The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1913, Image 5

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Jrasa$2 as
3(Sr , --jrft- jHrn"ilfc-
A direct shlpmentIfromthelOrient. These articles
are very serviceable and make splendid gifts.
Jewel, Boxes
Fruit Baskets
Our Holiday line will
efforts. Let us have the
Graduate Dcnlist.
Office over the McDonald
State Dank.
Local and Personal
Wm. Buchtel, of Paxton. transacted
business in this city yesterday.
Piatt White left iast evening for
Omaha where ho will spend several
Charles Holm, of Sutherland, trans
acted business in town the first of the
week. .,
Deputy U. S. Marshal Samons, of
Kearney, spent Wednesday in this city
on businoss.
OttoJThoelecke left-this morning for
Hyannis to look over some of the forest
reserve land.
For Rent 3 furnished rooms, with
bath. 414 W. 3rd St. , ,83-3
Archie Watts, of Kearney, arrived
Wednesday to visit his parents and will
return Sunday.
Dr. 0. H. Cressler and wife will
leave tomorrow for Omnha where they
will spend a week.
Mrs. Reed, of Blue Hill, Neb., ar
rived Wednesday to be the guest of
Mrs. Elmer Koons.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tollefson, of
Sutherland spent yesterday with friends
and relatives in this city.
, Julius Pizer returned today from
Chicago where he had been transacting
businoss for several days.
Miss Barbara McGuire returned this
morning from Wallace where she has
been visiting her brother several days.
Miss Lydia Anderson leit yesterday
evening for Ovorton where she Was
palled thv the sudden death of her
Mrs. R. A. Buseman, who had been
spending three months with her mother
"Mrs. a. a. Newton, left yesterday for
her home in Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham re
turned to their home in Council Bluffs
Tuesday night after having visited
North Platte relatives for several days.
We clean rugs. Hats cleaned and
blocked. C. 0. D. Cleaners and Dyers.
Miss Bertha Thoelecke is expected to
arrive tomorrow from Omaha to visit
her brother and attend to business con
nected with the tract of land she drew.
0. T. Whelan left the arly;part pf
week for Excelsior Springs where he
will remain for a couple" of weeks. He
has been more or les3 troubled with
rheumatism for some time past.
-Karl M. Alexander, expert piano
turner and repair man of 'the Gaston
Music Co., Hastings, Neb., will be in
North Platto week of Nov. 10th to 15th.
Leave orders with A. A. Schatz or
Miss J. O'Hare.
Attorneys' Halligan & Wilcox ac
companied by Court Reporter P. J.
Barron, loft for Tryan by auto yester
day morning where they will take dep
ositions in cases now pending in the
district court.
The ladies of the Episcopal guild will
servo a supper of escalloped oysters
nnd many other delicious things at
Mnsonic hall on Thursday evening,
Nov. 13, at 5 o'clock. Adults 35c. Chil
dren 25c.
Mrs. M. A. Porter and Mrs. Walter
Belzer, nfter severnl clays' visit in
North Platte, left yesterday morning
for tiiuir homo in lloldrege, Neb. They
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Porter nnu"MV!'nd Mrs. M. J.
Teak' Wood
Wicker Goods
Boxes Collar Boxes
Sewing Baskets. Flower Baskets
out-class any of our former
pleasure of a visit from you
The Jeweler
Miss Abbio Patterson will leavo to
morrow for her home in Denvr after
visiting several weeks at the Ottenstein
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Smith will leave
the first of next week for Omaha. The
former has been employed at the new
round house.
The Davis garage will receive another
Buick six in tho near future. They in
vite six cylinder prospective ,buyer3 to
ride in the car.
The N. P. H. S. will give a social
dance this evening at the Masonic hall
in honor of the Kearney High School
foot ball team.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gould and son, who
had been visiting the letter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Koontz, left yesterday
afternoon for thoir home in Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Weil left yester
day afternoon for Denver and after re
maining there a few days will go to
Southern California to spend the winter.
The J. S. Davis Auto Co. sold and de
livered a .Buick Six to J. A. Bentley,
of Sidney. Arthur Tramp, Guy Granger
and R. D. llerzog made the trip to
Henry Wayman was arrested Wed
nesday on the charge of stealing fifteen
bales of hay from S. C. Anderson, of
Sutherland. He wa arraingned before
Judge Grant. yesterday afternoon and
pleaded not guilty.
It was a mighty small audience that
witnessed "The Awakening of Helena
Ritchie" at tho Keith Tuesday evening
but tho meagreness thereof did not in
fluence tho company; the play was
strongly presented.
Another squad of hunters took the
North River branch train yesterday
morning for a ten days' hunt in the
lake country. Those forming the
party were M. F. Hosier, R. J. Malm
stein, Ed Soibert and Millard Brandt,
of Omaha.
