The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 19, 1913, Image 1

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    Stats Hllttjtlkll kf
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No. 95
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Tracy Goes on
Pension List
C. F. Tracy, one of North Platte's
oldest engineers in point of service,
and one of our sterling citizens, has
quit the service and made an applica
tion to be placed on the pension list.
Mr. Tracy arrived in North Platte
from New York September 8th. 1869,
and the following day made his first
trip as a firemen on a four and one-half
foot McQueen engine. On Christmas
eve, 1872, he made his first trip as an
engineer to Grand Island, the engine
being of a Hinkley make and weighing
about forty tons. On his return trip
he was on the road eighteen hours, and
as the Weather was extremely cold, ho
was nearly frozen when he arrived at
this terminal.
Mr. Tracy, in point of service, ranked
as tho oldest engineer running out
of North Platte, and for many yoars
haB pulled passenger. It would be in
teresting to know juatjhow many mires
Mr. Tracy has run, but if you figure
he run 100 miles a day for COO days in
tho year, the total for the forty-four
years would aggregate 1,320,000 miles.
It is probable that he has exceesed
that number of miles.
Mr. Tracy became a member of Div,
88, B. of L. E. in 1873, he held the
position of secretary of the division for
ten years, and for ton or more years
was secretary to the general committee
of adjustment on the Union Pacific
system, a position that he conscien
tiously and creditably filled.
For forty-four years Mr. Tracy
gave the Union Pacific his best efforts;
thj company never had a more loyal
employe, and his voluntary retirement,
from service largely due to defective
vision, takes from the ranks of active
engineers one who retires with the best
wishes of every co-worker, and we are
sure with the best wishes of President
Mohler and Ge-1. Manager Ware, with
both of whom he is personally well
May every day be pleasant, Frank.
Our "For Sale" List.
! Is full of good bargains close in,
nice homes, cheap farms and farm
laud. Let us show you what we have.
Bratt & Goodman.
From December 17th to January 1st
every trimmed hat in my department
ranging in price from $3.00 to $9.00
will be sold for $2.48. .Villa Whit
taker. Wilcox Dept. Store. 94-4
Local and Personal
The case of A. M. Lock vs. Joseph
Haslip, et, al. which was to have been
heard Wednesday in tho county court,
was nettled out of court, and the case
was dismissed.
Miss Mario McCabe, who is attend
ing St. Mary's college at Notre Dame,
will return home today to spend the
holidays with her parents in this city.
Ralph Alden will return homo this
evening from Lincoln whera he, is at
tending the state university. 'He will
ajjenu me nonuays wun nis parents in
this city.
The following state university stu
dents are spending tho holidays with
their parents in this city: Hildegard
Clinton, Robert Gantt, Abner West-
berg, Stampfer Schmalzried. Will
Norris, Vic Hnllignn, and Harry Russell.
Word was received this week from
Mr. and Mrs. Newton E. Buckley that
they are still in New York City and are
enjoying their wedding trip to their
iuuesi extent, rney do not know yet
when they will return and are contem
plating a trip to Florida.
A social was given by Rev. and Mrs.
J. C. Cristie Tuesday ovening for the
members of the Presbyterian choir.
The social was in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Hollman who have but re
cently returned from their honeymoon
trip. All present report a pleasant
A boys' glee club has been organized
at the high school and is making
rapid progress under the direction of
Prof. E.H. Flowers. They already have
a membership of about twenty and
many others have signified their desire
to join. They hold a practice every
morning bqfore school takes up.
Mr. Mud, from Salt ,Lake City, a
man, representing tho Goldeh Rule
chain of general merchandise stares,
was in tho city tho first part of tho
week looking ovor tho proposition with
the intention of locating one of their
stores. He left Wednesday morning
fcr Kearney, Hastings, York and Grand
Island to compare notes in those towns
w ith the North Platte project.
Alleged Horse Thief Arraigned.
Sam Moore, of Dickens, arrived in
this city Wednesday afternoon nnd he
and Clyde Lake visited tho jail to con
sumato a settlement between Mr. Lake
and Harry Smith tho man accused of
stealing a horse from Mr. Moore.
Settlement was made by Smith giving
Lake his overcoat and what money ho
had left from tho sale of tho horse.
