The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 18, 1913, Image 4

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' '
Local and Personal
John Jocckct, of Wallace, transacted
business in town Saturday.
G. P. McGrow attended the foot ball
game in Kearney Saturday.
Sam Fox, of Ogalalla, was a business
visitor in this city Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Bell, of Hershey, spent
Saturday in this city with friends.
NeU Ratmusstn went to Omaha Fri
day evening where he transacted busi
ness. Theodore Sandall and Chester Oorram
spent Friday in Grand Island with
Miss Ruth Loan arrived Saturday
morning from Gothenburg to visit sev
eral days with h,er sister Mrs. Alex
Miss Esther .An tonldea, of the Kear
ney normal, spent the week and with
ber parents.
We, clean rugs. Hats cleaned and
blscked. C. 0. D. Cleaners and Dyers.
Mrs. H. M. Rieser, of Omaha, arrived
Friday evening and will make her home'
In this city.
Hiss Clara Rogers attended a basket
ball game in Sutherland Saturday and
visited friends.
Lost Watch fob, Elk tooth and head
set with diamonds. Reward for return
to this office. 85-3
Louis Tobln returned Saturday morn
ing from Blair, whore he visited
'friends several days.
TMr. and Mrs. I. S. Evans left Sun
day for Denver to spend a week with
friends and relatives. ,
Leo Tobln, of Dcnviy' arrived Sat
urday morning to visit several days
-with his brother Louis':"' ' '"-
Miss Freda Hammer has accepted a
position fa the ten cent store and took
up her duties Saturday,
MIbs Bertha Anderson who visited
several days in Omaha returned the
latter part of last week.
Iniurance that protects at the most
reasonable rates.
86-2 (!$ Temple,
, Missionary Scott returned Thursday
from Perkins county whero ho had been
attending to Sunday school work.
Miss Sena Koster, of Gothenburg, ar
rived Saturday morning to viBit for a
few days with Miss Blanche Wright.
The Girls Friendly Society will meet
this evening in 'the purish house. All
members nro requested to be present.
Miss Nolllo and Arthur McEvoy loft
Saturday morning for Ogalalla whoro
they visited over Sunduy with relatives.
August Ko3bau returned Suturday
morning to his home In Lincoln after
visiting soveral weeks with his mothor.
The Gothenburg high school foot ball
team dofeatod Coznd Friday by a score
of thirty-Beven to seven. Coznd de
feated North Platte and tied with
Lexington, hence Gothenburg, so far
undefeated, claims the supremacy in
western Nebraska.
Thanks giving Day r
m .. If.
... YUh
J .A
c i . W I
Mh Cnndil Citrte?
rT-TT - Smyrna Figs . i
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n Order a
U To Day
n UL
-j ii
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y jrm
We Are Proud
of our fine display of' Thankfiiv
Jng jewelry, which is now on ex
hibition. We have everything
that makes the tablo attractive
on Thanksgiving Day and wo
have just what you want. Como
in early and mko your selections
while we have a full stock.
Jeweler and Optician
Wo want your repair work.
Frank Garman, of Sutherland, visited
relatives in this city Sunday.
Arthur Plummer, of Denver, spent
Sunday in this city visiting friends.
Thomas Peck, formerly of this city,
but now of Gibbon, spent Sunday with
friends in town.
Miss Bessie Smith, teacher in the
Hershey schools, spent Sunday in this
city with her parents.
Frank Knapp, of Maxwell, arrived
yesterday morning to transact business
and yisit friends.
Miss Lena Baskins left the latter part
of last week for Grand Island to visit
several days with friends.
Roy Cochran loft last evening for
Grand Island where he will attend the
Lincoln Highway Association.
Mrs. John Show roturned to her
home in Hershey yesterday morning
after visiting several days here.
Mrs. Young, who had been a guest at
the Oilman residence for ten days, re
turned to Hastings this morning.
