The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 18, 1913, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
. One Yearly Mail in ndvanco $.2o
One Year bj Carrier in udvnnco $1,50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
oflico as Second Class Matter.
Tuesday, November 18, 1913.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Ed Speck left laat night for
Omaha to visit friends for a couple of
Claude Mecomber left Saturday after
noon for Lodgepolo where he will ac
cept a position.
C. C. McGee, of Sutherland, spent
yesterday in town with friends and
transacted business.
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Picard leaves
Thursday for Los Angeles, Cnlif., to
make their home in the future
Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Guffy, of Suther
land, spent yesterday in this city visit
ing friends and attending to business
R. D. Horzog, late with the J. S.
Davis Auto Co., loft Sunday on a busi
ness trip to Scotts BlufTs and other
western points.
Vance Neal, formerly of this city but
late of Staploton, was married the lat
ter part of last week to Miss Mota
Van Cleave, of Lodi.
Dr. and Mrs. O. H, Croaeler and
daughter arrived home Sunday from
Omaha where thoy spent the past week
with frionds.
Mrs. Frank Kaucher, of St. Joe,
Mo., arrived Saturday afternoon to
make an extdnded visit with her sister
Mrs. Geo Finn. -
Miss Yettn Shankman arrived the
latter part of last week from Lincoln
and visited frionds in this city while
enroute to Alliance.
Four lots told this last week in Dol
soh's addition. Yon will have to hurry
to get a lot in this popular addition. 86-2
Oscar Smith is expected to arrivo the
latter part of this month from Pan
ama, where he has boon employed Xpr n
year or moro as machinist on tho Pan
ama canal, to make an extended visit
with his parents. v
Steward Smith, of the Elks' club,
who instituted a billiard tournament
with about thirty entries, announces
Friday evening as tho date on which
tho losing sido will pay for tho oyster
Ilendy & Ogior sold two cars yester
day, a Ford runabout to Sheriff Salis
bury who will use it in mnking his
trips to tho country, and a 25 gtudebaker
to I. L. Barcwho traded in his forme
John Oestrich left Sunday evening
for ew York cityrwhero lie will meet
hjs brido who wilrarrive thero Thurs
day on tho steamship Pennsylvania
from Frankfort, Germany, and aftor a
two weeks' tour in tho east they will
return to this city to make their home.
Ninth street is going to be the main
street out of the city. Property located
on this street will double in value with
in the next two years. Buy a lot in the
Dplson Addison and reap the benefits
of the investment.
86-2 C. F. Temple, Agent.
On an nuimproved city block in the
south part of thu Banks' addition J, L.
Pennington cut and threshod$108 worth
of awcet clover seed. If tho demand
for sweet clover seod continues, and It
probably will, owners of vncnnt blocks
on the outskirts of town can make in
terest on tho investment by seeding
them to this plant and then cutting tho
crop for seed.
The will of the lato Mrs. Hattie Far
rington wiib filed for probate Saturdny,
Tho catato consists of $25,000 in cash
and .about $7,000 in real estate. Tho
bulk of the estate is divided equally be
tween eight nephews and nieces. Jlra.
Henry Roth, formorly of this city, re
ceives $3,000 in cash and a diamond ring
valued at $400 or $500. E. R. Goodman
has been petitioned to act as executor
of the estate, - ,,
John Robinson, of Oshkosh, has four
teen acres of alfalfa. The first cutting
produced twolvo tons of hay, and he lot
the following growth go to seed, which
when threshed, made forty-four bushels.
Tho hay crop was worth $108 and tho
BCfd crqppG, or a total revenue of
$501 from tho fourjeep acres. As we
havo boforo remarlced, alfalfa is tho
real money maker for tho valley far
mer. Declare War On Colds.
A crusade of education which aims
"thattcommon colds may become un
common within the next generation"
has b'con.bcgun by prominent Now York
physicians. Hero is a list of tho "don'ts"
which tho doctors say will prevent the
annual visitation of tho cold:
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Don't sloop in hot rooms."
"Don't avoid tho fresh air."
"Don't Btuff yourself ut meal tinvj,
Overeatihpredupes your resistance."
To which wo would " add.- when you
take a cold get rid of it as quickly as
possible. To accomplish that you will
find Chamberlain's cough remedy most
excollont. Sold by all dealers. .
Union Pacific
Appeals Huxoil Case.
