A THE NORTH PLATTE OEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE. V;,,! r; t i i l4 . Sl i S, I 'U i r "L. it " J " , urn, Even with abundance of frco raw anatorial some men nro unable to mako good. MrmWInslow's Boothlnfr Syrup for ChlMren teething, hoflrns the cum, reduce lunammn tlnu.allara paln.cures wind roltc,25e a bottlcJUr How scornfully women look at a man who is tho father of 11 children. You Don't Have f o Live in the tmiiMii..fiiitifA..IiH.i.. .... f7"? VI lp JIuslmiM. Int mo toll you otorcr twenty 7hTZZ.J''i Pln that con bo jmt In Operation ou Wio farm or In tho small town. '1 her nro tnonor linkers. Tou will be inrprlura afyour rcVultf. 8. It. 1'1UZI5L1.K, Moxl, lluymond, Cnllf. CBRMTACKER WANTED SS5dff wiwiv otA.U.J Boxica, l'Llladelp preferred. iy. yonr .rtli-nl.r. 'Lliadelpnla, fa. PATENTS HntonTt.roIrrnin,U'fub. Inrion.DC Hooks free, lllnh. net references. Ucil result. Nebraska Directory BOILERS SSS5 WILSON STEAM DOILER CO., Omaha CURED in a few days without Tin In nr n cur. gicai operation, wo py until cured. Write Dtt. WitAY, BOO Ilea Uldr-., Oinn'aa, Nob. SCOTT-RAWITZER MFQ. CO., OMAHA 8ucccor to Omaha Tent &AwntneOompany and Scott Tent & Awning Oompany LindsaVe Jeweler Uliuaay 22USetbHttiStrtet . 30 i Year, fa OmiKa. Send ui your W.rch am w" i ' TtptL" '." ,ou io d fd. All work Bvannleed and promptly done. TryUs-lfWillPayYou Oonslpn yonr stock to ns for cood prices, cood oils and pmrant remittance. Wrfio or wlro us for any desired Information regarding tho market. All com' for your Interest and appreciate your business. FARRIS PURINTON & MARCY Bft.r. t. K. g. ickir Co. Live Stock Commission loom 110-112 Eiclunse Side Slosk Tdt. Station S Onaha.H.1, &UU Bell Telephones In Omaha z2m Bell Lines Meacfa Nebraska Towns (he Bell Telephone The Best RUPTURE $r a n&v ev. use only the best loots, even though they may cost more. They save time and there fore money. The tools that bear our Double Guarantee Oualftv Tag are this kind. Anchor Brand Hatchets and Hammers A Plumb Hatchet Is not onlv the world's most llnlshed tool; as a hatchet it is the world's most beautiful tool of its kind a combination of utility and beaaty. Plumb llalclic'ts represent the dUilled . experience of years in hatchet making, years pregnant with changes, elimina tions and additions to the idea of what a good hatchet should be. The Plumb has a keen and durable cutting edge. It is hung right on a best quality handle Made by FAYETTE K. PLUMO, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Bears the Double Guarantee Tag The Nicholson File A reputation for over 49 years of time tested dependability hag made the Nicholson trade mark on a file the accepted Standard for highest quality. In "cut," temperhirj, keen feefh, uniformity and long wearing qualities, Nicholson Files excel. H The teeth are of special shape designed to with stand pressure and enable the user to work rapidly and cut smoothly. Nicholson Files work easier and make the finished product of higher quality. Made by the Nicholson File Co., Providence, R. I. We attach our Double Guarantee Tag BBrwaUt'iW.MPB tdmmimm Our Poublc Guarantee Quality Tag is attached only to hardware of high reputation tho Jest Factory Drands. All Double Guaranteed duality Hardware be.ir3 the tri -colored Guarantee Tag, which is absolute hardware Insurance. Wright &WiIheImyo., Omaha, Neb. ES OR MICH Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do somo foods you oat hit back taBto good, but work badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and causo a Blck, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Papo'o Diapepsin digests ovorythlng, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. Tliero never was auythlng so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered you win get. nappy rener. in uve minuics, hut what pleases you most is that it strengthens and regulates your stom- ; ach so you can cat your favorite foods without fear. You feel different as soon as "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact with tho stomach distress just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, make tho best Investment you over made, by getting a large fifty cent case of Pape'a Diapepsin from any store. You realize In flvo minutes how needless it is to suffer from Indiges tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv. Had to Be Careful. An old man who had led a sinful life was dying, and his wlfo sent for a nearby preacher to pray with him. The preacher spent somo tlmo pray ing and talking, nnd finally