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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. M & 1 i n B 4-t " bSSVw am, ma n. m t?k mrtv m mm I7.i3twiii ji B , i i j Bjft jKiM kCT iffi i 1ft vi IP id J.lfc rx ;UP Si . SU B ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYegdable Preparation for As similating iheFoodatuincgula tmg the S lomachs and Bowels of lai ". ?,s ,) Promotes Digcsliorf,Chccrful- fo. LM ncssandKcst Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral NotNabcotic Kttipt cfOId DrSANVELffTVfER K Si W fSimpHm Slid sftxStitnm fixhtlU Salts AnutSttd PbnftmiU Hirm Sttti - ' Itttbyrren Ffavor Pi ! Ul it. m A perfect Remedy forConslirxv lion . Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Fevcriah ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP facsimile Signature of The Ccntaur Company. NEW YORK. 1 ?8 ;T a J rot? St.1 Exact Copy of Wrapper A lazy man does less harm than the activo man who stirs up unnecessary trouble. Ttcil Crow Hall L'ue gives double value for your money, Roes twice as far as any other. Ask your grocer, Adv. De a busy bee. It's always better to Bttng than to get stung. Backache Warns You Backache is one of Nature's warnings of kidney weakness. Kidney disease kills thousands every year. Don't neglect a bad back. If your back is lame if it hum to stoop or lift if there is irregularity of the secretions suspect your Kidnevs. If you suffer head aches, dizziness and are tired, nervous and worn-out, you have further proof.' Use Doan's Kidney Pills, a fine rem edy for bad backs and weak kidneys. A Texas Case Mrs. B. F. Ben son, Anderson Ave, Houston, Texas, say a: "Two operations failed to relieve my kid ney trouble. I had hemorrhages o( the kidneys and passed pure blood. The pain and suf ferlnc In my back was -terrible. I was nothing but akin and bones When I had given up hope. Doan's Kidney nils came tn mv rpnriin find "Event PU-ture Tell ii Mori." X cured me. Today I am In better health than ever before." Get Doan's at Any Store. 50c a Box DOAN'SJSV FOSTER-MIUJURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. 0 sufferers find instant relief in Sloan's Liniment. It pene trates to the painful part soothes and quiets the nerves. No rubbing merely lay it on. rj? LINIMENT Kills Pain For Neuralgia "I wnnM not be without Tour Lini ment and Drake It to all who suffer with neuralgia or rheumatism or pain of any kind." Ur- Jltnry Uuhop. I Mtuoutu Pain Alt Cons "I suffered with aulte a severe neu ralgic headache for 4 months without any relief. I used your Liniment for two or three niKUts ami i naven taui fercd with my head since-" Mr. J. R. btcingtr, louumuu, Ay. Treatments for Cold and Croup 'Mv little clrl. twelve years old. caucht a severe cold, and I gave her thrcearopsor Moan s uiniraencon sugar on colne to bed, and she rot tip in the morning with no signs of a cold. A lit tle boy next door had croup and I gave thrn rtrnpjt on ffnlnrf to lied, and he cot inn Tnniner inn i.inimeiiL. iuuubvg mui up without the croup In the morning." Hi. W. 11, Strange, Chicago, III AtsllDuWs. Price 2!c, 30c a 11.03 Sloan's Book on I lories sent froe. Address i DR. EARL S. SLOAH, 1st, Boston, Mass. iE1TE33S3 tyi usi;ou(nbjrrup, 'j wiei uooa. uk la Urns. Bold by iirurjcuii. T!l M'l' M i MP-'! sTH ' 1 " 'Klasfii "to ywt4a:L.,iaataEC3CCTagV W-u.llniillLIIIIIIIIMUiillllJUIjL'UlUliUU: NGuarantecd under the Foodanj, mUj Forlnfanto and Cliildron. MHaMHmHWMiiiMtiMnanMMHnMnn,! The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature Jyfl j For Over Thirty Years THIt INTAUft OOMPAftV NIH YORK OITY wmsMMimMmmm ROYALTIES' TIPS ARE LARGE Crowned Heads Expend Large, Sums for Gratuities to Those Who Have Served Them. When a man begins to grumblo at the tipping habit In New York, says the Times, ho should thank his stars he doos not belong to the nobility. Tho sums paid out by royalty In tip ping servants while on a visit would support several families for a year For instance, the late King Edward's tipping bills ran Into the thousands each year. Ho inado It a point that when visiting a friend, even for a few hours, never to leave without be stowing notes among the servants. It Is said that when ho visited for the week-end he seldom left less than $1,000 to be distributed