The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 24, 1913, Image 2

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Pergonal, Political, Foreign end Other
Intelligence Intnrestlng to the
General Rearfcra.
rrcBldent Woodrow Wilson was
Dlcctod a member of tho American
Antiqulnrlan society at Its annual
meeting at Worcester, Mass., In rec
ognition of his historical wrltlngB.
Fivo Filipinos have been selected
by President Wilson and Secretary
Garrison ob members of tho Philip
pine commission. ThlB is considered,
It Is said, to bo tho first step toward
Independence for tho Islands.
From thousands of chrysanthe
mums being grown In tho whlto houso
conservatories and In tho green
houses at tho department of agricul
ture for tho approaching whlto houso
wedding, one aristocrat of that plant
family an entirely new creation now
being developed Is to bo nnmed after
tho bride, Miss JcbbIo Wilson.
Chairman Clayton of tho houso Ju
diciary committee announced tho ap
pointment of a sub-committee, consist
ing of Representative Webb of North
Carolina, Floyd of Arkansas and Vol
stead of Minnesota, to Investigate the
alleged ofllclal misconduct of Fodoral
District Judgo Emory Spcor of Geor
gia. Chairman Clayton of tho houso Ju
diciary commltteo announced tho ap
pointment of a subcommittee, con
sisting of Itoprcscntatlvo Webb of
North Carolina, Floyd of Arkansas
ind Volstead of Minnesota, to investi
gate tho alleged ofllclal misconduct of
Fodoral District Judgo Emory Speor
of Georgia.
Arrangements for tho ro-dedlcatlon
of Congrosa hnll in Philadelphia on
Octobor 25 am boing completed by
tho commltteo In charge. President
Wilson, who has stated that ho con
elders it "not only an honor, but a
duty to attend," will stand on tho
name spot in the old senate chamber
as 'did Gcorgo Washington when ho
took tho oath of offlco at hlB second
InaucuTatton and John Adams when
ho succeeded Washington. Tho presi
dent will occupy tho chair used by
John Hancock when tho latter signed
the Declaration of Independence In In
dependence hall. ThlB will bo tho first
occasion on which the chair has boon
occupied slnco General Grant request
ed tho privilege in 1870.
Ralph nose, holder of tho Olympic
und world's record for shotputtlng, is
dead of typhoid fover.
Tho Now York court of Impoach
ment formally romoved William Sui
tor from tho offlco of govornor.
Tho latest and largest of the Zep
pelin airships exploded in midair and
twonty-sovon of Its passengers wore
Supporters of tho grandfather
clause in tho Oklahoma election law
frankly admit it is intended to re
strict tho fronchlso of nogroos.
By a decreo of tho Now York stuto
court of appeals a -man declared a
bankrupt by a federal court must
somehow dig up alimony for his di
vorced wife.
The first quadrennial session of tho
North American Division of Sovonth
Day AdventlBts will be hold In Cali
fornia, either at Lob Angalcs or Moun
tain Vlow somo tline in 191C.
Ever increasing numbers of auto
mobiles apparently huvo failed to de
press the carriage builders of Anor
ica, who wore told by thoir presi
dent, Charles C. Hill, that tho present
year had been tho best tho carrlugo
business had over known.
The English militant BUffrngotteB In
general and Mrs. Emmolino Pankhurst
li particular woro denounced by Mtb.
Armlsten Chant, tho London slum
worker, on her arrival at Now York
from Liverpool. "Mrs. Pankhurst,"
eho said, "has written a most shamo
ful chapter in tho hintory of womon's
Ton per cent of tho peoplo of Sa
vannah, Ga., aTO Buffering from don
gue, or bono break fever, a painful,
but not serious malady caused by tho
blto of tho mosquito.
State Senator John L. Haro of
Lexington, Tenn., an outspoltou sup
porter of prohibition measures, which
this special session of tho Touiiob
bco legiBlaturo waB called to enact,
declared that ho had been offered
2,C0Q to absent hlmiself from tho ex
tra session.
