The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 11, 1913, Image 7

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4 V
ft Could Never Get Well Again.
Thanks to Peruna I am Well.
K raE&B9feK&HL
Miss Clara Lohr, 21 North Gold St,
Grand Rapids, Mich.: "Doctors said
I had consumption. Weighed only
"30 pounds. Commenced taking Peru
na. Now weigh 135 pounds. I am
so thankful for what Peruna has done
ior mo."
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can now procure Peruna Tab
eurFER from kidney, bladder, nervous diseases,
writs (or my FREE book, the most instructive
nsRASRS and the rfmarkadlc cures ffflctkd hr
df It's tha remedjr lor YOUR OWN atlraent. Don't and a cent.
AbtoIutelrFRBE. No'loltowup'clrculari. DR LrCLFRC
A toilet preparation of merit.
Jlela to eradicate dandruff.
For Rcltnrincr f!nlnr mill
Beauty to Cray or Fnded Hair.
ouc. ana linili vruinnsta.
FAMOUS Uvaldo County now crop pecans, nlco
llto In lOU-lb. sucks. llto pound. V.O 1) , Urulrto. Hat
UfacUon Guaranteed. K U. llarkler, UTa.lde,Tex.
Nebraska Directory
Music Students-Attention
Wo givo a Music Lesson every day for
the same cost formerly charged for two
lessons per week. All artist instructors.
Send for catalogue.
Omaha. Nebraska
Booms from 11.00 up single, 73 cents up double.
TTJ tlir Erh M U rlnli
i icntAiurc
Thee Knives Stay Sharp
Buy an Ulster Pocket Knife or a Dexter Butcher Knie
and you havo good steel that holds a sharp edge.
The Ulster Knife Company of Ellenville, N. Y. &7
vears in the business make for us our Clean Ciio-
per Pocket Knives. They bear the name of the
maker and we place on them also our Clean Clipper
brand. They are made in attractive shapes and of
special quality steel
We attach our Double Guarantee TnjJ
The Dexter The bJaido of tJe Dex4er is of best
crucible steel, evenly tempered and
ground sharp enourjh to shave. The quality of steel and
the process of tempering produce a lasting cutting edge. Made
in practical and approved shapes. Manufactured by tho liar-
9 rindton Cutlerv Co.. Southbridrfc. Mass.
Wc attach
' -A
johnny cook of stock to the .
Tha Leader of tho Loaders
Great Western Oommission Sempany
South Omaha, Nebraska
At Least It Is to De Supposed Young
Lady's Mother Regarded It
as Such.
Speaking of raro presonco of mind,
recently recalled to ox-Proshlent Taft
tho case of a handsomo young woman
of his acquaintance. She had gono to
tho railway station to meet a man
friend of the family, and when ho do
harked from the train tho young man
lost his head and Impulsively kissed
her. Tho girl thought It tho part of
prudence to tell her mother of tho af
fair, upon which the latter was simply
"You don't mean to toll mo that ho
had tho Impudenco to kiss you?" alio
cried. "And to think of tho crowd nt
tho station! Why, my dear, what did
you do In such an embarrassing sit
uation?" "Why, mother, I Just klsBed him
back, of course. "I wanted to give all
thoso people the improsslon that wo
wcro relatives." Tho Sunday Maga
zine. Right Place to Calm Down.
Editor What's tho trouble out
Office Boy A woman out In the hall
has hysterics.
Editor Have her escorted into tho
composing room, at once.
just because your ap
petite is poor, the di
gestion weak and the bowels
constipated. What you need
just now is a short course of
It tones and strengthens the
"inner man" and helps you
:t health
that holds a sharp edtic.
our Double Guarantee Tag
m back to perfect health A
B and happiness. But H
9 be positive you get I
1 "HosteiterV I
Tho Wright & Wilhelmy Co. Double Guarantee Tag reads:
"We are pleased lo authorize the dealer to replace tht3
article free o charge if for any reason it should prove un
satisfactory " This Tag is placed on all our
Double Guaranteed Qualify licrdwere
which means only the time tried and tested TLest Factory
Brands. It is absolute hardware insurance.
Buyer Should Knew tho Maker's Namo especially
on Cut lory
Wrieht &Wilhelmy Co., Omaha.Neb.
and when it all costs
the same why not have
Send your next load
S JaaWaWMBIFL0pBBWBBlBaBWBaBBHW vfio'3:"x'ff?:VTaWflr yi?BjBrX flK iT J! L j " aJHVSmLJE VVfiHaallMl
In Paris, whero tho automobile was popular boforo tho Amorlcan manufacturer ovor thought of bringing It
to tho perfection "ot Its present state, the street cleaning department has started nn Innovation In tho removal
of tho garbage nnd accumulation of refuse, by using a specially constructed motor truck for this purpose Tho
body of tho enr Is built of galvanized sheet with covers of tho samo mntorlal so arranged that thoy slip ovor
ono anothor, thereby hermetically soallng tho car whon loaded. Covered ovor nn It Is, tho spectacle of nn
army of flies following In tho Tnke of tho garbage wagon, so familiar to tho Bight of Americans, Is eliminated,
and tho odors which ordinarily nrlsq from a wagon load of garbago aro not forced upon tho tuoplo na In our
own big cities.
