The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 05, 1913, Image 1

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t o
No. 91
fjfek Jlmi-litolji
Appreciated When it is Something He Can Put to Everyday Use.
g Will Be Most
Ask him, wha ho wants for Chlstmas and nino
times out o! ten ho will answer: 'Something to
II you really want tp glvo him tho thing ho will
appreciates most, como hero, where men would
buy for themselves.
Collegian Suit or Overcoat for Men or Young Men.
Mufflers Handkerchief s Collars
Umbrellas Night Shirts Stick Pins,
Cuff Buttons Shoes -v Slippers
",, " Dress Gloves Gauntlets' Hose
V Steele Fibre Suit or Overcoat For tl
Shirts ,
Bath Robes '
Cravats Z
- .
We suggest an early selection. You may leave your purchase here if youwish and it will
be delivered when and where you want it. T
The Quality Place
xftk MEr &,
North Platte, Neb.
Meeting Held io
Settle Difficulties
The North Platto volunteer firo do
partment met Inst night in tho rooms
over the Hinman garage for a meeting
to unite the three companies. The or-
- conization was consumnted some time
ap-o, but some of tho men from the
-different companies were not satisfied
and the meeting last night was to
settle what difficulties that had arisen.
Tho chief difficulty was the new con
stitution and by laws which were made
over by combining those of the throe
former organizations. A number ot
the men wnnted them drafted over by
a committee to be appointed but when
put to a vote, the now revised consti
tution and by laws wero sustained by a
vote of 13 to 12.. After this the men
got to work on plans for tho work as it
will now bo canied on b the re-organized
The old officers of the former com-
-nonlaa wnro drinp ftWflV with Under the
new rules and only a chief is to be
elected. The term of Chief Bowman
does not expire until April, 1915 and he
will bo in charge until then. Only one
other officer a captain in command is
needed under the rules and ho is to be
appointed by the Chief. The chief ap
pointed S. F. Russol, formerly of the
Hook and Ladder company, as captain.
Ho will have charge of the fires in case
of tho absence of the chief.
The new organization will have only
twenty-five mombers, according to the
new rulos, but all membors who havo
served some time will be left in until
their lime expires at which time they
will be dropped. The former companies
were allowed thirty-two members each,
nnd at nrosent there are about seventy-
fivo members.
A short time ago, one of the old
organizations held a special meeting
and took in several new members.
These wero not allowed to come into the
company as there is already an over
flow, according to tho constitution, and
the meeting was also declared illegal on
account of being held without tho know
ledge of the chief and without a written
request by the required five members.
At the close of the meeting, Chief
Bowman gave a little talk regarding
the new companies and the duties ot
the firemen, stating that hereafter, no
man would bo assigned to a special
duty at a fire; but that all would be
expected to do whatever was needed.
He stated that ho wanted all tho men
to go to work without any hard feeling
and conduct themselves as protectors
and put nside-uny "horseplay" or pottv
personal enmity. Tho meeting ad
journed and all were apparently satisfied.
Co. Supt. Choppell is on the sick
.this week.
A Glorious Rain.
This has been a glorious week for
western Nebraska, for following a fall
that had been very dry. Wo nre having
much needed precipitation. Tho early
part of the week was foggy and cloudy
then rain began descending gently at
intervals, with the result that up to
seven o'clock this morning the total
had reached ono and sixty-fivo otie
hundtedth inches. "Wheat and ryo
fields and lawns now show up as green
as in May the rain has proven a
wonderful benefit to small gram. And
more it has put an end to tho dust on
the road which had become several
inches deep. In tho west part of the
statu tho precipitation assumed the
form of snow, and around Sidney there
has been a fall of about a foot.-
Hospital Reorganize.
The articles of incorporation for tho
North Platte general hospital have been
filed for publication and tho organiza
tion is now complete. It was formerly
tho St. Luko's hospital but was re-or
ganized on October 13. Drs. D. T,
Quigley, J. S. Twinom . and Geo. B.
Dent are the incorporators and the
capital stock is ?2,000. Dr. D. T. Quig
ley is president of the hospital and Dr.
Dent, secretary.
New Schoolffluilding at Stapleton.
Stapleton is to have a new $10,000
public school building. The contract
was let December 2nd to Fedge &
Ibaugh, of Stapleton, who wero the
lowest of tho six bidders. Mr. Isbell
was next highest. Tho school building,
as planned, is an eight-room building
with a basement. However, only the
four rooms on the ground floor will bo
finished at present, and the basement
and upper story will bo finished up
later. When finished it will cost about
Architect Bert Reynolds of this city
furnished the plans nnd estimated the
cost for the work as it will bo done now
at $10,000. The bid was $9,130.
E. Busier, who has operated the
North Platte Sanitary Dairy for some
time, has sold out to C. O. Troy and J.
F. Clark, two young men of this ciiy.
The dairy was organized by Mr. Busier
and ia equipped with every modern con
venience. The young men are both ex
perienced and will undoubtedly build up
a good business.
Tho case of Lew Willlauis vs the Mc
Donald state bank et al was called
this morning at 10 o'clock in tho county
court. The case is a garnishment
against Edward A. Miner.