Four of ten rots caught in an old
building near tho water front in Soat
tie were found to bo infected with bu
bonic plaguo when oxamined in tho
city hoalth department laboratory recently.
Tho French legation at Mexico City
has mado a request for a warship.
According to tho third officer of
tho Volturno many perished In tho
flro on tho Btcamor.
Former Senator Aldrlch has do
nouncod tho currency bill as a Bryan
creation, socialistic and dangerous.
S. II. Burnham of Lincoln, Neb.,
says that tho relations of tho bank
ers and government aro growing
strained oror tho provisions of tho
currency bill.
Secretary McAdoo has suppressed
ubo of Roman letters to oxpress dates
on public buildings and requires archi
tects to uso plain United States fig
ures. Simplicity is going somo.
Federal Judgo ' Emory Spcer has
boon brought to his homo at Mount
Airy, Ga., from tho North Carolina
mountains In a condition of health
which gives his friends much alarm.
Ho has been In bed since his return.
Stockholders of tho Chicago &
Northwestern Railway company at
Chicago adopted resolutions approv
ing tho organization of tho Iowa
Southern Railway company to roach
by a short extension cortaln coal lands
in Iowa. u
Superior Judgo John E. Humphries
of Seattlo has revoked his order "for
ovor disbarring" Attorneys Glenn E.
Hoover nnd Hulot M. WoIIb becauso
of their connection with a recont do
fianco by socialists of tho court'B
anti-street speaking Injunction.
James Thorpo, tho Sac and Fox In
dian from Oklahoma, world's greatest
athlete and a membor of tho Now
York Natleonal leaguo baseball team,
was marrlod to Margaret Iva Miller,
a native of Oklahoma and a former
student at tho Carlisle Indian school,
which Thorpo attended.
Deaths in Chicago from automobljp
nccldents increased C13 per cent from
1007 to 1912, according to statistics
supplied to the Chicago Safety com
mission, which was organized recent
ly to combat Buch accidents. In 1007
thoro woro fifteen deaths from motor
car accidents; laBt year thoro were
Tho Metropolitan museum of art
will rocelvo tho groat art collection
of Benjamin Altman, tho department
Btoro millionaire. Mr. Altman was a
bachelor and his collecting occupied
most of his tlmo outside of buslncoss
hours. Ho had what is Bald to bo tho
finest collection of porcolaina In tho
Tho namcB of former United States
Senator William Lorlmor nnd Ed
ward Hines, millionaire lumber mer
chant, will play a part In tho trials
at Chicago of Attorney Danlol Dona
hoe and Dotectlvo Isaac Stelfol,
charged with conspiring to deiamo
Clarenco S. Fink, formerly gonoral
manager of tho International Har
vester company.
A Poking dispatch says that Chen,
chief of tho Poking mounted police,
haa been executed. Choo nwas ar
rested Octobor 10, during tho Inaug
uration coromonles. Ho confossod
that southern robels had bribed him
to mako an attompt to nsslsinato
Yuan Shi Kal as tho president was
taking, tho oath of offlco.
After an Investigation of tho kill
ing at Seattlo of Henry N. Fnrr and
tho injuring of Alfrod C. Hoglund and
Thomas G. Simmons by an automobllo
driven by Laurcnco Duko, son of Bro
dlo Duko, tho tobacco manufacturer,
Prosecuting Attornoy John F. Murphy
announcod that Duko would bo hold
on a charge of manslaughter.
Joo Prince, a 19-year-old youth, woa
convlctod of murder in tho first do
groo and sontencod to llfo Imprison
mont by a Jury in the circuit court at
Lebanon, Mo. Prlnco shot Charles
"Jordan, a school toachcr at Pea's Mill
near Lebanon, last Mny. Tho Bhootlng
was tho outcome of n feud, which
originated over tho trcBpa&s of hogs.
