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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1913)
A Nov. 15 to 30th Nov. 15 to 30th -M mk04B C 1 v IS , C' I y e r : A 2ii ? V This sale is put on with but one end in view to close out all overstocked lines of seasonable goods as well as all small broken assortments. You people who have been attending our Special Sales in the past know what to expect when we announce that we will have a sale. We have made a rule and find it good business to clean seasonable merchandise before the season closes.' Sweeping Reductions oh Every Cloak, Suit Dress or Skirt. Ladies9 Skirts Ladies $12 and $15 skirts made of the newest and finest cloths in a variety oT colors, reduced to , $9.98 Ladies $10 Skirts including tunic' and peg top styles made from n JO beautiful plain and brocaded cloths reduced to.. ttO Ladies $7.50 Skirts made from fancy ' cloths also black and white C AQ checks peg top and other new styles redecd to wtcO One Lot of Skirts worth from $6.50 to $10 a large line of colors to A AQ select from reduced to v ' tttcO One Lot Ladies Skirt $5 and $6 values mostly all wool cloths re- 0,,,f Q duced to . , ,i . . . aO , Women's Coats All $10.00 Coats for $ 8.50 .All 12.00 Coats for $10-30 All 15.00 Coats for $13.50 All 18.00 Coats for $16.50 All 20.00 Coats for $18.50 All 25.00 Coats for $21.50 All 35.00 Coats for $27.50 AN IMMENSE CLEARANCE OF SHOES FOR MEN WOMEN OR CHILDREN ' In the shoe department the reductions are even .more radical than elsewhere. Specials for the Women. ' , One-Lot Ladies finVshocs narrow widths, welts and turns shoes nb that sold for 3.00 to 4.00, all one prica i VOC ' Ladies Button Shoes, Gun Metal, Calf, good widths... SI7 Ladies Fin to Shoes, good lasts, fine quality, a large assortment ft nn oT sizes...:.'. 2)1.70 SPECIAL FOR MEN. Mens High Cut Boots regular $5 and $6 quality t.. Mens Walk Over Shoes, a number of broken lots, several styles of luBts, Gun Metal, and Patent, 4.00 and 4. CO grades Mens Fine Shoes, odd styles, some worth up to 4.00 at ' Mens Heavy Work Shoes, a 2.25 value FOR BOYS AND CHILDREN Boys and Little Gents Shoes, Gun Metal, and Patents sizes 8 to 12 12J to 2 2& to 5 Childrens Shoco 8 to 11 lift to 6. $3.78 $2.48 SI. 98 SI.48 $1.48 .79c Fancy Ribbons One Lot of wide Fancy Ribbons suitable for Kensington Bags and many other items of fancy work any 'of them are cheap at 25c price reduced Q Petticoats!- Ladies Black Morie Petticoats rh , regular price $1 reduced to.. "yL Ladies Night Gowns Well made full sized outing Flannel Gown color white pncea i,or ,ni .';. . w .4 . " . Out this sale at. Ji -4- Gossard Corsets $1.98 We have on hand several Gossard Corsets that are not of the latest models but not entirely out of date. They have. -t shorter skirts and are a little hgher bust than the new models. These weTe'all 5 k 00 to 6.50 models. We have also added one model of 3.50 comets, that .is designed fo fleshy people. AVe will, fit these corsets and see that the- modeUs right for you. We will' not sell any'with out fitting. Clearance Sale or Broken Lots of Union Suits and Underwear for Children. Childrens Heavy Fleeced Lined Underwear all sizes 19c Childrens Ribbed Union Suits fine quality 47c Ladies Ribbed Cotton Union Suits 468?- Ladies Ribbed Cotton Pants 19c Ladies 1.50 Wool Plated Union Suits $1.19 Ladies $50 Wool Union " Suits $1.79 Ladies . , $3.50 !' .'! Dufold Union Suits $2.48 Ingrain Carpets Your choice of any of our 60c, 65c and 75c Wool Ingrain Garpcts .. 48c,:; v:'. Your choice of coUpjfill&cl Ingrain Carpets for , .,A 8iW " ' ' This is your clfance for a'new Carpet at small expense "' 16' . Reduced Prices on' Ladies Suits All $30.00 to 45.00 Suits reduced toJj)22.5U AU$20 and $25 Suits reduced to I5.uU t All J $15 and $18 Suits reduced to lU.UU All 12.50 and 13.50 Suits reduced to O.UU Siik and Wool Dresses All $0.50 to $8 Dresses reduced toJ 4.70 All $10.00 Dresses reduced to. .' ,4o All $12.00 Dresses reduced to 0. O 10.48 17.48 All $15.00 Dresses reduced to All $20.00 and $25.00 Dresses re duced to Ladies' Waists One lot Ladies' Silk Waists some chif fon draped, others plain messaline, some have long and some short sleeves, all are nice patterns, reduced to $3.48 One Lot Ladies' Plain Black Silk Shirts, low neck, large turn down collar; short sleeves; a nice plain waist reduced to One Lot Ladies' Cotton Waists, new semi-tailored styles, reduced from SI. 25 and $1.50 to Dress Goods. One Lot 50c Wool Dress Goods 39c One Lot 40 and 42-in $1 Wool Dress Goods W OQ. One Lot $1.50 Dress Goods 98c One Lot Heavy Dress Goods worth $1.00 to 1.75 73c One lot $1.00 Brocaded Silks 69c ! Underwear Mens Fleeced Lined Undorwear Shirts and drawers the -in regular 50c grade JVC Mens Heavy Cotton Ribbed Shirts and Drawers 50c values -)n at SVC Mens Union Suits 2.50 ( j n quality wool plated 2) 1 . 