Tho civil case of Hugh Grant vs
Geo. Smith was set for hearing this
morning at 11 o'clock before Judge
Grant. Grant and Smith were formerly
in partnership.
Mrs. Geo. Mecombor was able to re
turn to her home yesterday after a
serious illness and operation in a local
Eleccted President of
Clerks' Association
At the meeting of the county clerks'
association of Nebraska nt Omaha this
week Will Yost, clerk of this county,
was elected president of the associa
tion. For two years Mr. Yost had
been clerk of the association and aa a
recognition of hia "life wire" disposi
tion and his capabilities, further honor
was bestowed upon him by giving him
the presidency.
This is an indication of Mr. Yosts'
standing with the county clerks df the
state and is evidence that they place
him in the front rank qf those officials.
1 We congratulate Mr. Yost.
Tho will of the lato M. J. Cosman
was up before the county court yester
day to be probated. Also tne estate
the lato Sarah Sherman was up
A five o'clock dinner was given Tues
day evening by Mrs. Frank Rork in
honor of Mrs. Cover, of Idaho, who is
visiting in tho city with her son Guy
Cover and famiiy. Covors wero laid for
ten, In tho evening tho guests were
favored by savoral piano selections, by
Mrs. Louise Orr which were very much
enjoyed. i One selection, "A Dream of
the Iiockies," was of her own composi
tion, nnd was very much appreciated.
The hostels was assisted by Misses
Rork, Winget and Oleson. At a lato
hour the guests departed with memories
of a pleasant evening.
Second-Hand Stoves
of all kinds wanted. Peter Mcdov
em stove repairer, 1005 Locust Locust'
St., rhono Black 390. W b
Notice or Incorporation
Notice is hereby given that articles
of incorporation subscribed by D. T.
QuiBley, J. S. Twinem and Geo. B.
TlftMf nrnwi fllrwl In iha nfTlpp nf ihi
illlll Vfl.AU I..WI. ... w..w w ..
county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebras-
Ka, on uctoDer lain, rjm, anu which
said articles show:
1. That the name of the corporation
is Tho North Platte General Hospital
2. That the principal placo of trans
acting business is North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
3. That tho general nature of tho
business to bo transacted is to maintain
and operate a hospital for tho care and
treatment of persons sick, disabled or
otherwise incapacitated; to buy lease,
eroct and acquire, hold, own and manage
real estate and bnildings for tho hospi
tals and hospital purposes, and to do all
things necessary in conjunction with
the maintenance and operation of said
hospital or hospitals.
4. The capital stock of the corpora
tion is $2,000 fully subscribed.
5. Tho time of commencement of
said corporation is October 13, 1913,
and at termination October 13, 1933.
C. The highest amount of indebted
ness or liability to which the corpora
tion mav subiect itself is two-thirds of
paid up stock.
7. The affairs of tho corporation are
bo managed by president, vice-president,
socretary, treasurer and board of
directors. . ,
The North Platte General Hospital
By Dr. I). T. Quigley, President.
Attest: Geo. B. Dent, Secretary. d5-4
For Rent Nicely furnished room,
suitable for lady or gentlemen, 300 East
3rd street, Phone red 537.-
Bargains in West End Properly.
Good six room cottage on West
Seventh Street, city water, electric
lights, toilet and sewer connection.
Good five room cottage, with bath,
toilet, city vatcr, electric lights, sewer
connection, on west Fifth street.
Good two story eicht room dwelling,
with bath, toilet, sewer connection,
city valcr and electric lights. $3,650.
These are desirable places located
within five blocks of the new round
house. Prices are much less
than propcity can be replaced for
and terms are easy. Let us show you
these bargains.
88-4 Buchanan & Patterson.
At the meeting of tho city council
Tuesday oyening, it was voted to hnvc
tho old burned buildings on South
Locust street torn down. Mayor Evans
haB taken it up with tho stato firo war
den nnd it will be dono as soon as possible.
Yesterday waa flower day for tho P.
13. O. society. Ono day each yonr is
set aside by that organization for visit
ing tho sick nnd. shut-ins nnd tnke
flowers-nnd other gifts to cheer them
up. It was vory well observed yester
day and many of the ladies made calls.
One Nicklo Plated
and glass antiseptic
Tooth Brush Holder
with every Tooth
Brush purchased this
Come in and look
over our stock of tooth
5c to 50c
teeth. One minute of
your unit' morning
and night given to
your mouth will keep
your stomach as well
as your teeth in nor
mal condition.
Stone Drug Co.
Tooth Brush Specialists
-pi : ie
Pure Foods cost more
than the neatly labeled
impure ones, hut they
are many times worth
it. -
Quality, taste and purity, not pride iunj aBpirntioji"
arc the chief factors whicliVmake up the. measureless"
volumes of modern industry and by the expenditure of
millions for belter and purer foods (ho worid is gradually U
being redeemed..
It is the neat labels which give attractiveness to the
cheap and, impure food products but . Purky spells
Economy in the end.
Lierk-Sandall Co's goods are not temporary shines
they have the quality and the skill and the time put
into them by which they can justify the keenest patronage
for Quality and Economy.
Canned Goods
Lot us favor
you, then you
will understand
the Pure Food
niilil '
Lierk-Sandall Co.