The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 25, 1913, Image 3

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Pretty Costume for Club Meeting
M 1 1 WjP i
iwLa minnH
HIS world Ib a pretty good sort
of n. world,
Taking It nil together;
Jn spite of tho grief nnd sorrow wo meet.
In spltu of tlm gloomy weather.
There nro friends to lovo und hopes to
cheer, k
And plenty of compensation
For every ncho, for those who make
T'-o best of tho situation.
Paper bags aro useful and should
nover bo wasted. Put a bag on the
hand which holds tho blacking brush,
whether for shoes or the stove, and
prevent solliiiB tho hand. Uso bags
to put over tho cleaned lamp chim
neys; then when tho lamp Is wanted
tho chimney will bo bright and shin
ing. Slip a bag over a bowl or pitcher of
milk when setting away, or when used
in a sick room. A paper bag slipped
over a small bowl when beating
cream, with a place cut at tho bot
tom for tho handlo of tho beat
er to come through, will savo spatter
ing jourself and tho table.
Put a box of good soil in your cel
lar so that in the spring you will have
it ready to plant your seeds.
Never travel without a llax seed in
your handbag. Then if you or your
neighbor getB a cinder In the eye,
moisten ono and drop It in. The gel
atinous covering of the seed will
quickly gather up tho foreign body
unless It Is imbedded In the eyeball.
One of tho first things to try with
a strangling child is to take him by
the legs and shako him. When he
openB his mouth to cry, tho foreign
body will fall out. A smart blow on
tho back will often help to dislodge
anything in tho throat.
If tho substance cannot be reached
with the finger und drawn up, novor
try to force it down, for tho vocal or
gans may thus bo injured.
When steaming velvet, put a fun
nel Into the spout of the tea kettlo.
This will spread tho steam over a
larger surface and tho work Is more
quickly dono
Children may bo taught by means
of their dolls the pollto way of intro
duction. How to send and accept In
vitations to teas and dlnnors, the
proper greetings and adleux and many
of tho social customs of tho day. It
will bo a game for them,, but tho
knowledge will bo invaluablo all
through life. Ono may easily toll tho
training a child has had by tho tone
of volco used In play.
A kindly deed Is a ltttlo seed
That growoth nil unseen.
And lo, when none do look thero on.
Anew It sprlngcth green.
Alexander Japp.
id Is often a difficult problem to find
tho right kind of a sweet to servo at
a children's party, where tho food
' must be simple, attractive and whole
some. The birthday cako is something that
every child may look back upon aB
tho most wonderful of all cakes. If
an angel food Is baked, frosted and
tho center used for tho life candle,
with little tnpers around It number
ing tho years, tho edge flrilshed with
a beading of tiny colored candles, It
will not bo much work or expono,
nnd tho Joy of tho llttlo people will
bo ample reward for tho effort.
Pineapple Lemonade. This Is a de
licious drink enjoyed by young and
older people. For each person allow
a half cup of grated pineapple, the
Julco of ono lemon, two tablespoonfuls
of sugar and a half cup of boiling wa
ter. When cool add a cup of cold wa
ter for each person. Strain and chill
beforo serving.
Grape Gelatine. Soak a packago of
gelatlno in a pint of cold water for
five minutes; then add three pints of
hot sweetened grape Juice. Stir until
the gelatine Is well dissolved, then
pour Into small molds to harden.
Sorvo with whlppod cream nnd gar
nish with seeded grapes which have
been dipped into boiling sirup and
cooled. This gelatine makes a dell
clous dessert to servo with tho cake.
Candy mlco and frogs may bo formed
and colored with chocolato and fruit
'coloring. Theso may bo used as fa
vors. Many pretty llttlo candles of
different forms that aro not too rich
may bo purchased, if ono cares to go
to that expense.
Brownie Sticks. Roll out strips of
plain pastry, roll In tho form of sticks,
bake and then dip In melted sweetened
cholocatc. Pilo iaggot fashion on a
paper dolly.
Children love, llttlo surprises, like
The Law of Compensation.
"Been busy this morning raking ofT
tho leavos that fall from the treos of
y right hand neighbor."
"Don't you have any leaves of your
"Yes; they go td my left hand neigh
bor." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Girls aro crazy, aren't they, about
golden hair?"
"Yes; I know "iota who are Just dyo
lag for 1L"
a small gift in tho shell of n walnut,
from which the meat has been re
moved. Gluo or tlo tho halves togthcr.
