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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1913)
THP MORTU PI ATTP BFMI.WrPKIV TPlRtlNE NEWS 6r KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN n $ss ww 111 r i i I y 1 f 1 ' YOUN PEOPLE HANDY BOY ABOUT TKE HOME 4 A is B8UKD ub It may sound to overy ono, the bluojackots still believe in Santa daub. That, rotund, roBy-cheoked lit tlo old man pays as much uttontlon to tlio thousandH of lioyB on board tho warships as ho does to the thousands of, porhapB younger in years, boys and girls aslioro. Instead of coming In a sleigh with reindeer and morry bells, he comes in a precarious-looking boat, fully arm ed and convoyed, with tho boom of musketry and the loud blowing of hotns Tho blowing of horns Is a universal custom with the boys of all coun tries and coldrs and with the bluejackets too. On Christmas day Santy Is tho highest ranking olllcer of tho fleet, and all Mags are Junior to his fur troo hoisted to tho masthead. With his Hag lieutenant, his aide and tho rost of tho staff, ho crulsos about among the ships distributing tho gifts with which his argosy Is laden Ills method or doing this is fraught with as much red tape bb was ever tho greetings of tho old admiral of tho Dutch Heot In tho time of Queen Hess. All tho paraphernalia symbolical of austere rank and bounty that can be gotten to-i gether aro used as adorn- merits and no end of work Is expended on the rig of tho boat to bo used, which Is Hometlmos tho wherry and sometimes tho punt. In ordor to hold to tho tra ditional custom used in the time of Paul Jones and down through tho years, tho boat is tigged like a brig, that is, with two masts and yard arms crossing, with Jib and staysail aud spanker out ustcrn. On the) fore and aft or quarters they arrange large wooden tubos, In which aro Inserted small arms 'fheso "splggoty guns" com Little Story of Whet an Observ I ant Boy Accomplished. xc?fm&i?& cti&isttffig G&p?ttrr&3 -txjlg siGimimG $$ii&'ffl$M $tyi$i Wmvsm.'t-mFi ' jjffiff SS8 MIBPiHBBlBH l MWm .tAJL V X3!maL-Vr .ittJTV-WMv .. . uflMBIPW -m-- :w'i ... -iiMMMM.i- m m,: t,.-aM.- v i, s y jryh.xa Every Young Man Should Have Box of Tools and Learn to Repair Arti cles Damaged About House. I like tho handy boy about the house, who knows how to hang a pic turo, drive ti nail, and do tho llttlo necessary repairing that nny mother wants dono. It Is easy enough to learn how to use a saw or chisel, and every boy should have a box of tools, so that he can ropalr articles that may become damaged. Tho boy wl)o Is handy about his mother's house will bo of Inestimable value to his wife when ho shall marry. Boys who do not caro to go out at night may learn to make many protty pieces of furni ture, if they will only devote some time to studying how to use toolB and paints. With a few lessons, tho handy boy may mako picture frames, or cab inets, odd cornices, or desks or other articles of usefulness and value. The boy who Is handy about tho houso and a help to his mother is one who learns how to mako purchases for tho house hold, who can tell a good piece of moat at the butcher's, or pick out fresh vegetables at tho market. Oh, no, do not say that marketing Is woman's work. It Is quite as much man's work, and besides, nono of us can know so much In this world that ffo can afford to Ignore oven the de tails of marketing. Foster Coates. Ingenious Lad Invents Paper Box for His Mother to Take Medicine Without Any Confusion Idea 8oon Became Popular. A great many boyB are always look ing forward to tho tlmo when they will grow up and bo able to do bomotlung big, but they overlook tho chances they have to do something worth whllo when they aro still boys. Here 1b a little story of what an obsorvanK boy did: It often happens that people lmvo to take two different kinds of mcdlclno alternately, and endless ways havo been tried to remember which cornea next Sometimes they tako No. 1 at the odd hours and No. 2 at tho even m PLAY APPARATUS FOR BOYS Wheeled Platform Propelled by Push ing One Foot Adjustable Handle Is Used for Support. After watching small boys coasting about on home-made vehicles propelled by one foot, nn Indiana man designed a more elaborate affair on tho same principle. A low platform is mounted I. v-s j&czar Z&wazrjSQZRD v pose he saluting battery and heavy main battery nlso, ii id are manned aud ilred by the boutswaln of "Dor Prosit." who 1b a ponderous mnn In his blllclal jjarb and daring In tho wny ho approaches tho ships, whoso crews throng tho sides and an swer tho salute with a rovolvor shot from the poop. Tho saluting takes pluco beforo "Dor Prosit" Is within hailing distance, and all hands hnvo a laugh at tho tiny sounds, strongly contrasted in their minds with tho saluto of tho big guns which they aro accustomed to'Venr. Noxt tho boatswain