The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1913, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.2;)
One Year by Carrier in advance 51.00
Entered at North Platte. Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
Friday, November 7, 1913.
Tuesday's Elections.
Now York City Mitchell, fusion can
didate for mayor, elected by n plur
ality of more thnn 121,000.
Republicans secure majority in atnte
Tammany whipped and Sulzer elected
to legislature.
Massachusetts Walsh, democrat, elec
ted governor. (Most of state officers
democrats, but legislature republi
can.) Kentucky Democrats are victor
ous. Pennsylvania Republicans carry Phila
delphia by more than 30,000.
Ohio Republicans carry Cincinnati
nnd Toledo nnd democrats Cleveland
and Columbus. Four cities elect
socialist mayors
Indiana Indianapolis and othor large
cities of the state, with the exception
of South Hand and LaFayette, elect
democratic mayors.
Now Jersoy Fiolder, democrat, elected
governor by 22,000.
Maryland Blair Leo, democrat elected
to United States senate by 30,000.
Illinois Women voto for first time and
put saloons out of business in eighteen
Are Appraised .
Those who wero fortunate to se
cure "early" numbers in the recent
land drawing will bo interested in the
folllowing, furnished by James W. Wit
ten, superintendent of the land open
ing: The appraisement of lands in the
Fort Niobrara abandoned military
reservation, recently opened under
registration and drawing has been com
pleted. The lands In that reservation
Bubjuct to entry in 1G0 aero tracts un
der the general provisions of tho home
stead laws have been appraised nt the
following rnngo of prices:
First clnsB agricultural lands,
per acre.
Second class agricultural lands,
per aero.
Third class agricultural lands,
per acre.
First class gracing lands, ?2.G0
acre. s
Second claBS gracing lands, $1.75
per ncre.
Third class grazing lands, 1.125 per
Maxwell Farmers' Institute
Bocnuao wo had a County Fair doesn't
signify that the Maxwell farmors' in
stitute will lot down any.
Wo aro plnnning for tho biggest and
test over.
In some linos wo will beat the "fair."
Our speakers como to us highly roc
ommonded. Mr. Coupn we have had bofore nnd
know hlrrTto bo thoroughly practical,
haying actually dono the things ho- tells
about. ,
Miss, Scott is a farm raised Nobraska
Mr. Shirley is one of tho fow men who
havo made an -all around success of
chickens and knows how to toll about it,
ho is also quite willing. Ho is ulso an
export poul try judge.
Bring out your tony chickens and havo
thorn classed by an expert judge.
Tho dato Is Nov. 10th and 11th.
Platte Valley News.
Most of tho farmors In this vicinity
will finish their sugar beet harvest this
Mr. Allen, who wo understand has
purchased tho Birdwood ranch, is on
tho place now doing fall plowing, etc.
Platto Valley people keep on thriving
and making improvements, in splto of
hail and dry weather. Wo notico that
"Undo Billy" Monkoris sporting about
Jn a fino now top buggy.
Thoro will bo Bcrvices in tho Platto
Valley school house Sunday as follows;
Sunday Bchool nt 2;30 p. in. as usual.
At 3:39 p. m. Mr. Ralph Sopor will
conduct u temporanco service. Noxt
Sunday is the world'a temperance Sun
day and his talk will be right in lino
with tho gonoral tliot of tho dny, Mr.
Sopor comes to us highly recammonded
us a speaker of considerable ability.
He is a homo product and tho past yenr
has boon a student in tho Washington
Agr. Inst., Madison, Term.
Myrtle and Vicinity,
.las. and Charles Grambrol weio
North Platte visitors Tuoiday,
Bort Biunk markoted hogs at North
Platte Saturday.
The red tchool house has a now shingle
roof. Now with a coat of paint it
would bo qulU respectable.
Jacob Weber and wlfo of North
Plattv are visiting relative" this week.
13. R. SIvRb moved his family to
North Platto Tuesday.
Cornhunklng Ib well under way, in
fact sdvoral fanners will finish this
week. This "neck of tho woods" was
in the path of the drouth, hence the
short work of cornhusking.
Mrs. Wheeler, who has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Ross, has re
turned to her home in Iowa.
J, C. Askwig and wife came up to the
ranch Saturday and returned to North
Platte tho same evening.
A number of the young folks enjoyed
a social dance nt Harry Morrow's Sat
urday night.
Wm. Pittman made final proof on his
homestead Wednesday.
Garfield Items.