Thoro Is no child, however fortun
ate In gifts, who Is not delighted to
have something tONcarry homo. This
makes tho party completo nnd long
From tho sunlit heights of life "tho deep
vnlea nnd hollows of Its necessities look
darkest; hut to tho faithful whose part
lies there, there Is still light enough tc
show tho way, nnd to no other eyes dc
the everlasting hills nnd bluo heavor
seem so brilliant. James Bnrttncau.
There Is an old saying handed down
from some remote ancestor which tells
us that "the ornaments of n houso aro
the friends who frequent It." There
aro few housekeepers who do not en
Joy very keenly tho entertainment olj
friends, and thoro are fewer with tho
means to entertain as they like, yot
truo hospitality does not consist In
tho things with which you furnish
jour table; better a dinner of herbs
where there Is homlness, than an
eight course dinner with the feeling
that It Is to be paid for later by hard
In this day and age wo aro looking
for and expecting originality from our
educated women; anybody may copy
tho rich neighbor, provided ono's cred
it Is good, but the woman who servos
her friends with food and entertain
ment within her means Is bound to
bo respected by all who know hor. A
simple meal, dainty and well served.
Is so much more acceptable than tho
elaborate ono which bIiows It 1b too
great a strain.
It la a posltlvo Joy to tho dinner
goer to be entertained at an old-fashioned
dinner table, where each has
a share In the serving. Trying to out
do our neighbor Ib too common a per
formance. Tho popular hostess Is sho
who starts something original. Tho
pity Is that thero are so many who
could entertain shlmply, and should
return hospitality, who hesitate for
fear of the cxponso. Let tho enter
tainment bo within tho means, make
It simple and then go calmly along,
envying nobody, sotting a wholesome
example which will bo followed with
gratitude by tho rest of tho sensible
members of society, who aro fortunate
enough to have such a friend.
Great people have nlways been In
favor of simple food, and It Is usually
Mrs. Nowly Rich who attempts to out
do others and servo up Impossible
messes whoso only recommendation
is tho employment they give our long
suffering physicians.
I.ovo Is not getting, but giving; not n
wild dream of pleasure, and n mndncsa
or desire oh, no, lovo Is not that It li
goodness and honor, and peace nnd pure
living yes, lovo Is that, and Is tho best
thing in tho world, nnd tho thing that
lives longest. Henry van Dyke.
Sandwiches, a salad and a hot drink
are considered indlspensables for a
"spread." Of the making of sand
wiches thero Is no end, but perhaps
somobody has not yet tried brown
bread spread with butter, then a filling
of chopped almonds and cucumber,
mixed with a small amount of mayon
naiso dressing.
For salads, too, there is a host to
choose from; thero Is none which Is
moro delicious than tho fruit salnd
which may be made of almost ' any
combination of fruit In season which
blends well, mixed with a little salad
dressing and much whipped cream and
a few chopped marshmallows.
English Monkey. This Is a cheese
dish which is a great favorite and
warranted , to originate all kinds of
dreams. Soak a cupful of bread
crumbs In a cup of milk for fifteen
minutes. Add a tablespoonful of but
ter to half a cup of crumbled cheese;
stir them in a sauce pan or chafing
dish until well melted. To this add
tho soaked bread and ono egg well
beaten; salt and cayenne to tasto.
Cook until creamy. Sorve on toast.
Another Nice Sandwich. Chop two
dozen olives, add a teaspoonful of to
mato cntsup, a pinch of mustard, half
a cup of finely cut celery and a half
a cup of mayonnaise-
Ham In Jelly. Put half a glasB ol
currant jelly Into a chafing dish with
a tablespoonful of butter.1 When It Is
hot, lay In thinly sliced cold boiled
ham; simmer five minutes and serve
with crisp buttered toast.
Peanut Brittle. Melt two cupfuls ot
sugar in a saucopan, stirring con
stantly; when a golden brown, pour
over a half pound of finely rolled pea
nuts. Put Into a buttered pan nnd
mark off at onco. The finer the pea
nuts nro rolled tho nicer the candy.
Between Girls.
"Algernon held my hand last night."
"Talking lovo?"
"Well, under thoso circumstances
ho would hardly bo discussing tho
Bteel schedule." Loulsvlllo Courier
Journal. In the Spotlight.
Mrs. Gramorcy I thought your !l
vorco case was coming up this month?
Mrs. Park I had my lawyers get a
postonemont, becauso my now gowns
wouldn't be finished In tlmo. Judge.
