The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 04, 1913, Image 1

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    8tAl9 IIIs(rIol f ttitty
No. 82
rv i
Hf V''r'V
1 7 Ml ' JH M KyflL
Beginning Wednesday morning and continuing
until Saturday night,
'We will offer all of our Ladies Suits at the following prices:
Lot 1 Lot 2
All $30, $35 and All $20 and $25
$45 Suits at Suits at
$22.50 $15.00
Lot 3 Lot 4
All $15, $16.50 and All $12.50 and 13.50
$18 Suits at Suits at
$10.00 $8.50
This is your opportunity to buy high grade suits at less
than the price of poorly made ones. There is a good assort
ment of colors and sizes for those that come early.
Wilcox Department Store
Farmers' Institute
at Maxwell
Tho officers of the Maxwell Farmers'
Institute invites the readers of this pa
per to attend their institute to' be held
November 10th and 11th. A Rood pro
gram has been arranged and speakers
of note will be on hand to interest and
instruct on important topics of the
farm and the home. J. P. Coupe, a
farm demonstator in his home county
of Thurston, will be with us and speak
on "Live Stock Management," and
give instruction in stock judging on
Monday, and will also give an address
in the evening. Tuesday Mr. Shirley,
of Central Cily, a practical poultryman
will be with us, also Miss Aural Scott,
a university product Jbut formerly a
product of a Boone county sand hill
farm and sod school house) will speak
on house economics.
There will be sessions afternoon and
evening of both days, and stock judg
ing and demonstration both forenoons.
Liberal awards are offered for both'
live stock and produce. On Monday
bring your dinner along and spread it
with us and enjoy the day.
Tuesday a dinner and supper will be
served by the Baptist ladies' aid socie
ty and chicken pie will predomidate.
In the "forenoon of the 11th an auc
tion sale will be held, and a Jchaneo af
r .'Li I uiittfinn niyTii),ilfi,)i,.)n, r,iM.ia.i. ,,, A,fi f;ViiiMjiwiftiiWiM Tl
S&nKL TWwS giiilyteKKSSiSEi t J 4
A s.5. 'BBEw!SRm:a'jrw
Scene from "The Awakening of Helena Richie" at the
Keith Theater Tuesday night, Nov 4th.
forded to dispose of any excess stock
by any exhibitor. This should afford a
chance for tho buyer or seller of breed
ing stock to get together.
A general invitation to all is extended.
Come, bring your stock or produce nnd
help make the 1913 instituteone long to
be remembered.
,... r S. S. Reynolds, Sec.
Pat Lonergan operated his picture
show Sunday evening contrary to-the
city ordinance, and yesterdry an in
formation was filed against him by
Chief of Police Frazier. When Mr.
Lonergan first opened his show house
Sunday evening, tho officers requested
him to c1o:k, but this he declined to do.
The casp will bo heard before
Magistrate Walker.
Weather Forecast Fair tonight and
Wednesday, warmer tonight. Moderate,
variable winds. Highest temperature
yesterday GO; a year ago 54. Lowest
temperature last night 27; a year ago 33.
The city is making a big improve
ment on south Dewey street by filling in
the low places with dirt. When packed
it will make tho popular thoroughfaro
the best in the city.
Edward Maloney, of Council Bluffs,
arrived this morning to transact busi
ness and visit friends several days.
Tiie best and cheapest fire and life
insurance is written by Bratt & Good
1 yi&ae
, . S8S
Bank Deposits
Reach $1,637,678.
If bank deposits are an indication of
the prosperity of a community, then wo
must conclude that the residents of
Lincoln county are a prosperous people.
Last month the comptroller of tho
currency nnd tho stnte banking board
united in making a call for statements
from tho national nnd state banks
showing their conditions on October
21st, This enables Tho Tribune to pre
sent the deposits in each of the eleven
banks on that particulardny, and tho
total reaches tho sum of 81,637,G78.43.
This is equiyalont to one hundred dollars
for each man, woman and child m tho
county. Thse deposits, in the face of
a poor crop year, certainly make a fine
showing for Lincoln county.
The deposits in each of the banks
First National Bank, North
Platto $517,734.32
McDonald State Bank, North
Platto 32G.625.C7
Platte Valley State Bank,
North Platte 168,370.54
Bank of Brady, Brady 100.510.J4
Brady State Bank, Brady... 101.91S.01
Bank of Lincoln County,
Hershey 81,993.33
Maxwell State Bank.Maxwell 6I,107.C2
Sutherland State Bank, Suth
erland 58,230.88
Farmers Bank, Sutherland.. 51,351.03
Citizens Security Bank, Wal-
laco 79.138.4G
Bank of Wellfleet, Wellfleet 81.022.80
Traveling Man Dies.
