The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 12, 1913, Image 7

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Suitable Gifts!
Doll Buggies,
Tool Chests
Doll Beds
and many other useful presents.
Lutheran Brotfiertooi
Hold Annual Banquet.
For the Wife or Sweetheart.
Cedar Chests,
Chafing Dishes
Electric Lamps
Vacuum Sweepers
Silver Ware
Kitchen Cabinets
Everything in the Hardware and Furniture line.
Get Our Rrices Before Going Elsewhere.
The Big Store On The Corner.
Local and Personal
James Flynn went to Keystone Wed
nesday on business.
Herbert Tramp and max VonGootz
went to Sarben Tuesday on a hunting:
A. W. Dillion, of Garfield, called at
the court house Wednesday to look after
0. A. Bacon, who resides in Well
nroninrt. was a court house visitor
Charles Vest, of Wollfleet, was a
business visitor to the court house
house Wednesday.
Cy Fox and Ed Fox, of Garfield,
were business visitors at the court
house Wednesday.
W. H. Winter, of Keystone, was a
business visitor in North Platte Tues
day afternoon.
M. 0. Slayter, of Cozad, was a busi
ness visitor in the city Wednesday
ovening and Thursday.
Misses Hazel Sint and Esther Camp
bell, of Oshkosh were visitors in tne
city yesterday morning.
The Lady Forresters met with Mrs.
C. E. Cooko Tuesday evening for a
business meeting. They decided to
hold a social dance New Year's eve at
the Masonic hall.
Alta Bowen, of Alliance, a former
North Platte boy, is visiting in the city
for a few days. He is now located on a
homostead near Alliance. Ha has been
gone from this city about four years.
R. F. Stuart uses the best of mater
ial, hi nrice is moderate. 610 Pine
St. Phone 69. tf
The civil case of Nathan R. Kess
ingor vs. Fred Silas Russel was heard
before Judge Grant Wednesday morn
ing. It was continued for thirty days.
License to wed was granted Wednes
day in the county judge's office to Alec
R. Miller, 27, and Miss Flossie M.
Walcott, 19, both of Wollfleet. Ihoy
were married by the Judge.
Thomas E. Hoskett was granted a
replevin against Jed Mooney Wednes
day in the county court. Mooney will
be tried tomorrow on the charge of
cattle stealing. Both mon live in the
northwest part ot the county.
Why not give a Christmas present
that will double in value in another
voar nnd nnt be worthless in six
months, as the average present is. Buy
your son or daughter a lot in Dolson's
or Cody's Additions. $5.00 a month
will do it. C. F. Temple, Exculsive
Theodore Sandall left Tuesday evon
ing for Omaha on business.
D. M. Leypold. of Hershey, was a
visitor to North Platte the fore part of
the weok to look after business.
Fred M. . Darner, of Cozad, was a
business visitor in this city the fore
part of the week.
W. W. Bower and Wm. Montgomery
of Oshkosh, were business visitors in
this city Tuesday and Wednesday.
The west bound trains coming into
North Platte were delaypd a little Tues
day nieht and Wednosday morning on
account of a slight wrack at Brady.
Six freight cars were thrown off the
track, but no great damage was done
other than tying up tho traffic for a
few hours.
About 220 pieces of parcels post wore
received Monday morning at the post
office, coming in on the early trains.
Altogether, they would havo amounted
to a uray loaa. mis is uie larijeai. uum
that has yet boen received at one time,
but more pieces have boen received in
one delivery. Many Christmas parcels
are moving both in and out of the city.
Leo Pon, proprietor of tho Amercian
restaurant, was making his annual pre
sentation of Chinese souvenirs tho first
part of the week. Ho gavo away a num
ber of Chinese Sacred Lily bulbs to his
friends. These bulbs will grow in water
and require little care. Leo Pon remem
bers his friends in some manner every
yoar at about this time.
The Christmns Spirit is Love and Re
membrance. Remember someone with
a good book. Wo havo a full line of
childrens books and books for older
ones, including all the latest popular
fiction and gift books. Also, pictures
and frames. Kincker Hook & Drug uo.
