The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 21, 1913, Image 3

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Old People Need
A Bowel Stimulant
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Gorgona, the largest community In the Panama canal zone, occupies a site which will bo covered by the
waters of Gatun lnke. Buildings are being movod piecemeal. aB shown In the Illustration, to Ilalboa and Em
pire, other zone towns.
England Will Preserve Its Histor
ic Structures.
Commissioner of Works to Prevent
the Destruction or Sale of Relics
Will Thwart the Collectors
of Ancient Edifices.
London. The session of parliament
which recently closed enacted one law
which meets with universal approval.
It is called tho "ancient monuments
act," and tho credit for its paBsago is
due to Lord Beauchamp.
In the future, says the Times, thero
Is no reason why such a building at
Taltershall castlo should bo despoiled
if tho first commissioner of works,
with whom rests tho power of putting
tho now law in motion, acts with en
ergy and promptitude A Biniple order
of tho commissioners of works will
make any injury of such a place an of
fense; tlmo will then be given for de
liberation on the future of the buijd
ing, and its fato will in the last resort
lie determined by parliament.
The lato Lord Avebury led the way
in bringing tho subject to the notice
of parliament, and in 1882 Mr. Shaw
Lefevro (now Lord Eversley), as Ilrst
commissioner of works in Mr. Glad
stone's government, passed tho first
ancient monuments act. It extended
only to monolithic and other prehis
toric remains, and was purely permis
sive in its character. The owner of
'such a monument might place It In
tho guardianship of the commissioner
of works, and it then became an of
fense on tho part of anyono (including
the owner) to injure or deface tho
monument. In 1900 theso provisions
were extended to any "structure, erec
tion or monument of historic or archi
tectural Interest," with the exception
of a structure occupied (otherwise
than for caretaklng) as a dwelling
house, but tho application of the act
still depended upon the consent of the
owners of monuments.
Lately tho specter of tho wealthy
American prepared to give fabulous
sums for tho power to tear down a
ruin and transport it across tho Atlan
tic has been conjured up in order to
raise tho market for ancient monu
ments, and a much more serious risk
has arisen in tho shape of persons
dealing in valuable fittings and mov
nblo details of old buildings. For tho
purposo of thiB trado tho structure is
bought, and the artistic work that it
contains is torn out and sold for use
in modern buildings.
It is obvious, says tho Times, that
In relation to such trafllc tho mere
scheduling of monuments or any other
arrangement devoid of such machinery
for arresting destruction merely at
tracts tho destroyer. Henco the ex
istence of tho royal commissions,
which have been at work for tho last
flvo years examining and scheduling
tho places of historic Interest In Eng
land, Scotland and Wales, and which
have already made valuablo reports, Is
an additional reason for protective leg
islation. At tho Eamc tlmo the com
missions form a nucleus for an author
itative advisory body to sharo with
tho commissioners of works tho re
sponsibility of restrictive action.
These considerations havo been in
the minds of the framers of tho new
net, which not only amends but con
solidates the existing law. In tho first
place, it authorizes tho purchaso of
monuments either by tho commission
ers of works or by the council of any
county or borough, or tho common
council of tho city of London, but
such a purchaso can be carried out
only by agreement with tho owner.
The gift or devise of a monument to
tho snmo bodies is also authorized
Tho alternative machinery of guard
ianship is then provided, as In tho
existing acts, and tho effect of guard
ianship la explained.
By constituting tho commissioners
of works or the local authority guard
ians of his monument the owner does
not divert himself of any right of
proporty except that of destruction,
activo or paoslvo; In other words, tho
miardlans of the monument may re
strain tho owner from injuring it, and
may, concurrently with tho owner, do
any work necessary to maintain and
protect it.
So far the act follows on previous
lines, and can only be applied with tho
consent of the owner. On this stem
is grafted the compulsory machinery
of tho act. An ancient monuments
board, representative of the threo his
toric monument' commissions, the so
cieties of" antiquaries of London and
Scotland, and other artistic bodies, Is
to be constituted by the commission
ers of works, and on their report that
any monument is in danger of destruc
tion, removal or damage, and that the
preparation of tho monument Is of na
tional importance, the commissioners
may make a preservation order, plac
ing tho monument under their protec
tion, and while such an order Is In
force the monument can not be demol
ished, removed, added to or altered
without tho consent of tho commis
Head of New York Reform Commis
sion Loses Mustache During Ex
periment at Auburn.