M. L. Smith is hauling grain to
F. P. Hoy is building on the old Bab
cock place.
J. II. Smith was in Stapleton last
week on business.
Tho Hollowe'en party given by Alta
Hoy, Nellie Conneally nnd Lena Sensel
was quite a success. About thirty in
number attended the party.
Willie Hoy made a trip to North
Platto Saturday.
Adam Sensel and Son made a trip to
North Platte Saturday on business.
Vera Siver spnt Saturday and Sun
day with hor parents.
F. P. Hxy took his fat cattle to
Arnold to ship.
L. A. Joy and L. P. Smith attended
the telephone meeting atlloagland Sat
day. A. I. Goodenow left last Monday for
Montana to visit relativos.
Tho Embroidery club will hold a
bacaar at the Garfield L. M. L. A.
hall on Nov. 21, 1913. Opening at. 3
p. m. Suppor served from 5:3n to 8.
Program rendered at 8:30. Everybody
cordially invited; don't forgot tho date.
Adam Sensel and family and Miss
Connaally spent Sunday visiting in
Pete Henry returnod Friday from a
business trip to Callaway.
A dance will be given at the Garfield
hall Saturday ovening. Nov. 8th. Every
body cordially invited.
The telephone line is being put thru
to Hoaglond.
' Robert Gutherless, of North Platto,
attended the Hallowe'en pnrty.
Rev. Chadwick is holding revival
meetings at the M. E. church.
Don't wait for tho Christmas shop
ping rush. Shop early at the Episco
pal fair. A beautiful line of fancy
work and novelties, also a complete
showing of aprons, caps and articles
of utility.
A government railroad instructor was
in tho city yesterday and the way he
Jtacked red tags on box cars, donoting
bad orders or out of condition and unfit
for service, made the railroad boys
look up. At lenst twenty-five or thirty
cars wqro ordered to the ropair track
for a general ovor-hauling.
Tho sporting editor of the Kansas
City Times recontly said: In Holligan,
Coach Stiohm hns ono of tho gre Host
tackles in tho valley and" probably one
of the finest football piayers in tho
West. It was Halllgan'B groat play
that made possible tho lone touchdown
tho Nobrusknns scored against Haskoll.
Tho railway brotherhoods havo boon
brought into tho strike of the coal
miners of the camps in southern Colo
rado. Tho Colorado & Southern has dis
charged employes who rofused to take
a trainload of guards to rolioyo one of
the mines threatened by strikers. Tho
men nppoalod to their organization
chiefs for assiscance. The Colorado and
Southern is owned by tha Burlington
ft rw.vmMmwjww,rfvs'vw ,
I Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
Meets 2nd anil 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic JIall at 7.30 p. in.
1081 Dewey Street
Phono 70
For a Few Days Only
Stone Drug Co.,
will oiror with each package of A-C-0
two live Goldfish with half-gallon nlobe.
Tho beautiful fish require little care
nnd will grow nicely. Take a trlobu
homo with you, This is dono solely to
induco you to try A-C-O, that wondor
sul remedy for Croup and Colds. Once
used, no family will bo without it.
First como first served.
Croup Kills 57,000 Babies.
The U. S. Bureau of Vital Statistics
attribute this number of babies' deaths
oach year to tho monster CROUP.
In absoluto insurance against CROUP.
Easily and quickly applied; it prevents
attacks. Loosens tight, eroupy coughs,
cures colds, honrncnosannd congestions.
Our Block of Patent Medicines, Per
fumes, Toilot Articles, Etc., Is a lend
ing fonture with us, Wo would like to
be your Family Druggiat. If you uro
too busy to como to our store, phone
us your wants.
Best for lamps heaters - stoves.
Delivered fro clean tank wagons.
Price low quality high.
Ask any dealer about Reliance iron
barrels for storage and a quantity
price on Perfection Oil.
Standard Oil Company
SS-"" - ' ,., :5
Life Health Acci
dent Fire Ligh t -ning
and Wdo-
I .. -lot .)r
-?! 1 :.
Fhed ll. Gink, Prop.
U. "Wilbur Way, Mgr.
75 rooms with private bath; GO
rooms without bath. Hates with
bath, 51.60. Rules without hath,
$1.00. Special ratos by the week
or month. Cafo In connection.
Elevator hervice, hoi and cold wa
ter and telephone In every room.
Ono block from Orphouin theatre,
two blocks from Broadway theatre.
