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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1913)
jHWJtHrawrmar If he Smokes Present hjni with a Box of Schmalzried Cigars IFand made from the best Tobacco The best Nickel Cigars The best Dime Cigars In North Platte ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED SMfcSrrQ will lo UIXlclo OU1I1U CTT '- M .... ' -.-." 7M? . W-V. -. . ;.:.; '.'1 a IN X. ; lulLiS i 'I tA eSSSS!i I A-kD i gJ-rajX iincl in our store a more complete and sumptuous assortment ot guts -iftvOOTByfO i f I lan cver orc' We nave tms year anticipated rthat this will be the L 3I ' ' Ipy "reatest gift-civing season in our history. We have made preparations & I U Y$'( as never before to meet every demand of the discriminating buyer.' vL i BE31 '7 is in the air at Clintons' Jewelry Store and find in our store n more complete and sum than ever before. We have this year anticipated rthat this will be the greatest gift-giving season in our history. We have made preparations as never before to meet every demand of the discriminating buyer.' We oiler below a suggestions to aid the Christmas Shopper. SILVER NOVELTIES- A multitude of novelties in sterling, J. F. SCHMALZRIED, The man who has been making cigars in North Platte for over a quarter of a century. "rPM, o 'ins tolp. 'i-i DIAMONDS, of that superiority of quality and beauty always associated with our name. Lav a:lieres, Rings, Lockets, .Bracelets with diamonds. WATCHES -Wrist- watches, combining beauty with utility. Neck Chain watches with a wide range of prices. For a Man's watch nothing could be more acceptable than one of the new thin model Elgin; gold-filled, Ten M 'dollars tip; 14k; gold, Twenty-five 'dollars up, .--. t GOLD JEWELERY- A wide assortment of articles in gold for both men and women Cuff Links :. i-r ,., i, Scarf -Pins, Tie Clasps, Pennants totfj tlOjl, Vjj. $ '.' itr f'j ' Bar1 Pins, Barrettcs, etc. practical and useful gifts at all pricesfrom One dollar up. Key , Rings, Key Chains, Knives, Pencils, Bottle OpcnerstunCoin Holders, Purses, Card Cases, ShoeJBuckles, etc. LEATHER NOVELTIES Traveling Cases, Traveling Slip pers, Drinking Cups, Jewel, Glove and Collar Cases, Sewing Baskets, Card Cases, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, etc. - CUT GLASS-A wV variety of distinctive articles in many jdesigns.. BL-,, .. ' CHINAWARE-Embracing the IT r '-', JX - -ft t ! finest of manufacuturers English and French, vster ' -i, f "The Store of Efficient Service" CLINTON, 511 Dewey Stv Jeweler and Optician North Platte. Nebraska V' FREE7 A 50c Jar of BALM 0F ALMOND. A Cream and Powder Combined. That dull finish im possible to obtain from dry powder in flesh or white tints. Buy a sponge which is used in applying the Balm for 15c and get a 50c jar FREE. By mail 5c extra. .Stone Drug Co., NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. v . &-i u IbdJ ; " U 3 I - Presbyterian Church. Sunday School nt 10 a. m. 11 a. m. Sermon theme: "The Mtssage of the Cradle." At 7:30 p.m.. the following program will be given. Chorus Anthem "Joy to the World" Mason Duet "Song of My Soul" Jaul Solo "Fear Yo Not 0 Israel" Buck Anthem "There were Shepherds.. Buck Trio "Lift Thine Eyes" Elijah Reading, Mrs. F. N. Buchanan Selected Anthem "Arise Shine" Buck Solo ''Brighest and Best" Beibel Offertory March Pontificalle Bossi Anthom "Oh! Come All Ye Faithful" On Christmas eve there will be an old fashioned Christmas tree and a cantata "The Message of Christmas" given in the church by the Sunday school. Much timehasjbeen given in preparation for theso exercises and we. are looking forward to having a good time. The parents and friends of tne young people are invited. Drugs. F6r all acute or chronic diseases, the Indicater homeopathic remedy, always the safest, quickest'and best. , tf rt TWinem Drug Dept; Maude Louden Weds Leon Sawyer Miss Maude Louden of this city was united in marriage to Leon C. Sawyer, of Grand Island Wednesday morning at eight o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Louden, of South Chestnut street. Rev. J. L. Barton of the Baptist church officiated. The house was tastily decorated with ferns and pink and white roses. Miss Ethel Louden admitted the guests. Only the immediate relatives were pre sent at the ceremony and Mrs. Caress, of Overton, aunt to the bride, was the only out-of-town-guest. The bride wore