be some sale too.
E. T. Tramp & Son.
Junior Class
4 Big Acts 4
At the High School ,
Friday, December 1
At 8 o'clock, p. m.
Admission 25c.
Local and Personal
Regular meeting of the Royal Neigh
bors at 7:30 this evening at the K. P.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herrod, of Co
lumbus, visited relatives in town Wed
nesday. Hello! Yes, thit is Rincker's. Meet
me here for Christmas selections. 4t
Woodward's Candies ahs always good
quality. Special price for four days at
Wilcox Department store.
Mrs. L. S. Cory, of Lincoln, arrived
testerday for a yiist at the Charles Per
kins residence,
Mrs. Chas. Perkins and daughter
Fern expect to leave this evening for a
short visit in Omaha.
Miss ftouise Ottonstein, who is at
tending school at Notre Dame, Ind., re
turned home Wednesday evening to
bpend the holidays with her parents.
M. E. Church.
Snnday school at 9:45. Christmas
sermen and special music at 11 a. m.
Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Sacred
concert by the choir at 7:30. There
will be no Junior league on Saturday
We have some extra choice first
mortgage loans paying 7 to 8 per. cent
semi-annual interest not taxable.
Nothiug safer and better for your idle
money- Bratt &. Goodman.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon!
Special Attention to Ohsterics
4 and Children's Diseases.
Phones, office 183, residence 283
Office in McDonald Bank Building.
'orh Pl?tp "Vohrnskn.
The Jew
Song Services at ML E. Church.
The Methodist choir will give a spec
ial sacred Christmas concert Sunday
evening at 6:30. There will be no
preaching service and tho entire even
ing will be devoted to music. Tho choir
has been drilling for some time nnd the
following program has been prepared:
Opening Hymn
'Itcame upon the Midnight Clear,"
Solo and Choir ' Kratz
' "And there were Shepherds." Wilson
Two Choirs
"What mean those Holy Voices,"
Tenor nnd Choir Adams
"Watchman, tell us of tho Night,"
Male Quartett
"The Heaven's Reply," Lorenz
Soprano and Choir
"Let us go into Bethlehem," Lorenz
Choir with soprano obligato
"To Hear the Angels Sing," Lorezu
Don't let the worry of the ''Christmas
Meal" spoil the best day of the year.
Our customers our windows suggest many an easy-to
to-get" and "casy-onyour-pockct-book" Christmas Menu
Christmas Candies, Nixed Nuts,
Candied Citrons, Stuffed Dates, Layer Figs,
Mixed Sweet Pickles, Sweet Potatoes,
Cranberries, Celery, Malaga Gr apes,
We arc also headquarters for Christmas
Trees and Holly
Lierk-Sandall Co.
ft) V JL - grtT
"I hear Thy Voice, Dear Lord," Hine
Soprano and Choir
"Quartette, Judea Fair," Wilson
"Hail! Thou Long-Expetted Jesus,"
.Closing Hymn Adams
West End Residence For Sale.
On west Third sfrqet, close to new
rouud house, corner lot. Price $2600
terms easy. This will be sold quickly.
Bratt & Goodman.
Special price on Woodward's Choco
lates at Wilcox Department store.
A- towel shower was givon hist Tues
dny evening at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. James Louden in honor of Miss
Maude Louden who was mnrried Wed
nesday morning to Leon C. Sawyer of
Grand Islnnd. Miss Louden received
many beautiful presents from her
friends. The chief event of tho even
ing's entertainment was a mock wed
ding. All report a pleasant overling.
1L. H IL. HiZZZTllZp
STTTT ltiliiir
ew J wesnhKmm
Thorrias Doolittle is hero from Calif
ornia visiting rclativo3 through tho
The Presbyterian Brotherhood was
entertained Monday evening at tho
homo of P. M. Sorenson, A jolly im
promptu progrnm was given anil tho
guests wero delighted by some s'o
lectiona by tho Tearless" male quar
tette. Miss Vorna Sorenson also gnvo
si)me delightful vocal numbers. At tho
close of the progrnm, the business of
tho organization wn3 attended to and a
nico luncheon was served by tho hos
tess, assisted by Mrs. Edgar Schillor.
Bratt & Goodman have plenty ,of
money to loan to aid you in buying
or improving your real estate. They
can make you a straight loau for., a
term of years or out of the State
Building & Loan Association which
can be paid monthly, same as Tent.
See them before you act, They can
save you money. n
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