Toko Seventeenth Streut Car
in' House of Good Showrfl I g
When in North Plullc.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'elorl:. t
For Thirty or
more Years..
Wo havo been making, repairing
cleaning, and altering clothes foi
tno people of North Platto, Wo
have aimed to give satisfaction, nnd
wo guess wo hnvo been successful,
olso tho people would not now put
ronzo us. Give us a chance to do
your work.
Entrance north of tho Nynl drug store.
If you have n good work
ing knowledge of Shorthand,
Bookkeeping, Business Prne
tice, etc. such astnught in our
school, wo enn place you with
tho hig business houses ut n
good snlnry inn short time.
Get into action today and
know more about our school
by addressing tho
Hastings, Nebraska.
fbfLjRk aHO&hi
fcTCARsf ''
Two Attractions.
North Platte has two attractions it
gretty women and the cigars made by
chmalzried. Both attractions are
pleasing; and both are In demand.
Perhaps you hayonot been smoking
Schmalzried cigars and don't know how
good they are; if so, try them. You
will not be disappointed.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
North Platte, Nebr:
CAPITAL STOCK 5100,000.00
Wo Solicit Your Duslnsss.
Ranches and City
Property bought
and sold
Physician, and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank. f
5 Phones Office 130
Ittonta J Rc8dcnce UB I;
Sri. J) ft rj-S-Tr-. S P fc-fr-Sr. , Jfr Jr$
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surrjcons,
U Office over Stono Drug Co.
8 Phones I Office 273
h lhoneB Residence 273
- -.
Dr. D. C. Crocker.
Osteopathic Physician
Oillco Phono 110
lies. Illk.lG'J
Bertha E. Mangon, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Dcia of Wonun and Children Specialty
Now McC'abo IHIijf.
Dr. J. K. Elms, flW&x
Eye, Ear, Nose and W&$h.
Throat GIusbob vM&3&t
titled Also
Homeopathic Physician and
Office over McDonald State
North Platte. Phone 30.
Tclephono lied 4 &05H Dowcy St.
North l'lft tc, Nebraska.
LiJaAL tfoWUi;
To Margaret Latimer, Thomas Lnll
mor, Ivor Latimer, Kin Latimer, Nath
aniel Latimer, Ellon Latlmor, John
Latimer, Bciuon Lntlmer. EUa Latimer.
Eva Matson and Benjamin Matsn.i, and
Henry Horn, non-rosidont dofendnnts:
You and each of you will tnko notico
that James Lntimor, plaintiff, filed
his cortnin petition in tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on
October 7, 1913, against you as do
fondants, implended with others, tho
objoct and prnyor of which said peti
tion, aro to quiet title in tho said plain
tiff against you and each of you in tho
followiug described lnnds situato in
Lincoln County, Nobrnska, to-wit: Tho
Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty
(20), Township Ton (10) North of
Rango Thirty (30), West of tho 0th P.
M. , and to establish by said proceed
ings a now and independent titlo in said
plaintiff by reason of his ndvorso pos
session thereof for the required time
and to quiot and confirm said titlo
against that certain mortgago made
and executed by tho dofondont, Henry
Horn, nnd long since sntisfied and bar
red and for such othor and further
iclief as justico and equity may ro-
quire, lou and each of you will make
answer to snid petition on or boforo
tho 17th day of November, 1913, or do-
creo will bo entered against you as in
said petition prayed.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, tho
Til. .1 rll inio '
JAMES LATIMER, Plair.tiff,
By E. II. Evans, His Attorney.
Notice for Publication.
James S. Gilbert, non-resident defen
dant, will take notico on the day of
October, 1913, Roy Haney, I. D. Mc
Knightand C. E. Haney filed their pe
tion in tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which are to have a certain sheriff's
deed to EJ NWJ nnd "NVJ of NEi of
Sec 35, T 16 N, 11 32 "W, dated August
29th, 1912, and recorded in the offico of
the county clerk of Lincoln county, No
braska on the 7th day of September,
1912, in Book "A-l,'r at page 531 can
celled and nnnulled and set aside; also
the proceedings and decree had in and
about and upon which said deed was
based cancelled and set aside, and for
such other and further relief as may be
just and equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or beforo Monday the 1st day
of October, 1913.
Dated this 23rd day of October, 1913.
Roy Haney, I. D. McKnight
and C. E. Haney.
By Muldoon & Gibbs, their attorneys.
In tho county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, October 28th, 1913.
