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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1913)
Jrt(MWB !LLJM'im,,nmnL-ZZZ3mrn3uxv!.jBeKr.r- .- rrrfryr i &X C!Lw!j. t j i-Jra; 3 i J! J' Winners in the Land Drawing. , (Continued frorrl Page 8) l$Sl 3C Kimpp, Hurdy, Nfb. i:0 'W A Harmon, Lansing, Km. ino W M Shotwell, Unl Place, Nb. -'91 (1 K Anderson, Cambridge, III. :2!2 i; 0 Sehnclt, Omaha, Neb. Ji).t U T Poblnaon,, Brftken Bow, Nob 201 Win. Knrhle, Wost Point, Nab. 205 J li Overman, Kdfwnont, S I). 806 Lauru Harrison, Hardin, Mo. 307 J II Richards, Nnper, Nob. ' ZOSiQ Bualer, North Platto. 229 C Y Iwrenc, Sednlia, Mo. SOP J II Daniel, Council Bluffs, la. Ml II J Miller, Scotia, Nob. flOS 0 II HtighoB, Alliance, Nob. 308 A Norton, Callaway, Nob. 801 A Ilannn, Winner, 8 1). 80C O Sehaubnelior, Newton, Kan. S00 .T L Plejdmp, Eljrrto, Neb. 807 li O .Totuen, CoKHd, Nob. 808 E Monnich, Hooper, Nob. 800 J A l'nok, Brietow, Nab. 810 B B Grogtf, Garrison, Kan. 311 T A Pryc, Clioster, Nob. . 812 O S Moyor, Gretna, Nob. 318 G A Borglund, OvortOu Nob. 814 C Dideriehsen, Brooklyn, N Y. 315 J A Austin, McNeely, S D. 310 J'l K Hall, Lincoln, Nob. 817 C Norwood, Nolson, Nob. 318 S Frooman, Ells, Neb. 310 W II Osborn, Brokon Bow. 320 L Evorott, Oniaha, Nob. 321 T Mallory, Atkinson, Nob. 822 P Podojil, Itnvonnn, Neb. :i23 ,7 B Korr, Lincoln, Nob. 321 W W Bonnis, Spickard, Mo. 325 A Vottor, Crawford, Nob. 320 r B4 Shultz, Fnirbury, Nob. 327 Anna Peterson, Sartorin, Nob. 328 1) K Nealo, Brock, Nob. 320 T Noble, Burwoll, Nob. 330 J A Mnret, Moorofehl, Neb. 331 A J Audoraou, Ansloy, Nob. 332V. R Doylo, Boilstcol, S D. 328 Miss Molllo Backman, Holdrcgo,N 83-t J A Chlcoino, Puxton, S D. 385" V O WilHon, Mason City, Neb. 330 F 1) Hubbard, Lincoln, Neb. 837 P Dahn, Gro,'ory, S D. 338 P Enovoldsen, Dannobrog, Nob. 330 C P Davis, Lincoln, Nob. 310 F M Hurlburt, Winner, S D. 341 I Friend, Lad!, Nob. 312 J Ward, Ulyssos, Nob. 343 A Sathor, Hamill, S D. 344 A N Binpson, Curtis, Neb. 340 O O Saudusky, Ravenna, Nob. 1 347 M It Bowo, bmalin, Nob. 348 J R Yoksh, K 0., Mo. 310 L Fullor, Hobron, Neb. 350 W S Morgan, Atkinson, Nob. 351 A Thomas, Council Bluffs, la. 352 T E Brophy, Colorado City, Col. 353M IV Dolaliaunty, Lexington, Nob. 354 J A Swnrts, Loxington, Nob. 355 H It Nelson, Wost Point, Nob. 850 F Morall, Ovorton, Neb. 357 Mrs. p Wilson, Cripple Crook, Col 858 C W Fruitt, Iunvulo, Nob. HCD J nrirris, Gordon, Nob. 300 It H Kolloy, Crook, Col. 801 E C Hollows, Pino Bluffs, Wyo. 302 P Lynch, So Omulia, Nob. 308 G C Botterton, Columbus, Nob. 301 II S Nichols, K C, Mo. 3(15 If .1 Culavln, Mssouri Valley, la. :!(i(i II Wndick, Chiipinnn, Knn. 307 J J Kolly, Ulyssos, Nob. 80S W 0 Woloott, Cheyenne, Wyo. .100 J ltuthor, Elgin, Nob. .170 A It Wallick, Seward, Nob. '171 It C Summons, Kearnoy, Neb, 172 .1 E Paulson, Gonon, Nob. 173 N Andoison, Mnson City, Neb. .174 It W Snodginss, Talmngo, Nob. .175 F M Bey me r, Avoca, Nolt. 370 Airs A C Dunn, Callaway, Neb. 177 Wm Hand, Kansas City, Mo. .178 W h Klncholow, Denver, Col. 370 II G Hnusborgor, Bo Omnlin, Nob.' ISO L .1 Pniker, Wathena, Kan. isi O Mochaloy, Hainlll, S D. 3S2 A Goodmun,' North Loup, Nob. jH 1 V H, Bossoin, Comstoek, Nob. '"IB 15 Brown, l'orry, Old. iV, U Goulton, Auburn, Nob. '(! E J Jacobson, Dorchostor, Nob. 7 K Norlniider, Biady, Nob. 3SS F A Juttn, St. Joe. Mo. SS0 A O.Soott, Athlsnn. In. 800 F L Murphy, WoodBton, Knn. 891 II Carroll, Amelia, Nob. 1103 M A Deods, Carlo, Nob. 308 T O Parrsh, Nelson, Nob. '801 II L Gilbert, Ottawa, Kan. 305 8 J Martin, Dunning, Nob. 800 F A Loistriti, Lnkesido, Nob. 897 T A Ridlo, Holbrook, Nob. 808 O A Miller Fullorton, Nob. 300 F Wauuk, Oiltnor, Nob, 100 SliU Hudson, Oilman Olty, Mo. 401 8 F Corbitt, Ainsworth, Nob. 402 R M Shrove, Gibbon, Nob. 408 E M Roberts, Allen, Neb. . 