as tips. When tho king went to a shooting party each beater received ?5 and the head keeper $25 or more, according to tho duration of tho visit. Tho kaiser is said to be tho most liberal tipp"er among royalty of Europe. It is said that every servant in a house which ho visits is, suro to bo remem bered. Tho day before a visit comes to an end a secretary hands tho chief steward an envelope containing the amount to be distributed and he makes sure each servant receives his allotted share. Even tho employes of tho stable are romombored. Wheel Within Wheeh "I hear Wiglt-y made his pllo through the manufacture of stogies." "Nope. But ho started on the road to wealth In that way. His subsidiary company was what really brought him his fortune" "What's the subsidiary company?" "Tho match factory." Tho vlllago gossip never has time to take a vacation. WIFE WON Husband Finally Convinced. Somo people are wise enough to try now foods and beverages and then generous enough to give others the benefit of their experience. A wife writes: "No slave In chains, it seemed to mo, was more helpless than I, a coffee captive. Yet there were innumerable warnings waking from a troubled sleep with a feeling of suffocation, at times dizzy and out of breath, attacks of palpitation of tho heart that frlghO cned mo. (Tea is just as injurious as coffeo because It contains caffeine, the same drug found In coffee.) "At last my nervous system was so disarranged that my physician ordered 'no more coffee.' I capitulated. "Determined to give Postum a fair trial, I prepared it according to direc tions on tho pkg., obtaining a dark brown liquid with a rich snappy fla vour similar coffee. When cream and sugar wore added, it was not only good but delicious. "Noting its beneficial effects in mo tho rest of tho family adopted it all except my husband, who would not ad mit that coffeo hurt him. .Several weeks elapsed during which I drank Postum two or three times a day, when, to my surprise, my husband said: 'I have decided to drink Postum. Your improvement is bo apparent you havo such fine color that I pro poso to give credit where credit is due.' And now wo are coffee-slaves no longer" Name given by Postum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich. Read "Tho Road to Well vllle," in pkgs. Poatum now comes In two forms: Regular Postum must bo boiled, Inttant Postum Is n solublo powder. A teaepoonful dissolves quickly In a cup of hot water and. with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverago Instantly. Grocers sell both kinds. I "There's a Reason" for Pooturn. How to I llnfroduceaManl to Christ Dy REV. HOWARD W. POPE & Superintendent of Men Moody Dibld lnititutt, OJcajo f sl5H'544K!sJ' THXT-Phlllp lltuletli Natlmnlel.-John 1.45. In tho conver sion of Nathanncl Wo have n good Illustration of tho p r 1 n c I p 1 o s in volved tn lending n pcrBon to Christ. I. Evory be liever has a mes sage to tho world. "Philip ilndeth Nathaniel, a n d milth unto him, We hnvo found him of whom Moses In tho law and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth, tho son pf Joseph." Philip did not talk about himself but about Jcbub. That is what we should do. That Is what wo were culled Into tho kingdom for to talk about tho king. Tho world Is pre judiced against Jesus Christ. Sin has blinded their vision and thoy do not see him as ho Is. They think that ho !is unreasonable and exacting and they see no beauty in him that they should ,deslro him, It is our business so to !roveal tho beauty of the bon of God .that they will feel their need of him. When Ole Bull, tho great musician, .visited thlB country ho found an old friend of his boyhood at Philadelphia, 'dohn Erlcson the great shipbuilder They had a delightful Interview, and ns ho was leaving Ole Bull handed out pomo tickets to a concert, and Invited his friend to come and hear him. Erlcson declined, and when pressed for his reason, frankly confessed that music was torture to him, and bogged (to be excused. Of course, nothing more could bo said, but Ole Bull mado ,ii I Ills mind that ho would compel uIb friend to hear him In somo way. A lew days later ho appeared at Eric feon's olflce with his violin, and asked JEricson if ho had any skillful ino jchanics. Ho said he met with an acci