EZZESSS HMMiraHt'-..zraa2MnimKjiH.n JjaitJJJLJJJiJLJiiJ urs F Through an error, one of the largest fur houses in New York shipped" to us a large consignment of furs, and when notified of the- mistake, advised us to sell them at such prices as we could get. Samples of those furs are now. displayed in our window. ' - These furs consist of every style and make and include Eastern Mink, Japanese Mink,- Red Fox, Isabella Fox, Black Lynx; Moleskin, French Cooney and Gray Woland many other furs. These furs will make a beautiful Christmas gift, and, we suggest that you make a purchase early, and by making a small ca sir payment it will be laid away for you. ( THE LEADER, Serai -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publither. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mall in ndvanco , . . .$1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.00 - - Entorod at North riatte, Nebraska, Post oillco ns Second Class Matter. Friday, November 29, 1913. Co-Operation. Ona of tho important questions that confront tho business man of today is, "How much shall I advertise?" All are agreed that advertising is a neces sity and must be done to ome extent, but tho question that they aro not agreed upon is how much nnd what munnor Bhall they carry it on. It is an acknowledged fuct that "spreading printor's ink" will do a great deul. In fact it is this and praeti csli'y this alone that sends men to public offices that are filled by tho voters. Ilowcvor, advertising can bo overdone, i. o. u. man can spend more on advertising than the business will warrant nnd ho can also advertise out of place. For instnnce, advertising ono of the local retail storo in ono of tho big dailloa on tho const would bo to no avail. Many of the business men are spas modic ndvortlsei a and advertize only when they havo something special on and tho public never hears ot thorn through the greatest advertising medium, the local newspaper, except when thov have something spocinl on. This kind of ad vertising is good ns far us it goes, but tho trouble is that it does not cover tho ground for the time when specinls are not in season. Tho manufacturers of n greatfWomestic comodity which is used in our homos in this city, uppropriutp nearly n half million dollars n year to advertising and pay a upeciul adver tising man $250 a month forspqnding it. They say that if their advertising fulls, off or isnoorlected in ono issue, thev can notice it in lean than n month on their scales; and it is an old established firm that fine would think needed no more publicity. This company appreciates tho neces sity of systematlu and regular adver tising and tnkos advantage of it. They know that tho way to croato n domnnd for tnyir goods Is to interest ths most people that can use It and that thoy enn supply The local merchant can boot do this by tho use of tho local nowspupar and tho newspaper it glad to give them tho required publicity nt u less cost than they can got tho same amount in any other way. Tho local people havoconfidunco in the local paper and read with intorest what is said in it when thev would Bkin tho snmo article In an outside paper. But they must bo constantly reminded, Mr. Locfl Merchant, of whnt'you aro doing, nnd this rosult c,an beat bo obtnined by reg ular,, systematic advertising. Local and Personal. Elmer Smith, of this city left Wed neaday'for Grand Islnnd to spond Thanksgiving. .Mrs. P. A. Norton, who hnd boon visiting friends in Omaha for sterol weeks, returned lome Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Frederic! loft Wednesday for Greeley; Colo., ' whore they will visit with the letter's parents two weeks. Carl . nnd Glen Smith were in tho city yesterday to cat turkey with thbir parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Smith. Fred Gushing, of Sidney, arrived in tho city Wednesday afternoon for a visit of few doy at the homo of his sister, Mr8. Dorr Tnrrkington. Christian Science Service Sunday 11 n. m. Subject "Ancient and Mod ern Necromancy Alias Nusmurlmn nnd Hypnotism, Donounced." Sundny school 12. m. K. P. hall Dawty St. Wenther Forecast for North Platto nnd vicinity: Fair tonight nnd Saturday, co'.dor tonight. Moderate to brisk northwesterly winds. Hichost tamper aturo yesterday CO, a year ago -10; lowest Inst nlgt 37, a year ngo 22. JiHHbTTTITlirrTWrTr 'r ' lu" -'-''-''i-llal!.'JJ.gJLJ.K:'gSI About at Local and Personal F. A. Pielsticker spent Thanksgiving with relativos at Carroll, Iu. Mlflo TTnr.tln Martin nnent Thanks- giving with relntives in Sutherland. Something doing for the farmer Sat urday. Schatz. Miss Nellie Conneally, of Stnpleton, pent Thanksgiving nt the homo of T. Iianifin. A. W. Arnctt returned homo Tues day from an extended trip through Montana. The young Indies of the Prosbyterian church will have charge of tho candy and flower booth, Dec. 4th. Mrs. Sailor left Wednesday evening for Gothenburg to spend Thanksgiving with friends. Mrs. Chas. Boguo nnd Mrs. Herman LeDioyt were among those who wont to Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Redfiold left Wednesday evening for Wood River for a visit with friends and relutives. Miss Ethel "McVey left Thursday morning for Kearney to spond Thanks giving with relatives. Mrs. E. M. Hogg, of Pnxcon, arrived in tho city Thursday morning to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. Tho ministers of tho city will meet noxt, Monday morning nt tho Lutheran church study at 10 o'clock. Miss Anna Locknr left Wednesday afternoon for Central City to spend Thanksgiving with her siBter. Mrs. George Gormun, of Wallace, Visited in tho city over Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Welsh. Mrs. James Norton nnd children left Wednesday for Dubuque, iln., whero they will visit relutivos until nfter Christmas. ' For Rent Nicely furnished room, suitable for Indy or gentlemen, 300 East Uru street, rnono roil bin. License to wed was granted Wednes day in the county judge's office to Arthur D. Gray, 10, nnd Miss Zoln Vnhnwuil, both ot tins city. Arthur Rush nnd Dick Baker wont to Omaha Wodnosday to cat turkoy at tho homo of Dick's parents und attend the foot ball gnmeV v Miss Hazel Fink, of Enid, Old., ar rived Tuesday night and will bo tho ?uost of her sister, Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox, or ii couple of months. i'" h " 'vi. --? ,t r3m ;,,-. s''t" -, ae.asywasiMn f &?,: APOLLO HOTEL I030IGLCNARM STREET DENVER, - COLO. FRED It. Ginn, Prop. II. Wilbur Way, Mgr, 75 rooms with private bath; CO rooms without hath. Rates with bath, $1.80, ltate without hath, 91.00. Special rates by tho" week or month. Cafe in connection. Elevator sorvico, hot and, cold wa ter and telephone in overy room. Ono block from Orphoum theatre, two block's from Broadway theatre Take Seventeenth Street Car on the , jtatrrsm Kf- . ffr.SIJlW Fifty Cents Dollar, mmmmmmmmmmmmiasaiiszsM J. Pizer, Pro Hi Miss Sylvia Watts, ono of the locnl high school tenchers, spent Thanks giving with relatives at Kearney. CO cents will do tho work of $1.00 Saturday. See our windows. Schatz. Miss Gladys Stegall was able to leave the- hospital this week after having been there for some time taking treat ment. Mrs. Charles Ogle nnd (laughter Mable, of Ogalulla, spent Thanksgiving with .the former's daughter, Mrs. Luther Tucker of this city. A largo crowd attended the Thanks giving danco given Wednesday evening in the Lloyd opera house by tho North Platte band. All report a good time. Tho Junior lengue of tho M. E.. church has been rcoranized and will hold tho first meeting Saturday' af tor noon, Nov. 29 at 8 o'clock. Tho meet ing will be held in their room at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Spencer, of Wal lace, wcro visitors in this city Wednes day, returning in tho evening. Their son, Howard, who is attending the locul high school, returned with them to spend Thanksgiving. Ed. Long, Bob Curley and another mnn who would not give his name were arrested Tuesday evening on the drunk charge. They will bo held at the county jail until-thoy can be given a hearing before tho polico judge. Post Mortem. So far, no cases of indigestion, dyspepsia, gout, cholic, or pip have been reported to this office as a result of Turkoy day. We hope to hear of npno ns it win spenK well of our fair city nnd we will surely believe that a great number of our citizens are thirty-third degree Flotcherists. ltseemstobo an established condition that has come to stay, that tho locnl practitioners' day for Thnnkngiving arrives n day after most of us have enjoyed ours; but this is a.yeur of destruction of .all prece dents, and that would be a good one to destroy without impnring the joy of the day. Lutheran Church Notes. The rogular service of worship noxt Sunday morning at 10:30. Sermon sub ject: "God's Grent Goodness." Sunday school at 12 m. The ovenincr sorvico will be the an. nunl thank ottering service under tho auspices Of tho W. II. nnd T. M. sneiatv. An interesting program is arrnnge'tl, uio cntoi parts Doing a review or a study on Mormnnism by Mrs. C. Jj. Hnrmnn and an address on China by Miss Anna Krnmph. . The brotherhood service Inst Sunduy evening was an inspiring ono and well attended the net proceeds of tho supper nnd bnzaar on the 18th was $235.00. Egramaarerragissregr; PJTRONIZE THE njlT In ' House of Good Showl ft I When in North Platte. Motion Pictures. Runs Every iNigni. mnuneo oniuruay Atter- noon niz:;su u ciofK. 10 CENTS. Established In 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Cornor Gth and Vino Streots NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. For Thirty or more Years. We have boon mnklnp, repairing cleaning, and uttering clothes fot tno people of North Plntte, We havo aimed to give satisfaction, and wo guess wo have been successful, else tho people would not now pat ronzo us. Give US' a chance to do your work. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store. m sassmtt jararagaErsgra Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red G36 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. notice; fok publication . , , NOTICE OK BALE IN PARTITION In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Neb. Fred Morgan, Plaintlir, 1 V8 MarieSchrccongost,mlnorund Irene Schrccongast, minor, Defendants. I Notico Is hereby given that In pursuanca of a decree and order of tho Judge of the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, mado on the 21st day of November. 1913, tho undersigned t-efcreo duly appointed In sard catiso and after having taken Uio oath prescribed by law and giv ing Iwnd in tho sum and manner with surety as provided by law and appoved by tho court and by II. M. Grimes, Judge of said Court, I, M. K. Crosby, tho said referee will oiler nt public auction nt the east front door of tho court house. In said county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, to tho highest bidder for cash tho following de scribed property which waa ordered to be sold by said decree of said court, to-wit: All of lot seven (7). block scventj-soven (77. of the original city of North Platte, Nebraska, nnd tho south half (sW of lot ten (lot, of tho County Clerk's Subdivision of the south half (SH) of the northeast quarter (M.'4) of section thirty-two (.12), township four teen, range thirty (30), west of the Sixth Princi pal Meridian, Lincoln county. Nobr.irUa. Sale will be held nnd snld property sold nn aforesaid nt two o'clock, p. m. central standard tlmp on th 27th day of December, 1913, and Viid bale will bo hold open for ono hour from and after thu said time of two o'clock, p. m, on said date. 1 Dated this 21th day of November, 1913. 8?- M. K. Crosby, Referee, NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Nebraska, Nov. 17. 1013. To Robert F. Campbell, address unknown, contestcc: You are hereby notified that John E. Ivoontz. vrho gives North Platte, Nebraska, ns hia post- onico auareas, urn on uct. xis, 1912, ttle In tnli office his duly con jborated application to contest nnd secure the cancellation of your homestead entry No. 21455, serinl No. 0SM. mado September 6. 1W, for tho wholo of section 22, township 12, range S3, west of the Sixth Principal Meri-' dlan, and as grounds for his contest ho alleges that George M. Campbell, tho original entrymen, was divorced" from his wife wben bo mado the above entry and tliat ho died about a yeur subse quent to entry and prior to making final proof, leaving as his only heir Robert F. Campbell, then minor but now of age: that said Robort F. Campcll has never made his rosldenco upon said land and Iw.b never cultivated tho same and has abandoned tho same for moro than three years last past You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will bo taken as confessed, and yourtoaid entry wlH be cancelled without further right to bu beard, either boforo this ofllce or on appeal. If you fall to file In this ofllce wltliln twenty days after tho fourth publication of this notice, as nhown below, your answer, under oth, specifically lesponding to those allegations til contest. togeUior wjth due proof thatyotf havo served a copy of your answer on aUl ton testant either In person or by registered mad. oi shnjM atatu In your answer tho name of the postc.ftiie to which you desiro future notice to bo sent to you. i'2H-4 Hia L. BaB. Receiver. Published In Semi-Weekly Tribute: Date of first week's publication November 18 nnd Nov. 21,' 1913. dates of seeond week's publication Nov. 36 and Nov. 28, 1913; dates of third week's pub lication Dec. 2. and Dec. 6, 1913; dates of foutth week's publication December U and Dec. 12. 1913. ORDER OF HEARING The Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county. Be., In tho County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of Luther O. Farrington, deceased. On rending nnd Tiling tho petition of Edward R. Goodman praying that administration of said ostnto may bo granted to himself ns administrator, with the will annexed, tho i.vprntrlv nr cntrl estate having departed this llfo before said estate was fully proluited, and thcreforo It is Ordered. That Dec. 9th. 1913. nt 0 o'clock n m. Is assigned Sor bearing said petition when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show causo why the prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons interested In said matter by pub llshlng a ropy of this order in Hie North Platte Tribune n semi-weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said uay oi nearing. Dated November U, 1913. JOHN GRANT, nl8-3 County JiiJko ORDER OP HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRO 11ATK OF WILL, In tho county court. In tho matter of tho ettato of Hattie Parring on. deceaaed. On reading nnd filing tho petition of Edward It, Goodman, praying that the instrument Hied on tho lTth day of November, 1913, nnd purporting to bu laatttWil and testament of tho said de ceased. m."vl)U nroved. nnorovod. iirolintml.