The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 18, 1913, Image 3
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMIAVEEKLY TRIBUNE. 1 Have You a Bad Back? Whenever you uso your back, docs a o.ia.j, jiam nil your uoes your back acho constantly, feel sore and lamo? Il'a a sign1 of sick kidneys, especially If ...o muuujr atuon is uisoruereU too, pas sages scanty or tco frequent or off color. In neglect thoro is danger of dropsy, rravol or Urifihfa diseaso. Use Doan's "..uuuyi-iiiswnicnnavccurcd thousands. A COLOIUDO CASE "imPWire Mr. Alvlra Day. S7 S. Second St, Montroso, Colo , ays: "I had mucli icon pain In my back nnd suftrcd from a swelling over my kidneys. especially In tbo mornlne nh.n I f first pot up. I used ' Doan's Kidney Pills ana tlio pnln and Dwelling left and my kidneys woro " st ro,n gt hened. I ?!.... -.. haven't needod JJonns Kidney Pills tho past year, for I havo boeu in tho best of health." Get Doan's at Any Store. COe a Box 11 ir" A TkT 9 r irmupw FOSTER.MUJ1URN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. I RflV WAHTI WANTED !?.tok f1" !l'a n y liillllbu netuhboruood. Uood par. iccinujr painira wun yuttr name. In , HOII ... - " uu,i llllulluIlllllII,l'Rt Wntunn R.rntemnn,WMt Inicton.D.U. JViolCHlrve. High, est references, ilest results. I iJRfK 'A'ILn MS" TONIC FOR EYES iM'miKmvk'ii.w-.v.i k'u MAN HE WAS LOOKING FOR Mr. Cutlets Could Give Steady Job to Applicant With Such Qual ification. Mr. Underdone Cutlets, proprietor of the Spoedy cafo, was notoriously hard-hearted. Tho most weeping witiow wiio ever gracod a melodrama couldn't have wept a bIIco of stale bread out of his rcastaurant without tho price. So, when a pale and timor ous bum approached tho desk and made n faltering appeal, It was no surprlso to tho lunch fiends to hear a curt "Nothing doing. Beat it." "I'm not a beggar," retorted tho hungry man. "I'm willing to scrub floors or wash dishes. I'm Just out of prison and nobody will givo mo work. I'm starving." Tho proprietor portrayed a faint interest. "What were you in for?" ho asked idly. "I'll tell you the truth," explained tho ex-convtct "I was a kind of a counterfeiter. I used to take a $100 bill and split It in two with a razor. Then, I'd paste the halves together, so I'd havo two cen turies, if tho sucker didn't look on both sides. It took 'em five years to catch mo." Mr. Cutlets beckoned tho ex-prisoner behind tho bar. "Order what you like on tho house," ho whis pered. "I've got a steady Job for you. I'll give you thirty a week to slice tho ham for my sandwiches." Lipplncott's. Rather. "I had a great surprise tho other day." "What -was it7" "I got a square deal from that rounder." Inverse Ratio. Julia Can Johnny como in for half price? Ho's only got one eye. Hattio You'll havo to pay double for him. It takes him twice aB long to see tho show. Judge. Disillusionment. Tho New Bride (absent-mindedly) Happy, dearest. It's the happiest honeymoon I'vo over epent! London Opinion. Yes, Indeed. Mrs. Robinson And were you up tho Rhino? Mrs. Do Jones I should think so; right to tho very top. What a splen did view thero Is from tho summit!. Toasted to a Golden Brown! Sounds "smacking good," doesn't it? That's Post Toastie Tender Ihin bits of the best parts of Indian Corn, perfectly cooked at the factory, and ready to eat direct from the package fresh, crisp and . clean. There's a delicate sweet-, ness about "Toasties" that make them the favorite flaked cereal at thousands of break fast tablet daily. Post Toasties with cream and a sprinkling of sugar Delicious Wholesome Easy to serve Sold by Grocers everywhere .SSS- "r W2!isSv Xn 0 PATENTS vArnTnwrmiTrmw tf V i.fshtAhW A j, fi ffl TfTrrTTr?r .EKKJL VUJUUYS) S V32rt 'r vx-. - ' Nothing Beyond the Milky Way but Empty Space HT ASIIINOTON.