r -r. Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ouo Year by Mall in advance $1.25 ' Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllce as Second Clam Matter. . Friday, October 24, 1913. About one half of the 'states In the union have bean represented in tho land registration nt North Platte. Tho other half would havo been represented had the registration continued another week. Improvements in North Platte during 1913 will total $150,000 exclusive of tho expenditures byflthe Union Pacific, which willmoro than equal that nmount. While that amount does not indicato a boom it shows a steady growth that ought to provo satisfactory. During the past twalvo days 25,000 visitors have been in North Platte and not one of them went away complain ing that they had been mistreated or ' "held up" on prices by tho North Platte paoplo. This ought to further estab lish North Platto'a reputation as a model town; a place whore everybody is treated fairly and courteously. Rull traffic was tied up, six lives lost, and a dozen states in tho southeast, north and middlo west wore covered with snow Monday night while western Nebraska felt only tho whiff of a cool bracing wind. Strange that so many peoplo continue to reside in"tho 'storm swopt regions of this country!' when western Nobraska stands with open arms to receivo thorn. It is generally believed that as soon as congress disposes) of thojfeurrency bill, President Wilson will begin to re ward the Nebraska faithful with ap pointment'!. There aro about twenty five postofilceslin Nebraska with salaries ranging aboye $2,000 that ara still held by republicans, tho positions in five land offices are among th appointments yet to bo made, and in addition there aro other federal positions that ure eagerly sought. After sorving nine years as superin tendent of tho Kearney normal school; Dr. Thomas has been removed by the Staio Board of Education, No chargos wore perforred against Dr. Thomas, tho only excuse offered by tho board boing thot it was "for tho best results of the normal Bchools of Nebraska." This is a lame excuse, inasmuch ns Dr. Thomas has proven a most successful head of the institution. Tho removal caused groat indignation at Kearney, tho nor mal students passing emphatic resolu tions of protest ' "Tho routo of the Lincoln Highway will bo"m,arked, almost without a break, 'from Now York to San Francisco by tho night of Friday, October 31, when the dedication calobratlons are to bo held across tho country. Somo of the states, particularly in tho west, have nlrendy completed the work. The ofliciul copy righted marker of the association is 21 inches high, comprising n strip of red tbree inches wide, n band of whito 10 'inches wido, and a strip of blue threo 4nch'(fs wjdo below. On tho white band lUttlib largo lettor "L" with tho word Lincoln" abovo and "Highway" below. Myrtle and Vicinity, t F-. D. Tntman is moving to North Platte, whuro ho will enter tho employ of tho Union Pacific. Jns.Gnmbrel will hold a public sale In thrf near future and will locate in Idaho. Andrew Phillips was a North Platto visitor "Wednesday. Js),A son of regulation weight camo to 'brighten tho homo of Mri und Mrs. Ed Greeley recently. Jos. Gosnoll was u North Platto vis itor Wednesday. E. It. Sivita is preparing to movo to Worth Platte in a short timo. ' "Everybody's doln' it." Doing what? Why registering of course. ' P. & S, Notes. Miss Mary Roscncram who has been taking treatment at tho hospital for some time, loft Wednesday. Jamejs Aoynni left the hospital " Wed nesday after receiving treatment there for several weeks. Miss Katherlne Murpliy, superinten dent of the hospital, has returned from her trip in tho east and has taken up 'lier duties at tho hospital. 'Mrs. Henry Wolch who was seriously burned the first of this weok is im proving. Mrs, GooRoamof Horshoy, returned yesjorday after sovoral days visit with friends. Mrs. Geo. Mudd, of Hershey visited friends ih this city the first of tho week. . J . B. Honderson, of Cozad, arrived Wednesday to visit friends and attend tho registration. nr. w ti Tim- f i A Boomerang Dy ANDREW C EWING "Iti all up with me, Sadie!" "What in tho world is tho matter?" "I'm fired." "From your position?" "Yes." "What for?" "Well, you know that when I "was graduated from tho electrical school I was offered a situation In tho oillco of tho Metcalf company, of which Mr. Metcnlf Is president and principal stockholder. I supposed tho position would bo permanent It turns out that tho Metcalf company had put in a bid on tho erection of an electrical plant Slid had been awarded tho contract Mr. Metcalf wanted somo ono to assist in making figures on tho specifications and hired mo for that purpose. Tho formula being now completed, ho hns no further uso for me." "llow dishouorablo in him not to linvo told you In tho beginning tlint you wcro simply employed for tho Job." "If ho had I would hnvo declined his offer, for I bad n permanent one offered mo nt n lower salary. 