The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1913, Image 7

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Formerly Dono by Indian Faklra, But
Recently Western Magicians Have
Adopted It.
Ono ot tho most startling of nil
the exhibitions given by tho Btngo
magician la the "basket trick." For
merly It wub dono only by tho export
Indian fakirs, but In recent years
western magicians nlso have done It.
A child Is placed In a basket In front
of tho spectators. Then tho magi
cian thrusts his uword through tho
basket again and again, drawing It
out covered with blood. Tho child
screams frantically for somo tlmo and
then stops as If It had been killed.
When tho basket is opened It 1b found
to be empty und tho child appears
suddenly among tho spectators. All
this Is dono with such nn aspect of
reality that It often frightens the tim
id ones among tho crowd, and yot It
is simple enough.
Ono sldo of the basket is double
After closing tho basket tho magi
cian protends to turn It over on its
side. Ho really turns over only one
part of It. Tho bottom and ono thick
ness of tho double sido nro left as
they were, tho other thickness be
comes tho bottom of tho basket In
Its now position, what waB tho oppo
site side of this becomes tho top,
and tho old bottom Is loft lying free
upon tho ground, with tho child upon
it, outside the basket. Hut this old
bottom and the child upon It aro now
under the robo of (lie magician. Whllo
tho magician is turning tho basket
back to Its original position and run
ning his sword through it tho child
escapes into tho crowd. Tho blood
on the sword Is from a spongo In the
Movements Arc Similar to Those of
Skater Brakes Provided to Pre
vent Undue Speed.
A Swiss inventor amused tho peo
ple of the city In which ho resided by
going about on "walking wheels." Tho
Wheel Walking.
movoments of tho wheel walker aro
similar to those of the skater, except
that tho former, in bringing tho foot
forward, does not lift tho wheel from
tho ground, says tiio Popular Elec
tricity. Brakes aro provided to pre
"vent undue speed on inclines and
thero Is also an arrangement to per
mit standing still.
No spokes connect tho hub with tho
tire, but a solid steel sheet Instead.
Tho wheels aro made of great
strength, but of light weight and
without perceptible friction. Walking
can be easily learned, liko tho ait of
skating, and proficiency In the latter
is helpful.
Allan Knew.
Tho teacher In a country school ul
wnys tried to mako tho lessons as in
teresting ns possiblo.
"Now, children," sho said, "let me
see what you remembor about tho ani
mal kingdom and tho domestic ani
mals that belong to it. You have
named all tho domestic animals but
ono. Who can tell what that ono la?"
Thero was no roply.
"What!" exclaimed tho teacher.
"Does no one know? It has bristly
hair, likes the dirt, and is fond of get
ting Into tho mud."
A small boy at tho end of tho class
-raised a timid hand.
"Well, Allan?" said tho .teachor.-
"Pleaso, raa'nm," said tho llttlo boy
.reflectively, "It's me." Llppincott'n.
Wanted Company.
Mothor (roprovlngly) You know,
dear, grandpa has gono to houven,
and papa has gone to heaven, but if
you tell untruths you cannot go to
heaven you will have- to go to the
lother place
Tho Child Oh, mamma, you say n
,Bwear word, and como to tho othor
plnco, too."
Two Sorts of Operations.
"I soo they have operated on a
Philadelphia boy's head in order to
mako a butter boy of him."
"That Isn't where my dad usod to
operuto on me to mako a hotter boy
"of mo."
i s- V"" j
Draws Number of Parallel Lines at
One Sweep Easy to. Understand
Convenience of Device.
A blackboard mnrkor. by mcnnB of
which n scries of parallol HneB may
bo drawn at ono movomont, has been
designed by a New York man. Tho
chnlks nro Inserted In holders that aro
mounted on n lazy-tongs and tho lazy
tongs nro slidably mounted In tho
slots of a bar that in turn Is set in a
U-shaped frame tho frame having a
handle at tho back. To regulato tho
dlstanco between tho crayons, which
means to regulato tho spaco botweon
tho lines they draw, tho lazy-tonga aro
cither extended or contracted, as tho
Blackboard Marker.
caso mny bo. Thoio nro screw means
to keep them rigid In any position de
sired. It is enay to understand tho
convenience of a dovlco liko this.
Schoolmaster Was Unwilling to Be
lieve Excuse Given by Small Boy
for Absence From School.
