The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 31, 1913, Image 4

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    .V'r -
tJtt - .
rtj .t--Csl
We have just received our fall line of
Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, Electroliers
and Hand Painted China
Sterling Silver. Rich Cut Glats
Sugar and Cream Sets
Bread Trays Water Sets
Berry Bowls Vases
Sandwich Plates - Bowls
Sugar Trays Fern Dishes
Cracker Trays Candle Sticks
Cheese and Cracker Plates . Mayonnaise Dishes
' Lemon Dishes Trays
Vases Electroliers
Coasters Hand Pa;ntc(1 China
Flat Ware pjates
Sugar and Cream Sets Berry Sets
a Trays
Electrolier. Bowls
in Brass, Cut Glass and Hand Coffee Sets
Painted Shades. Salt and Peppers
Pleased to show you our new goods. Larger stock than ever
this year.
The Jeweler
We Want Your Repair Work
Local and Personal.
Ed Ferrcll. of Wallace, spent
ncspay in this city on business.
W,. T. "Banks left Wednesday morn
ing on a business trip to Omaha and St.
J. S. Davis returned Tucsdoy evening
from Flint, Mich., where he transacted
Dr. Mario Ames left Wednesday
morning for Omaha to spend several
days on business.
Lawrence Wornott, of Kearney, re
turned homo Wednesday morning after
transacting business.
Miss Irene vonTrot left the first of
tho-week for Omaha to spend a week
or more witli hor sister.
Miss Isn Murphy returned Tuesday
evening from Denver, whore she spent
a week visiting friends.
Mark Baker left Wednesday morning
for Bignoll after transacting misincs in
town lor several unyB.
For Ront 5 room Iioubo on South
Walnut and E St. Wilcox & HalHgan.
Mrs. F. W. Gogo, of Chicago, nr
rived Wednesday to be the guest of her
bioihor Dr, II. 0. Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason left Wed
nesday afternoon for Florida where
thoy will spend the wintor.
Wm. Aduir, who transacted business
in Omaha the latter part of last week,
returned Tuesday evening.
Miss Louis Warner hns accepted n
position as book keeper in the North
Platte Produco house.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tuttle left Wed
nesday morning for Omaha to Bpend
two weeks with relatives.
Albert Tumor returned to Chicago
Wednesday after attending the land
drawing and visiting frionds.
Hormon and Harlan Kerr, of Brady,
-who came to witness tho land drawing
.Tuesday, roturned Wednesday.
F. G. Ilojciu. who had been visiting
his family in this city returned Wed
nesday to his ranch near Ogalalla.
Misses Opal and Hazel Smith returned
the first of this week from Stapleton,
where they visited rolatlyes for nweok.
7Ir. and Mrs. F. J. Barr returned to
Omaha the early part of the week
after a visit at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Haspol.
Mrs. Frank Nugent, who had, been
tb, guest of frionds in this city for a
few daya. loft Tuesday evening for hor
home in Maxwell.
Thomas J. Dunn, who had been spend
ing a few days with his son Francos,
returned to his homo in Wood River
Wednesday morning.
Miss Freda Schott will loavo tomor
row for Bridgeport to bo tho guest of
hor aunt Mrs. F. 0. Moynaham for
fievornl days.
Miss Esthor Borkor urrlvcd the first
of, tho week from Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
to makn an extended ylsit with Mrs.
Thomas Heuloy.
Joo S. Richards returned to his homo
at Bollville, Kansas, today after coming
all the way up hero to spend n quarter
for a chnnco in the land drawing.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson returned
Wednesday afternoon from Smith
Center, Kans,, where they went to nt
tond tho funeral of tho. former's Bister.
Mrs. Frank Ross and children, who
had been visiting frionds in this city
for several days, returned to their
home in Maxwell Wednesday morning.
Wm Stout, of Bfg Springs, spent
tho first of this week in town on busi
ness and visited at the J. E. Sebastiun
Juorn,o, returned Wednesday morning.
During the general land drawing
Miss Emclla Baggot and Miss Emclia
Doollttlu wore chosen and acted us
special messengers from tho drawing
place to the fudcral building.
Miss Reclna Nolan was hostoss at a
Hnllow'een party Tuesday cvonlng for
a number of her friends. Tho evening
was spent in gamos and ihubIc after
which refreshments woro served.
Mis Scott, of Fall City, formerly
stenographer at tho Wilcox & Ilalligan
law office in this city, who hns beun
visiting friends for a wcuk or more,
will return homo Monday.
Removal of Shop.
After one month of strenuous effort
to find a place for business, I am now
located in the Goozee building on Pine
street, opposite Lloyd opera house.
Telephone number remains the same
69, residence phone Black 430.