The Union Pacific company has ap
pealed to the supremo court from a
judgment secured in tho Lancaster
county district court two weeks ago by
Mrs. Ella IIuxoll, of this city, adminis
tratrix of tho estate of Fred Huxoil,
her husband, who was killed by a switch
engine in the Sidney yards.
This is the first case tried under tho
federal law in this state and it is believed,
no matter what tho decision of tho
supreme court, will be carried through
tho courts to tho highost tribunal in the
land in order to test its constitutionality.
Assess Damage at $750.
In the damage case of Arvid Norgren
ngamst Harry Dixon for personal' In
juries sustained in an automobile ac
cident which occurred a little over a
year ago, tho jury brought in a ver
dict of $750. The judgment carries the
cost of suit. Tho trial occupied two
days in tho district court, tho jury re
tiring about five o'clock Saturday even
ing and returning a sealed verdict at
night, which was opened when court
convoncd yesterday morning. The
plaintiff sued for $15,000.
$18,000 worth of loans approved
and in process of closing with the Ne
braska Central Building & Loan Asso
ciation, of Lincoln, Ncbr., in tho last
30 days. We expect to make $18,000
more in the next 30 days.
C. F. Tcp.Ditrict Age.n.t. .
Ed Bixler; Married.-
Cards have been received in North
Platte announcing tho marriage of Ed
Bixler, a formor North Platte boy, to
Edith B. Swan. The ceremony occurred
at Rochester, N. Y., November 3d. Tho
formor Mrs. Bixlor died a 'couple of
years ago. Mr. Bixleris a vaudevillian
playing on tho leading circuits of the
country and has amassed considerable
Transfer Line and Quick Delivery.
Phone Black 390. Peter McGovern,
005 Locust street. 84-81
Lincoln Highway Emblems.
Any members of tho Lincoln High
way Association who may have re
ceived the square Lincoln emblem can
have them exchanged for tho oval
automobile radiator emblem by bring
ing tho squaro emblem to the under
signed.. T. "C. Patterson.
A Night of Terror.
Fow nights are more terrible than
that of a mother looking on her child
choking and gasping for breath during
on attack of croup, and nothing in tho
House to rolievo it. Many mothers have
pasped'nights of terror in this situation,
A little1 forethought will enable you to
ityold ull this. Chamberlain's cough
remedy is a certain euro for croup and
has never been known to fail. Keep it
at iiand. For sale by all dealers.
SI U nffifSn H We Cannot 1
NiP j SUPINES I Sejye You I
U-P j"- 'TffSA " with nut0 8UPPh'es, nobody can. 1
L?V!A WW-$ftL 1 For thero is nothing needed by H
II-- Zt&friiZt VMa& H cav or owner that is not to be hud M
QKlJiSy1 J horo- From tires t0 t0l8. from I
Maw!"I tLZs: tsffiii lamps to license number tags, 1
il WWT Trv'T from norns t0 batteries we have I
3 RtSHWJ rH&. Js J f just whnt you want when you I
I Rft 4fe v xfKS want it. Better bear our address I
I BKWW "Si in mind- I
0 ,'v vAff (Vi! i I SI
a Vfiht. 'T"J M$3- J. S. Davis Auto Co. H
m folavm (jj.
isssssssssssssssaiV JpSU4UtASBQXUr ""TS??t?i1 isssssssssssssssV
fKKttKIPKjiS?TCVSSPmmsSSKfKi bsssssssi
FVtMwnCIIJrHinpSfM 'illiiiiHn 'SlS
Platte Valley News.
Floyd Albro was given a surprise
party by his parents at his homo on the
Blrdwood ranch Wednesday evening
Nov. 12. Twenty-five young people
wore present. The evening was spent
in games and mnslc after which refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. Carr's Sunday school class will
meet at tho home of Mrs. Georgo
Scharmann Wednesday evening, Nov
ember 19th.
Frank Mylander and Joseph Souder
were Platte Valley visitors Sunday..
Sunday school every Sunday 2:20
east time. Preaching every two weeks
at 3:30.
Myrtle and Vicinity,
Mrs. Wm. Bickley is at North Platto
visiting hor mother.
Jas. Grambrcl and the Gill brothers
left Saturday for Tiler, Idaho, to.look
up a location.
Mrs. Julia Brunk was a North Platte
visitor Tuesday.