F. D. Yoder, whose home is in Kan
sas City, and who travels for a stock
food company, died at the Timmerman
Hotel last night of uraemic poisoning
nfter an illness of less than two days.
Mr. Yoder had been making his trips
through the 'country by automobilet and i
about n month ago had an accident in
which he injured his back. This injury
effected his kidneys, and from these dis
ordered organs the poisoning arose. He
arrived in town Friday and the follow
ing day complained of not feeling well.
Sunday he became worse and physicians
were cnlled yesterday, but the poison
had so filled his system that no relief
could bo given him. He sank into un
consciousness during the afternoon and
passed away last nighf
Tho parents of the deceased will ar
rive this afternoon to take charge of
the remains.
Theodore Lowe will leave tonight for
Omaha, where ho will transact business.
Harry Stevens and wife, of Maxwell,
spent yesterday in this city with
Mr. and Mrs. John McMichael are
visiting friends in town, having just re
turned from a trip in the south.
Mrs. J. II. Posey and daughter Ethel
left Saturday afternoon for Omahn on
a two weeks business and pleasure trip.
Alonzo McMichael returned Friday
from a two months stay at Saloam
Springs. He says the climate down
there is fine.
YourTwife "should worry" don't let
her, bring your family to tho supper at
Masonic hall on Thursday, Nov, 13th,
given by guild of Episcopal church.
J. II. Miller, of Hastings, arrived
last evening and will transact business
nnd visit friends for several days.
Miss Cre Dienor will leavotho last of
this week for Ogalalla to visit her
cousin, Harry Smith, for several days.
M. M. Johnson, formerly of this city,
who recently moved his family to North
Dakota, returned the latter part of
last week and will be employed for the
Union Pacific.
When James Babbitt sovered his con
nection with the Union Pacific last
Friday afternoon after over forty-five
years of continuous service, he was
presented with a purse of over ne
hundred dollars by his frieuds in tho
shops ns a testimonial of tho esteem
in which he is held by thorn. This testi
monial was so unexpected bv Mr. Bab
bitt, that ho was visibly effected, and
his thanks to his triends were cortniKly
sincere. Chas. Pass escorted Mr Bah
bitt from tho shops amid the hearty
farewells of his shoptWates.
building lots, improved farms and farm
' land than those for sale today by
, Bratt & Goodman.
108J Dewey Street
Phono 70
Local and Personal.
The Nevita club will bo entertnincd
by Mrs. John Voseipkn tomorrow after
noon. Mrs. W, W. Birgo will leayo tonight
for Ceres, Cal.. whoro she will visit her
Bister Mrs. N. B. Olds.
Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton leavo
this evening for California where they
will spend tho winter.
James Babbitt leaves tonight for St.
Charles, S. D., where he will visit n
brothor for several weeks.
Tho regular meeting of tho Hoyal
Neighbors will meet in tho K. P. hall
Wednesdny nftirnoon at 3 o'clock.
Mre. J as. E. Boyd, of Omaha, is
tho guest at tho W. II. McDonald
home, luwIRg arrived Sunday.
Yardmaster Blalock has again re
sumed his duties in tbo U. P. yards
ofter several week's lay-off, the cause
of which being Yin injured hand.
Owing to tho high cost of living you
will save money by oating your Bupper
ut the Masonic hall on Thursday, Nov.
13th. Come early and avoid the rush.
Car Foreman McEvoy came down
Saturday forenoon with his face illum
ined, due to tho arrival of a girl baby
at tho home of his son P. F. McEvoy.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rincker went to
Omaha Saturday night to meet a travel
ing salesman from whom they will pur
chase Christmas stock. Mrs. rtincker
will visit friends in Council Bluffs for
several days.
One of tho night switching crews in
the west yards in making n flying
switch bumped a littlo too hard ngainst
a caboose and the result was tho car
was fitted off tho track and the wreck
er had to put it back.
Timothy Dunn, jono of the two men
who recenely broke jail, writes Sheriff
Salisbury that ho feels under obliga
tions to him for the kindness he re
ceived during his incarceration and
returns thanks. The card was mailed
at Santa Fe, K. M.
ffhe.Club Navita were tho guests of
Mrs. Weil and Mrs. Ed Dickey Friday
afternoon at the homo of the latter
at a Hallowe'en party. The rooms
were darkened and elaborately dec
orated with jack o'lanterns, pumpkins
and other designs suggestive of Hal
lowe'en. Nice refreshments were
Two men coming in from tho north
in nn nnto Saturday were stopped at
the Locust streot railroad crossing by
Flagman Baggott, when he discovered
the front pnrt of their machine on fire.
One of the men beenme frightened and
made his getaway, but the other assist
ed by tho flagman procured a pail of
water and killed tho blaze. A leaky
pipe and hot cylinder caused the inci
on real estate, either for a term of
years or out of our State Building &
Loan Association, payable in monthly
payments. Bratt &. Goodman.