Auburn, N. Y. Thomas Mott Os
borne, chairman of the state commis
sion on prison reform, entered Auburn
prison to servo a short term, self-imposed,
for tho purposo of studying tho
effect of tho prison system on the men
tal and physical condition of a man.
Ho was nsalgned to the "Idle gang,"
has n cellMn tho south wing and will
live the Hfjb of a convict In every de
tail while in prison Ills mustache
Thomac Mott Osborne.
was shaved off, but his hair, normally
cropped closely, was not touched. He
wears a convict's uniform. Tho pri
mary purpose of Mr. Osborne Is to as
certain tho psychological effect of pris
on confinement upon- a man. Mr Os
borne outlined his purpose to thq con
victs and justified It In this statement:
"I have the feeling that after 1 have
really lived among you, inarched In
your lines, shared your food, gone to
tho same stono cells at night and in
tho morning looked at God's sunlight
through thoBe same Iron bars that
then, and not until then, can I feel the
knowledgo which will break down tho
barriers between my soul and the
souls of my brothers.
"1 expect to servo my sentenco this
week at hard labor and am coming to
livo Hko one of you, to bo housed,
clothed, fed and disciplined Ilka one
of you."
Mr. Osborno was asked If he would
accept dungeon punishment If ho
broke a rulo and replied that ho ex
pected no consideration If ho was
guilty of any infraction.
Declared Dead by Court; Returns.
Newark, N. J. Declared doad by fi
court ton years ngo, John If. Iloyco
has Just returned to his Homo hero.
Thyroid Gland Has Much to Do
With Their Quality.
What Can Be Accomplished by, the
Use of Substance Obtained From
Animals Views of an Eminent
British Dental Authority.
New York. More Important that
all tho dentists and their new filllngu
and methods is tho mystery of wuj
teeth decay. An eminent British den
tnl authority bellevetj that a certain
ductless gland in the neck, kuown as
tlo "thyroid," lurgely controls the
destiny of our chewing npparntus Ot
course, no one doubts that cleaning
tho mout, selecting proper food and
general care of the health aid In keep
ing tho teeth sound, and lack of these
things contributes to thoir breaking
down. But theso are not tho only
causes nor tho main ones.
In spite of neglect and ignorance,
some people havo absolutely no trou
bio with their teeth, while others
brush and clean and yet spend small
fortunes with the dentist. "A polished
tooth never decays," they say, and
this Ib probably true, but it is equal
ly true that nobody can keep overy
portion of every tooth polished all
the time.
"Tho lungs and tho liver and tho
heart and other organs are supposed
to take caro of themselves without
oiio'b personal attention," says this
doctor. "That la nature's business.
If nature does not attend to her busi
ness, wo ought not to be perpetually
dusting and sweoping nnd cleaning up
aftor her, as If sho wero a careless
housemaid, but should call her to 'ac
count. "Good health was early recognized
as one of the foundations for good
teeth. But many cases of 'cxcelleut
general health show poor teeth, so wc
must conclude that there aro various
kinds of good health, some which In
clude good teeth and some which do
not. AIbo many patients of very
feeble constitution for some reason
havo no need of the 'dentist."
Among all tho varying cauBcs o(
health and dlseaso 1b found ouo con
stant factor. When there is troublo
with the thyroid gland there 1b trouble
with the teeth.
All over the body, In nooks and
corners, aro found all cortB nnd sizes
of glands. Some of thci30 aro well
understood, such as those that se
crete ballva for the mouth or tears
for the eye. Theso havo outlets called
"ducts," which supply their products
where they are needed. Thero aro
also other kinds of glands which have
no outlet. Theso aro called the "duct
less glands," and whatever they se
crete goes right Into tho blood itself
The thyroid is a blind, ductlcbs gland
It Is In tho neck, and when enlarged
causes the" disease known as "goiter '
Tho thyroid ''oes several wonderful
things for tho body of which we
know, and doubtless several others
unknown. Tho entlro process of
growth and dovelopment of a body
Into a full grown adult depends on this
small body hidden away behind our
When a baby Is born without an
adequate thyroid It becomes what la
known as a "cretin." The cretin Is
not llkoly to be more than four feet
tall, probably less. His intellect hard
ly progresses nt all, often remaining
so childish that ho Is absolutely de
pendent on others nil his Ufa. The
cretin IIvcb a dull, vegetable-llko ex
Istonce and takes note of very little
that goes on around him.
Cotton Mattresses Barred at Vacsar.
Poughkeepsle, N Y. Tho authori
ties at Vnssar collcgo havo decided
that cotton aro unhealthy
Butter Is also barred from tho table
as unsanitary.
