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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1913)
II Hill I - ' 4 1 vcZ .-i3n-riS. rcwr. i .. I JUL, t. J '. . N ".. .' - " etim IS SOMETHING TO WEAR 5Stk n? 1L-W sa 3 -sm, : "?g : !dSL' i (www fl !(& 8 tffl CliNVfc Si d 111 191liiil You line 'ercent miMmil , ;V'..--'1,"V'. " . f 2 i r '. UV i.' i,:Kii J1, The Quality Place Local and Personal Pat Mcllugh is visiting this week in Bridgeport. Attorney Muldoon transacted busi ness in Grand Island Saturday. A. M. Glogg, who is in the employ of the Union Pacific, is visiting'in Kansas City. Mrs. Norton Munger entertained the Saturday bridge dub at hue home Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mm.1 P. J. Barron left the latter part of last wook for a visit with frionds at their former homo In Goring. Mr. and Mrs.'E. E. Moody and son Emmct,"nro visiting this wook with relatives and friends in Grand Island. Mr. add Mrs. 0. V. Farmer have se cured a pasB for Riverside, Calif., and will leave soon for a month's visit there. wr-" -''' MWWWWWMMMMMMMAM,M,.,MM, , ,T - f I I I llll I llll I isJS" ' For the KVj-&imiaw,it? ;. sj. m m .& vam ww&k rjamr iSZml) ftjmbtm,-. I BROWNIE Nothing Jjvilf give the young folks more good clean, fun tharParofvnie Camera. Any child that has passed the Kindergarten stage can readily take pictures with' a BVowiuc. "Every step has hcen made simple, easy. NAif3.' Christmas- day oilers endless opportunifiesLlor the making of home pictures that will appeal to the whole family: "' ,. Brownie ) Cameras j Made in the Kodak Factories Sg)xiler''sl)rug Stores, The Rcvall Store. will certainly miss it if you don't select your Christmas Gift for the husband, father, of new goods, combination sets, belts hosiery, caps, hats, gloves, sweaters, iscount nS&EHBEIiflmS f The year of 1913 has been an unlucky year for the merchant, but very lucky for the man who wants a Suit or Overcoat. I am over stocked with all new Suits and Overcoats, due to the warm season so far, and now as the weather is just right, am going to give the people of North Patte and vicinity THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED at this season of the year. It. W. Worth, of Chappell, was an over Sunday visitor in this city. Tho "Woman'B Foreign Missionary Society of tho M. E. church will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. V. A. Skinner, 1114 "West Fourth. Leo Pong, proprietorof tho American rostaurant, has been suffering from rheumatism for several weeks. The attack has been so bad as to incapaci tate him for work. Sec my list of bargains on real es tate. Page five, of this paper. I ,-, ;, C. F. Temple. Will Hupfor. who wont to Omnhn several days ago to have an Injured eye examined, was sent to .a hospital by tho consulting occulist whero ho will remain for a week or so. Tho injury is I not considered serious. y $V ) or his jf J$ . , .' C-N.C oister $1.00 to j $12.00 The Nyal Ston t&9 m& WW MHll lll IMTt Well Known People United in Marriage Walter Koiken and Mrs. Harriot Gibson were united in marriage by RoV. Cram nt the Methodist parsonage Thursday evening. Though this event was expected, oven intimate friends had not been acquainted of the date and it therefore camo as a' surprise. Both aro well and favorably known to North Platte people. For a number of years Mrs. Gibson had been in the em-' ploy of Tho Leader nnd the Wilcox. Dopt. Store, proving an exceptionally efficient saleslady and winning thVbigh'i-j est praise from her employotSj In these positions she gained a wide acquaintance and made many friends. She has done much in the way of char itablo work, and to n number of un fortunates of the city she has brought good cheer many times. Mr. Kpcken was born hore, served his time as a machinists' apprentice in tho local Bhops and had been employed there until two years ago when he ac cepted a position with tho Hcndy-Ogier garage. He is a splendid young man and popular with a largo circle of acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Kockon will reside in a pretty bungalow which tho groonuhas completed on east Third street. , Reliable insurance of all kinds, except life. C. F. Temple. ' I write every known kind of bond. If you don't find it in this list, write or phone me. Public Official I Judicial Contract Depository License & Permit Notary Public Etc. Etc. I am equipped with Power-of-At torncy and can execute your bond while you wait. C. F. Temple. Myrtle and Vicinity, Jos. Knajdle and Wm. Pittman mar keted hogs at tho county seat Monday. Mrs. D. J. Greoley roturned from North Platte whero she had boon visit ing relatfves and friends. A fair nixed crowd attended the sale at Jas. Gambol's last Tuesday and things sold for good prices. Tho rainy spoil of tho past week was followed by p, snow Friday and Mother Earth wears a mantle of white. Cured of Liver Complaint. "I was suffering with llvor com plaint," says lva Smith of Point Blank. Chamberlain's Tablets, und am happy to say that I am completely cured and can recommend them to every one." For sale by all dealers. ttBMgJWBHWWPWWMiiHWBBWBMlWBHpllJ Local and Personal Miss Edna Hamilton went to Omaha last week to spend a few days visiting friends. Sewer laterals G and H will be finished some time this week arid be in operation. ' Art Robinson arrived in the city last week for a visit of several days with' relatives. George Weir returned Thursday evening from Cheyenne where he spent soveral days looking after" business. Miss Doris Young, of Sutherland, was a visitor in North Platte Friday afternoon. ' Brooks Meadows frqm his regular trip, of this city for the Company, returned Friday He travels out Armour Packing Mrs. G. D. Goldsmith, "Who resides eight miles southeast of the city, re turned Friday evening from Bayard whero she visited soveral davs with her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Kelley. County Commissioner D'. 