The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 16, 1913, Image 9

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Weingand, The Gift Store For SVSen
Practical Gifts Should Head Your List
Men are Practical and They Like to Receive a Practical Gift.
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J Only Eight and one-half More Days to Make Your Selections.
i A'J'V I no timn te rrnff-trirr oVirki-t- timit rl Infn .! -.til-. . .1 1 1 1 .1 l l
rr -- " ""n "" och;i.iiuiis uic uiways nurriea ana me stocics are never as good.
Sto Now is the best time to make selections. So come now and see the many things suitable'for pifts here. We
iiy. i.ii.i , . , . ,......... . .
m x snau mi-e genuine pleasure in snowing you are rine stock or gitt goods. (Jive him somethinjr he can wear.
We are offering our new stock, nothing reserved, at
U 'B "T" fl ) -. m riwjiiyQnBUi
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i wenzy ier ent ujscounv
Why Not a Suit?
A Suit of Clothes for Christmas is sure to please.
No one could fail to realize beyond a doubt, this
store leads in the presentation of smart styles for
men, after having seen our showing of smart suits.
A Fine Overcoat.
Makes an excellent gift. Our stock is fstill
ample and you will be able to find here just the
Overcoat you want for him at a price you want to
pay. We will gladly make exchanges after Christ
mas if for any reason the garment you buy does
not please you.
Hundreds and Hundreds of other articles to select from. Mens and Boys fitting form style Sweaters,
Hankerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, tie clasps and Combination Set. All go at the special
holiday prices of 20 per cent discount.
We furnish Gift Boxes with all the smaller articles such as Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry,
Etc., and make no charge at all for them.
C 0. Weingand, The Quality Place
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Excavation work was started Friday
for the new residence of Mrs. Mary E.
Watts on West Fourth street. A fine
residence has been planned and the
work of construction will be rushed on
to completion.
Miss Maude Louden has resigned her
position as bookkeeper in Howe & Ma
loney's furniture store. Miss Erma
McMichael has taken the position in
her place.
Weary Willie'
JV.v !.
Protect Your
Home With a
A Bell Telephone af
fords protection and se
curity by permitting calls
to or from your home at
all times.
And, too, a telephone
means home-comfort and
convenience in reaching
local stores and shops, and
in calling friends, as well
as permitting long dis
tance talks nearly every
where. Why not secure your
home protection, comfort
and convenience by NOW
ordering a telephone installed?
The city pumping station has become
a regulnr rooming house for the profes
sional "Weary Willies" that arrive in
the city on nearly every freight. En
gineer Rogers reports that there are
twelve to twenty roomers every night
and men of all descriptions (undesir
able) are to be sen there.
The 'bos begin to arrive every even
ing at about 10 o'clock and all are
good sleepers and seem to have no
trouble occuping their minds that would
interfere with the most peaceful re
pose. The first hour or more they
spend exchanging confidences and past
experiences and most of them ask no
more of humanity than enough to eat
and a place to sleep and clothes enough
to combat the ice gnomes. All seem
perfectly satisfied with their mode of
living and apparently crave nothing
Only one of th number that has ac
cepted of the hospitality of the pump
ing station up to date was other than
the regular class. He was a Hebrew
and seemed to feel confident that his
brethorn in faith would tide him over
any extreme difficulty that would ariso
during his pilgrimage. He alone
seemed to be not entirely satisfied.
The proprietors of this rooming houso
are roluctant about turning tho men
out as there is no other place in tho
city where they can got shelter from
the elements, and they all seem to be
peaceful and "law abiding" specimens
of depraved humanity. Each also has
an interesting tale to tell and they all
tako turns entertaining the proprie
tors of the station and the members of
their own lodge.
County and City News
Tho Methodist home missionary so
ciety are packing a box or clothing and
other supplies to send to the Mother's
Jewel Home, an orphanage located at
York, Nebraska. Anything which you do
notuse in your own home will be gladly
accepted. Please send donations to tho
parsonage right away so that the box
may be sent by Tuesday of next week.
Engineer AV. B. Brown is laid up
with a sprained back. He was backing
his engine up to attach to his train yes
terday and his foot slipped and he fell
in such a manner that he strained his
back quite severely. He went out on his
run but when he got as far as Sidney
was obliged to give it up.
Lots in Fairview Addition, ?80.00 to
$115.00; ?fi.00 a month will buy one.
Located on West Ninth street.
John C. Raynor,
Robert Hoatson, of the Hershey vi
cinity was a business visitor in the city
James Mcintosh and Simon Fishman,
of Sidney, were business visitors in the
city Saturday.
F. A. Rasmussen, editor of the Her
shey Times and postmaster at Hershey,
was a business visitor in the city Sat
urday. George tchey, of Hastings, is home
for the holidays to visit with his family.
Mr. Atchey is a commercial traveler.
The Lutheran aid will meet on Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. T.
Roseboom 703 W. 10th St., to bo enter
tained by Mesdames Roseboom, Mc
Graw and A. Johuson.
The steel for the re-enforced concrete
floor in the new building on the corner
of Fifth and Locust street for the
Building & Loan association has arrived
and the work of putting in the floor
will be started this week.
