The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1913, Image 6

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Home and Foreign Intelligence Con
denied Into Two and Four
Line' Paragraphs.
Senator Chamberlain has Introduced
a bill to advanco'ono grade all army,
navy and public health service offi
cers working more than bIx years on
the Panama canal.
Senator Plttmnn's bill to rcllovo
miners on the Seward peninsula from
performing certain work on their
claims becauso of tholr destitution by
recent floods and Arcs has been
Miss JesBlo Wilson's wedding gift
from senators a silver service will
Include a tea service, coffco percola
tor, compote, vases, candelcbra and
trays, alt fittingly inscribed and will
cost a little more than $1,000.
Present freight rates on grain
maintained by the Chicago, Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway ill Iowa were
held by the Interstate Commerce com
mission to bo rcasotiablo. The com
mission refused tho application of the
road to lncrcaso tho rateH approxi
mately 10 por cent.
Only in tho sonso that tho demo
cratic party will bo responsible for
currency legislation and thcrcforo
must direct its progress docs Presi
dent Wilson bolievo tho currency
bill will bo mado a party measure Ho
told callers that Uo qxpcclcd it would
bo a non-partisan bill when com
pleted. Jose Santoo Zclaya, former dicta
tor of Nicaragua, now In Now York,
wai 'Jciod an audlonco at tho Depart
ment of State. Tho' formor dictator
sent an emissary to Secretary Bryan
to oak for an appointment, but did not
emmunicato tho naturo of his busi
ness. Mr. Bryan declined to see
Tho 280-year prison sentonco im
posed onC. M. Summers, president of
the First National bank of Juneau,
Alaska, for misapplication of funds,
has been sot asldo by tho supremo
court Tho indictment charged sixty
flvo ofTensoB and tho trial court sen
tenced him to flvo ycarH on each, Tho
supremo court hold that only ono
count should have boon included in
the lndlctmont.
Six per cent a year is mado tho le
gal rato of lntorest in tho Panama
canal zono by an oxocutivo order pro
mulgated by President Wilson. A
higher lntorest rato cannot bo charg
ed except by sub-contract In writing
and any contract stipulating a higher
rato than 12 por cent a year shall bo
void as to the interest Any rato in
bxcosb of 12 per ocnt is declared to
bo usurious and persons paying such
usurious rate may recover It.
Richard West, mombor of tho Ohio
national guard, died of blood poison
ing as a result of a bullet wound In
tho arm Inflicted by Lieut W. L. Mil
ler, his superior officer.
The stato at Chicago closed its caso
against C. P. Bertsho and James Ryan,
clairvoyants charged with having
swindled MrB. Hopo McEldownoy of
l.a Crosse, Wis., out ot S15.000.
When Mrs. M. T. McKalg, a guost nt
a fashionable Pittsburgh hotel, aroao
she found her room had boon entored
during tho night and her Jewels val
ued nt $5,000 had been stolon.
In splto of lila bollof of a wcok ago
that 'he was sufforlng only from
plight attack ot bronchitis, George E.
Waddell, famous as a baseball pitcher,
and known everywhere as "Hubo"
Waddell, has loft Minneapolis to bo
gin a battle with tuborculoBls at San
Antonio, Tex.
Tho Western Union Telegraph com-
Jmny has formally abandoned Its light
n tho supremo court against taxos
Imposed upon It by the various coun
ties in Oklahoma. Tho company
claimed tho value of its property had
been set at three times that fixed for
similar property owned by individuals
Jn the state. ,
Nation wide prohibition to bo ac
complished through an amendment
to tho federal constitution was tho
keynote sounded by spenkoiB at tho
national convention of tho anti-saloon
league at Columbus, O,
Tho Daughters of the Confederacy
rofused flatly to recetvo grootlngs
from tho Southern States Woman's
Suffrage conferonco oftor tho organ
ization of that body watf effected. This
notion was taken on tho grounds, that
tho daughters must eschew politics of
all kinds.