Tho campaign in tho gonoral elec
tions at Rome, Italy, which will bo
hold soon, Is waxing warmer and In
somo cusob political activity has tnkon
tho form of vlolouco. Tho govern
ment, however, haa lBsuod orders for
tho prompt BupproBsIon of all disturb
ances. Violent earthquakes in Nicaragua
, A splondld military review was hold
at Vienna, Austria, in celebration of
tho contonnary of tho "bnttlo of tho
nations" fought at Lelpslc October
18-19, 1813, when 200,000 of the al
lied armies of Austrlnns, Prussians,
Swedes and Saxons, commanded by
tho Austrian field marshal, Prlnco
Carl Phlllpp von Schwarzonborg, de
feated Napoleon with nn army of
about 180,000 French troopB. Tho
combined casualties of both armies
woro 94,000 killed and woundod, 30,000
French bolng taken prlsonorB.
shook tho cities of Managuu, Musuya
and Ornnda. Tho alarmed population
dosorted thoir homos for tho publla
squaros and opon spaces. Ono build
ing collapsed In Jaltovn.
William Marconi, tho wireless In
ventor, whllo motoring Ills wlfo to
Ppntochnla his motor car collided
with a cart whllo turning a cornor.
Tho chauffeur turned quickly and ran
tho tnachtno into a horse. Tho shock
broko all tho glass in tho nutomobilo
and Bcattcrod It ovor tho occupants.
Offers Resignation to Mexican
Cabinet, but It is Promptly
Mexican Deputies Are Taken Into
Court to Face Formal Charges
Rodolfo Reyes Among Those
Kept In Custody.
Havann, . Follx Diaz arrived
hero from Europe and oxprcssed great
surprlso when ho learned that Huorta
had proclaimed himself dictator of
Mexico. Ho is now closely guarded
to provont his assassination. Ho said
ho would contlnuo to Mexico City to
stund for election to tho presidency
but his frlendB expect him to change
his mind. When Diaz arrived ho
found orders awaiting him to send all
uIb sulto to Paris to Join Francisco do
la Barra.
Moxlco City, General
Huorta has played a desporato game
In his efforts to retain the dictatorship
of Mexico, but he has won nnd is
therefore mora firmly established than
over before. Ofllclal announcement
was mado that ho had offered his
resignation to tho Moxlcan cabinet,
but that It had been rejected.
Tho cabinet's action was not duo
to Its loyalty to Huorta, but to tho fact
that its members wero unablo to unite
on a man to Bucceed him. Thoy woro
nbout evenly divided between Pedro
Lascuraln, Madero's minister of for
eign affairs, and Gonoral Blanquot,
commander-in-chief of tho army.
74 Deputies Placed on Trial.
Seventy-four deputies arrested when
Genernl Huerta overthrow congress
wero today ordered to trial on charges
of "rebellion, sedition and insulting
tho government," becauso they asked
an investigation of tho disappearance
of Senator Bellsarlo Domlnguez.
Among them is Rodolfo Reyes, ex-minister
of Justice. Bail was refused.
Nino of thoso in custody were re
leased because tho charges had been
"unproved" at the preliminary exam
ination. By tho refusal to accept ball,
tho deputies aro barred from taking
any part In the presidential campaign.
They aro all Huortn's political oppo
nents. A decreo fixing rules for tho voting
in tho federal district this week were
Cabinet ChangeB Explained.
Tho recent chnngos in tho Huorta
cablnot wero thus explained by a
prominont supporter of tho consti
tutionalists: "Tho situation was becoming so se
rious that Huerta knew ho must mako
n master stroko. Ho therefore filled
his cablnot with men of such radically
different political faith that they could
novor unite on any ono man to suc
ceed him. Then ho presented his res
ignation. As ho expected, thoy refused
to nccopt it.
