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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1913)
it t IV. w Hi n v ImmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmm ONE HOUR SPECIALS Saturday morning from 10 to 11 O'clock, $5.00 All-Wool Sweaters From 3 to 4 in the afternoon and from 7 to 8 in the evening Men's $25 and $30 Overcoat $15 75 From 4 to 5 in the afternoon and from 8 to 9 in the ' evening, Boys $7.50 and $8 Overcoats $5.00 Q n O o c cr a & H 8 o tJ to c sr CA to Mpttd 9 heesjsb: Local and Personal Dick linker wna a business visitor to Omaha this week. Mrs. G. T. Fields will loavo next week for Detroit, where she will spend tho winter. i Tho Wilcox Department store is hnv ing n "special sale on Woodward's Candy. Glen Itowe, who ia employed at tho Iddlns lumber 'yard, will spond Xmus with relatives in McCook. (harlc3 Horidy and daURhter.'Miss Lillian, will leave tho first of. tho year to spend tho winter in California. Graeo Ogior, who attends business coIUko in Hastings, is spending tho hoHjiays with Jior parents in this city. Sterling silver spoons, regular price 85ciand $1.00, Christmas sale 50c. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Mi8s Janet McDonald who is attend ing tho Gorton school for girls at Winnqtka, III., arrived homo Wednes day to spend tho holidays with her par ents in this city. Mrs. A. J. Salisbury, who has boon ill for tho past two weeks, is' reported vory much improved. She wns suffering from a sevoro attack of Ingrippe and was throatonod with typhoid fover. Misscs.Beryl and Helen Jotor, who nro attending school at Borkorly, Calif., nro expected to arrivohomo Tuesday to spttnd t,hu holidays with thoir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jeter. W. A. Conklin, who lias chnrgo of the construction work at tho new round house, was a business visitor to Omaha Wednesday. 500 gold jewel boxes $1.25 size at EOc, $1.50 size at 75c, and $2.00 size $1.00. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Miss Erma Huffman, who is attend ing school in Omnha will arrive homo this ovening to spend tho holidays with her paronts. Miss jiucilo Wilcox returned homo yesterday from Oberlin, Ohio, where she is attending college. Sho will visit horo throuch the holidays. List your "for sale'1" properly wilh Bratt & Goodman. They can seil it if priced right. The case of A. E. Donnldson vs R. L. Nickerson was"' tried Wednesday morning in the count court nnd was taken under advisemont'by tho judge. The suit is to cclloct notes aggregating to $'275 alleged to bo duo the plaintiff. Counter charges of broach of warranty Were filed by tho defendant, and ho askn judgement from thej, plaintiff for alleged damages. Society and Clubs K.O.T.M. Notice. The regular review of tho Macca bees will bo held on Monday evening Dec. 20th instead of Dec. 25th, 1913. Hv order of commander W. II. C. Woodhurat. C. M. Newton, H. K. I'M I Santa Clans -Headquarters for everything hi Horses Jewelry. We have . full lino of Saddles from $20 to $50, Bridles at all prices, Spur from 50 cents to 7.00. '. And a fine ljne of Automohile robes and j; J llprse blankets at a price to suit your pocket- ,, . -book. Double and Single driving harness. j 'ft and work harness in the reach of all. FORSTED & SHEEDY Miss Kathleen Flynn entertained a nurribor of her friends at cards Mon day dvening at her home. The evening was spent at progressive high five. There were four tnblos and the prizes woro won by Carrie Fryo and Clyde Gideon. Tho concolation prize went to Mrs. C. E. Cook. At a lato hour a dainty two course luncheon waa served hv Misses Gertrude Falkner and Madge I'lynn. AH present ronort a nleosant evening. A miscellaneous shower was given' Wednesday eveuincr at tho hnriTo nf Miss Margaret Chaigio in honor of Miss Hess uunuy who is to bo married to Harold F. Wright on December 29. A large number attended and the bride was tho recipient of many beautiful gifts. The ovening was spent playing progressive high five and tho prize was won by Miss Edna Sullivan. A linen shower will bo given this evening in honor of Miss Bundy at the homo of Mm. J. A. Skow, 815 East Fifth street. Mrs. Skow and Miss Kate Spies will entertain. BRATT & GOODMAN Write every kind of good insurance, fire, lightning, cyclone, windstorm, plateglass, steam boiler, every kind of surety bond, automobile, etc, nt the lowest possible rates. See them first. Railroad Notes F. W. Newhnrt, of Omaha, nrrived in tho city Monday to locoto the new sewer for the Union Pacific roundhouse. Mr. Newhart,l8 an ojngineer for that company. Ono of tho switch engines wai tem porarily taken off in the local yards Tuesday evoning on account ot the slack time of tho year. Thore is still an enormusnmountof switching to be done but oidors were sent from head qnarters to toko one engine off. Foreman P. J. Norton at the round house states that there is the greatest ovorflow of unemployed mechanics this year that has oyer been seen in this part of tho country. Every day for the last few weeks from one to five appli cations have come in to him from skilled workmen, such as boilcrmakers and blacksmiths. Tho work fat tho round house is well caught up at present and he has very little need of these men. For Sale Household goods: chairs, tables, beds plain, but good and in good condition one bed room suite of bed, marble-top bureau, wash stand, and chairs to match; buffet, kitchen cabinet, hard-coal burner, gasolino Btoe. gal vanized iron tubs, wash boards, wringer, refrigerator, yard and garden tools. Canned fruit and pickles. Must be sold nt once. Phono Blk 4G4. 