An appropriation of $1,1 57,400 for
foreign missions was made by tho
general commltteo of foreign missions
ot tho Methodist church. This 1b
$48,405 In excess of last year's appropriation.
Fourteen thousand pupils crowd the
night Bchools of Buffalo.
Cincinnati talks of erecting a build
ing in which to house a permanent ex
hibit ot tho city's manufactured wares.
Soven men wero drowned when 15
construction laborers were thrown in
to tho wator from a llatbottomed boat,
which caplzcd in tho Lnchine canal,
at Montreal.
San Francisco elected a tax col
lector, a police Judge and seven super
visors In a quiet, non-partisan elec
tion featured principally by tho activ
ity of women at tho polls.
Thrco men aro dead as the result
of an explosion in tho Hlgglns-Martin
Coal mine at Mine Ridge, Ind. Sam
uel Stuthard und William Purcell, shot
flrers, woro suffocated, and Henry
Poff, engineer, died from heart failure
ibrought on by excitement.
With the price of beef Bteadlly in
creasing in Argontina, despite that
country's preparations to enter tho
American beef market In competition
with1 tho home raised product, Alber
to and Carlos Do Ibarra, representing
tho government of Argentina and per
sonal intorpsts, havo como to tho
United States to study hog raising.
George J. Gould, for twenty years
prosldent or tho Manhattan Railway
company, which operatos Now York's
clovated system has retired in favor
of Edgar L. Marston. Mr. Gould con
tinues however, as a director und ono
of tho chief -stockholders. His sue
sessor represents the holdings in tho
company of the gonoral education
bdard founded by John D. Rockefeller.
Tho appeal of tho Creamery Pack
ago Manufacturing company, an Illi
nois corporation, from tho decision of
tho 8upromo court of Minnesota, which
ousted it from doing stato business In
Minnesota, becauso of alleged viola
tion ot tho anti-trust laws, was dis
missed by tho supremo court of tho
United States because tho company
had failed to print tho record of tho
proceedings In tho state courts.
Tho appeal of Gcorgo Fred Wil
liams, formor congressman from
Massachusetts, from tho probato
court's decree dismissing him as oxo
cutor of tho will of Amy M. Stark
weather, was denied by Justlco Tan
ner in tho superior court at Provi
dence, R. I. The caso has been In
tho courts twenty-throe years. Wil
liams was dismissed after ho had
been adjusted guilty of unfaithful ad
ministration. Indictments charging tho unlawful
uso of money In recent elections in
Warren county, Ky., woro roturncd
by tho grand Jury at Bowling Oroen,
Ky., against six prominent politicians
including three successful candidates
for county office and indictments
charging vote selling wero returned
ngalnBt fifteen persons. Chargos
against practically every candidate in
tho recent county democratic primary
election and against men prominent
In tho Bowling Green municipal elec
tion aro under Investigation.
Officers and bluejackets ot tho Amer
ican battleships Arkansas and Florida
wero spectators at an imposing army
revlow in honor of tho birthday of
King Victor Emmanuel.
Gustavo Eiffel, tho Fronoh engineer
who built tho famous towor in Paris
bearing his names has Just been hon
ored by tho SmlthBoninn Institution,
whoso regents havo votod him a
Langley medal.
Tho French cabinet has approved
tho recommendation ot tho flnanco
minister for the Issuo or $200,000,000
of perpetual 3 por cent government
Mis Ollvo C. Purser, tho llrBt to ob
tain a scholarship at Trinity college,
Dublin, aftor womon wero admitted to
the univorBlty, has Just been appoint
ed tomporary lecturer on English his
tory In tho institution.
A special train convoying tho king
of Saxony was wrecked by tho derail
ment ot a baggugo car noar Klorlt
szsch Junction, a short distance from
Loipslo. Tho king was uninjured and
proceeded on foot to tho station,
whore ho boarded another train.
