The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1913, Image 1
8W HIstorloAl SetUty IJfctte Sinwr-ISl Storm TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 21, 1913. No. 87 2-& yesterday Visit Local and Personal. A social dance will be given this evening at the Lloyd opera house. Mrs. Geo. Field left yesterday after noon for Omaha where bIic will visit friends. P. L. Mooney and Ray Langford go to Lincoln tonight to witness tho foot ball game. Tho Methodist Brothorhood will hold its second annual banquet this evening at the Methodist church. Miss Alta Bonham left afternoon for Sutherland to friends for a couple of days. Frank Pioisticker left yesterday afternoon for Denver whore he will spend several days on business. Milton Shoemaker returned Wednes day evening from Omaha, where he spent a few days with friends. Miss Lena Wangon returned Wednes day evening from Omaha where she spend a couple of days with friends. Mrs. W. N. Cox and daughters left .yesterday for their home in Sutherland, after being the guests of friends for a Jew days. Ben Layton, of Maxwell, during his leisure time this week trapped fifty-fivo muskrats. The hides are worth about forty cents each. Deputy Sheriff Watts left last night for Omaha where ho will transact busi ness today and then go to Lincoln to witness the foot ball game. County Surveyor Cochran went to Grand Island yesterday, will go to Omaha today and thence to Lincoln to attend the Iowa-Nebraska foot ball ;game. Waiford Larson, living south of Brady, reports tho loss of six hogs and about one hundred bushels of corn. Ho is now laying for the return of the thief. Division Master Mechanic Beery spent Wednesday in town inspecting the new round house, and looking after matters in the motive power depart ment. Beginning Monday the Union Pacific shops and the new. round-house will be run on contra! linotead.ofs western time. The wprklng hours, will be from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. John M. Brett, c-f Wood Bjver, -well known to the older residents of North Platte, died at the Grand Island hospital Tuesday evening. For two years he had been a sufferer f rpm locomoter ataxia. , The Brotherhood and other men qf tho Presbyterian Church were entertained at the manse Monday evening by, Rev. J. 0. and Mrs. Chriate. Several matters of importance and interest were dis cussed during the evening. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs. Christie for the excellent supper she served. All present acknowledge they spent a very pleasaut and happy evening. Ninth str.eet is going to be the main street out of the city. Property located on this street will double in value with in the next two years. Buy a lot in the Dolson Addition and reap the benefits of the investment. 86-2 C. F. Temple, Agent. Mrs. Fred Elliot, Sr. loft this morning for Omaha to visit will frjends for sev eral days. Florin Muchlinski is having a pretty bungalow erected in tho 1200 block on west Sixth street. The Junior class of the high school will hold an exchange at Schatz's to morrow. Mrs. Mary Calhoun is expected to re turn home Sunday from an extended visit with relatives in Oregon. Tho Royal Neighbors will hold a reg ular and social meeting at the K. P. hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Himch entertained a number of ladies yesterday. Tho after noon was spent in social conversation and kensington. A nice lunch was served. The Study Club held an enjoyable meeting at the homo of Mrs Tout, with all prevent but three members. Each one answered to roll call by giving a current event, afterwhich Mrs. Cram gavo a vory interesting and instructive parlor talk. One dealer says he sold lumber this week for the erection of five cottages in the vicinity of the new round house, work on all to commence at once. There is likely to be a boom in the new addi tions in that part of town next spring. Mrs. Ed Ogier very pleasantly enter tained twenty ladies at a party last evening. The rooms were decorated in pink and white chrysanthemums and five tables were arranged for 500. Prizes were won by Misses Mayme Mc Mlcheal and Laura Murray. A nice two course lunch was served, the place cards being in Thanksgiving design. Eighty boys and girls have been in attendance at the Sh6rt Course Insti tute this week, the, boys receiving in struction in corn growing, dairying and stock feeding and the girls in domestic scienee. Tuesday was spent at the ex perimental station where the experi mental work in stock feeding and plant growth was explained to tho boys. To day examinations will be held, and papers describing the trip to the sub station will be-read. Dr. O. H. Cressler, spent last week in Omaha taking special post graduate work with the Woodbury Study Club of whjch he. iaimember. This club is cpmposed oft twenty-five dentists from Iowa, Sotuth' Dakota, Montana and Ne braska, who meet each year to take up special wok jn dentistry. While there the Dr. was appointed business manager of the Nebraska Dental Journal. Mrs, Cressler and daughter accompanied him and were the guest at a number of prominent social functions. Settles Damage Case, The damage suit of E.5 Warner acrainst Harrv Dixon, was settled out of court today. Warner brought an action against Dixon for injuries re ceived when a bicycle ridden by Warner collided with the Dixon car at the corner of Front and Willow streets last May. Warner instituted suit for $10,000 damages, and in the settlement of the case Dixon paid $558. Good houses and lots for sale in west part of town by F. J. Diener &. Co.. corner of Front and Dewey streets, up stairs. Call or phone Red 572. tf Choose Thanksgiving Fix ins Here Turkey comes firstof course. Then come the "festive-fixins," which bring back bright memories of this old time Holiday Spirit. These "fixin's" will taste good. Fresh Oysters New Nuts Sweet Potatoes Sweet Cider Malaga Grapes Grape Fruit Cranberries Bulk Olives Club Cheese Pimento Cheese Fresh Vegetables Grape and Pine- I p " 5t "a T""T"T - - L I ! ' t l, ' w-w 'I "7 r -t ST """"---JJV ct W :' ft ' ? "' kiLRop 