tho old man said: "What do you want mo to do, parson?" "Renounce the dovll! Itenouncotho devil!" replied the preacher. "Well, but parson'," protested tho dying man, "I ain't in position to mako any enemies." FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Dandcrlne Right Now Also Stops Itching Scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful Bcurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of Its luster, its strength and its very llfo; eventually producing a fevorlsh nesB and Itching of the scalp, which If not remedied causes tho hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then tho hair falls out fast. A little Dandorino tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knawlton's Danderino from any store, and after JTje first application your hair will take on that life, luster and luxuriance which Is so beautiful. It will becomo wavy and fluffy and have tho appear ance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will bo after Just a few weeks use, when you will actual ly see a lot of fine, downy hair new hair growing all over the scalp. Adv. Cruel Fate. Visltqr to Jail And how did you get hero? Confidence Man They gave me five years just for attending to my busi ness. Puck. Workmen PlVftBlJ viii7ni)Ti" t Badd MieYiVHB tauanTts 1 V"$,y&AK$X Satan's Present Day Methods D7 REV. J. H. RALSTON Secretary Cortripcndmeo Department Moody Bible Intitule, Clucago SXSHjy$yJ$4$KjX$ TEXT And tho tlovll that deceived them wan cast Into tho tako ot nro nnd brimstone. Itev. 20:10. Tho ancient conception of the two opposing prin ciples in tho uni vorso, although often porvortcd, Is a correct ono Thoro Is an otor nnl, unchangcnblo and Infinitely pow erful, holy and loving God, and tliero Is a mall cIoub, wicked and powerful being In tho u nl vorso whoso namo is in tho text. Wheth er it Is a pleasant thought or not, tho dovll la tho god of this nge, nnd 1h given great power, and, apparently, anticipating his doom, ho Is Intensely active. Delng wicked, he would mako wickedness universal and he uses all poBsIblo methods of corrupting men, created In tho Imago and Hkonoss of tho God he hates, and unfortunately succeeds with a vast number ot them. The Method of Deception. Tho devil now uses tho method of deception rather than force, which inN somo ages of tho world was used very generally. This deception may bo of several kinds. Tho devil may asumo an attitude of special sanctity, or good ness; ho may direct the thought of man to Uio acceptance of error; or ho may deludo man to tho reception of something that Is branded as truly religious. Taking up tho 'first form of deception, tho dovll appears some times as an angol of HghL Ho ap poared in a glittering and fascinating form to Evo in tho Garden of Edon, nnd worked tho ruin of the raco .mor ally. Many bellovo that tho Anti christ, who will presume to tako God's place, and thus claim supremo sanc tity, will bo the dovll himself. As wo observe tho present havoc In religious thinking, and study its evolution, wo find that many of thoso who wero champions of doctrinal error have posed as most Bcrlous seekers aftor truth, and havo tho reputation, oft times well established, of being men of sweot temper, most encouraging mannors and captivating courtesy. This Is not strange, for men of an opposite type, as champions, would at once defeat tho devil's purposes. Tho method of delusion by leading men away from tho truth has ono of Its strongest features In tho "persua sion that men should do their own thinking on religious subjects. Tho specious plea Is made that tho Chris tian religion Ib ono of rationality and that therefore men must think out its great problems for themselves. Thoy aro urged to let nothing guldo them In thinking, not tho Bible, nor Chris tian teachers, but that they should start almost anywhero and work tho probloms out Tho result 1b- inevita ble, for man's thoughts aro not God's thoughts and God's thoughts only aro correct In this sphere, man Is ever learning but never able to come to a knowledgo of tho Jruth. Indeed, ho ordinarily gets further and further from It. Fortunnto Is tho man who sees that ho must havo somo safe starting point for religious thought, and that he must hold himself loyally to tho lines of Its development. Satanic Delusions. Wo havo tho delusion of universal salvation based on a false conception of tho character of God, emphasis bo ing placed on the lovo of God, which is unscrlpturally defined, the Justice and holiness of God being practically eliminated from thought. All thoso