The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 12, 1913, Image 10

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A big forceful event characterized by remarkable reductions extensively patronized and con
tinuing with unabated volume y
dim u fciwnwrnirTnncaarom
Men's Suits
Boys Suits
1-2 Price
Wool Underwear
Men's Shoes
Boy's Shoes
Men's Overcoats
iwrfliwffli'iTTiinnTiTr"ifl' nwi'T i 'JJvj'J'
$1.50 50c to $2.00 $10.00
1-3 Off
3rprrrrmrr wm "iwgrwrtir.m.vgtiwa
Men's Hats
1-5 off
The genuineness of these bar
gains had a quick and appreciative
response and if you did not share in
the savings be sure to come tomor
row if you want to save handsomely
on a mighty good Suit or Overcoat
Men's Suits
Knickerbocker Suits
1-5 off
Men's Suits
Men's Overcoats
1-4 off
Boys Overcoats
1-5 off
Boys Knickerbocker
If you hav'nt bought a pair of our
shoes its because you haven't seen the
shoes we're selling. Prices marked
down to a point where it will pay you
to buy shoes for future use. The
values are greatest in the shoe you
need now you'll find any style you
Suit Cases
1-5 Discount
Work Shirts
Wool Shirts
1-3 off
Cluett Shirts
Flannel Night Shirts
The Home of Good Clothes.
Coozee Discusses
Picture Shows.
Thoro is a minority of the people of
North Plattu that condemns theatres of
till kinds. It was published sonio time
since, that ul a meeting of a church
society, picture shows were denounced.
Wo hear of this being done on other oc
casions. An honest opinion with n good
intention muHt be respected, but n
small minority should not ho allowed to
dictate the law of thu town. No ono
institution la of more vnlue to uttract
visitors to tho city than ii placo of
nmuBomont. Trnvofors exert themselves
to make North Platte and spend tho
ovenlng at tho . picturo shows. Thoy
vvpuld do thq same for Sunday. Either
the anti-Sunday amusement people nre
in u minority or thoy violated their
principles by voting in Sunday base
ball. And now, tno man who is ablo to,
can ro out in an automobile and hurrah
at u ball game; can come hack and ploy
billiards ut tho Elks club, can enjoy
himself with his" friends at a smoke
house; but tho poor man, who does not
smoko, is forbldon to sit in quiet, and
look at a photograph. Ho might laugh.
Ho must bo driven where his intellect
ual' stomach will be nauseated with a
Puritan man-mado God ono having tho
vices of an oriental dospot, jealousy,
hatred, rovonge, ono who can bo induced
to. Bet BBido his InwB by tho flattery of
an insignificant atom.
No one can point to any picture shown
in North Platto that is not good and
wholesome. Many nre highly instruc
tive and teach the best lesson. Not n
f ow are oxtromely uplifting, ubovo the
plane of the avorago poraon and reach
ing to that of tho mot highly cultured
But, whon a petition is presented
Bhowlng that majority of tho people de
sire to seo these pictures on Sunday,
they are answered with an opposito
nction, dictated by a minority, and tho
man who presents their request is
murked for punishment Ho is arrested
on a bogus charge.
Whn he defends himself, and shows
his innocence, a now crimo is invented
for further persecution. He is warned
that there is mora to follow and finds
iL Ho encloses his building front to
protect hi patrons from tho cold; nnd
a'law is made forbidding any one to
enter or stand there, or purchase a
ticket unless therd is a vacant seat
After tho man is insido, tho position
ho" may assume is prescribed for him.
Only ono position is permitted.
It is expected that a later order will
require every ono to' kneel nil through
the show. , , tl
iWe aro warned now of tho fate of
Lexington-look, what !tho church
paoplo did to the picture shows thorei
Well, If we want to take such a
town for our pattern, and after boast
ting that we havo four theatres, pub
lish that wo are closing thorn up, wo
may as well quit spending monoy to
boost the town. , , .
One thing can bo depondedon, when
thenoxtrpronosition to vote bonds for
improvements ia'prosented, the friends
of tho picturo sIiowb will bo heard
from. 8. Goozee.
Local and Personal.
H. B. Sanderson, of Sutherland, was
'l iC- .. :..i i.. i. -:... -r.T....
uuiuug uiu uriivuia in win uii,y iituira-
day to look after business.
The Eastern Star chupler hold n
largely attended meeting last evening
and had initiatory ceremonies, after
which a lunch was served. ,
Let me have j our Christmas orders
for magazines, Mra. M.V.Mitchell.
Lots in Fnirview Addition, $80.00 to
$115.00; $5.00 a month will buy one.
