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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1913)
l s V The case of the state of Nebraska vo Silver King, tbe negro. charged with Bhooting n Jnpanose laborer, was heard In the county court Tuesday afternoon. King entered a plea of not guilty and was bound over to the next term of district court on bonds of $1,000 which he was unable to furnish. Several witnesses wen- brought in to testify and one of them testified definitely that King had a gun and came into the house. She stated that early in the evening King nnd another negro, who goes by the name of Happy Jack, came to her and offered to split with her if she would help him rob tho Jap. Sho te fused to enter into the plot and said that later she saw the men coming to ward the house and that they broke into the door. Tho Jap went to th door and asked what was wanted, nnd the next thing she henrd was three shots fired in rapid succession nnd when she went down she found the man lying unconscious on the floor. Tho Jap has been in a hospital in Grand Island since the shooting and was only recently able to leave. His jaw is badiy torn up and part of the bone hsd to be cut out. King is being held nt tho couny jail to await trial. Rev. Dr. Franklin Williams, former ly pastor of the Presbyterian church in thif city but now nt Columbus, arrived in the Tuesday for a visit with friends. Dr. Willinms was pastor hre for three years but has been gone about two years. He was called to Lexington Tuesday to conduct a funernl service and dacided that whilo ho was so close would come here and mukc a visit. Ho is at present conducting services overv altcrnnte Sunday at the Presbyterian nnd Congregational churches nt Col umbus, on account of the illness of Rev. George A. Munre, pastor ot the Congregationnl church. He left Wed nesday evening to return to his homo in Columbus. Oscar Smith, who has been in Panama for the past eighteen months, returned home Tuesday for a visit with his parents, Mr. rnd Mrs. J. I. Smith. He went to Panama as a machinist on tho cannl and hns been there nil the while during his absence. Ho brought homo a number of curios that he picked up ns well as somo interesting tales of ex periences. James Nolan was bitten by n dog Wedhesdny afternoon whilo riding around on his motorcycle. The dog ran out to meet him nnd grabbed him in the calf of his right leg and took a little rido before letting loose. Nolan had the wound cauterized and aside from suffering considerable pain, will probably have no trouble. icars Work in U, P. Shops. I Tho yenrly report of tho Union Pacific shops shows 1J4 engines off the Third district, between North Platte ! nnd Sidney, have been brought in for general overhauling. Those hnvo all I been through the round house during tho year beginning January 1, 1913, and the company has spent from $1,000 to $2,600 on each engine. All tho engines off the Third district are now in good repair nnd Foreman Norton stated that engines are billed in here off tho Second nnd Fourth divis ion for repair. They will be brought in nfter January 1. Engine No. 355 is in the shape now for a general over hauling. Freight engine No. 208 is billed in here for a now fire box. This is the first job of that kind that has Deen in the local shops for several months. The shops here are doing the same clnis of work that is done in Omaha, but on account of tho limited space there is not so much of it sent in here. The old round house is being repaired for the purpose on housing engines for repair, instead of leaving them in the ynrds. The roof is being fixed up and tho doors and pits repaired. When this is done, the capacity of tho shops will bo about doubled, nnd engines sent in for minor repairs that do not the trucks be removed, will tended to there. It will nlso bo used for housing engines that are already in shape for service. Already there are fifteen engines in tho round house thut are ready for service and are being kept for emergency. This shows that the amount of work in tho railroad shops hero is oven greater than tho North Platte people realize. Clint Patterson Gets Promotion. requiru be nt- Remember. All lots on 9th slrect in Dolson's Addition will be sold out this month. Don't put off selecting a lot in this conviently located addition to your work, Phone Temple to show them to you. The car is in waiting. Tho ense of tho state vs Savin was tried Tuesday afternoon in the county court, and; by order of County