THE NORTH PLATTE 8EM1.WEEKLV TRIHUNE. s Gretna Green Ceremony. A young couplo who arrived nt Bcr ulck tho othor Sunday were married after tho Scottish fashion In a delight fully simplo way. They drovo over tho border Into Scotland, and stopping at a spot where two men woro seated, tho young man said that ho and tho lady wished to bo married and that they could not adopt tho conventional method, as it would bo stopped directly tho banns vCero put up, Tho couplo then formally took each other for man and wlfo beforo the two witnesses, and a document to that ef fort was produced and signed by tho parties and tho witnesses. Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children love thin "fruit laxative," and nothing olso clonnuop, the tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child Blmply will not stop playing to empty tho bowels, and tho result Is they become tightly clogged with waste, llvongets sluggish, stomach sours, then your llttlo ono becomos cross, hair-sick, fovorlBh, don't oat, sloop or act naturally, breath Is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat stomach-acho or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! Seo If tonguo is coated, then glvo a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of FlgB," and In a few hours all tho constipated waste, sour bllo and undigested food passcq out of tho sys tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers glvo "California Bymg of Figs" because It is perfectly harmless; children lovo it, and it nev er falls to act on tho stomach, liver and bowols. Ask at tho storo for a GO-cont bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ngta and for grown-ups plainly printed on tho bottlo. Adv. Something Like. "Did you over fool tho Influence of a starlight night?" "Humph I All moonshine." Hash Is tho stuff soma queer dreamB arc mado of. Why Old Backs Ache What a pity that so many persons past middle ago nro worried with lama backs, aching kidneys, poor eyesight, sick head ache, dizziness, gravel, dropsy or dis tressing urinary ills. Kidney weakness brings these discomforts in youth or ago and is n dangerous thing toneglect.forit leads to Bright's disease and uric nciil poisoning. Doan's Kidney Pills havo brought now strength to thousands of lamo backs have rid thousands of annoying urinary trouble. AnArkamas Case C. A. Hendricks, nta mil. r Quten, Ark.. says! "I via Injured and mr kidneys were weakened. I suffered a great deal from kldnny disorder and I bad gravel. I took all kind or medicine, but found no re lief until I uatd Dean's Kidney rilla. Tiro boxes cured ma and I haven't suffered since." "THrtrv J'tetuu l .ivuj u Get Doan'a at Any Store, 60c Box DOAN'SA FOSTER-MlLuURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. The Army of Constipation la Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS responsible they nor. only gtvo mi they pcrma nentiycuretoa-j UpatioB. mil lions use, them for Bilioiuaen. Indigettloa, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin. SMALL riLL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature r?& I III I ' I si fMf,-,t,-sT,-asiji.iwvTujsj;: I UttOuocli6rrup. TeaUe 0i, Uh In I t. Bold bf DmicliU. fc, FAMOUS DOCTOR' KM PRESCRIPTS WilL por IE; MPYSPEPSM IS CHILI IGRDSS, FEVERISH, SICK oioru. w t l 3 jaMWkums fl ssWrW rvr. Ct eBniPmrrnV UHKILKO Cjfsr m tF HIVCK mwT. riLka, 4r ASiS' r -i Z0ctt?&rzg 0fflisnGEi3ira5niH RJBBC WASTE ROAD BUILDING FUNDS Department of Agriculture Points Out Need of Constructing the Right Kind of Roads. Tho oflico of public roads of tho de partment of ngriculturo Is making a strong effort to focus tho mind of Mie country on the fact that inalntoanco and offectlvo repair are of t-qual Importance- with the actunl Improvement of bad roads. Investment of money in new roads does not become real economy until provlBion Is mado for keeping these now roads In condition after they are built. If a now road was built and then allowed to fall Into disrepair, much of the original in vestment Is simply wasted. Europe, generally speaking, 1b nhcad of the United States In tho matter of road improvement, but Croat Urltaln is struggling with a problem similar to tho ono that confronts tho peoplo of tho United States. In Eng land, Scotland and Wales there are no fewer than 2,140 soparato authorities r who between them, administer 175,487 miles of roads, or an average of only 82 miles aplcco. In Scotland, apart from tho big cities there nro over 200 burghs, one-half of which have but ten miles of road aplcco to maintain. Needless to say, such n mlnuto mile ago Is insufllclont to keep the road plant fully occupied all the year around, and renders the employment of a skilled engineer