1'vo boon work ing nights for six months besides my day work and have a wholo closet full of estimates figured out that I wouldn't do over again for n thousand dollnrs. I received 'only $G0O for tho wholo period of my service. I'm sorry, Sadlo, that wo can't fix tho dato wo expected to fix for our wedding. I shall hnvo to hnnt for another place, and whon I get ono I can't tell whether I slmll bo treated in tho samo shabby fashion." "Well, Bob, I expect you'll find tho world full of disappointments." "Yes, and whon I get knocked down I proposo to get up and push on." "Good! If you feel that way you're suro to win in tho end." But Bob found getting another place difficult. Engineers wcro being gradu ated every June, and those Just enter ing tho field wcro ready to work cheap. Besides, dull times camo on, and it was dlfllcult for thoso having positions to hold thorn. His fiancee was always hopeful and cheered him so far as sho could. Ono day tho young engineer was call ed up on a telephone. On nnswerlng tho call ho learned that the person on tho other end of the wire was tho president of tho Metcalf comnanv. I "Would it bo possible," ho asked, "for t you to recall from memory tho formula you mude for tho electrical plant we bid on whllo you wero with us?" "No, sir." There wns no further word for u moment, but Bob know that tho receiv er had not been bung up. "Why do you ask? Has anything happened to tho formula I made for you?" "Yes. Last night our safe wns bro ken into, and it was taken with other moneys and securities, and thoro is no certainty of our over recovering it "Wo must begin work immediately in order to get the Job finished according to contract." Bob opened his eyes, but not his mouth, lie knew that tho compnny would forfeit $100,000 if the work was not finished on time. Indeed, It could uqt begin without making a now formu la. At length ho snld: "I could help you out, Mr. Metcalf, but I don't think you treated mo right In not telling mo when you employed mo that it was for this Job only. I did a great deal of work homo nt nights nnd simply took results to tho oilleo. All that homo work I have nnd could easily reconstruct tho formula from it" Bob could hear a suppressed ex clamation of Joy, "You can come back to work If you like," said tho president, "nnd I'lbralso your salary." "Thank you. I don't care to cuter your employ again." "I'll make it permanent" "That doesn't tempt mo cither." "What do you ask for tho figures you have?" "They aro not for sale. Ilad 1 been retained permanently In your employ I would givo them to you, or if I hnd boon told that I was hired simply for tho Job 1 would do tho sonic. As it Is I am uuder no obligations to you." Thoro wns silence for a few moments when tho question came, "Will you bo at homo tills evening?" to which Bob replied thnt ho would. When Mr. Metcalf called in tho even ing ho looked very much broken. IIo offered Bob $10,000 If ho would re construct tho formula. Bob declined tho offer, but inado n counter proposi tion. IIo proposed that they should Btibmlt tho case to tho heads of other concerns to decldo between them what tho cost should bo, both to bo bound by their decision. Tho offer was ac cepted, and an nvorngo amount of wlint tho arbitrators figured ns a proper pay ment was $112,500. But a dllTqrcnt arrangement was mndo. Mr. Metcalf sold n controlling interest in tho company to tho vlco president and resigned the presidency. Bob was given a position at $3,000 a year for flvo yours and rostored tho formula as an omployeo without charge. IJis ability to do so saved tho company from ruin. Bob never said a word to his flnnceo about tho loss of tho formula till tho matter was settled between him and tho Metcalf company. When ho did so ho hold her In n boar hug. Bob and Sadlo wero married long ago, and Bob is now ono of the princi pal managers of tho Metcalf company. Ranches and City Property bought and sold CLABAUGH ROOM 4 McCADE BLDG. ES5 PJTRONIZE THE DAT In 'House of GoodShowl HI When in North Plaile. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. Dr. J. K. Elms, Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat Glasses fitted Also "o2i"' Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office over McDonald State ' Bank. North Platto. Phono 30. , Tax Notice. Certificate No. 4882 To Frederick Whittemore. You aro hereby notified thnt on Nov. 7, 1910, L. A. Wight purchased at public sale for taxes for tho year 1909 tho following described land, to-wit: Tho west J and southeast J of Section IS, Township IB, Range 29, in Lincoln county, State of Nebraska. That said land was assessed in the name of Frederick Whittemore and that on January 2C, 1914, tax deed will be applied for. Dated October 0, 1913. L. W. Wight. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. OIC-13, Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land OlIIco at North Platte. Neb. October 15. 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that Clarence O. Wills, of Wclllleet. Neb.. who. on March 3, 1910, made II. E. No. 04643. f or the WW, of NWM and WH SWM. of Section 32, Township 11, North, Range 29, West of tho 6th Principal Mcridan, has Hied notico of Intention to mako final flvo year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register nnd receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on the 12th day of Decclnbcr. 1913. Claimant names ns witnesses: Charles Gerkln, Orrin Hacon, John Cooper and Ernest Fletcher, Ml of Wclllleet. Neb. o21-6 J. E EVANS. Register. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Statu of Nobraska. Lincoln County, ss In tho County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of John Franzen Deceased. To the creditors, heirs legatees and others Interested In tho cstato of John Frnn.cn, TaWo notice that Charley Holm lias filed In tho county court, a report of his (lollies jv executor of snld estate and also praying that a decree of distribution of tho residue, of Bald estate may bo mado liy tho court and It Is ordered that tho same stand for bearing tho 4th day of November, A. p. 1913, before tho court at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m. . at which tlrno any person Interested may appear and except to and contest the same. Notico of this proceeding and tho hearing thereof Is ordered given to all persons In terested In snld matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed In said county for thwi consecutivo weeks prior to said dato of hearing. Dated October lllh, 1913. . (Seal) o H-3 John OitAT. County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska. . In the Matter of the EstAta of Michael Albert "Foster, Deceased. . . To nil persons interested in tho Estate of Mich ael Albert Foster, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Edward It. Good man, administrator ot said estate, has fifed his petition in said court, the object nnd prayer of which aro that a decree of assignment may bo mado of the property of said estate, being 'the Northeast quarter of Section IB. Township 24 N., Itnngo 11 W., Sixth Principal Meridian, In Wheeler county, Nebraska. You nro hereby no tified that said petition will be heard by tho County Court of said county at tho court loom In tho City of North Platte, in said county, on tho 3d day of November, 1913, at 9 o'clock in the fore noon. It Is ordered that a copy of this order bo publljhod in tho North Platte Semi-Weekly Tri bune Tbr threo successive weeks, being u legal howspaper printed nnd published in said county. Dated October 9th. 1913. ' ol4-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, SS. i In tho County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Susan Pickett, Deceased. I, John Grant, County Judgo of said county, In said estate hereby notify nil persons having claims against the ostate of tho said Susan Pick ett, Deceased, that I have set nnd nppolnted tho following days for tho reception, examination nnd adjustment of mild clnlms and demands, ns pro vided by law, at tho County Court room in North Platte. Lincoln county, nnd Stato aforesaid, to wit: The 11th day of November, 1913, and tho 11th day of May, 1911. And nil persons so Inter ested in said cstato will appear nt said tlrno nnd place nnd duly present their said claims and de mands In tho manner required by law, or show cause for not so doing. And in cuno any of said claims shall not bo presented by the Uth day of May, lull, tho same shall ho forever barred. A copy of this order .to bo published' in tho North Platto Tribune, n legal semi-weekly newspaper, of said county, for four successive weeks prior to November 11th, 1913. 0 Given my hand nnd scnl of tho County Court this 9th day of October. 1913. ' ol4-l JOHNJBRANT. County Judge. Notice To Property Owners. Notico is heroby given thnt the City Council of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will set ns n Hoard of Equilization, beginning at tho hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M of the 21stday of October, 1913, at the Council Chamber nt tho Library Building in tho v-.ii.y ui norm none, Lincoln (Jounty, M" tnxos for tho nnrnnin nf nn.ilnr. the costs of tho construction of tho extension the lateral Sower in sni'd Sewer District "Ui nnd thut said taxes will bo lovied upon ench parcel of real estato according to tho extent of bene fits to be equal und uniform, such levy of taxes will bo uccording to tho front j Sf tno lot8 or ronl ustnta within said Sower District or according to such other rule as the City Council sitting as such Board of Equilization may adopt for tho distribution or adjustment of such costs. All porsons Interested will file their objections, if any they have, to the assessment of tnxes ugninst their prop