Lacenaire's Career He Could
Laugh and Commit Murder.
Beforo Being Brought to Justice Slay
er Lived by Making Verses and
Spurious Paper All Paris
Sang His Songs.
Paris. On December 4, 1834, a gen
tleman of distinguished appearance
walked briskly along a quiet street
near tho Choplnetto Barrier In Paris.
It Is true that tho gentleman's black
frock coat gave ovldenco ot long use
and tho gentleman's hat was a trlflo
ancient and tho gentleman's cravat
was not exactly fashionable. Out,
namo of a namo, messieurs, ono may
be a gentleman and ho poor.
This pedestrian, who looked distin
guished even under tho handicap of
threadbare garments, was about thlr-ty-flvo
year old. Ho was rather small
of stature, but carried himself proud
ly. His faco was refined and Intellec
tual tho faco of a poet nnd dreamor.
Indeed, at that hour all Paris was
whistling and singing one of his
songs, "Tho Fife and Dium." Ilo had
tho hands and hair of an artist and
tho Joyous, care free laugh of a hoy.
It was a good thing to hear Lacenalro
laugh. It reminded you of your hal
cyon days,, beforo tho -world woarl
ness mado you sad.
Behind Lacenalro there walked a
man of vulgar appearance. His name !
was Avrll. He was qutto young, not
more than twenty-two, and ho had
been so unfortunate as a criminal that '
Lacenalro was sorry for him and was
determined to give him a chanco to
oo hotter work.
Presently they stopped beforo a '
dwelling of prosperous appearance.
"This Is the place." said Lacenalre.
"Do you romember my Instructions '
Yes? Then allons vlto!"
The poet rang tho door boll and tho t
uoor was opened oy a young man.
"Ah, mylear Chardon," cried Lace
nalre, "wo havo conio to seo your
mother on a trifle of business tho
mero signing of a paper."
"We aro greatly honored, M. Lace
nalre." renlled Chardon "Mother, as
you know, Is an Invalid, and is on '
her bed, but she can do what you ,
ask." ' '
They stood face to faco, Chardon
and Lncenaire, and tho latter gos
siped gnyly on ono thing nnd another,
while Avrll stole quietly behind Char
don, and, having stationed hlmbdlf
properly, nt a wink from tho poet ho
throw his arm around Chardon's neck
and garroted him. Lacenalre drew a
dagger then nnd stabbed tho victim
several times, to mako tho Job com
plete, then ho went to tho room of
tho Invalid mother and slow her with
tho weapon that killed tho son.
"There should be 10,000 francs
hero somowhere, according to my In
formation," said Lacenalro. "Lock
the door, my friend, and we'll search
till wo And tho money "
Avrll locked tho door and they
searched and searched, hut all thoy
found was 500 francs. Lacenalro.
whoso sense of humor was abnormal
ly developed, laughed until tlitf tears
rolled down his cheek3. It was this
Insensibility, displayed on many trag
ic nnd hnrrowlng occasions, that mado
him one of the most fumous crim
inals of modern times.
"Is tho Joke on us or on tho Char
dons?" ho asked, as ho wlpod tho Joy
ous tears from his faco But Avrll
was Impatient and nervous. Ho wunt
ed to got away Those dead people
were getting on his nerves. So thoy
left the house and wont to an Inn.
where, over sundr bottles of cheap
wine, Lacenalro planned a larger and
better crime.
Ho lontod an ofllcn and palntud nn
assumed nnmo on the door, thus cro
atlng tho Impression that ho was a
business man. Then, by laying lila
pirns carefully, ho arranged that a
bank messenger fchould'call on him
In his ofllco on a cortaln dav, the
chosen day being ono on wjil-h col
lections wore suro to be large. It
took n great deal of skillful maneuv
ering to bring this nbout, but tho do
tails aro not essential to this story,
Everything bolng In readiness, Av
rll was so foollBh nn to bo arrested
whilo trying to roscuo n lady friend
from tho police. Avll's consclenco
beenmo actlVo and ho told of tho
Chardon murders. So It camo to pass
that tho poet was arrested, and when
ho learned that tho discovery waa
due to his accomplice ho made full
and free confession, his only object,
he said, being to tako tho betrayers
to tho guillotine with him.
Madame Dlculafoy, Well Known Ex
plorer, Suggest Schemo Covering
the Innovation.