County Superintendent Chappell was
taken to a local hospital last week to
have her tonsils removed. The operation
was nreformed successfully, but when
she roturnea to ner nome ner uiroai oe
gan to bleed and it was feared that sho
would bleed to death. She was returned
to the hospital and attended and tho
blood flow checked, but not until after
she had lost considerable blood. Her
father was called and came over from
Kearney and Miis Chappell returned
with him to her home Tuesday.
Gus Weinberg shipped a car load of
fat cattlo to Omaha Sunday.
Julius Pizer left the first of the weok
for Chicago on business.
Miss Tillio Huxoll is confined to a
local hospital to receive medical treatment.
The Brotherhood of tho Lutheran
church met Monday cvoning at tho
parish house for their annual bnnquot.
Forty mon were present and tho oars
of formality woro lot down and all en
joyed themselves to their fullest capa-
Tho banquet was planned, cooked and
served by the men themselves, under the
charge of Messrs. Hogn, Sandall and
Hlnsolt who composed the kitchen com
mittee. The tables woro tastefully de
corated and laden with an excllnt
feed. Following is tho monu:
Oysters, (raw and stewed) Celory
Pickles Olives Roast Pork
Sauor Kraut and Wienies
Baked Potatoes Doughnuts
After the feed, C. O. Weingand,
prepident of tho organization, called
tne meeting to oruer nnu uroHiueu a
toastmnstcr in his ablo and humorous
manner. Before calling on the speak
ers, he presented to tho men tho "every
man canvass," which was taken up at
tho last mooting of tho national organ
ization in Ohio, and lator by tho state.
Mr. Weingand is ono of a committeo of
three in this state to look after the
canvass of all Christian mon, and ho
onnVit Inrorolv linnn tho NOCUSSltV Ot
pushing this canvass. Tho date for tho
canvass has boen set and at that time a
religous canvass will bo made ot ovary
man in the United States.
Tho toast master then introuueou tne
speakers of the evening in a very "ser
ious" manner and nearly ovory man
present responded in some way.
Messrs. A. TV. Shilling, S. E. Sebas
tian, 0. H. Cressler, E. T. Tramp,
Chas. Burke, Albert Haspol, Julius
Hoga, Frank Bretzor and Rev. C. B.
Harman all rospondoi with quite
lengthy and interesting talks.
Nine room modern house on west
Fourth at $28 . 00 . See this and you
will rent it.
Eight room modern house except
heat, close in, $25:00.
Othev good houses and room.
Bratt & Goodman.
To Change Parcel Post Weights.
Word has been received at tho local
postofflco of a change in tho parcels
nost laws that will materially add to
the efficiency of tho service, especially
among tho farmers. Tho weight of
parcels that can bo shipped will bo
changed for the first and second zone,
within 150 miles of tho shinning point,
from twenty pounds to fifty pounds
which will permit tho farmers to order
groceries, and oven flour, and havo
them sent out by parcels post.
In all tho other zones tho weight will
bo changed from eleven pounds to
twenty pounds and tho rates will be
lowered in all zones. The proposition
has already been put up to tho Inter
state Commerce commission and has
been passed. Postmaster Davis is ex
pecting at any time to got information
to tho effect that it has boon put into
use. The new rates will go into effect
January 1, 19M, if tho intentions of
Postmaster Uonerni liuneson are carneu
Postmaster Davis has already re
ceived instructions that all books
weighing over six ounces must bo sent
by parcels post, but that books weigh
ing only six ounces or under, can be sent
at tho regular rate of one-half cent an
ounce. -
Fred Sawyer, who resides on a farm
in tho Tryon vicinity, was a business
visitor to tho county seat Tuesday.
C. H. Starr arrived in the city from
Franklin county tho first part of the
week for a visit with his brothor, W.
E. Starr, of the McDonald state bank.
Wo havo opened a shop for automo
bile and wagon painting and sign work
in Lock's barn. Wo solicit your pa
tronage. Riesor & Hoga. 93-8
N. C. West, who resides on a farm
eighteen milos north of the city, was a
busines, visitor in the city Tuesday. Ho
is nuttine down a new well on his home
place. Ho reports tho roads out in the
hills in very good condition, but on tho
bottom they aro in bad shape.