94-2 Garfield Items. Ed. Fox and Cy Fox made a trip Nortli Platte Wednesday George Helmcamp made a trip Arnold Friday after coal. Gage Saulters and Mr. McCants Arnold were up on businP03 at D. Myer3 last Tuesday. Ed. Fox went to Stapleton Friday, after a wind mill for Mark Smith. I Robert Gutherless of North Piatto called at . Sensels homo Thursday evening. Edith, Harry, and Grace Goodenow and Courtie Aubie went to Callaway Friday to visit relatives and friends a few days. Miss Bessie Pearce and Mr. Harrv Steel of Callaway was married at Kear ney Wednesday Dec. 10. C. C. Siver went to Arnold Friday, after a load of coal. Gus Klump and wife went to Staple too Saturday. Leila Brummet of Arnold "is home visiting her parents for a few days. Cy'Fox purcdased a now Buick car last week while in North Piatte. Newt Brummet mado u trip to Gandy Friday. Jake Miller has a car ho got while in North Platte last week. Mi1, and Mrs. J. H. Smith went to For the Boy or his Sister A BROWJSflB Nothing will give the young folks more good clean, fun than a Brownie Camera. Any child that has passed the Kindergarten stage can readily take pictures with a Brownie. Every step has been made simple, easy. And Christmas day offers endless opportunities tor the making of home pictures that will appeal to the whole family. Brownie Mafktlw $ 1.00 to Cameras ) Factories J $12.00 , Schiller'' s Drug Stores The Rexall Store. The Nyal Store. Arnold last Friday. Verna Siver spent Sunday with her parents. LuluJClump is on the sick list. A danco will be given at the hall Sat urday evening, Dec, 20. Mr. and Mrs. Will Folk visited at J. H. Smith's Sunday. Miss Nellie Joy, of Oakland, Nebr., is visiting L. II. Joy a few days. Temple's Real Estate Bulletin, will bo published during the first part of Janu nry, If you wish your property listed therein, phone the office. C. F. Temple Antone Holup and Mrs. Antone Hol up, who were brought before Judge Grant Tuesday afternoon on complaint of J. Frank Dancer, were bound over to the district court on bonds to keep the peace. They furnished the bonds and were permitted to return to their homo in the Wallace vicinity. i Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Winquest, of Brady visited in the city the fore part of tho week. Mr. Winqnest has re cently purchased stock in the , Brady state bank and Monday was elected to the position of cashier. I e 1K f& kf VI E hCT ft 500 Votes Votes on all Shoes Ladies ready to wear Cloaks, Suits, and Skirts, Men's Cloth ing. GET BUSY. WW FCf TfNlE HUB'S $30,00. 500 Votes On all Ladies Clocks Suits, Skirts, Shoes and Men's Clothing. From Wednesday to Saturday. Stock ;s now being ruthlessly slaughtered selling for half or less, no reasonable offers refused, got the money and get it quick is the orders, Just think of it, thousands and thousands of dollars going for Less Tliam 60 Cents on the Dollar. Mil W. T. BANKS quits January 1st, 1914; We are positively forced to wind up the business for MR. W. T. BANKS by the above date. 512 LOCUST ST. WE HAVE IT! Gifts for Every one. We have a full New Stock of Jewelry for holiday Gifts, .including Bracelets, Lockets, Fob chains, rings and many other articles that will.make nice gifts. L. A Line. The North Platte Jeweler. sH5350 Piano given away free mmwwmiixx "'t'-tott-i - . rmiirniMiw 2,000 MYSTERIOUS PACKAGES AVill be placed on sale each afternoon from 3;00 lo 4:00 and each evening from 7 to 8, Beginning Wednesday afternoon at 3.00. This will be the greatest bargain event eer, offered in North Platte. NOTE the guarantee on these packages, here is where your quarters will do the work ot nan aonars ana uouars. L-nance 01 a tile time. Note the Contents 01 these racKages. we positively guarantee you a be tae price asked and in many instances, three and four times as much. There will be Millinery goods Ribbons, Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Ilankerchiefs, Underwear, Ladies Skirts, hundreds of articles worm lour umes prices asweu. $350 Piano Given Away Free Wednesday Evening, Dec. 24, at 9 o'clock In the event of a tie prize to be equally divided hu anions' contestants COUPON IOO VOTES For Good until Saturday, December 20 The Place You Know HUB fb THE Watch Our Windows. i 1 WWm3WRS&&&8ttV i'a.- !: . T