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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMNWEEKLY TRIBUNE. r x K STOMACH MISERY GAS. INDIGESTION 'Tape's Diapepsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes.. Tlmo It! In flvo minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sournesB or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Papo's Diapepsin Is noted for Its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It la tho Burest, quickest nnd most cer tain indigestion remedy in tho whole world, and boBldes it is harmless. Pleaso for your sake, get a largo flfty-cent case of Papo's Diapepsin from any store and put your stomach right Don't keep on being mlserablo life is too short you aro not hero long, bo make your stay agreeable. Eat what you liko and digest it; en joy It, without dread of rebellion In tho stomach. Papo's Diapepsin belongs In your homo anyway. Should one of tho fam ily eat something which don't agrco with them, or In caso of an attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during tho night, it is handy to give tho quickest relief known. Adv. he Kept His Seat. Tho auffragetto was speaking. "111 bet thero ain't a man in this audienco who ever did anything around tno house for his wife. It there I3 a man in this room that over mado tho fire, milked tho cow, cleaned tho windows and mado the beds every day without a kick I'd liko to seo him, that's all." But she forgot her husband was at tho meeting. And he didn't dare stand up! Not Fit, But Fitting. "'She must dress in all tho latest otyles." "What makes you think so?" "I Just overheard her tolling a friend that sho hadn't a thing fit to wear." Detroit Free PresB. Some Soulful. "Tho glrl3 say ho is vory soulful." "Ho is. That fellow can talk roman tically about tho tariff." Tho people who fairly blazo with diamonds don't always set tho world on flro. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're Tired Out of SorU HovoT'o Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS will put you right in a few days. They do their duty. CureCon stioation. Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Nebraska Directory BOILER. REPAIRS Hipert boiler makers sent anrnhero anytime. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO.. Omaha Try Us-it Will Pay You Consign yonr stock to us for Rood prices, Rood nils and prompt remittance. Wrlto or wire ns for any udoiicu iuiviui.muu icaiuiyK luuiunraou All com munlcatlons answered promptly. Wo aro working or your Interest ana appreciate your business FARRIS PURINTON & (VI ARC Y Boftruori la X K. itk.r t. Live Stock Commission loom 110-112 Exchange Bldj, Stock tdt. Station. S. Oraaha.Keb, 30,500 Bell Telephones in Omaha Bell Lines Reach Nebraska Towns Tails to Omaha Over the Bell Telephone W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 46-1913. JSMcmm hium JM5mF WITTLE mmw iiver &&& PILLS. oo I ' BOAP$ WORKING FOR BETTER ROADS Movement Everywhere Growing Apace as Necessity for Improvement Becomes More Apparent. diy liowAitn 11. anoss.) Tho movement for, good rondB la ovorywhero growing apace. Tho aglta-i Hon for bettor highways is reaching every nook and corner of tho land. Tho necessity for this improvement, becomes more nnd moro apparent a3 wo progress along our various lines of activity. A very Httlo investigation will convlnco anyone that moro than one-half tho money that is ralsed for good roads is absolutely wasted by un skilled work, lneinclent and costly su porvislon and by doing tho wrong In stead of tho right thing, or doing what is dono at tho wrong time of the year. Among tho significant movements for hotter highways in tho central west is tho proposition to place the whole matter of highway Improvement under a county unit to havo 0110 man thoroughly skilled in tho art of road building and maintenance, who shall bo well paid and who shall give his whole timo to tho care of the roads In hia county. In large counties he would have ono or more assistants. This cer tainly is a businuss-liko proposition und ought to give better results. As it Is today, under tho hit-and-miss propo sition, those who aro informed will ngreo that practically one-half tho monoy raised is wasted by ill-timed and misdirected effort. Henco tho logical suggestion is, first to expend wisely tho money that is now boiug raised, to tho end that wo will havo something to show for tho expenditure, and second, that tho highways shall show an improvement from year to year. The caro and maintenance of tho road ought not to be placed upon tho farmer, for tho roads need attention at One of the Picturesque Highways of Colorado, Between Colorado Springs nS Canon City. tho very tlmo when tho farmer Is busi est; that is, during the planting season