Assign Numbers to Rural Patrons.
Monday and Tuesday numbers were
assigned to all the patrons on rural
routes 2 and 3 south of the river. Theso
numbers arc to be painted on tho boxes
and will hereaftor be a part of tho ad
dress. Postmaster Davis has received
part of tho supplies for the parcel and
lotter collection box which is to bo
at the main entranco of the state ex
perimental farm, and the box will bo
erected as soon as the rest of the sup
plies arrive. They will bo shipped from
For Sale
Some very desirable homes, improved
farms, farm land. At low prices and
on easy terms of payment.
Bratt & Goodman.
Another Pioneer Passes Away.
J. T. Calkins of tho Wellfleet vicinity
was called to Tryon Wednesday on ac
count of the death of his father who
resides at the home of Frank Doylo.
Mr. Calkins died Tuesday night. Ho is
an old settler in this part of the country
and is well known to many. Tho son is
a ranchman in the southern part of the
county. Mr. Calkins took tho body of
his father to his home in tho Wellfleet
vicinity and tho funeral services were
held from there.
Public Notice.
An article, tocrether with a notice of
incorporation of Tho North Platte Gen
erai Hospital Association, was published
in The Tribune on Docember 5, 1913.
In explanation thereof, I desire to say
that the Articles of Incorporation were
subscribed by D. T. Quigley, J. S.
Twinem and George B. Dont with tho
distinct understanding on tho part of
J. S. Twinem that said Articles of In
corporation should also bo signed by
Dr. Voorhoes Lucas, and that tho in
corporation was for tho purpose of
forming tho nucleus for a general hos
pital association, which nil of the phy
sicians of the city could join, soon after
wards Dr. Lucas and the undersigned
learned that one of tho incorporators
intended to exclude some of the physi
cians of the city, and therefore, Dr.
Lucas refused to sign the nrticlcs of,
incorporation nnd the undersigned re
fused to have anything furthor to do
with tho incorporation. Neither do I
intend to have any thing to do with tho
onorntion of anv hospital under the
present organization nnu munuKaincm..
Tho only objoct of Dr. Lucas and my
self was to join together tho medical
staff of this city in the support of ono
great general hospital. This object
having been defeated through the in
strumentality of ono man, I desiro the
public to understand that I havo noth
ing to do with tho above incorporation.
John S. Twinem, M. D.
The sides have been chosen in tho
Methodist-Lutheran Brotherhood de-
ti.fn ..rliicli will a hold nn thn nvpninc
I of Decembor 29 at tho Lutheran parish
i rvUs. nnn4tnn will Va ' T?oar1ffl
I1UUSU. J.IIC UUCDUUli Will u- vww.
that the Lincoln highway, as projected,
will bo more beneficial to North Platto
than the coming of the Burlington,
aa is projected." Tho Methodists
will have tho affirmative sido of
the question nnd tho Lutherans the
negative aide.
Red Cross Christmas Seals for 1913
have arrived and I will bo glad to
furnish them to any merchant who
wishes to put them on srle, They will
will not be given out this year to any
merchants except those who have
sufficient interest in this Red Cross
work to ask for them.
Dr. B. T. Quigley,
Red Cross Agent.
I write every known kind of bond.
If you don't find it in this list, write
or phone me.
Public Official
License & Permit
Notary Public
Etc. Etc.
I am equipped with Power-of-At-torney
and can execute your bond
I have a few choice lots left on 9lh
street in Dolson's Addition. Let me
show them to you this week.
C. F. Temple.
while you wait.
C. F. Temple.
Temple's List of
Real Estate Bargains.
Prices Under $1,500.
l-room cottage located at 109 V. 8th St., lot 66x132,
nice lawn and trees, cement walks in front and yard, water
in house. Lot has future as a husincss lot. Price $1200.00
Easy terms.
d-room cottage located in Graccland addition.TIIouse
just completed, lot 44x130 feet. If sold hefore the first of
the year $1100, $500 down, halance to suit purchaser.