gets up In tho bows and resting ono hand almost on top of Hit. foremast nnd lifting a megaphone us long as himself to his lips, calls out at tho top of bin .voice, "Ship, ahoy!" Tho quartermaster answers from tho bridge, "Hollo, hollo! Dor 1'ioslt?" "Aye, uye," tho boatswain' returns. "Come alongside," calls tho quartermaster. Then iho ndmlral of "Dor Prosit" rises in tho Btern, Rome ten feet aft of the boatswain inthe bow, his bend on ti lovel with tho topmast, and bawls out through his megaphone, "All hands fur-r-1 sail," With thul tho crow, consisting of ono man, who ulso acts in tho capacity of foghorn, gets amid' ships and climbs the mainmast, which sways to it ml fro as If about to capslzo tho entire craft, and pullH down all tho sails. "Tho vessel 1b standing to," ho then calls out to tho boutBwaln, who reports to the ndmlral over tho crow's head, who in turn reports to Santa Claim, sitting In the stern sheets nt tho tiller. All these orders aro given and carried out In tho most solomn man ner, to the merrlmont of tho ship's crow looking on from tho rail above, Tho crow of "Dor Prosit" then gets out oars and pulls alongside while on deck tho real boat swain's mute pipes eight side boys to stand at tho head of the gangway and snluto tho admiral nnd Kuuta Onus when they como aboard. Tho presi dent of the United States only rates six sldo boys when ho comes aboard, whllo Santy has his eight, bosldns his aro petty olllcers whllo tho pres ident's are only good-looking approntlcu boys. As tho argosy draws alongside tho boatswain pipes the long, low tune and three short blasts char acteristic of tho coming aboard of great inon. No less a person than tho captain of tho ship mcotB tho admiral of "Dor Prosit," his wife, Banty, laden with n huge basket full of presents, tho boatswain and the crow, while tho bugler sounds three portontlous rutllcB nnd tho ship's company, assembled aft, stands at attention. In deed tho ollicors aro all present, for they believe In Santy as well as do tho crow. When tho ad miral's wife, some fair faced sailor with Manila ropo hair and a tawdry skirt, swings aboard hold ing ior train high and exposing a generous view of red stocking to the oyoB of tho sailors, a great laugh Is evoked und a shout goes up, "higher, higher," or "Oh. you Klddo!" Tho boatswain In command of tho crow shouts to his ono man for, "Attention!" then puts him through a serlos of gymnastics of a peculiar unit luteuoely funny character. The admiral, aa If not thoroughly taking in the landscape, lifts a huge pair of blnbculnrs In the form of two quurt wine bottles lashed together, to his eyes and makes a protonso of getting his bearings by scrutinizing the sailors about him. Presently ho reports to Santy, who has deposited his basket of presents on the quurter dock, "Sir, 1 see wo aro now In tho Cannibal islos," Santy begins theil to pick up presents and read tho namoB aloud, giving them to tho crew of "Der Prosit" nnd tho admiral's wife, and oven to the admiral himself, who distributes them accord- , Ingly, cutting many ridiculous capers. The presents aro of a typo that bring laughter. They aro gotten up nnd miido by tho friends of those to whom they aro sent, with nn idea to wards characterizing tho ambition, tho whim or tho standing Jokes' that mark the receiver, if tho captain Is a four striper ho will probably got an admiral's star, unless ho hns some otheii whim by which he, Is more proporly known. When ho Is presented with this ho can only blush In tho presence of everybody, and tuke his dose, as Santy is supromo on ChrfUtmns day. Hut tho greatest gift that Santy can bestow falls to tho lot of those who, through somo mis fortuno or slip, havo como In lino for punishment. It Is customary for Santy to walk boldly up to tho captain and ask him to "whitewash" tho bookH. In tho faco of everybody und on Christ mas day tho captnln can not very well rofuso this requost, although some captains hnvo been seen to wlnco and cough beforo granting tho Immeas urable favor. Tho report book, In which all pun ishable nets aro entered, Is swept clean and tho culprits aro reinstated to (lrst-class standing and enjoy all tho privileges held by their moro for tuuato shipmates who have not fallen before tho multiplicity of temptations thut dally assail tho mnn-o'-wjirsmnn. The eiont which forms a background for all thlB merrlmont Is tho regular "big feed," as tho sail ors call it. For tho last week this Iiiib crept Into tholr conversation. Pie, turkey and plum diiff are the throe groat delicacies to the sailors, und , they havo more respect for thorn than for tho three gracos, "What kind of a feed Is tho commissary gonna hand us?" rino sailor asks of smother. During tills tlmo of anticipation excitement runs high nnd tho commissary Is a very much respected person. In fnet, ho Ib uoor a