Mr. and Mm.John C. Den left in
their ear Sunday for Arapahoe, where
they will vrsit relatives several days.
Messrs. James and John Flynn left
yesterday morning for Hyannis to look
over the forest reservo for several
Fred Hofhine visited friends in this
city Sunday enroute to his home in
Denver, returning from a business trip
in the east.
Mr, and Mrs. F, J. Dontlor loft Fri
day afternoon for their home In Donver
af tor attending. the funeral of the late
Mrs. 0. T. Robison.
A cablegram received Sunday by
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Gilman announced
the birth of a 'son to ,Mr. and Mrs.
Alfreq'Gilmun, of Hank Kow, China.
.Miss, Lillian Sicks is assisting in the
10c store during the absence of Miss
Maud Miller who will spend n coupU of
weeks with her parents in Chnppell.
Dolson '$ Additibn: The convenient
resident section of 'North Platte to the
new round house. 86-2
Charles Dolson. of Oahkosh, visited
friends in this- city yesterday while
enroute to Duluth, Minn., where he
was called by the death of his brother
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller nnd chil
dren who visited tho latier's sister
Mrs. Milton Marcott for several days,
left Saturdav mornincr for her home in
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Do! son were
called Sunday evrning to Duluth, Minn.,
by the death of the former's brother
John Dolson.
Missionary Scott hns received from
the American bible society one
thoUBnnd bibles and testaments.
He will sell the testaments at 5 cents
n pieco and bibles at 15 cents apiece
and which will bo at cost. Any teacher
of Sunday school or superintendent
who wishes to give a present for
Christmus call on Mr. Scott at Room 9,
over Tramp's stoio.
Cause of Insomnia.
Tho most comnlon causo of insomnia
is disorders of tho stomach and consti
pation. Chamberlain's Tablots correct
these disorders nnd enable you to sleep.
For snlo by all dealers.
Head au ar t ers
Thanksgiving days are days
of Good-Cheer of extra Good
Living. Yes! Arid right here you'll
now find extra good things to
eat in extra variety al real
thankful prices. " . '
I Ieintz's MKSKMcnt "
Richelieu Raisins and Currents
Fresh Shelled ShiSvK
Dromedary Dates
Malaga g
Pleads Guilty to
Stealing Cattle.
In the district court yesterday fore
noon Wm. E. Dierkson plead guilty to
cattle stealing. As a cattle thief,
Dierkson was the nerviest ono Lincoln
countyjhas known in yenrs; in
went into the business on n
tude never before attempted.
fact he
tho Cthjof November he Btole eight
head of cattle from "Wm. Rodin? and
five head from John Isaacson, both of
whom live about twelve miles northeast
of Brady. These thirteen head of
cattle he drovejto the Cody ranch west
of town, nnd n day or two later sold
part of them to Turple and Hollaway
and part to Henry Ridinger. Dierkson
claimed that he had purchased them at
n Bale near Curtis. He succeeded bo
well injthla theft that he concluded to
go in alittlc deeper. This time he
went to thoJWm. Jursensen place about
ten miles north of Gothenburg, took
twenty-three head out of a bunch
eighty-four, and started to drive them
to this city. These cattle wero taken
Friday night, and wore not missed by
Jurgeson until tho following day. It
was some time before he got a clew,
but finally learned that they had ' been
driven west. He wired Sunday for
officers in this city to be on tho lookout,
and at the same time started bn the trail
in an automobile. Late Sunday even
ing Deputy Sheriff Watts learned, that
Dierkson andhisherdwere north of town
and riding over intercepted him just
east the river bridge. Dierkson was ar
rested, admitted the theft, placet! in
jail nnd when arraigned .yesterday
morning plead guilty.
When arraigned before Judge Grimes
yesterday afternoon he was given an
indeterminate sentence of from one to
ten years.
Dierkon Is a man about twenty-five years
of ago, and for several months last
summer worked in the car repair gang
in this city, and last year worked for
Jorgensen, the man from whom he stole
the greater number.