Jake Friedman, who has been in
town for a couple of weeks, was made
happy today by the arrival of his wife
and son from the oast. Mr. Friedman
will become a permanent fixture in
North Platte. An announcement of his
future intentions will soon bo made
Anyone wishing their house cleaned
by tho Little Giant Cleaner, phone
black 534, Duke & Deats. 82-2
Mrs, Arthur Artz entertained a
number of young people in honor of her
sister Miss Anna Howes on her thir
teenth birthday yesterday afternoon.
The afternoon was spent in games and
music and the hostess was presented
with a number of beautiful gifts.
A party of hunters including A. P.
Kelly, Horton Munger, Henry Reb
hausen and John Den wero out Tuesday
after the feathered tribe and the four
thru their efforts succeeded in bagging
b'ix ducks and two geese. They wore
lucky enough to not go above tho law
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Will pay $0.00 per week. Inquire at
this office.
Judge Whitten, who had been in
South Dakota looking after the sale of
town lots on a former Indian reserva
tion, returned to the city yesterday.
He will remain hero a few days and
iknn rrr s T T if nri nia i r nranorn frf Vid '
kill; II ff LAS llJfUUIUO VW J.l.;fUAW AW bllU
selection of lands by those successful
in the recent drawing.
Six or eight men are employed at the
electric light plant making changes pre
paratory to installing the now mach
inery which has been ordered, Tho
capacity of the plant will be more than
doublo by the installation of tho new
t machinery, future increase in
can bo successfully handled, and tlw
service incrensed in efficiency as com
part J with the present.
Newbridge District
is Authorized.
The county commisionors mot in ses
sion Wednesday for tho purposo of or
ganizing n new precinct, n petition for
which was filed some timo ago. This
precinct which will bo known as Platto,
embraces tho territory along the Union
Pacific from the enst bank of tho river
through to the east lino of tho county
and includes the land in Hall, Maxwell,
Brady nnd Vroman precincts, nnd tho
purpose of tho consolidation of the ter
ritory is to vote bonds to aid in the
construction of a bridge across the
rivor east of North Platte. With tho
construction of the bridge will bo tho
building of a highway parallel with tho
railroad through Maxwell and Brady
and thenco to the east line of the
county, there to connect with n road
into Gothenburg. By the building of
this road tho distance to Gothenburg
as compared with tho route south of
the river will be shortened oight or
ten miles. This now road will be part
of the Lincoln Memorial Highway.
In the construction cost of the bridge
North Platte will need vote bonds for
its share, which we think our people
will be willing to do, as tho new road
and bridge will bring much additional
trade to our city. One-half the cost of
tho bridge will bo borne by the state.
County Clerk Yost was instructed by
the commissioners to ask the state en
gineer to come to North Platte and
make an cstimato of the cost of the
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular ses
sion Tuesday evening, and following the
opening preliminaries, the Sunday pic
ture show question occupied the center
of the stage for a brief period. The
rocont case in the police court was die
missed partly because the proprietor
mode no admission charge. To cover
this defect and strengthen Sunday ob
servance, an ordinance was introduced
which prohibits the operation of a pic
ture show on Sunday regardless of
whether or no an admission fee is
charged. This ordinance was read the
first time, but a motion to place it on
final passage under a suspension of the
rules failed, the vote being two for and
three against the full council not being
John Burke asked that Silber avenue
be opened up across tho tracks and that
the present crossing at Poplar street
be closed and transferred to Silber
avenue, which is ono block east. The
matter was referred to the street com
mittee who will take it up with the
railroad company.
Robt. Isdell, contractor for the build
ing and loan building, was given the
use of tho hose house as a work shop
for b'ix months at a rental of five dol
lars per month, he to also pay the
ground rental for that period of time.
The ordinance committee wns directed
to draft an ordinance placing an occupa
tion tax of $G0 per year on shooting
gallerios. Under such an ordinance S.
Guenther, of acotts Bluffs, proposes to
come here and oporato such n gallery.
Bid3 for tho contruction of lateral
sewers in Districts G nnd II, both of
which nre located in the south part of
city, wero opened and Conrad Walker
found to be tho lowest bidder, his bid
being about $2,200. IIo was nwarded
the contract and will begin work at
After allowing tho bills on file, the
council adjourned.
Miss Ella Williams arrived Wednes
day afternoon from Sidney to be tho
guest of Mrs. Jack Carroll for a week
or more.
Calender's Cah Store
Cold Weather is Coming.
a m gunman 11 iihi a to aaiM
DonTfail to come in and look over our line before buy
ing elsewhere. We can save you money. Our line of
Sweater Coats, Sheeplined Coats, Mackinaws, Overcoats,
Overshoes, Caps and Mittens, are comptete. We also have a
complete line of Cotton and Wool Blankets from 75c up.
to visit our busy growing grocery department.