"Tho resignation was presented on
Thursday and late that night thoro
woro Indications that Hucrta's coup
might fall and that his successor
would bo selected. Goneral Blanquot
heard that Lascurian might becomo
president nnd ho therefore ordored
tho national palaco surrounded by
troops, intending to Bolze tho reins If
Huorta fell.
Huerta Held a Prisoner."
"Huorta and his cabinet wero held
prisoners in tho pnlaco untjl late Fri
day, when It was learned that no
change In tho government would be
mado. Then Blanquot withdrew tho
troopr.. While they had been on guard
at tho palaco Blanquet had the report
circulated that they wero there be
causo of an attempt to assoBalnato
ThlB statement was borno out by
the fnct that Huerta did not go to his
residenco outside of tho city Thursday
pight, but spont tho night thoro.
Diaz Ib Threatened.
Havana, Cuba, Oct. 20. .Placards
purporting to bo signed by "'various
Mexicans residing in Havana who
threaten to reslBt tho landing of Gon.
Felix Diaz and to assasslnato him It
ho should como ashore wero posted
throughout tho city.
Ex-Envoy Wilson Attacks Government
Spokano, Wash., Oct. 20. Honry L.
Wilson, former nrnbasBador to Mexico,
bitterly attacked tho United States
government for its treatment of Gon
eral Huerta In n speech hero. Ho do
clared that during tho rulo of Fran
cisco I. Madero, 84 Americans had
boon klllod In tho southern republic,
without a single murderer being pun
ished, but "tho American government
had been more agitated by the murder
Of Madoro than tho murder of Ameri
"Tho government of Huerta Is Just
sb legal as tho government of Roobo
velt, when ho succeeded McKlnloy,"
continued WiUon. "President Wilson
could Btlll recognize Huerta and savo
his faco. If wo do not get behind
Huorta chaos is suro to como and wo
will have to tako caro of tho country.
Wo would have to supervise tho elec
tions and as soon as wo left tho Mexi
cans would got out their knives and
we would havo to go back again.
Germany Protests "5 Percent. Clause."
Washington, . Germany fol
lowed tho oxainplo of Groat Brltafn,
Franco and Japan and filed a protest
with tho state department against tho
"fivo per cent. clauBo" of the Under
wood tariff law.
Tckamah will havo a now $100,000
court house.
Nebraska City 1b having trouble with
a surplus of tramps and mendicants.
Tho Richardson County Teachers'
association Is in session at Humboldt.
Tho new German Luthoran church
near Vordon was dedicated last Sun
day. The Lincoln district Epworth League
was In session at Soward tho last of
tho week.
Tho Nebraska Grand Lodgo of Odd
Fellows was In session at Lincoln, Oc
tober 14-16.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Morlodgo cele
brated their golden wedding at Hast
ings last week.
Apple picking Is about completed at
Shubort, and soventy-flvo car loads
will bo shipped.
Tho southeastern Nebraska horso
show at Auburn was attended by sev
eral thousand people.
Tho "Home Day" at Hyannls was
tho biggest thing of tho kind over
held In Grant county.
Several hall stones larger than eggs
wero picked up after the storm that
visited Burwell last week.
Tho Albion Commercial club haB
taken steps toward securing a form
demonstrator for Boone county.
Tho Prince of Monaco, who has been
hunting big gnme with Buffalo Bill out
west, has returned to his home.
E. C. Heck and wlfo, for forty years
residents of Neraska City, will mako
their future homo In California.
Frank Johnson, a laborer at Lincoln,
fell Into a vat of hot asphalt and was
badly burned about the legs and arms.
Chicken fanciers of Fremont aro
planning on holding tho biggest county
show ever held in Nebraska in Decem
ber. Kearney Y. M. C. A. has purchased
a lot and is making preparations for
tho erection of a homo for its mem
bers. Fred Keim, a 9-year-old Tecumseh
boy, suffered a fractured arm when h'o
fell from a swing on tho school
Mary Wyers, 11 years old, a Nemaha
county girl, was bitten by a rattle
snake, but suffered no serious incon
venience. A. T. Bosloy, a prominent Jefferson
county farmer, is in a precarious con
dition ns a result of falling off a load
of lumber.