dent to his violin nnd needed a little help. Erlcson touched a button and when a man appeared, ho asked him jto send Mr. B to tho office. When Mr, B presented himself, Erlcson Lold Olo Bull to explain to him what ho wanted done. In a few minutes tho (nun returned with the repairs made, rhe great musician took tho violin, drew his bow across it a few times to fee if it was in tune, and then glided in o one of thoso matchless melodies that only Olo Bull could ovoko from an instrument. Instantly every clerk in kho office dropped his pen, Erlcson threw down his paper and began to jllstcn, and all tho men in the factory gathered around the open door, and khero they stood spell-bound for twen jty minutes until tho music ceased. When ho laid down his bow Erlcson cried out, "Go ono, go on, my friend, I never knew before that I had a papaclty for music." , Tho poor Blnful world has tho same Idea about Jesus that Erlcson had jibout music. II. Evory believer in bearing his message to the world is sure to meet iwlth controversial inquiry. "Nathanaol sam unto mm, can any gooa tning come out of Nazareth?" Thoro wub .only ono word In Philip's testimony .that ono could find fault with, and that wad tho word Nazareth. Nathan iel, gooc man as ho was, could not forbear the temptation to criticise, and he seized the opportunity at once. "Nazareth," ho said, "tho most dlsro putabld town in all Galileo; can any good thing como out of Nazaroth?" III. Every bellovor, In meeting tho objections of the world, haa a suffi cient answer. "Philip saith unto him, come and sco." If you will study this subject you will see what a comploto answer this la to any possible objec tion. Suppose that ono Is uncertain about tho authority of tho scriptures, let him como and sec that Is, come to Jesus nnd Bed what he thinks nbout the question, and his opinion ought to bo ilnal. Ho evidently regards tho Pentateuch as tho work of Moses, and tho varlouB chapters of Isulah which he quotes us tho word of God through his servant, Isaiah, and Jonah as a ronl charactrl, who had an experi ence fluch as Is attributed to him by tho record beuring his namo. If one has doubts about the possibility of forgiveness let him como and see, let him kneel right down and confess his sins and he dan demonstrate the thing in a very short time. IV. As soon as tho bellovor begins to bear his messago to tho world, Jesus draws near. "Jesus saw Nathaniel coming to him and said, 'Behold an Israelite Indeed, in whom Is no guile." V. As soon as a sinner begins to falk with Joaus, tho light begins to come. "Nathanael answered to him, Rabbi, thou urt tho son of God" By all means get an Inquirer on his knees as soon as possible. lie can see many things there which ho cannot aeo standing If ho Is not accustomed to praying, and most people are not, ask him to follow you sentence by sen tence as you lead him In prayer. In this way you will bo suro that ho con fesses his sins and invites Christ to come Into his heart and take posses sion of his life. aSfo PLANTING AND SPRAYING OF ORCHARDS mmmmmimmmmBm$MmMwm If the young orchard contains grass or weeds, you may be sure that the mice will cause treat damage, unless the trunks of the trses are well protected,. (Hy H. J. MILLCIt ) There aro umuy good reasons for tho fall planting of, orchards. October is tho best month for taking up this question. Tho weather is favorable now, but It Is not likely to remain bo for more than four or five weeks. Thoso who wish to havo rn orchard or cnlargo tho ono thoy now have, should get busy. An orchard pays flvo times as much as grain per acre, and fnll planting is becoming more popular each sea son, and as experience shows Its ad vantages tho practlco is becoming general. As Boon as a treo or shrub becomes dormant it can bo moved from ono plnco to another. When set out in tho rail, tho bruised roots begin Immediately to heal, and callous 1b formed; ,tho trees recover quickly from tho moving, soon boepmo firmly established, and with tho llrst touch of spring aro ready to go into business for theuisolvos in a vigorous way. Again tho ground Is generally In better condition for planting in tho fall than in tho spring, when much spring planting is dono with tho ground too wet for results. AMOUNT OF SEED CORN