W. A. Stearns will give a dance
Thanksgiving night.
"Teddy" Greeley is at North Platte
attending the Junior Short Course .this
Bertha McMillen andBeulah Reynolds
were shopping at North Platte Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Sivits aro rejoicing
over the arrival of a new daughter.
Geo. Moran was a North Platte visi
tor Tuesday. Ho was accompanied by
James Bowers, who has been visiting
friends hero for tho past six weeks.
Mrs. McGuo Is building an additfon to
her house.
The Opportunity is Here, Backed by
North Platte Testimony,
Don't take our word for it.
Don't depend on a stranger's state
ment. Read North Platte endorsement.
Read tho statements -of North Platte
Hero is one case of it,
Hans Johnson, 814 Walnut street
North Platto, Nobr., says: "For years
I was troubled by kidney complaint,
due to heavy work in the blacksmith
shop. I have frequently taken Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured from McDonell
& Graves drug store, (now Schiller &
Co's) and thoy rid me of backache,
lameness and other kidney disorders.
I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as a
remedy that all kidney sufferers should
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-MilburnCo., Buffalo, New York,
solo agents for the United States.-
Remembor the name Doan's and
tako no other.
Serial No. 01200
. United States Land Oflico
At North Platte. Nebraska. Nov. 15th. 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that Samuel Young
of Somerset, Neb., who on Apr. 2nd, 1908. made
homestead entry. No. 23922, Serial No. 01260 for
KM Section 20, Township UN. Rango 31,
W. of Cth Principal Meridan, has filed notice
of Intention to make final five year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before tho register and receiver nt North Platte,
Nebraska, on tho 12th day of January
Claimant names ns wltnessses: George Ilur
mood, J. E. Lawyer, Frank Wilson, nil of Somer
set, Neb., O E. Elder, of North Platte. Ncbr.
nlS-0 J. E. Evans. Register.
Tonight, If you feel dull and stupid,
or bilious and constipated, tako a dose
of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will
feel all right tomorrow. For sale by
all doalers.
tgft uTTt T i ah jB " 1 1 MQitjsiiB
V sHHt m 9 9TI 'vT t2 9f? UW J PI & H W iH BK
jwyjiT i""?i'E"m 7?ttiLB
Fred R. Ginn, Prop.
II. Wilbur Way, Mgr.
75 rooms with private bath; 50
rooms without bath. Rates with
bath, $1.50. Rates without bath,
Sl.OO. Special rates by the week
or month. Cafe In connection.
Elevator service, hot and cold wa
ter and telephone in every room.
One block from Orpheum theatre,
two blocks from Broadway theatre.
Take Seventeenth Street Car
House of Good Show
When in North Plailo.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clork.
If you have a good work
ing knowledge of Shorthand,
Bookkeeping, Business Prac
tice, etc. such as taught in our
school, we can place you with
the big business houses at a
good salary in a short time.
Get into action today and
know more about our school
by addressing the
Hastings, Nebraska.
for Thirty or
more Years,
We have been making, repairing1
cleaning, and altering clothes fopj
niu ijcupiu ui nunn i-iutie, we
have aimed to give satisfaction, and
we guess we have been successful,
. else the people would not now pat
ronze us. Give us a chance to do
your work.
Entrance north of the Nyai drug store.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red C36 Office 459
Established In 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Cth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
NOTICE op contest.
Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office.
North Platto. Nebraska. Nov. 17, 1913.
To Itobert F. Camnbell, address unknown,
You aro hereby notified that John E. Koontz,
who elves North Platte. Nebraska, as his post
oflico address, did on Oct. 26, 1912, fllo In this
office his duly coruboratiyl application to contest
and secure the cancellation of your homestead
entry No. 21455, serial No. 0895. made September
5. IOCS, for tho whole of section 22, township
12. ranee 33, west of tho Sixth Principal Merf
dlan, and as grounds for his contest he allexes
that Georue M. Campbell, tho ordinal entrymen,
was divorced from his wlfo when ho made the
above entry and that ho died about a year subse
quent to entry and prior to making final proof,
Icaylntr as his only heir Kobert F. Campbell, then
n minor but now of aire: that said Itobert F.
Campell has never mado his residence upon said
land and has never cultivated tho same and has
abandoned tho same for moro than three years
last past.