Tho I. O. O. F. held a meeting Fri
day evening and put two men through
the last degree of the encampment
order. After the drill work, an oyster
supper was served under the supervis
ion of Guy Swope, who acted as chief
chef. Tho men then enjoyed an in
formal social hour.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hollman returned
home Friday evening from their wed
ding triy through the east. A number
of relatives and friends met them at
the depot and took them in hand to give
them what was rightfully theirs. They
were taken to J . E. Sebastian's office
where they were given a shower of rice
and a hearty reception.
Attorney J. L. Mcintosh, of Sidney,
was in the city Saturday to appear bo
fore Judge Grimes for the Americ in
bank of Sidney in the mandamus suit
against Simon Fishman, county treas
urer of Cheyenne county. Tho proceed
ings were to compel Fishman to put a
pro rata amount of tho county funds in
the American bank. Fishman has boen
putting tho funds wherever it suited
him best. Fishman had no legal advice
but appeared for himself.
The Woman's Socialist Study Class
met with Mrs. Wilson on Wednesday of
last week. The subject of "Franchise"
was freely discussed, a paper was read
by Mrs. Hogsett. Mr. Wi'ioi was in
vited to address tho class and gave a
very interesting talk. It was docided
to hold a special meeting Wednesday,
Dec. 17th, with Mrs. faamuolson C03
West 7th St. The subject will be
"Charity" in connection with a Christ
mas program.
Howdy Do, Mr. Goozce.
Editor of The Tribune:
In tho issue of your paper of Tuesday
I chanced to run across, I saw the
epistle of Mr. Goozeo to the people of
our thriving city protesting against the
city council in any way or by an hocus
pocuB from monkeying with Pat Loner
gan's pictuie play houso. Ho says
people come a long way ito seo it. 1
heard a fellow say he came all tho
way down from Hershey all alono to
seu it. I see by tho papers that the
Union Pacific is to carry a mail car on
the deluxe train No. 1. Let our com
mercial club get busy and show the
Union Pacific the throng that comes
to see the picture show nnd I heliovo
.1. .. ...ill nlun .... n Dnnnilll int f H
tlfCJT Will UIOU l.UliJ tl l-llttl .U1 -U4 i
picture show patrons on the deluxe
When the building that houses the
plumbing shop back of The Pat waB
built Mr. Goozce did tne work himself
and when that front was put in front
of The Pat that brawny son of Uncle
Sam with tho good old yankee name did
it himself. If these gentlemen want to
increase the population of tho city they
should hire a curpentcr to do carpenter
work and thus increase the population
by one. Every little bit added to what
you got just makes a little bit more. I
think the picture shows should run on
Sundays providing Pat will run his Pat
early Sunday morning while Father Mc
Daid is saying early morning mass.
Yours Truly, W. A. Hanchett.
Tho Loyal Sons of the Christian
church entertained the Loyal Daughters
Thursday evening with an oyster sup
per in tho church parlors. A largo
numbers attended and tho evening was
spent in playing games and with other
socinl divorsons.
Word has been received from II. L.
Greeson, who was formerly in the
grocery business in this city, telling of
his purchasing of a grocery store in
Fairbury. He left here several
months ago and settled in York, whoro
he entered into the rcnl estate business.
Mrs. M. K. Duko went to Brady
Saturday afternoon to look nfter
John Burko loft Saturday morning
for Denver on business in connection
with tho stock yards.
Mrs. E. L, Caress arrived in tho city
Friday evening to visit for sevornl days
with her sister, Mrs. D. B. Louden.
Mr. Shriner, of Wymore, arrived in
the city Friday to visit for several days
with his son, P. II. Shrinor, 914 West
Fourth streot.
The first annual Red and Whito foot
ball banquet was a success in every
way. Tho toast list was responded to
as scheduled and some good snappy
speeches were given, both by tho foot
ball playeisaid tin footb II booster..
The tables were tastefully decorated
and tho high school girls proved them
selves past masters in the culinory art.
A largo number attended and all are
enthusiastic over the alFair and unani
mously expressed themselves in favor
of repeating tho event every year.
After the banquet, the men assembled
to elect tho captain tor tho coming
season, and Robert Loudon wa3 selected.
Votes wero cast by informal bal'ot and
it required three ballots to givo a
majority vote. Louden has made a star
season at right end and has a record
that is a credit to any player. Under
his leadership tho team promises to
develop a championship machine nnd
with tho material now on hand and with
what will come in from tho second
squad, North Platto will have a good
show at for stato championship next
''--- ,-.' ov"-'X'va'i. viMr . n . nTrLii'.,ns?,r v
Mml For the
fflmr -jvip Boy
9m ( (
n m iN ) ' r his
Nothing will give the young folks more good clean, fun
than a lirownie Camera. Any child that has passed the
Kindergarten stage can readily lake pictures with u
Hrownie. Every step has been made simple, easy.
And Christmas day odors endless opportunities ior
the making of home pictures that will appeal to the whole
Brownie I
Made in the
$1.00 to
S chill ers Drug Stores,
The Rexall Store.
The Nyal Store.
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