Having been absent from school for
a wholo day, a small boy was called
out from his class tho next morning
by tho head master, who wished p
know tho cause. Tho boy replied that
his brother went to have a tooth
pulled out, and that he went to "hol
ler" for him.
"What!" said tho acholmastor, "you
had to holler for him?"
"Yes, sir," said tho boy.
Tho schoolmaster believing that
tho boy waB telling a Ho, Immediately
went for his cano and threatened to
thrash him soundly if ho did not
speak tho truth.
"I am speaking the truth," said tho
boy. "It is like this, sir. My father
is a green grocer, and goes his rounds
every morning; and father's got asth
ma very bad, and cannot call out what
ho's got to sell, so my brother goes
with him to holler for him, and ho,
having his tooth pulled out yesterday,
I went and did the hollering for him."
Tho boy was placed nt tho top of
tho class.
Eastern Educator Says Modern
Writer Punctuates Too Much
Often Placed In Wrong Place.
A celebrated eastern educator com
ma who has spent much time In study
ing literature comma tells us that tho
modern writer uses too many punctu
ation marks semicolon that ho often
gets them In the wrong place and
that thoy aro a nuisance comma any
how comma remarks tho Brooklyn
Eaglo period '
Another shark on literature com
ma however comma snys that It Is
Impossible for nny person to write
without .using punctuation mnrks pe
riod Being of a genteel turn comma
we do not feel liko coming right out
and calling tho latter gentleman a
quotation marks liar quotation marks
but we havo demonstrated comma to
tho satisfaction of oursoir comma at
least comma that writing can bo dono
without tho uso of any punctuation
mark whatsoever period How do
you liko it Interrogation point.
Bow and Arrow May Be Used Indoors
If Care Is Taken to Avoid Win
dow Panes and Paintings.
Tills bow and arrow has been de
signed chiefly for those Interested In
tho outdoor sport of archery, but may
A Bow and Arrow That Will Stand
Hard Usage.
also be need Indoors If caro Is taken
to avoid windows and pictures. Tho
bow, which Is 20 In. In length, is mudo
of two pieces of strong steol wire con
nected to n ulckolplnted haudplcco
shaped so thnt tho arrow ran bo quick
ly placed In position for shooting. The
howstrlug Is made of strong material
and tho arrow 1h of hard wood, 15 In.
long, with n soft rubber tip, mid
weighs only S ounces.
s' --ss Jj . . .. IJL-
sT-V nhWjmPAb
'zJZ' 2T .
Kind out tho good cows.
Overcrowding Is a miBUtko.
Mismanagement is expensive.
For heifers provide good pasture,
shade and wntcr.
If j'ou hurry you still havo time to
put up a silo this season.
It is estimated that live chickens
will yield n pound of fcathors.
Old turkey heps and young toins
make the best breeding combination.
Sheep ought to bo' kept bocauso of
tho influence which thoy exert upqn
' Wasteful feeding does not necos
sarily mean too much, It may moan
not enough.
In seeding sweet clovor Us lime and
Inoculation requirements should bo
carefully looked after.
When managed rightly, tho dairy
cow and the good profltablo hen will
always give a profit.
Mistakes in pig feeding arc costly.
In tho short llfo of tho pig there is
llttlo tlmo to correct mistakes.
Eggs ought to weigh u pound and
a half to tho dozen or flfty-flve
pounds net to tho thirty dozen eggs.
Sand is n bad thing In tho gear
boxes of automobiles but Is very nec
essary in the gizzards of chickens.
It is necessary to feed tho breeding
ducks liberally, yot at tho same time
feed bo as to keep them active and
Do not plant tho same crop on the
samo land each year; rotate. Dis
ease and insects will becomo trouble
some If you don't.
Silo filling time has already come
for somo of tho dairy-farmers. It is
best to bo thoroughly prepared be
foro the actual process begins.
Seed corn week will soon bo hero.
See that tho very best enrs aro saved
for next year's crop depends upon
your foreslghtcdncss Just nt this
Broom corn and sorghum should
not bo planted close together If plant
ed bo they muturo pollen at tho samo
time Thoy nro closely related botan
uically and mix.
Select at least fifty cars ot corn for
each aero to be planted next year.
This will allow more careful selection
next spring. The poorer ears you ran
sell to your nclghbois.
Wo would not feed shelled corn to
heifer calves intended for dairy cows.