Impossible for economical reasons. Officials of tho oflico of public roads when called upon for assistance by the various states aro pointing out that road building la an art based on a Bclenco, and that trained men and ex perienced men aro necessary to so euro the best results from the expendi ture of road funds. Statisticians havo found that al though tho avorago expenditure on tho Improvement of roads exceeds ono mil lion dollars a day, a largo portion of tho money in the United States 1b wasted because of tho failure to build tho right typo of road to, meot tho local requirements or tho failuro to provldo for tho continued maintenance of tho improvement. Tho various states and counties within the past six months havo taken a greater interest In road im provement thnn over beforo In the history of tho United tSatcs, nnd thero la now n strong movement to con sorvo the roads of tho country where they aro Improvod. Scientlllo mainte nance will bo ono of tho chief fea tures of tho work of tho oflico of pub lic road? throughout tho present year. KEEPS ROADS IN CONDITION Device Known as Chuck-Hole Filler Has Been Invented by Idaho Man for Work In Country. A simple device for keeping coun try roads in good condition, and known na a chuck-holo filler, has boon Invented by nn Idaho farmer. Dy moans of an 18-Inch steel disk or blade, which revolves upon one end of a steel rod fastened to a rear axlo A Machine for Keeping Country Roado In Good Condition. of tho vohiclo at such an anglo that tho disk la slightly out of lino with tho rear wheel, tho disk cuts and throwa tho dirt toward tho wheel, and n drag. 3& feet long, immediately behind the disk, lovols tho surface aB tho vehicle Is drawn along tho road. Tho ma chlno weighs about 150 pounds. Good Roads. Tho making of good roads Is one of tho most Important dutios of tho American peoplo, and tholr prompt ropalr and careful maintenance la osBontlal There Is probably no sub Joct in which tho progroBsivo farmer is more deoply interested than that of having roads connecting him with his markets over which ho may bo able to haul the groatcat posslblo load. Good roadB, llko all othor good things, aro too expensive to build and of too much value to bo neglected. Missouri Hob "Shown." It is estimated that tho voluntary labor by business men nnd farmers put on the roads of Missouri for two dayB waB worth to tho state in money Value about 1,600,000 boBldes tho Impetus glvon tho good roads move mont, whosu valtio canubt bo calcu lated In dollars and cunts. Ono lead ing ambition of every stato ought to bo for its good roads, and Missouri, in Btrlct accordanco with ita motto, has "aliown" tho othor stateB how practi cal the ambition is in its own casu. EXPERIMENTS TO CONTROL THE PEACH SPOT i. u.. A .T ... r . r Off to The peach fruit spot first appears on the fruit an a daik brownish or black speck about tho olzo of a pin head, says a wrltor in tho Farmpr's Review. In a fow weokn it grows one eighth to oncMiimrter of an inch In dia meter nnd lo generally round. It then haB a very dark, almost black center around which la u dark brown ring, and tho outer margin of the spot is reddish in color. Tho upper portion of the peach, as It growB on tho troe, oeoma to bo af fected more thnn tho lower portion. This shows that very Hkoly the spores como from tho branches abovo tbosa upon which tho peucboB grow. Tho trouble is alwayB worso in closely set orchards whoro shade is dense, and it h nlso found to bo worse in tho center rather thnn on the outside, rowo of Buch orchards. This 1b duo, no doubt, to tho moro moist condition found In bucIi orchards. A comparatively moist season Ib undoubtedly moro favorable for tho growth, of the fungus than a dry one. Careful Investigation nnd several experiments havo been mado to de termine when and what kind of spray should be used to control tho peach fruit spot, with the following conclu sions: Spray in the fall with lime Bulphur of Hordeaux. Eitiicr a good com mercial brand of llmo sulphur, ono gallon to ten gallonB of water, or m w r. jZ -:iVf,jt-rjt.Ji!.BBBBBWBv ,MKk. . .ftoSt ififc"iSraH.S3iW?aiWi22sVf'Hre,S i r m,m l i w . jjmsmBSSKssstmBams rynMtfsi t yijtxasammi.?jwtmi'sM: i a "i ;sv$ttutMX: . K....r ki. sa"wi?j tt&Ksuaapi jr-m -ffi - w' - ' x. .. tjfcSe am. . . ' - .