Local and Personal. j
Arthur Tramp spent Sunday in Kear
ney visiting f rionds. ,
Miss Mable Anderson spent Sunday
in Hershey with herparents.
Julius Hahler and family, spent Sun
day at the D. B. McNeel ranch. '
The Episcopal guild will meet With
Mrs. John Mclvain Thursday af ternbdn.
Earl Spaulding, of Sutherland, spent
Saturday in the city on business.
Matt W.altz left yesterday morning
fqr Hershoy whore he will transact
business. "
. Home-made Sauer Kraut and Im
ported Dill Pickles at the Tramp
grocery. 8C-2
Miss Lena Wnngon left last evening
for.Omaha to visit soveral days with
Mrs. A. H. McMullen and sons loft
yesterday morning for Perry, In.,'' to
spend a month visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Noles, of Horshey,
arrived yesterday morning to spend
several days with friends here.
George Weinberg arrived homo yes
terday afternoon from Omaha, where
ho spent several days on business.
Mrs. Earl Davis will nrriye the latter
part of thi3 week from Portland, Ore.,
to visit relatives for some time.
Automobile Insurance.
86-2 C. F. Temple.
Dr. Clark and wife, of Omaha, were
called here Sunday evening by the ser
ious Illness of Mrs. Chas. McNamara.
Miss Loretta Murphy returned to
Hershey yesterday morning after
spending a couple of days with her
Mrs. II. E. Brestol. of Gothenbburtr.
who spent several days with friends in
this city the latter part of last week,
returned home aunuay morning.
Among the western bound traffic over
tho Rock iBland road Friday were two
trninloads of Buick cars. There were
fifty railroad cars in each train, and
about 300 automobiles.
Mrs. Lewis Dorr, fdrmerly of this
city but recently moving to Sheridan,
Wyo., arrived Saturday afternoon to
spend feveral days with relatives and
look after her household goods.
A. P. Kelly nnd Henry Rebhausen
went to Oshkosh Friday to drive down
tho Kelly car, which had beep left
there by reason of a slight breakage
which occurred seyeral days previous.'
Your choice of all trimmed 'hats for
$2 each at the Parlor Millinery Wed
nesday, Nov. 10th.
Felix Simon, formerly of" this cfty, but
now living at Hastings, visited his bro
thers for a couple of days nnd left yes.
terday for the forest reserve to make a
selection of lund. Mr. Simon drew
number 213 in the drawing.
J. F. Keefe went to KtSartfoy Friday
to refereee the Aurora-Kearney foot'
ball game, and in reporting the gam
tho Hub said: "And without ia doubt
Keefe, of North Platte, Is the fairest
roferee that has been on the loqal field
for a long time."
John H. Nngel, of Dickens precinct,
charged with disposing mortgage prop
erty, was acquitted by the jury Friday.
Naglo purchnsed about ninety head of
cattle of n Minneapolis firm, paying
nine hundred dollors and giving a mort
gage on the cattle for tho remainder
of the purchase prico. Later Nagle
sold the cattle, but it was contended lie
did so with the knowledge of tho mort
gagees. Apples for Sale.
' Good grade Winesap and Gennett
apples cheap by car or wagon load, nlso
by local shipments, at tho Glenburnio
Fruit Farm, D. Hunter, Prop. Send
orders to Arthur Knllweit, Sutherland,
Neb. 81-8
Railroad Notes
Foreman Murphy, of the building de
partment, went to Haig yesterday to
finish up work at that terminal.
Conductor Buzza, who drew tho Ford
at the Pat, has sold tho car to Supt.
Schemerhorn, of the Union Pacific.
Work began yesterday on the yard
office just south of the new round house.
The buildinc will be 24x54 in dimen
sions. New scales will also be erected.
A now time-card went Into effect
Sunday. Train 17 will now arrive at
0:15 p. m., forty-five minutes later than
formerly, train Wo. b has been re-instated
and will arrive at 9:45, and No.