You are, therefore, further notified that tho
said allegations will be taken as confessed, and
your said entry will bo cancelled without further
right to be heard, cither before this oflico
or on appeal, if you fall to file in this office
within twenty days after tho fourth publication of
this notice, as shjojyn tof ,ow' yur Awer, under
oath, speclllcally responding to these allegations
of contest, together with due proof that you
havo served a copy of your answer on said con
testant either in person or by registered mall.
You slipuld state in your answer thu name of
tho postollice to which you desire future notice tu
bo sent to you.
n2S-4 Iua I,. lUnE, Receiver.
Published In Semi-Weekly Tribute: Dates of
Srst week's publication November 18 and Nov.
1, 1913, dates of second week's publication Nov.
25 and Nov. 23, (813; dates of thlnl week's pub
lication Dec. 2. and Dec. 6. 1913; dates of fourth
week's publication December U and Dec. 12, 1913.
For a Few Days Only'
Stone Drug Co.,
will offor with each package of A-C-0
two live Goldfish with half-gallon globe.
The beautiful fish require little care
and will grow nicely. Take a globe
home with you, This is done solely to
induce you to try A-C-O, that wonder
sul remedy for Croup and Colds. Once
used, no family will be. without it.
First como first served.
Croup Kills 57,000. Babies.
The U. S. Bureau of Vital Statistics
attribute this number of babies' deaths
ench year to the monster CROUP.
is absolute insurance against CROUP.
Easily and quickly applied; it prevents
attack.8. Loosens tight, croupy coughs,
cures colds, hoarseness and congestions.
Our stock of Patent Medicines, Per
fumes, Toilet Articles, Etc., is a lead
ing feature with us. Wo would liko to
be your, Family Druggist. If you are
too busy t6 como to our stqre, phono
us your wants.
Telephone Red 4 C05M Dowcy St.
North Pla '.to, Nebraska.
HomeopathlcPhysIcUn andSurgeon
0 Hospital accommodations for Medical and 5
a surgical attention given obstetrical cases.. m
8 Oflico Phone 183 Res. Phono 283
Offlce McDonald State n&nk Illd'e 2
Dr. D. C. Crocker.
Osteopathic Physician
Oillce Phone 410 Res. Blk 552
Bertha E. Mangfon, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon ,
Desesscs of Women and Children a Specialty
New McCabe Blbg.
j Physician and Surgeon, t
w Office over McDonald Bank. 3
I Phones I Office 130
one8 Residence 115
620J Dewey Street
Phone 70
f sv - M P (a M k
Jfr Doclors Ames & Ames,
s Physicians and Suraeons, i
Office over Stone Drug Co. "
ll Phoneg I0""ice273 g
$5 hones Residence 273 t
Dr. J. K. Elms,
bye, bar, Nose and
Throat Glasses
IltTPfl a en .il
Homeopathic Physician and
Office orer McDonald State
North Platte. Phono 36.
Oldest Bonk In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
, We Solicit Your Business.
Two Attractions.
North Platto has two attractions it
grotty women and the cigars made by
chmalzried. Both attractions are
pleasing; and both are in demand.
Perhaps you haye not been smoking
Schmalzried cigars and don't know how
good they are; if so, try them. You
will not bo disappointed.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
ussssssss3E " fti ' Vl
Msssssssssssst. " JM$ J'Sv
fciCARS 7 ''
Di tydField edfield.
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. IIEDF1ELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building. ,
)ter O. E. S., J
. 55 1
i Signet Chapt
1 NO
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
B month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, 83.
In tho County Court.
In the matter of the estate of William
Shrcar, Sr deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Lester
Walker, praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to himself as admin
istrator. Ordered, That Dec. 2nd, 1913, at 0 o'clock a. m.
is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to be held In and for said
county, and shoV cause why prayer of petitioner
should not be grdnted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and tho hearing
thereof bo given to all persons interested In said
matter by publishing a copy of this, order In the
North Platto Tribune a legal semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated Nov. 8, 1913.
nll-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, October 28th, 1913.
In the matter of the estato of Patrick Ruddy
Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of said
estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room, In said county,
on the 2nd day of December 1913, and on tho 2nd
day of June 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m., each day, for
the purpose of presenting their claims for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their claims
and one year for the administrator to settle said
estate, from the 28th day of October, 4913. A
copy of this order to be published In tho North
Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper
printed In said county for four successive weeks
prior to Dec. 2nd, 1913.