Roports from Panama that In Au
gust thoro was not a slnglo death
among tho 12,481 whlto American
men, women and children In tho cannl
zono add another ovldonce of tho won
dorful success of Colonel Gorgus as
a sanitary o 111 cor.
Viscount Haldano, tho lord high
chnncollor, speuklng at Edinburgh,
and Augustlno Blrrell, chief Bocrotnry
for Ireland, addressing an audlonco'
nt Bristol, woro subjected to suffragef
disturbances. A dead cat thrown at
Mr. Blrroll sot tho meeting in an up
roar. Tho offondors woro ejected and
a gonoral light onsucd.
Gonoral Victoriano Huorta hns tacit
ly refused to accedo to tho demands
of tho United States, expressed In
an ultimatum sent to him by Presi
dent WIIsoii'b personal representative,
John Lind,
Colonel Thoodoro Koosovolt was the
guest ot honor at a groat banquot at
tho Colon thentor at Buenos Ayres, at
which covorB woro laid for more than
a thousand. In tho afternoon ho wit
nessed a review of tho troops at Cam
po Mayo, Ho also witnessed tho un
voillng of a status to Gen, Sherman.'
Dismisses Minister Who Has Op
posed Him Last Officer of
Diaz Agreement
Mexico City. It has been learned
that tho American charges had seen
President Huerta and from tho presi
dent himself had learned that ho
would not resign and would listen
only to bucIi proposals as wero com
patible with his own dignity and
that of his country. This was the
substanco of a report which, it Is said,
Mr. O'Shaughnessy has mado to
Washington. ,
. Mexico City. What doubt remain
ed regarding General Huorta's inten
tions with respect to compliance with
tho American demands for his own
elimination was removed from tho
minds of most Mexicans and foreign
residents by his peremptory dismissal
of Manuel Garza Aldalpe, tho minister
of tho interior, who was looked upon
as tho head of Huerta's cabinet
Manuel Darza Aldalpo led that
group of tho cabinet which hold tho
conviction that it would be host to
accedo to that portion at least of
Washington's demands which meant
tho total abandonment of power by
tho provisional president, and he Id
said to havo been tho only ono with
sufficient courage to discuss the sit
nation frankly with his chief.
It was ho who called at tho Amor
lean embassy recently and Induced
Nelson O'Shaughnessy, tho charge
d'affaires, to send to Washington his
appeal for the reopening of the no
gotiations. Senor Aldalpe's resigna
tion was demanded at a cabinet meet
lng at President Huerta's house.
Huorta is said to havo reiterated at
this meeting tho statement thathe
would not resign, that with him it
wob a caso of life and death and he
was disposed to play out tho game.
Will Revise Banking Laws.
Washington. With tho administra
tion currency bill duo to bo reported
to tho senate this week after long do
(ay, a plan to revise the national bank
ing laws to meet the new currency
system has mado its appearance In
fcglslatlvo circles. It will Includo im
portant questions originally contem
plated as a part of tho currency bill,
but set uBldo until the next session
of congress when a general revision
ot banking lawB has been promised by
the administration.
In connection with this proposed re
vision congress will tako up tho far
reaching question of rural credits.
Ono of tho provisions which probably
will bo Inserted In tho now law will
forbid interlocking directorates in
tentlonal banks. An effort has been
made to put this prohibition In the
pending currency bill, but tho ad
ministration i has maintained that It
should go Into tho new banking law.
Tho Senato banking and currency
administration supporters havo de
clined to consider a scheme for guar
anteeing national baitk deposits with
tho understanding that that question
would bo taken up next session.
Will Not Go Back to Husband.
Stockholm. The ofilclal news
cgency announces that tho Prlncoss
Mario, wlfo of Prlnco William of Swe
den, has declared her determination
never to return to her husband, and
that all efforts to induce her to con
sider her decision havo failed.
