The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1913, Image 1

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    Stutj Historical &4iif
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- No. 83
(vw" 't' ty
Local and Personal.
Wm Adair spent yesterday in Kearney
returning home this morning.
John McMlchnel was a passenger on
the branch this morning for Oshkosh.
.. Chas. Pnss and wife were passengers
cask on second ten yesterday morning.
Fred Garlow loft last evening for
Denver after spending several days with
friends in this city.
Th&'Hinmnn rooming house on Front
street is this week being supplied with
a new steam heating plant.
Miss Mable McNeil left Wednesday
morning for Omaha whore she will
attend the Teachers Association.
Miss Marjorio Cross who spant the
past week with her paronts in this city
will leave to morrow for Kearney.
Ad Coates, a former U. P. policeman
at this place but now living in Suther
land, was in the city on business yester-1
Mrs. Isaac Selby and Mrs. Frank
Sullivan were called to Gandy yesterday
by tho illness of their mother, Mrs.
Herbert Wiley, a former North Platte
barber but now located in Hast
ings, returned to his homo last night,
after visiting friends here.
Mrs. Fryedaughters Ethel and Carrie
returned home last evening from
DeMoincs, Iowa, where they spont the
past two week's visiting relatives.
Miss Maude Reese who has been visit
,1ng her sister Mrs. Jack McGraw will
leave to-morrow for Kearney where she
has been attending school.
John Korte, of Buchanan precint, is
n town today transcting business. He
savs that small grain in his section
shows up pretty well, but it needs rain
$25.00 Reward
For tho arrest and conviction of the
party or parties" cuught tampering
-with padlock and chain on tho two
gates at entrance to my land south and
east of the South Platte channel bridge.
83-4 Mrs. H. M. HERsnnY.
November 1 to Novemfbe2, 8 at v.
Money back guarantee behind each
' sack of Occident Flour Sold.
Once tried always used
m nil
NQUI'lE tho price of Occident
Unci it costs a tew ceui-j mum
oitliuarv flour.
That really means little to you if yot
satisfied as ou are sure to lie with (Decider
But it meam everything to the millers.
This little difference in pike is what e
oViioo tlinni to lift the standard of Oceide
Flour out of tho ordinary to "highest grade i
the world" irom wheat to package.
It cnabtes them to buy only tho
finest wheat direct from fnrmeis
To maintain great elevators in tha
wheat belt of North Dakota, where
they cure nnd age their own whe.iU
To maintain laboratories wheto
every day's run of wheat and flour is
rigidly tebted where they pro-e ab
oiMtPiv Hint Occident Flour is tho
best in the world for food values,
cleanness and baking qualities
To buy better sacks to protect Occident Flour
i 1,, nn,l imnilllnir. ($25,000 more are spent
even' year for the fine, firm Occident sacks, than
would be spent for the ordinary kind.)
The Difference Shows In
Your Baking
Tho first cost of Occident Flour is a few cents mote you get
the results in your baking. .... nlfr
Trv it vou'll say with us it is worth many times the difference.
Your Money Back tf Occident Is Not the Best Flow You liter
In- ....... nrnrw nnd cet a tack of Occident Flour. Use it for
your next baking and a many more a. you please. If, then, you
are not convinced that Occident I'lour is tho
are not coi
twt vou
I "&
Saturday, Nov. 8th and Monday,
Nov. 10th. I will sell trimmed hats
that were formerly priced to sell at
$5.00 to $8.00 for $3.50.
Wilcox Dept. Store.
A social dance will bo given at th
Lloyd opera houso this evening.
Mrs. Mary Reynolds loft this morn
ing for Sshelton to be the guest of rela
tives. Mrs. O. B. Frazier was callod to
Cheyenne last night by tho serious ill
ness of her daughter.
Found A duck coat in front of the
Tribune Office, owner can have same by
calling at this ofllce.
Ruby Shaner will lcavo Sunday for
Maxwell, where she will visit several
days with her parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Julius llahlor left this
morning for Sidnoy whore they will
spend a day or so with relatives.
