The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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8'ofto Hlitoiioal tttifttr .
No. 81
Handsome Mew Fall Suits and Coats
uperior Values anjAsgjprtments :b
:3, at S
$ llf
$ w ' -
(r tuuvtnwMuuui iiwmmw mmamm m m
f o
Tlie daily express shipments we have hccn receiving all
this week enable us now to meet all your winter requirements.
At no time this season have we presented such liberal assort
ments to choose from as we are presenting now. Striking new
styles which are correct in every detail, and the values abso
lutely the best obtainable.
Elegant New Suits
in smartly tailored cutaway styles, new draped skirts, coats
lined with guaranteed linings, specially priced
$12.50, $15.00 and $20.00.
.New Smart Coats
Nowhere will you find a belter selection of new winter
coats than here. Every smart and becoming style for the
season, made ofboucle, fancy mixtures, plushes and ural lamb at
$6.50, HO, $15 and Up.
Richie Ugai Married.
Richie Ugni, the well known pronrio
tor of the Palace Cnfe,' who hud been
visiting in Jnpnn, will arrive home the
latter part of next woeky He is re
turning via Now York, and on his trip
has encircled the globe.
The interesting feature about memo s
trip is that while in Japan ho was mar
ried to a young lady of that country,
who will accompany him home.
The Cost of Base Ball.
Tho Kearney base ball association
hold a meeting Tuesday evening to
straighten up its financial airairs, and
in' reporting tho meeting tho Hub says:
President Kiblor had a typewritten
statement of tho receipts and expendi
tures of the association lor the past
base ball season, showing a deficit of
$3,100. As an offset there is u guar
anty of fortv-six nersona nleueimr liity
dollars each to cover a deficit. Of thi
several nunureu aouars nave ueun col
lected, leaving a balance uncollected
on the guaranty amounting to $1,830.
Jfany of tho guarantors represented
in this sum are reluctant to pay, but
the association is under the necessity
of insisting on payment and collecting
all amounts nledtred that aro collectible
It; will bo seon from these figures
tl)at even after tho guaranty is nil col
lected into tho treasury there will still
remain an overlap of eight or nine
hundred dollars.
pat o zzuai nnr
lour Money s W ortl f
We're keen on civinc
For Exchange
320 acres clear land. 100 acres of
va)ley in cultivation. Only 80 feet
to plentiful supply of good water.
Five miles from North Platte. Can be
made an ideal farm ranch . Owners
will exchange
for North Platte prop-
Bratt 8s. Goodman.
New Silk. Petticoats
in all shades at
House Dresses in
new fall styles at
iibiii r i w wwwwit aaaMCwwimani b ijim www mh
Exclusive women's toggery.
Local and Personal
Charles Austin returned yesterday
from Omaha where he spent several
Mrs. Ed Dickey will entertain the
Nevlta club at a Hallowe'en party this
Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson, of
Chappell, spent yesterday in town visit
ing friends.
Arthur Plummer arrived the first of
the week from Denver to remain
Want to rent furnished house. Three
in family. Best of references. Inquire
at Tho Tribune office.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Peterson, of
Sutherland, spent yesterday in this
city with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loudon left this
morning for Grand Island where they
will be-'the guests of relatives and
friends for a week.
Mrs. Osgood, of Denver, arrived
Wednesday to -make a visit with her
' son Charles Osgood.
Mrs. GlenaShoup retured yesterday
afternoon to her home in Sutherland
after visiting friends for several days.
Money to loan on real estate by
Bratt &. Goodman.
The ladies auxiliary of the B. of L.
F and E. will hold a kensington Tues
day aftornoon at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawhead.
J G. Beeler and Senator Hoagland
returned last night from Bridgeport,
where they attended the state irriga
tion convention.
Miss Alice Birgo returned Tuesday
iu- .m ATinrien. La., where she
visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Goodwill,7or several weeks.
The ladies auxiliary of the B. of L.
F & E cave a Hallowe'en party Tues
day evening at the K. P. hall The
evening was spent in games, music and
dancing. Refreshments were serVed.
For Rrnt Two nicely furnished
front rooms, close in.
Mns. Ada Lewis, 510 East Fifth St.
James Babbitt will close his services
with the Union Pacific today after
fortv-five years of continuous employ.
. t will n-n nn the nension rolls
of the comnany. and has a right to feel
(i.. what, hn receives
pension has been wall earned
MR. POULTRYMAN: When you" seo
your chickens moping, wheezing, swol
len headed and sneezing; wo recom
mend Conkey's Roup Remedy. 1 or
Bale and guaranteed by John R. Pitnei.
