The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 19, 1913, Image 11
THE NORTH PLATTE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. , ''I f4-'4ttftfV4tfe4'r4 FINE MESS OF THINGS By O. R. BARTON. All tho beautiful May morning Mnry had wandered aver tho familiar old 4 floliV familiar yot now to tho recently .graduated, European-finished young woman who was tho actual owner of ,t!iegu broad acres and stately house. Tho last tlmosho had played horc, 'on orphan of fourteen, hor grandfa- 'ther had watched her proudly from his chalr on tho terrace. Now ho was !gono and tho place was hers. Sho felt I' v-J. t last she turned toward tho cicck. Sho wantod somo quiet placo to think and plan for tho future. It had been nn old habit of he'rs tc- carry her trou bios to tho ltttlo glen where sho could sit under the old tree and think. Suddenly tho sound of chopping .came over tho field. Mary lifted her ho-'id. Clear, regular strokes sound ted from tho direction of tho creek. I Sho paused nn instant listening Intent ly; then she hurried on, frowning. Sho know of no change In the law that tho gardeners had always respected. Tho glon with Us curving brooks and oak trees, tho big flat rock and millions of violets was sacred to her. It had al ways been here slnco tho .days her .nurso had stripped off tho UtUo slip pers and socks and let hor dabblo hor pink toes In tho water. Surely overy ono know that! , Yot some ono waB In her glon now (with an ax and using it. Sho flew to 'vard an open space In tho low willow bushes where tho old path used to be, "but stopped with a startled cry. An other step wduld havo dropped her teji feet into a rushing current of muddy .water. With dazod eyes Mary looked .around her This brown stream with -straight steep banks had never boon "thero before Further over, her be loved old brook still splashed and bub- .tiled over tho stones. Near it wa3 a 'man with an ax. "You'd better kcop away there," he shouted. "Tho rain washed away flvo feet moro last night! Watch out!" ho .called sharply as Mary didn't move and several loose stones dropped into the water. Then seeming to realize vaguely that something was wrong and that ho was In somo way to blame, lie dropped the ax and lifted his cap moving toward the girl so high above him on the other side of tho creek. ,"What do you mean by chopping diiwn ono of my trees? You must go away at onco." Ho moved uneasily yet appeared un able to explain immediately just why It bad happened. Surprise and amuse ment shone In his oyes. Mary's Hash ed in righteous anger Such Impudence was intolerable! "Can't you tnlk? Who are you? You aro evidently not .one of our own men or you would know better than to touch my trees. You aic trespassing, and I -'warn you now to go away Immediately. Why, I do believe you were actually chopping at my play-house tree!" "If you please, miss, I guess you liaven't been bore long and don't know about all tho placo yet. I'm not tres passing, neither do I work for tho placo yondoV." He nodded toward Mnry's estato. "Well?" "I work for him," Jerking his head backward toward Lauden Hall, a ram bling low white houso on the crest of tho opposlto hill. "Mr. Villard. you know, ho just bought tho place," "No, I don't know and don;t care. He dldn'tVbuy this. I know that. It's not for sale. You aro on my ground. Those are my trees. Tho creek divides the two estates and " "Which creek, miss?" Mary started. "Why, that oia over thorci This ono never used to be here. 