Mrs. Lena Faulkner of Tecumseh
raised peaches that weighed seven
ounces and were nine Inches In cir
cumference. An order against tho slot machines
in Tecumseh has been issued from tho
office of tho county attorney and the
machines have vanished.
Only five of the 400 prize hogs sold
to Nebraska stockmen by exhibitors
at tho state fair wero found to have
beon subjected to cholera surround
ings. O. P. Hocldnson of Swedeberg was
struck and instantly killed by a North
western train one mile east of.Ceres
co. His automobllo was completely
Charles Jackson, a Falls City grocer,
had an exciting tusslo with a burglar,
when he returned to his store after
closing, late one night. The intruder
finally escaped.
Hastings boasts tho only messenger
boy In tho state who makes his de
liveries in an automobile, in tho per
son of Verno Scriven, employed by tho
Western Union.
Mahlon Meeker, a fnrmer residing
near York, is feeding his hogs a tcc
ond grade of flour. Ho mixes tho flour
with shorts and feeds the mixture
without cooking It.
Whllo alighting from his horso. Dr.
B. L. Shollhorn of Peru stepped on
somo object and fell, breaking his leg
near tho ankle. He was found a few
minutes later unconscious.
The gathering of tbo 1913 corn crop
has commenced around Osceola and
while' somo have not started there is
ijugh in already to predict a crop
that will, average from twenty-five to
forty-five bushels to tho acre.
George Maxwell, an Omaha man,
was killed when he got caught beneath
the counterweights of an elevator
which ho was adjusting.
Jack Brandt of Pawnee City was
shot in the faco by tbo accidental dis
charge of a gun In tho hands of a
companion whllo out hunting.
John Noble, a farmer noar Albion,
sustained a fractured collar bono and
arm and numerous other injuries In a
runaway whllo gathering corn. '
Sixty tons of coal in tho basement
of tho high school building at Beaver
City burst Into flames from spontane
ous combustion Saturday evening.
Falrbury expects to get Into tho
Btato league noxt season.
Tho NobraBka Master Bakers' con
vention Is In session at Omaha. Dele
gates are present from South Dakota,
Iowa and Missouri.
Whon E. S. Dodds, an Omaha man,
went to get into his auto to take his
wife down town, he discovered a four-days-old
girl baby neatly dono up in a
bundle on the seat
Tho contract for tho erection of
Wahoo'B now fifty thousand dollar
high school building 1mh been let and
tho old building Is abcut removed for
tho commencement of work.
John TyBon of Nemaha county, In a
baseball game fractured his right leg
whllo sliding Into homo plate. The
ligaments of tho log also wero badly
Farmers around Tecumseh bollevo
that many flolds of corn will yield as
high as twonty-five bushels to tho
acre. A month ago ton bushels was
the highest yield expected.
George Wilkinson has Just finished
sowing eight hundred acres of winter
wheat noar Chappell. This Is the
largest field of wheat In one body
and belonging to ono man In that
section of tho country.
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
In a statement covering his investi
gations and collection of figures on tho
subject, Commissioner of Labor C. W.
Pool Bays:
"In 1912 there were shipped from
points in Nebraska, 47,628,822 dozen
oggs. Owing to tho high price of meat
tho consumption of eggs on farms was
undoubtedly much greater than in
1911, when 60,180,650 dozen eggB wero
shipped. Tho fancy price to be real
ized from the salo of livo and dressed
poultry In 1912 no doubt had its effect
upon tho egg production, as in that
year the shipment of this commodity
reached the enormous total of 40,628,
280 pounds, as against a total ship
ment in 1911 of 26,748,604 pounds. In
1911 there wero Bhipped from Nebras
ka Btatlons a total of 60,180,660 dozen
"It is perfectly safe to assume that
tho 127,723 families upon farms used
33,980 dozen eggs. Figuring tho price
at 20 cents per dozen In 1912, it will
bo observed that tho Nebraska hen is
no slouch when it comes to getting tho
"Without fear of being nccuscd of
unduo friendship for tho hen, it Is safe
to state that she brought to the
pockets of Nebraska farmers during
1912 not less than $10,000,000, to say
nothing of tho part she played In satis
fying tho craving of the inner man."