(150 Diamond Found In Chicken Crop.
West Orange, N J. In preparing a
chicken for tho dinner, Mr6. G Mc
Laughlin of this town found a din'
moud, valued ut $100, In Its crop
If Charity Fund Was to Be Given to
the Needy, He Could Lite
Part of It.
Tho chlldron of a Boston Sunday
school clnsB had contributed thoir
ponnlcs for weeks to a fund which
was to bo dovotod to chnrltnblo pur
poses, and on tho day whon thoy woro
to docidu upon tho mattor of Itn dis
tribution oacli child wub called upon
to exprosti an opinion as to how it
should bo spent.
Tho toachor explained to them that
there woro 8ovoral charities which
would bo glnd to rccoive tho fund,
cither in Boston or among tho for
eign missions. Sho had Improssed
upon them, howovnr, that tho money
might bo spent to good advantage
nmoug tho sick and needy chlldron
of thoir own parish. Sovernl bright
speeches on tho subject had boon
made, when one Boven-yoar-olil boy
nnwo and, ovldontly bearing In mind
the tenchor'B romnrks about charity
beginning at homo, said:
"1 want you to know that I havo
put a good many p'ennlcs , In that
box " and thon, after eomo dolny
"and I've got a torrlblo cold mysolf,"
- Boston Post.
1413 D. Gcnessoo Ave., Saginaw,
Mich. "Cuticura Soap and Ointment
cured mo of a very bad dlseaso of tho
faco without leaving" a scar. 1'Implea
broko out all over my face, rod and
largo. They fostered and came to a
head. They Itched and burnod and
caused mo to scratch them and make
cores. They said they were seed
warts. At night I was restless from
itching. "When tho barber would
Bhavo me my face would bleed terri
bly. Then scabs would form after
wards, then thoy would drop off and
tho so-called seed warts would como
back again. Thoy wore on my face
for about nino months and the trou
ble caused disfigurement whilo It
"One day I read In tho paper of tho
Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I re
ceived a freo sample ot Cuticura Soap
and Olntmont and it was so much
value to me that I bought a cake of
Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura
Ointment at tho drug store. I used
both according to directions. In about
ten days my faco began to heal up.
My faco is now clear ot tho wartB and
not a scar lo left." (Signed) Leltoy
C. O'Brien, May 12, 1913.
Cuticura Soap and Olntmont sold
throughout the world. Samplo ot each
freo.-wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cuticura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adv.
HIo Place.
"Tho operatic tenor wo hoard lately
ought to como undor tho dog laws."
"Why bo?"
"Because his songs are mostly
Few of Them Think So.
"No, Cordelia, a young man Isn't
necessarily slow because it takes him
a long tlmo to fasten a pretty gill's
Hero's a good motto for mnrrled
men: "Be sure you're right, then ask
your wife."
Don't ncfiloct n cold. It inc.ttw Ccmuimp
tion or Puoumonfn Dciii's Mentholated
L'ounh Drops check coldb -5c at "JruKKlsta.
Thero isn't anything moro pitiful
than a hero out of a job.
Stop baking
tH&& V31. MS Bfc.r ns m 8. K . , ?ir
They give the men folk and little folk muscle and
energy because they are digestible. They're better for
the family's health because of their light and flaky
crispness. Serve Sunshine L.-W. Soda Crackers and
you add a change to meals that improves the ap
petite, saves you time and the trouble ot
baking, and delights everyone with a
delicious and
Bahcrn of Sunthine BUcuita
Color more gooda brighter and fastrr colors than
Wean dye any Kariient without nppini apart.
Tlta Ideal One Is a Mild Laxative-
Tonic Tttat Will Keep ilioUotucts
Gently Active.
Hcnlthy old ngo is bo nbeolutoly do
pondont upon tho condition ot tho bow
els that great caro should bo taken to
see that thoy act regularly. Tho fact
Is that as ago advances tho stomnch
musclos becomo weak nnd inactlvo and
tho liver does not store up tho Juices
that aro uocusanry to prompt digestion.
Somo help can bo obtained by eating
easily dlgostcd foods nnd by plenty ot
exorcise, but tills latter 1b lrksomo to
moat oldcrly people. One thing Is cer
tain, that a stnto of constipation should
ahvnytt bo avoided, ns It is dangerous
to life and 'health. Tho best plan is
to tako a mild laxatlvo as ofton nB 1b
doomed necessary. But with equal cer
tainty it is BiiggOBtGd that cathartics,
purgatives, physics, Balta and pills bo
avoided, ns they do but temporary good
nnd aro bo harsh as to bo a shock to a
dellcato system.