Mrs. C. C. Cobb, of Maxwell, re
turned home this morning after spend
ing several days in the city with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eyerly formerly of
this city who have residod in Sidney
several months will roturn to this city
to make their home; thoy are expected
to arrive to-day.
The fire company was called to the
corner-of Willow and Second streets
about seven o'clock last night to put
out a fire which started in the grass
and weeds on a vacant lot. Nothing of
consequence resulted from the blaze.
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and
Saturday, colder tonight. Moderate
northwesterly winds. Highest temper
ature yesterday CS, a year ago 61; low
est last night 38, a year ago 30.
For Sale.
Several milch cows coming fresh
soon. See J. C. Pennington or phone
black"374 or red 333. tf
yci an..
ever used Gives surer
used cives surer and better
you 'viu ivjs?j wrs n
in wmmmimmm
J,3'Sl!i7i.-ttJli J J.'.W J!ili I
f 1
results .with all your baked stutr go back nnd
tell your grocer. Ho is authorized to refund,
without argument, tho full purc'mse price of
any package of Occident which you do not find
Isn't that tho broadest guarantee, tho fairest
offer you ever read?
It is for you to make use of today if you
please. You cannot know too soon why and
low Occident Flour is betterthan any other.
Local and Personal.
Mrs. Anna Seyforth will leavo to
morrow for Schuyler to spend a week
or more with her sisters.
Mrs, Ed Davis returned this morning
from Fremont nnd other points cast
where she had been visiting several
Manager Cummings, of tho late North
Platto ball team, has accepted a posi
tion ns guard at tho state penitentiary
for the winter.
John Flynn and daughter, of Sioux
City, Iowa, will arrivo tomorrow, the
former will look after business con
nected with tho piece ot land he drew.
Mrs. M. T. Munsingor and daughter,
Eltn, of Wayne. Neb., will arrives this
afternoon to visit nt, tho Ralph Garman
home. Mrs. Munsinger nnd Mrs. Gar
man are sisters.
Mrs. D. E. Morrill very pleasantly
entertained thirty invited guests at her
homo yesterday afternoon. Eight ta
bles were'.arranged for playing 500. Re
freshments were served in three
Fire at Curtis enrly yesterday des
troyed the buildings occupied by Bess-
erman's moat market, the telephone
exchange and the F'irmers' creamery
and partially burned the Razee building.
The loss is $10,000.
The next attraction at the Keith is
"The Girl and the Tramp," next Mon
day evening. It is a laughable comedy,
though an absorbing story is told. The
prices are 75c, 50c and 25c. A good
show at one-half the usual price.
Miss Bertha Thoeleeke accompanied by
her brother O. H. loft this morning for
Hyannis whero Miss Thoeleeke will file
for a claim in tho forest reserve, she
haying been one of the fortunate to
draw a land number.
Brady has organized a commercial
club with a membership of forty-six.
The officers are: President, David
Johnson, vice-president J. M. Pulliam,
secretary W. W. AVinquest, treasurer
John Shields.
The menu for tho Lutheran annual
chicken and wufile supper to bo served
at the Masonic hall Tuesday evening
Nov. 18, is as follows: Chicken nnd
waflles and gravy, jcold roast beef,
mashed potatoes, cabbage salad, pic
kles, cranberry sauce, bread and butter,
cake nnd coffee. Price 35 cents. Chil
dren under 13 years 25 cents.
J. C. Hoge of Lincoln, an electrical
engineer who has soveral times visited
the Birdwood creek for meaasurements,
etc., was in town Monday looking over
fio field with regard to selling power
for electric lighting. Ho gavo it out
that tho interests which ho represents
will in nil likhhood begin to harness the
waste energy of the Birdwood ero
long. Sutherland Free Lance.
