The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 11, 1913, Image 3

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rysrJii i m;
"California Syrup of Figs" can't
harm tender stomach,
liver and bowels.
Every mother realize, after giving
her children "California Syrup of
rigs" that this la their Ideal laxative,
because they lovo its pleasant taeto
nd It thoroughly cleanses the tender
little Blom&ch, liver and bowels with
out griping.
When cross, Irritable, feverish or
breath is bud, stomach sour, look at
the tongue, mother! If coated, glvo a
teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit
laxative," and In a few hours all the
foul, constipated waste, sour bile and
undigested food passes out of the bow
els, and you have a well, playfu" hlld
again. When Its little system Is rutl
of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache,
diarrhoea, Indigestion, colic remem
ber, a good "Inside cleaning" should
always bo the first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Cyrup of PlgB" handy; they know a
teaspoonful today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Ask at the store for a CO
cent bottlo of "California Syrup of
Flgo," which has directions for babies,
children of all ages and grown-ups
.printed on the bottle. Adv.
Only William.
At a singing contest at Frankfort
recently Kaiser Wilhelm, who attend
d, was served by several high-school
boys as pages. According to Jugend,
ho was attracted by the bright faco
of one of them and asked his name.
"Korner, your majesty," said the
"And your first namo Is Theodore?"
aald the emperor, thinking of the pa-Ariot-poet
Theodoro Korner, whoso
centennial year this is.
"I'm sorry," roplied the uncourtler
llke youngster, "hut It's .only Wll
Tielm." When Kaiser Wilhelm broke Into a
hearty laugh at the answer the pago
realized his missed opportunity. New
York Evening Post.
Chance for Grouch.
Mrs. Brown "Hero's an account of
a now cooking utensil that will boil
and steam and poach eggs all at tho
amo time." Brown (a grouch) "And
why doesn't it scramble and eggnogg
em, too?"
Too Optimistic.
"I will yet seo tho time when the
law, is no respecter of persons."
"Then you'll bo in tho asylum."
By Timely Use of Lydia E,
Pinkham's Vegetable
Hero Is her own Btatement.
Cnry, Maine." I feel it a duty I owo
to all suffering women to tell what
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound did for me.
One year ago I found
myself a terrible suf
ferer. I had pains
in both sides and
ouch a soreness I
could Bcarcoly
straighten up at
times. My back
ached, I had no ap
petito and was so
hervous I could not sleep, then I would
bo so tired mornings that I could scarcely
get around. It seemed almost impossi
ble to movo or do a bit of work and I
thought I never would be any better un
til I submitted to an operation. I com
menced taking Lydia E.Pinkham'B Veg
etablo Compound and soon felt like a
new woman. I had no pains, slept well,
had good appetito and was fat and
could do almost all my own work for a
family of four. I shall always feel
that I owo my good health to your med
icine." Mrs. Hayward Sowers, Cory,
If you are ill do not drag along until
an operation ia necessary, but at onco
take Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegetable
If you lmvo tho slightest doubt
that Lydia 13. Plnlchum's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you.wrlto
to Lydia E.PinlchaiuMcdicincCo.
(confidential) Lynn.MnRS., for ad
vice. Your letter will ho opened,
read and answered by a, woman,
and hold in strict confidence
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
out gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner distress-cure
Improve the complexion, brighten the eyea
Genuine must bear Signature
am- JFssK
linn:- ii3tJS5i iri. I"t
r wwjwrm
nmi -ii w i rn
Mm river
j&GmK m pills.
tr jk?y a
Porsage Rose Sets
ITH soft lace drapery which forms j
their bodices, gowns for evening
or for afternoon functions arc com
pleted by draped skirts meeting the
bodice with a girdle or sash. Often
the top of the skirt, extends itself into
tho waist lino drapery, and often a
separate girdle in a contrasting color
is employed.
But whatever the finish p.t the waist
lino, for these gowns for high occa
sions, tho splendid corsage roso is
rarely left out. This is a roso made
of ribbon or velvet, mounted with or
without millinery foliage and having
a ribbon-wrapped stem.