A much bettor plan nnd ono that
thousands of elderly people aro follow
ing, 1b to tako a gontlo laxntlvc-tonlc
Hko Dr. Caldwoll's Syrup PopBln, which
acts as nearly Hko nature nB Is possible.
In fact, tho tondoncy of this remedy
ly to strengthen the Etomncu and bowel
muBclcs and so train them to act natu
rally ngaln, whon medicines of all
kinds can usually bo dispensed with.
This to tho opinion of many peoplo of
different ages, among them MrB. Mnry
A. P. Davidson of University Mound
Homo, San FranciBCo, Cal. Sho Is 78
und becauso of hor sedentary habits
is a
A pint or 1 INr.ST HAUt WASH, IS cents,
dclivtrul nt your door No further clmriti-H
ihntnVcr Fi-nd It cpnta to J. A. Mill
NAltl), Si.t I'nrtarn St., New Ilium. Conn.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 42-1913,
3HT jg'ff I'i'L1 JjmjT7TS'..JT ! f
bread so often.
wholesome treat.
'4 wROMjlr B"A. 6 top from tea cent pnckainw of FoUloMy'uu!5P'".MJ I
flnJ""Lflf8uroh nrt ten.cent in. Uop to coter potjeV . a l
! 'lErgt XfrOIiTmtlll I"t poclnt) and eet Ml Kllmbeih Ann, 22 lncli lftl J V
- ff -: : i rll "i. BandthreoToj trom tmi c;iii narXnaca nnd IfpV irTl
KlnVft - fl tLII fnurcntalntnmpancl n"t MlMrhoeMl'rlrora or lOr' Jh III
1 WIT till AllaaLlly hlu.twilv Inches lilcu. hend tor from tt!J fr 1
t '' 1 1 tt flro cent poc kagra It ou Tilth, but twjco M many are IHLXttmU, M
OsOOittS)' required. Ositthla nd. ont. It will lio ncccptjvUtt JMHU RMSM M
iff"! V -VJ Ploooot m ton cent or two fie cent tnpa. OalJ JPOT MMM5isl
niljUiWaff2j cub ted. will 1)0 acoeptod with oaoh nrpllcaUon. t ap-0!EJ2lPyXsj
III MflHK?wS Wtlto joar uamo and addreM plainly. J A m-LM
If I liPi!1 JwSv TM BKT STARCH fOB Alt FUUOStS Kk f j ffiPffiHi fl
I '5' Mvit Ml ItmX
1 rMwmim
4CuSHtHfe affll iii Tnl MWaiBrii lliirT lliini'UiaT'iliataii
uny other dye One 10c package colors all fibers. Thty dye in cold water better than any ether dvc
WHITE I OK VHW. booklet, calendar, blotter, etc MONROE URUO COM PAN V, Otilncy, j.
had continual bowel trouble Prom
tho day Bho began taking Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin sho has had no
further Inconvonlonco nnd naturally
Bho 1b glad to say kind things of tlila
A bottlo can bo bought of any drug
gist at fifty cents or ono dollar. Peoplo
usually buy tho fifty cent slzo first, and
thon, having convinced themselves of
Ub merits, thoy buy tho dollar olze,
which 1b moro economical. Resulta aro
always guaranteed or money will be
rofunded. Elderly persona of both
Boxes can follow those suggestions
with overy nsBuranco of good resultB.
Families wlBhlng to try a froo sam
plo bottlo can obtain it postpaid by ad
dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Wash
ington St., Montlcello, 111. A postal
card with your name and address on
It will do.
Black Powder Shells
The superior shooting of Winchester
"Nublack" and "New Rival" shotgun
shells is due to the Winchester method of
.construction and loading, which
has been developed during over
forty years of manufacturing- in a
country where shotgun shooting
science. Loaded shells that
the exacting conditions of
American sportsmen are sure to
Batisfy anybody. Try either of these
shells and then you'll understand.
WnMon n.CoIoiminiWwilv
lnston,JC Ikwlnlrt-v lllKlf
Cit Klerouccs. Ileal rwuiu.
READERS b-kSffinJ?-?1
tlacd In Us column should tntlit upon lurrlng it liat
tlii'7 nth for, rol mine all subttltuteg or Imitation.
?i!,7 1'?1
Buy and try
3 1 H
1 J Le-'iV F1f jt 1 i ijiMIi1 Mi nil'1 i ' ' i r i ' ' I'd