Paris. Tho schemo of Madamo
DIeulafoy, tho well known woman ex
plorer, for Introducing women Into
posts hitherto filled by men In tho
aamy administration, was given In do
tall by Madame DIeulafoy herself at a
conference hold In tho theater of tho
Comedto des Champs Blysee.
Sho did not, sho said, claim for
women places In tho actlvo army,
but there was milch that they could
Madame DIeulafoy,
do In the admlnlstratlvo work. That
they were capablo of this was prov
en by tho fact that 155,800 women
woro already employed In departments
of state.
Of the 23,190 subalterns In tho re
sorvo and In tho territorial forces,
1,137 woio employed In admlnlstra
tlvo functions. It is tho work of those
mon that Madame Dioulafoy considers
women aro Jltted to tako. thus freeing
tho men for actlvo sorvlco. At tho
close of her conforunco, Madamo
Dioulafoy announced that tho minister
of war had ordered an Inquiry to bo
Instituted Into tho poslblllty of her re
quest being put into forco.
Deserter's Vanity Causes Capture.
Pnterson, N. J. Becnuso his vanity
prompted him to show his friends how
ho looked In a uniform James P. Ma
lone of thin city, an army desortar,
was caught by federal authorities.
Yeggmen Were Disappointed,
Cold Spiing, N. Y. Vcgginon who
blow two safes In a local groenry
store and got nothing wrockod the
plnco nnd loft u note reading: "This
Is a cheap Joint"
WmMm rh
I . 'v I
IS; . . v M
Training Schools Less Popular
Than in Former Times.
Head of Big Training Hospital De
clares That Women Are Begin
ning to Prefer Other Work
for Various Reasons.
Now York. Is nursing as a profes
sion for women on tho decline? Rep
resentatives of a training school af
filiated with ono of the smaller puhllo
hospitals In this nlty answered this
question in tho affirmative. And thoy
gave as u reason for a decreaso in at
tondnnco tho fact that thoro aro so
ninny othor professions now open to
women thnt comparatively fow chooso
to follow the old-fashioned womanly
profession of caring for tho sick.
It wns the head of u big hospital
training school In East Twontloth
street who declnrod that nursing Is de
clining aB a popular profession. "Wom
en prater other work for various rea
sons,' sho said "Until this year wo
always havo had an many applicants
as wo could accommodnto in our train
ing school, but now wo have boon un
nblo to-1111 tho beginning class.
"There nro scores of now profes
sions and now kinds of work opened
to women now which used to bo closed
to thorn or woro unknown n'fow years
ago. Ten years ago nursing was ono
of tho finest occupations for women
who wcro forced to earn their own liv
ing. Now It Is ono of many by which
thoy may become solf-supportlng."
Tho director and superintendent of
tho New York Hospital Trulning
School for Nurses said:
"There Is not the samo futuro In
nursing an In most of tho other pro
fessions. This fact has led to somo
dlscouiagemont among womon who
nnvo graiiuaico in mo proiession nnu
who have hoped to keep on rising
year u-uor year. A trained nurso
enrns Just the samo whon sho takes'
hor flist c.i30 as sho does after sho
has had several years' experience.
Hor skill and knowledge nro worth no
moro than when she graduated a full-'
flodgod trained nurse.
"Only In Institutional work docs a
graduate nurso rocelvo moro money
and assume greater responsibilities.
But Institutional positions nro com
paratively fow and tho applicants for
them nro many. So, you seo, thoro Is
not much of a futuro for mirsos.
"Ot course, n trained nurso makooa
living and a good living, but sho can
not savo much, for tho cost of almost
overythlng Is higher now than It was
two or threo years ago. A nurso has
to pay her room rent, sho must dross
woll and havo a supply of uniforms,
and It In expensive to keep thoso
fresh. A trained nurso must llvo
whore thoro Is a telephone or sho
must havo one of her own, nnd this Is
anothor Item of exponse.
When asked If there wcro as many
training school pupils from Canada ns
thoro used to bo, tho superintendent
snld that tho number had decreased,
and nho accounted for this by tho fact
that Canada has established recently
many now and fino hospitals, which
maintain excellent training schools
for nurses.
"On tho wholo I think that Canadian
ouug women iiiitko tho best nurses
wo havo. Thoy aro qulot, thoy have
delightful manners and thoy enn al
ways he relied on. Besides, tho young
women from across thtt border seem
to havo greater physical onduranco
thnn Amorlcan women. It may ho be
cause thoy have had less money to
spend nnd have boon reared moro
wholesomely and In a more ruggod
oltmnto, especially the girls from
Nova Scotia and other northern prov
inces. "I account for their quiet and
charming mnnnor by tho fact that
many who hoconio nurses aro from
clergymen's families nnd thoy havo
hud tho host posslblo Iwmo training.