1 V Mens Union Suits High grade gar meets worth 3.50 and 4. qj in reduced to J).40 Mens Heavy Fleeaelined Union Suits regular 1.00 number ijn reduced to 1C Blankets One Lot Grey Wool Blankets full size, mado from the odd yarns in a dress goods mill and one of the best wearing 4.00 blankets we have ever had. Price reduced qj syn for this sale to bJ.Zy Turkish Towels Largo size Bath Towels, bleached, size 2345 inches j a reduced to 1 C Linen Crash An extra value 10c craph re- i duced for this sale to f2C ij . sl'fl- ,.- Knit Goods One lot Boys Scout Sweaters $2,25i n value .....; WW.:. . . .' . $ 1 M value ; L) 4 inn' value U... I ,yO Ono Lot Men's Wool Sweaters $2.00 value i One Lot Ladies' Sweaters, 51.50"' .value ; t'One Lot Ladies' Sweaters, .$2.50 1.39 One lot Men's Sweaters, $2.50 values 1 ,0 Rugs Axniinister Rugs, room size 9x12 f tm n i O regular $22.50 quality reduced toj) 1 V .45 Axminister rugs, room size, 9x12 ft n t o $20.00 quality reduced to , . . J ,45 Axminister Rugs, room size 9x12 y t n ft.,. 25 qunlity reduced tov. yJ4Q Axminister Rugs, size 8 ft. 3 in. by fj in 10 ft. C-in., 18.50 quality reduced to 1 3,4 O Axminister Rugs, siza 8 ft. 3 in. by i i la 10 ft. 6-in. 17.50 quality reduced to 14.40 NORTH PliATTE WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE, -it NEBRASKA ""w : DR. 0. H. CRESSLEH. is S f Graduate Dentist. L' A,Vj. i, ' J: Office' "over tha M( tjJT J State Bank thft'McDdhald' e v, P ' -I . Local and Personal T The Nevita club will meet tomorrow Afternoon with Mrs. John Dick. F. P. Dickinson, of Hershey, spent 'yesterday in this city on business. Norman Coneally left last evoning for Denver to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Ray Candlin returned this morning from Chicago where he visited relatives for a week. Geo. White, of Sutherland, .visited friends and transacted business in this city yostsrday. Mrs. Joo Roddy left the early part of this week for Omaha to visit friends for several days. Miss Lydia Anderson who was called to Overton by the death of her mother, returned the latter part of last week. The Presbyterian aid society will be entertained by Mesdames Wyman, Diener, and Elms Thursday afternoon. K Mrs. N. C. Stevens, of Sutherland, nrrived yesterday morning io u pUestofMrs. Milton Marcolt several days Joe Williams and wife, of Omaha, ar rived Wednesday morning to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Lew larnng-ton. Mi?suLulu Brown left last evening for Salt L'ake City, to visit relatives for a month or more. Miss Cre Diener loft last evening for Ogalalla where she will be the gucsXof relatives for some time. Mrs.-Jo"e Peas arrived this morning from Gothenburg to be the guest of Mrs. A. E. Short for several days. The RelTef, Corps will meet with Mrs. John Bonner on West 5th street Wed nesday afternoon. Everybody is wel come. In the football game at Kearney last Saturday the North Platte high won from the military academy by a score of ten to nothing. Your choice of all trimmed hats for $2 each at the Parlor Millinery Wed nesday, Nov. 19th. Thnmn. flreen arrived vesterdav aftornoon from Grand Island to spend several days looking after business con nected with his pool nan. W. D. Eakins and wife, who had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Pagett for several days, returned to their home in Paxton yester jay. Ex-county cbmmissioner Roberts, of Maxwell, returned the latter part of lust weeK irom uenver wnere no pan been taking treatment for a month. He returns somewhat Improved. The high school foot ball team will play the Gothenburg team at the local grounds Friday. The Gothenburg boys are the state champion pretenders,, and thu local team will do the utmost to takn them down a peg. The. uniforms of the high school cadets arrived yesterday and the boys are well satisfied. They ar brown in color, with close fitting" coat, pants, leggings and cap. Mrs. James Flynn was called to Quincy, 111., this morning by the death of her siBter. Ralph Tyler returned home Saturday evening from Farnam, where he trans acted business for several days. John Frederici will leave the last of this week for Greeley, Colo., to spend a couplo of weeks with relatives. Mrs. J. Cronin left Friday evening for her home in Sidney, Iowa, after being the guest of relatives for some time. Mrs. A Abbott, of Chapman, Nebr., visited several days with Mrs. Clyde Cook and left this morning for several dnys' visit up the branch. Weather Forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wednes day, rising temperature. Moderate variable winds. Highest temperature yesterday C7, a year ago 61; lowest last night 31, a year ago 20. Mrs. Emma Ray, Bister of E. A. Roberts of this city, died Monday morning of ptomaine poison at the age of 42 years. She leaves an infant son two months old together with other relatives to mourn her loss. The re mains were i shinned to Loner Pine. Neb., for interment. The Twentieth Century club will hold a social meeting at the Odd Fellows' hall on the evening of Dec. 2d. A luncheon will be served by the Rebekah lodge. The committee in charge of the sale of tickets arc calling on members now. Any member not receiving a ticket can secure one by phoning Mrs. Geo. Dent or Mrs. F. Buchanan. Ifirs, Entryman Reports. 