Such a rose is posed at tho front of
tho gown, .usually a little toward tho
left side and just under the bust. It
1b a splendid factor in tho costume;
it is in fact "featured," given the star
part in the composition of tho pic
ture. The roses of aatin or velvet are
made In all the fashionable now col
ors. Certain yellow and strong light
green shadeB, also deep, orange and
black, have been favorites. These
corsage roses in passing will trans
form a plain skirt and dressy blouse
Into quite formal dress. They aro
largo and aro made of ribbon about
three Inches wide, or wider. The rib
bon is cut into lengths to form the
petals, each length bclifg twice that
of required petal plus an inch extra
for plaiting in at the base of the pet
al and winding in at the stem.
A wire provides the stem. A little
ball of cotton is wound about one end,
tho size of a thlmblo, and over this
a bit of ribbon is placed and fastened
to tho stem by winding it with a
thread or tie-wire. About this center
a short length of ribbon (folded
lengthwise) is wrappod to imitato the
small petals, still unopened, at the
heart of tho roso.
After tho center has been made in
this way, the petals are made. Each
HERE Is nn unusual and attractive
gown from the salon of a uotahlo
French designer. It has tho grace of
simplicity and It embodies several of
tho best stylo features of tho present
season. Among these there are tho
looso and comfortable management of
tho sleeve, tho tunic, tho girdle, the
easy adjustment of the bodlco and a
eklrt a little shorter at the front than
at tho back and hanging in about tho
There Is a little under bodlco of em
broidered chiffon with elbow aleevos,
finished with a wired niching of mal
ine. A band of beaded embroidery
adorns the material of the bodice,
which 1b draped In tho fashion of tho
Chinese collar.
It Is not always easy to solve tho in-
Off the Costume.
short longth is doubled and plaited In
at the raw edgoB. Tho plaits aro
sewed down. After tho petals say
ten or eleven in all bavo boon made,
thoy aro fastonod about tho centor of
the rose already formed, tied to tho
stem with thread or tie-wire. Finally
tho corners are curled back on somo
of the petals and bllnd-stilched down.
Shapo tho petals, cupping them with
the lingers. Wind the stem with nar
row green ribbon, winding in a spray
or two of millinery rose foliage.
Theso roBes made of velvet ribbon
about two Inches wldo In a deep gold
color aro mounted with velvet foliago.
Besides satin and velvet ribbon the
heavier gauzo ribbons aro used, and
tho gold and silver tissue. Uoses ol
this sort aro expensive bits of luxury
when bought ready made from about
two to flvo dollars each. Tho value le
placed upon the time consumed in
making them, and' tho workmanship,
far more than In the material used.
For less dress-up times, tho little
rosogay of rosebuds made of several
different colors of narrow satin ribbon
is still a great favorite. These small
roses aro mado of a length of satin
ribbon (folded lengthwise nlong the
center) or of separate petals mado of
narrow ribbon. Thoy are mounted on
little stems of small green covered
wire. Sprays of fine millinery folingo
of maidenhair fern usually aro usod
with them by way of variety. Narrow,
velvet ribbon In green or purple winds
the stems together, and finish the
nosegay with a little bow. These
small nosegays 'aro scented, and form
tho daintiest of accessories worn on
the coat or furs for tho street. Small
bits of ribbon or silk will make them,
They aro always appreciated, bound
to please thoso who po&sess a sense
of the valuo of such finishing touches
to tho toilet. It would be difficult to
think up a better Christmas gift for
ono's friends. JULIA BOTTOM LEY.
tricacies in construction of tho most
slmplo looking of French gowns. It
Is quite likely that this ono Is mado in
two pieces, with tho skirt and chiffon
bodice attached to a short under
wnlst. Tho skirt overlaps at tho front
Tho tunic is apparently fastened at
tho left side and attached to the bod
Ice. The girdle Is boned and is of soft
satin, lined In Irregular pleats. Gir
dles are, almost without exception
mado In colors contrasting with that
used in tho body of tho gown. Some
times n girdlo Is in several colors,
those In plaid of bright tones being
favored for plain cloth gowns. An
other development of tho always pres
ent girdlo shows silk In throo colors
laid In pleats, inuktng a three-toned
girdle. Certain it Is that, in tho man
agement of tho waist lino, our present
modes are the most artistic, tho most
easy and graceful of any that lie with
in the memory of tho women of our
The study of a gown of ns great ar
tistic valuo as this ono should Involve
that of tho dressing of tho feet and
tho arrangement of tho coiffure, be
cause both these mutters should enter
Into the consideration of a dressy cos
tumo nt any time. Satin sllppors In
block with rhinestono buckles, and
silk hosiery of tho color of the gown
take care of tho clothing of the feet
The coiffure is ono of those designs
classified as tho "casque" style, in
which all tho hair is waved. It is ar
ranged over the head like a turban.