Prlnco Wllholm nnd tho princess,
who was tho Grand Duchess Pavlov
na, daughter of tho Grand Duko Paul
Aloxandrovuch, woro married at Tsar-
koo-Selo In 1908. Tho Princess loft
her hUBband recently on account of
domestic troubles, and It has boon ro
lortod that negotiations woro proceed
ing between tho courts of St. PotorB
burg and Stockholm for tho dissolu
tion of tho marrlago.
Wire Tappers Yield Secrets.
- Now York. Two wire tappers visit
od District Attorney Whitman at his
homo and mado confossloiiB that aro
expected to aid tho prosecutor ma
terially In his Investigation of stato
monts that high police officials havo
shared hundrodB of thousands of dol
lars with swlndlorB who paid tho po
llco 10 por cent of tholr prollts for
Electrocuted High In Air.
Chicago. Mlchoal Poland, twenty
soven years old, a painter, In sport
climbed to tho top ot a 150-foot steel
tower carrying uloctrlo wlros across
tho Chicago river. Poland cumo In
contact with tho cables nt tho top and
waB olectrocutod.
Wilson Successor of Morris.
Chicago, HI. Thomas E. Wilson,
who entered tho employ of Morris &
Co. at a salary of $4 a week has boon
elocted prosldont of thut company,
Bucceodlng tho lato Edward Morris.
Bill to Increase Wages. .
Washington. Congressman Lobcck
hn introduced a bill classifying em
ployes of th6 bureau of animal iu
dustry and providing each class re
celvo an annual wage lncreaso of $100,
Osceola will light her streetB with
Hastings is preparing to hold a
chicken show during tho winter.
Tho directors of tho Kearney base
ball club aro facing a $3,000 deficit
Spelling bees are becoming popular
again in the schools of York county.
Wymoro is planning to organize a
stock company and build an opera
Tho Hastings Woman's club Is agi
tating a home for aged people at that
The socialist co-operative store at
Fnlrbury Id facing bankruptcy pro
ceedings. Tho coal famine at Anselmo has
been broken by the arrival of several
cars from Wyoming.
Construction work on tho Omaha,
Lincoln nnd Beatrice Intcrurban will
begin actively next spring.
Rev. G. W. Stansbury of Blair has
accepted a call to the pastorato of tho
Baptist church at Central City.
Over a score of conversions was tho
result of tho revival at the Chrlstlon
church at Shubert, just closed.
Tho fiftieth nnniversary of tho mar
riage of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wilson of
TocumBeh occurred last week.
The Republican river at Oxford has
less wator In it now thnn it has had for
forty years at this season of the year.
Mrs. J. Barber of Tecumsch is suf
fering from burns about the arms, re
ceived when a gasollnq Iron exploded.
August Boese, a farmer living near
Falrbury, was severely bitten by a
horso while working around the ani
mal. William Bowcn, a 12-year-old Ne
braska City boy, lost his right foot
when ho attempted to board a moving
freight train.
A flro originating In the creamery
building at Curtis destroyed a number
of business houses, including the tele
phono exchange.
The Methodist church at Pawnee
CJty has raised a fund of $1,700 to in
stall a pipe organ nnd to repair the
church building.
A municipal free legal aid bureau
will be inaugurated by tho city com
mission at Omaha immediately after
the first of tho year.
Ray Donlen caught a fifty-pound cat
fish by pulling It out of a shallow pool
where It had floundered at Ashland. It
was nearly four feet long.
Mrs. Qually of North Platte wai
burned to death by starting a fire In
her stove with hay. Tho hay blazed
up and set her clothes on fire.
A fow days ngo Miss Pearl Carey
of York struck her left hand with a
hammer. Blood poison resulted, and
she is unablo to lenve her homo.
Truman A. Barbour, a resident oi
Harvard since 1871, vras found dead
In his bed by a neighbor, death sup
posedly resulting from heart failure.