-Tho boundaries of " tho universe have been Lscov ured, according to a report received at the National Observatory from I'cof. It. T. A. Inncs. director of tho Union Obscrvatroy nt Johannesburg. South Africa. Tho announcement Is iegurucu wuti interest by astronom ers all over tho world. Tho unlverso, Prof. Inncs asserts, is contained within the space girdled by the Milky Way, and ho flguros that tho most distant star In that wonder ful girdlo is 540 light years distant from the earth. Inasmuch as tho planetary system, of which tho enrth jo a memner; is commonly supposed by astronomers to bo closo to tho cen ters of tho arena embraced within tho Milky Way, and inasmuch as light travels 1SG.000 mllc3 n second, or over five and threp-quartera quadril lion miles a year. Uio diameter of the universe, by I'r0f. innes's calculation Is 6.334,951,000,000 miles. This is tho distance light would trnvel In 1.0S0 years A ray of light takes sixteen minutes nnd thirty-six seconds to traverso ho diameter of tho earth's orbit. Popcorn Can Be Profitably Raised on the Farm THIRTY dollars worth nf nnnnml 4 corn in tho form of 5-cent packages for tho market represents an outlay of only nbout Jl.or ?1.50 for raw ma- rial, according to a farmers' bulletin (No. 5C3) Just issued by tho depart ment of agriculture, entitled "Popcorn for the Home." Sufficient popcorn to raaKe $ju worth, of G-cent packages can bo grown on a pieco of land 40 feet long and 20 feet wide. Tho specialists in corn Investiga tions who write this bulletin say that popcorn has considorablo valuo as a food and when properly prepared tor tho tablo It is superior to many of tho breakfast foods now on the mar ket. If it is desired to crow nnnnnrn na a field crop, tho surplus stock not wanted for homo uso can usually be sold to local merchants at a fair price, or it can bo profitably sold directly to consumers. Dealers who put up popcorn in 10 cont packuges for the retail trade us ually havo a number ft guwl reclpos printed on tho outside of tho package. Some recipes fir popcorn confections that havo cjven good results are tho following: Chocolate Popcorn Two teacupfuls of white sugar, two ounces of choco late, one-half cup of corn sirup, one cup of water. Put these ingredients into n ketiin and cook them until tho sirup hard- Gilded Horse on Weather r 4vv THE gilded horse that onco trotted, galloped, pranced and dazzled on tho weather vanes above many of tho stables of Washington has become rare, but he is not extinct. He may bo tarnished, but he still holds up his head and tall. He is not so forlorn looking as most of his brother and sis ter horses in tho streets. Tho writer early in the spring wrote an honorable mention of a gilt horse on a weather vane on a stable converted Into a garago on Columbia road near ISth street. That horse Is still there and ho still seems unconscious that Ills neighing, nickering and champing Labor Department Clerks CLERKS of tho department of labor are nursing blisters and calloused spots on hands nnd knees, and tho new quarters of tho latest uxocutlvo department of tho government smells of arnica nnd healing olntmonts. Mov ing day for tho department came around, and, as tho appropriation for moving covered only tho transfer of tho furniture from tho old quarters to tho now, tho clerks woro pressed into servico to rearrange tho desks and filing cabinets and other para phernalia. "Oh, it was fun," said Chief Clerk Watson, displaying difficulty in mak ing his stiffened llngors grasp 'a pen and wincing whon ho attempted to got out of his swivel chair. "Tho work had to bo done, anyway, and the clerks ivere tho only avallablo porsons to do it. It's all in a lifetime, and don't wo belong to tho department of la Tho so-called "hollum stars." tho Johannesburg astronomer avers, are tho most distant of all stars fiom tho earth. Tho helium BtarB are peculiar to tho Milky Way. Is thoro anything outside tho unl verso? On this point Prof. Inues does not vcntuio a positive opinion, but ho Bays that tho moat nowerful tnli scopes penetrate fnr Into space, be yond tho boundaries of tho. unlverso revealing nothing. In particular, ho says, there 1b absolutely no sign of other unlverso of similarly constituted systems. Ho looked out beyond tho unlverso the air In South Africa is very clear but his tolcscopo discovered In thoso far-away clouds called "nebulae." which some astronomers supposo to bo star-systems In procoss of forma tion. Many of these nebulao aro spiral-looking, nnd tho conjecturo Is that thoy aro whlrllne around and around. condensing themselves Into solid globes, on which life may later ap pear Tho number of stars, according to Prof. Inncs. Is Uniitml. fiilllnc fnr short" of tho number of people on tho earth. Ho estimates tho mass of the unlverso n3 equal to 441,000 times tho mass of tho sun. That is to say, tho combined nmss'of all tho globeB, big and little, in the unlverso