81-2 R. F. Stuart, Plumber.
Mrs. J. E. Sebastian will lenve Sun
day for Chappell to visit her parents.
Albert Muldoon returned Wednesday
from Omaha, where ho transacted busi
ness for a day or two.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis returned
to Omaha Wednesday after a ten days'
visit with friends in town.
Mrs. S. H. Donchower left Wednes
day for her homo in Peoria after a
protracted visit with relatives in town.
Everett Steele, of Elm Creek, ar-
I rived in town Thursday to drive home
the Chalmers car which tie secured at
tho Ilinman garage by investing n
Judge James Witten loft Wednesdny
night for South Dakota where he will
conduct a sale of town lots on a tract
of land that was formerly an Indian
reservation. He will return here later.
Mcsdames Luke Hcnloy and John
Murray entertained the J. T. club
Tuesday evening nt tho home of the
former. Soyen tables were arranged
for 600 nnd aftor the card games an
enjoyable lunch was served.
Hugh McGovcrn, of Denver, who ar
rived the Intter part of last week to at
tend tho Weinberger-McGovern
wedding, left Wednesday morning for
Omaha to spend several days with
A surprise party was tendered Miss
Frances O'Neill Friday evening , by
neighbors nnd frionds. The entertain
ing feature was dancing, followed by
a two course lunch. Out of town
guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Barr,
of Omaha.
My new blacksmith shop .is located
just one block west of where the old
shop was close to tho city mill and will
be ready to take care of customers
about Nov. lBt, and will bo pleased to
soo all old patrons nnd uIbo new ones.
79-2 J. E. Jefpiuhs.
Tho postoilice department is antici
pating u largely Increased Christmas
business by reason of tho parcels post.
To handle this business, Postmaster
Davis has been authorized to have two
largo routing cases made; an appropria
tion has been mado for automobile de
livery if neccBsnry, and alto an ap
propriation for additional carriers dur
ing tho holiday rush.
Chas. Echloberry, tho second-hand
store man, is now mnking nrrangments
to build two residences on his block of
ground at the coiner of Ninth nnd
Juckson street, just east of the new
round house. He purchased the old
barber shop building lately condemmed
and will remove (ton one lot and remodel
tho structure into a nice home. Later
ho will construct 'another new house on
an adjoining lot, thus adding two more
homes in thnt district which should find
regulnr tenants.
. Saturday tho Greek coal heavers at
the coul chutes lot threo empty cars get
away from them nnd take a plungo
down tho inclino; whon tho enra Btruck
the Btralght nway track thoy parted
company, each taking n different direct
tion and after rolling over once or
twice stopped. Tho wrecker was at
once sont to tho trouble and after sev
eral hours had tho three dongolns buck
again on tha track. The amount of tho
damngo consisted of sovcral twisted
Iron rods, a dislocated truck or two and
several frightened Greeks.
Lost- Between North Platte and
PI nt to Valley school house, 2 bunches
holing wire, finder plenBe notify F. O.
Johnson, North Platte, Neb., Route 1,
Box -10.
Walter B. Montgomery, who como
hero to report tho land drawing for
Chicago, Kansas City and othor mo.rQ
politan paporsloft for'tho onst today.
Mr. Montgomery has attended a num
ber of tho land uruwings conducted by
Judge Witten, nnd says that in ovory
instunco the mode pursued and the gen
eral conduct of tho drawing has proven
satisfactory to tho hundreds of
thousands who have registered nnd to
tho many thousands who hnve drawn
successful numbers.
Lincoln County Winners.
The following is a list of the North
Platte ami Lincoln county winners in
the lnnd drawing. Those holding num
bers above 800 will not at ami much
show, while those between 800 and
COO may have a chance to make a se
lection, as it generally follows that a
certain percentage of those holding the
lowei numbers do not make selections.
20 A B Culton
09 Clara Walker
180 Joseph Wujek V
230 Harlcy Warner ,
233 J L Bruck - , , r
240 E B Payne '
254 R C Wood .
298 G Busier ' '- '
479 J N Baker ' '
G3G John Mnng
552 Emma McVey
597 Esther Bergman .
C61 Clare Bacon r.. '