Twelve young ladies of the high
school will go to Sterling tomor-
, mfnoia tho football came
played by tho North Platte and Sterling
hitrh achooi teams, -mey wm u ."i-
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
Sanford Hartman Tuesday afternoon.
For Rent Business room. Inquire
A. A. Schatz. tf
Miss Goodwill, of Minden, La., is
visiting at the homes of Miss Alice
Birge"and Mrs. Lester W. Walker.
Wanted An office girl. Apply at
Stuart's plumbing shop opposite Lloyd
opera house.
Mrs. H. P. Henckel will'entertain at
a 6 o'clock dinner this evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank biajeck.
Christian Science service Sunday 11:00
a. m. Subject: "Everlasting Punish
mont." Sunday school 12m. K. P. hall,
Dewey St.
A new time-card will go into effect
Sunday, the only change, it is said,
will be in No. 10, the time of which will
be shortened, This train will arrive at
this terminal about two and one-half
hours earlidr.
the most value possil
every purchase you make at this store.
Unit's one of the many reasons why we handle ''
Chase & Sanborn's .
From "Seal Brand' down to the lowest grade each is
the choicest quality available at its price and it is ALWAYS
Wanted -Girl for general housework.
Inquire C03 west Fourth street or
phone 30. tf
K. B. Spencer, of Wallace, spent
weanesuay in tnis city on business.
The M. M. M. club will meet Tuesday
afternoon at the homo of Mrs. O. II.
' For Rent Two furnished front rooms
for light housekeeping, 520 east 4th St.
Tho ladies of the Episcopal giuld will
hold their annual fair and supper in the
Masonic hall, Noy. 13th. Watch for
later announcements.
The D. of H. social dlub will be en
tertained Tuesday afternoon nt the
homo of Mrs. J. L. Miltonberger, who
will be assisted by Mrs. Elder and Mrs.
Automatic Electric Washers at Her
sh9v's. tf
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Saturday, stationery temperature, vari
able and light winds. Richest tempera
ture yesterday 45, 'a year ago 40; lowest
last nignt zu, a year ago 31.
Dirt from the basement of tho
Mutual B. & L. building is being
hauled on south Dewey street. This
Notice to Water Consumers
All wator consumers who have in
stalled meters in tiles or other recep
tacles should protect them in somo
manner from danger of freezing. If a
cover is made of boards just small
enough to go through opening in tho
iron meter cover and plnced just above
the meter ana the space acoye tinea
in with bans of leaves or hay in sacks
to top ot tile ana the iron meter covor
placed on this and an inch or two of
manure thrown over tno iron cover
there will be little danger from trost.
See that pipes do not touch tile at tho
sides and that motor does not touch
tho,ground at tho bottom. Meters will
HoTbeureTid airain uiltll,Janunrv4;-1014,
and at that time meter readers will seo
that meter coverings are replaced as
they were before. Those who have
meters in basements or under houses
should seo that no windows near them
are broken and that no drafts blow
upon the meters as from experienco in
neighboring cities more meters installed
in basements freeze than those installed
in tiles.
Heushby S. Welch,
Water Commissioner.
"Seal Brand"
If yoiypaid 31.00 a pound you could buy nothing
better than f'SEAL BRAND."
Other "C. & S" brands correspondingly good
"Seal Brand", Full, rich flavor 46c lb-
"Standard Blend", Splendid value 40c lb
"Our Blend", Smoth and mellow. ..., 35c lb.
Sole Agents. '
Baptist Church Notes.
At the momine services during the, "My little boy had
month of Novomber tho pastor will escape' writes P. P,
A regular meeting of the Twentieth I r1irt ,is costing tho city thirty-five cents
as a monthly
eroncd by Mrs. J. H. Donogan.
Century Club will beheld at the library
building Monday evening. ine com
mittee on constitution and by-laws will
make its report and other business pre
sented for consideration. A large at
tendance is requested.
Miss Esther Ilummell entertained
twenty of her friends at a Hallowe'en
party Thursday evening at the home
of lrs. Jack McGraw. Tho evening
was spent in game3 suitable for the oc
casion. The rooms were decorated in
pumpkins, black cats, ghosts and
witches. A very enjoyable supper was
The North Platto cleaninc and dye
works yesterday removed from the
rooms in tho McDonald block to their
new location in tho John Ritner block
on west Sixth street. Their oillce and
general repair works will occupy tho
front part of the building while tho
dye works will be in a separate build
ing at the rear near the alley, a new
cement.block house having been erected
specially for tho steam machinery.