Smith was arraigned before Judge
Grant in the nftornoon nnd at that time
gave his name as Henry Woelfel. Ho
stated that a mnn by the name of
Harry Smith had sold him the horso
nnd that ho wus merely trying to get
his money out of tho deal. He broke
down in the court room nnd in tho jail
when ho was settling with Lake, and
sobbed as though he were a nice little
Sunday School boy that was wrongfully
accused. He offered to enter ti plea of
guilty, but County Attorney Gibbs told
him not to do so unless he was guilty.
ma piea was not accepted ana ho was
taken back to tho jail and will bn given
a few days to think matters over and
decide what ho will do.
School Hours Are Changed.
Definite action has been taken by the
school board for tho changing of tho
noon houra in city schools. The
hour for assembling in tho morning
and the evening dismissal will remaim
the same, but school will bo let out at
2 o'clock instead of 12:30 and tako up at
1:30 instead of 2 o'clock. This is fnr
the benefit of the children of the rail
road mon. The hours at the round
house were changed and it made a con
flict in tho dinner hour at their homes.
Aftor the summer vacation, the board
will considor the advisability of chang
ing the other hours to a half-hour
I None can be produced which will equal or excel
them. Our "guarantee" goes with every can sold
Here's Your Fixings for Christmas:
Nuts, Christmas Candies, Xmas Tree's, Holly,
Oranges, Bananas, Crape Fruit, Dales,
Heinz Mince Meat, either in jars or bulk,
Apple Cider, Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes,
Heinz Sweet, Sour or Dill Pickles Prices very reasonable.
Lettuce, Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Parsley,
Green Onions, Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips.
For'Saturday only we vill sell you a
Henderson Corset at 20 per cent dis
count. Now if you don't know the
value of this corset ask your friend
she'll know. Or better still come in and
wc will demonstrate this corset to
your entire satisfaction. E. J. Tramp
fit Son.
The Famous Milwaukee Sausages are in Season.
Braunschmciger-style Leberwurst, Mettiuurst (Fcine) Knacktmtv
Butts from Young Pigs.
Goettingcr-Style Summer Sausage,
W. R. Cahfll, of Omaha, superinten
dent of the Nebraska division of the
Union Pacific, was fnjUie city Wednes
day in his speciol car, looking over the
now terminal. lie was also investiga
ting the new sewer connection that is
being put in by the company.
wfim -BUY A . i
3 z& &W7 " - - -r t f J
Hg At Weingarad's $&&
Wmkf tecr Orb?
f Zll Percent Discount 28fp
WM On all Suits and Overcoats 85,
Jaw'-; . ,V'f, -- V)
1ru -J-, "mi 'hi M ii &Jff$S&$9A
$&. fil?
KN$T ' We are also Headquarters for Christinas Hab- tfimi
'U l.c,"KK'
We Handle Nothing but The Best, ,and Our Prices ARE
... Eo T. Tramp
I iftfHEC3fgazS3E
..Ma-gjaraaHiBnKaBB 1
The Musician's Union met Monday
evening ut tho home of Herdhoy AVelch
nnd enjoyed a pleasant social. A mu
sicinl procram wns the event of tho
evening and seyeral of the members
responded with selections. At the close
of the evening's entertainment u dainty
three course luncheon was served.
G gross sterling silver thimbles at
Dixon's at lie each.
County Commissioner fi. II. Springer
of Brady, and C. E. Parsons, of the
Gothenburg vicinity, were North Plntto
visitors yesterday to attend tho trial be
fore Judge Grimes of Wnlterll. Brooks
vs. Tho Modern Woodman of America.
'TV. J2?fc$tff7
my foV-6
Jib S:
WW y
We are also Headquarters for Christinas Hab
erdashery. Special gift goods for Xmas in
!j Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Combination Sets, etc
The Quality Place
iXf V J l I
Wo have anticipated a heavy demand
for Porolyn Ivory goods nnd up to dnte
have been able to meet tho domand.
Csrno early. Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
The city schools will close thirf nftor
noon for a two wo6ks' vacation. About
twenty of the teachers will roturn to
thoir homes to spend tho holidays.
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Everybody knows the quality of Woodward's
Candy. These are the regular 40c grade.