Tho feed Is too fattening. Wholo oatB
aro much better. Shelled corn will do
for stcor calves intended for beof pur
poses. Remember that the fall Ib a si.lcn
dld tlmo to paint those buildings you
didn't tako caro of last spring. Do
not lot thorn go through another win
ter without some Improvement along
this line.
Success in intensive cultivation can
come only through a thorough knowl
edge gained by etudy and close appli
cation lo tho work. You must know
how to rotate your crops, that is. how
to follow (.no crop with another, what
crops to plant for early growing and
what to plant for late crops
Tho best niaikot you can find for
tho gieen corn, If ou haven't plenty
of silage, Is cutting part of it and
throwing it into tho pnutures for tho
cows or, better still, feeding it In tho
barn. They will return you a good
prico for everything you glvo (hum
If they are good cows.
Dozens of dairy farmers are fording
and milking twenty cows twice per
day each day of tho jear, when tho
chnncos aro that twolvo to- fifteen of
tho number would pay a larger profit.
The whole idea Is to find out which
are tho good cows and then givo
them the attention they need
How aro you taking care of the ma
nure that dally accumulates on tho
farm? This Is a big Item to dispose
of any very Important in connection
with futuro poll fertility nnd big crops..
Wo trust tnut jou aro not allowing It
to go to waBte
Mongrel llvo slock and poultiy will
bo predominant on our American farmr.
till moro of our farmers keep their
own slros, nnd thus know something
about tho blood origin of every Ihing
thing on tho promises, it payB to
keep tho best and breed tho bust.
V" "Y
Uiilld a scratching ahed.
Please your ogg customers.
Give the chicks tho sour milk.
Constant vlcllnnco is tho mlco of a
clenn swfno herd.
Do not wnBto by feeding moro
than tho animal can digest.
Milk that Is kept clean and properly
cooled needs no preservative
Uqual parts of corn nnd oats aro
hard to excel ns n grain feed for sheep.
Paint nil tho wounds made in prun
ing with puro white lend and nuro lin
seed oil.
It Is cheaper to rcmovo tho cause
of disease than to- doctor tllo chick
ens nfterwnrd.
The young cnlf . should havo nn
abundance of good clean clenr water
beforo It at nil times.
Tho molsturo going In with tho sll
ago should bo kept In. This keeps tho
'Bllngo from "dry-tiring."
it pays to grado all Bmall fruit." It
demoralizes prices to havo small, bad
berries mixed In with largo ones.
Spraying with whitewash onco a
month will go n long way toward
keeping down vormln In tho poultry
It novor pays to market stock thnt
Is not fat. Plenty of good yellow corn
will make any healthy bird fat In two
Experiments ehow that chickens
with strong vitality and plenty of
mnscullno chnractoiiatlcs mako tho
largest gains.
If you havo nny chickens roosting
in thorchard trees, you had better
let them know what tho hen house
waB built for.
Don't allow your horses to drink n
largo amount or wntor on coming into
tho stnblo very warm. Allow them
to cool off a bit first.
Tho profit in pig feeding depends
upon tho cost of tlio feed given lliem.
Therefore anything thnt cheapens tho
feed increnspB tho proilt.
Bitter rot and blotch itre two of the
most difficult diseases of tho apple
to control. Lnto spraying with bor
deaux mlxturo is most effective.
No mnttor how healthy and ntrong
tho chick may bo whon hutched, tho
strength will soon disappear' whon not
given tho propor feed and attention.
Humus Is tho nnme applied to the
partially decomposed organic (animal
nnd vegetablo) matter of tho soil. It
Is the principal source of nitrogen in
tho sol).
Tho farm mortgage that 1ms out
lived every other lino of activity very
frequently succumbs to tho dairy cow
and the milk check which alio brings
In every week.
The profit in n cow consists of the
money tho milk or butter will aell for
over nnd above tho cost for food. This
cost will not bo materially different be
tween tho cows kept on tho average
Tho object of sanitation In tho hog
yards and houses is to fiecuro tho
greatest degrees of bodily health und
vigor, becauso the anlmnl will do
volop hotter and be Iofs suscoptlblo
to disease
Many orchaids aro notf fruitful
for tho reason that thero !u not
enough nutrltivo propertied in tho
eoll to supply tho requlslto amount
ot nourishment to enable tho" trees
to properly mature fruit.
