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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1913)
" "tororloal Soofii, & Mi-ltoMtt Swfow A 9-3 "X& TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATrE, NEB., NOVEMBER 18, 1913. No. 86 I Tdc Big Re M siK" organization Sale at The Leader IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. The Reorganization Sale which opened Saturday is proving a wonderful success. ' Hundreds ofv people are taking advantage of this opportunity to purchase seasonable goods cheaper than they were ever before offered. This 'sale must continue until the stock is reduced to the lowest possible minimum. . Special 100 dozen spools ot Thread in white and' black; 200-yard spools, while they last at per C dozen spools OC Special 100 Messaline Silk Petticoats, in all shades and sizes, regular $3.50 values, while they fl JQ Bed Comforts $1.25 values at". , . .98c 1.75 valuea at ?1.38 2.00 values at 1.48 3.00 Values at 2.39 BEP BLANKETS $3.50 values at ?2.85 3.55 ualues at 2.98 5.00 values at 3.95 35 cent Turkish Towols, whilo thoy last 19c Ilope Muslin, per yard 8c 3G inch Percale in all colors. 15 cent quality, per yard lie 12J cent quality Dark Percale, while it lasts,, per yard 8c 3000 yards extra fine Dress Gingham, 15 cent value, per yard 10c Best Prints, in all colors, 7 and 8 cent quality, per yard ' 5c Pillow Cases, 42x3G, while they last, each 9c Bed Sheets, 81x90, 1.25 values at 89c Ladies Seamless Hose, 15 and 20 cent values, this sale lie Misses' and Children's tHose in 15 and 20 cent yalues, this sale lie 15 cent Dark and Light Outing Flannel, pr yard 9c 9 cent quality Outing" Flannel in dark shades, per yard 6c . Seamless Bed Sheets, 72x90, 90 cent values at 63c Blankets .55x78, 1.50 values at I 98c Amoskeg Apron Ging hams, .allije checks 8 cent valui?, 'per yasd Ladies' Hose, 25 and 35 cent values, while they last, per pair 19c 500 yards Serpentine Crepe regular 22 cent value, per yard 12'c Table Line3, whilo they last during this sale 20 Per Cent Off Muslin Underwear for ladies, this sale 20 Per Cent Off Corsets during this sale 20 Per Cent Off Outing Gowns for ladies, misses and chil dren 20 Per Cent Off Gloves Kid and Chamois for ladies Kizer mako 20 Per Cent Off Underwear for ladies misses and children 20 Per Cent Off Sweaters ladies, mis ses and children 20 Per Cent Off Blankets, all wool 20 Per Cent Off Turkish Towals, big siz, each 10c Cotton Toweling, p'or yard 4c Bed Spreads during this sale 2Q Per Cent Off Blankets, 45x72 in gray and tan, $1 value at l 63c Men's and Boy3' Husk ing Mittens, por dozen 85c Men's Stetson Hats, $5.00 quality, for $3.79 Men's Pants, 300 pair to select from, thir sale 25 Per Cent Off Gents Sheepskin and Moleskin Lined Coats 20 Per Cent Off $1.00 Mittens for men ( nri Krttfo voKIIa tliir I last, per pair 69c 51. 25 and $1. GO Dress Shirts for men 'C 75c Boys Swoaters this salo 48c 65c-., and 75 Boys Fleece-lined Union Suit 49c 72c Men's Outing Night Shirts, this sale e49c $1.50 Gent's Wool Ribbed Underwear 89c S1.25 Gents Fleece Ribbed Union Suits 98c $2.00 Men's Sweaters, while thoy last, $1.48 Men's Cans. quality for 79c $1.25 Caps for men and boys. 75 cent kind for 48c Men's Swoaters. $1.00 quality, while they last eacn 69c vGOc Men's "Working Shirts 39c $1.25 Men's Lambs down W6oJ Underwear 65c Eton's Flooce lind"' Underwear this sale 39c Clothing Department $25 Men's Fur Coats, all sizes while they last Youth's Overcoats, all sizes, during this sale, upwards Coys all wool serge Knicker Bocker Pants, sizes irom 5 to 10, worth up to $7, this sale Boys and Children's Overcoats as low as ... . Men's Rain Coats $7.50 qual ity, while they last $16.9 4.98 3.98 2.98 4.48 Men's Snappy Fall Suits Reduced One-Third. Every Suit in the Clothing Department now offered at Bargain Prices, Some 20 