Block tract, four hlocks cast of citv nark, hetween 2nd
and 3rd streets, 5-room house, harn and sheds. Prtce $900
one-half down, halance in one or two years.
Prices $1,500 to $2,000
5-room frame hungalo in Graccland Addition with bath
room (not equipped) 14 lots, making tract of land 66x130
feet, house new. Price $1,700, easy terms.
Prices $2,000 to $3,000
5-room frame house with two full 66 foot located at 306
east 10th street, water in house, laundry and good cellar,
harn for four head of horses and sheds, 50 nice shade and
fruit trees, One of the biggest bargains on the list.
Price $2,500, $1,000 cash will handle this deal.
5-room dwelling located six hlocks cast of Dewey on 5th
street, nice hath fully equipped, nice lawn and trees, lot
66x132 feet. Prtce $2100, easy terms.
New 6-room house located on west 1st street, only five
hlocks from court house, electric lights and hath, nice cellar
12x14 feet, good chicken house and yards and outhuildings.
Everything new and in first-class condition, lot 66x132 feet.
Price $2,600, easy terms.
6-room house on west 6th street, corner lot 66x132 feet,
southeast corner 12 hlocks west of Dewey street. Electric
lights and water in house. Price $2,000, easy terms.
6-rooms and hath, dwelling on west 6th street, 10 hlocks
west of Dewey street, sewer connected, two 44-ft. lots, mak
ing 88 feet frontage, cement sidewalks in front and around
house, nice lawn'and trees. Price $2,800, can arrange terms.
10-room house on E. 11th st, basement under whole
house, hath, electric lights, lot 66x132 ft, with nice trees and
lawn, walks on two sides of lot. Price $3,000.00, good
terms or will consider trade on automobile.
Vacant Lots
Southwest corner lot on 5lh st., in 700 block, sidewalk
in front and lot well filled, oil-? of the best resident lots left
in this exclusive resident section, lot 66x132 ft. Price
Lot 9, block 33 North Platte Town Lot Company's Ad
dition,located on W 2nd St. Price $400.
3-44 feel lots on West 3rd street, in 1200 block, north
front. Certainly a bargain at $1000 for the three.
I have other choice resident lots in all parts ef the city,
including the exclusive sale of lots in Cody's Addition,
Dolson's Addition and others.
Business Proposition
One of the best paying businesses in the city for the
capital invested. I lay and feed business. Well located.
Gross business as shown by the books last year was over
$25,000. Proprietor interested in other business that takes
up his time, reason for selling. Price until the first of the
year $650 and invoice of slock.
Exchange List.
Quarter section of land 6 miles north of town. Im
proved. Will trade for horses or cattle.
The above are only a lew of the real values in real
estate I have listed. I have properly ranging in price up to
$10,000, which will be advertised from time to time, but if
you aro interested in the purchase of property in this city
call and see me or phone and I will call and see you. I
get you the property you want and on reasonable terms.
Notice is hereby given thst on the
27 .h day of Dscembor, 1913,atl o'clock,
p. m., at the oiuce oi mo county ircna
urcr of Lincoln county, the Commis
sioner of Public Lands nnd Buildings
or his authorized representative, will
oiler for lease at public auction ail
educational lands within said county
upon which forfeiture of contract has
been uociarcu as lonows;
All 3G-14-27 T. L. Carroll.
Dated December 0, 1918.
Commisioner of Public Lands and
I uuiiuings
Christmas Delicacies.
We have assembled at our store, the finest
line of Christmas fixings obtainable, such as
Candied Lemon, Orange and Citron,
Dried Currants, Seedless Raisins,
Imported Figs and Dates,
Fresh Oysters, Celery, Confectionery.
Special Prices on Candy and Nuts
to teachers.
We carry the most complete line of Queens
ware in the city. We have latest patterns in Din
ner Ware, ranging in price from $8.00 to $45.00
per 100-piece set.
Buy your Christmas goods early as it insures
better selections and more efficient service.
Rush Mercantile Co.