Committed to Reduced Freight Rates.
The state railway commission Is
practically committed to a reduction
of .class freight rates an average of 20
per cent or more from what thoy now
are. This reduction will be mado un
less the railroads, in their hearings of
protest which begin about October 20,
can make a better showing than the
figures of the commission's experts in
dicate aro possible. The commission
told the last legislature, when on firo
before that body, that if the Sanborn
decision were overturned by the su
preme court, releasing tho commission
from an embarrassing dilemma, some
thing like schedule 19 would bo put
Into effect and that It would lower
clasB rates more than was contem
plated In a pending bill, 10 per cent
reduction on commodity rates and 20
per cent on class rates.
Want Departments Separated.
Separation of tho food, drug, dairy,,
weights and measures and oil depart
ments, the dairy work to bo placed
under tho control of the board of re
gents and made a part of state farm
activities, and tho others to remain at
tho state house, as at present, is a
move which state dairymen and other
agricultural interests plan on propos
ing and backing the coming year.
Thoso who are making first ground In
tho attempt say that interests of dairy
ing can be better subserved by con
necting the interests that are working
for improved dairy conditions. The
scheme has been tried successfully in
other dairy states, according to report,
and Is believed to have tested out bet
ter than affiliation of this department
with others which burden officials
down with work.
Tho railway commission has granted
permission to tho Union Pacific Rail
road company, to reduce its rates on
corn to the extreme western part of
the state to a parity with the rates of
the Burlington road. The reduction
was mado for the benefit of cattle feed
ers in Union Pacific territory adjacent
to Burlington territory.
Attorney General P. L. Hall of tho
Nebraska national guard has an
nounced complete scores made at the
national guard rifle camp at Platts
mouth. Captain It. E. Olmsted of the
Fourth infantry, of York, had the
highest Individual score and received
n gold medal.
Important Popcorn Centers.
Two communities practically sup
ply the popcorn for tho civilized world
and make possible tho frequently
heard cries of "Five a Back!" C. P.
Hartley of tho federal crop servlco
has investigated the popcorn subject
nnd has written a careful bulletin,
copies of Vhlch havo beon received
by tho Nebraska state board of agri
culture. Valley county, Nebraska, and
Sac county, Iowa, are tho two import
ant popcorn growing, centers. Valley
county leads by a narrow margin.
Will Make Personal Inspection.
Adjutant General Hall will person
ally Inspect all of tho companies of
tho Nebraska national guard this year,
Instead of delegating that duty to a
subordinate officer on his staff. Gen
eral Hall desires to see for himself
Just what each company has In the
way of stores on hand, the condition
of tho nrroorieB and the general
sfllclency of the companies in drill and
other duty. He will start about No
rember 1 and expects to finish Janu
ary 20.
Burlington officials roport that 85
per cent of tho wheat 1b sowed in tho
state. Much was sowed this last week.
It is expected that all will bo finished
this week. Conditions aro excellent
and tho early sowed wheat haB como
up In an excellent condition.
Tho Fanners Co-opcratlvo Union
asBoclatlonfof Vordlgro has filed arti
cles of incorporation with tho secre
tary of state. Tho company has a
$10,000 capitalization and will pur
chase and sell "farm supplies and
other mercantile commodities."