- nl. lowed and recorded an the laitwill and testament of the said Hattlo Farrlnitton, deceased, and that tho execution of said Instrument msy ho com mitted and tho administration of said ostato may bo granted to himself as executor. Ordered, that Dec. th. 1013. at 9 o'clock a. m., In the forenoon Is assigned for hearing said'petl tion when all persons Interested in said matter may appear tn thu county court to beheld tn and for snlil county and show cause why thw prayer of tiie petitioner should not bo granted. This order to be printed for threco successive weeks in ths North Platto Tribune, a leiral semi weekly newspaper published In Lincoln county Nebraska prior to Dec. 9th. 1913, nlB-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judtrc. Hogs and Cattle free: ' For a Few Days Only Stone Brag Co., will otTer with each package of A-C-0 two live Goldfish with half-gallon glob. Tho beautiful flah require little care and will grow nicely. Tko a globe home With you, This is done solely to induce you to try A-C-O. that wonder sul remedy for Croup and Colds. Once used, no family will be without it. First conic fii st served. Croup Kills 57,000 Babies. The U. S. Bureau of Vital Statistics attribute thin number of babies' deaths ench year to the monster CROUP. ARMSTRONG'S CROUP OINTMENT is absolute insurance, ngninst CROUP. Easily and quickly applied; it prevents attacks. Loosens tight, croupy coughs, cures celds, hoarseness and congestions. Our stock of Patent Medicines, Per fumes. Toilet Articles, Etc., is nlcnd- ing feature with us. We would like to be your Family Druggist. If you are too busy to come to our store, phone us your wants. NORTH PLATTE, NEDRASKA. OR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telephone Red I 605' i Dewey St. North Pla te, Nebraska. DR. J. S. TWINEN, HomcopathlcPhyslclan andSurgcon S Hospital accommodations for Medical and a surgical attention given obstetrical cases. , OHico Phone IS3 Ites. Phono 2S3 2 Office McDonald 8tate Rank Rld'tr g Dr. D. C. Crocker. Osteopathic Physician PHONE RED 621. Olllce Phone 410 Res. Blk 552 Bertha E.Mangon.M D. Physician and Surgeon Deceased of Women and Children o Specialty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. New McCabe Blbg. lM-!JWi!HlWr- WW if I GEO. B. BENT, Physician and Surgeon, Ouice over McDonald Bank. pv, i Office 130 Phones Residence 115 PERRY J. LATHAN, CHIROPRACTOR G20 Deweyipglreet Phone 70 PtoBKBtotVM HkJ'VJ ".' l,Bfc ., irfc I J A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. ml .7 V. Doctors Ames & Ames, : t Physicians and Surgeons, Ofllce over Stone Drug Co. i t's Pfcnnaa I Office 273 ;i $ Phones Residence 273 (5 L'vo. Ear. Iloao nnd V" .i Throat Git ssea fitted Aloo Hoineopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office ovr McDonald State Bank. North Platto. Phono 30. Oldest Bank in Lincoln County. State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK 100,000.00 We Solicit Your Business. Two Attractions. North Plntto has two attractions It pretty women und the cigars made by Schmalzried. Both attractions are pleasing; and both are in demand. Perhaps you haye not been smoking Schmalzried cigars and don't know how good they are; if so, try thorn. You will not be disappointed. J. F. SCHMALZRIED, The Maker of Good Cigars. . SJiVf5fij"'!x3a XjCldARSl ' Di Infield . Redfiold Physicians nnd Surrjcons. VILLIS J. RKDFIELD. Surgeon. JOB D. RBDF1BLD, Physician. v OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 6-12. Oiiicc phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Signet Chapter O. E. S., -NO. 55- 1 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every 1 I month at Masonic Hall nt 7;S0 p. tn. R ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR AP POINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. The Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, SS. In tho County Court. In the matter of tho estate of William Shrear, Sr., deceased. On reading and filing the. petition of Lester Walker, praying that administration of said estate may be granted to himself as admin istrator. Ordered, That Dec. 2nd, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. is nssitmed for hearing said petition, when all per9onB Interested in cald matter may appear at n county court to bo held In and for said county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof Le given to all persons interested tn said matter by publishing n copy of this order in tho North Platte Tribune u legal semi-weekly news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated Nov. 8, 1913. nil-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, October 2Sth, 1913. In the matter of tho estate of Patrick Ruddy deceased. Notico l hereby given, tint tho creditors of said deceased will ir :t t : a administrator of said estate, before tho ci t judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho coun ij court room.ln said county, on the 2nd day of December 1913, and on the 2nd day of Juno 1914, at 9 o'clock n. mT; each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months arc allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for the administrator to settle said estate, from tho 28th day of October. 