erty on or boforo tho 21st day of Oct bor, 1913, at 7.30 o'clock P. "I (Cen tral Timo) with tho City Clork. By ordor of tho Mayor and City council mado tho 10th day of Soptem bar, 1913. Ciias. F. Temple. sJ3'5 City Clerk. fwi iicuiusnu, ior ina purpose 01 levying on tho real estate lying and boing within tho extension to SPAVER. nwrnir-.T APOLLO HOTEL 1030 GLENARM STREET DENVER, - COLO. Fred R. Ginn, Prop. II. "Wilbur Way, Mgr. 75 rooms with private bath; 50 rooms without bath. Rates with bath, 51.C0. Kates without bath, 91.00. Special rates by the week or month. Cafe In connection. Elevator service, hot and cold wa ter and telephone In every room. One block from Orpheum theatre, two blocks from Broadway theatre. Take Seventeenth Street Car Oillco Phone 410 Res. Blk 552 Bertha E. Mangon, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Deseasec of Women and Children Specialty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Now McCabe Blbg-. Oldest Bank In Lincoln County McDonald State Bank North Platte, Nebr.. CAPITAL STOCK 9100,000.00 We Solicit Your Duslnsas. OR. MY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Red 4 5 E05H Dewey St. ' North Pla '.to, Nebraska. Dr. D: C. Crocker. Osteopathic Physician PHONE RED 621. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Notico is hereby giving that no hunt ing or treasspassing will be allowed on tho lands of the undersigned who reside south and west of North Platte. Violations of this notice will bs prose cuted to the full extent of tho law. Wm. Benaur, George Single," Elmor Dngget, C. S. Bethell, Wm. Hunter, Wm. Fncka, Chns. Howard, v- Lester Anderson, E. A. Roberts, M. Ortan, Odo Roberts, Arthur Connor, Jess Kunkle, Ed Wilson. Clark Howard, A. W. Tool. G. T. Knotts, Gunderson Bros. Frank Fncka, O. L Watkins, C. Broeder, J. A. Kunkle, Eli Kuncklo, A. Kunkle. C. Porter D. W. Ktinkle, A. J. Howard, Hugh Songer, W. Kunkle. L. L. Rowely, D C. Carrigan, Louise Grulke, C. V. Turpie, Ward Weekly, D. J. Knox, Clyde Long, M. C. Leth, Roy Melton, A. Loth, John Pulls, A. Zuler, J. K. Crow, George Garman, F. Kronquest, W. E. Mestor, F L. Woinburg, C. F. Zimmerman S. D. Goldsmith W. E. Collins, D. A. Voss, G. W. Edis, F. W. Collins J. S. Hnrdtn, W. H.Backley, L. Lloyd C. R. Osgood, F. Montague Ed. Froerrian. H. M. Hershey G. W. Ruff Jos. Hershey Mrs. M. McGuiro NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial No. 04639 " Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Oillco ot North riatto. Nebr. , , Sept. 24. 1013. Notico la hereby given that Henry 1'. Hansen, of North l'latte, Nebr.. who. on February 9, 1010, mado Homestead Entry No. 04599. for NWW. NM of NEK. Section 82. twn. 15. N. rgo. 30. west of tho Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notico of intention to make llnal threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before the register and receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on tho 19th day of Novembcr.1913. Claimant names as witnesses: It. G. Par melee, Julius Mogensen. V. Hansen, Charles Itussell. all of North l'latte. Nebr. S30.0 J. E. Evan. Resistor. NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION. Serial No. 01889 DEI'AUTMICNT OP THE INTI'.UIOIt. United States Land Ollice At NortHTIatto. Nebraska. Sept.Bth. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Duiilcl Carrlgan of North Platte, Neb., who on Sept. 9, 1910, made homestead entry. No. 04889. for NMniulNH of SW, Section UG, Township 12 N. Range 32. W. of 6th Principal Mcridan. has filed notico of Intention to make final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho register and receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho Oth day of November, 1913. Claimant names us witnesses: Philip T. Hell. Wendell McCrum, Paul Smith. Carl Hroeder. all of North Platto, Nebr. slG-0 J. E. Evans. Register. ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, as. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Estato of Patrick Ruddy, deceased. On reading nnd filing tho petition of Llnnlo D. Ruddy praying that administration of sold cstato may bo granted to E. II. Evans .09 ad ministrator. Ordered. That Oct. 28th, 1913, nt 0 o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested In said matter may appear at n county court to bo held In and for sold county nnd show causa why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo grantcd;,and that notico of tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested in said matter by pub lishing n copy of this order In tho North Platto Tribune n semi-weekly newspaper printed In snld county, for threo successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated October 3rd, 1913. JOHN GRANT. o7-3 County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. R. W. Hagel, non-rosidentdefundnnt, will take notico thnt an action hns been begun in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in