There is no chignon at tho back. Tho
ends of tho hair are turned under tho
waves and ,,iruud ubout In such a way
as to disponso with a coll.
In cutting a gown of this character
wldo goods aro more easily managed
than narrow. Skirts, overlapping at
tho front, while narrow, glvo room for
easy walking beeauso tho front seam
is not joined down to tho bottom. The
under petticoat must bo soft; the most
clinging of fabrics, ub chiffon or crepo
do chinu, or lace. An inserted Dounce
will take tho pluco of a potticoat.
Anything heavy enough to interfere
with tho falling of tho skirt In close
and clinging lines would destroy an
Important Item In tho beauty of tho
design. It Is tho hang and not fit of
garments which Is of paramount Im
portance now. Tho figure, without dis
tortion of any sort, without restraint
but in tho lovely, naturul silhouetto,
Is glorified in present day stylos,
which really amount to cleverly ar
ranged drapery. Garments must not
shapo tho figure toduy; thoy must be
shaped by it, or appear to be, anyway.
Henco bo many gowns seem to be de
signed for the corsetless figure.
Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur'
lant and Remove Dandruff Real
Surprise for You.
Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf
fy, abundan and appears ns soft, lus
trouB and beautiful as a young girl's
after a "Dandorlno hair cleanse." Just
try this moisten a cloth with n llttlo
Dauderlne and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a timo. This will cleanso
tho hair of dust, dirt and cxcosslvo oil
and In just a fow momonts you havo
doubled tho beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying tho hair at once,
Dandcriuo dissolves every partlclo of
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig
orates the scalp, forever stopping Itch
ing and falling hair.
But what will please you most will
bo after a fow weeks' uso when you
will actually seo now hair flno and
downy at first yes but really now
hair growing all over tho scalp. It
you caro. for pretty, soft hair and lots
of It, surely get a 25 cent bottlo of
Knowlton's Dandcrlno from any storo
and just try it. Adv.
Not Hit Wife.
"Did I not see you talking to your
wife laBt night?"
"Nope; if it had been my wife I
would have been listening, not talk
ing." Houston Post.
Greenwood, Ind. "First my hair be
gan to fall, then my scnlp itched and
burned when I becamo warm. I had
pimpled on my scalp; my hair was
falling out gradually until I had
scarcely any hair on my head. I
couldn't keep the dandruff off at nil.
My hair was dry and lifeless and I
lost rest at night from the terrible
Itching sensation. I would pull my
hat off and scratch my head any place
t happened to be.
"For several years I was bothered
with pimples on,niy face. Somo of
them were hard red opotB, somo woro
full of matter, and many blackheads.
I was always picking at them and
caused them to bo soro. They mado
my faco look so badly I was ashumed
to bo seen.
"I tried massage creams for my face
fcnd all kinds of hair tonic and homo
mado remedies, but they only mado
things worBO. Nothing did tho work
until I used Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment. I washed my faco with the
Cutlcura Soap, then put plenty of
Cutlcura Ointment on. Three- months'
use of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment
has mado my faco as smooth nnd
clean as can bo." (Signed) C. M.
Hamilton, Sept. 24, 1912.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adv.
Search for a Name.
"Does anybody call tho junk that fel
low writes 'poetry?'"
"Vhy not? It has boon called every
thing else that's unpopular."
Every married man knows that It
takes but ono to mako a quarrel.
Color more coods briRhtrr and faster colors than
You can dye any Karmcnt without ripping apart.
Hla Supposition.
"A couple," said Mrs. Slmpklns,
got married a few days ago, after a
courtship which had lasted GO years."
"I suppose," said Mr. Slmpklns,
"tho poor old man had become too
feeblo to hold out any longer."
JuQt Speculating.
"This dancer says she belloves iu
art for art's sake."
"Sho does, eh? I wonder how long
Bho would retnln hor enthusiasm If
her salary of $1,000 a week were cut
In half."
lted CrrH Hull Itlue giv'i double value
for your mono) . booh twice .is far as any
other. AaL your tfitfcer. Adv.
We Wonder.
Wo wonder If Cinderella wore ono
of these flut, puucako-Hhapcd shoes.
