The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 12, 1913, Image 1
TJ " HftrrlonI Soclsty V' TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 12, 1913. No. 03 1 MK ' mWnnt 4Sk0M 4 4t$k0M 0k0M 4PS&& i it , , J ; ill &bb0 cent ifitii "OFFii llplSl ' . l3f A--MTT Vl1-tf4- JfLJ rllly umi Now buys a $10 Suit or Overcoat Men's $12.50 Suits or Over coats at $10. Men's $15 Suits or Overcoats now $12. JKBR Mifp lis v, r ' i M; ?;: : ; now buys a $20 Suit or Overcoat Men"s $25 Overcoats or Suits now $20. ..?j) ".7 "V. . M Bl . V&ft'.jfiiX W 3. 2Wff - l lyf NW . -.:. . . .. Z&h v& iwM' .. Nothing wilLgive the young folks more good clean, fun than a Brownie Camera. Any child that has passed the Kindergarten stage can readily take pictures with a Brownie. ' Every step has been made simple, easy. And Christmas day offers endless opportunities lor the making of home pictures that will appeal to the whole family. Brownie MaJaakthe $1-00 to Cameras Factories ) $12.00 Schiller 's Drug Stores ftieU'exall Store. C. 0. ip JL 0J Nothing Reserved. Every Men's and Boys' Suit and Overcoat in .Everyvslyle thatV wanted, every ?"'-' Tid color that's' good, is here. V$ fine new stock to ate, Iect sweetheart. Haberdashery in all colon, J 'cityles all go at the regular ONE-FOURTH off prices. We and Lincoln county a chance to make up ior the poor, crop year. C. O. WEINGAND'S, The Quality iPlace. Hf For the i'l -n. jut Jjoy ) or his '"ri.M.E Siafar' 7-. J7 jWy The Nyal Store. WEIMGAND - YOU CAN TAKE i aosL "" p rL JHR iamK?xramn?g Stage Set For Red and White Banquet. Final preparations arc beinjj made for the first annual Red and White banquet which will bo held this evening in the science room at the high school building. This is the first of these affairs in which the high school girls and lady teachers have been included, and it is being given by the high school girls, under tho supervision of Mrs. Hart. Heretofore, the annual banquets have included only tho boys. Elaborate preparations are being made and a fine toast list has been pre pared. Covers will be laid for one hun dred. The menu cards are very unique designu painted by the high school girls. Music for the evening will be furnished by the girls' quartette and will consist of original foot ball song. Preceoding the banquet, a reception will be held in the high school assembly room. Miss Nanine Iddings will preside at thelbanquetastoastmiBtross.and the fol lowing toasta have been prepared: "Our Past," Mr. Neville; "Our Future," Mr. Keefe; "Our Team." Captain Mc Williams; "OurGirls," PaulOttenstein; "Our High School Spiric," Superinten dent Tout; "Our Trips." Jay Smith; "Our Boys." Mario LeDoyt. A two-courso banquet Will be served by the high school girls; tho tables will be decorated with red and whit carna tions. Wait! Wait! Wait! "What for?" "You want your overcoat now?" "Weather waits for no man." "No man (in a hurry) waits for a tailor." C. 0. WKIfJOAND. Miss Alma Waltemath was hostess to tho Indian card club Wednesday aftpr noon and delightfully entertained the ladies. The fork prize was won by Mrs, J. F. Clahaugh and the second prize by Mrs. C. M. Reynolds. Enjoy able refreshments wero serveu, Your choice of any Ladies and $1 Misses Sweater in our store at for Saturday only. $3, $4 and $5 Sweaters go at $1. We do not show you old merchandise from year to year. So in order to clean up our stock we will give you advantage of our loss. Remember only $1 buys an all wool sweater. E. T. Tramp & Son. - The Quality Place IN THE STORE Attention Tax Payers: Special sewer tax on extension to sewer lateral "M", $24.00 por lot, is now due and payable, This tax bears interest if not paid before Dec. 20th. F. L. MOONEY, City Treasurer. If your heating plant is not working just right, call on Stuart, the Plumbor. Christian Saienco Service Sunday 11 a. m. Subject: "God The Preserver of Man." Sundajr School 12 m. K. P. hall, Dewey bt. A baby boy was born yesterday mornipg to Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Thoo lacko: We regret to stato that the condition of the mother is vory critical. Vacuum Cleaners make nico Christ mas gifts. Let me have your order. