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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1913)
'i vmmK, GIFTS E0R ATI:.JflMf :; r A Diamond "? Th.e Gift Ideal J. ' An investment that combines refined adornment with safety and mt X ' value. We have a collection surpassing in excellence of quality W ' v ' and beauty anything ever exhibited in this city before.' " '' - ' ' GtnuWpuUtCut piamond ?Pa'k Ma?E3' S. M ' 18.80 ' 'JS :', ' -f U-And Real Duroquc l'eail, J Jt V?y O A V . . Sol' Gold ' -JiS ' Let us show you our fine new Holiday Stock. l , Goods selected now"will be held until the Holidays for you. .r - r- A V, .' -.; . ' i . JU. V Local and Personal Mrs. H. A Brooks left this morning for Gothenburg to spend the day visit ing relatives. Mrs. Brooks' former home was at Gothenberg. Mrs. West, of Wyo., and Mrs. Gantt, of Mont., loft Saturday for their res pective homes, after, visiting in the city for several weeks with relutives and friends. It's high time to do your Christmas .shopping. We can fit you out in sub statial gifts and novelties. Tramp & Son. The Woman's Socialist Study class will hold a meeting Wednesday, Dec. 10, at the home, of Mrs. Wilson, 1023 korth Locust street. The subject an nounced is "Franchise," and all mem bers are urged to be out as an interest ing meeting is anticipated. Deputy Sheriff Thomas F. Watta left this morning for Kearney to get a man by name of W. S. Hopkins, who was arrested on the charge of larceny as bailee, Hopkins leased a shot gun and sold it several times, collecting for it each time. He came here from Oconto. He was arrested at Hoklrege and will be' brought here for trial. All coats and suits go at reduced prices! Compare oilr prices and quality "before you purchase, Tramp & Son. County Surveyor Cochran is in the goutheastpart.of th? county looking after Borne county work. He and the county .commissioners' will begin the latter part of th'e week on collecting data for the location of the new Platte river bridge for the Lincoln road. After their investigation they will meet with State Engineer .Price to decide oh the location ot the bridge. We do shoe repairing in the most up to date manner. We have just in stalled a new electric finishing nnd stitching machine and nro ready to sew on soles and do all kinds of repairing while you wait. Prices reasonable. Shoe and Harness Shop, 512 Locust. . 9o-4 Forstedt& Sheedy. The Woman's Twentieth Century Self Culture club met yesterday after noon at the hoipe of Mrs. Geo. Trexler. A fine program was given and the ladies enjoyed a pleasant and profitable afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Cramer was leader of the meeting. The program consisted of papers by Mrs. Ed Dickey, Mrs. Wm. Maloney nnd Mrs. Chas. Bogue. Mr3. Cramer led in a discus ipn of tho use of the bible stories for "children. The meeting was pronounced one of the best the club has yet enjoyed. Art Yates, of Sutherland, visited in the city Saturday on business. ! Dr. Redfield was a prosessional 1 visitor to Hershey Sunday evening. j Miss Tillie Kosbau, who has been em ployed at Dickey's bakery, has resigned ' her position. Harvey Smith, of Lisco, was taken to a local hospital this week for medical treatment. Mrs. C. A. Peterman, who was operated upon a week ago at a local ' hnanital ia rarrrt-tA In lio imnrnuintr ' W. II. Winters of Keystone was a business visitor in the city last evening and this morning. ' ' John Sprague of Oshkosh arrived in the city last evening andremainad over this morning to look after business matters. Miss Marie Bowen returned home Sunday evening from a visit of a few days with relatives and friends at Wood River. Attorney H. A. Dane, of Ogalalla, is in the city assisting Attorney J. G. Beeler in preparing a brief for a case in the supreme court. Deputy v Sheriff Thomas F. Watts will loavo this evening for Omaha to to receive the degree of High Priest in in the Masonic lodge. The children of S. C. Coyner, of BigSprnigs, who have been receiving treatment for typhoid fever at the local hospital, aro reported convalescent. Mrs. Wentzel, of Holdredge, is visit ing in the city with her daughter Mrs. Maurice O'Connell, who was taken to the' hospital Jast week. The carpenters resumed work this week on Robert Dickey's new residonco in the east part of the city after a thirty-day lay off. The Loyal Sons of the Christian church will give an oyster supper Thursday evening in the church parlors for the Loyal Daughters and their frionds. The young men have planned