10 will nrrive at 8:45, an hour and five
minutes later tnan formerly.
The engine and trainmen of the At
lantic division of the Southern Pacific
covering 2,400 miles of road-who went
out on a strike last Thursday, returned
to work yesterday. The company
yielded to the demand of the men to
meet a federated committee of the four
The new Union Pacific round house
was placed in commission at seven
o'clock yesterday morning. All the
round house force reported thoro for
work at that time, and all engines,
both passenger and freight, are sent
there direct to and from the trains.
The coal chute and water tank are in
operation, and though there is yot
some uncompleted work, it is not of a
nature that interferes with the expedit
ious handling of engines
- Why not place it in some of our
extra choice first mortgage loans,
earning 7 to 8 per cent semi-annual
interest, mortgages not taxable? The
best and rafest investment that you
can make. See Bratt & Goodman.
Mrs. J. K. Eshleman and daughter,
of Hershey, arrived Saturday morning
to visit with local friends several days.
Misses Alma Morrill, Syble Gantt,
Hazel Barber and Edith Patterson at
tended the foot ball game in J Kearney
Saturday. J V &
Mrs. Mulvihel, who had been at The
Leader the past week demonstrating
hair goods, left Sunday morning for
Wanted to Rent Modern six Y or
seven room house, furnished, Leave ad
dress at Vienna. It. Neibert. 85-2
W. H. Blalock left Saturday morning
for Omaha where he will visit friends
and attend to business matters for sev
eral days.
We clean rugs. Hats cleaned and
blocked. C. O. D. Cleaners and Dyers.
Miss Matie Paulson left Saturday
morning for Sutherland whero she
went to attend a basket ball game and
visit friends. .
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tdlldfsen, of
Sutherland, drove down in their car and
visited over Sunday with the Jatter's
"The Thiof" was presented to a fair
sized audience at the Keith Saturday
evening. Miss Allyn as the leading
lady, was good and was well supported.
The company remained in town over
I have a few choice lots left in the
Cody 2nd Addition. If you have not
purchased in this addition, don't fail to
look up these lots.
86-2 C. F. Temple, Agent.
Final Notice to Bicycle' Riders.
In regardUo Act 5, Section 288 on.
sidewalks, rennlty: "It shnll bo un
lawful for any person or persons to
ride nny bicycle, or tandem, upon any
of the sidewalks within the corporative
limits of the city of North Platte. And
every person found guilty of tho vio
lation of any of the provisions of this
section shall upon conviction be pun
ished by n fine of not more than ten
dollars for each offense, and stand
committed until the fine nnd costs aro
paid." This ordinance shall be en
forced to tho lettor.
84-C J. Frazier, Chief.
Tuesday, November 18th
"The Norwood Case" is a Crystal
storv of lost memory. Tho young hus
band is injured during the construction
of a building and loses his recollection
of former things. A second injury
brines back his memory and he returns
home, like Enock Arden, to find another
"Thu Escane" is a Powers drama. A
struggling artist with his wife and child
crocs'to the seashore to name a marine
picture, hoping to win a prize. Smug
glers, believing ho has found their
Becrdt", kidnap him and take him aboard
a ship.
In the Nestor comedy "Patsy's Luck"
Patsy Ss very much under the thumb of
Tilda, his wife. After a spree one
night, rather than go home, he joins a
hand of trfimna. crivintr them to under
stand he is a famous outlaw. Told of
their intended bank robbery, he makes
a. heroic canture and returns to his wife
lllii J v
yVeflnesday, November 19th
TJio American-Eclair Company pre
tiholbgjcal problems and experiments,
interwoven with a charming romance.
Thursday, November 20th
"Harmonv and Discord." Frontier.
tells tho story of a dissolute son, who
goes west and redeems uotn nis cnarac
tnr nnd his fortune.