A few dollars spent In Improving
fences, especially along tho roadside,
will be money well used, for it will
not only help llin appearance of the
farm and mako a moro ready salo If
such Is desired, but U, will also add to
tho self rospect of the former und tho
farmer's boys, all of which Ium a real
A good way to handle manure- for
garden purposes Is to spread it In
broad, flat piles and ullow it to rot.
then apply 100 pounds of acid phos
phato and 100 mnuure and mix this
woll when you put it In n pllo. Thin
will add to tho manurial value, of tho
pllo and will prevent the loss of am
monia Jro n great extent.
Tho heavy feeding of corn to oul
try, especially where tlioro Is an ab
sence of good, hard, sharp grit, will
bring on bad cases of indigestion,
which In many cases losonjblos chol
era. About 1)2 oubob out of 100 ro.
ported cholera victims aro casus of In
digestion . Tho und Is tho same, hut
tho latter disease Is not "contagious
Bccnusc tho hog has the ability to
utlllzo grain foods bo ollklently and
economically Is n poor excuso for
feeding grain exclusively nnd neglect
ing to reduce the cost of pork grow
ing by tho use of supplemental for
age nnd pastuio crojtg.
Other things thnt go to mako Inten
sive cuitlvatlu n success aro manure,
and constructive work In jour gardon.
Confine yourself to a small jrnrden
bpot and work that hard rttthor than
work over n large one and glva It
only half ouough attention.
Sheep nro tho most nervous of nnl
mnls and if allowed to run down
quickly becomo tho proy of disease.
Tho well kept, woll fed sheep Is tho
only kind to keep.
Shcop wll not thrivo In dark,
damp, badly ventilated quarters, oven
If thoy aro only confined in such
places over night. Hotter keep them
In nn open lot than house them Under
such conditions.
Novcr pormlt tho sheep to Ho on foul
bedding or in barns that aro muddy
and dirty.
Low, muddy pnsturos mako lino
breeding ground for germs and ahecp
should thoroforo always bo pastured
on high, dry land.
Never turn a sheep loso nfler clip
ping without first having dipped him
thoroughly nB a preventive of parn
sites. No matter If tho ram or breeding
owoh you buy como from tho beat
breeding fnrm In tho country, do not
permit them to run with your flock
for at least tun days; This timo is
nccossary to dovolop nny dlseaso that
mny bo carried about with them.
Sheep require moro careful inspec
tion thnn any othor farm nnlmnl be
cause tho dlscimo attackB them quick
ly and ofton becomos fatal botoro it
has been really discovered.
A good Hock master will not fall
to havo every sheep on tho plnco pass
under his own eyo onco every day.
Somo farmers imagine that by
breeding n Inrgo, rangy lamb with
a small owe larger iambs will result
This Is seldom tho case nnd the
boot results nro obtained by breed-
Farmer Should at Least Pur
chase Full-Blooded Cock, Dis
posing of Old Rooster.
In many localities tho barn-yard
fowl will not give way to. tho Im
proved broeda. If you cannot afford
to buy an ontlro breedlng-pon of puro
stock, at least obtain a full-blooded
cock and send tho old common rooster
to market This will greatly improve
matters, if you aro careful to retain
the boat pullets of this cross-breed,
nnd when you v havo a stock of good
ones sncrlflco tho old hens. Cnnnot
furmors bo prevailed upon to do this,
whon tho supply of eggs, oven in tho
villages, Is too Bmall in winter? Whon
eggs aro scarco and tho prices high,
do not somo diminish homo con
Bumptlon, and even then complain of
the small number thoy havo to tako
to market. A thoroughbred hen of n
good strain will lay nearly fifty per
cent, moro in tho number of eggs than
n common hen. If tho prices diminish
a llttlo tho Increased production of
eggs will much overbalance tho
nccouut. Too many pcrBons ralso
poultry without icgnrd to tho uso of
puro breeds and regardless of nn offort
to maintain tho high standard to
which our domestic fowls have at
tained. Tho Increased evidence of tho
fact that high-class poultry pays, la
surely sufficient to encourago us to
Btrlko out boldly and extensively In
this field ot ontcrprlho. Kvery offort
In this direction will meet with such
favor that buccesH will suroly follow
I'ontrast the present with tho paat, nnd
Prize Berkshire 8ow.