Percent, Some 30 Percent, some 40 Percent Less than the regular Price. Men's $10 and $12.S0 New Fall Suits Now Strictly snappy styles, handsomely Tailored Suits that were formerly priced at $10 and S.SO, Cassimeres. Worsteds and Chevoits, in hlack, navy, hrjowns, tans, and grays, all sizes for young and older men, a 12.50 Suit for 7.48. Men's 13.50 and $15 Suits 9.48 Nobbv Suits of Serces. Worsted. Cheviots, etc., all new spring shades, every suit neatiy madeif A C and cheap at tho original price of $13.605"f F and $15.00 ,J)ur-r Men's 17.50 and $20.00 Suits $12.50 :erges, handsomest $12.50 Mens Youths and Boys Overcoats The cold weather is coming, you cannot afford to go withoutone at the following prices: $10.00 Overcoats at ; . ,;; 0.40 $12.50 Overcoat- at , "o $15.00 Overcoat at fewest styles in fadoless blue serges, worsteds, nouny . unoviots, nnu Cassimeres, Suits worth $20, tailor ed and finished up to tho minuto. . Young Men's Suits and Boy's Knee Pants Suits. Every Suit in the Stock has been reduced in price, no room to go into details, but bring the young man or boy in and we will fit him to a Suit at 20 to 40 per cent less than he could have bought it last week. Clothing Department Big reductions in Men'sand Boy's Suits, Mens Mackinaws, $10 quality,rtT i Q during this sale . . . Ov40 Men's Sheepskin Corduroy Coats, sizes up to 48, fur collars, regular ptiei(I A QQ $8, sale price . . . ..j)4-'0 Mens socks in hlack or tan 15c ' values',4 per pair 9c 35c Mens ties. 19c 50c Mens ties. 23c .98 14.48 $20.00 Overcoat at, The ahove Coats are wonderful bargains'. $1.50 Men's Overshoes r $1.25 Boys Overshoes $1.50 Ladies' Overshoes OC 98c 89c $2.50 and '$3.00 Gun Metal andfl 1 Q Valrets Shoes . , . . & 1 U .Q0 and $2.25 Ladies SI button and lace . . . $2.00 and $2.25 Ladies Shoes,rt ft 0 A VT 7 ladies' Ready to Wear Thirty Ladies' Suits, in hlack and navy, all sizes, Skinner satin lined, same (FJ k Q retails at $12 to $18, your choice J ,45 Fifty Ladies' Tailored Suits, the choice of the season, regular prices from $3000 to $45.00, will he sold while QiPJ iQ they last for !i40 Twenty-five Ladies" Suits, 1 4 ftQ regular price $25, while they last 1 ,7(3 200 Ladies' Skirts in all styles" and colors, worth from $4 to $8,50 f ,jtO choice during this sale 40 atSf y.. Big reduction in Men's, Youths and Children's Shoes, Take advantage of this Big Sale. . -. Fifty Ladies' Plush Coals, just recerveli, elegant garments and easily wortli 4 '"J Prv $25 to $30, your choice 1 y, 0) 300 Ladies" Coats to select from compris ing all of the newest and latest models, which have heen in the store hut a few days, 'will he offered at rediculously ' low prices during this Big Sale. Price ranging from $6.95 to $35.00 Cdmc early and get a good selection. Misses' and Children's Cloaks till he sold at a sacrifice during this sale. . 200 House Dresses, ranging in prioe from $1.50 to $2.50; will he sold duriug this sale while they'" last at Silk aid Dress Goods 36-inch Silk Taffeta regular $1.75 value this sale .... 89c $1.69 i 42-in Charminesc in all shades, sells all over at $2.25 this sale 100 pieces Messaline Silks in shades to select from worth to $1.00, thisW j sale .... - ... i fjQ, 54-inch all wool Dress Goods, worth up to $1.75, this sale 1 lot Cloaking worth up to $3 choice . 89c $1.39 98c Jtii, Big reductions in Kimonas of alUKinuV and colors. . You will find here the higgest and hest line of Ladies' Dresses in North Platte, and will, also he placed on sale at wonderful low pricqs.1 Come early and get your first pick. 36-inch all wool Batiste 65c quality j this'sale per yard .... tfyQ, 36-inqh Serges in all shades, 65c ft n f quality'' 0--C Brocaded 'Velvet, regular $lt25 val-; ues, at tins sale per yard . -s u5 79c Thfr-Sal e For Cash Only, North Platte, Neb. THE LEADER. jus pi pp t 'Asm 8 1 i