Attorney Gibbs it was dismissed by Savin paying tho costs. Savin was charged with ap propriating the electric current from tho North Platte Electric company. It was erroneously stated in our last issue that Dr. D. T. Quigley was to speak January 12 to tho state medical society in Tecumseh. He will speak on that date to tho Johnson county medical society at Tecumseh. Fire! Firol Fire! That call has no dread for tho person insured with Temple. They know they nro well pro tected, and that their loss will be made good. Clint L. Patterson, for more than thirty yenra a resident of North Platto, but for several yeats past chief of tho Union Pacific secret service in the state of Colorado, nas been promoted to the head of that service, succeeding Wm. Canada, who goes on tho retired last Jnnuary 1st. Mr. Patterson will assume his duties upon the retirement of Mr. Canada, and will make bis headqunrters in Omnh. This promotion follows the very clever and efficient work, Mr. Pntterson has performed for tho company in Colorado during his service there. Inside of twelve months, he was instrumental in tho arrest, conviction and sentencing to the penitentiary of a dozen men who burglarized cars of merchandise and committed other serious offences. Through his vigilance organized bands of thieves in Denver, Pueblo nnd other points were broken up, and the name of Patterson beenme one of horror to the wrong doers of our neighboring state. While a resident of North Platto Mr. Patterson displayed a natural instinct for "sleuthing," and when at one time marshal of the town ferreted out more wrong doings than any other oflicor wo have-had. His activity along this line mnde him unpopular with the gang that thon existed. In his new position Mr. Patterson will have a wider field to display his talents, and it is a safe bet that he will make good. Wo congratulate our friend of over thirty years on his promotion. SPLENDID BARGAINS IN MILLINERY From December 17th to January 1st every trimmed hat in my department ranging in price from $3.00 to .9.00 will be sold tor $2 48. Villa Whit taker, Wilcox Dept. Store. 94-4 Mrs. George Macomber, who has been very ill for several weeks at a local hospital, was able to return Tues day to her home seven miles northwest of the city. She was operated upon for appendicitis. Harry Smith who has been studying medicine in Chicago, is expected to re turn the latter part of the week to visit through the holidays with his par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I, Smith. Don't be afraid to join the "Spugs" for R. F. Stuart can show you plenty of useful gifts along the lino of bath room accessories. 610 Pine St. Phono G9. - m,-' m,- .-r . ..XJF .F VSJp .VW1 ,VJ VO : NEWTON'S ART AND -NOVELTY H H o 25 Oft Stop! And visit Newton's Store to selectfyour Christmas Gifts Best assortment of Christmas Goods suitable for everyone from Baby to Grandmother. ui CD NEWTON FRAMES PICTURES -- :9 yf r1 4. ff v " ". Counting by Knots, I It w .i t u iii.tuiii of t!it' Aztecs tc kttp their lunuiits by tm.iiw of stilly- Tho hiii.ibt.rH wore Indicated bj knots A siiitlo Knot was ten. two single knot tucnt. and so on The hundreds were Indicated by double knots. The color of the string Indi cated what the numbers referred to. Soldiers wore rod. gold yellow, sliver white and corn green. This 'method is still lu ihu on the sierras of tho Argen tina, where the benbinen keep title of their charges In ti similar way. Sev eral strands depend from one. the first of these strands being reserved for bulls, the next for cows, tho milk nnd dry being dliroientlnted: the next for sheep, and so on. Knots were ptoba bly among the first methods of mini to record ilguies the knot or the mark on a bit of stick. In the Kiiglish bop gar dens the tallyman (generally the local schoolmaster) goes around wJth the tally and Ha tnnik. and the most civi lized Chlcagoati still ties a knot In bis handkerchief when ho Is naked "to In sure to remombotV-Chicngo News Tonnyson and the Horee. Tennyson onco arrhed at llasleiiiero station carrying u parcel of books, ami as his own carriage hud not arrived to meet him ho was glud to accept the offer of a lift home. Going up the steep hill to Blackdown. Tennyson, with his characteristic consideration for animals, suggested that they and tho books were too heavy for tho pony to drag. Tho two men therefore got out and walked for somo distance In front of the trap, until thoy discovered that tho books had dropped out. Tho owner of