Couchs vanirh in a ninlit. DeonV Mcntho
luted Cough Drops i-ootliu the throat, rf
feeling u bpeedy cute 5c at all Di-ujwihl.
Tho man who falls In love with a
woman at Bight by moonlight may
fall in another direction by sunlight
Mm.WlnBloiv'H Soothing Syrup for Children
tectblniT, buftf-ua tin kuuih, rciliicrH lullummu
tlou.ullayH a In, cure wind college u bottlc.A4
Only a smart man can tell the truth
so truthfully that oven a JealouB worn
n can't tangle him up.
Colorado City, Colo, Nov. .srj, jqij.
BankerV Life Insurance Co.,
Lincoln, Nub.
Twenty years ngo the 2Cth of September, I took out a Si.ooooo
Policy, 20 payment. I paid In all 8538.80 On September 26th, 1912
1 received in Mittlomout paid up participating policy of 81,000.00 and
a cash settlement of 31-JJ 86, which was purfectly satisfactory to me.
I can conscientiously recommend the Bankers' Lifo Insurance
Company ns absolutely hquaro in Ha settlement of claims.
Thanking you for what you did for me aud wishing you con
tinued succom, I am
Most respectfully,
Ask tho iniin who owm one of our policies.
What So Precious
As a Healthy Baby?
Every Youngster Can Have Fine
Digestion if Given a Good
Baby Laxative.
In Bplto of tho greatest personal
caro and tho most intelligent attention
to diet, babies nnd children will bo
como constipated, and it is a fact that
constipation and indigestion havo
wrecked many a young Hfo. To start
with a good dlgcstivo apparatus is to
start Ufo without handicap.
But, as wo cannot all have perfect
working bowels, wo must do tho next
best thing and acqulro thorn, or train
thorn to becotno healthy. This can bo
dono by tho uso of a laxative-tonic
very highly recommended by a great
many mothors. Tho remedy is called
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and has
boon on tho markot for two genera
tions. It can bo bought conveniently
at any drug Btoro for fifty cents or ono
dollar a bottlo, and thono who are al
ready convinced of Its merits buy tho
dollar size.
Its mildness makes it tho ideal modi
clno for children, nnd It Is also very
pleasant to tho tasto. It is sure in Its
effect, and genuinely harmless. Very
llttlo of It is required and its frequent
uso docs not causo it to loso Its ef
fect, as Is tho caso with so many other
Thousands can testify to Its merits
In constipation, indigestion, bilious
ness, sick headaches, etc., among
them reliable pcoplo llko Mrs. James
It. Rouso, of Marlnetto, WIb. Her llt
tlo son Howard was fifteen months old
Rheumatism, Sprains
Backache, Neuralgia
"Yes. (laughter, that's jrood stuff. Tho pain In
Sprained Anklo UolieYod.
"I rai 111 for n lone tlmo with n sererclp sprained nnkle. I got a bottlo of Sloan'
Liniment nnd now 1 amablo to bo about and enn walk a great deal. I wrltothlsb.
cnuio 1 think you !eserve a lot of credit for putting such n fina Liniment on the
market and I shull always take tlmo to recommend Dr. Sloan's Liniment." Jfra.
Chut itauj. lialiimon, Aid.
At all Dealers 25c., EOe. and $1.00. Sloan's Inilructlro booh on horsst, cattle, how
and poultry sent Iroo.
Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
any other dye. One lOr package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than any other dye.
WHITE I'UK 1'KtvlS booklet, calendar, blotters,
Pain In Back and Rheumatism
nro the daily torment of thousands. To ef
fectually euro these troubles you must re
move the cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin
to work for you from the first dose, nnd ex
ert r.o direct and beneficial an action in tho
kidneys and bladder that the pain nnd tor
ment of kidney trouble soon disappears.
Ulimnn'o S2 Sl.OO S3
iiuiiiciia & 4
Misses, Doys, Children
C 1 ,00 $ 1 .70 12 2.00 S3
Bffia bulntit In
iio: now iu
Urf aii ukktr
oi 3J. as 09
ftnd Si idoi
la tho world
Orer t0 rtvln,
III lie Imilthitrt,
ilte uwl uidtht.