In tho spring, which is tho only tlmo to build roads, for then the road has' the entire summer to compact and solidify andget ready for tho trying timo of tho winter. It a road is graded in tho early spring, properly ci owned and good drainage provided, the en tiro embankment will bo dried out be foro fall and tho summer rains falling on it will wet only tho top inch or so and bo quickly carried off, and when tho frost comes thero will bo vory lit tle moisture to freeze, for lot us ro momber that tho ground does not freeze, but tho moisturo In tho ground. If tho moisture thero is at a minimum tho road will pass through tho winter and open up in the spring without be ing cut up very deoply, particularly if it In dragged frequently after a rain, so as to keep out tho Httlo ruts that will hold the w'ater and permit it to soak down and loosen up tho ground Immediately beneath. Keep water off tho road and tho troublo will bo ro duccd to a minimum. Henco it would seem like a sensible business proposition, and ono that would make for efliciency, to havo some onb In clinrgo of tho roads of tho county who has nothing elso to do and who knbws what to do and when It ought to bo done. legislation is ponding in soveral Btatcu to simplify and cheapen road administration nnd put it in skilled hands. TIiIb seems to bo tho first stop In the direction of improvement. It goes without saying that tho old plan of working out tho road tax, in which annual picnics, with horso racing,. box lng, wrestling, jumping, story tolling and other stunts aro tho principal features, should be abolished, and that all road taxes should bo pand In cash and oxpended under sklllod supervl slon. That is tho only way wo can get ono dollar's worth of rond for tho dollar expended, Wo aro now getting less thnn fifty cents worth of road for tho dollar collected. fib sr, $ 9J.V- ?-' -i'Jit'-'i "CASCAITS" FOR SLUM LIVER No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morninrj. Got a 10-cent box now. v Turn tho rascals out tho hoadacho, biliousness, Indigestion, tho sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out to-night nnd keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and womon tako a Cascarot now and then and. never know tho misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upsot stom ach. Don't put In another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanso your stomach; remove tho sour, fermenting food; tako tho excess bilo from your liver n'nd carry out all tho constipated wasto matter and poison in tho bowels. Then you will -feel great. A Cascaret to-night straightens you out by morning. They work whllo you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug storo means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy llvor and bowel action for months. Chil dren lovo Cascarets because thoy nevor gripo or sicken. Adv. Needed Only the Beginning. Anatolo Franco once agreed to wrlto an essay on Moliere. lie repeatedly broko his promiso to his publisher, who finally threatened him with legal proceedings unless a certain number of pages wero delivered within a spe cified time. France hurried off to his lawyer, who was none other than Ray mond Polncarc, now president. M. Polncaro heard his story and said that tho author would hotter comply with tho publisher's demand. "It's Impossi ble,' Bald Franco. "But you'ro a go nlus," was tho roply. "Genius Is in flnito patience. I can't possibly do It In tho time," said France. "Neverthe less begin," replied tho advocate, "and we'll see." So Polncaro dictated the llrst sentence, "Mollero is a Parisian," and added, "Go- on from thero." Franco was complacont, perhaps inspired by tho suggestion of tho words, and tho brilliant piece of criticism was easily dono in time. Daylight at All Hours. Dr. Herbert E. Ives of London has Invented daylight, ho says. Scientific men havo worked for years trying to accomplish this task. Doctor Ives has been at work for at least a dozen, and he assorts ho has finally produced a light which Is In every way equal to sunshine. Tho scientist has designed a powerful incandescent lamp with a special mantle, which Is so placed in a cabinet he has designed that its rays aro immediately beneath a reflec tor. This is mado of metal, and tho light is forced downwnrd through a Beriea of delicately colored screens, so arranged that tho average rays 1 which aro not found in tho north light , aro eliminated, and tho effect, it is said, is that of a perfect harmony of light similar in every way to tho rays of tho sun. Sometimes Descriptive. "Why, Nellie, dear." said tho Httlo girl's teacher, "I haven't seen you for soveral days." "Nomo," replied Nellie. "I've been on an exortlon with mamma." Hnr pcr's Dazar. Other Side of Shield. Wlfo (coraplalningly) Tho Wilfln Eons' house is much larger than ours. HuBband Yes, my dear, and so is their mortgage. Boston Transcript Grumphy Old Bach, Evidently. "Did you tell tho boss you wero Coing to bo married?" "No; he's down on all unions." The Difference. "Does your cook ask many evenings out?" "No; sho takes 'em." WORKS ALL DAY And Studies at Night on Grape-Nuto Food. Somo of the world'e great men havo worked during tho day and studied evenings to fit themselves for greater things. Dut it requires a good consti tution generally to do this. A Ga. man was nblo to keep it up with ease after he had learned tho sustaining power of Grape-Nuts, al though ho had failed, in health before ho changed his food supply. Ho says: "Threo years ago I had a ecvero at tack of stomach troublo which loft mo unablo to eat anything but bread and wnter. "The ncrvouB strain at my office from C A. M. to 6 P. M and Improper foods caused my health to fall rapidly. Cereal and so-called "Foods" wero tried without benefit until I saw Grape Nuts mentioned in the paper. "In hopeless desperation I tried this food and at onco gained strength, flesh and appetite. I am now nblo to work nil day at tho ofllco and study at night, without the nervous exhaustion that was usual before I tried Grape-Nuts. "It loaves mo strengthened, re freshed, satisfied; nerves quieted and toned up, body nnd brain wnBto re utored. I would havo been a living skeleton, or moro likely a dead ono by this time, if it bad not been for Grape Nuts." Name given by Postum Co., Uattlo Creek, Mich. Rend "Tho Road to Wellvlllo," in pkgs. "There's a Rea son." Kvcr rend Hie nlme letter? A nerr one npin'iir front time to time. They nro Renulne, true, nnd full of human Interest. I SVIANAGER1ENT OF By Maintaining the Fertility of the Orchard Soil Your Trees Are Due to Bear a Heavy Crop of Fruit. An Apple Orchard In Bloom Last Spring That Yielded This Fall a Wonderful Crop. Care of the Soil Helped In This Instance. t (Hy W. MILTON KELLY) Tho problem of securing tho fertil ity already in tho soil is a matter which wo should carefully conMdor boforowo apply commercial plant food& uml manures to our orchard soils. On soils which contain a reasonable Amount of availablo plant food and which havo been brought to a good physical condition, tho need of apply ing mnnures and commercial fertil izers will bo reduced to a minimum until tho trees havo attained a size and ngo when their roots occupy practically all of tho boII. How to prepare tho soil so that tho roots may go deep Into tho sub soil after mineral plant food, and so that the surface roots may reach out Into tho surfaco soil until thoy Inter lock with tho roots of adjoining trees Is tho question for us to consider. First of all, tho soil must' bo well drained and prepared sufficiently deep bo that tho roots may roach deep Into tho subsoil. Second, tho surfaco soil must bo cultivated frequently and a rotation of cover crops nnd catch crops employed bo that a suf ficient amount of plant food will be mado available to promote a rapd and healthy growth raihor than forc ing tho growth of tho trees by tho uso of manures and fertilizers rich in nitrogen. In somo instances tho soil may bo ilfjficlent In plant food and tho Intel ligent uso of mineral plant foods will provo vory beneficial to tho young trees. It is when tho orchards begin to boar largo crops of fruit that tho de mands for plant food must bo met If profltablo crops of fruit aro secured. 'At this timo tho roots of tho treos havo taken possession of practically nil of tho soil and havo utilized tho larger part of tho availablo plant food, so that tho addition of somo form of manure or fertilizer 1b essential. Tho function of tho soil in fur nishing tho treo with plant food Is an oxcoedlngly. complex ono, and thero nro certnin well defined laws that must be kept In mind for tho Im provement and maintenance of tho fertility of tho soil that Is occupied by tho trees. Somo fruit growers ad vocato sod mulch, others depend upon clean cultivation and tho liboral use of manures and fertilizers, others grow cover crops nnd uso mineral fertiliz ers as a means of maintaining tho fertility of their orchnrd soilp. Tho fact that no two soils require the eatno lino of treatment has caused a confusion of ideas in tho mnnngement of orchnrd soils. After studying tho mattor in Its various phases, I havo arrived at tho conclu sion that tho best lino of management consists of a system of clean cultiva tion, tho uso of cover and gru'ss crops nnd the use of an incomplete fertil izer; tho whole lino of management to be governed by the growth of the trees and tho year they nro duo to bear a heavy crop of fruit. In adoptiiig any system of soil management for tho orchard, It