15. White returned Saturday from Omaha where he attended the County Commissioners' convention which met there Dec. 2, 3 and 4th. A. F. Dowall. formerly Union Pacific claim adjuster for Kansas, has moved hero with his family and will adjust claims in the western part of the state nnd as far west as Cheyenne. Ho will make North Platte his headquarter. The Royr.l Daughters' class of the Christian church met Friday evening with Mrs. Dimmick for a social nnd business meeting. There was not a large number out on account of the in clemency of the weather but all report a pleasant evening. W. S., Vaughn, of Hershey, has filed a complaint in the county court against Charles McKane and Jesse O'Dean, charging them with the use of profane and vilo language. Vaughu is a hotel man at Hershey and tho other men are laborers in that place. A vvator valve, at the corner of Second nnd Locust streets, burst Friday nftornoon nnd had to be repaired. Tho whistle blew tho signal to shut off tho water in that part of tho cit in order that thoy might repair the valve but the'residents thought tho whistle was for fire. Announcements has been received noro oi mo marriage oi uave rattee. a lormer worth l'latte boy, to Miss Jennie Churchill of Ashland, Nebr. The marriage occurred some time ago at the homo of tho bride. Mr. and Mrs. Pntteo aro living in Omaha, whero Mr. Pattee is in the employ of a real estate nrm. Mrs. Jack McGraw entertained a party of young folks Friday ovening at her home, 221 South Locust street. The ovening was spent playing '500 and the prjzes won't to Joo Larson and Miss Gortrudo Hnnki. Nine couples woro present and all roport a pleasant even ing. At tho closo of the evening's entertainment dainty refreshments woro served. Fit His Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six yoars ago ho road nn advertisement of Chamberlain's Tablets in tho papers that fit his case exactly," writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith, Ark. "Ho purchased a box of them and ho has not been sick since. My sister had stomach troublo and was also benefited by tliem." For salo by all dealers. son or sweetheart here from a full underwear, ties and handkerchief. Percent Discsrant North Platte, Neb. L Celebrates th Amiivesary The thirty-eighth anniversary of ihe local order of Odd Fellows was cele brated Thursday evening at the I. 0. 0. F. hall by a big banquet.- About a hundred, members were present, some corning from other towns. Eight new members were taken into the ordor at this meeting. The banquet was served by the Re bekns immediately after the initiation, and was followed by a smoker. The members responded to roll call with a little talk about tho history of tho order and several members who were not able to be present sent in letters. In thase speeches facts were brought out concerning tho first meetings of the order in the city, nnd contrasted with the meetings at the present time. The first meeting was held in the build inu now occunied bv the Hershev Hardware company, which was then me masonic nan. Alter tins tne meet ings wero held wherever tho members could get a place. The growth has been so rapid that at present time the order has one of tho best lodge buildings in the state and is still growing. It is the richest lodge, per capita, in the stite, the membership nt present is 220 and the lodgo has assets amounting to $35,000. Snow Blocks Train Service. A heavy snow atorm in the west shnt off the train service from the west into North Platte from Thursday night un til late Friday ovening. Passenger train No. 10 arrived Saturday morning about twelve hours late, nnd ono of tho train men reported four feet of snow at Cheyenne. The snow was so wet and heavy that tho trains Could not plow their way through. Passenger train No. 16 Thursday evening was the first train to get stalled. No. 2 was tho first to get through the drifts arriving late Friday evening. Announcement Our Fourth Semi-Annual Sale will be held . . in January. s It will be better and bigger than ever. It will pay you to bear this sale in mind. Ours are real prices and first-class merchandise. x E. T. Tramp & Son. iSl H Public Notice. An article, together with a notice of incorporation of The North Platte Gen eral Hospital Association, was published in The Tribune on December 5, 1913. In explanation thereof, I desire to say that the Articles of Incorporation were subscribed by D. T. Quigley, J. S. Twinem nnd George B. Dent with the distinct understanding on the part of J. S. Twinem that, said Articles of In corporation should also be signed by Dr. Voorhee3 Lucas, and that the in corporation was for the purpose of forming the nucleus for a general hos pital association, which all of the phy sicians of the city could join, soon after wards Dr. Lucas and the undersigned learned that one of the incorporators intended to exclude some of the physi cians of the city, and therefore, Dr. Lucas refused to sign the articles of incorporation and the undersigned re fused to have anything further to do with tho incorporation. Neither do I intend to have anything to do with the operation of any hospital under the present organization nnd management. Tho only object of Dr. Lucas and my self was to join together the medical staff of this city in the support of one great general hospital. This object having been defeated through the in strumentality of one man, I desire the public to understand that I have noth ing to do with tho above incorporation. John S. Twinem, M. D. Brotherhoods Plan Debate. The Brotherhood of the M. E. church met in joint session with the Lutheran Brotherhood Friday evening and dis cussed plans for a debate between the two societies. The debate will be held Dec. 29th at the Lutheran parish house and the subject to be discussed is "Re solved, that the Lincoln highway as pro jected will be more bsneficial to North Platte than the coming of tho Burling ton, as it is projected." It has not yet been decided which side of tho question will be given to either team, nor. have tho men been selected to represent the societies, but it promises to bo a lively and interesting discussion. a v -& W. An,.,.