the pony asked Tennyson to stand at tho animal's head while ho went back for tho books. These ho found a hundred ynrds or more down the bill, and on his return ho found tho pony hnd been restive, but hnd quickly becoino quiet Knowing that it dislik ed strangers, ho wondered how Mr. Tennyson had kept It (pilot. What was his surprise to learn that the poet had managed tho affair by holding a watch close to the animal's ear. Elephants' Teeth. Tho elephant has no cutting teeth, tike most animals, but only a series of molars. These molnrs or grinders as 'hey wear away gradually move for ward In the jaw. and the remnant of tUe tooth, when the surface Is com pletely destroyed. Is cast olit In front. Tho simu molar can thus oo replaced as many as eight times. Tho tusks, which nro only enormously elongated teeth, can be renewed only once. This wearing process and tho ejection of tho stump of tho tooth go on very slowly during the life of tho elephant. Only one or two teeth nt a tlmo aro in use or In view In each Jnw. There are al ways other teeth walling to pass for ward and begin their work, although there Is a limit to this succession, for. when the last has como Into use and boon worn down, the elephant can no longer chew his food and must die of starvation. If ho has not already suc cumbed to old age. Tho Poet's Banknotes. In "Tho Tragedy of Isabella II." it iq said that tho unfortunnto Spanish queen, blessed with generous Impulses, was exceedingly chnrltablo. Unfortu nately sho had no notion of tho value of money nnd would want to give away sums out of nil proportion to the oc casion. Onco the queen hnd command ed a large grant In nld to n man of let ters, and tho steward, in order to give her n just Idea of Its magnitude, decld ed to present tho donation In tho form of many banknotes of small value enough of them to paper tho walls of tho boudoir. Isabella was startled she would never havo believed, she said, that there were so many banknotes in the world. "But no matter." she con cluded. "Since banknotes are so easy to get, it is quite proper to send the poor poet plenty of them." Realistic Dream. A Hanover college professor was an noyed by the pranks of a freshman in his classes. Ho resolved that If that individual would not reform he would "kick" him out of the class The other morrilng tho professor was seen coming to college with a slight limp In his gait. He was met by a brother member of the faculty and ask ed why he was limping "I dreamed last nlglit that 1 was 'kicking' out of one of my classes, and when 1 woke up this morning 1 found that I had a very soro toe. I must have struck tho bedpost" In dlannpolls News. Deeds and Mortgages. Lord Barrenhurst You must bear in mind, Gwendolen, that wo of the no bility must do nothing unworthy of the deeds of our noble ancestors. Lady Barrenhurst (nee Gotrox of Now York) Deeds of your ancestors? Indeed! now'd ou live if it wnsn't for the mortgages of mine? Puck. Milk In Naples. In Naples the cows and goats nro led through the streets and milked at the doors of the houses. Peoplo lower their cans by a string from tho upput windows; the animals aro milked into tho cans, which arc then hauled up again. Too True. "Our washerwoman says It's funny nbout colors In dress goods." "What's funny nbout them?" "That folks, call 'em fast when thoy won't run " Baltimore American. Widows In Korea. Widows in Keren nover remarry, no matter how young they may be. Even though they had been married only a mouth they must not take n second husband. Christmas Delicacies. We have assembled at our store, the finest line of Christinas fixings obtainable, such as Candied Lemon, Orange and Citron, Dried Currants, Seedless Raisins, Imported Figs and Dates, Fresh Oysters, Celery, Confectionery. Special Prices on Candy and Nuts to teachers. We carry the most complete line of Queens ware in the city. ' We have latest patterns in Din ner Ware, ranging in price from $8.00 to $45.00 per 100-piece set. Buy your Christmas goods early as it insures better selections and more efficient service. Rush Mercantile Co. WHAT Than a nice Piano for Xmas? Special Inducement From now until Xmas we will sell you a $350 Piano for $248.75. $5 down and payments o $1.25 per week without interest,and with privilege of exchange any time within a year from date of purchase, with the additional feature that shoul d the signer of the contract die during the life of the contract, all further payments will be cancelled. Come in and see the