K. Yoshlda, profesBor of pedagogy at
tho Imperial university at Toklo,
Japan, was a visitor at tho university
last week. The professor Is touring
across the American continent, stop
ping nt many of tho largest universi
ties and studying thoir mothods of
Copies of a formal charter, issued to
tho NorthPlatto high school football
team by the board of education of that
city, have been forwarded to tho Btate
superintendent's office ns the first ex
ample of that kind in (Nebraska. In
tho charter tho gridiron gamo waa
recognized as "an auxiliary to tho
regular work of tho high school."
Sixteen expert marksmen, sixty-four
sharpshooters and seventy-five ordi
nary marksmen wero qualified during
the summer company shoots held by
tho Fifth regiment, according to an
nouncement of Captain Kestorson,
'arms instructor of that regiment. Tho
teams from this regiment likewise
captured three of tho four team shoots
at tho state shoot at Plattsmouth.
Tho Nebraska potato crop for 1913
sold for $4,031,855, according to the
estimates of the state board of agri
culture. An acreage of 107,801 wan re
ported, with an average yield of about
forty-nine bushels to the acre. For the
last five years, tho potato crop esti
mates havo been as follows: 1912,
$4,745,030; 1911, $5,345,248; 1910, $5,
330,138; 1909, $5,909,202; 1908, $5,972,
128. Theoretically, the younger boys of
the Lincoln Young Men's Christian
association will do all sorts of aero
plane maneuvering during the coming
winter. But practically they will not
get very far from terra firma. A class
in aeronautics has been oiganized, but
activities will be confined to tho con
struction of model flying machines and
discussion of the principles of avia
tion. Adjutant General Hall .Colonel Eber
ly, commander of ono Nebraska regi
ment, and 'Brigadier General Storch
have returned from tho country-wide
meeting of the national guard organi
zations. The three officers were
pleased with the results of the meet
ing and believe that through action
taken at the gathering a much better
relationship with tho war department
can be built up in the future than has
existed in tho past.
State Superintendent Delzell has re
ceived word that J. W. Lang has re
signed as superintendent of schools
for Thurston county and that Miss
Carrie Kellner has been appointed in
his place. The retiring superintend
ent goes to Montana to engage In busi
ness. T. C. McKee, superintendent of
schools for Garden county, has also
given up his position. Miss Nelllo Ol
son has been appointed by tho county
board to succeed him.
Dr. P. P. Duket of Chicago paid a
visit to the state tuberculosis hospital
last week and treated a numbor of tho
patients with his anti-tubercular
serum. The doctor stated that a num
ber of tho patients would be given a
fourth treatment at this tine and said
it would insure a complete cure if It is
attainable. No additional patients will
be trented until tho outcome of the
present cases have been finally passed
Governor Morehead may call a Hal
loween celebration for tho night of
Friday, October 31, for the dedication
or celebration of location of tho Lin
coln highway through "Nebraska. Vice
President Pardington of the Lincoln
way, who was in tho state several days
last week, made the request of Govor
nor Morehead and suggested It might
take tho form of "a bonfire, red fire,
f.roworks, speech making or band con
cert," at every point, big and little,
cross roads and metropolis.
The supreme court has taken notice
of the death of Judge E. R. Dufllo of
Scotsbluff by appointing a committee
on resolutions. Judge Dufllo was a
supremo court commissioner under tho
old Judicial system.
Pawnee county officials have paid
In about $2,500 of tho amount due tho
stato on the tlmeworn Insane fund ac
count. Payment waa mado with war
rants Issued In 1889 and In tho nine
ties, but which had been hold up pend
ing activities on behalf of tho state to
mako the collections.
The cement sidewalk on tho state
capltol grounds laid about two years
ago Is being torn up to make room
for a new asphalt drlvoway in front
of tho west entrance.
That tho epidemic of tuberculosis
among tho cows of tho 3tato herd at
the IngleBlde state hospital was the
direct result of filth from an opon
sewer being discharged Into a pasture
In which the milch cows wero grazed,
Is charged by employes of the Insti
tution nnd by farmers llvlug on ndjoin
lng land.