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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1913)
Proceedings of the County Board. November 28, 1913. Board mt pursuant to ndjournment. Present Spnngor, White, HerminRhau sen and county clerk. The vacating of of part of road No. 1C3 comes up for action, andjthti board wishing to inves tigate the matter, action is hereby de ferred until tho meeting in January, 1914. A road petition for a public road be tween Lincoln and Logan counties as follows: Commencing 210 rods west from tho northeast corner of section 1, T 10, R2G, thence west along tho sec tion lino past sections 2 and 3, T 1G, II 20 to the north-east corner of Boction 4, T 16, II 20, road to be 40 feet wide and terminating thereat, the above road being a consent road and damages watyed by parties owning the land along the proposed road, both in Lincoln and Logan counties, and the boards of the two counties having met together agree to establish the road as petitioned therefor this board grants the petition and declares the road open for public travel. Tho county treasurer is hereby auth orized to correct tho tax list as to Frank Murray, of Buchanan precinct, on an .assessed valuation of $G0, as an error was flffJl"yi"".M(ng total value of cat tle on his schedule. Tho county treasurer is hereby auth orizud to correct the tax list for tho .year 1918 as to the school levy in Dis trict 77 on genoral fund for 30 mills, cancelling the total levy for said year. The county treasurer is hereby auth ized to correct the 1913 tax list as to school district No. 37 as the judgment lovy of 21 mills is 16 mills in excess of the levy allowed by law. The judgment lovy for 1913 to bo five mills. You are further authorized to refund to all par ties that have paid their 1913 tax prior to this order as to the 16 mill excess levy. A. Chambers, balance on crrad- incr exnerimental farm road. allowed on Com. Dist 1 $ 320 00 H P Siebold, road work on road 357 allowed on commissioner district 3 43 45 The following claims were allowed on the general fund, to-wit: Emma Pulver, care of county poor from Sept 30, 1912 to Dec. 31, 1912, for $771 50 al lowed for 644 92 and disal lowed for 126 63 H C Lindsay, clerk of supreme icourt, costs State vs Paxton nd Gallaghr. 17 90 Oleo V Chapp salary for Nov aupt.g ' 133 33 Logan Varcett, salary for Nov clerRtySSupt 50 00 Geo E Prl.ser, services as dork of disTrict court in state cases, four claims.....'.".... 64 00 Geo E Prosser. attending dis trict court 64 00 Geo E Prosser making bar docket 28 50 A B Hoagland, auto service county commissioners; 20 00 Jos M Wilson, salary for Nov. 75 00 Reese Printing Co. supplies for surveyor 7 00 State Journal Co. books for county treasurer 17 75 J C Strahorn. refund of taxes 18 36 State Journal Co. supplies for county judge 19 00 ri U uaKer, iranscnuing ueiui quent tax list J S Kobbins, justice fees, statu vs Pulley "W S Woods, constable fees, state vs Pulley 85 50 5 15 9 00 O W Yost, office expenses for Nov 13 64 C W Yost, salary for Nov. ... 137 50 Anna Anderson, care of county poor for Nov 50 00 C. J, Watkins. services as baliff 14 00 I L Bare, printing 71 05 A J Salisbury, office expenses 23 11 A J Salisbury, board of prison ers third quarter 144 00 A J Salisbury, mileage state cases third quarter 74 75 A J Salisbury, jailers fees, thirylvuarter 138 00 F T Vtti salary for Nov 75 00 E A yohlfVd, refund of taxes 5 59 A J ldisbunV, salary for Nov. 125 00 Richi Ugai.Vneals for jurors 7 00 A P Kelly, prfnting and publish ing 247 77 0 A Landegren, auto service, county commissioners 20 00 Klopp& BartlettCo. tax list tax schedules, record books, indexes and supplies for all offices for year, nine claims 1885 G2 Jacob Miller, cash tor road dis trict 38 allowed on said dis trict 50 00 John Walker, road work, al lowed on commissioner dis trict 1 20 00 Whereupon the board adjourns until tomorrow. C W Yost, County Clerk November 29, 1913. Board met the same as yesterday. Present full board and county clerk. The county treasurer is hereby auth orizea to refund to Mary McCullough the sum of $10.13 from the village funds for Maxwell, on account of error in assessing stock in said village. The county treasurer is hereby author ized to correct tax list of J W Tucker for 1913, North Platte No 1 rom a valuation of 315 to 115 on account of excessiV'j valuation. The following claims were allowed on thr-ygrtjwg-road district funds, to-wit: i srAhiTemmuie. road work on district 2 8 00 JTna IWttnn. cash for road (lis trict27 50 00 Geo Meyer, cash for road district 23 75 00 Carl A Anderson, cash for road district 42..'