A Few Things $1.00 Will Buy
19 lbs Graulated Sugar
9 cans Standard Tomatoes
11 cans Snyder's Pork and Beans
3 cans of 35c coffee
30 bars Diamond C Soap
27 bars Crystal White Soap
29 bars White Russian Soap.
Space will not permit us giving you a complete list. Come
in and see. Try a sack of that Hed Moon Flour. Every
sack is guaranteed.
P"'' -- - - srennNiY sAviiNinpiwt-A
i : EWt'2JMMMB9y!flm v
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.SUiiuitftiMitiawmiiuMnwiiimtawwMmLsiw wati mat
Proceedings of the
County Board
Oct. 15, 1913
Board mot pursuant to adjournment.
Present Springer, White, Herming
hausen and county clerk.
The following clnims wero allowed on
the various road district funds to-wit:
Geo Diener, rood work, allowed
on district 12 15 00
Chos Cockle, cosh for district 5 200 00
Wm Dymond, cash for dis
trict 4 10000
Clydo Courtney, road work, dis
trict 7 2800
John F Snydor, ensh for district
82 100 00
W M Dymond, road work in district
9, allowed for $100 on sold district 9
and $10.25 on commissioners' district 3.
Allowed on bridge fund to-wit:
E C Hostetter, bridge work,
Maxwell 30 70
John F Snyder, building bridge
south of Maxwell C8 80
Allowed on commissioner's district
funds to-wit:
A Chambers, grading road 231,
Ipart payment on district 3. . 200 00
A Chambers, grading experi
mental farm road, on dis
trictl COO 00
A Chambers, road work in com
missioner district 3, allowed
on district 1 for 10G 00
Allowed on general fund, to-wit:
Keuffman & Esser Co, supplies
for surveyor 4 10
Road Nos. 3G9 and 370 coming up for
final action, said action is hereby de
ferred until January 1, 1914.
Road No. 107 coming up for final ac
tion, octinon is deferred until next
meeting, the board wishing to view said
road in a body.
The county clerk iB hereby instructed
to notify the road overseer in district
5, to notify the Keith and Lincoln coun
ties irrigation district to build bridges
across the ditch where road No 371
crosses snid ditch. Said bridges to
comply with stato bridge law.
Milton Ranoy is hereby appointed
overseer for district 44 to fill vaoancy.
Whereupon the board adjourns to
Oct. 30, 1913. C W Yost
County Clork.
October 30, 1913
Bonrd met pursuant to adjournment
Present Springer, White, Horminghau-
l lili!
nitym-iw imttpm m m i i mw i iiunm in whin "Hi hhim um nnuthwi us iti iioumJ mtiNmigawniiitaasiwiiimtMniiwimitSswiuMiiii
Spend This Winter in California
'I . 1 otlilnltmn Win a nl.inn rvnn nllitun n a-nr - flrt.
xiuiin. m it suuaiiuiu, uiuu oruuo, uiuuu v alleys, uuiua ui uuw-
ers, fresh fruits, yachting, bathing, golf, motoring and fishing
all winter long! No cold winds, no being cooped tip a third
of the year. Outdoor life every day midwinter as well as
during the summer months.
Five Through Trains to California
Every Day via
Protected by Automatic Electric Dlock Safety SUnala.
DustUta Roadbed Double Track
For Cnllfornla literature and Information rclatlvo to routca,
atopovcr prlviU'Ke". etc,, call dn or luldrcss
F. E. BULLARD, Agent
sen nnd county clork.
Action on road 107 is hereby deferred
until Jan. 1, 1914.
Road No. 210 coming up for fmnl
action, and a remonstrance haying been
filed, the board Bets Nov. 24, 1013, as a
day of hoaring said petition and remon
strance. The following claims were allowed on
tho various, road district funds, to-wit:
Geo S Williams, cash for road
district33 100 00
John J Ginapp, cash for road dis
trict 10 -,.:....-. 75 00
Clyde Courtney, road work dis
trict 7 3G 00
Nato Brattonfcash for road dis
trict 31 100 00
C E Parsons, cash for road dis
trict 17 100 00
W M Dymond, haying rond dis
trict 4 Gl 00
William Smith, cash for road dis
trict 22 N GO 00
G S Thompson, mowing weeds,
district 4 37 25
Allowed on tho genornl fund, to-wit
O A Landegren, auto hire county
commissioners 3 00
E C Baker, transcribing delin
quent tax Jist..,, 93 00
T F Watt, salary for Oct, de
puty sheriff 75 00
A J Salisbury, salary for Oct.
sheriff 125 00
.r,..v.. ' . - .