'The first entryman for land in the North Platte land district portion of the forest reserve filed his application at ninp .o'clock this morning. The np plicanHtl$ Chas O. Bairn, of Lewellen, who dlrew number 18 in the drawing, but wasUo. 7 to respond to the call made yesterday. He entered 610 acres, on which there are 350 acres suitable for farming. W. H. Harrison, one of Grand Is land's best known business men, died at an Omaha hospital early Sunday morn ing where he had been taken for an operation. I have the best line of magazines and can save you money on -club orders. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, Phone Red 104. The Junior short course in agriculture and domestic science for the benefit of boys and girls of the county opened yes terday under the supervisiou of the state agricultural school. About thirty boys and girls from the country pre cincts were in attendance yesterday and a larger mynber is expected today. The boys' meeting is held in the library building and the girls meet in trie Methodist church. The course will close Friday ovening with a reception. For Sale. Several milch cows coming fresh soon. .See J, C. Pennington or phono black 374 or red 383. tf We can loan you money to help you buy. build or improve. Either on long time or out of our State Building anu Loan Association returnable same as rent in monthly payments. We are making these loans almost daily and I shall be pleased to consider yours. We guarantee you a square deal, tome and see us before you make final arrangements. We may be able to save you money. Bratt & Goodman. The new auto fire track ordered by .the city at a cost of $5,100, arrived yes terday, and was given a trial run last nighP.wUh Minor Hinman at the wheel, who raced through the streets at a forty mile, an hoyr clip. The truck is a mtcjde of grot Vbftuty, and will prbvfe proye a wondbmilhelp in fight ing fires It is supplied "With a chem ical extinguisher, which of itself is a big advantage-in tb way of extinguish ing ;firei whicn "lire confined to a limited space; it has ample room for all the necessary fire hose, and with the seventy horse power, engine it can reach a fire 'quicklj'. Tms auto truek togetfie'rwith tho'new quarters for the firemen in the Hinman block nlaces the department in the best condition it has been since it, organization. At'iho'sele'cfron at Hyannis yesterday for land in the forest reserve fifty names and numbers were called to which twenty-three responded. None of the first three numbers wns represented by their holders, and after a lapse of twenty minutes the next three num bers were called nnd two responded. Hans Dubbs, of Columbus, who held No. 5 was allowed first selection and Odelf Crounso, of Naponee. who held No. 6 got the second selection. Both these claims are valued at $7,000. Those holding the first four numbers will Select land in tno rslourara reserve. We have some great bargains in farms, farm land, vacant lots and city property. Some attractive exchanges. Bratt & Goodman. The ladies of the Methodist aid so ciety will entertain the Brotherhood at the church Friday ovening. g - Second-Hand Stoves of all kinds wanted. Peter McGov orn stove repairer, 1005 Locust Locust St., Phono Blaek 390. 81-8 Mrs. Daisy Mavis left Saturday evok ing for Sidney where she has rccepted a position. Will tho party who borrowed my tiling spade please return it to mo at once. Jqb Filuon. Mark Atkinson, of Kearney, nr rived this morning to visit friends for several days. Wm. Huxoll resigned his position with tho Derryborry & Forbes. , atqfoj Saturday evening. " jffi Mesdames Wm. nqd Heh'rykDienr wore called to Syracuse, JJeb.-j tuls Geo. Buck is expected to arrive the latter part ef next week from Com merce, Missouri, to viBit at tho F. J'. Frederici home. , For fire and life insurance see Brail & Goodman. F. E. Roberts arrived this morniiig from Rawlins, Wyo., to accompany the remains of the late Mrs. Ernma fRnylto Long Pine. j ' ' Yesterday was nay-day for tho Union Pacific, and the checks drawn by the road men were unusually large. Traffic on mo roau is reported by .train men to bo exceptionally heavy. Bratt & Goodman have some choice building lots east of the new round house. Small payments down, balance monthly. Buy now while cheap. M stock Millinery Below Cost. Desirous of cleaning up fall before leaving for & vacation, 'yfi make very low prices. Mrs. B. F. Sailor, The Leader $5