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phono Red 104. Theodore Eirdam. Jr.. has purchased tho formor Fred Kade property on east f ourth street as a Homo tor his parents and himBolf. Thoy will take possession at onao. Mr. and Mrs. Valerius, formerly of Detroit, Mich., have recently moved to North Platto and will mako their home hero in tho future. Mr. Vnlerius is a high class mechanic and up-to-date in all lines of heating and heating appli ances and is in the employ of It. F. Stuart, the plumbor. OUlcora of the W. K. C. for tho en suing year wero elected Sa turday as follows: Mrs. Anna Church, president, MrB. Sandford Hartman, vice-prosident; Mrs. Mary bcharman, icnaplain; .Mrs. Mary Elder, trcasuror; Mrs. James McMichael, conductor; Mrs. Knapp, guard; and Mrs. Jackson, organist. A public installation of officers will be held on the evening of January 3 in the I. 0. 0. F. hall. The public is invited to attend and an extensive program is being prepared. ' -,,. , Established 1887 fMqtualBuiiding & Loan Association of North l'latte, Nebraska, Assets December 1, 1913, $5GG,896.07. Paid up stock pays six per cent divi dends and may bo cashed at any time on thirty days notice. Monthly, savings, installment stock, tiava elffht ner cent dividendn. Either stock maytye subscribed for at any time. f This Association is operated under stato supervision and stock affords an investment that cannot be excelled for safety. T. C. Pattekson, Pras. S. Goozee, Secretary. u&m Y0MW ciOFFii fjjfipt r Wmmw. $2.40 Now buys a Boys' $3.00 Suit or Overcoat. Boys' $4.00 Suits or Overcoats now $3.30 $4.00 Now buys a Boys' $5.00 Suit or Overcoat. Boys' $6.00 Suits or Overcoats now $4.80 Boys' $8.00 Suits or Overcoats now $6.40. the store goes at 1-S off. a present for the husband, son, brother or. do this to give the people of North Platte Six cars in an east bound freight wore dornilod at Brady Tuesday nfter noon, causing a delay of six hours to traffic. Wilber Winquost has purchased tho interests of R. F.'Davi3 in tho Brady Stato Bank, and will enter tho bank Monday. Ho also purchased tho Davis residonco. J. E. Baker, who suffered a paraly tic stroke seyeral months ago, is in n very critical condition and may para away any hour. . Do Your Christmas ,,1 . And do it where you can get what you want We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Yellowstone Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Christmas Candy and Nuts, Olives, Pickles, Jams and Mince Meats. Visit our Queensware department and get a gift that will be useful as well as beautiful Dinner sets ranging in price from $7.50 tov. $14.00 per hundred piece set. Glassware and Kitchen Cutlery. North Side Cash Grocery, F. D. WESTENFELD, Prop. Phone 244. CWatti5iQ KM .?XfyM ysm? -i- w.r. 4AS&V Tho literary department of tho Twen tieth Century Club will meet with J. B. Redfiefd noxt Tuesday afternoon. A meeting of tho civic department of tho Twentieth Contury Club is called for 7:30 tomorrow ovonlng at tho pub He library. " Tho chairman asks for a full attendance as matters of import ance will bo discussed. D. M. Douthott, of Overton, .trans acted business in town yesterday. Mr. Douthutt has beon montioned as' a pos sible ronublican candidato for state Isonator. Shopping Early "MNj M AmtezsRM