401 Gladys L Gibson, Ord, Neb. 105 F O Hartijian, Meruit, Nob. 100 V R Crawford, Gross, Nob. 407 C A Rains, tlraml Island, Neb. 10S U O Lyon, Athnl, Kan. 100 H If II Pope, Lincoln, Nob. 110 J Vath, Elm Creek, Nob. HI G-Stohockor, EddyVille, Nob. 112 H 0 Long, Witton, 8 D. 113 S Woodnuff, Oxford, Nob. 111 E L Reed, Drookeuridgo, Mo. 415 8 W Hognte, Bin don, Nob. 11(1 W 8 Baldwlu, Sward, Nob. 117 8 O Harbinger, Oak, Neb. 118 J B Shuleiiberger, Lexington, Nob. 110 J M Sturdevnnt, Omaha, Nob. 120 G W Jnokson, Wahoo, Neb.. 421 M D Harrod, St. Lous, Mo. 122 B J Jono, Erina, Nob. 423 J A Fnnoy, Richland, Mo. 421 G M Rlugold, Mound Olty, Mo. 425 P McBrecu, Omaha, Nob. 426 W E Park, North Platto. 427 J E Gujrl, Broken Bow, Neb. 42S 11 Gilrny, FaUa City, Neb. 410 W It Dnnivent, Gothenburg, Nab, 480 O O Bockhold, McDonald, Kan. 131 D J Hickey, Denver, Col. 432 J H East, Donning, Neb. 138 J W Chilton, Denvor, Col. 434 J Burns, Paxton, Neb. 435 S W Trail, Nebnwka City, Nab. 430 J F Farnam, K C, Mo. 437 W Hoffman, Denver, Col. 438 W C McMillan, Denver, 'Col. 180 J J Osier, Neoehn, Mo. 410 .7 B Burns, Answorth, Neb. 441 F W Winkle, Pickorell, Neb. 442 W 0 Buckles, Horton, Kai. 443 J E Carroll, St. EdwaJ-de, Neb. ill F Kubichck, O'Neil, Neb. 415 .7 L Willlnms, Arapahoe, Nob. 440 O A Dlecoe, Brady, Nob. 447 H II Clalborn, Omaha, Neb. 448 F Reed, Murray, Nob. 440 .T T Curry, Chester, Nob, 450 Bess Sheldon, Hyamilf, Neb. 151 O Spnhn, Broken Bow, Nob. 452 W I' Fullmor, Daykiu, Nob. 153 C II Ledbottor, Kearnoy, Nob. 451 J Dodgo, Morna, Neb. 4C5 II Whitthuhn, Etna, Nb. 450 O W Thomas, Bloomington, Nob. 157 J F Wnnok, Wilbor, Nab. y 453 .7 II Robinson, Omnha, Nob. 450 .7 F Mansfiold, Donvor, Col. 100 J L Jepson, Donvor, Col. 401 A Runyon, Porclvnl, la., 102 8 Emrick, K C, Mo. 103 A W Farmor, Omaha, Neb. 101 J D Willmorc, Hebron, Nob. 405 F Murphy, Grcoloy, Nob. 100 W Wost, Battlo Crcok, Mic. 407 W Maurcr, Gibbon, Nob. 108 L Allen, Keystono, Nob. 400 L O Hodkin, K C, Mo. 470 .7 N Province, Callaway, Neb. 471 O Puhl, Mindon, Neb. 472 II Beyer, Plainviow, Nob. 473 C O Warn, Mnnkotn, Kan. 474 J F Ferguson, Washington, Kan. 475 .7 Stbnl, Burwoll, Neb. 470 N 8 Wnrno-, Ludlow, Mo. 477 E McCutchan, Abbott, Kan. 478 O V Taylor, Council Bluffs, In. 4'!' .7 N Baker, North P'alte, t JO A T Roborts, Denver Col. 11 F B Ponnington,, O'arinda la. 432 D II Hodges, Valpuriso. Neb. .$,'& F G ScholHau, Cluiida, Ta. 4W .1 R Crvony. Roynoids. Neb. t."i .7 C Lindormnn, Pl.ittMiiouth, iN tb, 480 J B Hunt, lxotor, hob. 487 C G Soronson, Rockville, Neb. 488 G A Wallarie, Wobster, Nob. 4S0 II Sporing, Deshlor, Nob. 400 A D Fottormuu, Omaha, Nob. 101 J Cunic, Edison, Nob. 102 (J E Jackson, Havolock, Nob. 103 G A Shogien, Lincoln, Neb. 101 A Davis, Alwood, Kan. 105 V W Smith, Burn, Wyo. 190 R Thompson, Julosburg, Col. 197 M O Freeman, Stroinbeig, Neb. 493 N M Johnson, Atkhikon, Nob. 409 M Cochrnn, Bloomlngton, Neb. 500 T JOffrey, Watortown, Nob. 801 C A Abrnhnnison, Axtell, Neb 502 A J Prenosll, Dwlght, Neb. 503 G A Qrovoua, Loui1 City, Neb. 501 E O Whisman, Alliance, Nob. 505 L Buehuor, Euatis, Neb. 5Q0 F Schlorkolk, Hanovor, Knn. 507 T Konnody, Gonevu, Neb. 508 11 E Roulston, Lenox, In. 509 G