- VflBfMflkUrP'
OR tho club woman, or one who
attends any informal afternoon
function, hero Is a simple and smart
costume. It Is designed on very con
servative lines, but provided with tho
most popular of tho present Btylo
touches to make it acceptablo to tho
most up-to-dato wearer.
It Is a model especially well adapted
to a stout figure. Tho small coat
hangs closer than tho majority of
those equally smart. Its cut sets tho
material close to the arm nnd nar
rows tho shoulders. Tho sleeves aro
oasv. In strainht lines und three-auar-1
ter length. Thero Is a deop and rath
er narrow "V" at tho throat, and tho
basque is long, sloping down toward
tho back. It la unfinished except for
tho sowing at tho bottom. Thus tho
long line of tho figuro is not broken
by tho soparato coat. It Is noticeable
that all tho lines of tho coat tend to
preserve length of line, In the figure.
Tho skirt Is fuller than tho average,
with tho effect of being a double skirt
at tho front. It Is cut wido enough to
allow it to bo caught up in plaits at
tho left knoo under a soft rosettb of
chiffon. A piece Is let In at the front,
but tho split or overlapping breadth
is absent and there Is worn enough
for a comfortable step. At the' long
"V" at tho front a llttlo soft white
chiffon is let In and a strand of the
over-present white beads finishes the
neck dress.
Tho jacket laps at tho front with
fastening concealed by an Inverted
T tho present moment thoro nro
two very prominent fashions gov
erning Paris. Ono of theso la white
hair. Tho. other Ib red fox.
Early last spring thero was noticed
tho growing fashion of wearing pow
dered hair. All through tho summer
season ono saw tho most wonderful,
and often very beautiful, heads of sil
ver hair at the opera, and at tho The
ater des Champs Elysees, on Russian
Uallet nights.
The Parlslennes started this fash
Ion. Then, almost Immediately, It was
taken up by women of other nations,
especially by American beauties.
Now It Is tho fashion to wear pow
dered hair In tho day time as well a3
by night. This does not mean pure
white hair, such hair as one sees at
a fancy dress ball. The powdered hair
now so fashionable In Paris Ib, au a
rule, quito dark In parts. It Is obvious
ly powderod at the sides and In front.
Tho great drawback to this fashion
Is this: Powdered hair makes con
siderable demands upon ono's toilet,
and upon ono'a personality, generally
It seemB to silently call for a special
style of dress. It cannot bo worn, sue
cessfully, with "Just anything."
In tho evening thoso difficulties dis
appear entirely, for modern evening
gowns aro tso ornate and elaborato
that they scorn to harmonize, natural
ly, with powder.
As to tho second "fad," what can
bo said? Red fox skins havo becomo
ubiquitous In Paris. All through last
summer, and autumn, tho moat ex
clusive Parisian beauticB were making
sensational successes In whlto linen
nnd patln sea-side costumes, accom
panied by a brilliant red fox skin. In
the shape of a flat tic.
Skins or the ordinary rod fox looked
nil right when adopted as an eccen
tric "fad," by ultra smart -woinon. and
In conjunction with fragile summer
drosses; they look hopelessly common
when adopted ns a regular winter fur
and worn with handsomo tailored
suits of cloth nnd velvet. Noverthe-
"V" shaped plcco of the material.
Thero is a plaiting of laco about tho
throat and Binnll ribbon decoration at
tho right Bldo by way of garniture, a
short satin glrdlo ot plaited ribbon
fastens with hooks and eyes at tho
left side under extremely small mado
Tho hat la ot hatter's pluBh, with
facing of velvet In black. Tho para
dise wreath in shaded lla:no color
gives brllllanco nnd distinction to tho
entire tollotte.
It will bo noticed that tho long
gloves are glaco kid In black. Thoy
mako tho arms look very slender and
reduce the apparent size ot all hands
remarkably. Very thin women should
not wear them. High surfaced black
Is not for thorn. Tho sleeves aro fin
ished with a band of satin.
To study this costume Ib moro con
vincing than describing It to show
that it has been carefully thought out
as adapted to tho full figure.
Tho narrow drooping brim of the
hat makes tho most of tho length ot
tho neck, stneo It does not conceal it.
The- feather awlrl Ib light, following
tho brim lino almost exactly. The
shape Ib extremely graceful.