TO SELECT Good Rule to Follow Is ft Gather as Many Ears as Are Needed for Planting. (By A. C. AUNY, Assistant Agriculturist. University Kami, St. Paul, Minn.) When you got Into your own corn field you may see so many good plants bearing good cars thnt you will just feel like keeping n-golng. Hope you do, and while you are selecting good seed corn for yourself, select some for your neighbors. Thoy need it to help boost the average yield of corn in thlB state to over forty bush els per aero. How ninny rows has an average car of com of tho variety which you rulso? How many kcrnelB per row after tip and butt kernels lmVb been shelled off? Many IiIIIb will ono ear plant, using three kernels per hill? .Ono acre of corn .checked threo foot three inches contains 3,210 hills. If your ear has 000 good kernels It will plant 200 hills, threo kernels per hill, At that rate it would requlro uhout seventeen ears per acre. Remember, howover, that in select ing tho corn In tho field you go over It rather hurriedly. When winter cornea and you look tho eara over carefully, you will Hud many that will not Buit you. Of those that do suit, a number may not grow strong, un less tho cqrn Is properly dried and stored A goqd rule is to select twice as many ears from good plants in the field na are needed to plant tho re quired number of acres next year This allows a vory closo selection to be made during tlia winter. Making the Egg Business Pay. To assure a high quality of p oduct and prevent In a largo measure tho loss now experienced In the value of tho country's egg production, produc ers aro urged to oblorvo tho fol lowing five simple rules: 1. Give the hens clean nests. 'I. Gather eggs at I oast onco tlnlly. Ii. Keep oggH In u cool, dry place 4. Market ogga at .'oast twlco a weok, 5. Kill or sell all mature inalo blrdj as soon as tho hatching season clobos. AftPr all rotten npples, pruned limbs, and other refusu havo been cleared up nbout tho orchard, tho trees should bo given a thorough Bpray ing. If posslblo ono should choose a warm day for thlB operation, so most of tho Insect pejjts crawling out to lie in tho sunlight will bo oxposod to tho action of the spraying solution. Special attention should bo given old knots and rough and rotten spots nbout tho trees, as in thoso places the fruit pests deposit their eggs for next season's crop and at tho samo tlmo many of tlieso pests themselves aro harboring safe retreat till winter is over. Thoro aro several roasons for this fall Bpraylng. It not only destroys tho Insoct pests, but tholr eggs, also, which hnvo been laid. After tho spraying, tho troos will be loft healthy and clean and freo from pests, while thoy aro developing their next season's fruit crop. Anothor light spraying next spring will no,t como amiss, but this fall spraying will insuro tho work being dono, not neg lected next spring, when tho rush sea son is on nnd tho field turns tho farm er's attention from tho orchard. MEANS OF SECURING A STEADY INCOME Poultry Keeping and Mixed Farm ing Afford Promising Means of Comfortable Living. To the man of small capital poultry keeping and mixed farming afford tho most promising meatiB of making a comfortnblo livelihood. Poultry may with advantage bo kept by thoso en gaging in fruit growing aid provo a valuablo adjunct to tho orchard by keeping down posts and fertilizing tho ground; also proving a material Bourco of lncomo whilo tho trees aro coming Into bearing. To ongago ex clusively in fruit growing ono is obliged to proyido for tho period from tho setting out of tho trees till they como into bearing, thus requiring an income from other sources, whllo in mixed farming returns may bo counted on from tho start, A few acres planted In small fruits, early vegetables, potatoes, cdrrots, onloiiB, cabbages, etc., with fowlB, somo cows and pigs, will give a mau an assured lncomo tho first season, and will not Intorfero with his plant ing a variety of fruit trees, which will bocomo profitable luter. GOOD METHOD FOR KEEPING POTATOES Ventilation Helps Carry Off Mois ture, Thus Keeping Tubers Dry During Winter. The place for storlnB potatoes should havo plenty of ventilation. Bins ought not to bo over eight feet square and should have slat walls with hollow partitions, or thoro uhould