A Winkler, Ravenna, Nob. 510 A E Raymond, Erinn, Nob. 511 A Nolson, Bloomflohl, Nob. 512 O B Adkius, Mardld, Neb. 518 J B Haines, SMt. Pleasant, la. 514 W CHaywavd, K C, Mo. 515 E Bill, Clifton, Kan. 510 G Kroburg, Holdrogo, Nob. 517 A M Ross, Clifton, Knn. 518 J II Bordowejk, Corsien, 8' D. ' r 519 G 'A Tyson, Tobias, Nob. 520 J 11 Harrison, llavonna, Nob. 521 E E MeMurrun, Oxford, Neb. 522 G II MoCloughau. St. Paul, Nob. 523 L Siniuor, Burke, 8 D. 624 F C Oldenburg, Sioux City, la. 525 T V Harmon, Coffoevillo, Kan. 520 A W Smith, Tobias, Nob. 527 11 N Morgan, Bolvldoro. Nob. 52S J J Yogi, Lincoln, Nob . 680 J WMcCullough, Central City. 530 J M Stcon, Missouri Valley, In. 581 J E Kuspor, Ravonn-, Nob. 5512 C C GoeU, Klrwln, Kan. 533 H Corrlgan, Oiijnhn, Neb. 531 O A Stromberg, Camargo", Okl. 535 H W Fischer, Elyrin, Nob. 030 J 1 Mang, North Platte. 587 C Sorg, Norfolk, Nob. 538 J Bnchnion, Bert rand, Nob. 639 J Mortimer, So Omaha, 610 II Koehu, Lexington, Nob. fill L 1) t'owoll, Grand Island, Neb. 512 J C Hutchinson, Arapahoe, Nob. 513 O M Yant, Wnunottn, Nob. 54 S R Casey. Alomona, Knn. 5 I0W Wind, Burr, Okl. 5-17 W A Buigoits, Superlo, Neb. 610 W S How, Kearney, Nob. 550 E DovonuiK, Winner, S D. 551 R D Baldwin, Dunning, Neb. 652 Emma McVoy, North Platte. 558 A D Hopkin, Ogalalla, Nob. 55-1 E Schobor, Columbus, Neb. 555 Susan T Glenn, Kingston, Mo. 650 M Myers, Grgory, S D. 857 C E Hnllgron, Funk, Nob. 55S Mrs Ida O Eaton, Aldu, Nob. 680 11 II Whnloy, Pino Bluffs, Wyo. 5110 1) F Felton, Winnoi, 8 D. Jl urs. o a Calhoun, K O, Mo. 802 I Spior, Wymore, Neb. 808A A Goraueh, Osborne, Kan. 5(11 A .. Hnekler, Marlbank, Neb. 6115 W S Shaw, Norton, Kan. 500 O J Ilinnpnl, St. Paul, Nob. 507 W H Ljokhart, Overton, Neb. 5(18 H I'd Vulgnmont, Lenxa, Kan. TM C Nielson, Yankton, 8 D. 570 O A V.'h.tton, 8o uoiaha. 571 J Mallory, Jameetotvn, Xan. 57SC W Malon, College View, Nb. 573 W Sedlaeek, Lexington, Neb, 874 .7 LMngiton, Hastings, Neb. 575 C J Ilea ley,, Kearney, Neb. 676 1 C Richards, Atkinson, Neb. 57T E Mlntoh, Omaha. 578 C II Rockwell, Lincoln, 650 I W Hoadley, Donphn, Neb. 81 W F White, Omaha. SSS W tt airfield, Aitell, Neb. 5S8 G It Ferebeo, Noleon, Neb. 581 L O Schonlnn, Omaha, 6S6 M Poepisil, Wilber, Neb. 580 O M Euhank, Broken Bow. Neb. 587 J A Anderson, Rosebud, S D. 683 E Swenson, Maplehill, Kan. 580 Mis Ellen Dohluiet, Gothenburg 590 O Conroy, St Micheal, Nob. 601 A L Keiiyon, Millboro, 8 D . 6&2 C G Scrivn, Lueas, Kan. ' 5803 A AV Ude, Gladstone, Neb. 58.4 M V Cdlburn, Alliance, Neb. 505 Annie Hartnn, St Joe, 7(a, 500 T Astleford, Ohama. 507 Esther Bergman, North Platte. 580 J DD Nash, Axtell, Kan...;''"- ' SOS B Jones, Bortrand, Na)f.ji 000 (101 002 (103 004 C E Marovish, Garfiold, ob E Ilolscher, Burr, Nob. ""J Dr A C Adams, AVayno, Neb. J II Peeler, O'Neill, Nob. V Snppe, Prague, Neb. S O Brown, Litchfield, Nob. E Mnline, Gothonburg, Neb. .7 W Studobokkcr, Humbolt, Nob. P G Kilger, Trumbcll, Neb. E Schoolcrnft, Maxwell, Npb. M P Jacob, Hayes Cnitcr, Nob. E Mycr, Grand Island, Neb. W Turnhnm, Oregon, Mo. 005 000 007 009 010 011 012 013 Oil 8 C Smith, Lincoln, Nob. 015 W R Brown, Valentino, Neb. 010 D M Cook, Julesburg, Col. 017 O R Johnson, Brady, Nob. 018 L E Yantzio, O'Neil, Neb. 019 A R Exon, Colonic, S D. 020 Jennie Leaf, Brady, Neb. 021 J D Juilfs, Burr, Neb. 021 E G Dolph, Elgin, Neb. 023 O McCIuro, Superior, Neb. 021 B Wiseman, Orchnrd, Neb. 025 fl P Pobler, Bortrand, Neb. Ranches and City Property bought and sold ROOM 4 McCABE BLDG. jJOECTfl DflTRONiZE THE i fl ' House of Good Show! When in North Plallo. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Saturday Af tor noon at 2:30 O'clork. Dr. J. K. Elms, Eye, Ear, Nosu and Throat Glesses fitted Also Homeopathic Fhysician and Surgeon. Office over McDonald State Bank. North Platto. Phone 30.( Tax 'Notice. Certificate No. 4882 To Frederick Whittemore. You are hereby notified that on Nov. 7T1010, L. A. Wight purchased at public sale for tnxes for tho year 1909 the following described land, to-wit: Tho west and southeast J of Section 13, Township 15, Range 29, in Lincoln county, Stnto of Nebraska. That said land was assessed in the name of Frederick Whittemore and that on January 20, 1914, tax deed will bo applied for. Dated October G, 1913. L. W. WimiT. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No, 01613. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Olllce ut North Platto. Neb. October 16, 1913. NOTICn Is hereby given that Clarence O, Wills. of Welllieot. Neb., who. on March 3, 1910, made H. K. No. Oitl3. for tho WH. of NWM nnd VH SW. of Section 32. Township 11, North, Range 29. West of tho Cth Principal Mrrldan, has lilixl notice of Intention to mako llnul three year proof, to establish claim to the land abuve described, before the ruelster and receler, at North Platto, Nub., on tho mil day of December. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Gerkln, Orrln Bacon, John Cooper and Ernest Hotelier, all of Wtlllleet. Nub. oCl-0 J. i: EVANS. Register. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at tho office of the city clerk of North Platte, Ne braska, up to 5 o'clock, p. m Novem ber 4, 1913, for tho construction of u lateral sower in Sewer District "II" in said city according to plans and speci fications now on file in the office of the city clerk of said city. Approximate estimate of cobts of sewer lateral as per report of city on cineer is S1.550 00. Local labor is to be employed as far a3 practicable. Certified chock on local bank of 2 per cent of amount of bid will bo required to insure entering into contract. Satisfactory bond to bo given when contract is signed. Mayor and city council reserve tho right to rejoct any or nil bids. By order of the city council. Ohas. F. Temple, Cityt'loik. PAT I 10 CENTS. $sS (APOLLO HOTEL 1030 GLENARM STREET DENVER, - COLO. Fred 11. Ginn. Prop. II. Wiluur Way, Mgr. 7f rooms with private bath; CO rooms without hath. Hates with hath, 31.00. Bates without bath, 51.00. Speclal.ratos by the week or month. Cafe in connection. Elevator service, hot and cold wa ter and telephone in every room. One block from Orpheum theatre, two blocks from Broadway thcatro. Tnko Seventeenth Street Car Olllce Thone 410 Res. Blk 552 Bertha E.Mangon, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Descaaes of Women and Children a Specialty NORTH PLATTE, KEB. New McCabe Blbg. Oldest Bank In Lincoln County State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Wa Solicit Your Businssa. DR. yRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Red 4 3 B03H Dewey St. North Pla 'tc, Nebraska. Dr. D. C. Crocker. Osteopathic Physician PHONE RED 621. NOTICK TO CREDITORS. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, SS. In tho County Court. In the Matter of tho Kstnto of Susan Pickett, Deceased. I. John Grant. County Judgo of said county. In snld estate hereby notify all persons having claims against tho estate of tho said Susan Pick ett, Deceased, that I have set nnd appointed the following (lava for tho reception, examination and I adjustment of said claims and demands, as pro- l vuica uy law,' ntmq county iourt room in jNonn i unit', Lincoln cuiimy, iinu ouuo iirorcfniu. 