yielding to this delusion aro not In tho denomination known as Universal Ists, whose courage in professing what they bellevo ls In Itself worthy of commendation. There Is tho delusion of rollglotiB formalism. Men and women aro per suaded to attach themselves to re ligious societies without any demand being mado on them to put Into their lives tho principles ot Christian rollg Ion, nor for tho necessity of a now birth and genulno repentance and slmplo faith In our Lord Jesus Christ, who Is tho only Mediator between God and man. Those yielding to this de lusion havo a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. There 1b tho delusion of false op timisrn, which, whllo not strictly re llglous, eventuates as religious delu sions do Tho prlnclplo that God Is on IiIb throno and all is right with tho world, nan almost universal approval, being echoed from thousands of pul pits. Wo aro In a period of delusions along Biblical lines as In no previous ago A man or woman gets Borne root of religious thought, nnd pursuing it independently, discovering that In or der to Its wider accoptanco it must, hnvo Biblical Indorsement, Hies to tho' Bible and selects from Its contents that which ostonslbly supports tno theory proposed Within tho last twonty-flvo years thoro havo been sev eral such delusions, and hundreds of thousands of men nnd women havo be come their victims. TIiobo delusions aro propagated at tho expenso of mil lions of dollars. W v V GOOD CULTIVATION OF MIMOTIMKW M.'dvBiBn .''aw;wf w(rr?rfwav.,fct i- v ;i..'. c jfi Crate of Royal Purple Raspberries photographed In August. This Is two weeks later than Columbian or any other raspberry. This Io a good raspberry to plant for late berries. (Dy M. M. KABTMAN.) When tho harvest Is completed, cul tivation of bush fruits should ccaso. The sowing of somo cover crop with tho last cultivation Is a most excellent practice. Oats and peas, cither Boparate or In combination, answor thlc surpoab admirably. Tho benoflts derlvod from a cover crop aro manifold. Tho greatest of thoso bonoflts, por haps, comes In tho protection afford ed by tho growth to tho surfaco of tho ground. It Is well known among those who have made a study of soil physics that when left unprotected by a growth of somo kind there Is a loss both In plant food and In tho humus content of such soil. Henco in bo far as is practicable tho wise husbandman will Utep hl3 land covered with a growth of some Bort. It Is not practical to keep a cover crop growing among small fruits through spring and early summer, for tho boBt Interests of such fruits re quires Intenslvo cultivation through this period of their growth, hut with tho fru)tlng season over such neces sity ceasos. Unless drought conditions nro un usually sovoro thoro will be a sulll clent amount of moisture In the soil of a bush fruit plantation that has re ceived intensive cultivation through out tho spring and summer to start i vigorous growth of oats or poas, anu under ordinary conditions of fall pre cipitation such grains will attain con siderable growth. Tho protection afforded by such a growth prevents leaching ot Intratea, that aro continually being evolved through dentrlflcntlon processes con stantly In oporatlon among soil agencies. Such growth also prevents washing of soil by fall, winter and early spring QUEEN BEE AND HOW TO FIND HER It Is Her Sole Duty to Lay Eggs, Her Nourishment Being Sup plied by Workers. (By F. Q. HERMAN.) In every colony of bees, whether It ho located in sleep, the hollow of a tiee, or In a modern hive, there will bo found at nomo tlmo ot tho year three klndB of bees queen, drones and workers. Tho queen Is tho most Im portant boo in tho hive. Sho is the egg-layer, and as such Is tho mother of tho bees In tho hive, whether thoy are workers, drones or queens., Only ono queen Is, under ordinary circum stances, found in a hive, but occasion ally two mother and daughtor aro for a tlmo living together. Tho quoon'B solo duty being to lay eggs nlio has no other cares to claim her attention, In fact sho docs not even attend to her own food supply. Tho nourish ment needed to keep up tho extraor dinary egg-laying power sho posses ses, Is supplied by tho worker-bees which aro for tho first fortnight of their extutenco what may bo termed nurso-becs. If a comb bo taken out ot a movablo hive quietly and without disturbing tho bees, the queen may ho seen surrounded by a cluster of workers. The queen Is a fair and stately beo, differing from tho workers both In shape and color, sho Is longer than a honoy beo by