Is Imperative that wo select tho ono which possosBes as many of tho good points and eliminated in a largo de gree all of tho uudeslrnblo ones and exhausts tho least fertility from the soil, and which will need tho least posslblo amount of purchased fertiliz ers, and at the samo tlmo maintain tho trees and fruit In a thrifty and healthy condition. When wo consider any method for maintaining tho fertility of orchard soils, thero aro three classes of rela tions that must bo given considera tion, botli separatoh' and nlso in their relations to each other tho physical, tho chemical nnd Die biological condi tion of tho soil. Theso throe relations nro so closely connected mid bo much dependent upon each other that it Is a difficult matter for us to decide where ono begins and tho,othcr leaves jff, bo I will consider them together nd show how it is possible to adopt a Bystem whore all throo may bo maintained and Improved by tho uso of a limited amount of mineral fertil izers and the uso of a well-planned syBtem of legumo crops for mnlntnln ing the supply of humus and nitrogen, and the uso of fertilizers to encourago SOIL IN ORCHARDS the legumes' in tho work of gathering nitrogen and plant food, and tho em ployment of a grass or cover crop to protect tho fruit from tho mud Sdurlng years when tho trees nro due to produco a largo crop of fruit Tho physical condition of tho soil Ib very Important, but if wo consider it nlono wo will gain lncronsed crops for a few years, but In tho end will oxhaUBt our soil and tho crops of fruit will becomo nmnllor and moro imperfect until wo will bo compelled to uso largo amounts of mnnuro or fertilizer. It is nlways moro proflt ablo for us to maintain tho fertility of the orchnrd than to skin off tho fruit nnd thon try and bring it back" to n condition whoro It will produco profltablo crops of fruit. To success fully maintain tho physical condition of tho boII wo must supply it with an abundance of humus forming material and glvo it good tillage. Tho biolog ical condition of .tho soil deals with tho soil organlBiiiB that work for us in making tho substances of tho boII into a condition availablo to nourish tho growing plants. Without thoin tho soil would not bo in a condition to furnish tho plants wth nitrogen and. tho growth of tho treo would bo; practically arrcBted. Thcso soil or-, ganlsms roqulro for their best devel opment suitable) tomporaturo, nlr movement and nn abundnnco of mois turo, somo baso for tholr products to, combine with and somo food. When wo dlsciiBS tho chemical con-j dltlons of tho soil many orchard own-, ors think wo nro discussing Borne thing mysterious, and Jump nt tho, conclusion that tho subject Is ono' which they cannot understand. Thai first law of chomiBtry Is tlyit wo cnn-( not mnko something out of nothing,) and that wo aro tho loser every tlmo' wo try to get a crop of fruit from a, soil which is deficient In avallabloj plant food. Tho trees must havo food from tho soil boforo thoy can' produco fruit. Now, after discussing thcso threo relations, let us discuss, tho methods best adapted to maintain them eoparatcly, and also In tholr ro IntionB to each other, so that we may feed our treos and fruit In tho' most efficient and economical man-, nor possible. Plowing under green follngo adds humiiB und improves tho tcxturo of, tho soil, nBs!ss in conserving mois turo and prevents soil washing. Tho amount of plant food which Is mudo availablo depends largely upon tho carbonic acid producod by the decom position of tio vcgetnblo tissue, nnd tho roots nnd orgnnic matter. TIiub, in humiiB wo havo a substance that assists in the liberation of mineral as well as of nitrogenous plant food, be sides Improving tho physical condi tion of tho soil. All plnuts will mnko humus, but, when wo employ legumes wo are en abled to IncrouBO tho nitrogen content of tho soil, for these plants havo tho' power of obtaining their nitrogen from tho atmosphere and depositing it In the soil In n form availablo for succeeding crops of fruit and wood. Thus, when legumes nro grown to in crease the supply of liumuB and nl tiogen, It is not necessary to uso high-priced completo fertilizers. Ni trogen Ib tho most expansive element of fertility, and the air is a much cheaper source than tho fertilizer works. In many respects cultivation and( cover crops rosemblo each other in tholr genorul effect upon tho store' of plant food Jn the soil. It Is inn do moro available by tiliago, whllo cov- or crops and tlllngo together will ac complish nil that tlllngo possibly can, nnd at tho snmn tlmo improve all tlirco of tho important conditions, be Bides ndding Jnrgo quantities of ni trogen for futuro uso. Cover crops will also prevent Boll washing and hold tho leaves until thoy