10 wit: The 11th (laV of November, 1913, and tho 11th day of May, 1914. And all persons so inter ested In Bald estnto will appear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and de mands In tho mannqj required by law, or show cause for not so doing. And In caso any of said claims shall not bo crcsented by tho 11th day of May, 19U. tho samo shall be forever barred. A copy of this order 'to bo published in tho North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper, of said county, for four successive weeks prior to November 11th. 1913. Given my hand anil seal of tho County Court this 9th day of October. 1913. oU-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. NOTICE orsr.TTLEMF.NT. The Statu of Nebraska, Lincoln County, sh In tho County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estate of John Kranzcn Deceased, To thu creditors, heirs lecatrcs and uthers Interested In tho ostato (if John l'ranon. Taku notice, that Charley Holm has filed in tho county court, a report of his dotnim as executor of sold estate and also Draylne that a decreo of distribution ot the residue, of xald ustato may bo made by tho court and It Is ordered that the Ramo stand for liearlnir the 4th day of Novomlior, A. I). 1UI3, before tho court at tho hour of II o'clock, a. in., at which time any person Intorasted may appear and except to and contest thu same. Notice, of this proceeding and tho hoarlntr thereof Is ordured (riven to all persons In terested in said matter by publishing a copy of tills order in tho North Platto Tribune, a seml-weokly newspaper printed In said county for tlireo cousecutlo weoks prior to said date of hoarlnir. Dated October 11th, 1913. . (Seal) o H-S John Ghat, County .ludue NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial No. O1&09 Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Ncbr. Sept. 21. 1913. Notice it hereby Riven that Henry P. Hansen, of North Platte, Ncbr., who. on February 9, 1910. mado Homestead Entry No. 0-15&9. for NWM, NH of NEW, Section !I2. two. IS. N rite. 30, wost of tho Cth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three wearproof, to establish claim to the lund above dmcribod, before tho register and receiver, at North Platte, Ncbr., on tho 19th day of November,1918. Claimant names as witnesses: R. G. Par meJeo. Julius Mosrensen, V. Hansen, Charles Russell, all of North Platto, Nebr. s30-G J. E. Evan. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 01889 DHMWJttHNT OF Tilt! INTEltlOIS. Unrtixl States Land Olllce At North Platte. Nebraska. Sept.Sth. 1913. Notlco Is heruby Kiven that Daniel CarriKan ot North Platte, Neb., who on Sept. 9. 1910, made homestead entry. No. OtseO. for Miami NH of SS, Section SO, Township 12 N. Ramie 32. W. of 6th Principal Meridan. has filed notlco of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish (dalrn to the land abovo described Iwforti tho register nnd receiver r North Platte. Nebraska, on the 6th day ot November,, 1913. Claimant names nswltnessscs: Philip T. Hell, Wendell McCrum. Paul Smith, Carl Ilroedor. all ot North Platte, Nebr. slG-C J. E. EVANS. Register; NOTICE OP HBAMNG. In the County Court of Llhceln County, N bntskn. In the Matter of the Estate of Michael Albert Foster, Decanted. To all parson Interested In the ISttate of