one-third, and somowhat longor than a drone, but not quite so big around. Tho queen Is treated with tho greatest respect and affec tion by tho beis. A clrclo of her off spring ofton surround her, testifying in various wnyu their dutiful regard, offorlng hor food from tlmo to time, and nil politely backing out of hor way, to glvo her a clear pnth when sho niovcj over tho combs. So strong Is the feeling of tho workor for tho queon, that If for any reason sho is removed, tho wholo colony Is filled with consternation and dlbmay. Her death, when It is too lata In tho sea Bin to raiso another queen, means tho f.Ttil extinction of the cnouy. A good Queen will bo mo Union i&y from two to threo thousand eggs a day, or nearly tho weight tf her own body and con tinue doing so fw woeks In succea- THE BUSH FRUITS btlLCT.. X7r7 hnlnn..i.l..J l A.. ...... ralns, which, In cases of oven slightly rolling land, may be tho sourco of con siderable loss. Tho first spring cultivation will work this vegotntlvo growth now dond and partially decayed Into tho soil. Through tho processes of decompo sition tho supply of soil humus la thus replenished, and soil agencies llberato tho plant food usod In making this growth, when it Is nt. once taken up by tho roots of tho fruit plants and used In the growth and development of tho various parts of such plants which 'at this season nro In an exceed ingly high stato of activity. Tho growth of grain presents a vory' pleasing plcturo to the oyo through out tho fall season, during which tlmo thero Is usually not much vorduro in evidence. To tho ono possessing an aesthetic nature this alono will bo nmplo re compensation for tho oxpciiBo in volved. As soon ns tho fruiting season In over. It Is usually ndvlsablo to rcmovo the canes Just fruited nnd burn them. Whero thero aro fungous dlsoasea to contend with the need of this be comes imperative. After this growth has beon romovod tho young cnncB should bo thoroughly sprnyed with tho Bordeaux mixture. A month later nnothcr application should bo mado. When tho canes havo so far ripened that tho leavcB begin to drop, tho growth of young canes may bo re duced by cutting away about one-third of the growth made. Fall pruning haB no ndvantngo over Bprlng pruning, perhaps, oxcept that with most growers work Is not so pressing nt that season ns In tho spring. Then, too, whero thore is loss caused by breaking of canc3 from high winds nnd dcop snows fall prun ing may leBson injury from this sourco. slon. At tho beginning of tho season tho queen lays eggs in the workors cells. Sho walks over tho combs, puts her head Into each opon cell ns sho comes to It ns though to discover whether It is occupied or Is In fit con dition to receive an egg. I havo look ed Into an obsorvatory hlvo for hours and watched how faithfully sho goes about hor work. Tho queon only stings other queens, and BeokB only to kill hor rivals. Sho may bo hand led to nny extent without fear of bo Ing stung. Sho has also great tena city of llfo ns well as longovlty. Sho will often continue alive In conditions that havo proved fatal to tho workers confined with her. ' Well-bred queonB aro good for two Tull yenrs' work, and tho groat ma jority fdr tho third year. A queon hatch Jn, tho early part of tho season, bo that tho yoar of hor hatching sho does much breeding, 1b nged and vory uncertain her third year. Hatched In mid or lato summer she will comploto that year, all tho next, nnd mnko a good colony for tho next honey season nftor that, when sho ought to bo su perseded. Do not expect a queen to do imore than two hard summoro' Ecrvlco. Many will bo good for long er, but not enough to mako It profit able to risk keeping longer Thero aro no nuro rules for finding n queon. It is somewhat n matter of patlonco and practice. And yot atten tion to somo things will help vory much. Go at It as quietly as possible using very llttlo smoke, as umoko and rough handling will alarm tho boca and sot them to running, and then you might nB well glvo up tho Job until nnothcr tlmo. If tho been aro Italians, queens can usually bo found nt least on tho third or fourth frnmo taken out of tho hive. A practical beokeopor will first pull out tho center frnmo, and look for J'reshly lnycd eggs. Falling to And theso ho will tako out another frnmo from another portion of tho brood nest. If ho flndB tho eggs, then ho has reasonable assurance that tho queen Is Bomewhero In this part of the hlvu Ho looks tho frames over carefully, and, failing to Ond hor, ho takes out tho next ono, each tlmo fol lowing In