In tho matter of tho estate of Patrick Ruddy
Notice It hereby Riven, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of said
estate, before the county judjre of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court said county,
on the 2nd day of December 1913, and on tha 2nd
day of June IBM, at 9 o'clock a, m., each day, for
the purpose of presenting their claims for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to piesent their claims
and coo year for tho administrator to settle said
estate, from tho 28th day of October, 1913. A
copy of this order to bo published in the North
Platto Tribune, a leal semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county for four successive weeks
prior to Dec. 2nd. 1913.
County Judge.
Serial No. 04&13,
. Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Office nt North Platte, Neb.
October 15, 1913.-
NOTICE is hereby uiven that Clarence O.
Wills, of Welllleet. Neb., who, on
March 3. 1010, mado H. U. No. 0-1&13, for
the WK, of NWW and VH SW1. of Section 32.
Township 11, North. Ranee 29, West of tho Cth
Principal Mcridun. hiiB filed notico of Intention
to make firal three year proof, to establish
claim to tho land aljovo doscribed, boforo the
i esibtcr nnd receiver, nt North Platte, Neb., on
tho 12th day of December, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: Chirles Gerkln,
Orrin Hacon, John Cooper and Ernest Fletcher,
all of Wellflect, Neb.
o21-G J. V EVANS. Register.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, SS.
In tho County Court.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Susan" Pickett,
1, John Grant, County Judge of said county, in
said estate hereby notify nil personB having
claims atralnst the estate of tho said Susan Pick
ett, Deceased, that I have set and appointed the
following days for the reception, examination and
adjustment of said claims ami demands, as pro
vided by law, ht tho County Court room in North
Platte. Lincoln county, and State aforesaid, to
wit: The 11th day of November, 1913, and tho
11th dny of May, 19U. And all persons so Inter
ested in said estate will appear at said time and
place and duly present their said claims and de
mands In the manner required by law, or show
cause for not so dointr. And in case any of said
claims shall not ba presented by the 11th day of
May, 1911, the same shall be forever barred. A
copy of this order to lie published in tho North
Platto Tribune, a kitnl Bemi-weekly nowspnper,
of said county, for four successive weeks prior
to November 11th. 1913.
Given my hand and seal of tho County Court
this 9th day of October. 1913.
oH-l JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of an order of sale issued from tho
district court or Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a detrroo of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein I'rancls N. Shellon is plaintiff and John
Swanson, ut nl ro defendnnts.and to mo directed I
will on tho 1st duyof Nov.. 1913. at 2 o'clock
ft. in., nt the enst front door of tho court
louse In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to tho hishest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and costB, tho following described property
to-wif- Nnrthwetttiiinrter (NWM) Section thirty,
threo (S3) Township Thirteen (13) North of ltnnire
Thlrty-ono(3l) west of tho Cth P.M. Lincoln
county, eurunKn
Dated North Platte. Neb.. Sent. 27. 1913.
A J.
lly virtue of un order of snlo issued from the
district court of Lincoln comity, Nebraska
upon a decree of foreclosui.' rendered In said
court wherein The Mutual J-i I .Intr und Loan
Association n corporation i plaintiff, and
William II, HarrncloiiKh, ot al aro defendants,
nnd to mu directed, I will on the 29th day of
November 1913, nt 2 o'clock, p. the east front
tioor oi mu court nouso in North t'l.ittc, Lincoln
county, Neliruakn. sell ut public auction to tho
nixncBi punier lor rnsii to satisfy said
decree, Interest and costs, tho following
described property to-wlt. Lot six (G) In I'oriy-uini mi oi me orimnai town now
ciiyui .-voiin rmuo, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Neb., October 27th, 1913.
"-6 A. J. Salisduky, Sheriff.
Serial No. 04SU9
Department of tha Interior.
U. S. Lutut Oillco at North Plotte, Nebr.
., , , , Sept 24. 1913.
Notice, l hereby nlvn thnt Hinry P. Hanson.
of North Platte. Nubr., who. on February 9,
1910, made Homestead Entry No.
J5? f?.r ,NVV- N of NE- Uon
. two. IS, N, mo. 30, west of the Cth Principal
Meridian. Ims filed notice of intention to make
final throe your proof, to establish claim to the
land above doscribed. before tha register and
recolvw. at North Platte. Nebr.. on the 19th
day of KovMnber.IOU.
Claimant mimosas witnesses: R, G. Par
melee, Julius Moirensen. P. Hansen, Charles
IlUMoll, nil of North Platte, Nebr.