'ifiiZf u's9.S' V I 780.4- " ( LT'" -a jj. v ' v tv m m .IW-"i. iV T" V f ' l 1 ft1 'hSrtmJwt DOiLSON'S -.iiDDI.TlO.N TO "NORTH PLATTE LINCOLH 'KTY. ' t NEBRR'SKR. SCALE: itNCHs'ZOO FET, The most convenient location for men working in the NEW ROUND HOUSE. Just back and west of it and i all niceIevel lots. Street gradecTmcf all lots staked with iron stakes- , Wevhave just sold two lots in this Addition to a party who is going to build and run a store. Ninth street is going to be onethe best streets out of the city, and property facing or close to this street is going to double in value within the next three years. Four lots sold this week. Exceptional terms for 'the balance of the month. For the balance of this month we will sell these lots on a cash payment of $5 and $5 per month thereafter. HURRY! HURRY! BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. "A '-.4 F. TEMPLE Exclusive Agent, Room 1, 1. O. O. F. Building. 9 ?'- m m& p ill Jy1 xS 1 Ml mm L Mm, . wmwr, Nordgren Celebrates. Aryid Nordgren, who brought suit against Harry Dixon for damages in the sum of $17,000, and was given a judg ment of $750, by the district court jury Monday, was arrested Tuesday evening on tho charge of being drunk and dis orderly nnd lodged in jail. It is pre sumed that the judgment awarded him was responsible for the conduct that landed him in jail, but his celebration was somewhat premature, as it is the announced intention of Mr. Dixon to appeal the case to the higher court on the grounds that the evidence in tho case did not warrant the verdict. This writer did not hear the testimony in the case, but ho is told by some of those who were present that the ac cident was due to the negligence of Nordgren rather than to the careless ness of Dixon, and thut tho injuries received by Nordgren wore greatly magnified by him, and so proven by the physicians who examined the nrm claimed to be so seriously injnred. Automobilists Meet at Grand Island. The third annual meeting of the Nebraska Automobile Association wa held at Grand Island Wednesday with a good sized attendance. T. C. Patterson, of this city, was elected second vice president of tho association. In con nection with the convention there was a meeting of the state consuls of the Lin coln highway association, tenresenta tives being present from each of the counties through which the highway passes. It is said Nebraska will have the straightcst and most level section of the entire highway between tho Atlantic and tho Pacific. The route will be on tho Union Pacific right-of-way clear through the stato. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the city of North Platte has incurred indebted ness not provided for by levy in the amount of $5,100.00 for tho purchase of n fire truck and tho council of said city has authorized tho borrowing of said sum as provided by law. Proposals of the loan of said sum or any part there of is invited by said council and same must be received at the office of the city clork on or before Nov. 28th, 1913, at 5:00 p in., when same will bo con sidered. O. F. TEMl'LE, City Clork. apple Juice. Order a Package Lierk-Sanuall!! Co. 0W lb-Day Baptist Church Notes. Subject Sunday morning, "The Test ament a Guide to Faith and Practice;" Sunday evening, "Jesus Christ the Keystono of Salvation." Tho prayer service as eight o'clock Wednesday evening, subject, "Tho t Problems of the Christian." The liarncn class have arranged to give the people of North Platte an entertainment such as they have never enjoyed before. The dato is Dec. 10th. Please keep this date re uerved. The biblo class will meet Wed nesday evening after prayer meeting. The lesson will be on the inspiration of the Scripture. All are invited. Tho growth of tho Sunday school has ne cessitated the organization of a new class. Miss Hilda Anderson is the efficient teacher. Tho Lady Maccabees will hold a ton cent social at the hall tomorrow even ing. Miss Aetna Eakin; of Lincoln, will arrive the first of next week to spend Thanksgiving with Miss Elsie Acker-man. Mrs. Frank Urotzer, loft this morn ing for Uolous, Neb whore she was called by tho illness of a relative. Mesdames Fred and Wm Diener will return home tomorrow from Syracuse, Neb whore they wore called by the death of a relative. For Sale. Several milch cows coming fresh soon. See J. C. Pennington or phone black 374 or red 383. tf The Healer is Here. Endowed with marvelous healing power to heal all manner of ' diseases. Free demonstration 1 to 3 p. m. daily.' Prof Ephraim, Commercial hotel. Presbyterian Services Sunday school at 10 a. m.," preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. morning theme, "Christian Patriotism" evening theme, Footsteps to the Hills of Peace." Junior Endeavor at 3 p.m. Prayer service Wednesday evening. The Boys Athletic club Monday and Thursday evenings. Choir nracdee Wednesday ovening. All servicss were well attended last Sunday. Come, you are invited. CRYSTAL THEATRE Friday, November 21st. In "The Dare-devil Mountaineer" a two real Imp drama shows Rodman Law as the mountaineer and Jean Acker as his sweotheart. Her mother takes her from the mountain country to tho citv in ordor to marry her to a title, but tho mountaineer elopes with her on a motorcycle. This daring escape makes a very thrilling scene. "O, You Pearl" Crystal. A man steals a coat containing another's letter of introduction to a possiblo wife in this brisk little comedy and starts the ball of fun to rolling. ! fig danger From the to-Tfoe Cross.59 . 4 THE PAT Friday and Saturday, NOV. 21 NOV. 22 KALEM'S World's Greatest Religious Film Subject. Unanimously Endorsed by the Clergy. ' ' 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 I,., 6 Reels 5000 Feet of Pictures. 800 feet of Description. $100,000 Production. Matinee -'Friday and Saturday Afternoon FOR CHILDREN, 10 CENTS. Seats reserved at Sclmtzs store for first and second shows. Nf children will he admitted to night shows. First show 7:15 sharp, second show at 9, third show at 10:15 Admission 25 Cents Reserve ydur seats now at Schatz's,