. .150 00 V M Richmond, cash for road district 39 150 00 Martin Jepsen, cash for road dis- trict 14 100 00 E T Latimer, cash for road dis trict 47.... --.. 2100 E B Ream, road work, allowed on district 49 5 00 J N Carlile, cash for road dis trict 50 25 00 Chas Cockle, cash for road dis- trict 5 190 00 V I Quinn, road work, allowed on district 49, and settlement made for 1913 37 25 A Kunklo, road work, allowed on district 67 22 50 "Wm Smith, cash for road district Ml V district 46 100 00 Allowed on general fund to-wit: F W Herminghausen, services and mileage 88 90 E H Springer, services and mil eage 66 40 D B White, sorvices and mileago 85 40 Chat, C.llupfer, meals for jurors 8 60 No Platte Lumber Co. coal for jail 61 25 Paul G Meyer, extending city map 7 50 Emma Pulver, care of county poor, part disallowed on pre vious claim 8158 Wm Hayes, refund on taxes. ... 7 65 Allowed on bridge fund to-wit: Clyde Courtney, bridgo work, Sutherland 21 60 Geo. Hoover, bridgo work, Suth erland 31 60 Allowod on commissioners, to-wit: Fred Marquitt, cash for road district 9 allowed on district3 100 00 W J Shinkle, road work on road 357 rillowod on district 3. . . . 133 00 W J Shinkle, haying road, al lowed on district 3 8 00 Jacob Miller, grading county line road betweon Lincoln and Logan counties allowed on commissioner district 2.... "313 85 Tho county clerk is hereby instructed to file one half of above claim with Logon County The county tronsurer is hereby auth orized to refund to Albert L Ellison the sum of 5,39 on account of cror in assessing his personal proporty. Whereupon the board adjourns to Dec. 10, 1913. C W Yost, County Clerk. How to Bankrupt the Doctors. A prominent Now York physician says, "If it wore not for the thin stock ings and thin Boled shoes worn by women the doctors would probably be bankrupt." When you contract a cold do not wait for it to develop into pneu monia but treat it at once. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is intonded espe cially for coughs and colds, and has won a wide reputation by its cures of these diseases. It is most effectual and it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. m, I 8,000 Miles on Horseback. Bitter Root Jack passed through the city Friday enrbute to Washington, D. C., on horseback. He is riding for the world's championship long distance ride. He started September 21st from the Flathead reservation in Montana and will ride to Washington and back to San Francisco. The trip he has planned will take him ovur 8,000 miles. He has for company only his dog, a mongrel half coyote and half bull, and his horse, Y. A. The title is now held by Alberta May, the girl who rode from Sheridan, Wyo., to New York City. fc r The trip must be made on one horse and it must be identified along the line to assure that no chango has been made. Jack sells souvenir post cards to defray the expenses of the trip but nls sunnlv was exhausted when he reached this city. Since starting from his home, he has missed being in tho saddle only one day. He crossed f" Rockies and the bad lands makinr average of about twenty miles per but has made as high as forty-six mi.v..-. Local and Personal Mrs. Fred Diener returned last week from an extended visit at Syracuse, Nebr. Miss Flynn returned Friday evening from a visit of several days with friends in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Lloyd visited last week in Ogalalla at the home of H. E. Smith. Mrs. AVatts and Miss Alice Lancford left Friday evening for California to spend the winter. Attorney Albert ftluluoon was a visitor to Grand Island Saturday to look after legal business. YS Mrs. Mary Shea and son Dan. have returned from Virginia and will make their home in this city. Attornev W. E. Shuman returned last week from Lincoln where he had a case before the supreme court. Countv Surveyor R. L. Cochran re turned Friday from Omaha where he had beon looking after matters of busi ness. Mrs. Weland, of Britt, Jin., arrived in the city last week to visit for several days with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Rob inson. Miss West returned Saturday morn ing to her home in Gothenburg after a visit in the city with Mrs. Geo. T. Fields. Miss Esther Antonides, 'who teeches at Brady, visited in tho city over Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Antonides. Selby Clarko, of Wichita, was visiting in the city a few days last week. Mr. Clark settled in North Platte in an early duy but has been gone for several years. County Commissioner F. W. Her minghausen attended the county com missioners' convention last week in Omaha. From there he went down into Missauri to look after his