Is as heavy as 441.000 suns. Of stars 100 times as massive as tho sun thero aro 300; of stars ton times as massive as the sun thero aro 5,000; of stars equnl In mass to tho sun there aro 200,000: and of stars smaller than tho Bun thero are 10,000,000. ens, when nut In cold watnr. Pmlr over four quarts of crisp, freshly pop- imu corn ana stir well to insure tho uniform coating of tho kernels. Sugared Popcorn Mako a sirup by boiling together two teacupfuls of granulated sugar and one tenoun nf water. Boll until tho sirup strings from tho spoon or hardons when dropped into cold wator. Pour over six quarts of freshly popped corn and stir well. Popcorn Balls One nlnt nf dm.r. ono pint of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter, ono teaspoonful of vinegar. Cook till tho sirup hardens whon dropped into cold wator. Removo to back of stovo and add one-half tea spoonful of soda dissolved in a table spoonful of hot water and then pour the hot sirup over four quarts of fresh ly popped corn, stirring till each ker nel Is well coated, when it can bo molded into bulls or into anv ii.imrt I form. Vane Not Yet Extinct mates below have gone and that a machine creaks and snorts where they lived. If you hro walking along G street between Cth and 7th nnd will look to ward tho northern sky you may seo high up, always heading into tho wind, another gilded horso with flowing mane and uplifted tail, and probably distended nostrils, though his position is too far up in tho air to determlno that point without field glasses. Ho is trotting on a gilt horizontal bar and Beems to bo striking at least a 2.20 gait. Ho is well extended. Ho seems to bo about to win. No othor horso Is near him. Ho wears no har ness. No sulky, or driver Is behind him. Ho is a bold, proud-looking horso and it Is refreshing for horsemen to look up and soo ono of their four footed friends who has not the de jected mien which so many horses In tho streets wear. It Is a pleasuro to them to contemplnto this borne, even If ho is a gilt horse. wv Have to Do Rea! Work bor? And I bclleo we made good." The ordoul qontinued soveral duya and although tho department of com merce had loaned all of Its avallablo laborers, charwomen and messengers to tho flitting labositoa, tho muscle woary clorks had to lend their as sistance. Tho work of tho department of la bor is dropping behind us a rosult of tho oxouua. TrtlJ COH.N iss. ""i-. ( TOO MUCrl J.IKE) rftCiS? 0 MOaiE FEE O VsSK wm Mil TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Glrlst Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. t Within ton mlnutos after nn appli cation of Danderlno you cannot find a qlnglo trace of dandruff or falling hair nnd your scnlp will not itch, but what will plenBO you most will bo after a few weeks' uso, whon you seo new hair, lino nnd downy at first yes but really now hair growing all ovor tho scalp. A littlo Danderlno immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No dlf foronco how dull, faded, brlttlo and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Danderlno and carefully draw it through your hair, taking ono small strand at a tlmo. Tho effect is amaz ingyour hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo an appcarauco of nbundnnco; nn incomparablo luster, Boftncss nnd luxuriance Get a 25 cont bottlo of Knowlton'a Danderlno from nny storo, and provo that your hair is aB pretty and soft as nny that it has been noglectod or injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can havo bcnutlful hair and lots of it if you will JuBt try a lit tlo Danderlno. Adv. STILL ONE HOPE REMAINED Fredericks Idea Showed That He Could Shlno in Future on Dip lomatic Service. Mrs. Titus carefully locked tho Jam closet, nnd told her two sons, eight and ten years of age, that Bho was going shopping. "All right, mom," camo tho chorus. Tho street door had hardly shut behind Mra. TUub when tho two youngsters mado a concerted rush for tho Jam closet It was locked. A hunt for koys produced half a dozen. Each ono was tried patiently, but not ono fitted. Tho lock held, tho Jam closet remained Inacossiblo. "What a shame," said Thomas, tho younger. "Woll," said Frederick, tho elder, viQ can wait until mamma comes homo and ask her for Bomothlng for bolng good boys." New York Eve ning Post. Would Be Infomed. Maria had been naughty at tho