Mich ael Albert r'oeter, Deceased. Notice le hereby given that IMward It. Good man, almtnltrator ot uld estate, ha filed hi petition in aald court, the object nnd prayer of which are that n decree of amlunment tnny lw made of the property of said etate, being the Northeatt quarter of Section 16, Township 21 N Kanjce II W., Sixth Principal Meridian, In Wheeler county, Nebraska, You aro hereby no tified that said petition' will be heard by the County Court of said county at the court room In the City of North Platte, In said county, on the sd day of Novembnr, 1913, at 9 o'clock In the fore noon It Is ordered that n copy of this mrler bo published In the North IMatUi Semi-Weekly Tri bune for three successive weeks, lelnK a leiral newspaper printed and published In said county. Dated October 9th. 1918. ol4-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge, LEGAL NOTICE. R. W. Hnpel, non-resident defondnat, will tnko notice that an action has boon begun in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in which Charles J. Bills is plaintiff and Lillian E. Hafcel and R. W. Kneel, her husband, are de fendants, the object and prayer of which said action are to foreclose a certain mortgage made and oxocuted by the defendants to the plaintiff upon the following described land situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: The East Half of Southwest Quarter and the West Half of Southeast Quarter of Section Four, (4), Township Fifteen .(15), North of Range Thirty (30), West of the Gth P. M., to secure the navment of one certain mortgage bond dated January 1, 1910, for the sum of $400.00 ind coupon bonds thereto attached due and unpaid, and that there is now due upon said bond and interest notes and taxes paid by the plaintiff, the sum of 8486.57, for which said sum with interest thereon, as in said mort gage, bond and notes provided for, from this date, plaintiff prays that defend ants be required to pay and costs of suit or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that said defendants be foreclosed of their equity of redemption therein. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 17th day or November, 19111, or decreo will be en tered against you as in said petition prayed. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 7th day of October, 1913. Charles J. Bills, Plaintiff. By E. H. Evans, his Attorney. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of aaio Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Francis N. Shelton is plaintiff and John Swanson, ot al aro defendants, nml to me directed I will on the 1st dayof Nov.. 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho cast front door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho following described property to-wit: Northwest quarter (NWK) Section thirty three (33) Township Thirteen (13) North of Range Thirty-one (31) west of the Gth P.M. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platto; Ncb.,Sept. 27. 1913. B30-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff To Geo. Hublitz owner EJ of lot 1, block 112. The owners of property on the south side of Sixth street, between Walnut and Chestnut, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed ond approved an ordinanco on the 18th dav of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining thoir snid premises, to b constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of side walks In said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you nlong the East side of lot 1. block 112. owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho 10th day of September, 1913, the same will be constructed by said city and the costs assossed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall be constructed. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. To Ellen Boyer owner of lot 5, block 108. The owners of property on the north aide of 6th street, between Popfnr St., and bilbcr Ave,, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordin ance on the 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a-sidowalk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the west side of lot 5, block, 108, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before the 10th day of September 1913, the same will be constructed by said city and the costs assossed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall be con structed, C. F. Temple, Citv Clerk. To Nancy A. Beightel owner of lot 1 and 8, block 21. Tho owners of property on the West side of Sycamore street, between 11th and 12, aro hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on tho 18th day of June 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to line and grade, and of permanent, mnteral as provided in tho general ordinances of said city.regu lating the construction of sidewalks, in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the East side of lot 1 and 8, block 21. owned by you, in accordance with said ordinance, on or before the 11th day of September 1913, tho same will be constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall be constructed. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. To J no. R.' Neary owner of lot 8 block 105. Tho owners of property on the West side of Walnut street, be tween Sixth and Front streete are here by notified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinanco on tho 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a sfdewalk adjoining their said premises, to be contructed as to lino and grade, nnd of permanent material, us provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks in said city. Unlosssaid walk is constructed by vou nlong tho East, side of lot8, block 105, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho 1st day of November 1913, the same will be con structed by said city and tho cost as sessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall bo con struced. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. 5 Dift edfield Infield Physicians and Surncons WILLIS J. RBDF1ELD. Surscon. JOE U. REDFIKLD,' rhyslelan. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE f12. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. Established in 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. oaoosoeaesaeeeseesoeioeeoce DR. J. S. TWINEM, HomcopathlcPhyslcUn andSurgeon Hospital accommodations for Medical and surgical attention given obstetrical cases. Ofllco Phono 183 lies. Phone 283 Ofllco McDonald Stato Rank llld'e sews eesceeasssoaaooaeso tie Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, 'upon a decree of fore closure rendered in said court wherein John M. Stewart is plaintiff and Isaac Deardorf et. al. aro defendants and to mo directed, I will on the 15th day of November, 1913, at two o'clock p. m., at the east front door of tho court house in North Platte.Lincoln Co., Neb., sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said decree, in terest and costs, the following described property, to-wit: All of sections