a blue broad cloth suit and her mother wore blue messa line silk. Immediately after the cere mony, a four-course wedding breakfast was served. The couple left in the morning for Lawrence, Kans., where they will visit the croom's parents. They expect to be gone about January l, wnen will return and make their home in Grand Island. The bride has lived here sirjee her childhood and has a host of friends who wish hor all the bliss of wedded life. The groom was a former resident of this city for several years but is now traveling out of Grand Island for a wholesale house. Myrtle and Vicinity, Jas. Gambrel and family left Friday for their new home in Idaho. Ralph Merritt and wife have been enjoying a series of charivari parties the past week. J. A. Russell transacted business at the county seat Wednesday and Thursday. Preparations are being made for a Xmas tree at the red school house. Harry Arderv marketed hogs at the county seat Monday. J. N. Walz and wife and daughter were North Platte visitors this week. Chas Gambrel delivered an organ to school district 03 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ean Greeley transacted business at the county scat Tuesday. Jos Knajdl made his semi-monthly trip to North Platte Tuesday. Local and Personal. Arojou buying your meat atthonow Cash market. If not, why not? , Dr. andMrs. II. C. Brock leavo today for Falrbury whero thoy will visit rel atives until after Christmas. Qutmotto: "An active dime Iwb a lazy Quarter skinned a city block." Try us for good meats ot all kinds. StebbinB &. Clark, the Cush Market. ' Sweet grass baskets ono-half regular price. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Emll Voseipka, of tho McDoilald bank force leaves about January 1st on a trip to Pacific coast points. If ho likes ttho country he may decide to locate. For Rent? Front room with steam heat; -106 East Third streot. . Misses Edna and Ethel Cate, of Osh kosh, are visiting friends in tho city today. Miss Eva Jackson and George Jack son, of Oahkosh, arrived in the city this morning for a visit with friends. The Junior Auxiliary of the Church of Oilr Saviour will have a doll bazaar ut the parish house Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. Wanted- Girl for general housework Mrs. M. K. Neville. tf Last Monday ovening about midnight A. R. Adarnson became seriously ill, anil suffered much, but under tho caro of Dr. McCabe Is progeBBlng favorably,. Christmas Suggestions. Make your bath room beautiful with ueceesary luxuries such as t Glass Towel Shelves Opalite Towel Shelves Crystal Towel Bars Opalite Towel Bers Nickel Towel Bars Tumbler Holders Tooth Brush Holders Bath Seats Mirrors i and many other bath room assessorics sold by R. F. STUART, 610 Pine St. Phone 69. Appropriates Gart and Sells It. A tyoung man was apprehended yes terday morning just after he had old a cart that had been missing for the last two weeks from Sluder and Distol's shop on the North side. The cart was missed about two weeks ago and the owners have been searching for it since that timo. Frank Distel found the part yesterday just after it had been sold at a second hand store. The young man was caught and returned the money to the dealer and thd cart was returned to the owners. The cart was worth about twenty dollars and was sold for a dollar and a half. The young man stated that he found the cart in his yard and took it for granted it was his. It had been repainted, however. No names will be mentioned as the owners do not intend to persecute the case. u " tmmmimm Mwfro JJPtQfm i : . Whoose a Any Suit . $9.75 oJ5 ix"fV Fl&-' JLOLCtl from a Ladies r i ssusv irr ? xt wss x j kvt x-nv-i-s-rv ; ""t 'j..- sua ty..& - urSNiS. es Gift Any Suit 9 Store- S9.75 Its the surest way of getting something that will please mother, sister or the other fellows sister. This store is now many choice practical gifts, every one a Womans gift, and our prices make them doubly attractive. showi mg t I C t t t t t A FEW SUGGESTIONS- Coats, Silk Hose, Skirts, Fine furs always appreciated and now offered at a discount of Bags, Dresses, ' Waists, l!!.crws' ' ' .25 Per Cent' S, SilkPcttictnits, ' ' Belts. Remember from now until Christmas we are selling any Coat, Dress or Skirt at J"0 J JU JU Open Evenings until Xmas vswaMHsaimxs Open Evenings until Xmas LADIES' OUTFITTING STORE. 7 a. 9 V A H '.''. crfctLL-'tte- wjjjj "v j?'j2'-tjm