"Tho Pilcrim Messenger of Love," is
n Pawers drama nroduced by Edwin
Augu. It is a story of primitivo peo
nln nnd shows how brute strencth eives
way, when pitted against tho power of
"Their Two Kids" is a suro enough
fnnnv comedv. John cets the eirl and
tho money, John's friends furnish tho
. "kids" nnd some excitement, and John's
fnthor seems to have been tlie real goat.
sents its best photoplayors in a three
part d'ratpa entitled "From tho Beyond."
TfdsSs a-eunreme presentation of psy-
Society and Clubs
The Indian Card Club will be enter
tained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs.
Geo. T. Fiold.
Twenty ladies wero delightfully en
tertained Friday afternoon by Mrs.
Lester W. Wnlker when the game of
500 formed the entertaining feature. A
very nice lunch was served at 6:30.
Friday evening eight couples chaper
oned by Miss Jessamine Flynn and
Lawrence Gapenter drove out to Dick's
gtovo and spent the evening in dancing
and at the close a chicken, supper was
served. '
At the wedding ceremony of N. E.
Buckley and Miss Noll Bratt, which
occurs on Tuesday evening of next
week, Bishop Beecher will officiate.
Only the immediate families will be
present, but the reception which fol
lows will be largely attended.
Mrs. Harry Fleishman gave o very
pretty autumn party Saturday after
noon to thirty ladies. Tho house decora
tions were autumn leaves, and the
autumnal colors were carried out in the
refreshments. Among the entertain
ing features was a fabrio contest, ten
ladies correctly solving the questions.
In cutting cards to , decide the prize
winners, Mrs. A B. Hoagland won first
and Mrs. Chas. Reynolds second prize.
Miss Flynn, of Sioux. City, rendered ex;
cellently two piano selections, and Miss
Alma Waltemath gave a reading that
well merited the encoro given. The
Elace cards were in the shape of small
irds in the autumn colors.
Nine room house and barn, modern,
on west 4th Street. Seven room cot
tage modern except heat, on west 3rd
street. A pretty place. Eight room
house, modern except heat, on East
Sixth Street. Other houses,
Bratt & Goodman.
Local and Personal.
Miss Harriet Dixon roturned to
Omaha yesterday after visiting her
parents several days.
Miss Amelia Anderson arrived Sun
day morning from Hershey to visit sev
eral days with her sister, Miss Bortha
Mrs. Emma Schott left Sunday even
ing for Duluth, Minnesota, where she
was called by the death of her brother,
John Dolson.
For Rent 3 furnished rooms with
bath. 414 W. 3rd St. 83-3
Carl Lintz returned yesterday morn
ing frpm Johnson, Nebr.. where he was
called by the illness of his mother.
Mrs. N. V. Overstock and Bon re-
flimo? 4-ri t li i " -V rrvn Jri Qnt ltvilanr1 irAO.4
terday after visiting friends over Sun-1
.Miss Sophia Mullen arrivedyesterday
afternoon from" Callaway to vrsit for
several days with Mrs. Z. Carter.
Dr. Hammons left yesterday after
noon for Hershey after yisjting several'
days in this city with Rev. Cram.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lubbers, who
wero married in Sterling, Colo., Monday
of last weok, haye returned to this city
and wi'I reside here. Mrs. Lubbers was
formerly Miss Barbara McGuire.
For Sale Driving mare, 4 years old,
weight 1100 lbs, well broke, inquire of
Joe Pinion, Nichols, Neb. 86-2
$25.00 Reward v
For the arrest and conviction of any
parties who have destroyed or may
hereafter illegally cut or injure the
chains nnd padlocks on the two
gates at entrances to my land south and
east of tho South Platte channel bridge.
83-4 Mrs. H. M. Hershey-.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Hnvo boon tlio Jtiotors
in tho growth o tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Thanksgiving' Eve h
Wednesday, November 26th.
North Platte Military Band,
(Some Band)
Concert Preceeding Dance 8:30
Dance Tickets $1.00 Spectators 25c.