retired person, for his billot Is a hard one to fill to tho satisfaction of avory one who eats nt tho general moss There is always some old tar or other who Imagines himself to be slighted by the quality of his food, nnd tho apprentice hoys tako fiom him tho habit of com plaining with very 11 tlo reason on tholr side. Quarrels often result und hnvo to bo referred to the "must." where tho first lleutonnnt (llrst lull) Bottles the matter In 'nvor of tho commissary, bo thul tho sailor arranges a private settlement with tho commissary later c.u where tho llrst luff has nothing to su about It Tho burden of the repast falls naturally upon tho cooks and mess n tunduuts. It Is fnr from an cnjoyublu affair .lth hem, although they aro an affable lot The preparation of tho potatoes Is tho work of a dozen men. since they must be extraordinarily nice. ' Tho "skinners" arrange themselves astride a ocuch In rango 'of a tub where ono man sits and tosses potatoes continually. Tho tub Is kept full by another man who dumps In from a sack curried down from tho upper deck. So a cyclo-ls made, tho clean peeled rota100"" K0,IlB con" btantly into another tub, which is dragged into the gal ley and dumped into a great through wuicn waiur ia ..otwiinMnir. These aro rimv oil around by unother mcs attendant and dumped Into othr urm where steam Is turned on, while an- otllS tub of pMlcd ors are being brought from the fciklnflets. , ,,.,,. When thoy ;ro dono tho ship's cook hlmbelf. who pices to nvd fro in tho galley all the whllo. mounts upon tlui nearest urn with his and tak lag a prcat slx-ioot masher proceeds to pound them Into a whlto tlikoy mass fit for a k ng. Hut thU is not M ho bus to do. either. Hie M,ri.vr. nrn brownltiK in the long ovens nnd ho and his three ussistunts have continually to open tho doors, probe with long forks Into tho swelling breasts and nseertaln when to tako thorn out. The mess tables aro ull numbered so that each Bailor knows just where to go when he gets down through tho hatchway, and ho doesn't wiiBto any tlmo getting there on this occasion. It Is indeed a singular and lively scone on tho gundeck at this period. Every man's plato Is heaped to tho brim before him nnd nil apply themselves with a dar ing and dlsrognrd for more stomachs that would make a dyspeptic wlnco and turn his head. Dozenn of tables dunglo from hooks between parallel col umns of sailors, who seem only restrained from eating each other alive by the flimsy, vacillating boardB which support the food- When these ravenous appetites havo been slaked aud oven those who havo tho dilating pow ors of nn anaconda are put at rest, or In pain, as tho caso may be, somo of tho "old shellbacks" will begin to grow reminiscent and tell of the Christ mnBCB they havo spent In lands where thoro were no turkeya nor anything elso fit for tho "big feed." Says old Pete, the sallmaker's mate: "I mtnd tho tlmo down in Darlon, when the stownrd had nothln in tho storeroom but n ton of crusty hard biscuits full of bugs, so when y' busted 'em with tho handlo vo yor knlfo they wont whlmty nifty In every direction under yer plate, behind yer cup, up yer sloove and around tho mess pans. Hut, mates, that was a Christmas fer yor life! Wo couldn't eat tho buffalo meat, It was that much llko bolt rope, so wo drunk or coffee and engaged ourselveB In bug races down tho table. Hy tryin' all tho bugs out wo got somo speedy ones. And thoy was speedy. I had one that could trot down that table trot, mind y' llko It was Maude S herself. Tho devil of It wbb tho bloody bug wouldn't keop In tho court.0 between tho plates. She'd break for a hole near Uio finish. I bet big money on 'er, though, and nficr loosln' 20 bones by her duckln' out of it when she was two wholo plato lengths ahead, mind y. 1 ilggered I could head her off tho noxt tlmo and win anyhow, so 1 put up HO bones DO good cold plunkcrs on that skinny llttlo runt of a bug, and strike mo blind! you ought a seen that ruco! Go! That cussed little bug slid down that mess table llko It wub on ball bearings. I handed er off at tho hole with a piece of tack and situ run clean again tho bot tom board of tho tablo an' butted 'or brains out. kicked over on 'or back Btono dead. Hut that raco! Whow! 1 raked In tho coin from tho cap tain of tho hold Christmas! Well, strike mo, fel lers! Thut was 6omo Christmas even If wo didn't havo nny oats.' , s I J New Play Apparatus. on four wheels, two axles of tho device being connected by a strong steel band, on which tho footboard rests. Tho construction is such that by tilting tho footboard to the right or left the wheels will turn in the same direction, but tho toy will not upset. The long handlo is adjustable to any height and Is used more for-support than for guidance. To operate tho ve hicle a boy stands with one foot on tho platform and with tho