The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1913, Image 2

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Brief Mention of What It Transpiring
In Varlouc Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries.
Representative Gillette hnH pro
posed n constitutional amendment to
prohibit polygamy.
Representative Hobson has propos
ed a coiiHtltutionnl amendment to
prohibit the manufacture and sale of
alcohol in the United States.
Postmaster General Burleson hofl
decided to standardize tho ontlro post
al service so fnr as possible, with a
view to greater ofllclcncy.
The income tax, tho most, revolu
tionary revenue raising power con
ferred on tho American government
slnco its foundation, litis started up
on tho path that Is to bring millions
Into the public treasury.
Republican Leader Mnnn's plan
for subscriptions from congressmen
to a wedding gift for Miss Josslo
Wileon was denounced in tho houso
by Representative Gray, domocrat, of
Indiana, who said tho inovoment waB
"In exceeding bad taste."
Tho sale of Interchangeable mile
age hooka with tho requirement that
tho coupons bo exchanged for tickets
before a Journey is begun has boon
held by the Interstate commorco com
mission to bo neither discriminatory
nor in violation of tho law.
FranclHCO Epquadoro, chief of tho
department of foreign relatione for
tho constitutionalists in Moxlco, tele
graphed their hcadquartcra from Hor
moslllo that tho federals had ovacuat
cd tho city of Chihuahua on tho ap
proach of Pancho Villa and tho con
stitutionalist troops.
Tho delay of tho administration in
announcing its decision interpreting
tho 5 per cont tariff discount on im
ports In American vessels may result
in tho introduction of a moasuro in
tho houso calling upon tho treasury
department for information as to what
It is doing to enforeo the now tralff
law on this point.
nocauBO C per cont of all West
Point applicants havo failed during
tho last throe years, notwithstanding
many wcro high Bchool graduates,
Representative Sharp of Ohio called
on Secretary Garrison to rocommond
modification of examinations or havo
tho government conduct a prepara
tory course.
Sonator Overman of North- Carolina
hn introduced a joint resolution for a
constitutional amondmont to permit n
majority Instead of two-thirds of tho
sonato or houso to ovorrido n presi
dent's veto and also to empower tho
president to veto any distinct items
In an appropriation bill without disap
proving tho romalndor of the moasuro.
Important changes in tho adminis
tration currency bill resulted from
tho first oxccutlvo work on tho moas
uro by tho sonato committee. Tho
committeo passed over for later no
tion tho proposition to mibstltuto a
central government-controlled bank
for the regional bank plan In tho bill,
on which tho mombora woro ovonly
divided and proceeded to porfect tho
details of tho measure
Tho sonato banking and curroucy
committeo linn tentatively agreed on
four regional roservo bunks for the
proposed now curroucy ByBtom, with
a provision that after two years tho
federal roservo board may add no
many additional banks as it dooms
nocossary, not oxcoodlng twelve. Tho
ponding bill fixes tho numbor nt
twolvo and it haB boon understood tho
administration would not consent to
havo it reduced below nlno.
President Wilson ha nominated T.
C, Armltago ns poBtmastor at Hillings,
What Is announced ns tho final of
fort of tho copper initio operators in
tho Calumot district to induce their
btriklug omployos to roturn to work
will bo mado through tho modlum of
tho coppor country commercial club.
Six thousand dollars .Tor retired
missionaries was rained in less than
fifteen mlnutoB ut Topoka, Kaa., at tho
national mooting of tho Women's For
eign Missionary society of the Metho
dist Episcopal church.
Tho Soalshlpt Oyatora company ol
Now York and Ronton, a f4,50O,O00
corporation, placed, in tho hands of
recolvora on an application In tho
fedoral court of tho Old Colony Trust
company of Boston, trustee of Its 2,
00,00 convertible bonds. Tho oyster
company defnultcd interest on bondB.
Leon R. Taylor, speaker of tho ns
Bombly, has boon sworn In as act
ing governor of Now Joraoy, taking
tho placo of James w. Holder, tho
democratic gubernatorial candidate
who resigned.