Game Warden Rutenbeck went tc
Marysvllle, Seward county, with 2,000
young crapples, bass, catfish and bull,
heads, which ho planted in Lincoln
For the first time in the history oi
Gage county grain men are bidding
equal prices for corn and wheat. Both
grains aro selling for 75 cents a
Lorenzo Plnneo, who disappearei
from his home at York about a week
ago, was found at Stromsburg and re
turned to his home, greatly to the re
lief of his parents.
Farmers living in the vicinity oi
'Howe report heavy losses ot hogs
from Cholera. Vaccination was re
sorted to by tho hog raisers and the
epidemic Is now under control,
Principal Kate McHugh of Omaha
high school received more votes at tho
convention at Omaha than all others
put together for nomination as a can
didate for president of tho Stato
Teachers' association.
Henry Scheleo lost seven head ot
horses at his farm, northwest of Waco,
from eating food that had been pre
pared for his hogs. Several more ot
lis horses that ate tho food are sick.
Ho figures his loss at about $1,300.
Tho water In the lake- near Seward
known as Bignell's pond, became so
low that It was necessary to remove
tho fish to keep them from perishing.
Curator Gllmore of the Nebraska
rausoum severely criticises tho
"movies" of the Wounded Knee battlo
as being historically untrue and Incor
rect. Rico Bros.' railway circus, which
haB been tied up In Shelton since Sep
tombor G,' has been shipped to CWCago.
Thirty-five cars of stock were Bhlp
ped from Harrison nnd Coffee Siding
In ton dnys.
A delegation of Gago county people,
300 in number, in chargo of Fnrm
Demonstrator Llebcrs, visited tho state
farm at Lincoln nnd put In tho day
studying its workings.
Tho first oxhlblt of the Jefferson
County Llvo Stock Improvement asso
ciation, given in connection with the
farmers' institute nt Falrbury, was n
success In every particular.
Miss Nina Workmnn hns filed a
claim for $25,000 against the city of
Lincoln for tho loss of her husband,
who was electrocuted by a heavy
voltago electric wire on tho street
thoro a fow weoks ago.
John Snider, a Hastings slaughter
houso omploye, Bllpped on the floor
with a knlfo In his hands, almost sev
ering his loft wrist.
In tho amateur class at the shooting
tournament at Hebron last week, E. W
Vnrner, editor of the Adams Globe,
won first money, with a score of 101
out ot a posslblo 115.
Jerry Fonton, ono of the pioneer citi
zens ot Richardson county, and the
fnther of Warden William T. Fenton
of tho stato prison, died at tho home
ot his daughter, Mrs. M. C. Riley of
Dawson at midnight, November G. Ho
was 83 years old.
Items of Interest Uatherod from Re
liable Sources and Presented In .
Condensed Form to Our
To Tax Mall Order Houses.
T.ution of Montgomery Ward,
Sears-Roebuck and all mall order
houseB that do business with the peo
plo of this Btato Is tho stop which
Representative George Jackson of
Nuckolls county believes will ultimate
ly be taken In Nebraska and other
western states. He voices that opln
Ion In a letter recently received by
tho state revenue and taxation com
mission. They should be taxed on the volume
of business done with the people of
this state," ho writes. "I do not be
lieve that this step can be taken just
yet, but wo are undoubtedly drifting
toward that very thing."
Mr. Jackson calls attention to an
other condition which confronts many
of tho sparsely settled counties of tho
western part of the state. Assess
ments ln Kansas, for intance, havo
been made on March 1, and in this
state one month later. In February,
Kansas cattlemen drive tholr herds
across tho lino into Nebraska and
thus escape when the assessor mukes
his rounds ln tho Jayhawker state.
Two or three weeks later they drlv
them back Into Kansas and thus gel
out of tho Nebraska assessor's path
Thus they escape taxation In bolt
Grants Extension of Time.