tho wake of tho eggs, Whllo It no Buro rule that tho presonco of freshly, layed eggs In any portion of tho brood-nest Is ovldonco that tho queon Ih In that part of tho hlvo, yet, generally sponkln;?, sho will bo fouud near them DIZZY, HEADACHY, SICK,B" Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Got a 10-cont box. Sick hcadacho, biliousness, dizzi ness, coated tonguo, foul tasto and foul breath always trace them to torpid llvor; delayed, fermenting food In th bowels or Hour, gassy stomach. Poisonous mnttor clogged in tho In tostlnoB, instead of bolng cast out of tho systom in ro-nbsorbed Into tho blood. Whon this poison reaches the dcllcnto brain ttssuo It causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening hcadacho. Cnscnrcta Immediately cloanno tho Btomnch, remove tho' Bour, undigested food and foul gases, tako tho oxcoss bllo from tho liver and carry out nil tho constipated wanto matter and poisons In tho bowels. A Cascarct to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. Thoy work whllo you dlcop a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. -Adv. An unmarried man nevor realizes how many faults ho has. ERUPTION SPREAD ON FACE 810 East Elm St., Stroator, 111. "A running soro broko out above my right eye, which spread over my en tire face. It started as a small pirn plo. I scratchod it open nnd tho con tents ot this small pimplo ran down my faco. Wherever this ran a now Boro nppoarod. Thoy itched and burnod terribly; I couldn't touch my faco it burned so. It disfigured my faco terribly and I couldn't bo Been for everyono was afraid of it. It looked Hko a dlseaso of somo kind; It was all rod and a heavy whito crust on it. Everybody kept out of my way afraid It would spread. I lost rest &t night nnd I couldn't bear to have any thing touch my faco, not oven tho pil low. I hnd to lio on tho back ot the head. I was always glad when morn lug camo so I could get up. It waw extremely painful. "At last I thought ot Cutlcurs, rioap and Ointment and I commenced using them. It took throo weeks to com ploto tho euro." (Signed) MIbs Care lino MUlor, Apr. 30, 1913. Cutlcura Soap and Olntmont solo, throughout tho world. Samplo of each froo.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address pat card "Cutlcura, DepL L, Boston." Adv. Then He Escaped. "It's curious," said Brown, "how coming oventa cast their Bhadowa bo foro thorn. I'll wager a, flvor nono of you gontlomon can gwoss what was tho last thing played on tho organ nt tho tlmo of tho flro." " 'Tho Lost Chord " suggested Smith. Browi shook his head. '"Dies Irno,"' said tho classical gentlomnn. ' Brown shook Ins head again. "What was it, then 7" aBkod tho 'practical member. Brown got up, reached for his hat, and went to tho door. Thon ho re plied: "Tho hoso!" Too Successful. Qulzzer What's tho matter, old man? You look worried. Slzzoi" I havo causo to. I hlrod a man to traco my pedigree Qulzzor Well, what's tho trouble? Hasn't ho been successful? Slzzor Successful! I should say ho has! I'm paying him huBh monoyl His Choice. ".You aro nothing but a poor book worm." "Well, I'd rather bo a book-worm than a money-grub." Girls should remombcr that the abil ity to toast marshmallowB does not mako a good cook of any ono. FULLY NOURISHED Grape-Nuts a Perfectly Balanced Food. No chemist's analysis of Grape-Nuts can begin to show tho real valuo of tho food tho practical valuo as ehown by peisonal experience. It is a food that Is perfectly bal anced, supplies tho needed elements lor both brain and body in all stages it llfo from tho infant, through tho Urouuous times ot actlvo middle lite, tnd 1b a comfort nnd support in old igo. "For two years I havo used Grapo Nnts with milk and a llttlo cream, for breakfast. I am comfortably hungry for my dinner at noon. "I ueo llttlo meat, plenty ot vogo tables and fruit, In season, for tho noon meal, nnd If tired at tea tlmo, tako Grape-Nuts alono and foel per fectly nourished. "Norvo nnd brnln power and mem ory aro much Improved slnco uBlng Grape-Nuts. I am over sixty and weigh 155 lbs. My son and husband seeing how 1 "tad Improved aro now uslnff Grape-Nuts. "My son, who Is n traveling man, eatB nothlns for breakfast but Grapo Nuts and n glass of milk. An nunt, over 70, Beems fully nourished on Grapo-Nuts nnd cream." "There's a Reason." Namo glvon by Postum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich. Rend "Tho Road to Wellvillo," In pkgs. firr rend tlie uliove IcttcrT A nw one npiMMirx frpm time to time. Tlicy nre Kcnuliif, true, uud full of tiuniait liferent.