County Judge.
Serial No. 04643.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte. Neb.
, , , , October 15. 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Clarence O.
Wills, of Wellfleet, Neb., who, on
March 3. 1910, made H. E. No. 04643, for
the WM. of NW nnd WM SVfH. of Section 32,
Township 11, North, Range 29, West of tho 6th
Principal Meridan. has (lied notice of intention
to make final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before the
register and receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on
the 12th day of December. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Gerkln,
Orrin Bacon, John Cooper and Ernest Fletcher,
all of Wellfleet, Neb.
o21-6 J. E EVANS. Register.
, 'Serial No. 01399 ,
. , ' pepartmenf of thednterlor.
XJ. B,. Land 0lce at "North Platte. Nebr.
vt it '.' u . v L Sept. 24. 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that Henry P. Hansen,
of North Platte. Ncbr.. who, on February 9,
1910. made Homestead Entry No.
W599. for NWH. NM of NEW, Section
S2. twp. 15. N. rge. 30, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice o' fntcntlon to make
final threo year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the register and
receiver, at North Platte. Nebr.. on the 19th
Claimnnt names as witnesses: R. G. Par
mclce. Julius Mogensen, F. Hansen, Charles
Russell, all of North Platte, Nebr.
&30-6 J. E. Evan.. Register.
Sheriff's Sale. ' '
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon
a. degree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Francis N, Shelton is plaintiff and John
Svranson, et ul nro def endants.and to me directed I
will on the 1st dajtof Nov.. 1913, nt 2 o'clock
P. m., at the east front door of the court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decrco. Interest
and costs, the following described property
tf-wltj Northwest quarter (NW) Section thirty
three (33J Township Thirteen (13) North of Range
Thlrty-ono(31) westqf the 0th P.M. Lincoln
county, cbraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb..Sept. 27. 1913.
"30-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff
By virtue of an order of salo i8sued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein The Mutual Building nnd Lpan
Associationn corporation is plaintiff, and
William H. Barraclough. et al are defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on the29th day of
Novemler 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. the east front
door of the court house in North Platte. Lincoln
county. Nebraska. Bell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy . said
decree. Interest nnd costs, the following
described property to-wit: Lot six (6) In
Block Forty-one (41) of tho original town now
city of Aorth Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated,Nortb Platte, Neb., October 27th, 1913
o28"5 A. J. SALisuuny. Sheriff.
In the County Court of Lincoln County. Ne.
braskn, Oct. 7th, 1913.
T,In ,the- nter of the , estate of Esther
Harris, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said
deceased will meet the Administratrix of said
N8i?,,.fo, tco"".t"dBe.. " nco1" Founty,
...HU, v m.w t-uuuij vuuri room, in Bald
Jffita J, J!h,J?,V -c Nov. 1913. and on
...-.....,. ...uj.tyt., ui u ciock a. m. each
day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for
-- -". uiu,ui:ui uhu allowance, six
months nro allowed for creditors to present their
.....,, ...IU u.,UJtoi tur me Aummistratrix to
settle said estate, from tho 7th day of Oct. 1913
in... KjT m puunsneu in me .Norm
Platte Tribune, a legal scmLweekly news-
IVLZ J&JPK&- .?' euccesslv
.. ? ,v w i.urrinutjril, ISlil.
14-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
v Notice for Publication.
James S. Gilbert, non-resident defen
dant, will take notico on the dav of
October, 1013, Roy Hanev. I. D. Mc
Knightand C. E. llaney filed their pe
tion in the district court of Lincoln
c?unfyu Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which are to have n certain sheriff's
geedtoEj NVVJnnd WJ of NEJ of
Sec 35, T 16 K, R 32 W, dated August
29th. 1912, and recorded in the office of
the county clerk of Lincoln county. Ne-
ftiaok?n t,he7thd?y of September,
1912, in Book "A-ll.'at page 531 canl
celled and annulled and set aside; also
the proceedings and decree had in and
nbout nnd upon which said deed was
bused cancelled and set aside, and for
such other nml fiirtlm roit . ,.
just and equitable. " '""y 8
iou are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday the 1st day
of December. 1913. . T
Dated-thk-eSrd'day of October, 1913
Roy Hanev, I. D. McKnight
By Muldoon & Gibbs" their attorneys!