. Tho state board of Irrigation has
granted O. P. Ross of Omaha the
.equivalent to a two-and-a-half-yoar ex
tension of time for completion of his
proposed water power project on the
iPlatte and Elkhorn rivers. The de
velopment Is planned near South Bend
and will undoubtedly reach both Lin
coln and Omaha territory If carried
through, much sooner than would be
posslblo with any of tho projects far
ther up the Platte river. The move is
particularly significant because in
.taking the step the board not only
overrides tho drastic vlows held by the
lower houso of the last legislature, but
also takes a decisive stand for de
velopment of the state's resources.
Many Inspections by Commission.
The food, drug, dairy, oil, weights
and measures commission, under the
control of a single head, received a
total of $9,272 in fees, of which $1,408
was for permits of various kinds. Up
ward of 1,400 inspections were made
during the month, including the follow
ing: Grocery stores, 3.35; meat mar
kots and slaughter houses, 15G; hotels
and restaurants, 148; cream stationa
195, and saloons, 5. There were twel6
prosecutions put under headway and
170 sanitary orders written. Oil and
gasoline inspection fees totaled $7,382,
or $2,300 more than for the same
month last year. During the week
there wero 467 weights and measures
Inspections mado which brought in
$76.70 in fees.
Prison Association Issues Statement
It having como to the knowledge oi
tho Nebraska prison association that
unauthorized solicitors are raising
funds by asking aid In the name oi
the organization, Its officers havo Is
sued a statement asking posslblo con
tributors to request credentials from'
any one claiming to bo acting under
its authority. The only authorized
agents to securo funds in the state
are Rev. B. M. Ixmg, Mrs. Margaret
Cams, officers of the asspclatlon and
resident directors ln tovns over the
state, and all other porsonB claiming
to represent the association are acting
without authority and Imposing upon
its patrons.
Governor Morehead has named tho
following Nebraskans as state dele
gates to the national rivers and har
bors congress .which is to meet at
Sioux City within a few weeks: C. J.
O'Connor of Homer, Mark Murray of
Pender, H. F. fehumway of Wakefield
B. C. Enyeart of Tekamah and II. C
Van Dusen of Kennnrd.
Information relatlvo to mobilization
of Nebraska national giiard companies
has been asked for by the contral
division of tho foderal war department
Tho data sent to the department will
Includo location and strength of each
company, proposed regimental mobili
zation points nnd figures on trnnspor
'tntlon, tlmo nnd cost to assemble the
mou. The request for tho Information
Is not deemed significant Inasmuch as
tho Nebraska guard has recently un
dergone a rearrangement and the
changes have not been given ln full to
tho federal authorities.
Convicts at tho state penitentiary
who want to tako the state university
correspondence school courses, bul
have no money to buy books or writ
ing material will be furnished with
those articles nt tho oxpense of the
state. This' was decided at a confer
ence between tho board of control and
Chief Jub(Ico Reese of thG supreme
court, formor Governor C. II. Aldrlch
and Rr.v. J. E. Storm. Thirteen of tlu
convicts havo already ordered booki
and supplies costing $12.72, for whlcb
thoy will pay out pf their own earnings.
A collection of native plauts from
Moxlco has recently boon received by1
Dean Bessey. Tho order for tho col
lection was placed a year ugo with a
professional collector In California,
hut has been delayed on account ofj
Che unsettled nondltlons Id Mexico.
On the first ot Jnnuary, nearly all
county offices will be vacant owing to
tho fact that no election is held this
fall, These vacancies will bo filled
by tho present officers who will hold,
over, under the law which says they
shall serve until their successors aro
electcd and qualified.
Majors Walden nnd HollingBWorth.
tho former chief medical officer of the
national guard, havo returned from an
official trip with General Hall to tho
Bruning band headquarters and tho
Davenport infantrymen's armory. At
Bruning, R. B. Stratton was added to
tho medical staff of the Btato and wns
given tho rank of first lieutenant.