land Interests. MAN'S LUCKY FIND. Will Interest Readers of The Tribune Those having the misfortune to suf fer from backache, urinary disorders, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatic pains or other kidney and bladder dis orders, will read with gratification this encouraging statement by aNorthPlatte man. W. F. Blalock, 609 Seventh St., North Platte, Neb., says: "I had an awful, heavy ache across my loins which seemed to take every bit of strenth from me. My back was weak and helpless. Tho kidney secretions seemed to get moro disordered as the pnin in my back increased and they were unnatural and too frequent in passage. I was lamo and coulu stand eroct only with a painful effort. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box. They cured me of tho com plaint and I have been well since." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-MilburnCo., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho United States. Remember the namo Doan's and HE SAVED HIS FACE By DOROTHY BURNS Whllo amusing myself over somo old letters from India, written by my grandfather nbout half a century ago, I camo across ono to his mother, In which ho announced his engagement and gavo an account of how ho camo to marry: "You know, my dear mother, that 1 havo always contended thnt neither clergymen nor soldiers should marry. Tho first should always bo ready to light tho devil under tho banner of tho cross In any land, however barbarous, nnd tho second to light tho enemies of his country under Its ling. And It seemed to mo that If a soldier should tako a wlfo alio should havo about her something of n soldier's nature. I do not mean that sho should bo expected to inarch to bnttlo like a man, but that In moments of great danger sho should retnln her self possession. "You remember thnt I camo out hero tho year before tho great mutiny nnd was assigned to tho th Bcngnl env nlry at Mcorut, where It broko out. I saw enough of tho terrors a soldier's wlfo is liable to among tho English women, who were obliged to fly for their lives, many of them being butch ered nnd somo burned in their houses whllo their husbands attended to their military duties, to confirm my opinion that a soldier should not bo encumber ed with a wife, or at least if ho has ono sho should bo a marvel of courage. "A few months ago, dear mother, I was Invited to tho qunrters of Colo nel Crocker of tho fusiliers. Tho colo nel hns beon In India twenty years and has a daughter, Cynthln, born just after his arrival heic, o that, novnr having loft India, sho has uover seen England. At my first meeting with this young lady 1 felt thnt sho wn ;o prove a strong temptation to mo to desert my principles. After being con stantly at her father's bungalow for three months tho first part of my reso lutionnever to marry so long as 1 was a soldier was completely broken down. I was passing an Intermediate stage between that resolution and my second if 1 did marry whllo a sol dier to mate only with n woman of such remarkable nervo under dnngcr as I had seen among tho otllcers' wives and daughters at tho breaking out of tho mutiny at Mcerut when an episode happened that broko down all iitr scruples against marriage. "I was dining ono evening with Colo- i-l Crocker and his family. The colo t i sat at ono end of tho table, Mrs. Crocker nt the other, while one of tho younger children and Cynthln snt on one side and the other child beside me. A servant was pulling on tho punkah; another, an Indlnn girl, was serving us nt dinner. In these days ono seldom talked about anything ex cept tho adventures of tho mutiny, nnd tho colonel, who was nt the tlmo it broko out nt a cantonment about two miles from Delhi, was telling how he tried to lnduco tho mutinous se poys of tho regiment to which ho was attached to remain faithful to their duty when ho was interrupted by Cyn thia quietly telling the waitress to place a bowl of milk on the door. The colonel gave over his narration and looked at his daughter nnxlously. her mother doing tho same. I saw at once that she was moved by somo powerful emotion. But sho neither moved nor spoke. We all sat waiting while the maid placed tho bowl of milk on tho Uoor not far from Cynthia's chair and In a position where I could see It. What was my surprise and horror to seo a cobra slowly creep from wnoro Cynthln sat to tho bowl. "Tho simko had been wound around hor leg and uncoiled to get the milk. "Suddenly Colonel Crocker seized a enrving knife from tho table and. dart ing to tho snake, with ono blow severed it In two parts. "And now, dear mother, I havo como to the other Important statement con tained In this