&4Z3!Z. SHELTER FOR FARM TOOLS AND MACHINERY SBSi "ml i 'HIt: Are you going to allow those road-tools and machinery to set out in tin weather all fall, winter, and early spring, ruBting out worse than th1 wear out? You paid out hard car,h for thom. "Why not see that they are properly sheddod, and thus prolong their usefulness? USEFUL NOTES ON LATE GARDEN WORK After Crops Are Removed All Old Vines, Plants and Weeds Should Be Removed. It Is a vary good plan to mulch the rhubarb plants with a lot of corn stalkB or coarse grass. This will pro tect the plants during tho winter, and abio keep weeds from choking tho plants if kept on after cultivation In tho spring. Unless great care Is taken in tho selection of home-grown seed, It Is wiser to buy thom of a rollublo seed 'iouso. After the crops are, all romovoa dom tho garden, rako up all old vlneB, plants and, weeds of ovory descrip tion, and burn them. Some peoplo Bay that It is bettor to allow tho old vinos and even tho weeds to rot on tho ground In tho fall, but wo think It bettor to clean up thoroughly and uso stable manuru to supply tho necessary humus, If weeds nro allowed to Ho in tho garden over wintor, tho soedB will bo ready for business In tho spring long boforo It la tlmo to plant vegetables. If celery Ib to bo brought Into a storage house for tho winter, cut tho tap-root, lift It from tho ground, and then with a Btrong knifo cut off tho branchlug rootB and most of tho uarth. If tho gardon is to havo a heavy coat of mnnuro, why not apply It now? Manuro Bhould be put on be foro tho ground is turned over. In the spring a good dlBktng or work with a spado will put It in flno condl-dltlou. & , ."qsaB? ,ff- jt Jir.ii?:iv , .vArtp.iTkTsriv a . v Market. I homemade llmo sulphur, twenty pounds of lime and ilftcon pounds of sulphur to fifty gallons of water, can be usdd with good results. If Dor- ' dcaux is used, make as follows: Use four pounds of copper sulphate (blue stone), flvo pounds of stone limo to fifty gallons of water. First dissolve the copper sulphato In either hot or cold water; dlluto It by adding water to make twenty-flvo gallons of tho solution. Slack tho stono lime and dlluto with water to twenty-flvo gal lons, making a milk of lime. Pour tho coppor Bulphntp and milk of llmo bo lutlonn together into tho spray bar rel or tank through a medium flno Blove. Apply either the lime sulphur or Bordeaux sprays in the fall as soon as most of tho leaves havo fallen. This generally can bo done the latter part of Octobor or the first part of November. The writer prefers lime sulphur to Bordeaux, but either will control tho trouble If the spraying Is thoroughly done. Do not pso a metal spray tank for tho use of Bordeaux unlesB it is lined or made of copper, as It will eat into the metal. Prune heavily In late winter to al low tho sun to penetrate to the branches and .leaven during tho sum mer. If tho trees are set so closely as to crowd, It would be well to cut out every other one In tho rcva bo that tho trees altornato In the towb. REDUCING COST OF FARM HORSE POWER Too Few Animals Means That Those in Hand Will Be Over worked, Causing Loss. The Blmploat way to reduce ihc cost of farm horso power la to keep fewer horses. No doubt many farms carry moro horses than necessary to do tho farm work, but If tho number Is re duced to tho point where the farm work cannot bo efficiently done more eoiioua loss In tho other direction will result. Too fow horses means that those In hand will bo overworked, a positlvo loss, or that somo work that should be dono will bo slighted. It is vory common, however, to find on somo farms two, threo or moro Idle horses right through tho busiest sea son. It takes good judgment and much oxperlonco to dotormlno tho correct di viding lino, but it is a phase of tho question well worth very careful con sideration. Somo small farms curry machinery too largo for Uio bIzo of tho farm. A 70-ticro farm, all tillable, has no busi ness carrying machinery that requires four horses for hauling. In that case ono or two extra horses will bo Idle tho larger part of tho year. Throe good horses should do ull tho work on a farm of that size, and tho extra horse in eating up proflta. Big machlnory is a, groat ndvantago on a largo farm, but it 1 out of placo on a small farm. Pig Essentials. To mako fall pigs do well, they must bo provided with warm sleeping quarters at night, and filled with sua Bhtno during tho day. And That Won Her. "1 don't seo what argument your wlfo used to get that woman I was trying to got to cook for us, wo told her wo would tront her like ono of tho family 7" "My wlfo promised her that we wouldn't." In a Hot Place. Blx A man can't tnko hlo money with him when ho dies; and oven If he could, what good would it do him? Dlx Well, he might get Boino com fort out of a cool million. The Cause. She I don't know what makes her so positlvo about everything, he Her sex. Puck. From 40 to 50 Woman's Critical Period. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, severe headaches, melancholia, dread of impending eyiK palpitation of the heart, irregulajrity, constipation and. dizziness are promptly treated by intelligent women who are approaching the period of life. This is the most critical period of woman's life and she who neglects the care of her health at this time invites in curable disease and pain. Why not be guided by the ex perience of others and take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It is an indisputable fact 'that this grand old remedy has helped thousands of women to pass through this trying period with comfct and safety. Thousands of genuine and honest testimonials support this fact Froro. Mrs. HENRY HEAVKilN, Cadiz, Ohio. Fort "Worth, Texas. "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham. Vegeta ble Compound and derived great benefit from its use. It parried me safely through tho Change of Life when I was in bad health. I had that all gone feeling most of tho time, and headache constantly, I was very nervous and the hot flashes were very bad. I had tried other remedies and doctors, but did not improve until I began taking Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has now been fioinetima since I took the Compound and I have had no return of my old complaints. I always praise your remedies to weak women." Mrs. Hrarar Heayilin, R. F. D. No. 5, Cadiz, Ohio. Prom Mrs. EDWARD B. HHjBERT, Fleetwood, Pa. Fleetwood, Pa. "During the Change of life I was hardly able to be around at all. I always had a headache and I was so dizzy and nervous that I had no rest at night Tho flashes of heat were so bad sometimes that I did not know what to do. " One day a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and it made me a strong, wrell woman. I am very thankful that I followed my friend's advice, and I shall recommend ifc as long as I live. Before I took tho Compound I was always sickly and now Ihave not had medicine from a doctor for years. You may publish my letter'--Mrs. Edward B. IIiuiEivr, Fleetwood, Pa. From Mrs. f! P. MTJIXENDORE, Munford, Ala. Munford, Ala. "I was so weak and nervous while passing through, the Change of Life that I could hardly live. My husband had -to nail rubber on all tho gates for I could not stand to nave a gate slam. " I also had backache and a fullness in my stomach. I noticed that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was ad vertised for such cases and I sent and got a bottle. It did me so much good that I kept on taking it and found it to be all you claim. I recommend it to all women afflicted as I was." Mrs. F. P. Moxlen dore, Munford, Ala. REtoWrito to LTDTA E.PINKHUI MEDICINE CO. IW& (CONFIDENTIAL) LTNN,MASS.,foradvice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. -sLKWmi SwrwXf HVr 8POHK MEDICAL CO., Back Home Trips OHIO JIU.PENNSYLVANIA.T 1 XJi l. ' i tw .MaKj r-r Best Time of the Year lor an Eastern Visit Most direct route to points in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other eastern states PENNSYLyANIA 3L.INES Tickets to NewYork, Philadelphia and other eastern points via Washington, without e3;tra cost, permit stopover at Pittsburgh, Hanishurg, Baltimore and Washington. Pennsylvania Service the best always a big factor in making the journey delightful. Through tickets via Chicago over Pennsylvania may be obtained oi home Ticket Agents. A United States map folder containing addresses of Penruylvnnic representatives at various points in the West, who will upon request give full information about fares and through trains, may be obtained y addressing C L. KIMBALL, Assistant General Passenger Agent CHICAGO, ILL. Great Loss. "Did that speculator Iobo anything In tho flnnnclal Hurry?" "Ho lost his head." Liquid bine la ft weak solution. Avoid It. Bay lted Cross Unll Blue, tho blue that'a all blue. Ak your procor. Adv. First thing a baby learns to do io cry for what It wants Foley Kidney Pills Beitave) promptly the suffering duo to weak, io active kidneys and painful bladder action. They offer a powerful help to nature in building up the truo excreting kid ney tissue, in restoring normal action and in regulating bladder irregularities. Try thera. TnCtTFiNjutXlCp COLT DISTEMPER ,0n bo bandlrd Terr cully. Tho tick are enrod. am) all othcro la Homatitablo, nomatfer how Vriotied,M kept from baYlzur ttao di wum. by mint: swim's LIQUlu UIBTCMPKU CXJKBTXIIyo om tiio tonga, or In feed. Acta oa tho blood and oipels germ of all forms of dlitemper. Best nunedr OTor kuewnf or raanm In f o&L 1 010 dozen of druggist and harness d eaten, or sent ezpreea paid br manufacturers. Cut nho-wn how to poultice tbxoaut. Our f rro I Booklet srlTraoTerythlncr. Iocal aeenU wanted. Largest eellln ,. Iiorbo remedy tn exlstoncotwelreyearc Clitn!t(aaaBwtcrie!os!tu, CosTlon. tnitn V. 8. A. 41 '' m vj .ur h i 'yyf