Australia last year bought over 25,
000 autos from tho United States.
Now York has 107,000 porcoiiB on
itH payroll, tho largest department
bolng tho schools, with 25,800.
Tho oxociitlvo committeo of tho na
tional editorial association solected
Houston, Tox., for tho mooting placo
of tho association next April.
Mrs. Jonnlo May Eaton was ac
quitted of tho chargo of murder of her
husband, Roar Admiral Joseph G.
Correspondence from Manila re
port two deaths thoro from bubonic
plague, ono of thorn being that of
William Crozlor, managing editor of
tho Dally Bulletin.
Employes of tho streot railway and
traction companies of Indianapolis
went on striko. A half hour later
practically ovcry car had been return
ed to tho barns and dosertcd by tho
John Maglll, employed In tho Lov
Ington mines, near Decatur, 111., un
earthed what appeared to be a pctrl
flod human foot. It was Imbedded in
tho rock 1,000 feet below tho Burfaco
of tho earth.
An ordor from Washington puro
food oxperts to Colorado fruit growers
to label apples JuBt what they aro,
translates tho "Colorado Beauty" in
to a plain "Bon Davis." Other fancy
names go tho samo route.
Roger Porry of Worcester haB fin
ished inspecting tho school gardens
cared for this year by tho children of
that city and estimates that they havo
raised food products vnluod at moro
than ?3yl00. This is an increase or
$900 over last year.
Tho will of Adolphus Busch, Just
filed at St Louis makes charltablo
hequcsts aggregating $170,000 to a
number of St. Louis Institutions and
places tho bulk of tho ostato in trust,
naming Mrs. Lilly BubcIi, Charles
Nagol and August A. Busch, trustees.
Tho body of Patrick Dugan, which
wan oxhumed nt Baltimoro for ro-In-torment
in tho comotery wns found to
havo become petrified. Its weight 1b
estimated at moro than COO pounds.
Tho clothes also woro petrified. Mr.
Dugon was burled nlno years ago.
Tho vlBlblo and known coal supply
of Missouri amounts to 39,854,000,0,00
short tons, which, at tho present rato
of consumption, will last 9,200 moro
years, or until tho yoar 11,113, accord
ing to information furnished to Com
missioner John T. Fltzpatrlck of the
stato bureau or labor stntlBtica.
In Philadelphia an unidentified la
borer was blown to pieces in tho
northorn section of tho city when nix
stick of dynnmito ho was carrying un
der IiIb arm exploded. Sparks from
n pipe ho was smoking whllo carry
ing tho dynnmito, together with caps
and fusoB, aro bolioved to have caus
ed tho explosion.
Work on tho $l,000,oi0 mansion,
which tho lato Charles G, Gates was
eroctlng waa Btoppod on orders from
tho general contractors In New York.
It waa announced thnt nothing further
would bo dono until tho architects
and bulldors had consulted with tho
widow and mothor of tho dead multl
Tho argument on tho appeal of
thirty of Uio labor union ofllclalB con
victed at IndlanapoltB last December
of conspiracy and complicity In tho
McNnmnra dynnmito plots has been
comploted boforo tho United States
circuit court of nppoalB at Chicago
Tho;court took tho potltlou undor ad
vlsomont and will render a decision
probably within Blxty days,
Additional potteries in thoEast Li
verpool, O., district havo closod tholr
doors becauso of tho Btrlko.
Tho forest of Norway aro mostly in
prlvnto or municipal ownership, tho
nation owning 28.5 por cont of tho to
tal forest area. Tho national forosta
of tho United States occupy only about
20 por cont of tho total forest area of
tho country.
Tho report curront on tho continent
and published In tho United States of
tho botrothul of tho prince of Wales
and tho Grand Duchoss Tatlanhi, sec
ond daughter of tho Russian om
poror, has boon oflloially declared to
bo a puro Invention.