Fire destroyed the residence of Wm.
Robb, living south of Sutherland Tues
day aftornoon. also soverai stacks of
hay belonging to A. K. Mclntire and
burned across about fifty acres of hay
land belonging to Del Titterington be
fore enough help could be gathered to
extinguish it. It is thought some
campers let their fire get away from
them when a strong wind came up, and
as the Robb home was in its path and
no one at home, it was burned com
pletely down. Hershuy Times.
For Sale.
Choice residence properly and vacant
lots in different parts of the city,
Easy Payments.
Bratt & Goodman.
per load, whereas if hauled from
city pit would cost seventy cents.
. For Rent Four furnished rooms with
bath. No children, 414 W. Third. 80-2
Si Brown, accompanied by Joe
Mahaffoy and Mr. Kirk, autoed yester
day afternoon to three mils east of the
town ofBignell, where latter gentleman
Purchased a quantity of hay. While
ignell is now composed of two stores,
a blacksmith sbop, two or three dwell
ings, it was evident from the talk
that the citizens are living in hope and
patiently waiting to hear tho whistle
of B & M engines.
A boy passing tho corner of Front
and Locust streets a few days ago nar
rowly averted having his head crushed
by a kick from a horse that was tied to
a wagon near the sidewalk. Frequency
farmers unhitch their horses from the
wagon and tie thorn to a wheel. ThiB
gives tho animals an opportunity to
back up to the sidewalk edge, and if
tho horses happon to bo vicious tho
paBser-by runs tho risk of being kicked.
Wednesday foronoon about 10 o'clock;
the nro company was called out to 12a
west Eleventh street to put out a fire
that was threatening tho destruction of
an automobile. Tho machine belonged
to John Slutts and when he nttempted
to thaw out n frozen pipe near tho gaso
line tank, the oil Ignited and the
machine was soon on fire. Before tho
blazn could be extinguished a small lead
pipe or two had melted off and tho
front seat so badly damaged that it will
necessitate being replaced with a new
Local and Personal.'
W. S. iWood. of Wallace, is trans
acting business in town today.
Percv Schott will leave Saturday for
Umaha whero ho has accepted a posi
Joo Schatz, of the Dixon Jewelry
Store, transacted business in Northport
John Barnett, of Bignell is transact
ing business and visiting friends in this
city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gould, of Den
ver, arrived this morning to visit several
days with relatives.
Mr. Houston and son left this morn
ing' for Oberland, Kansas after a week's
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. WhiBtlcr, of Oregon,
arrived this morning to be tho guosts
of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cool
Mrs. Lester W. Walker will entor
tain Monday complimentary to Miss
Goodwill, of Minden. La.
Tiger Press Drills at Hershey's. tf
Miss Imo Cool will entertain a num
ber of friends at a Hallowe'en party
this evening at her home on west 11th
Mrs. Max McGrcw returned home
yesterday from Los Angoles, Calif.,
whero she had been visiting .relatives
for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colbin and child
ren left this morning for Soldier Spring,
Idaho, whero they will make theirhomo
in the future.
Toniorht is All Hallowe'en, and in
order to prevent the boys from going
too far in their fun, an extra forco of
policemon will bo on duty. Tho boys
had better, therefore, bo a little care
ful and not carry their funny work to
nrench n sorioB of sermons dealinc with
tho fundamental of Baptist belief. At
the evoning services he will preach n
sesjeB dealing with the question, "How
can a man bo saved?" Morning sub
jects: The Freedom of tho Individual,
Tho Church an Institution of God, Con
version and Regeneration Before,
Church Membership, Tho New Testa
ment tho Guido to Faith and Practice,
Baptism and Communion. Evening
subjects: What is a Christian?, Tho
Fact and Folly of Sin, Sin alienated
Man from God, God bridged tho abyss
of Man's Sin. Jesus Christ tho Key to
Salvation. Theso sormona will bo right
to tho point nnd tho general public is
invited to attend any or all of them.
Friday evening thoso having- Dirui
davs during the month of Octobor will
givo a Hallowe'en party at tho church.