Ball Situation in Kearney.
The Kearney Hub of yesterday said:
In Kearney the base ball situation is in
doubt. A considerable number who
joined in the season guaranty do not
want to pay, though all will probably
have to do so, and some of tho guarantors
are knocking hard on staking the team
for another season. Tho fact that
Kearney won tho chnmpionship very
handsomely in 1913 does not appear to
cut much figure. Unless tho tune
changes there will not be a league team
in Kearney next seuson, and we will be
relcgatcd( bascballically speaking) to the
prominent ranks of 'the has-beens.
For n Few Days Only
Stone Drug Co.,
will offer with each package of A-C-0
two live Goldfish with half-gallon globe.
The beautiful fish require little care
and will grow nicely. Take a globe
homo with you, This Is done solely to
induce you to try A-C-O, that wonder
sul remedy for Croup and Colds, Once
used, no family will bo withput it.
First come first served.
Croup Kills 57,000 Babies.
Tho U. S. Bureau of Vital Statistics
attribute this number of babies' denths
each venr to tho monstor CROUP.
is absolute insurance against CROUP.
Easily and quickly applied; it prevents
attacks. Loosens tight, croupy coughs,
cures celds, hoarseness and congestions.
Our stock of Patent Medicines, Por
fumes, Toilet Articles, Etc., is u lead
ing feature with us. We would like to
be your Family Druggist. If you nro
too busy to come to our store, phono
us your wants.
Occident Flour Week
November 1 to November 8 at
Money back guarantee behind each
sack o Occident Flour Sold.
Once tried always used
INQUIR13 tho prico o Occident Flour. You will
(mil it costs n foW cents moro per sack than
ordinary flour.
C That really nicaus littlo to y a If you aro
satisfied as you nro sure to be witu Occident,
But it means everything to tho millers.
This little difference in prico Is what en
nbl6s them to lift tno stnndnul of Occident
Flour out of tho ordinary to "highest grade in
the tvord" from wheat to package.
It cnnbles them to buy only tho
finest wheat direct from farmers
To maintain greatclpvntors in tho
wheat belt of North Dakotn, where
they euro nnd age their own wheat.
To maintain laboratories where
every day's run of wheat and Hour Is
rigidly tested where they prove ab
solutely that Occident Hour is the
best in tho world for food values,
clennnpss nnd baking qualities
To buy better sacks to protect Occident Flour
In shipping and handling. ($25,000 moro are -pent
every year lor mo line, iinu wi'uui'iu Mii-ita, umu
would be spent for tho ordinary kind )
The Difference Shows In
Your Baking
Tho first cost of Occident
tho results in your baking.
Trv it vou'ii sav wun us it
) our Money Hack if Occident Is NoUlie Best TtOJlr Y6H liter
Go to vour crocer and net n
your next baking and as many more an you picnic. If, then, you
-fav. nn rnnuinrnrl tf-tnf 0lrttifr T??ritf. it tht.
(S, i -..-,; Vb'cst you over
A fs J results with nil
Dr. C. . Stowart, a physician resid 1
ing at Curtis, Neb., was instantly!
killed Saturday, when tho nutomobilo
upset crushing his life out. Ho had
attended a patient about threu miles
south of Curtis nnd on his return the
steering gear buckjod and cnused tho
accident. The plfysician was 'J8 years
The Frost
and Carbon-Proof Oil.
P'Wiw.OTiwmn...,,... """""Yf
Polarine affords the highest possible degree
of lubrication, no matter how hard the service
conditions. It will not congeal in the crank
case nor clog in the feed pipes. It burns cleanly!
without carbon deposit.
Aslc your dealer about quantity
discounts and iron barrels for storage.
Red Crown Motor
w mmn
M BM Mxv a M !
Flour Is n few cents moto you got
is wort u manv
nhli many times the difference.
snek of Occident Flour. Uo it for
ticed (j'ves turer nnd bettor
your balccd stuff so bade and
tell your grocer. He So authoriTed to refund,
withotU argument, tho full purc'iuso prico of
any paclcrgo of Occident which ja da not find
Isn't that the broadest guarantee, tho fairest
offer you ever read?
It is for you to mnho use ot today If you
.please. You cannot know too soon why and
now Occident l'loitr is bottor than any other.
Perry Roderick, n North Platto
plasterer, and who is now working in
Lexington qn tho new court house
there, carno homo Saturday night nnd
returned to his work ugain Sunday
ovcnlng. Ho was accompanied by his
family who will remain with hirn uptil
his work is completed, which will be
about Jnnunry first. I,
Gasoline is Best.
Oil Company
r" a.
i f nr '
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