It is understood that King George
is so dlBBiitisllcd with tho biographies
or IiIb father, tho lato King Edward,
which havo nppoarod, that ho haB con
sontod to tho preparation of an au
thorlssed biography from Btnto papors
and rocolloctloiiB of Intlmnto friends
undor tho general supervision of Vis
count Knol'y, tho lato Jtlng'B secre
tary. It Is said that Lord Rosoberry
will bo Invited to wrlto tho biog
raphy. A bill authorizing Prlnco Ragout
Ludwlg of Bavaria to bring his ro
goncy to nn end and proclaim him
self king of Bavaria in plnco ot tho
Insane King Otto has been passed by
tho lower houso of tho Bavarian dlot.
Winston Churchill, tho British lord
of tho admiralty, estimates a prob
able annual output of $100,00 to 500,
000 tons of oil fuel from Scottish
sholo flold8 for 150 years to como, it
necessary. It Is announced that tho
present output lb about 250,000
Satisfied Results Can be Obtained If
Other Nations Will Uphold
American Policy.
Washington. Though every official
of tho United States government haB
bocn cautioned to maintain absolute
Bllenco while tho plans of tho Wash
ington administration for solving tho
Mexican problem aro worked out, it
become known from many well-informed
sources that a supremo effort
is being mado to bri g about General
Victorlano Hucrtn'B retirement from
tho provisional presidency of Moxlco.
It is tho belief of tho administra
tion that uny plan for a constitutional
election In Mexico depends on Huer
tu's elimination and some declara
tion from Huerta now is awaited.
Tho futuro policy of tho United
StateB Is bolng quietly and Informally
mado known in diplomatic circles
abroad and thero aro Intimations that
beforo many duys foreign govern
ments genorally will havo been ap
prised of tho American attitude. It
is unlikely that thero will bo any
publication of tho American policy
until Europe hns bocn formally Bound
ed out. What tho United States de
Hires, It 1b believed, is that tho pow
ers nhall indicate tholr support of Its
offortB to solve tho problem boforo
it approachoo tho Mexico City admin
istration in a final effort to secure tho
elimination of Huerta.
Confer With Powers.
Tho conference nt Vera Cruz be
tween John LInd, representative of
President Wilson, and tho Noiweglan
and German ministers, is bellovcd to
havo been held with that end in view,
although no official explanation haB
been given of tho meeting.
Sonator Bacon, chairman of tho for
eign relations committee, Bald tho one
thing needed to lnsuro a peaceful set
tlement of tho Mexican problem was
for tho European governments to in
dicate in somo positive way that thoy
Intended to leave in tho hands of tho
United States tho formation of a pol
icy to bo pursued toward Mexico
and that thoy would give tho policy
their support.
"If this Is mado so clear," ho said,
"that General Huerta will understands
ho will be compelled to accede to
any demand mado by tho United
States and a peaceful solution of tho
Moxlcan problem would very prompt
ly bo found."
Will Search for Rifles.
Denver, Colo. Angered by tho man
nor In which strikers at tho Ludlow
tent colony, in tho southern Colora--do
coal fctrlko zone, obeyed Adjutant
Gcnoral John Chaso'B order for sur
render of arms, Governor Amnions
hnu notified tho adjutant general that
ho would oxpoct tho application of
his search and seizuro rights. After
promising tho adjutant general that
thoy would deliver over their arms
and ammunition, tho strikers handed
to tho adjutant Just fourteen riflos
and a small quantity of ammunition.
It Is positively known, however, that
tho strikers havo many" hundred guns
concealed about tholr camps or some
where In tho canyons adjacent to tho
Mrs. Pankhurst "In Dad."
Chicago, 111. Whlto slavery was
given as ono of tho causes of mili
tancy by Mrs. Emmellno Pankhurst,
tho British suffragist, in a lecture to
an audlonco largely composed "of wo
men. She named numerous laws
which sho said discriminated against
her box as tho reasons for tho violent
tactics adopted In England in Uio
light for "votes for women." MembeiB
of tho committeo on arrangements,
displeased becauso Mrs. Pnnkhurst's
manager Increased tho prlco of stago
Beats from $1 to $1.60, after ngreolng
that no seats should sell for moro
than a dollar, kept tholr promise not
to occupy chalra.ou tho stngo.