other foot pushes It ahead until sufficient mo mentum Is attained to carry It on. Ho thou got aboard with both foot and guides It by throwing the weight' ot his body on ono sldo or tho other. Box for Medicine Bottles. hours, and sometimes thoy put tho Bpoon In thq ono to tako next, or they pluce ono to be taken In the morning In a different glns3 from tho one to bo tnkn nt night. On ingenious boy who saw his moth er always forgetting which of the llt tlo bottles of pills to tako next noticed that there were two of tho bottles in pasteboard box, lying sldo by slda. They each had a number on them, but there was no way to be sure which number his mother had taken last. Then he had an idea. Ho pasted a little slip of paper on tho cover ot tho" box and wroto his directions on it. As tho llttlo box insido slipped out of tho cover It was easy to put tho cork of one bottlo toward one cud and tho cork of the other at the other end. After taking a dose from bottlo No. 1 sho just pushed tho cork Into tho cover first, so that tho cork of No. 2 was' toward tho end with the arrow mark, and she always knew that was the ono to take next. A druggist that saw this simple llt tlo trick had labels printed for all his boxes, and It proved so popular with tho doctors that used those medicines that they made tho boy a present ot a mcycio ror nis' invention. If you keop your eyes opon and think about things you never know when you may hit upon some useful thing like this, which others will pay you for. A girl that stooped to llx a broken shoe laco and tried to pull it through tho hole with a hairpin Invent ed the surgeons' needle that Is u&ed today all over tho world for sewing up wounds. Somo boys that bulk a lire upon the sand with seaweed found tho secret of making glass. AMUSEMENT IN A MAGIC BOX Balls and Paper Men Made to Jump About in Fantastic Manner Static Electricity Is the Secret. A novelty which affords much amusement Is the magic box. It 13 4xGx2 Inches, made out of wood with a glass cover and lined with foil. Tho directions for operating the box are as follows: Itub tho pane of glass with tho little leather cushion and the balls and paper men will begin at once to produce their performance. Jumping about in the most- fantastic Not This Time. Johnny was rathor apprehensively waiting his father's return from busi ness. Ho had a carious llttlo feeling that more would bo herd about the broken pane of glass in old Crimea' glass house. "Tako off youi coat, my son, and come along with mo!" said pa after ho had rested from dinner. "You're not going to give mo u hiding are you, pa?" Inquired young hopeful with a nervous gulp. "Didn't I toll you this morning that I would sottlo with you for your bad bohavlor when I enmo homo?" queried father. "Yes," said Johnny hopefully, "but I thought you were only joking, like when you told the grocer you would settle with him." Itehoboth Sunday Herald. Magic Box. Centipedes and Tarantulas. A centlpedo hns a deadly fear of a tarantula, and ono of tho most curious habltB of tho centlpedo Is his manner of going to rest in tho desert when ho knows his enomy to bo in the vicinity. Ho builds a cactus fence literally about him. A tarantula hates ta cactus as much as ho longs after a centlpedo, and has never been known to crawl over the plant. Secure in this knowledge, tho centl pedo will sloop as long as ho wishes whllo hlB wistful enemy looks long ingly at htm over tho barrier, power less to go to tho attack. manner. The only thing necessary is to keep tho box and leather cushion cjean nnd dry, which is dono best by cleaning the pane of glass beforo using, with a piece of dry cloth, says Popular Electricity. Static electricity Is the secret of the odd movements Made of Wallpaper. An enterprising wallpaper dealer of Ohio attracted tho eyes of all citizens by having In his window a pipo organ of papor. Every detail of tho organ, tho pipes, the keys, all parts of the case, as well as tho shoot of music, wore mado of wallpaper. Different pat terns wero usod to imlfato tho many parts of the organ. In a Predicament. The teachor was reading the his tory of England to somo of tho llttlo pupils. When she came to the state ment that Henry I. never lnughed after tho death of his son she noticed ono of tho llttlee girls nad raised her hand and 'seemed very desirous of attracting her attention. "Well, Amy," said teacher, "what Is It?" "Pleaso. ma'am," said llttlo Amy, "what did Henry I. do when ho was tickled?" Harper's Bazar. It Was Hard to Tell. Tho Music Teacher Johnny is Im proving dally In his violin placing. Johnny's Mother (gratified) Is that so? Wo didn't know whethor ho was Improving or we wero Just getting more used to it. Winnipeg Town Topics. with Leg a Tease. Why should a man troubled gout mako his will. Dccauso ho will' then have bis leg at ease (legatcos).