a great many things and expect a good representation to help make a pleasant evening. Word has been received here announc ing the marriago of Miss Kathryn Carstensen, formerly a teacher in tho local schools, to Bert Sinter, an auto mobilo man from Minnesota. They were married last week in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Slater are now trvoling through Iowa but will soon leave for Minnesota where Mr. Slater has un automobile business. Elks' Memorial argely Attended TliA memorial service held Sunday afternoon by the B. V. O. Elks was moro largely attondod than any similar soryico hold by tho lodge, tho number present oxceoding two hundred. Many of tho Llka were accompanied by their ladles. Tho services wero directly com memorative to tho four members of tho local lodgo deceased -A. G. Carl son, Gothenburg; Fred Sudman, Chap- pell; and Geo. T. Field and Carl Shnef- fer, North Platte. Tho selections by tho Keith theatro orchestra, which consisted of March "Funabro" from Chopin's sonata opus 35, "Tho Lost Chord" by Sullivan, and "Melody in F" by Rubinstoin, nil high class compositions, wero rendorod with artistic skill, tho expression nnd har mony bringing forth many compliments from tho audience. Tho address by Judgo Grimes was nn eleoquent and masterly one, tho princi ples of the order forming the basis for his address. Ho brought out many good points along the lino of charity, justico fidelity and brotherly love. The invocation was by Rev. Mc'Daid, a male quartette sang "The Vncant Chair" and the opening nnd closing ceremonies were by the officers of the lodge. S. W. Carr, of Leon, Knns., was a business visitor to tho court heuso yesterday. Baptists Exchange Parsonage C. J. Perkins hhs purchased the Baptist 'pursonngo on west Fourth street nnd tho trustees of the Baptist church have purchased tho rosidonco property of Mr. Perkins at 314 East Fourth street. The exchange was tniulo so that the Baptist people could hnve property closer to tho church nnd in a downtown district, nnd that Mr. Perkins who is nn engineer, might bo closer to tho round house. Tho move will be made as soon as possible. T. II. McWIllinms returned Friday avoning to his homo" In Omaha nftur a visit of several days at tho office of Uratt & Goodman. Mr. McWilllams is superintendent of ngoncles for the Mutual Life Insurance Company, nnd was looking after business of that company. I have a few choice lots left on 9th street in Dolson's Addition. Let mc show them to you this week. C, F. Temple. Word was received from Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckey from Albany, N. Y., where they are traveling on their honeymoon, that they aro having a fine trip. From Albany they wont to New York City whero they will visit for several days. Every section in that part part of the forest reserye in the North Platto land district has been filed upon, leaving only a few tracts of 1G0 acres each that will be thrown open to entry after December 30th to anyone who wishes to file thereon. U Miss Mary Vicent was a passenger to Omaha this morning. The Indian Card club wiil meet with Miss Alma Waltemath tomorrow after noon. Bradford Div. No. 200 G. I. A. will hold an election of officers Friday. All are requested to bo present. Tho Christian aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the church basement. Toys! Toys! Toys! We have every thing from Toyland. A fine line of dolls, doll beds, doll buggies, mechanical toyp and games. Rincker Book & Drug Co. I wish to thank the friends nnd neighbors for the-kindness nnd consi deration shown in my time of sorrow in the illness and death of my wife. V. C. Buckner. Weathor forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair tonight nnd Wednes day no important change in tempera ture. Light to moderate winds. High est temperature yesterday 40, a year ago 30; lowest last night 20, a year ago 20. A caBo was filed in the county court yesterday morning whereby tho Iten Biscuit company, of Omaha, issuing Aj E. Wood to collect a bill of $84.71 which they allege is duo them. They ask for the principal with interest nnd costs of the suit. Muldoon & Gibbs represent the plaintiff. The Christmas Spirit is Love and Re membrance. Remember someone with a good book. We have a full lino of childrens books and books for older ones, including all the latest popular fiction and gift books. Also, pictures and frames. Rincker Book & Drug Co. Sheriff Salisbury received word yes terday from the sheriff at Bnrtelaville, Okla., telling of the arrest of Frank Holtslander for petit larceny. Ho was fined $50.75 and given a jail sentence of thirty days. lie was nut in jail Nov. 17 and got loose thu next day. Holt slander was hold in jail here for four months awaiting trial for forging a draft on tho Platto Valley bank, but broke out before the time for trial. As soon as it was learned there tho man was wanted in North Platto, the authorities were notified, As To Insurance. Brail & Goodman write all kinds of good insurance fire, life, accident, surety bond. At lowest rates consis tent with sound insurance. Temple's List of Real Estate Bargains. Prices Under $1,500. 