'This must bo a branch that has got ten looso from tho old stream and swelled with tho rain. Please toll your master what I say and that I shall bo very much obliged if ho lets my trees alone In tho future. Tho man lifted his cap again. "Yes, miss." Ho picked up his ax and start ed to go. "Do you think tho tree will die?" she called after him anxiously. Ho stopped. "Hardly, miss; I only whacked nt a few of tho roots." The 'look of amusement was still In his ,cyc8. "Mr. Villard Intended, miss, if you caro to hear It, to clear out thlB placo and lot In tho sun. He was talk ing, I think, of making it into a swim ming pool building n dam you see and having tho sides and bottom or marblo and making It very nice. Ho likes to bo outdoors most of tho tlmo, they sny. Has to be always doing some thing, and they say too when ho tnkes a notion to a thing ho's tho very he's very Bot. Hut I havo only Just come and I don't" "Tell Mr. Villard what I told you. please," said Mary, whlto with fury. "Dathlng pool, Indoed!" Mary had planned to make a few Im provements on tho old houso and grounds before settling down In It. Hor present stay had b?en limited In pros pect until sho got things started and hor idea had beoa to live with some relatives In town until tho work was dono. Instead sho now telegraphed for hor entire belongings, including a widowed aunt, und settled horsolf to stay. She was ready for a light. It was a shameless steal! Of courao ho know which creek tho deed meant! When her aunt arrived bho found Mary encamped comfortably in a largo tent In tho ravine and impervious to entreaty or argument. Sho conceded tho fact that sho might dlo of swamp fever or pneumonia, but added grimly that they could bury her thero then 'and sho guessed tho , Villard xman wouhlnt oujo., Brimming oc her bones And If necessary sho could llvo In tho glen always for possession Is nlno points of tho law nnd tho only way ho would over get this ground for a pool would bo to drown hor. So her nUnt retreated to the houso and Mary held tho fort, receiving her friends nnd lawyers informally In tho tent. An Injunction prevented Mr. VUlnrd from taking further stops toward tho pool and things settled down to await tho law. Old Jenkins, tho butler lived In a second tent and acted as messen gor, page and cavalier, having occa sion to shoo off a strny cow at ono o'clock ono morning. Mr. VUlnrd appeared not but every day Mary saw "tho man" across ttto creek." "Hut on his own side." sho thought triumphantly. Thon sho add ed contemptuously, "Proxy! Why doesn't ho como himself and slzo up tho old termagant that's Bquattcd on tho bottom of his bath tub." Ono night Mary wakened suddenly. Something was wrong. Men word shouting In confusion nnd above It nil wis n queer muffled roar. Jenkins w a calling hor frantically to get up to "run quick, missy," but tho road was thunder In a couple of minutes. Sho slipped Into a kimono, and reached for hor electric flash, but almost instantly she was struggling In tco cold water with tho heavy sagging tent weighing her down. Thnt was tho last sho knew. She opened her oyes in a beautiful room bright with sunshine. Her head ached when sho tried to remember what had happened so sho closed her oyes again and prepared to go to sleop. About a thousand milos away sho hoard n watch snnp Bhut and a man say, "Flvo o'clock. A tough pull, Mr. Villard, buf she'll pick up now." Mary didn't go to sleep. Instead sho opened her oyes again and turned hor head. Sho wanted to see Mr. VUlnrd. Tho volco sounded familiar. Whero had Bho A man In whlto flannels was stand ing near tho window. Ho turned and camo toward tho bed. A distinct shock ran through Mary. It was tho man who hnd cut her trees! He smil ed Sho closed her eyes and tried to think. Then she heard tho doctor say, "Well, Villard, I'vo got to got out of hero if I want to catch that train. Tho uurso ought to bo hero now,' but I want to tell you ttvo things beforo I go. Villard, you aro tho best nurso that ever helped a doctor. Miss Mary would havo died if I'd had her alono, with her aunt In hysterics when sho was most needed. Second It's no kind of a house without a woman. Uettor find the right ono soon. Hello! I hear the nurse now. Well. 111 glvi