din ner table and her mother' had sent her into tho next room to remain un til sho was Borry for hor behavior. Mario cheerfully complied. Making no expression of repentance after a suitable time had elapsed, her mother called from an adjoining room: "Marie, dear, aren't you sorryf" No answer. On a repetition of the question, howover, Mario roplled, with a sweet and patient dignity: "Mamma, pleaso don't ask mo any more. I'll tell you when I'm sorry." During the Spat. "John, thero'B just ono thing I want to say to you." "What's tho matter, M'ria? Aren't you feeling well?" Puck. Smooth Idea. "Gracious! What hns your littlo boy got on his pants?" "Furntturo polish. Thoso aro tho pants ho pollshos tho banlstors with." No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a pinch of blue in a large bottle of water. Ask for Kcd Cross UallMue.tho blue Umt'sallbluo.Adv A woman with big feet 1b partial to long skirts. u Brought you home something good, Mother L-W CRACKERS Givo your wife a treat. Savo her some of the drudgery of housekeeping. Bnng her one of those 'big, economical, family packages of Sunshine L.-W. Soda Crackers. "y They taste so good you'll be eating them all tho way , rr.T' KUt BO raucn nourishment they make muscle. They're so easily digested they're just the IW.U& ui viiu cjuiurcn. The Big Package Try these crisp, flavory nnd flaky crackers, made under ideal conditions of cieannness py the makers mous ounsnino Hiscuits. And fresh in their triple-sealed, iignt cartons, 25c. IopSE-ILE9 iscurr (ompany Bakers of Sunshlno Biscuits Whero He Was Lucky. Two Littlo Rock negroes engaged in n quarrel, whon ono struck tho othor on tho hoad with a wagon Bpoko. Tho negro thnt had received tho blow rubbed his head for a momont and then snid: "Look yore, Stephen, dar's ono thing dat Is or powerful blossln' fur you." "Whut's datl" "Do fact dnt my haid is cz thick er. It is. W'y, of my haid wa'n't no thick er den do common run o' halda, dnt lick would or killed mo, nn' don you would or been tuck bofo' or Jestico o' do ponce nn' fined mighty nigh ?20 You'd hotter thank do Lawd dat I ain't Got ono dose yore alg shell balds." Survival of the Fittest. Emplojor Yos, I advertised for a strong boy. Do you think you can All tho bill? Applicant Woll, 1 Just finished lick In' fourteen othor fellers that wore waltin out In do hall. Boston Even Ing Transcript. Overheard. "That Is a groat tltlo for a play," said the head usher. "Yes," roplled tho tlckot taker; "It's a shamo to seo how many good titles aro spoiled by tho plnyB." Washing ton Star. A mnn's wlfo will contradict him oven if sho happens to think as ho docB ITVJTill iTiWWl tUMiiinii; uiu ii. i im j i j j j.i t imun i jj mi Mi-rmrrTrTTn7nj nTTmmiffHffhffrfTmrTJI ALCOHOL .1 PPM rrmi- ANfeCcfablc Preparation For As- sunilflting; llieroodnndnegula ling the S torfiachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine rtor Mineral Not Narcotic Wjw tfou DrSAHvarrarEft IurJnn SfAm VMMfaXt i . Aperfecl Rerpedy forConstlpa lion . Sour Stomach, Dinrrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fcverlsh ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. fc uarmitecd under Iho FoodaiW Exact Copy of Wrapper. PINK Q J-,' 1 IHIUI. H Mil1 Mill I lint n.TT.. Ill ' -H' JULJffijfegatiTr't'if'ijj CtmnTttd Sufm 1 For (sf? h t)ijj Cures the dele and act as a preventive for others. Liquid riven on th toncue. Bole for brood mares and all others. Dest kidney remedy; 50o an4 1 a bottle; W and 10 a doten. Sold by all drugrfsta and boras coodfl houtes, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, GOSHEN, INDIANA SODA tj-" of the fa always air- rcmrj Figuring It Out. "How many peoplo do you suppo Boston wants to put into hor Hall at Fnmo?" "I enn't tell you till I tako a loo and lcnrn what her population is." "All Ready" Comes the call to din ner. Are you interest ed? Is your appetite keen, and waiting? Is your digestion normal and bowels regular? If not, we urge a trial of HOSTEHER'S STOMACH BITTERS at once. For 60 years it has proven a great aid to sufferers from Stomach, Liver and Bowel disorders. IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Gse For Over Thirty Years TORIA EYE DISTCMPED CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSC AND THROAT DISEASES ti ' a JJA Tt Bears the A, Signature AM l!Av THI OINTAlia OOUMNV. MK VOMK AIT.