4-room cottage located at 109 W. 8th St. lot 66x132, nice lawn and trees, cement walks in front and yard, water iit house. Lot has future as a business lot. Price'$1200.00 Easy terms. 4-room cottage located in Graceland addition.TIIousc just completed, lot 44x130 feet. If sold bdfore the first of the year SHOO, $500 down, balance to suit purchaser. Block tract, four blocks east of city park, between 2nd and 3rd streets, 5-room house, barn and sheds. Price $900 one-half down, balance in one" or two years. Prices $1,500 to $2,000 5-room frame bungalo.-in Graceland Addition with bath room (not equipped) y2 lots, making tract of land 66x130 feet,-house new. Price $1,700, easy lerrns? Prices $2,000, to $3,000 ' "r 5-room frame house with two full 66' foof located at 306" , east 10th street, water in house, laundry and good cellar, barn for four head of horses and sheds, 50 nice shade and fruit trees, One of the biggest bargains on the list. Price $2,500, $1,000 cash will handle this deal. 5;room dwelling located six blocks east of Dewey on 5th street, nice bath fully equipped, nice lawn and trees, lot 66x132 feet. Price $2,400, easy terms. New 6-room house located on west 1st street, only five v blocks from court house, electric lights and bath, nice cellar 12x14 feet, good chicken house and yards and outbuildings. Everything new and in first-class condition, lot 66x132 feet. Price $2,600,. easy terms. 6-room house on west 6th street, corner lot 66x132 feet, southeast corner 12 blocks west of Dewey street. Electric lights and Water in house. Price $2,000, easy terms. 6-rooms and bath, dwelling on west 6th street, 10 blocks west of Dewey street, sewer connected, two 44-ft. lots, mak ing 88 feet frontage, cement sidewalks in front and around house, nice lawn and trees. Price $2,800, can arrange terms. 10-room house on E. 11th st, basement under whole house, bath, electric lights, lot 66x132 ft, with nice trees and lawn, walks on two sides of lot. Price $3,000.00, good terms or will consider trade oh automobile. &$JiJtjft 4 '' , Vacant Lots Southwest corner lot on 5th st., in 700 block, sidewalk in front and lot well filled, one of the best resident lots left in this exclusive resident section, lot 66x132 ft. Price $1800.00. Lot 9, block 33 North Platte Town Lot Company's Ad dition.located on W 2nd St. Price $400. 3-44 feet lots on West 3rd street, in 1200 block, north front. Certainly a bargain at $1000 for the three. I have other choice resident lots in all parts ef the city, including the t exclusive sale of lots in Cody's Addition, Dolson's Addition and others. Business Proposition One of the best paying businesses in the city for the capital invested. Hay and feed business. Well located. Gross business as shown by the books last year was over $25,000. Proprietor interested in other business that takes up his time, reason for selling. Price until the first of the " year $650 and invoice of stock. Exchange List. Quarter section of land 6 miles north of town. Im proved. Will trade for horses or cattle. The above are only a lew of the real values in real estate I have listed. 1 have property ranging in price up to $10,000, which will be advertised from time .to time,, but if yqu are interested in tho purchase of property in this city call and see mo or phone and I will call and see you. - I can get you the property you want and on reasonable terms. C. F. TEMPLE. William Tripptfs 0d,Wother By M. QUAD Copyrlcht, 1513, by Associated Lit erary Pre. William wns wicked. When I pick out oko man from a mining enmp mado tip 6t 300 run aways, debt Jumpers, cutthroats, gam., blcrs, horso thieves nnd murderers nnd call him wicked I mom for tho reader to infer that lie n-us right up nnd down bad. Which wns exactly tho 'caso with Wllllnm Tripp. Wicked! Well, ho wna that! Such a swearer ns William was! Ho would begin as Boon ns his eyes wero open lu tho