Thursday, Nov. 20.
Cortlandt Marsden
the former Photoplay Actor nnd
Bessie Greenwood
the world's highest soprano, in a com
edy singing playlet.
engagement of Cortlandt Marsden, un
doubtedly tho only formerly featured
photo player now appearing personally
in vaudeville, and Miss Bessie Green
wood, the world's highest soprano, in
Mnrsden's classy, snappy, cleverly
arranged comedy singing playlet, "The
Road to Loveland. In addition to
reaching the world's top note, Miss
Greenwood, who sings from the F
sharp below1 middle C, to the F sharp
above the octave above high O, she
possesses the greatest range known to
musical history. She was formerly with
the Metropolitan Grand Opera, N. Y.
City, and was tho soloist at the Pan
American Exposition who was singing
for PreBidont McKinloy when the fatal
shots were fired.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, .,
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Ettate of Luther
O. FarrlnKton, deceased. .
On reading and filing tho petition of Edward
It. Goodman praying that administration of caid
ectato may be granted to himself ai administrator,
with the wjll annexed, tho executrix of -said
estate having departed this lifo before said estate
was fully probated, and therefore It Is
Ordered. Tnat Dec. 9th. 1913. at 9 o'clock fa
m. is assigned for hearing said petition when all
persons Interested In said matter may appeorat a
county court to be held in and Jor said county and
show cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted; and thafnotfee of the pendency
of said petition. mT the hearing thereof be given
to all persons Interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of tiiis order in the North PlatUi
Tribune a semi-weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for three successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated November 14. 1913.
nl8-3 County Judge
In the county court.
In thu matter of the estate of Harriet Farring.
ton, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of Edward
R. Goodman, praying that the Instrument filed on
the 17th day of November, 1913, and purporting
to be last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved, approved, probated, al
lowed and recoqded as the last will and testament
of the said Hattie Farrington, deceased, and that
the execution of said instrument may be com
mitted and tho administration of said estate may
be granted to himself as executor.
Ordered, that Dec. 9th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m..
in tho forenoon is assigned for hearing saldjpeti
tion when all persona interested in said matter
may appear In the county court to be held in
and for said county and Bhow causo why the
prayer of the petitioner should not be granted..
This order to be printed for threee successive
weeks in. the North Tlatte Tribune, a legal semi
weekly newspaper published in Lincoln county
Nebraska prlbr to Dec. 9th, 1913. EI
D18-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.B
In tho dlstriduio'tirtJoIjLiiicoln county, Nebraska
William Huxoll, PaintlfT, "j
tVroline. E. Telltz, Emma
York. Harry York, Tillle Hux
oll, Anna Jung, Martin Jung,
Ella F. Huxoll, Marian Huxoll,
Frederick Huxoll and Ella F. I .
Hurfoll, guardian, of Marian I
Huxoll and Frederick Huxoll, I
minors, I
Defendants J
VNotice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a
Decree and Order of tho Judge of the District
Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on the
10th day of Nov., 1913. the, undersigned referee,
duly appointed in said cause and after having
taken the path prescribed by law, and giving
bond in tho' sum And manner with sureties as
provided by law, and approved by the court and
by H. M. Grimes, Judge of said court. I, John
Grant, the said referee, will offer at public auction
at the east front door of the court house in said
county of Lincoln, State of Nebraska; to the
highest bidder, for cash, the following described
property which was ordered to be sold by sairt
decree of said court to-wit: The south half (SH)
of tho northwest quarter (NWU) and lots (3) and
(4), of section two (2), township thirteen (13),
north of range thlity-three (33) west of the Sixth
principal, meridian In Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Said Bale will be held and said property sold as
aforesaid at 2 o'clock, p. m. central standard time
on Saturday the 20th day of December, 1913, and
said sale will be held open for a period of one
hour from and after the said itme of 2 o'clock, p.
m. on said date.
Dated this 18th day of November, 1913.
nI8- John Grant. Referee.