her a few orders down In tho hall as C go out. Goodby." t Mary opened hor yes wldo. "You you are" sho wlUapered. "George Villard." ho said simply, "and this is Lauden Hull. Hut I will toll you all about It. You aro not al lowed to talk no a slugle word." Ha moved nearer to the bed. Mary's rapidly clearing brain wag beginning to understand a few things. Something, perhaps his clothes, per haps tho expression In his eyes mado him seem altogether another person from the ono she had known in tho woods. She turned away confused He sat down by tho bod and regard ed her silently for a few minutes. "Miss Mary." be said finally, very softly, "tho nurse Is here. Sho will bo in in a fow minutes, but befpro sho comes I havo a confesEion to mako nnd may not have another opportunity. If you had died last night it would havo been my fault. Tho reservoir at Hrovwitown broke about two o'clock. They warned tho wholo country by phono. We got to tho creek just In tlmo to see your tent go down Wo got Jenkins out first but wo couldn't find you. It was It "was" Ho stopped. Mary looked at him, wondering Sha gave a short gasp at what sho saw. His faco was pale and drawn. In hla eyes was a look of wretchedness owl misery. "Oh, don't please" sho began. Ho nut out his hand to stop her. "You will never know how nenrly dead you havo been. Wo thought you were, and brought you hero." Ho wnlked to tho window and back again. ''Mary, I love you," ho burst out suddonly, "and because I lovo you 1 lot ,you risk your Ufo down In that hole. I thought It was romance to havo my lady lovo near me, whero I could go and look at hor when I want ed. A lovo sick fool will do anytning. I didn't care about losing tho place. I saw a chanco for a thrill somothlng unusual, you know, after you took mo (or a servant; and loving you oven whilo you were scolding mo, I let you go on to this." He touched hor cold llttlo hand gently nnd roso to go "Goodby. Mary. 1 won't boo you again and I don't ask forgiveness. It's high tlmo I wns going anyhow. I'vo mado a flno mess of things. Stay hero pleaso as long as you like, tho wholo house is at your disposal until you wish to go home. Goodby." Tho nurso camo In. "Call Mr. VUlnrd back, pleaso," cried Mary, sitting up In bed. Then ns ho appeared In the door way, she said demurely, for tho benefit of tho nurso, "Georgo, I'vo changed my mind. I'll be qulto well by tomorrow nnd of courso you can drive mo home." (Copyright. 1913. by tho McClure News paper Syndicate.) Luminous Fly Paper. G. A. II. Mullor, a Canivllan, ha patented an Insecticide, which Is really a luminous and sticky paint. It actB Uko ordinary fly pnper In the day tlmo, absorbing tho rays of light at tho same tlmo and becomes lumin ous at night. Ub glow attracts all sorts of Insects, which aro thou caught by Its stlcklneaa. r? T7 INTiic KUfiirr JAMES BRYCE flHKc i aVHlKkH fcyTjfr ft m Hryco has delivered a number of nddresses on a grcnt variety of subjects. As popular as ho was In America as a speaker, ho Is likely to become ns popular In his own country KING FERDINAND King Ferdinand spent tho month of November In Vienna, a humble sup pliant for hl3 own throne, It is said, xlecauso of this visit, tho ropoit wont forth from Sofia that this talented bcIou of the houso of Coburg, who but a short time ngo was to revive In all of Us ancient glorleB and breadth and width the old Hulgarlan empire, Is to bo forced to abdicate In favor of his own son, Crown Prlnco Horls. Tho role of suppliant sits so ill on 'io ono as it doc s on this proud, ambi tious man. lie has all tho prldo of rank ind family nnd tho yearning for sue ! whero others havo railed and 7vh;ro he came so near achieving. He comes of two great families, a son of Piincq Augusto of Snxe-Cohurg and "Vrlncess Clementine, daughter of Iouls Philippe, king of France, and Is thuB a cousin to most of tho crowned .leads of Europe. It was but flvo years ago that ho paid another visit to Vienna and so "ivell and diplomatically performed his mission that ho returns to Soda to realize ono of bis dreams. Tho day that Austrla-Hungnry annexed Hoanla Hcrzcgovlna Prince Ferdinand proclaimed tho independence of Hulgarla, the absorption of c-nstern Humclln and the assumption by himself of rpynlly ut '.lie old in tho ancient Hulgarlan capital of Tlrnovo. Hut the disasters of war and blunders of diplomacy follow ud ono on itop of tho other in a year packed with more epoch making events than over boloro In the history ol Hulgarla, and tho restless, ambitious Ferdinand saw his vast schemes and hhi grand dreams of empire dissipated. So it is that llio king to whom tho Hulgnnaus could not havo paid suffi cient honor n fow months ago was away from his capital. Ono morning ho "Gund a big "To Let" curd on tho gale of tho palace. It was an Invitation that fetters threatening death and marks of disrespect whenever bo appenred on tho streets made all tho moro emphntlc. AIDS WIVES who left London on a special train to board th steamship Caronla nt Liverpool. Mr. Vanderbllt Bald ho had been In London and Paris on a month's vncatlon and was returning to his work. Tho duchess was recognized by mnny porsons on tho platform. Sho wore a bluo minaret skirt, greon plaid Jersey coat and a silk Bhlrtwalst opon nt tho neck, showing a string of penrls Her hat was trimmed with a chaplot of white roses. VISCOUNT HALDANE The Thanksgiving dinner of tho American society In London was note worthy bocauso of tho pronouncement of tho nrit,lsh government's Indorse ment of tho Monroo doctrine by Vis count Halduno, lord high chancellor. "I recently mado a visit to tho Uni ted States," Lord Haldano Bnld, "and camo back not only with a vivid rec ollection of tho corjllnl wolcomo I re ceived, but villi a (loop sonao of the high Ideals tho Hrltlsh and Amurlcan nations held 'n common the high Ideals of citizenship of tho two coun tries. "Hoforo ho became president Wood row Wilson wns a thinking mai nnd a moralist. In studying his career I cannot fall to bo impressed bj IiIb de tached charactor, and find tha ho has not censed to bo a thlnkur and a mor alist bocauso he has become tho hold er of a great ofllco. Wo sco In him tho aspirations and Idculs expressed of his nation to tlnmvorld. It is not his ex pressed declaration that tho policy of tho United States is rt ono of con quest and annexation; but tho world lookB to tho United States, with lta enormous position ''and possessions, to carry on Its traditions without adding to Its possessions " A BUSY MAN Tho lit Hon. Jnnios Hryco, when ho left tho Hrltlsh ombnssy at Washing ton, nnnouncod that he was retiring from public life. That may hnvo boon true, but like mnny nnother retired Hrltlsh statosmau, ho s finding that he Is biiBlor In his relifcinont than ho was ns an ambassador. Slnco his return to London from his around-thc-world trip, Mr. Hryco has had not mnny dnys to himself. Ho did for a fow weeks go Into rotlronmnt nt his modest country home, "Hind leap," Forest Itow, Sussex, but bin retirement wns almost entirely taken up In writing, for Mr. Hryco la cer tain to give tho public something about tho countrlos ho visited nftor leaving Amorlcn, and porhaps a book about Amorlcn. Ills real work henceforth, howovor, will doubtless bo, ns ono writer has aptly put U, "to express tho needs of tho community upon tho brondor sides of life " Since his return homo Mr AS SUPPLIANT OF PRISONERS The duchess of Marlborough, who has opened salo work In Sunderland houso In aid of prisoners' wives, hi the busiest philanthropist in Loudon tidny. Sho found tlmo, howeer, to co-operato in organizing a groat pic ture charity ball In Albert hall a fow days ago, In which she appeared In Greek costume. Every year tho scope of the