W. I.. Dourlnjl ftfinra mm fin,n,i.
evenrwbwe. Why not Klvo them a
trial i inn vuluo you will roccivo
iur yuur wuury Drill fuiouisu you,
IX VOU would llJltour finliirv.
ma laiHuib in inn wunu unaor
(mo runt, and , how carefully
you would unUereuuid why ttiey are
rfAiiuiikcit iu luuk ucucr. Ill UCIUT,
hold iiHiirahape anil wear lung tr ttuVa
other tiittkca lor the price.
Your (Iraler ahoulil tupply you with
tuuju.A'ui, buionvuiauiuie.xGlie
KUUU11IO wimout J DOUgllU!
namo iUnipcd on bottom. Htioes
hent ftVPTVwIlArn. rllrrw, fm,n ,n-
ory, by l'arcel rout, ikmuro frrc, Now
a iuu hiiib io uoKin io vo money on
jruuriuuiwcar. wriia toony lor llluv
irniKi catalog allowing bow to order
".'' W. L, 1XJUOLAB,
910 Oparlc Bt Urociiton, Mama.
ji Bnv
r ir-t m?.
i j
Ttiot'fKrM fi V
fcA vft
li". Arsi
M fl K&.'j . i
1 TS, 1 m
y?v wsXi
kkJyp Jsiiv j Vii?!wc VkT85
Inst April, bu( ho was sick with bowol
trouble from birth and suffered in
tensely. Slnco Mrs. nquso has, bOQO
giving him Dr".' Caldwell's Syrup Pen
sin all troublo haa disappeared and tho
boy la becoming robust.
Thousands keep Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin constantly In tho houso,
for every mombor of tho fnmlly can
uso It from infancy to old ago. Tho
usors of Syrup Pepsin lmvo Icarnod
to avoid cathartics, salts, mineral wa
ters, pills nnd other harsh remedies
for thoy do but tomporary good and
aro a shock to nny dollcato system.
Families wishing to try n froo Bam
pln bottlo can obtain It postpaid by
addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell,' 203.
Washington St., Montlcollo, 111. A pos
tal card with your namo and address
on It will do.
my back It allKonc I never naw anything work
as quickly ns Sloan's Liniment" Thousands of
grateful pcoplo voico tho soma opinion. Hero's
tho proof.
RaUevml Pain In Back.
"I was troubled with a cry Lad pain In my
back lor somoUme. I went to a doctor but be
aid not da me any gctxl, so I
Eurchascd ft bottlo of Sloan's
Intmcnt, nnd now I am a well
woman. I always keep a bot
tlo of Sloan's Liniment In tha
liomo." I'M llatilda Cotton,
itiM)-tiUAo$:,BnoU)-n,l. Y.
Sciatic lUiaumttUm.
"Wo liavo twed Sloan's Lini
ment for over six years and
found it tho boat wo ever uied.
When my wife had sclatle
rheumatism thoonly thing Uiat
rililhcrnnv irood was Sloan's
aOiSLKJRfllJ Liniment. We cannot prnlss It
pigmy enouRii." " iffo
Vet ilotnat, lovxu
Boston, I
etc. nuNKUC uuuu tuiii'ni, uuincy, in.
Immlirratlon flRiiren
show that the popula
tion ot Canada In
creased durlnff 1013.
by the addition of
00,OOO now stttlcrV
from tho United
Statcu anil Europe,
Most of these have
Koue on farina In the
provinces of Mani
toba, Saskatchewan
nnd Alberta.
Lord William Percy, an Eur
Huh Nobleman, says;' "The
posnlbllltlca and onportunl
tlt'H ottered by tho Canadian
West lira bo Infinitely ureater
than thono which cilBtiu EnK
laud, thut It seems absurd to
think that people should be
Impeded from comlnK to the
country whero tbey can mont
rnnlly and certainly improve
their poHltlou."
Now dlNtrlets are being opened
up, which will malfoncccHslblo
n irreat number of horuesteadH
in districts especially ndaptl
to mlied farming and grain
For Illustrated literature nnd re
durwl railway rates, apply to Hn
porlnumdent Immigration, Otta
wa, Canada, or
Beo Bulldlngf Omaha, Neb.
1 - -. - J3
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 45-1913.
Twenty Payment Life Policy
Matured in the
Old Line Bankers' Life Insuranco
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Namo of Insured Herman P. Daniels
Residence Colorado City, Colo.
Amount of Policy $1,00000
Total Premiums $ 538.80
Surplus in Cash 442.86
And paid up Participating Policy. ..81, 000.00
Total 91,442,80
Write ub for an agency
Assets $6,500,000.00