Twenty nine (29), Twenty-seven (27), Twenty five (25), Thirty-five (35), Thirty-three (33), Thirty-one (31), and the south half of tho southeast ouarter (S hf SE or) of Section Twenty.six (26), northeast quarter (NE qr) ot Section Thirty-four (34), all in Township Sixteen (16) Range Twenty nine (29) , northeast quarter and tho Southwest quarter (NEqrand SW qr) of Section Thirty (30), and the north hulf nnd the south east quarter (N hf and SE qr) of Sec tion Thirty-one (31), Township Sixteen (16), Range Twenty-eight (28), all of Sections Seven (7). Five (5), Three (3), one (1), and the Northwest quar ter (NW qr) Section Two (2), all in Township Fifteen (15), Range Twenty nine (29), all of Section One (1) in Townshin Fifteen (151. Ranee Thirtv (30), tho north half (N hf) of tho North half (JN hf), south hair (b hi) ot the south half (S hf), southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (SE qr of NE qr) northeast quarter of the southeast qr (NE qr of SE qr) northwest qr of tho southwest quarter (NW qr of SW qr), and southwest quarter of northwest quarter (SW qr ot NW qr), of section Thirty (30) township sixteen (16), range twenty-nine (29) .west of the 6 prin. meridian, Lincoln county, Nebraska. . According to the order of the District Conrt the premises herein forclosed shall bo offered for sale separately in the following order to-wit: All tho premises except sections twenty nine (29) nnd thirty-three (33 , township sixteen (16) range twenty-nine (29) nnd section thirty-one (31) township sixteen (16) range twenty-nino (29) and the south hf of the south hf, tho north hf of the north hf, southwest qr of the northwest qr.southeast qr of the north east qr, northeast qr of the southeast quarter, Jho northwest quarter of the southwest qr of section thirty (30) township sixteen (16), range twenty nine (29), section thirty-one (31) town ship sixteen (16), rango twenty-nino (29) and tho south hf of tho south hf, north hf of the north hf, southwest qr of the northwest qr, iouthenstqr of the north east qr, northeast qr ot southeast qr, northwest qr of tho southwest qr, of section thirty (30), township sixteen, (16) range twenty-nine (29) . Sections twenty.nine (29) and thirty three (33) township sixteen (16), rango twenty- nine (29), In tho eyent howover that the total amount of the bids thus offered separ ately shall not be sufficient to pay the mortago debt, then all the premises herein foreclosed shall also be offered for sale in bulk and in the event the bid for tho premises in bulk shall ex coed tho total amount offered in the sopnrato bids said bid shall bo reported to the court for confirmation. Dated this 11th dny of October, 1913. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff of Lincoln Co, PRORATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska. Oct. Tth, 1913. In tho nuttier of the ostate of Esther Harris, Deceased. Notice is hereby (riven, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administratrix of said estate, before the county Judge pf Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on tho 11th day cf Nov. 1913, and on the 11th day of May, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to presont their claims, nnd one year for the Administratrix to settle said estate, from the 7th day nf Oct. 1913. A copy of this order to bo published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper of said county for four successlvo weeks prior to November 11, 1913. oH-4 JOHN URANT, County Judge. HoputW ii i malt