u wioat, salary toruct, county
137 50
C W Yost, bflico expenses for
Oct,''..;...;.r 9 35
Jos M Wilson, salary for Oct,
janitor 75 00
Jo8jM Wilson, use -ofhorso for
mowing lawn during summer 18 00
Anna Andersbn, care '.of county
poor . ...,. ,A .- 50 00
D B White, services ob commis
sioner and mileage 08 15
P W Herrninghousen, services us
commissioner and mileage.. 72 70
E II Springer, services as com
missioner and mileage 21 CO
A N Durbin, office expenses for
six months 109 10
A N Durbin, refundof poll taxes 11 50
Cleo R Chuppoll, salary for Oct,
county superintendent 133 33
Logan Marcott, salary for Oct,
clork to Supt 50 00
G S Thompson, cash forllorshey
Institute 23 00
Star Clothing Co, clothes for
county poor 14 GO
A P Becler, groceries county peor 17 20
G W Brown, groceries forcounty
poor 1185
Sundry persons, appraising road
210 18 SO
Allowed on tho bridge fund, to-wit:
Greeley Bundy, bridge work,
North Platte 41
John Walker, bridge work,
North Platte 20
YVil W I It jf- Utrfg'ltPif ' " l"1 pl' ttM ""WlJa
mmimiiimmmiiimmiiiiiiii i
union suns
Munsing wear, for Men, Woman and
Children, is made in a wide variety of
light medium and heavy weight fab
rics, and n remarkable assortment of
styles. There's a right size for you in
the style you prefer, at prices gradod
liko this
Men'a Munnlmrwenr, $1 lo Sfi.00
Women' Munnlnitwrnr, 60c to $3.75
Children's Mundngwrnr, Ke to $1.75
Wilcox Department Store
Clarence Ditto, bridgo work,
Sutherland 51 00
Geo Hoovor, bridgo work, Suth
erland....;1.... ,.....,.... 100 GO
Allowed on commissioner districts,
Geo Meyer, grading road, ap
proach to Medicine Cree!r
bridge, on district 3 100 0Q
Peter II Smith, mowing woods
on district 3 3 00
J N Smith, grading road, Daw
son nnd Lincoln county lino,
on district 2 210 75
Clarence Ditto, road work on dis
trict 3 28 00
Geo Hooyer, road work on dis- '
trict3 24 00
The county treasurer is Iroroby nuUior-
ized to cancel tux on mortgage assessed
to m k errcii, on aw i oec B-ll-34.
Also to cuncol tax on mortgnga assessed
to Henry Goodert on SE i Sec 3q 13-34.
Tho county clerk is hereby instructed
to advertise for bids for piling Jlh,o ap
proaches to tho ends of Cottonv6od
canyon bridge, bids to bo by tho cubic
yard of dirt moved, according to plans
nnd specifications on file with tho county
surveyor. Bids to bo filed on or before
12 o'clock noon, Dec. 1, 1913, and to bo
opened at lirst meeting in December.
Whereupon tho board udjourna to
Nov. 4, 1913. V
C W Yost, County Clerk.'
-NoV. 4,yl9iai
Bonrd met pursuant to adjournment..
Present Springer, White, Horminghau
sen and connty clerk.
Bond of Milton Raney, ovorsear.'for
road district 44 is hereby approved.
A petition signed by 218 electors
asking that a now precinct Jjo :formed
was prosontod to tho bonrd afid the
precinct declared organized as peti
tioned. Tho county clork is hereby instructed
to have the state engineer come to
North Platto nnd make an estimate of
cost and furnish plans and specifications
tor a bridge ncross the North 1'latte
rivor oast of tho city of North
Tho county treasurer is
authorized to refund to T. T.
lots $
on an assessad value of $100 on
and 5 PIntteview Subdivision,
of $5.75
Tho county treasurer is
authorized to refund to A G Parker tho
sum of 15.41 on lot 13, block 24, Max
well for tho year 1912, on account of
error in assessment.
The following claims woro allowed
on tho general fund, to-wit:
R. L. Cochran, making test
ing wolls ut North Platte
rivor for Sutherland bridgo 34 25
R L Coehrnn, inspecting Medi-
cine Creek bridge 26 M
R L Cochran, inspecting Cotton- ft
wood canyon bridgo 48 80
E J Eumes, printing tax-list 1912
J logal rate on 739 land des-
nptionsnt 20 cents nnd 1724
wn lot description at 10
nts 114 7rt
J EVLjderman, cure of John All-
strom 1500
C E Kennon, medical Services,
county poor ., 82 70
Allowml on road funds to-wit:
A McNickle, cash for road dis
trict IS 200 00
A McNickle, road work in dia-
tiict 18 W 50
L C Craig, rod work i district;
68 . It'DO
Whereupon Mm board djurad U
Noy. 24, 1013. CW Yoat.
County Clerk
iWil i