Pikes Peak Not Sinking.
Washington, D. C Recent reports
from Denver that Pikes Peak had
sunk thlrty-nlno feet In the last three
years woro oxpellod In a geological
survoy bullotin Just Issued. According
to oxperts of tho geological survoy,
tho goal of hundreds of caravans,
which orossod tho plains in oaily
days has not sunk nu Inch, and there
is small likelihood that it will In
tho lifetime of tho American republic
nt least.
Turned Cannon For the Monitor.
Atchison, Kas. O. F. Bostwlek, who
turned out cannon that plnyotl an im
portant part in tho success of tho
union naval force in tho civil war,
died ut his homo hore.
Arrest Aigrette Wearers.
Portland, Ore. Women deputies,
"representing tho Oregon gumo war
don's olllco, uro arresting womon
woarlng nirgrottwi and taking thorn to
tho warden's olllco whoro tho prohibit
ed plumes aro roniovod. Wearing of
tho plumes has been prohibited.
Rescued From White Slavers.
Now York. Josophlno McLoughlln,
14 yoara old, missing for n weclc, and
for whom tho polico havo boon asked
to Boarch, has boon readied from two
alleged traffickers In women,
Tho board of educational lauds and
funds has dccldod to establish tho
proposed state bacteriological and
pathological laboratory In tho two
now office rooms on the fourth floor of
tho stato house. .
Firo Commissioner Rtdgcll Is enlist
ing aid of county BupcrintendenVs of
the Btato In an effort to have a moro
general observance this year of "Stato
Flro day." Tho date fixed by law for
Bchool exorcises is tho first Friday in
All records for low temporatures in
October were broken Tuesday night
of last week at North Piaitc and Val
entine, when tho mercury fell to only
4 degrees nbovo zero. Loup City,
which is not a government weather
station, also reports, through" tho rail
roads, a temperature of 4 degrees
Four tentative plans for the greater
University of Nebraska have been
placed in tho hands of Chancellor
Avery by a Boston and Chicago firm
of architects. Two of tho plans repre
sent developments of the present
campus and the other two contemplate
the construction of a great university
on tho farm campus.
A. A. McRoynolds of Nehawka, Neb.,
has Just brought to tho Btato museum
a collection of about two hundred and
Blxty-flvo Indian relics, consisting of
flint and stono implements, pottery,
etc., from Cass and Otoe counties.
Thero are 132 arrow points, 100 flint
knives, twenty-five pieces ot pottery,
stone axes, scrapers, otc.
Automobile registrations in tho state
havo passed tho 40,000 mark, some
thing that was not predicted at tho
beginning of tho year oven by the most
-renthuslastlc motor car doalcr. Tho
total on the books of tho secretary of
state was 40,634 Saturday. Tho figures
aro expected to climb still farther be
tween now nnd tho end of tho year.
Tho ptato board of agriculture, tho
G. A. R. headquarters, the stallion
registration board, tho state veteri
narian, llvo stock Banltary board, tho
adjutant general, labor commissioner,
flro and hotel commissioners will be
moved to tho new fourth floor of tha
Btato house, according to action taken
by the board of educational lands and
Deposit of securities In the home
states of stock Insurance companies
foreign to Nebraska will be required
ot all such companies entering this
state, according' to a ruling glvon by
Insurance Commissioner Brian. The
stop, ho sayB, is taken in order tint
homo companies may not bo required
to comply with laws not applicable to
outsldo competitors.
Tho first national guard company In
tho atato to contain 100 enlisted mon
Is soon to bo recorded by the adjutant
gonoral, if promises made to him by
Bluo Hill company officers aro carried
out. Tho company was mustered in
late last week with sixty men, and tho
officers claimed that thoy had enough
recruits in sight to bring the total up
to tho century mark.