Locnted on West Ninth street.
John C. Raynor.
At tho meeting of jtho Mothodist
brotherhood laHtfayening, held at the
pnrsonoge, T. C. "Patterson delivered an
address on tho Lincoln Highway.
Eva Hoagland, tho little daughter of
Senator nnd Mrs. W. V. Hoagland,
was taken to u local hospital yesterday
morning for surgical treatment. She
had tho lendar of the little finger on
her left hand severed and was taken to
havo it sewed together. The littlo girl
was emptying a fish bowl mid dropped
it. In attempting to catch it, tho edra
of tho glass struck her on the back of
tho left hand, making an ugly gash and
sevoring tho leader to her littlo finger
K. F. Stuart looks after large and
snail jobs equally well, and is alwajs
ready at short notice to repair your
plumbing or heating. 610 Pine St.
Phone G9. tf
A mooting of the directors of the
Chamber of Commorco was called for
Wednesday evening but nothing
definite could bo dono as thcro
was not a quorum out. The
men present recomonded that get
together meeting bo called for tho first
week in January and at that time
thoro nre many important matters to bo
brought boforo the club. At that time
tho club will consider tho ndyif ability of
holding n leou" every month uurlng
tho winter months.
Toysl Toysl Toys! We havo every
thing from Toyland. A lino lino of dolls,
doll beds, doll buggies, mechanical toys
and games. RinckerUook & Drug Co.
A slight wrock occurred yesterday
morning in the local railroad yards
which tied up the main line for several
hours. A buggago car and a mall car
ran off a defective switch and the bug
cage car tippod over. Tho cars were
being switched ready to be uttached to
be attached to a train, and wheng thoy
rnn on tho broken switch loft tlio rails
and were pulled a little way on tho tios,
but the one car topplad over. The
trains were able to leave the city, how
over, by switching on tho mnin lino
fnther out in the yard. One car was
undamaged but the one that went over
was badly smasnea up.
K. 0. T. M. Notice
Tho annual election of officers will
take place Thursday evonlng Dec. 25,
1913 all Sir Knights are urged to bo
present. C. M. Newton, R. K.
Prokte Will of
' Mrs. Farrington
Tho will of tho lato Hnttie Farring
ton came up in tho county court Tues
day to bo probated and ( for appoint
ment of tho executor. Edward R;
Goodman, named in tho will, was ap
pointed executor. Tho will of Luther
O. Farnngton, husbund of Mrs. Far
rington, came up ut the same time.
Tho Farnngton estate is valued at
$28,000 dollurs and many beneficiaries
nra mentioned in the will. Mr. Far
nngton willed ai) the property to
Mrs. Fnrrington nt his death, and in
Mrs. Farrington's will, many of the
relatives of both aro mentioned as ben1
eficiaries. K Tho following aro tho heirs named:
Charles Sicks, Lillian Sicks, James E.
Hinton, Florence Ilinton Greer, rela
tives of Mrs. Farrington, and Mrs.
Amanda Cheney, Charles Cheney, Helen
A. Roth, Helon Roth Smith, , Frank
Jackson, and Henry J. Roth, relatives
of Mr. Farrington. The one thousand
dollar life insurance of Mrs. Farring
ton is bequeathed tho Voluntary Relief
Association of tho Grand International
Auxiliary to B. of L. J3. Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph Williams, friends to tho de
ceased, are also mentioned in tho will.
It is so arranged in tho will that if
any should contest it, they will receive
only fTf ty dollars, to be divided
between th contestants, and
mainder of the estnto will be
among tho non-contestants.
tho re-divided
Money To Loan on Real Estate.
To help you buy, build or improve.
Out of our State Building & loan
Association. Can be paid back
monthly same as rent. Be sure to
call and see us before you tie yourself
up. Perhaps we can save you money.
Bratt & Goodman.
Two liconses to wed were granted
Tuesday in the county judge's office.
They wore issued to Thomas A. Dollnrd
age 35, nnd Aurora Twoford ago 40,
both of Oshkosh. nnd Albert P. Watson
age 40, and Emma B. Barrnclough, nge
40, both of this city. Tho iormer couple
was married by Judge Grant.
School was let out oarly Tuesday
afternoon in order that the ""teachers
and school children could be at liberty
to nttond tho lecture by Dr. Essert in
tho Presbyterian church.
H. P. Thompson, of Maxwell, arrived
in the city Wednesday ovening to look
after business.
l V '-
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And isit Newton's Store to
select your
Christmas Gifts
Best assortment of Christmas
Goods suitable for everyone
from Baby to Grandmother.
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