682 N W Grady . .
710 L W Smith
716 Herbert Worman
73S John Johnson
787 Oliver Moody
810 H C Hupfer
812 E P Miller
840 Alice Otten
850 C P Earhart
89-1 Florence Stack
912 Evetett Kendall
938 Harry Dixon
979 Arvo Peterson
1000 Tadus Ellas
1005 Julius Hoga
1022 M A Gleoson
1061 A W Sanielson
1095 Katherine Knauff
1101 C II Splcer
1193 John Bomeke
1229 Lilhe Finney
1246 Pat McHugh
1280 D H Donnelly
1297 York Htnman
1348 E L Wilson
1424 A W Morton
1441 H C Doggott
1483 Chas McNeal ,
1518 J T Stuart
1520 Tom Gutherless
1544 P H McEvoy
1552 E H Lloyd
1570 J S Hodges
1579 N Kelso
1638G A Zentmeyer
1G67 J W Adams
1680 Carl Shick
1681 E L Babbitt
1691 F J Diener
1821 Georgo Tighe
188-1 R Shook
1897 C M Clark
1925 Joseph Gumble
1928 J F Hausherr
1972 Anna Locker
16 E W Brown, Hershey
25 Cora Anderson, Sutherland
41 B W Green, Garfield
84 Sam C?mbhn, Brady
101 Ludwig Larson, Brady
121 John Crawley. Wollfleet
165 J A Snyder, Hershey
218 P A Boe, Hershey
387 Ed Xorlander, Brady
420 W E Park. Nichols
440 C A Discoo Maxwell
600 C E Marovish, Gaifield
610 E Schoolcraft, Maxwell
617 O R Johnson, Brady
620 Jennio Leaf, Brady
804 G A Waterbury, Brady
854 S D Jones, Wallace
971 Frank Meloin. Sutherland
1010 Bert Chase, Wellfieet
1024 Maude Sylvan. Brady
1304 Chas. Malm, Sutherland
1354 Anna Hein, Hershey
1405 Daniel Roder. Sutherland
1449 W P Sayer, Wallace
1456 O W Franzen, Hershey
1491 E J Thurber. Sutherland
1510 E C Chase. Wellfieet
1048 Edwin Berg, Brady
1701 Oliver Mnnnon, Maxwell
1809 E E Kilmer, Garfield
1875 Susie Souden, Bignoll
1976 Bessie Frame, Hershey
Business College for North Platte
Will be conducted five days each week from 9 a. m. to 12, and from 1:40 to 4 p. m.
Evening 7:15 until 9:45 p: m.
Course of Study
Business Course Embracing Bookkeeping, Banking, Commerial Law, Com
mercial Arithmetic, Rapid Calculation, Business Letter Writing,' Commercial
Papers, Spelling and Penmanship.
Shorthand Course Embracing Shorthand, Typcwritting, Penmanship, Spelling,
Business Letter Writing, English Grammar and Punctuation.
Combined Course Embracing all studies in both the Business and Shorthand
The Diplomas will be used from Draughon's College headquarters and have the
prestige of the largest and strongest system of Business Colleges in the world back of it.
Established 1839.
Six months practical business training guaranteed, which is sufficient time to complete
Lincoln Highway Celebration.
To tho Puhlic:
I desire to call nttention to the citi
zens of North Platte and surrounding
country that Friday, October 31st,
Hallowe'en Day, has been selected by
persons interested in the Lincoln High
way, as a day of celebration and re
joicing in anticipation of the early
realization of this great project.
Nearly all of the cities and towns along
the proposed lino have made arrange
ments for some ceremonies and the
North Platte Chamber of Commerce
have arranged for a bonfire, band con
cort and public speaking at the court
house on that evening.
You are requested to turn out and
make this a jollification rathor than a
E. II. Evans, Mayor.
Ground for tho now building of tho
Mutunl Building nnd Loan Association
was broken yesterday, and tho work
'of excavating tho bnsement will bo
Cushod forward ns rapidly as possible
y Contractor Isddll, of Kearney, who
was awarded tho contract.
Droughon's System has moreiBank endorsements than allother Business Colleges in
the country combined.
No Entrance Examination. No Classes. Individual Instruction
All graduates will receive the benefit of Droughon's Employment Bureau.
A Splendid opportunity to prepare yourself for Civil Service Examination's.
For further information in regard to special rates, course of study, etc., 'write or see
S. P. RANDALL, Field Secretary
Wui ii ini,iM.. mill
1 1 ZTT1
The time, however of his corning is not
stated as not even unnsi iiimaen hui
his angels know that.
He said if the trifth of Christ's com
ing again could be indelibly impressed
on men's minds they would lead differ
ent lives. So many are indifferent and
want to take every thing easy. They
don't wont to listen to anything that
will awaken thorn from their lethargy.
But the time will come when they shall
curso the influences which have caused
them to take tho easy indifferent
thotlesa way. Christ shall come again
no man can say when. But "He
cometh as a thief in the night when
least expected.
Thursday night' sermon "was "Wages
and Pay Masters." a most interesting
practical address.
Friday night Mr. Whiston will speak
on "Tho Harvest." Mr. Knowles
will give an illustratod song and Mrs.