There aro 1,800 less dogs in tli6
state now than n year ago. Figures
collected by the assessment board
show that to bo tho case. There were
109,070 dogs listed by Nebraska asses
sors last year, but 1913 returns show
a total of 107,870 canines. Tho larger
number woro worth $114,G12, while the
nearly 1,800 Icsb nco worth $117 more
than thnt, or $111,729.
A brew that will survlvo the purt
food laws becauso It contains no alco
hol has finally boon found by the food
commission after many brands have
been confiscated from many dry towns
of the stato. Samples have lately been
tested by tho stato chemist and havo
been found to survlvo tho legal prohi
bitions. The samples were sent in
from York, where there aro no saloons
Adjutant Gonoral P. L. Hall, Jr., has
returned from a trip to tho western
part of tho state. At Bluo Hill he
mustered In a now company ot the
Nebraska national guard. At McCook
ho mustered out an old company that
has become Inefficient. At Broken
Bow, where n national guard company
hns not been In tho best of standing
ho found tho organization had lm
proved and Is now In good condition
With tho purpobo of maintaining a
dairy herd that may bo free from
tuberculosis tho stato is eroctlng at
Inglosldo a largo ham that will be one
of the best equipped and most sani
tary In Nebraska.
"Fainting Bertha'1" Llebke, probably
tho best known woman criminal In the
United States, has completed tho bal
nnoo of hor penitentiary Rcntonco at
tho Inglesldo hospital nnd Thursday
morning was given her liberty from
the criminal lnsano ward.
Tho school law revision commission
recently appointed by Governor More
head will meet with tho state teachers'
nsbociatlon at Omaha, November 5, 6
and 7. At that tlmo It Is expected that
tenchors of tho stato will have nn op
portunlty to talk over with tho com
mission defects of tho present law and
changes which they beliovo should be
recommended to the next leglslatlva
Adjutant General Hall will Inspect
the national guard companies during
the wintor,
TO HEW 1 1 fi.
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented in
Condensed Form to Our
National guard companies ot the
state will be Inspected by Adjutant
General Hall during tho coming win
ter. This inspection embraces all tho
companies of tho different regiments,
and. will take place at 8 p. m. on tho
following dates:
Company 11, Fifth. Nebraska City, Mon
day, November 17. 1913. ... ,
Company I), Fifth. Auburn, Wednes
day, November 10. 1913. ,
Company C, Klfth, Beatrice, I-rlday
November 21. 1913.
Company F, Fifth, Wymore, Monday,
November 24, 1913. .
Hand, Fifth. Urunlns, Wednesday, No
vember 26, 1913. . . , , . ,
Company I,. Fifth, Alma, Friday, No
vember 28, 1913.
Company I, Fifth, Bsaver City, Mon
day, December 1. 1913, ... ,
Company M, Fifth, lloldrcge, Wednes
day, December 3. 1913.
Company U Fourth, Kearney, Friday,
l-ember 6, 1913. ,
!ompany O. Fifth, Hastings, Monday,
L.cember 8, 1913. , , ,
Company II. Fifth. Fairfield. Wednes
day, December 10, 1913.
Company M. Fourth, York, Filday, De
cember 12. 1913. , ,, ,
Company K, Fourth, Osceola, Monday,
December 15. 1913. . , ,
Company K. Fourth. Schuyler, cdnes
day. December 17. 1913.
Urlpailo tors, Fullerton, Fri
day, December 19, 1913.
Company I, Fourth, Broken Bow, Fri
day, Januury 2, 1914. .... , ,
Company II, Fourth, Norfolk, Monday,
January 5. 1914. ,
Company O, Fourth. Stanton, Wednes
day, January 7r-19H.
Company A, SlKnal Corps, Fiemont,
Friday, January 9. 1914.
Company A. Fourth, Omaha, Monday.
January 12. 1914. , . ,
Company B. Fourth, Omaha, Wednes
day, January 14, 1914.
Band, Fourth, Omahil, Thursday, Jan
uary 15, 1914. , ,.
Company C. Fourth, Omaha, Frldav
try 16 1914
Company' A. FlftlC Lincoln, Monday,
January IS, 1914. . . , ,
Field Hospital No. 1. Lincoln, Wednes
dav Januaiy 20, 1914.