1913. A copy of this order to bo published in tho North f Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper ' printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to Dec. 2nd, 1913. nl-1 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 0-1M3, Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb. October 15, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that Clarence O. Wills, of Welltleet. Neb., who. - on Murch 3, 1910, mado II. E. No. 04&13, f or tho WK. of NW and WK SWW, of Section 32. Township 11, North, Range 29. West of the 6th Principal Merldan. has filed notico of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before tho register and receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on the 12th day of December, 1913. Claimant names ns witnesses: Charles Gerkln, Orrin Bacon, John Cooper nnd Ernest Fletcher, all of Wcllflcet, Nob. o21-R , J. E EVANS. Register. SHERIFF'S SALK. By virtue of an order of salo Issued from thn district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon u accreo or loreciosuro rendered In salii court wherein Tho Mutual Building and Loan Association a corporation Is nlalntiff. nnd William II. Uarraclough. et nl aro defendants, nnd to mo directed, 1 will on the 29th day of November 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. m.,at tho east front door of tho court houso In North Platte. Lincoln county, tfeliraska, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder tor cash to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho following doscribed property to-wit: Lot six (0) In Block Forty-ono ()!) of tho original town now city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Plattu, Neb., October 27th. 1913. o2S-B A'. J. SALlnnuilY. Sheriff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE OP SALE IN I'AHTITION. In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska wiuiatn Jtuxon, raintm, vs. Carolino E. Telit, Emma I York. Hnrrv York. Til o Hux- oll, Anna Jung, Mnrtin Jung, I ,ila 1-. iiuxoil, Marian uuxoll. rrederick Uuxoll and Una I. 'Huxoll, guardian of Marian I Uuxoll and Frederick Huxoll, i minors, I Defendants J Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of n Decree nnd Order of tho Judge of tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on tho 10th day of Nov., 1911, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in said causo and nfter having taken the oath prescribed by law, and giving bond in tho sum and manner with sureties as provided by law, nnd npproved by the court and by II. M. Grimea, Judge of said court. I, John Grant, the said referee, will offer at public auction ut tho east front door of tho court house in said county of Lincoln, State of Nebraska: to tho highest bidder, for cash, tho following described property which was ordered to bo sold by sale! decree of said court to-wit- Tho south half (Sii) of tho northwest quarter (NW'j) and lots (3) nnd (4), of section two (2, township thirteen (13), north of range thli ty-tbreo (33) west of the Sixth principal, meridian in Lireuln county, Nebraska. Said salo will b held and said property sold as nforoenld nt 2 o'clock, p. tn, central standard timo on Saturday tho 20th day of December, 1913, nnd said sale vtl be held open for n period of ono hour from and after the said ltme of 2 o'clock, p. m. on said date. Dated this 18th day of November. 1913. n!8- John Quant. Referee. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 012C0 UEPAuTMnNT OF THD lNTCItlOR. United State Land Oillco At North Platte, Nebraska, Nov. 15tli Notico Is hereby given that Samuel 1913. Young of Somerset, Neb., who on Apr, 2nd, 1908. made homestead entry. No. 23922, Serial No. 0260 for EH Section 20, Township UN. Range 31, W. of Gth Principal Merldan, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described before tho register and receiver at orth Platte Nebraska, on tho 12th day of January 1914. Claimant names as wltnessscis: George Bur mood. J. E. Lawyer, Frank Wilson, all of Somer set. Neb., O- E. Elder, of North Platte, Nebr. nl8-G J. E. Evans. Register. Notice for Publication. James S. Gilbert, non-resident defen dant, will take notice that on the 23d da v of October, 1913, Roy Hanoy, I. JJ. Mc Knightand C. E. Hanoy filed their pe tion in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to have a certain shorilfs deed to E J NWJ and "VJ of NEJ of Sec 35, T 16 N, It 32 W, dated August 29th, 1912, and recorded in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Ne braska on the 7th day of September, 1912, in Book "A-ll," nt page 531 can celled and annulled and sej, aside; also the proceedings and decree had in and nbout nnd upon which said deed was based cancelled and set aside, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. You ore required to answer said pe tition on or beforo Monday tho 12th day of January. 1914. Dated this 25th day of "November, 1913. Roy Haney, I. D. McKnight and 0. E. HANEY. By Muldoon & Gibbs, their attorneys.