Demick will sing a solo.
No meeting Saturday night.
Sunday will bo the great day. Sun
day school at 9:45, aim 300 present, at
11 o'clock the dedicatory service, when
Mr. Whiston will preach. At 3 p. m.
Mr. Knowles will speak. Then at 6:30
tho nowly organized Christian Endea
vor will hold its first meeting. All the
young people are cordially invited and
urged to bo present as tho Christian
Endeavor is for them.
C..n,lw nlrrtlt 1V Whiston Will St)e&K
V . . " " ?n ,", -r 1 it
on the -rnceiess x-ean. . ., ,
Every one is most cordially invited
to como and bring a basket of dinner
,ni nlrnir dinner will bo ser
ved in the basement of tho church
after the morning service. Como and
bring your friends nnd enjoy this social
time together while attending tho
Dedication of tho church.
Chujfch News
Regular services next Sunday morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock andevoningnt 7:30.
Surmon subjects: Inviting and Helping
People to Worship, nnd iloreb's Hock
and its Lessons. Sunday school ntl2in.
Luther League after ovening worship
nt 8:30. Reformation day service to
night at 7:45.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Presentation of diplomas.
Preaching services nt 11 a. m. and
7:30 n. m. Morninir theme. "Profit and
Loss." Evening theme.!"Man's Life a
Plan of God." Junior Endeavor at 3
p. m. Prayer servico Wednesday
evening. Choir practice niter prayer
You cro cordinlly Invited.
Tha meetings at tho Christian church
this week have been good considering
all the attractions in town.
Tuesday night Mr. Whiston gave n
Bcrmonott on "Phnrnoh Modernized.
This was a vory practical mossagq nnd
wns followed by the illustrated story
"In His Steps'' which Mr Knowles
finished that night.
Wednesday night Mr. Whiston
preached on tho "Second Coming of
Christ." Ho showed by mnny scripr
turn references how the hlblo spooks
positively of Christ's second coming.
Fire Light
ning and Tornado
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Have been tho Factors
in tlio growth of tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
I ifei tW'
If We Cannot
Serve You
Notice for Publication.
James S. Gilbert, non-resident dofon
dant, will toko notice on the day of
October, 1013, Roy Honey, I. D. Mc
Knightand C. E. Ilaney filed the r pe
tion in tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer
of which are to have a certain sheriff's
Ll nM NWland Wiof NE1 of
Sue 35. T 1C K, It 32 W, dated August
29th, 1912, and recorded in tho otrlco ot
the county clerk of Lincoln county, Ne
braska on tho 7th day of September,
ini9 in nook "A-ll." at mico 531 can
celled nnd annulled nnd sot aside; also
the proceedings nnd decree had in and
with auto supplies, nobody can.
For there is nothing needed by
car or owner that is not to be had
here. From tires to tools, from
lamps to license number tags,
from horns to batteries we have
just what you want when you
want it. Better bear our address
in mind.
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
about and upon which said deed was
based cancelled and set aside, and for
such other and further relief ns may bo
just and equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday the 1st day
of October, 1913.
Dated this 23rd day of October, 1913.
Roy Hanev, I. D. Mcknight
and C. E. Haney.
By Muldoon & Gibbs, their attorneys.
To Margarot Latimor, Thomns Lali
mor, Ivor Latimer, Kin Latimer, Nath
aniel Latimor, lMlen Latimer, Julin
Latimer, Boiuoii Lntimor, El'a Larimer.
Lva Matson anil Buijaimn Mitfcin.i, nnd
Ilonry Horn, non-rosFdont dofondants:
You and onch of you will tnko notice
that Jnmcs Latimor, plaintiff, filed
his certain potitiou iu tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, ou
October 7, 1913, against you as de
fendants, impleaded with others, tho
object and prayer of which said peti
tiou aro to quiot titlo in tho said plain
tiff against you and each of you in tlio
following described lands situato in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: Tho
Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty
(20), Township Ten (10) North of
Range Thirty (30), West of tho 0th P.
M. , nnd to establish by said proceed
ings a now and indepondont titlo in snid
plaintiff by rooson of his adverse pos
session thereof for tho roquircd timo
nnd to quiet and confirm said titlo
ngninst thnt cortaln mortgage mado
and executed by tho dofondont. Ilonry
Horn, and long since satisfied and bar.
red and for such other and furthor
roliof as justico and equity may ro
quire. You and each of you will mako
nnswor to said petition on or before
tho 1 tli day of November, 1913, or do
crco wjII b0 ontorod against you as m
said potition prayed.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, the.
th dnv of October, 1913.
.TVMFS LATnn'n pii. tiff
By E. II. Evaus, His Attorney.
' if