Usually thoy aro girls with many bro
thers and sisters and thov have had to
learn tho lesson to glvo and tako."
No sick headache, biliousness,
bad taste or constipation
by morning.
Get a 10-ccnt box.
Aro you keeping your bowels, llvor,
and stomach clean, puro and frcsb
with Cascarots, or merely forcing a
passageway every fow days with
Salts, Cathartlo Pills, Castor Oil or
Purgntlvo Wator8?
Stop haying a bowel wash-day. Lot
Cascarots thoroughly cloanso and rcg
ulnto tho stomach, removo tho sour
and fermenting food and foul gases,
tako tho excess bllo from tho llvor
and carry out of tho systom all tho
constipated wasto matter and poisons
In tho bowols,
A Calicarot to-night will mako you
fcol great by morning. Thoy work
whllo you sloop novor gripe, elcken
or caiifio any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your store.
Millions of men and women tako a
Cnscaret now and Jhen and novor
havo llcndacho, Biliousness, Coated
Tonguo, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
Constipation. Adv.
Dally Thought.
To God, thy countrlo, and thy friend,
bo true Vauglmn.
I took nbout G boxes of Dodda Kid
ney Pllla for Heart Trouble from
which I had sufforod for 5 years. I
hud dizzy spells, my eyes puffed,
my brontu waB
chort and I had
chills nnd back
ache. I took tho
pills about a year
ago and havo had
no return of tho
palpitations. Am
now G3 years old,
ablo to do lots of
manual labor, am
and wolgh about
Judgo Millor,
well and hearty
200 pounds. I fool vory grateful that
I found Dodds Kidney PUlo and you
may publish this lottor if you wish. I
am serving my third term na Probate
Judgo of Gray Co. Youra truly,
PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan.
Correspond with Judgo Miller about
this wondorful remedy.
Dodda Kidney Pills, fiOo. por box at
your doalor dr Dodda Medicine Co,
Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Housohold
Hints, also muBlo of National Anthem
(English and Gorman words) and to
clpca for dainty dlBhes. All 3 sent freo.
Adv. i
Penalty of Having Too Much Rope.
"I noto that Mexico Is again peeve I
at tho united States," commented Bat
Bin Garrett. "This roininda mo of
tho familiar, yarn of tho negro
who was about to bo hanged for tho
murder of another nogro, and, after a
lengthy mid rambling farewell to tho
world addressed tho widow who, fat,
black and pessimistic, sat In front
of tho scnffold: 'Do Lawd In his In
flnlto wisdom has done fuhglvon muh
sins nnd lnnlckertics, and now I axes
yo', Slstah Wnrklns, to fuhglvo ine,
nnd ' 'Aw, git hung, nigger!' Impa
tlcntly Interrupted tho bereaved lady
'Git hlingl' Mexico having been given
nn ubundnuco of rope, I am grimly
awaiting tho inovitnblo outcome. 1 am
of tho samo nttltudo of mind, too, to
ward tho person or persona, as tha
enso may bo, who has or have, been
so long mossing with and muddling
up tho gas situation." Kantms City
Redeeming Feature.
"Have you heard about Vlzzard's
latest play?" (
"Yes. Thoy say U'b rovoltlng."
"It Is. But glvo Vlzzani credit for
ono thing."
"What's that?"
"Ho firmly rofuses to pay there's
any moral purpose In It."
"Why did you namo your now car
"Because It Ib such a bubble."
Experience of a SouUiorn Man.
"Please allow mo to thank tho origi
nator of Postum, which In my case,
apeaks for Itself," wrltoa a Fla. man.
"I formerly drank bo much coffoo
that my nervous system waa almost a
wreck." (Tea Is just na Injurious bo
causo it contains caffolno, tho drug
found In coffee.) "My physician told
mo to quit drinking It but I had to
havo something, bo I tried Postum.
"To my groat surprise I saw qulto
a change in my nerves in about 10
days, That was a year ago and now
my norvea nro etoady and I don't havo
thoso bilious sick headaches which I
rogularly had whllo drinking coffee.
"Postum seems to havo body-bulld-lng
properties nnd loaves tho head
clear. And I do not havo tho bad
taste in my mouth whon I got up morn
ings. When Postum is boiled good
and titiong, It is far hotter In tasto
than coffee. My advlco to coffee drink
ers is to try Postum and bo con
vinced." Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo
Crook, Mich. Wrlto for copy of tho
llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvillo."
Postum comes in two forms:
Regular Postum must ho woll
Instant Postum is a solublo powder.
A teaspoonful dissolves quickly In a
cup of hot water and, with cream and
BUgnr, makes a dollclous bovorago
Instantly, Grocers nell both kinds.
"Thore's a reason" for Postum.