It is by such careful thinking out
and management ot lino that grace is
arrived at. Developed in black or
groy or mauvo or taupe, this Is o
good model, but for the purpose of re
ducing tho apparent slzo of tho figure
black Is tho best choice.
less, tho red-fox-rago Is apparently In
a healthy condition. It scorns likely
to last all through tho wlntor. And
tho pity of It Is 'that already the shop
windows aro filled with Imitation red
fox sklnB, worthless furs which have
no meaning and which would mako
any costume look ordinary. This was,
of course, inovltnble, but it is never
tlfeless deplorable
Model of White Souple Satin. Three
Tier Tunic pf White Lace With Black
Mallnc Bow at Wal.t.
n lv3mIv iPjHShb
flK3r WsU
mm ' ' if
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Bms a.
State and Federal Governments Should
Work Together for Highway Im
provement, Says Mr. Houston.
Secretary Houston of tho depart
ment of ngrlculturo sayB that tho stato
nnd federal governments should work
togother for highway improvement, In
order that a largo proportion of tho
money annually Bpent for road con
struction may not bo wasted.
In his own department, tho offlco ol
public roads has been demonstrating
tho vnluo of proper road building by
tho construction of certain object-lesson,
roads, and Uio forost service I-
carrylng out his Idea of national and
stnto co-operation in road building.
Tho law requires that ton por cent, ol
tho groBS rccolptB from tho national
forests shall bo opont In tho states In
which tho forcstB nro situated. This
monoy Is expended for road Improve
mont, under direct control of tho sec
retary of agriculture.
Tho amount appropriated under this
act, based on tho receipts of tho na
tional forests for tho HbcuI year ondlng
Juno 30, 1913, Is 234,C38.G8. From
tho 1912 receipts for UiIb ten por cent
road item, thero Is nn additional $131,
831.10 which Is Btlll available
In administering tho ton por cent.
road fund, forest officers charged with
tho actual plans nnd expenditures In
tho neighborhood of their forests have,
in almost nil casos, secured an oqunl
or a larger co-operative fund from
state authorities for tho building of
certain pieces of road.
With tho monoy thus oxpendod,
many important roads aro being built
or put In ropalr. Ono on tho Wyom
ing national forost, six miles long,
makes accessible to farmers a largo
body of timber and openB up a roglon
of great scenic beauty. In northwest
ern Arizona, part of tho fund will ba
used In connection with tho LoFovro
Bright Angel road, important bocauB
lt makes acccBBlblo to tourists the
Grand Canyon of tho Colorado. In ono
place, tho ocean to ocean highway
crosses tho Apacho nationnl forost,
Arizona, and on this project tho forost
roscrvo sorvlco and tho local authori
ties co-operated enthusiastically. On
tho Florida national forest In westorn
Florida, steel bridges and graded roads
havo, under the stimulus of this fund,
tnkon tho placo of corduroy, bog nnd
ThlB federal road fund Is now avail
able in all national forcBt states of tho
west. Just as fast as returns como in,
tho forestry officials say, n similar
fund will bocomo available In statos In
which eastern national forostB aro bo
lng secured.
One Fact Alone Is Sufficient to Justify
Expense of Construction Under
Efficient System.
No ono questions tho stntoment that
good roadB havo a high monoy valuo to
tho farmers of tho nation, and It may
bo said that this alone Ib sufficient to
Justify tho cost ot their construction
ns rapidly nB practicable under an offl
clont, economical nnd oqultnblu sys
tem of highway Improvement.
Tho big point In favor of this ex
penditure Is tho economy of tlmo and
forco In transportation betweon farm
and mnrket, enabling tho gtowors to
tako advantage of fluctuations in buy
ing nnd Boiling, ns well as enhancing
tho vnluo of real cstato. It Is esti
mated that tho average annual loss
from poor roads Is 7G conts an aero,
whllo tho estimated avorago Increase
resulting from Improving all tho public
roads Is $9.
Tho losses In flvo years would ag
gregate $2,432 for every section ol
land, or moro than enough to Improve
two miles of public highway. Tho ne
cessity ot good roads is obvious, as it
would enhance the valuo of each sec
tion of land nbout ?5,7G0, or moro than
doublo tho estlmntod cost of two mlloa
of Improved highway, which constl.
tutcs tho quota for G10 acres of land.
Department of Agriculture Issues Bul
letin on Advantages Obtained In
Using This Material.
Tho United States departfent of
agriculture has recently Issued as Bul
letin 23 of tho new dopartmontnl se
ries a contribution from tho office ot
tho public roads and vitrified brack as
u paving material for country roads.