O-G J, E, Evan.. Register.
Di Infield dfoi
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE IS. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 012.
Ofllco phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bnnk Building.
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vino Streets
R. D. Thomson.
s Hospital accommodations for Medical and S
e surgical attention given obstetrical cases. Z
Onico Phono 183 Ilos. Phono 263 0
Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank nid'g
Bis a ml Cattle
Bought and highestmarket
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
By virtuo' of an ordor of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a decree of fore
closure rendered In said court wherein
John JL Stewart is plaintiff and Isaac
Deardorf et. al. are defondants and to
me directed, I will on the 15th day of
November, 1913, at two o'clock p. m.,
at tho east front door of the' court
house in North Platte.Lincoln Co., Neb.,
sell atpublic auction to the highest bid
der for cash to satisfy said decree, in
terest and costs, the following described
property, to-wit: All of sections Twenty
nine (29), Twenty-seven (27), Twenty
five (25), Thirty-live (35), Thirty-three
(33), Thirty-one (31), and the south half
of tho southeast quarter (S hf SE qr)
of Section Twenty.six (26), northeast
quarter (NE qr) ot Section Thirty-four
(34), all in Township Sixteen (16)
Range Twenty-nine (29), northeast
quarter and tho Southwest quarter
(NE qr and SW qr) of Section Thirty
(30), and'tho north half and the south
oast quarter (N hf and SE qr) of Sec
tion Thirty-one (31), Township Sixteen
(16), Range Twenty-eight (28), all of
Sections Seven (7), Five (5), Three
(3), one (1), and the Northwest quar
ter (NW qr) Section Two (2), all in
Township Fifteen (15), Range Twenty
nine (20), nil of Section One (1) in
Township Fifteen (15), Range Thirtv
(30), the north half (N ht) of the North
half (N hf), south half (S hf) of tho
south half (S hf), southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter (SE qr of NE qr)
northeast quatter of the southeast
qr (NE qr of SE qr) northwest qr
of the southwest quarter (NW qr of
SW qr), and southwest quarter of
northwest quarter (SW qr ot NW qr),
of section Thirty (30) township sixteen
(16), rnngo twenty-nine (29), west of the
6 prin. meridian, Lincoln county,
According to the order of tho District
Conrt the premises iierein forclosed
shall be offered for sale separately in
the following order to-wit: All the
promises except sections twenty nine
(29) and thirty-three (33), township
sixteen (16) rango twenty-nine (29) and
section thirty-one (31) township sixteen
(16) rango twenty-nine (29) and the
south hf of the south hf, the north hf
of the north hf, southwest qr of the
northwest qr.southeast qr of tho north
east qr, northeast qr of the southeast
quurtor, the northwest quarter of
the southwest qr of section thirty (GO)
township sixteen (16), range twenty
nino (29). section thirty-ono (31) town
ship sixteen (16). range twenty-nine
(29) and the south
hf of the south hf, north hf
of tho north hf, southwest nr of the
northwest qr. southeast qr of the north
east qr, northeast qr of southeast qr,
northwest qr of the southwest qr, of
section thirty (30), township sixteen,
(16) rango twenty-nine (29) .
Sections twenty. nine (29) and thirty
three (33) township sixteen (1G), range
twenty- nino (29),
In the eyent however that the total
amount of the bids thus offerod separ
ately shall not be sufficient to pay tho
mortago debt, then all tho premises
herein foreclosed shall also be offered
for sale in bulk and in the event the
bid for tha premises in bulk shall ex
coed tho total amount offered in the
separate bids said bid shall be reported
to tho court for confirmation.
Dated this 11th day of October, 1913.
Sheriff of Lincoln Co.
In the County Court of Lincoln County. Ne
braska. Oct. 7th, 1913.
In the matter of tho estate of Esther
Harris, Deceased,
Notice ia hereby given, that the creditors of said
decoasod will meet the Administratrix of said
estate, beforo the county Judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at tha county court room, in said
fttl ,n ih "h day ct Nov. 1913, and on
tho 11th day of May, 19H, lit 9 o'clock a, m. each
day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, ujustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one j ear for the Administratrix to
setUe said estate, from the 7th day of Oct. 1913.
A copy of this order to be published In the North
Platto Tribune, a legal seml-weekly news
paper of said county for four succesjlve
weeks prior to November 11, 191'J.
oU-J JOHN CHANT. County Judge.