which Chnrlos J. Bills is plaintiff and Lillian E. Hngol nnd R. W. Hagel, her husband, are de fendants, the object nnd prayer of which said action are to foreclose a certain mortgage made and exocuted by the defendants to tho plaintiff upon the following described land situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: The East Half of Southwest Quarter and the West Half of Southeast Quarter of Section Four, (4), Township Fifteen (15), North of Range Thirty (30), West of tho Gth P. M., to secure the payment of one certain mortgugo bond dated January 1, 1910, for tno sum of $400.00 and coupon bonds thereto attached duo and unpaid, and that thcro is now due upon said bond and interest notes and taxes paid by the plaintiff, the sum of $486.57, for which said sum with interest therooh, as in said mort gage, bond nnd notes provided for, from this date, plaintiff prays that defend ants be required to pay and costs of suit or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due, nnd that said defendants be foreclosed of their equity of redemption theroin. You are required to answer said peti tion on or bafore the 17th day of November, 1913, or decreo will be en tered against you as in said petition prayed. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 7th day of October, 1913. Charles J. Bills, Plaintiff. Dy E. H. Evans, his Attorney. Sheriff's Sale. Dy virtue of nn order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Francis N. Shelton Is plaintiff and John Swanson.etalare defendants,and to mo directed I will on tho 1st day of Nov., 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of tho court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to tho"hlghest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho following described property to-wit: Northwest quarter (NWJ) Section thirty three (33) TownshlD Thirteen (13) North of Rnnim hirty-one (31) west of the 6th P.M. Lincoln county, .Nebraska. Dated North riatte. Ncb.,Sept. 27. 1913. S30-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff To Geo. Hublitz owner Ei of lot 1, block 112. Tho owners of property on tho south side of Sixth street, between Walnut and Chestnut, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed ond approved an ordinance on the 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining thoir said premises, to b constructed a3 to line and grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks In said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the East side of lot 1. block 112, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before the' 10th day of September, 1913, the samo will be constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which the snmo shall be constructed. C F. Temple, City Clerk. To Ellen ltoyer owner of lot 5, block 108. The owners of property on the north side of Gth street, between Poplar St., and Silber Ave., are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordin ance on the 18th day of June. 1913. ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said VlKunr. innll 4-A n r r m rm 4- u.. , i. ,1 i. 1! !l liiciuiaus. iu uu i,uuauucau us LU IJIie and grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho west side of lot 5, block, 108, owned by you, in accordance with snid ordinances, on or before tho 10th day of September 1913, the same will ba constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall be con structed. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. To Nancy A. Beightel owner of lot 1 and 8 block 21. The owners of property on the West side of Sycamore street, between 11th) and 12, nre hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln coupty, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on the 18th day of June 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to line and grade, and of permanont.materal as provided in the genoral ordinances of said city.regu lating the construction of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the East side of lot 1 and 8, uiock i. owneu uyi you, in accoruunce with said ordinance, on or before the 11th day of September 1913, the same will bo constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall be constructed. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. To J no. R. Nenry owner, of lot 8 block 105. Tho owners of property on the West side of Walnut street, be tween Sixth and Front streetc are here by notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraskn, passed and approved an ordinance on tho 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to be contructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent mntorial, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks in snid city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho East side of lot 8, block 105, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or boforo the 1st day of November 1913, tho same will be con structed by said city and the cost as sessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which tho samo shall be con struced. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. Di Infield idfield, Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE U. REDFIELD. Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE C42. Office phono 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Established in 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Cth and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. aeees0as .DR. J. S TW1NEM, j HomeopathlcPhysIclanandSurgeon Hospital accommodations for Medical and n 0 surgical attention given obstetrical cases, e Oillco Phono 163 lies. Phono 23 Offlco McDonald Stato Rank Bld'g ab0 eenseaaa n j flIMO Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an ordor of sale issued from the district coUrt of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decree of fore closure rendered in said court wherein John M. Stewart is plaintiff nnd Isaac Doardorf et. al. are defendants and to mc directed, I will on the 15th day of November, 1913, at two o'clock p. m.t at tho oast front door of the court house in North Platte.Lincoln Co., Neb., sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said decree, in terest and costs.the following described property, to-wit: All of sections Twenty nine (29), Twenty-seven (27), Twenty five (25), Thirty-live (35), Thirty-three (33), Thirty-one (31), and tho south half of the southeast quarter (S hf SE qr) of Section Twenty.six (26), northeast quarter (NE qr) of Section Thirty-four (34), all in Township Sixteen (16) Range Twenty-nine (29), northeast quarter and the Southwest quarter (NE qr'and SW qr) of Section Thirty (30), and the north half and the south east quarter (N hf and SE qr) of Sec tion Thirty-one (31), Township Sixteen (16), Range Twenty-eight (28), all of Sections Seven (7), Five (5), Three (3), one (1), and the Northwest quar ter (NW qr) Section Two (2), all in Township Fifteen (15), Range Twenty nine (29), all of Section One (1) in Township Fifteen (15), Range Thirty (30), tho north.half (N hf) of the North half (N hf), south half (S hf) of the south half (S hf), southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (SE qr of NE qr) northeast quarter of tho southeast qr (NE qr of SE qr) northwest qr of tho southwest quarter (NW qr of SW qr), and southwest quarter1 of northwest quarter (SW qr of N W qr), of section Thirty (30) township sixteen (16), range twenty-nino (29), west of the 6 prin. meridian, Lincoln county, Nebraska. According to the order of the District Conrt the premises herein forclosed shall be offered for sale separately in the following order to-wit: All the promises except sections twenty nine (29) nnd thirty-three (33), township sixteen (16) range twenty-nine (29) and section thirty-one (31) township sixteen (16) range twenty-nino (29) and the south hf of the south hf, the north hf of tho north hf, southwest qr of the northwest qr.southeast qr of the north east qr, northeast qr of the southeast quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest qr of section thirty (30) township sixteon (16), range twenty nine (29), section thirty-ono (31) town ship sixtoon (16). range twenty-nine (29) nnd the south hf of tho south . hf, north hf of tho north hf, southwest qr of tho northwest qr, southoastqr of the north east qr, northeast qr of southeast qr, northwest qr of tho southwest qr, of section thirty (30), township sixteen, (16) range twenty-nino (29) . Sections twenty. nine (29) and thirty three (33) township sixteen (16), range twenty- nino (29) , In tno eyont however that tho total amount of the bids thus offered senar- ately shall 'not be sufficient to pay the mortaga debt, then all tho premises herein foreclosed shnll also be offered for sale in bulk and in tho event the bid for the premises in bulk shall ex ceed tho total amount offered in the separate bids said bid shall bo reported to tho court for confirmation. Dated this 11th day of October, 1913. A . J. SALISBURY, Sheriff of Lincoln Co. PRORATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln County. Ne braska. Oct. 7th. 1913. In tho matter of tho ostate of Esther Harris, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administratrix of said estate, before tho county judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county Court room. In said county, on tho 11th day cf Nov. 1913, and on tho 11th day of May, 19H, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims, nnd one year for tho Administratrix to settle said estate, from the 7th day of Oct. 1913. A copy of this order to bo published In the North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper of said county for four successive weeks prior to November 11, 1913. oU-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. "Hogs ai H