Urlck roads hav four distinct ad
vantages: Durability, easy traction,
easo of mnlntounuco, nnd good nppoar
ance. Tho high first cost Is a disad
vantage. Tho materials used and tho
process of mauufucturo nro described
as well as mothods of testing tho
bricks. Tho construction of brick
roads Is et forth In detail and tho
various stops In tho process nro Illus
trate. Especial attention Is di
rected to tho Importanco.of proper en
gineering supervision.
An nppondlx gives thq method for
Inspecting nnd testing paving brick
as recommended by tho American So
cloty for Testing Materials.
Bring Market Nearer.
Good roadB not only bring tho mar
ket nearer to you, but thoy Improve
tho social condition of your commun
ity becauso they bind neighbor, and
friends moro closely.
' -i - t
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach and
Got a 10-cent box now.
No odds how bad your kvoir-, stomach
or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable and uncomfort
able you aro from constipation, Indiges
tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels
you nlways got tho desired results
with Cascarots.
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels mako you miserable. Tako
CoBcarcts to-night; put an end to tho
hcadncho, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
bnckacho and all other distress;
cleanso your lnsldo organs of all tho
bile, gases nnd constipated matter
which Is producing tho misery.
A 10-ccnt box means health, happi
ness and a clear head for months.
No moro days of gloom and distress
If you will tako a Cascarct now and
then, All stores soil Cascarots. Don't
forget the chlldron tholr llttlo In
ides need a cleansing, too. Adv.
Already Engaged.
Dalllo McTavIsh An bo yo loavo
Glosca on Saturdny. What aro yo
daotn' tho morrow nlcht?
Mr. Jarvis Tomorrow Thursday?
I've no engagement
Bnllle And tho next nlcht?
Mr. J. I'm froo then, too.
I)aUo And whut will yo bo daoln
on Saturday?
Mr. J. On Saturday I dlno with tho
Dalllo Man, that's a pooty. I want
ed yo to tak' dinner wi' us on Saturday.
Girls! Beautify Your Halrt Make It
Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try
the Moist Cloth.
Try as you will, after an application
ot Danderlno, you cannot find a slnglo
traco of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not Itch, but what will
ploaso you most, will bo after a fow
Meoks use, whon you bco now hair,
finoand downy at first yes but real
ly now hair growing all ovor tho
A llttlo Danderlno immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ
ence bow dull, faded, brlttlo and'
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Dandorlno and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a tlmo. Tho offoct Is ira
mediato and amazing your hair will
bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo an
appcaranco of abundanco; an incom
parable luster, softness and luxuri
ance, tho beauty and shimmer of trua
hair health.
Got a 26 cent bottlo of Knowltdn'o
Dandorlno from any storo and provo
that your hair Is as protty and soft
as any that It has been neglected or
injured by careless treatment that's
all. Adv.
Their Mission.
A largo crowd had gathored at the
station to rocclvo tho fnmouB states
man. Tho reporter Indicated a group
In tho foreground. "Thoy nro porBonal
friends, gathered to see him about
speaking hero,' ho explained.
"Is it noccBsary to uso persuasion to
lnduco him to speak?"
"Not at all! thoy aro going to try to
prevent him." Judgo.
383 No. Union. St., Aurora, 111. "My
ailment started with a llttlo plmplo
and It always itched and burned ter
ribly. I scratched It and In a fow .
days my faco was all covered with
sores. It ran up to my eyes and tho
day after I could not ceo out ot my
right cyo. I was unablo to got any
rest. I couldn't go to bed, being
afraid of getting tho clo'thlng all
soiled, although I had my faco all
'"I waB given two Jars of salvo but
It kept getting worse. It was some
thing like a running soro becauso
every tlmo I used some ot tho salvo
I hd to wrap bandages around my
neck to keep tho water and pus from
running down my body. I wroto for a
sample of Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment nnd in a few days I received
theso and washed my faco with tho
Cutlcura Soap and put on so mo Cutl
cura Ointment und tho next morning
my faco felt cool and somowhat re
lieved. After UBlng tho sample I
bought soma Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment at tho drug storo. L followed
this treatment Just twenty-Blx day
nnd after using ono cako of Cutlcura
Soap and two boxes of Cutlcura Oint
ment I waa cured." (Signed) Gcorgo
Miller, Jan. 1, 1913.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
freo.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. AddreBB post
card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Doston." Adv.
Tho longest word In tho English
.puguago Ib antltransubstuntiatlonal
Ism, Don't buv wnter for bluing. Liquid bluo
h nhiiot nil water. Buy Red Cross Bnll
blue, the blue that's all blue. Adv.
It might add to happiness It doctor
had bargain days.