duch ess' activities widens. Sho Is sc-om-Ingly unable to resist any appeal mado to her In n deserving cause For tho last few weeks sho has mado public engagements overy day in addition to attending committees nnd making her own rounds among her charges. Sunderland houso has become a cen ter of philanthropic undertakings, as was Grosvenor houso for a generation under tho Into duko of Westminster. Tho duchess of Mnrlborough bade farewell at Euaton station to her brother, William K. Vnnderbllt, Jr.. PRAISES AMERICA CARLSBAD AS HEALTH RESORT Humorous Resume of One Pllgram's Visit to tho Famous Water ing Place. London. It Is not nocossary to havo a mnp to find a health resort. Just jump on a train nnd look stead ily out of tho window. You may rldo a day nnd you mny rldo a week. Eventually you will como to a placo where ovory person looks tho picture of health. You will sco strcots crowd cd with men with thick necks nnd broad backs, and womon whoso BhnpOB could bo revised ad lib. Tho glow of health Is In their checks nnd their clothos aro expensive Imme diately you will recognize this plnco to bo Carlsbad. All theso peoplo havo Principal Carlsbad Spring. como to take tho euro. Absolutely you aro looked upon ns being a per fect henthon If you are not consider ing tho euro, for a poor man getn sick nnd tnkes tho euro nnd a rich mnn takes tho euro nnd gotB sick. I arrived In Cnilsbad about four o'clock In tho afternoon and nftor hav ing been comfortably established In ono of tho hotel npartments I hap pened out on my balcony nnd thoro wltnossod streams of people, nil bound in tho same direction and each nnd overy ono carrying llttlo red bags. My first thought was that an Ameri can circus was In town, but then why on enrth was cvorybody carrying tholr own refreshments Instantly I caught up my hat, dashed out on tho stroct nnd said: "Declare mo In. I'm a Biiro-enough." Nobody In tho crowded thoroughfare hoard mo, bo I declared myself In. I walked nnd walked un til Anally I reached a placo called Kaiser Park. Thoro hundreds of theso supposed to be Invalids, instead of hooping to thch strict diet of nbout 106 glasBos of wntor a day and merely onjoylng tho music, wore gratl fylng thomsolvos with coffco and a superabundnnco of enko, which con stituted tho contents of tho llttlo rod bags. Well, It wns worth tho long walk to hear such wonderful music, tho tlmo fairly flow, but tho orchestra leader did beat It. You go through tho same routlno nbout four times a dny, or first walk ing yourself to death, then eating everything in sight. Thon first thing you find yourself tipping tho Bculos far boyond your own npprovnl and in stantly you wish to mako n quick got away beforo you IncreaBo another Inch In dlnmeter. Tho only thing that de tains you from tnklng thotsflrst train out of town Is you must report to tho constablo of your Intentions to leave, thon gently slip him tho lower half or your letter of credit for taxes on tho water nnd muitlc. Thon you may lenvo with a light pockctbook, but plenty of oxcess weight. 'Twna over thus. ALCOHOL MAKES MARE FIGHT Seeking Calise of Racket In Barn, Owner Expostulates and Gets the Worst of It. Dremorton, Wash.- "William nra kon, a Colby farmer, placed a quarl of alcohol Intended for horso linimont abovo a feed box In his barn. Short ly after midnight Mr. llrnkon hoard n commotion indicating that somebody was pulling tho barn apart. When ho peered Into tho Btnll and gently In quired "WhafB tho matter, Molly?" that spirited animal kicked him. Mr. Hrnken rcturnod with scantling nnd slipped Into tho stall. Tho first kick missed Mr. Hraken'H bend, but knocked tho scantling out of hla hnnds. Then Molly kicked him be hind tbo door and kicked tho door on top of him. Whon Mrs, Broken arrived nmW re moved tho door Mr.Hraken announced that ho would call tho battle a draw for tho night. In tho