Organizations will bo inspected in
olive drab woolen uniform, Including
marching Fhoes and full equipment, as
follows: Caps, blanket rolls, comb,
brush, poncho, tooth brush, towel,
extra stockings.
All men absent without proper au
thority will forfeit any pay they may
be entitled to and, in addition, lay
themselves liable to a "discharge with
out honor."
Lowest for Twelve Years.
Tho population at the state, peni
tentiary la the lowest It has been for
twelve years, prison officials said yes
terday. There aro but 331 prisoners
at tho penitentiary now. Tho low
figure Is partially due to the fact that
many prisoners were recently paroled.
Nineteen were sent out at tho last
meeting of tho board. The population
will bo increased considerably within
tho next two weeks, however.
Twenty or twenty-five are coming
from Douglas county, several from
Lincoln ajjd two from Falls City. At
this time of tho year the number Is
usually increased on account of of
fenders being, convicted at tho fall
term of court.
Small Percentage on Farms.
Although Nebraska 13 known as nn
agricultural state, less than 50 per
cent of her population resides In the
country, according to a report recently
compiled by Deputy State Labor Com
missioner Pool. The number living
on farms is 595,525 out of a total popu
lation of 1,192,214. Tho report shows
that there aro at tho present time in
tho state 119,105 families residing on
farms In what is known to the world
aa ono of tho greatest agricultural
states In tho union. Using the figures
of five as the standard to compute tho
number of Inhabitants in each family,
there aro 595,525 peoplo in the slate
residing on farms.
Grant G. Martin, nttorncy general,
hns taken a one-fifth interest in tho
Elkhorn Valley bank of Stanton. Tho
Institution has just been given a char
tor by tho banking board, of which
Mr. Martin is a member. Charles Mc
Leod is presidont; Ervin Nye, vice
president, and F. R. Beebc, cashier, of
tho new Institution. The hank Is capi
talized at $25,000. and sets aside $1,000
for tho guaranty fund at tho outset of
Its business career.
Ask Perpetual Injunction.
Tho dale for tho final hearing of the
petition of minority stockholders of
tho St. Joseph & Grand Island rail
road for a permanent Injunction re
straining tho majority stockholders
and tho Union Pacific from improving
the road to suit tho purposes of the
latter carrier, was set for December
8, according to announcement by
Jud.v Munger, Thursday. At tho same
tlmo a hearing will bo given to the
majority stockholders to show causo
why a receiver should not be ap
pointed for the road. The suit, which
was started In 1911, has attracted
countrywide attention.
Must Pay Brian's Salary.
Judge Cornish of tho district court
has granted a poromptorj writ of man
damus directing William B. Howard,
auditor of public accounts for tho
stato of Nebraska, to audit vouchers
and draw warranto fortho salary of
Lawson G. Brian, slnto insurance com
missioner, for tho months of July, Au
gust and Septembor. Tho amount due
for that part of July which Mr. Brian
filled tho office is $53.76, and for the
other months thero Is due $208.33 each.
Tho Baptists at Oxford aro remod
sling their church building.
Thero Is n movement on foot to
incorporate tho vlllago of Howe.
New wellB at Nelson aro furnishing
300,000 gallons of water per day.
Tho Zlon Evangelical Lutheran
church at Hastings was dedicated laBt
Mrs. Dinah Rokel of Beatrice waB
found dead in bed, a victim of hUrt
Falrbury Intends to Join tho stnt
league next summer if there is a pos
slblo show.
Weaver brothers at Falls City nre
packing niiplcs at the rato of COO bar
rels per day.
The now reservoir at Clay Center is
comploted and will hold 55,000 gal
lons of water.
NebraBkuna drew seventy per cent
of tho farms at the big land drawing
at North Plntte.
Tho coursing events at Wymore
brought out big crowds, and somo good
races were witnessed.
Col. C. E. Adams of Superior was
elected vice-president of the Battle of
Gettysburg commission.