morning and keep up a steady lire until 10 o'clock 'lit night. And ho was n cheat and n liar. You wonder that wo didn't run him out or hnng him. Well, somehow wo nlwnys intended to. but nlwnys put It oft to n mora convenient date. Tho success of bouncing n man depends n good deal on who the mnn is. On our first gen tle hint to William Tripp that unless ho wns packed up nnd out of camp lu sldo of thirty minutes his nnntomy would bo riddled with bullets he pro duced -n couplo of revolvers, backed up agnlnst tho Ited Eye saloon and cnlm ly observed thnt he wns aching for n little excitement. I think his actions nt that particular tlmo hnd something to do with our giving him tho ropo nnd seeking to get along with his ec centric traits of character. "I move." snld Elder Beacon ono night when we were talking ubout William's bad ways, "that tho com mittee get the drop on him nnd then run htm Into the hills," Just ho. but who were tho commit tee? That was another point wo could never satisfactorily determine, nnd that was another reason why William con tinued to abide with us. Shoot? Woll, you never saw such an eyo and such nerve. Justns far as ho oould soo tho bowl of a pipe In a mnn'B mouth he could smash It with a bullet Almost every hat In camp had an air hole mnde by one of his bullets, nnd, though I wns prejudiced ngalnst Wll llnm, I hud to admit that ho respected men's heads In shooting nt their lints. IJut there cnuio a halt Jn William Tripp's mud enrcer. and it happened In a .queer wny. A fire In his tent one night burned up n lot of his traps, nnd he had to intiko a rldo of thirty miles on Colonel Cooper's old mhro to replace tnem with new. Tho doming ho rodo out of camp wns tho last tlmo wo saw him, but wo heard from a dozen dlf ferciiLones just what happened. About twelve miles from our camp was the Overland trail, and just whero our own trail struck In was a pretty little val ley with, plenty of .wntor und wood. It was n fnVorito cnmplng spot'wltlKini migrants. .and tho day William Tripp reached it lio found half a dozen wng ons and ns many families halted for n breathing' spell. Tho deviltry In Wllllnm's nature- bub bled over when ho struck that vnlluy and beheld such a scene of pence Children wero plnylng around, women wero wnshlng and mending., nnd the brawny men were repnlrlli wagons and harness nnd whtstlVner their woric. William urow rem will gnzuu unon tno scene for u row minutes. Then ho out with his revolver. Seated before ono of tho fires was an old wo man with her knitting In lmnd nnd n pipe In her mouth. It was u long sjiot. but the evil ono urged William to try It, nnd try he did. What happened? " 4 Something even worse than murder The bullet wont straight for the old woman's head and crashed into her brain Then something awful follow ed. She rose to her feet, whirled around to fnco the shooter, and true as you live she seemed to look nb him for thirty seconds before she tottered forward and shrieked out: "WUIIirin! Oh. my son William!" Then sho pitched forward on tho grass and was dead In u second, nnd the red blood oozed out and inndo n terrible stain on the green grass. And Wllllam-whut did holo? Ilo was Hko one turped to stone. The old woman's words plainly reached his enrs. and he must have recognized her fnco. In the awful moment In which ho sat gazing at the corpse on the grass It must have Unshed across him thnt his poor mother hud made that long Journey with neighbors for no other purpose than to hunt him up he the boy who hud left her years ago I and had been the subject of her night ly prayers over since. Wlckpd as ho was ho must have felt her devotion nnd sacrifices. And then? Ilo sat there In hlc saddlo, his eyes fastened on his mother's corpse, nnd the revolver still In his hand. Tho slt- untlon hud petrified him. While ho sat thus ono of the Immigrants, who. be lieving that the enmp wns to be at tacked by a forco, loveled his rlllo over tho wheel of tho Wagon und sent n bullet, plowing through William's henrt. Ah, well: It's years and years ago, and tho twin graves In tho valley huvo long slnco been trampled out of sight, and Whlto Dog Diggings can bo found no moro, but tho day tho nows of that awful tragedy eamo back to us wo dropped spado and pick nnd could work no moro for tho day. And after n long period of silence among tho men, who had instinctively gathered around Judgo Desire to hour his opin ion, tho judgo nrojio niuVsaifl: "Feller citizens, tho wicked don't llvo out hnlf his days, and 'don't' you for git It!"