W. A. Nicholson, against whom a
complnint was filed by tho eloctiic
Company charging him with tapping
the wires nnd using current, made his
nppearance in court last Saturday,
and the case set for hearing November
18th. Since then the company has
withdrawn the complaint, Nicholson
paying for tho curront used and the
costs of the case. The company ascer
tained that Nicholson personally did
not tap tho wire, that tho tapping was
done by parties to whom he had sub-let
tho upper floor of tho building, though
Nicholson was technically guilty be
cause he had used the current knowing
that tho wires had been tapped.
Mrs. Robinson Dies.
A telegrqm received by W. R.
Muloney this morning stated that Mrs.
C. T. Robinson had passed away in
Donver. The romnins will reach here
tomorrow morning nnd tho funeral held
at 2:30 tomorrow nt the residence, 118
East Tenth street.
For Sale or Trade.
Choice 1G0 acros in the rain belt of
Wyo., where thoy raise good crops; 95
acres under cultivation; want city pro
perty or acreago; or will sell on crop
payment plan. Mrs. B. F. Wilcoxon,
North Platte, Neb. tf
"The Girl and the Tramp."
Fun of tho real uproarious kind pre!
dominates in Carlos Inskeep's laugh
ing comedy success, "Tho Girl and the
Tramp" which comes to tho Keith Nov;
10th, but there aro other things besides.'
The play tells an nbsorbing heart story
of a supposed wrong to a loving hus
band, which hnnnily, comes out all
right in the end. Then, too, there are
a grist of stnrtlingly urnmatic situa
tions, the explosion of n real automo
bile, etc. Briefly, it is n performance
that should certainly be seen by every
one who enjoys a clean comedy drama.
Prices nro 75c, 50c and 25c.
New Six Room House For Rent.
New six room houso, just completed,
on west 5th St., in Cody Addition.
Water in houso. Rent $10.00 per
C. F. Temple, Agent,
i iV ifi; M i-1 A '-j
Bert Reynolds will trnnsnet business
in Slapleton Saturday.
Cnrl Brodbeck returned this morning
from Omaha where he spont sovcrnl
days willi friends.
Miss Aileen Ganlt left Wednesdny
morning for Omaha to attend the
teachers convention.
A hundred or more high school stud
ents hold a rally on tho streot last
evening, and made themselves conspic
ious by their school yolls. These rallies
are held tho evening preceding a foot
ball game.
Friday, November 7th.
"Good for Nothing Jack" is a two
reel western Bison offering. Tho girl
elopes with Jack in spite of har father's
opposition. Some yenrs later Jack
proves unworthy of hor love, but Ned
her former lover appears. There is nn
interesting incident in the second reel,
whore the child drives away with the
money in a valise.
Percy II. Baldwin, "Trifler" is a
Victor comedy.
Saturday, November 8th
J'Darby and Joan" is a fine human
atory, well pictured nnd pleasing.
Darby's story, interpolated with lines
from tho well known poem, gets hold of
theiobserver's sympathy. Robert Leon
ard and Mnrguerita Fisher play tho
"Private Box23" is an Eclair comedy.
A letter intended for tho cook creates
trouble between the husband and wife.
"The Ring of Sorrow" is a Victor
drama. When Francesca's swoethoart
is killed, sho lavishos hor grief on the
engagement ring. Misfortuno follows
the family nnd hor mother throws the
ring away. It is found by Mario, who
givos it to Francescu when her heart is
won, Tho fatal ring finds rest in tho
M, Jrl
Men's and Boy's
..Sweater Coats..
Men's all wool Sweater with Byron QtA AA
or shawl collar, in red or grey P'""
Boy's all wool Sweater with Byron fl O QC
or shawl collar ?r. . K v
Men's wool mixed shawl collar (l'j OJ2
sweater I.O
Boy's wool mixed shawl collar (' f
Sweater J 1 VJ VJ
TJus $250 Pope
Home of Chesterfield Clothes.
(Monday, Nov,, 10.1
I COMING! TtoFlrrtlWatln; I
i B
1 Mr, Fred Byers A
m sw -v -.awm
I The Laughing Comedy Success I
hrv i Mll and lkffe 1 waft lift fit I
! ineuiii - lire I ramps
Prices 75c, 50c and 25 Cents !