Pianos. ROBERT R. DICKEY ONE AND ONE MAKE TWO? Not Always, by Any Means, According to Sir Oliver Lodge. Sir Oliver Lodge has attracted a tremendous amount of attention by telling scientists (of whom ho Is one) that he believes In immortality in spite of science. This Is not tho first time ho has locked horns with scientific dogma. In his book. "Modern Prob lems." ho nllirms thnt one and one do not nlways make two. And this is the "almost frivolous" way ho makes his point: "I would contend that whereas the proposition that ono added to one tnnkes two Is abstractedly bencnth controversy, II need not bo true for tho addition of concrete things. It Is not true for two globules of mercury, for instance, nor for a couplo of collid ing stars; not true for a pint of wnter added to a pint of oil or vitriol, nor for nitric oxldo added to oxygen, nor for the Ingredients of nn explosive mixture; not necessarily true, either, for snakes in n cage, or for capital in vested in a business concern, nour ishing or otherwise, nor is It true, save in a temporary manner, for a couplo of trout added to a pond. Life can tnnko havoc of arithmetic. "The moral of nil which Is that propositions can bo clear nnd simple nnd sure enough. Indeed absolutely certain, as long as you deal with ab stractions, but that when you como to concrete realities and have nil tho complexities of tho universe behind you not only behind but In front and among and intermingled with every simplest thing then we perforce step out of tho realm of posltlvo dogmatic security Into tho region of reasonable nnd probable Inference, the domain of pragmatic conviction, of commonplace intuition, of familiar faith." LONG TIME FARM LOANS. Took a Mean Advantage. Returning from South America, a Now York man vouches for the Inge nuity of the city officials in Rio do Ja norio. Tho householders on a certain street received notices that tho city fathers hnd heard complaints of the high tax rates along thnt particular thoroughfare, and In order thnt Justice might be done the residents were asked to submit their own valuatlou on their property. When the prompt and Joyful rct-poncs hnd all been received the lots were condemned and bought for a contemplated public Improve meat. New l'wU Tribune, Simple and Easy Credit System That Operates In Europe. The standard length of time lu En rope for a long time farm loan Is fifty four years. For such a loan at the present time the rate Is 4.S3 per cent divided as follows. Interest 4 per cent, administration .U3 per cent and amortization (payment on principal; 5D per cent This rate will pay both principal and Interest and repay all charges due to the bank in fifty-four years. As this will seem almost in credible to some students. I will give a concrete illustration of how it works. It does not depend upon compound Interest, but upon the fact that, though the rate of yearly payment remains the same, the charge for Interest and administration is constantly decreasing because they are computed on the principal sum which is constantly be ing repaid; therefore the proportion which Is applied toward the repayment of the principal Is always increasing. For illustration. If the debt Is $1. 000 the debtor will pny $23.2." every six months. Of the first payment. $20 will go for interest. SI", belongs to the bank, and $2.30 is applied to the repay ment of the principal. When the debt Is half discharged, however, this dis tribution will be greatly changed. The borrower will pay JS23.23, im usual. Or this amount only .$10 will go for Inter est. SS cents will be retained by the bank, while SI.'U!" will be applied ti the dNehnigo of the principal. The final payment will be nlmost wholly to tho payment of principal, as the first one went largely to the payment of interest. In this way one-hnlf of 1 per cent will repay the principal In fifty-four years, provided a constant payment Is maintained on tho prin cipal for interest during tho entire period. Representative Ralph W. Mos In World's Work. Cured of Liver Complaint. ''I wns snfTorinnr vuitYi !;.. plaint,' says Iva Smith of Point Blank Texa. ' and decided to try a 25c box of iiiuiiuerinin s inoieis, anu am happy to snv that I nm mi.n,i iiti can recommend them to overy one." ....... wj mii UENIUtOi The J. Miller comnanv of Omnb filed a case in the countv court Wed nesday against Charles H. Runs and Minnie ivuns, or Maxwel . to collect 52SG.G0 nlleged to be due them. Animal Protectlvo congress. Ion tho presiaonimi uiouuuu, - - A