bo plenty of ventlluting tubes with slat sides reaching from top to bottom of tho bin. Where bins aro us largo aa olght-foot square a vontllating tube In tho middle of each ono would bo do slrablo. Ventilation helps to enrry off moisture, thus keeping tho potatoes dry nnd making It posslblo to cool them off quickly In tho fall and keep them cool duilng the win tor. "A BELIEVE PE-RU-NA SAVED MY LIFE." 4lHHHlsa.a.aBHl;' BhF IHK! ssassMlS.J- .JLF&tf ayHiitt Mr8.Char!03AnspauQh Mrs. Charles Anspnugh, R. R. 1. Klmmell, Noblo Co., Indiana, writes: "Pcruna haB been a godsend to mo. I can feel safo in saying that it saved my llfo, ns I wnB nil run down and was just mleernblo when I commenced tak ing your Perunn, but am on tho road to recovery now. 1 cannot thank you too much." Thooe who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Pcruna Tab lets. .rtsfr Your Druggist for Free Pcruna Lucky Day Almanac for 1914. Secret of Creation Out. MnrlOn, aged six years, was looking on whllo her aunt manufactured a rag doll. "Auntie, why don't you put In tho eyes?" Bho asked. "Tho eyes aro put in last, dear," ropllod auntie. "Oil, that's why we can't boo how God makes ub," said Marlon; "ho puts, our oyes in last." SUFFERED FOR 25 YEAR8. Mr. It. M. Flconor, R. F. D. 39, Otter, bein, Ind., writes: "I had beenaBUffor cr from Kidney Troublo for about 25 years. I finally got bo bad that I had to quit work, and doctors fatted to do mo any good, I kept getting worse all tho time, and it at last turned to inflamma tion of the Bladder, Ri.wr sWt ana I naa given up nil hope, when ono day I received your llriln hnnklnr nilvor- R. M. Fleenor. tislng your pills, nnd resolvod to try them. I dtd, and took only two boxes, and I am now sound and well. I regard my euro ns 'remark able. I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to any ono who is Buffering from Kldnoy Troublo as I was." Wrlto to Mr. Fleenor nbout this wonderful rornedy. Dodd'e Kldnoy Fills, COc. per box at your dealor or Dodd's Mcdiclno Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and Gorman wordsi and reel pos for dainty dishes. All 3 sent freo. Adv. i A Shiner. "Why aro you bo fond of tho shoo buslnoss?" f . "Bocauso there's whore I shino." Do thrifty on little mines llko blulw. Don't accept wulur for bluing. Ask for Itetl Cross Ball llluo, tho extra good val uo blue. Adr. Tho follov who is all wrapped up in himself Is generally a bundle of con celt. Mrs.Wlnniow'a (toothing Syrup for Children trethlnff, aoftensthe Rums, reduces Inflamum tlon.atlays palu,eures wind collc,25c e bottlejU MoBt men would be only too glad to be considered laud poor. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right tho stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybutfirmly com pel a lazy liver to A do its duty. Curc3 Con stipation, In digestion, Sick Headache." and Distress 'After Eating. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL TRICE. Genuine must bear Signature 'tsrzr, 400,000 Settlers a Year Immigration figures show that tho popula tion of Canada In creased durlntr 1013, by the addition of 400,000 new settlers from the United States and Kurope. Mont of these hnve (rone on farms In the provinces of Mani toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Lord TVilllnm Percy, an Eng lish Nobleman, says: The possibilities and opportuni ties ottered by the Canadian West are so Infinitely greater than those which exUt In Eng land, that It seems absurd to think that people should be impeded from coming to the country -where they can most easily and certainly Improve their position." Now districts are belntr opened up, which will make accessible n. great number of homesteads In districts especially adapted to mixed farming and grain raisli ;, For lllustratod literature) and re duced rallnar rates, apply to Su perintendent Immigration, Otta wa, Canada, or W. V. BENNETT, Beo Building, Omaha, Nab. WANTED ypV.37N pA'pvots ixmcv&.-.iu? yessA WnSrfflM sEbbbHB pBSL aaHBCADTFRS JkWmWkQ tsaiTTi f .ssbVsbibibbV ;,;..'" SBSTiJSBSBSBBr SIlVrH aBBBBBBBsaaitBBSBrm SBBfl t I L. L. 3 Wy JKsf-t, - v i B iln If! fill ill onv to tick up signs In your neluhtiorhuod. flood uar. i mi i Hv a-' A. ns specially pulnteil with yonr name J, llot Jtoaj, L'lilludolphU.l'o.