Everyone invited. Lunch will bo sol
ved. ' Tho pastor's bible class will meet
Wednesday evening at tho close of
prayor servicer
When seekine fire or life insurance,
get the best which is always the cheap
est and written by Bratt & Goodman
in sound companies, who do not scale
down an honest loss.
Labor Commissioner Will File.
Stato Labor Commissioner Charles
W. Pool, who drew No. 05 jn tho gov
ernment land lottery, intends to select
a claim elthor in Grant or McPhorson
counties where he is at liberty to take
040 acres, or in Cherry county whero
ho may soloct a quarter section. Liko
most others who draw government land,
Mr. Pool intends to start a town on his
land, bo elected mayor and porhnps run
for governor on the democratic ticket.
Mr. Pool can run for governor from his
hnmn In thn Sixth district, as well us
ho enn from hia homo in Tocumseh, but
he has not yet made the announcement
that ho intends to be a candidate for
either governor or congressman.- Lin
coln Journal.
A Marvelous Escape.
a mnryelous
BastiamH of
Prince Albort. Cane of Good Hono. "It
occurred in tho middle of tho night. Ho
got n vory eovoro attack of croup. As
luck would havo it, I had a large bottle
of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy in tho
house. After following tho directions
for an hour and twonty minutes ho wns
through all danger." Sold by alldoalerB
ii44; 4.44.44444 '.t44-444-4-
Physiciou and Suroeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
Phones Office 130
f hones Residenco m
TV 5Mt 3r$'3)t ,'$ft1fcttfr-1Mi')(riWfc'iMrJWt
For all acute or chronic diseases, the
indicated Homeonathle rnrnwlv nlwnvs 1
the safest, quickest and best.
Twinem's Drug Dept.
They Make You Feel Good.
Tho pleasant purgative effect pro
duced by Chamberlain'sTablets and the
healthy condition of body and mind
which they create make one feel joyful.
For Salo by all doalors.
The International Harvester Co. of
Amoricu will sell at public nuction to
the hicest bidder for cash the following
described property:
Uno mule ago iour, coior piuck,
weighs 050 pounds.
One mule uko fivo, color black, weighs
1000 pounds.
Said sale will bo hold in front of
Brick Livery barn in town of North
Platto, Neb., on Saturday, Novomber
1st. A- D. 1913, at the hour of two
o'clocK n. m.
International Harvester Co.,
of America.
By Jho. J, Spies, Agent.
Two Attractions.
North Platto has two attractions it
protty nomen and tho cigars made by
Schmalzried. Both attractions are
pleating; and both are in demand.
Perhnpsyou haye not been smoking
Schmalzried cigars and don't know how
good they are; If so, try them. You
will not be disappointed.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
A splendid presentation of "Madamo
X" was given at the Keith last even
ing to a good sized audience. Tlie play
abounds in strong emotional situations
and these were well taken by Mss De
Lane. Mr. Trousdale, the leading man,
appeared hero boforo ,in "Thj Man on
the Box."
Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines.
If you want to contribute directly to
tho occurrepco of capillary bronchitis
and pneumonia uso cough medicines
thut contain codlne, morphine, heroin
and other sedatives when you havo n
cough or cold. An expeccorant liko
Chamborlain'w uougn uemeuy is wnai
is needed. That clean's out tho culturo
beds or breeding places for tho germs
of pneumonia and other germ diseases.
That is why pneumonia novor, results
from a cold when Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is used. It has a world wide
reputation for its 'cures. It contains no
morphine or other sedative. For sale
by all dealers.
;! Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians ana Surgeons,
Office over' Stone Drug Co.
8 Phones rg??273
t; ' 2 5m s i J1
r Q1ILMtl.Lia OAT t.
Ily vlrtuo of nn order of ealo luxl frlm the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon u docroq of foreclosure rendered in wild
court wliereln The Mutual Iiulldlnir and Loan
Association n corporation Is plaintiff, and
William H. IJnrracIom;li. vt al are defendants,
and to mo directed. 1 will on the 2Jth day of
Novcmhor 1013, at 2 o'clock, p. m.,nt tho east front
door of tho court house In North 1'latto, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction .to tho
highest bidder for cash to Eutlofy said
decree. Interest and costs, tho followlnir
described property to-wlt: Lot six (6) In
lllock I''ortyono (41) of the oritrinaf town now
city of North 1'latto, Lincoln county,-Nebraska.
Dated North I'lstte, Neb., Octobe 27th. 1913.
o2S-B A. J.SALlsiiuiY,JShoriu.