Twelve Nebraska counties havo
abolished the office of county assessor
ln tho past year and a half under aa
almost forgotten enactment of tho 191L
session. Tho work has been put on.
county clerks. The counties thus act
ing are Buffalo, Pawnee, Furnas, Fron
tier, Gosper, Hnrian, Hayes, Hitch
cock, Hooker, Lincoln, Loup and
The university of tho future may
conduct a largo correspondence
course. That is, if tho present systom
of extension works. Ono by ono dif
ferent subjects havo been added to the
extension work at the University ot
Nebraska until now. tho course em
braces nearly everything except a few
of the sciences and tho professional
courses. '
Cholera serum enough to treat 10,000
hogs was produced at tho stato farm,
plant last week. Four hundred thou
sand cubic centimeters was the totat
amount produced, which figure makes
the local plant ono of the largest in
output in tho country. Tho serum la
sold for 1 cent a centimeter, which,
makes tho total revenue derived dur
ing tho year approximately $2,000.
Governor Morohead is opposed to
young men Joining the state militia
on the ground that it breeds Idleness-.
Ho talked to Norfolk boys at a boys
banquet given by the commercial club.
"I am opposed to militarism," he said,
"and am not enthusiastic over our
stato militia. I am opposed to boys
Joining it, becauso of tho Idleness It
breeds. They'd better attend to busi
ness." A special "secret service" inspector
whose identity will not bo made pub
lis has been put to work by tho State
Food Commissioner Harman to travel
over tho stato investigating stock
foods and tonics for purity and stand
ards of quality required by the Ne
braska law. A good many complaints
havo como in recently that adulter
ated and inferior stock foods and
medicines aro being sold in the state.
The prize fat cattle for the Inter
national live stock show at Chicago,
which begins November 29, are being
rounded into shape at the university
stato farm. The Nebraska school will
send five Angus, two Hereford, threa
Shorthorn and three Galloway steers
to the show. Tho cattle will bo
shipped to Chicago, November 25.
Last year at the International show
Nebraska carried off $880 in cash
prizes. ' I
The laboratory of the state board ot
health in tho capltol building is being
fitted up. Tho last legislature appro
priated $4,000 with which to equip a
laboratory to be maintained under tho
board of health to aid in tho investi
gation of health and sanitary problems
of tho state. Much of the equipment
for the new laboratory has now boen
put ln place. Dr. William F. Wild of
Chicago will have churgo of tho lab
oratory. I
Railroad companies doing business
in this stato do not have to send bag
gago on the same tralnB on which thoy
transport tho passengers, according to
a new operative rule called to the at
tention of Adams people who havo
complained becauso trunks followed
arrivals at that town rather than be
ing sont there on the same train. The
rule has been In force for some time,'
but has only recently been called to
tho attention of complainants boforo
the commission. ,
Advocates of prison reform are pre
paring to tako up with Governor
Morehead tho caso of the four Cherry
county convicts, Alma and Georgo
Weed, Harry Heath and Kenneth Mur
phy, who wero trusties at the stato
ponitentinry nnd whose liberty has
been cut off becauso of the insistence
of people from that part of the Btato
that tho men Bhould not bo allowed
outside tho prison walls. Just what
effect this will have on tho various
prison reforms lately attempted at tho
Institution is problematical, according
to prison officials.
Tho Austin Irrigation Ditch company,
of Sherman county has boen incorpor
ated with a $10,000 capitalization,
fully paid up. W. S. Fletcher and half
i dozen other Sherman county busi
aess men aro behind tho project
Tho penitentiary lighting plant can
ae put In shape to carry tho stato
house, asylum, and penitentiary loads
t a cost of $12,000, moro or less, in
tho opinion of a "group of stato of
Icials, who visited thoro recently in
iho hopo of fixing upon a solution for
present troubles,
UNAr . i.wWi