letter. This bravo wom an has consented to bo my wife. 1 enn keep, at least, my resolution not to marry a woman who Is unfitted to be tho wlfo of a soldier. Colonel and Mrs. Crocker havo consented, and Cyn thia and I are very happy. To crown all. the colonel Is to bo retired In a few months and will tiso his Influence to hnve me ordered to England, so that wo shall doubtless all sail for homo to gether. Cynthia nnd I shall not be mnrrled till we reach England, and you, dear mother, will bo nt our wed ding." This Is tho end of tho story as given In my Krandfnther's letter to my great grandmother. All turned out satisfac torily. Colonel Crocker was retired as expected nnd had influence sufficient to secure an order for his intended son-in-law to report at the war ofllco in London about tho sapie tlmo as he himself expected to reach there. So they all wont homo together, nnd tho wedding wns celebrated nt Twicken ham, where the Crockers took up their residence after their return. There Is u sequol to this story which goes to show thnt my Krnndfather had saved his face by not telling the whole of It. Tho truth Is thnt in tho exuber- mice of youth ho had talked very loudly nbout rcninlulng n celibate so long ns he wns In the nriny. When ho gavo la he must need havo nn excuse. He had a very good one. but ho did not stnto tho case In full. In another let ter giving the samo story tho writer said that tho moment tho cobrn was killed Cynthia Crocker fell over in a faint. y 1 TiMBfliri I J mm)mW3lmB& Gifts Delivered for Christmas ANYTHING you select from our big and varied . stock of really appreciated Christmas gifts will be held for you and delivered for Christmas. No need to lock doors and screen windows to in sure a surprise. We will play Santa Claus. If you select a Hoosicr Cabinet for the housekeeper of the family wife, mother or sister a Morris chair, lamp or cootl table for father or brother, some thing attractive and convenient for the rooms of the younger members of the family, you will delight each recipient. Pay us n visit. It will be profitable to you. Prices rea- l will be nrofitnhlfi ZfMlCTH IWH I A to you. Prices rea- 1 ' 1 OlitCAOT ! I U ( sonablc-quality H HOWE & Stability, Efficiency and Service JInvo booi tho lJaotovs in tho growth of tho First National Bank, -oF- xonrii pla'jtj, aejjjcasca. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. I &m supplies 4 & mmsrttr- KB-Sri fflf'V'&ilfml , m 'iiw' PIP fl Wm After-Supper Games 1 Are best by Rayo-light Kerosene light saves young eyes that are priceless. JReo The Rayo Lamp burns kerosene as no other lamp does. No smell, no bother. Easy to clean and rewick can be lighted without removing chimney or shade. Dealers everywhere write for descrip tive circular. Standard jr4om MALONEY I We Cannot J Serye You f"T-T'07RiNSBR3ir?rTOv with nuto supplies, nobody can. For there is nothing needed by car or owner thnt is not to bo had here. From tires to tools, from lamps to license number tngs, from horns to batteries wo havo just what you wnnt when you want it. Better benr our address in mind. u .ttL;,,... &SJ3 J. S. Davis Auto Co. rmW77HMBra3!'SSS53ii Oil Company tMCltAHA) Omaiia & &&FZt& Two Attractions. North Platto has two attractions it gretty women nnd tho cigars mndo by chmalzricd. Both attractions arc pleasing; nnd both are in demand. Perhaps you haye not been smoking Schmnlzried cigars nnd don't know how good they are; if so, try them. You will not bo disappointed. J. F. SCHDIALZRIED, The Maker of Good Cigars. nsn r n ts i i i -. . . www. r-wmw ku wmraraxrwEi APOLLO HOTEL 10JOCLENARM STREET DENVER, - COLO. Fhed R. Ginn, Prop. II. WiLnuit Way, Mgr. 75 rooms with private bath; 50 rooms without bath. Rates with bath, $1.00. Rates without bath, 51.00. Special rates by tho week or month. Cafo In connection. Elovator service, hot and cold wa ter and tolephono in every room. Ono block from Orpheuin theatre, two blocks from Broadway theatre. Toko Seventeenth Street Car aK'v 4 t&'ffi i 9, Santa Says "Give her a Bell Tel ephono for Christmas." NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY MM fcJ' ' a V W A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. j ; Doctors Ames & Ames, i A "J (3 Physicians and Surgeons, K U Ofllco over Stone Drug Co. c.l "3 Pi,no ) Office 273 t V Phones Residence 273 H J DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon 2 Hospital nccomtnoilatlona for Medical and e suridcnl attention Klvcn obstetrical cases. Onicti l'liono 183 lies. Phono 283 Otllco McDonald State Rank Illd'e .(j- fw 1 1 PI 1 Mlt I ' CT X NiM 1 ' in vw&z&i. j m 22 100 00 S O Hathaway, cash for road I take no other. V