Tho new bridge over tho Platte river
opposite Noith Bend haB just boon
thrown open to travel.
The mld-wlnter sessions of organ
ized agriculture will bo held in Lin
coln, January 19-23, 1914.
I. E. McPheeley of Seward recently
celebrated his ninety-first birthday.
He is still halo and hearty.
Tho Cass county poorhouse which
burned recently will bo replaced with
a now and modern structure
After seventeen years of servico as
postmaster at Greeley, W. E. Morgan
has tendered his resignation.
Dwight Peckardy, living near Al
bion, was cranking hia auto when it
backfired and broke his wrist.
In n fall from a porch Mrs. Robert
Glbb, near Tccumseh, suffered a com
pound fracture of her left lower limb.
Moro Ice cream cones nre made in
Lincoln than In any other city be
tween Chicago and the Pacific coast.
After being defeated twice before,
water bonds carried by two votes at n
special election held recently at Brum
Tho Hastings fire department made
nine trips to the ruins of the Storz
beer vault which burned Micro re
cently. Four horses were burned to death by
a fire which destroyed a barn on tho
farm occupied by Frank Sullivan near
Dr. Albert Shaw, editor of the Re
view of Reviews, will be the 1914 com
mencement orator at tho University of
Little 6-year-old Arthur- Kearstedt
of Norfolk inhaled a kernel of corn
and choked to death. The corn lodged
In the windpipe.
John Sneddon, a farmer living
twelve miles from Lincoln, committed
suicide by shooting himself through
tho head with a revolver.
Combustion of oily rags started a
firo in the Odd Fellows' hall at Su
perior and considerable loss resulted
boforo tho flames were finally con
quered. The combined age of 182 old folks
who attended tho Methodist Sunset
social at the First Presbyterian church
at Hastings was 14,661 years, an aver
age of S0. years.
Cole Brothers' circus has gone Into
winter headquarters nt Willnrd.'N. M.,
being stranded. This circus was or
ganized in Falrbury last April, being
the former Campbell Brothers' circus.
Frank Kaiser, a 13-year-old Crofton
boy, was seriously wounded when
somo ono accidentally or otherwise
fired a shotgun into tho room where
he wns standing at a dresser combing
his hair.
Commercial club directors have
signed up a contract with the pro
moters of the 19M tractor demonstra
tion, whereby the big exhibition ot
farm machinery will be held upon 800
acres of land near Fremont.
Pitching hoiscshoes has become a
revived sport in n great many of the
villages over tho state, and some of
its devotees are adopts.
A flro of unknown origin completely
destroyed tho Wakefield roller mills
and a large olevalor, the property of
tho Benson Grain company.
Tho tliree-yoar-old child of Ed
Kieregg near Central City was lorn
to pieces by dogs, its lifeless body
having been dragged several rods.
Ralph Johnson, ten years old, of
Table Rock, waa accidentally Bhot
while ho was handling n revolver
which was supposed to ho unloaded.
W.hen a county bridge near Pickrell
collapsed, a horse belonging to Mr.
Ilassenohr was smothered to death
and throo others retcned with dim
culty. The Bartling Elevator company,
whoso elevator at Nebraska City was
recently destroyed by fire, lifts begun
tho work of erecting a new ono with
doublo tho capacity of tho old one.
Taxes on evory foot of taxable real
estate in Grant county havo been paid
and County' Treasurer Haywood finds
time hanging heavy on his hands. Not
an Itoni 1h to be published as delin
quent. The now Cameglo library nnd Y. M.
C. A. buildings at Seward have bocn
thrown open to the public.
Raymond Co'tfuy, aged seven, fell
nnd broke his collarbone while haing
a beginner's football practice game in
tho yard at his homo In Hastings.
The shock .and grlof following tho
tragic death of her father, E. L Hell
man, usher at t;-o state penitentiary,
who wns killed by convicts on March
14, 1912, causod-MlSH Ruth E. Heliman
to dccllno rapidly in health, and Wed
nesday night sho died at tho homo of
her mothor, Mra. Mary E. Uoilnian, at