It Ib tiuo Hint warm water Ib Just
as wet as cool water, but it Is not so
palatable and tho hogs will thrivo
bettor if they have a cool drink at
least -twlco a day. Water Bhould al
ways bo within reach.
I logs exposed lo tho hot sunshine
day In und day out during tho sum
mer will Joso much of the gains they
make oven though tho clover fields
bo of tho finest.
The main and only point in raising
hogs is to produco flesh that N will
bring tho most money and ovory llt
tlo thing that will work toward this
ond should be put Into operation.
No farmor who continually stuffs
his breeding sows with corn can hope
to suouro the bst pigs. Hroodlng
ing owob to rams of tho samo typo,
Oil meal is excellent to provent In
digestion nnd keep tho young sl'ccp
In lino condition generally.
Kvery flock of 60 or moro nniinnlr
will bo hotter off under tho caro ot
n sheep dog.
Novor buy n Bhcop dog from o
fanclor unless you know positively
that ho or his ancestors have boon
actually worked on sheep. So many
collies aro now being bred for ioohw
nlono to sell to city peoplo that most
of them aro entirely worthlcan tot
work among sheep.
Tho shorter tho pasture hccomcti
tho deopor tho sheep will go nftor tho
roots. It Is bad policy to pnsluro
grass too cloBoly. It only klllu out
tho grass and does tho Bhcop no go oil.
Supplementary feeds must bo bp
piled when the grnBB grows Bhort.
Tho last month beforo wcanhiK
tlmo la hard on tho mother owe. Tho
vigorous lambs nro pulling tlioui
down rapidly and thoy must hnvo
plenty of nourishing feed or they'll
cud 'tho season in poor condition. .
Whenever you henr n shcop cougtH
lng you may known thnt it la Buffer-,
Ing from Bomo sort of dlseusetr-lndl
tfestion, catarrh, bronchitis, throng
worms or othor pariiBltcB. Thoy needk
attention nt once.
Wo can do much to sustain wolghtJ
nnd qunllty of lleoco by generous niurf
sensible feeding.
Sheep that aro allowed to run down!
and becomo very thin during lati
aumnior will not thrivo whon tho
cold weather comoa on no matter
how much feed Ib given thorn.
notico whether tho improvement In
poultry has been a paying vonturo. Lot
us not hesitnto to try all tho Into com-mon-scnBO
methods. Wo must not
drift from year to year in tho samo,
channel or wu will certainly becomo
the active agents of a syBtom thnt
destroys progress. Tho present lit an
nusplclous tlmo to movo In this mat
ter, and It Ib certainly something 'that
should Interest all, nnrmuBt bo con
ceded to bo u thomo that should bn
discusscd by farmers and pouUryiuan
There Are Two Ways of Per
forming This Important Duty,
One Right, One Wrong.
Hy J, M. DHI3W.)
Tho propor way to tako ropo from u
coil 1 to draw It from tho middle.
Tlioro nro two ways to do this, n right
and n wrong way. If it happens to htv
dono tho wrong way tho ropo will bo"
como twisted lu a manner that' will
mnko it almost unmanageable. If dono
tho right way it will como out without
any twisting or Gnarllng and all Inn
ropo In tho coll mny bo drawn out v
without trouble. To do It properly
tho ropo should bo uncoiled toward ,
tho left, or opposlto tho way tho hnndu
of n. wntch or clock run.
i)y finding tho Inside end of tho cull
and obbeivlng Ifow It uncoils, ono mayi
tqll whether or not ho is starting in
the tight wny. If tho ropo uncolbi to
the light Instead of tho left tho wholo
coil should bo turned over and tho end
pulled through from tho opposite Kldo
of tho coll. Tho ropo will then uncoil
to the left and causa no trouble
Htock icquheH moro clover, bran uiii
.. If.. !.. .1. I
iiiiuiiu i nun cum.
The short-nosed hoe is nlw.ivn tri
bo desired ngaliiBt tho long, sleudor
facod type.
Tho sow Hhould bo longbodlod nm
tho boar short.
It lias always boon n disputed qup(
tion as to whether a hog gainH any
thing by rootiug. Even if ha docan't
he hnB plenty of Tlmo to spare nuUI
rooting will certainly not hurt hhn.
Tho man whose- sows raise two lit)
tors a year has learned aomothlnrt
nbout tho hog business, and If ho
succeeds lu saving eight out of every
tun he has learned about all there fa
to know about the hog ttU6hios.H
K. V. H. 1