morning It was learned that Molly's Indiscretion was duo to tho spilling of tho alcohol In tho focd box. Asldo from exhibiting somo eagerness to get to tho pump, Molly's "morning after" was uneventful. Senior Ducked for Shaving Mustache. Chicago. John Green, Bonlor at tho University of Chicago, wns ducked in tho gymnasium tank because ho vio lated tho rulo prohibiting tbo shaving of mustaches. Runaway Horse Demolishes Saloon. Chicago. Detectives In a saloon set tling tho mnttor of a stolon overcoat, wore BUddenly Interrupted 'by tho hasty entrance of a runnway horso. Soveral persons were injured and tho saloon demolished. Won't Make Chicago "Dry" Town. Chicago. Hy a vote of 34 to 32 tha tompftrnuco soclotles of tho city havo docldod not to attempt to mako Ch cago a "dry" city In tha spring cam paign of 1914. ax HENRY HOWLAND i ii me In wth it cheerful smile, and with u 1mm! extended; "How do you do, old mnn?" ho Raid; "sec, but you'ro looking splendid ! You'ro growing youngnr every year; I wonddr how you do It7" Ho then espied an umpty clmr nnd took u fancy to It. "TIip world tins used you well, J I hear," he snld with Kind conviction; , "I nlwnyA'clnlfncd you'd Ret nhend; you've mado Rood my prediction; It only piovph thnt tnlont wins when properly dlicctcd; Vou'vo been successful, but no moro tlinn might have been expected. "I honr men tnlkliiK everywhere about tho things you're doing; I wish I'd hnd tho houso to tnko tho courso you'vo been pursuing; You nlwnyB hnd tho gift to bcu the prop er tlmo for notion; Tho victories you'vo won must bo n sourco of Bntlsfiictlon." It seemed ns If nt Inst tho world wns grnntlng justice to mo. And wlillo ho spoko I felt n thrill of gludnes coursing through mo; But presontly ho spoko ngnln nnd chanced my prldo to sorrow; Ho purpose merely wns to not "ten dol lars till tomorrow." The First Thing. "You are nlwnyB talking about tho, foollshnofiB of tho rich and tolling ub what thoy ought to do with tholr money. Lot us aupposo thnt you wcro in somo wny to become tho possessor of a million dollars tomorrow. Whnt, In that caso. would bo tho first thins you would do?" "I would rout an ofllco whero I could havo an anteroom with a strong mnn on guard to shield mo. from peo ple who desired to wnsto my tlmo bor ing mo with recitals of their own troubles and by asking mo foolish quostlons." OMITTED THAT. "Well, Stephen snarled Grouch- erlot, "what did you do at your suffragette rally?" "Oh, wo did a lot of things," his wlfo replied; "eo many that I can't tnko tlmo to toll you about all of thorn, nut thoro was ono thing wo didn't do." "Huh! Thero waB, was thero? What was it?" "Wo didn't Bing 'Hail, Hall, Gang's All Hero.' " tho Shameless Men. Dainty mnld full of woe; Clinging skirt; breezes blow. ' Men's remarks mnld Invites; Might ns well bo In tights. Dainty maid, cheeks nflnme, Thinks Unit men hnvo no shame. If shn plensed, mnldon might Wcur n uklrt not so tight. Couldn't think of It, though; Let 'em stnro let 'er blow. Naughty mon, thus to smile; Mulden must bo In style. O Temporal O Moresl "I want you and your wlfo to com and havo dinner with ub next Thurs day evening," said Mrs. Wnmmslelgh. "Wo are going to havo somo frlonds from Cincinnati In." "Thank you. It will bo a pleasure to meet your friends, I'm sure. What tlmo will you expect us?" "Oh, nbout half past six. And pleaso don't dress. None of ub are going to." Up and Down and Far and Wide. "Ycb, I bollovo In aoolng Amorlca first." "How much of It havo you soen?" "A lot. I'vo traveled from Upper Sandusky, 0 to Lowvlllo, N. Y., and from Longmcadow, Mbbb.. to Urod head, WIb." One by One. "Ono by ono our children lonvo us," sho sadly said, when their fourth daughter had started on her wedding Journey. "Ycb," ho replied, a llttlo moro sad ly, "and ono by ono thoy bring our sons-in-law back to us." Splcadid ApjrpfpK l it.