may bo plowod under. Hnvo you over noticed how a clump of grass will hold leaves, from blowing away? Tho saving of leaves Is nnluro's method of maintain ing fertility for tho tree. When tho treos nro making too henvy a growth of wood It is often best to uso Bomo other crop nnd omit the legumo for a season or moro. IS CHILD CK, FEU, SICK Look, Mother! If coated, glvo "California Syrupf Figs." Children lovo thla "fruit laxattvo," and nothing elso cleansep, tho tendor stomach, llvor nod bowels so nicoly. A child simply will not stop playing to empty tho bowels, and tho result is thoy becomo tightly clogged with waste, llvor gota sluggish, stomach Bours, then your Httlo ono becomes cross, half-sick, fovorlsh, don't oat, alcop or act naturally, breath Is bad, Bystem full of cold, has Boro throat, Btomnch-acho or diarrhoea. Liston, Mothor! Seo if tonguo is coated, then glvo a tcaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a fow hours all tho constipated waste, sour bilo and undigested food pnsse out of tho sys tem, nnd you hnvo a well child again. Millions of mothers 'glvo "California Syrug of Figs" becnuso it Ib perfoctly harmless; children lovo it, and it nov er falls to act on tho stomach, llvor and bowels. Ask at tho storo for n RO-cont bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which hns full dlrcctionn for babies, chtldron of nil ngos and for grown-ups plainly printed on tho bottlo. Adv. JOHN ALSO NEEDED M0ffEY An It Turned Out, Wife Need Not Havo Been Afraid of What Ho Might Say. It was Christmas eve. A beautiful woman sat staring dolefully at tho embers of tho flro. "ChrietmnB eve," sho murmured, "and no monoy to buy baby a Christ mas gift" Slowly her eyes wandored round tho room until, with a guilty start, they rested on something standing on tho mantelpiece It was baby's monoy box. Hor hands clutched tho chair convulsively. "If I only dared!" sho murmured. "But what would John any?" For a fow momenta sho Btood do bating tho awful quostlon in her mind, and then sho took tho box In hor hands. , "John need never know," sho whK porod. Thon, with guilty faco, Bho broko open tho box and emptied on to tho tablo a collection of tin tacks, nails, etc. John had been thero first ERUPTION ON CHILD'S BODY R. F. D. No. 2, Jackson, Mo. "Our daughter who is ton months old was suffering from an eruption all over tho body. In tho beginning thoy wo'ro small red spots and nftorwards turned to bloody soros. Wo tried all sorts of ointments but thoy did not procuro any relief for our child. Sho crlod nlmost day and night nnd wo ocarcoly could touch her, becauso sho was cov ered with sores from head to foot. "Wo had heard about tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and made a trial with thorn, and after using tho romo dlos, that is to say, tho Soap and tho Ointment, only a fow days passed and, our child could sloop well and after ono week Bho was totally well." (Signed) August F. Bnrtola, Nor. 25, 1012. Cutlcura Soap tnd OIntraont Bold throughout tho world. Samplo of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dopt L, Boston." Adv. Near Tragedy. A Pittsburgh mllllonulro stood bo cldo his $8,000,000 nutomobllo wonder ing where to go next A woman whom ho had known rushed out of tho hotel and sought to solvo this problem for him In a hurry. Sho shot at him, but of courso, Bho did not hit him. Instead tho bullet punctured tho chauffour'B log. "Great guns, that was a narrow os capo!" exclaimed tho millionaire. "Sho might havo punctured a tiro!" Sho Scorea. Ho was trying to mako up tholr quarrel and enmo homo with a 'pack ago held behind him. "Look hero, dearest," ho said, 'Tvo got something hero for somo ono I think moro of than anyono elso in tho world." "A box of cigars, I presume," oho said Bweotly. WHEN UUIIIICIIR J1ECOME KEGESSAKX And j mi r shun pmch, Allen'i Foot-Uiue, thd fkuusepllo wiwdor to be hakr.n Into tlie idoo. Just tho thins to uso. Always me It for break ng In new hue. Bold CYcrrwhern, 16a. Baruple lUIOll. Addrew, A. 8. OluuU-d, ho Uor, W. T. Don't accept any lululilul. AdT. Tho Proof. "Is that a marriago in high llfo?" "I BUpposo bo. Thoy'ro going on a wadding tower." The moat effective, yet simplest remedy for courIib is Dean's Mentholated Coujjh Drops 5c at Drug Stores. Tho stato manufacture of qulnlno yielded Italy last yoar a profit of about $180,000. Mrs.WluMow's Sooth lnf Syrup for Children teething, softens the run, reduce lnflamme, tlou.alloruiHiln.curea wind college bottleJUi Exports of champagno from Franco avcrago from 32,000,000 bottles an nually. Liquid blue is a weak solution. Avoid it Buy lied Croa Hall. iJluc. the bluo that's all blue. Ask your grocer. Adv. j But n woman doesn't caro to boss tho Job if she can boss tho boss. tongue is